Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


As the two had finished eating the Eevee settled on his trainers shoulder and after packing up they headed to the front desk where several people had now gathered.

He decided to get in like and overheard them talking about rooms and not knowing causing him to chuckle a little. "Wow, not knowing such common things for trainers would be bad... " he commented on the matter, for course it Was his opinion and in general something he considered to be part of the 'traveling for dummies' manual that every trainer should read before starting.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nyxx Hollow


Nyxx leaned against the counter and her standing position, turning into more of a heavy slope than anything else, looking up at the ceiling thinking back to the idol in training. Her eyes went narrow when she remembered her words and cracked a lazy smile before closing her eyes and taking a deep sigh. It wasn’t like she disliked any of her mother’s fans, it’s just they could sometimes be just a little overbearing, but that girl seemed alright, at least she had a dream of her own.

“Nah, it’s the first time I’ve been on my own, so no suites or large fluffy beds and pillow clouds, first time I’ll be roughing it, ya know, ” she explained, her voice low almost in a whisper normal, this could be attested to her laziness or something more.

Nyxx slumped down to the floor and started to doze off right there in the middle of the pokecenter without a single care, her motivation was gone and her switch was completely turned off. Just when she was about to fall completely sleep someone interrupted and began this long spiel about the pokecenter, granted she didn’t know anything about this place being free lodging and honestly, it made her angry because she stayed in an actual inn before going to the professor’s lab. Why did he sound like he was doing a commercial for Pokémon centers? Her eyes cracked open, inviting the light into them annoying her even further just to be bothered by another trainer, looking over at Kero she pointed her index finger at him though in her head she thought it was her middle.

“That booklet my mom gave me, I sold it the moment I got here for cash” she laughed loudly falling asleep in the middle of it only to wake up again and spring to life.

“So this place is free for trainers?” she asked, taking out her trainer card and sliding it across the table with more emphasis on the action than need be. Hitting the call bell on the counter 6.1 billion times in a row with a large smile on her face, “One large room for me and my fellow trainers, or do we have to sleep separated, I wouldn’t mind that I like my space after all heh, I am a girl after all” She said at a million miles an hour in one breath, somehow her switch was flipped and she was extremely motivated to get unmotivated. She turned to the first trainer that approached her and extended her hand "My name is Nyxx Hollow, pleasure to meet you OZ" she shouted with enthusiasm, despite the fact she honestly didn't know his name and spit out the first thing that sounded correct.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

Oh great, he was dealing with a crazy person. Orez managed to not portray his emotions openly by giving a fake smile and returning her outstretched arm with a handshake of his own. "Pleasure to meet you as well Nyxx," he greeted her back. His distaste for his current situation was more due to the girl's spontaneous actions. It was not quite what he had expected from someone acting fairly casual only moments earlier. Perhaps he, or the addition of the other intruder behind him, managed to tick her off or something...

Before he could overthink it any longer, the nurse returned with his pokemon, placing them on the desk. "Would you like anything else? You know, the pokecenter is offering free rooms for trainers right?"

"Ah, yes, about that," he responds. "Me and my friends would also like a place to sleep." He gestures behind himself to the three trainers looking for a room right now. With a bright look plastered on her face like the words "service with a smile" are literally printed on her forehead, The nurse hands out a pair of keys to each of the trainers, four of them in total. Ores snatches him, thanks the nurse, and then walks off towards his room. "Whelp, goodnight everyone. See you all tomorrow... probably," he waves goodbye and then enters his room to go off to sleep.

Today was interesting...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Well the girl's response proved to be very interesting indeed, he seemed to have entered hypermode from what seemed to be a lack of sleep, and for the most part seemed almost drugged. He felt somewhat bad for her, and figured someone should make sure she actually made it to the room. "Sorry, I suppose it was an unnecessary and unwanted statement" he said before facepalming as she started ringing the bell and trying to get a key, he could only imagine nurse joy's frustration behind that smile she kept at this random annoying event. He sighed deeply and walked closer to the female before glancing to the others.

He sighed [color=yellow]"You look like you should hit a bed right away... need help getting there?... you seem drunk from exhaustion, and it would tear at my soul if I found that you had gotten yourself hurt on the way" he said, his eyes trailed to the counter and back, to nurse joy and then to the ceiling as he leaned his head back. After checking the area out he moved to the side of the lin even if he stayed close to the girl yet at a respecful distance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Pokemon Center

The Next Day

Rheese walked back into the lobby of the Pokecenter. For once in his life it seemed he was pretty early as the lobby seemed almost empty aside from the Nurse at her desk with a cup of steaming coffee.

"How fresh is it?" Rheese asked as he poured himself a cup. "I just brewed it about fifteen minutes ago." The nurse replied groggily. From the looks of it, she probably pulled an all nighter. "Oh, thanks." Rheese responded. he wasn't exactly tired, but coffee was just a morning thing for him. "Have any of the other trainers left yet?" Rheese asked not wanting to be ditched. "You're the first I've seen in a few hours." The nurse said with a yawn, her coffee clearly not taking effect just yet.

Rheese took a sip of the hot coffee and sat down in one of the chairs near the front desk. "So...Why did everyone look at me weird when I mentioned Windshire's gym leader?" he asked nonchalantly. The nurse visibly flinched, a look of bemusement quickly forming on her face. "He's...kind of a blemish on this town. Ever since he took over the gym, he's just been spending tax money to make it look high tech." Either the coffee or ranting about Vincent seemed to be waking her up. "What's worse, his 'upgrades' have been drawing power from the windmills, so we haven't been able to produce nearly what we used to. Between the complaints from Mesalon and Vareena having power outages and his claim that we should just 'build more windmills' the professor's been working nonstop." When she mentioned Professor Bonsai, Rheese cringed slightly. That guy could hardly handle regular professor work, let alone managing a town. He remembered that region professors were usually involved in the local Pokemon leagues as well, no wonder there had been so many papers.

"So, this Vincent guy is a real piece of work huh?" Rheese muttered, it was slightly disgusting that one man was responsible for so much trouble. "Yeah." The Nurse replied. "The old gym was the inside of an older windmill that wasn't producing much power. It barely ran the lights inside, so if the former gym leader hadn't moved in it would have probably been demolished. The former leader didn't want the thing destroyed, so she decided to put it to use. I really wish she was still around." The nurse said with a sigh, clearly something had happened to the former leader.

"You didn't really answer my question though. I get that he's not exactly upstanding, but everyone seemed almost afraid." Rheese said, now the nurse had him curious. "Oh, well there are a lot of rumors floating around...None that probably hold water, but a few of the residents think that he had something to do with the old gym leader's untimely passing." She said sadly. "But that's not exactly likely, there isn't any evidence and the woman was almost eighty. It was just her time." Rheese went silent afterwards, he didn't really know what to say. He doubted this Vincent guy had done anything to the former gym leader, but the residents had to have some kind of reasoning for such a nasty rumor. Could this guy really be that bad?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Even once the headache had started to subside, Sophia had thought she wouldn't be able to sleep. Worry had nagged at her like cruel whispers behind her back. She'd tried to ignore it. It would be fine, it would be fine, it would be fine... She had nothing to doubt about herself. Listening to the wind and the distant, rhythmic splash of the waves, she'd closed her eyes and let herself drift off to sleep.


She woke to something rough flicking across her face, and a quiet "Purrrr?" Opening her eyes, she smiled.

"Morning, Purrloin." She tickled Purrloin under her chin. The Pokemon stopped licking her and rubbed against her hand. "No biting this time." It looked like Purrloin was behaving herself now... Wait, what was that under her claws? Was that a scrap of fabric? Sophia propped herself up and gasped. "Oh dear Arceus..."

The room looked as if a Pokemon had spammed Cotton Spore inside it. The pillows were missing from all three other beds, and were now strewn in ragged strips all over the sleeping quarters, stuffing spilling out around the scratched up legs of the wooden desk and chair.

"Purrloin what have you done?" Sophia levitated a Pokeball towards her - much easier now she'd caught up on some sleep and the migraine was gone, she just hoped her recently-caught Pokemon wouldn't give her a stress headache. Grasping the Pokeball, she pointed it at Purrloin. "Return!"

Too slow. Purrloin leapt from the bed in a blur and darted across the desk. "No!" Sophia yelled, using her telekinesis to catch the falling phone in midair - but as she lifted it back up, the desk lamp smashed to the floor before she could react. In less than a second, Purrloin was up the curtain. There was a tearing sound as the Pokemon slid down, leaving claw marks. One side of the rail came loose in a shower of plaster, and the curtain slipped off. "Purr-purr-loin purr!" The cat wriggled out from the mangled pile of fabric, giving her trainer the cutest, most innocent look she could.

Sophia climbed out of bed, making sure Purrloin was alright, but scowling at her all the same. "Don't you think that'll work on me," she scolded. "Return!" This time, Purrloin disappeared into her Pokeball. The trainer stared in dismay at the room which now made Professor Bonsai's lab look pristine by comparison. What would the nurses say? How much would all this cost to fix and replace? This was a great start to her day.

Once she'd washed and dressed, she grabbed a quick breakfast at the Pokecentre's cafeteria and fed both her Pokemon, keeping a close eye on Purrloin. She was still frowning as she entered the lobby, where Rheese sat talking to the nurse. It was almost guaranteed that at least a few of her fellow travellers would have heard the commotion, and she hoped they wouldn't make a big deal of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg

Oscar wakes up violently, due to Roadrunner pecking at his feet. Oscar looks out the window and sees the sun rising across the horizon. "You must be hungry, RR. i will deal with that, once I am showered dressed." roadrunner chirps happily, jumps off the bed and waits at the door patiently. Oscar showers and gets dressed. They go to the Breakfast room and Oscar releases Skoll. Skoll looks around with a confused look. Oscar puts some bacon on a plate and puts it in front of Skoll. Skoll sniffs it cautiously, tastes a small one and scoffs the rest. Skoll yelps happliy after finishing the meal and Oscar recalls him. Oscar makes plain toast for Roadrunner and Roadrunner finishes with lightning speed. Oscar makes some toast for himself and puts some mushrooms on it. He also takes some bacon and some fried tomato. After finishing breakfast, Oscar goes to the front desk and puts his room key on the counter. The receptionist greets him with a smile. "thanks. the food was perfect ant the room was nice. May I ask, is there a gym around here?" The receptionist's expression changed to a one of fear. "I know you are new around here but I recommend to stay away from this town's gym as long a possible." Sensing the distress in the receptionist's voice, Oscar does not push any further. Oscar leaves the Bed and breakfast with a sense of something that is not right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore

Pokémon Center

Interacting With: @LuckyBlackCat

"You'll never make it. What a pathetic excuse of a trainer!" Alex saw his father standing tall in front of him. "B-but... I- I know what you're doing is wrong, I have to." He felt a sting on his face as he toppled onto the floor, his fathers hand in the air still. He scrambled to get up before running to the door. Get back here! his father's voice called, as he heard the loud thumping of his fathers footsteps chasing after him. "Chandelure stop him! Use shadow ball!" The ghostly hanging light fixture near the entrance of the estate was hesitant, but in the end listened to his master. A misty purple ball started to form in front of it before it turned dark, and shot towards Alex. Then, everything blacked out.


Alex shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Beldum was next to him, he obviously heard him shifting in his bad dream. It took him a while to calm down, but once he did he collapsed back onto his bed. In the blackness of the Chandelure's attack he saw a door. That was the farthest he had made it into the dream. "Damn. I was so close this time Beldum. I keep seeing the door but I can't open it." Apex said to his Pokémon. "Beldum, Bel." The Pokémon inquired. Alex sighed, "No, I can't just remember, the dreams are my only way to see what happened. The only way to know the truth." He slammed his arm on the bedside table, making a loud thump. Alex got up and changed into his clothes, and put his jacket on. He walked out of his room, and saw that two others were already up. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at a table, taking a small sip of the hot liquid. He was about to put it down, but ended up spilling it all over himself hearing something break. He gritted his teeth, holding in a scream because of how hot the coffe was.

Wanting to know the cause of the crashing sound he walked through the Pokémon Center, until he found it. An absolutely trashed room, the curtains ripped, the stuffing coming out of the torn pillows, and the cause of the sound, a lamp that fell. He stepped forward into the room to see the Psychic girl from before. "What it the name of Arceus happened here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle had been in the shadow of Nyxx for their entire meet and greet of other trainers, up till recent. Kyle wasn't ashamed of this. In fact he preferred it. He could handle Nyxx anytime anywhere, and lead them decently enough, but as soon as he found out her mom is a big celebrity he knew what he had to do. Kyle had to follow his destiny and hide in her ginormous shadow so he could get out of dealing with people. People could battle her instead, and he could just tag along for the ride. Yes getting a room and getting food was important. But if Nyxx could distract everyone from him and make the attention settle on her, even better. Kyle followed Nyxx to the room they were given, seemingly silent and unnoticed. No one talked to him and no one referred to him. When they had gotten to their room, Kyle slept on the floor and let Nyxx take the bed. Kyle was able to get one of the pillows and blankets, and fell asleep easily with Treecko leaning against his leg.

Kyle woke up in a daze, stretching out his arms and legs, waking up Treecko. Treecko got up and stretched as well. When Kyle stood up and rubbed his eyes, he could see Nyxx laying in bed, still fast asleep. Kyle chuckled to himself and looked through his dirty, not soaked bag. He still had toiletries thank god, so he wouldn't have to go out completely nasty. Kyle walked over and bopped Nyxx on the head.

"Hey Butterfly wake up, its sun is out time. We should really be getting a move on....unfortunately."

Kyle walked over to their bathroom, took a three minute shower, then brushed his teeth. His clothes were still slightly dirty but didn't smell, so that was a win in Kyles book. Treecko had fallen back asleep in the time Kyle left him to take a quick shower, so Kyle bopped him on the head too.

"Damn why do I have to be the responsible one?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Once Kero awoke he petted the Eevee that slept next to him until he also awoke, then he got up got dressed properly and simply made the bed presentable again before leaving the room. after that he went outside to the corridor and down the stairs to the lobby. Once he reached the loby he thanked the nurse for his stay and returned the key to her as he wouldn't need it any longer. In the cafeteria however he did see the female from yesterday, she who had been so tired she had been like drunk and who he had helped to actually reach her room together with the nurse. He walked over to her, looked her over for a few moments before sitting down across from where she sat. "Hey... Looks like your feeling better... I suppose a good night's sleep was just the cure you needed... " he commented as he decided on what he was going to order.

His Eevee seemed to Eye her as well, but stuck on his trainer's shoulder until he had been sitting for a while. Then he settled gently leaped from his trainer's shoulder onto the back of the couch and then down on the seat gently and agille. Kero glanced to him and chuckled slightly at this act of morning acrobatics. "Did you have trouble with your pokémon this morning?... I heard you yelling" he said as he was slightly curious as to hear the story behind all the commotion in the morning, not that it really had bothered him or anything, it was mere curiosity and another chance to perhaps tease her or something.

Once done with brekfast he would also head to the lobby as to get a chance to continue this conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

@AbysmalDemon @Iatos

"Trouble? That's putting it mildly," Sophia had told the man in the cafeteria with a bitter laugh, hoping it wouldn't make him think badly of her. She'd tried to convince herself the damage hadn't been that bad... however, as she'd walked past the room again on her return from the cafeteria, she knew there was no kidding herself. Especially given the way another of the travellers had just reacted.

"A little mischief-maker of a Purrloin happened. That's what," she grumbled in response to his question. Right on cue, Purrloin burst from her Pokeball, still covered in plaster dust. She started rubbing around Sophia's ankles, nearly tripping the trainer up. Stumbling and yelping, Sophia managed to regain her balance. "I'm not happy with you," she said, glaring down. "Come on. Back inside." She returned Purrloin to her Pokeball. She couldn't let the cat Pokemon run off again.

Handing over the key at the desk, she cringed as the nurse asked what had happened. Barely able to look her in the eye, Sophia had no choice but to reluctantly explain. Was this just going to be one of those days?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nyxx Hollow


The sun. Her natural enemy a giant ball of energy beaming down on her face to disturb her sleep. She had walked into her the night before and fell flat on the bed and went to sleep immediately, she was so lazy she didn’t fight fact Kyle snatched a pillow and cover causing her to curl up in a ball on the bed. When he tapped her head, she grumbled audibly and curled up even more, looking more like a cocoon than a butterfly and settled back into sleep. She was the furthest thing from her mother, someone who greeted the morning with loud optimism running through the house like a child and went out to impress herself to surpass what she did yesterday; however, Nyxx was an actual child and probably the laziest in the world, she wouldn’t get up till late afternoon to eat and lounge around even more. She was probably spoiled rotten from being born in the ‘good life’ being that her mother was famous there was literally no real reason to get up and do anything.

The smell of a hot water running down in the bathroom, Kyle was taking a shower and the sound of water hitting the floor was disturbing her sleep. But nothing could prepare Nyxx for the sharp tap-tap-tapping on her noggin from Lupin the Swablu who saw fit to release himself from his Pokeball and where Lupin was Nellz was never far behind because she felt her foot collide with her side. She just used pound. Would all her morning going to be like this from now on, Bunnery she could ignore easily, she had grown accustomed to it, but now this beak was pecking her and Kyle walked around. It took some time for her to chase them off the bed causing both of them to retaliate which cause her to fight both of them, but eventually they won and Nyxx was up at least standing up; Nellz finally found a friend to help her with her trainer.

Nyxx was quite literally butt naked with her cloths flung all over the underside of the bed sheets, good thing Kyle did take that extra blanket, she’d have died of heat. And so with a care in the world with her eyes half open and slouched over she began to shuffle her lazy rear end to the shower, unzipping her backpack and taking out her bath clothes amazingly enough she accomplished all of this with her toes. She wasn’t going to bend over to pick up anything, that was too much work and all her energy was going into walking. So with her clothes clutched between her toes, she took her shower which took an hour and thirty minutes too complete because she fell asleep in the shower itself, but eventually she was out, dressed and cleaned up ready to hit the road, her hair was even half way done.

“alright, you three got me up, lets go” she said with a loud yawn
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle awoke suddenly, after hearing Nyxx finally getting out of the shower and talking, and jumped out of his seat. Kyle sighed when he saw Nyxx and almost felt like telling her off, except he knew she wouldn't listen.

"Well alright Butterfly lets go....finally....I mean damn in the amount of time it took you to get ready I fell back asleep in the chair."

Kyle let Treecko climb on to his shoulder, then he led Nyxx out the door and out the hotel. Kyle stopped outside the building and yawned loudly. He then pulled out his pokedex and pulled up the map function. Kyle snapped his fingers repeatedly while talking to Nyxx.

"Ok so we are here right now,"Kyle said pointing to them on the map," Which way do you want to go? Before we challenge a gym leader we should probably get a full team of pokemon ready to go. So that means we need to explore. Plus we are both hungry but I bet there is a ton of food in the forest areas. Or we could hunt in the city, ive seen plenty of wild pokemon running about. Its your call Butterfly."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Pokemon Center

@LuckyBlackCat@Iatos@AbysmalDemon (I'm assuming the other two are still in the vicinity)

Rheese pulled himself away from his conversation with the Nurse as it seemed to be over anyway. He knew he would have to face that Vincent guy...maybe it was a misunderstanding or something. In the end it wasn't really his business. Even so, all of this just didn't sit right with him. He looked around to see Sophia at the desk.

"Oh, so you're up too." Rheese said approaching the group. He quickly replaced the uncertain look from his face with a weak smile. "You..uh, don't look too great." He said the moment he saw the look on her face. She looked ashamed about something, and from what he knew about Sophia...it had to be something bad.

The nurse ignored the expression on the girl's face as she accepted the key. "Did you enjoy your stay?" She asked sincerely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

@Heckno12 @Iatos @AbysmalDemon

"You wouldn't either if one of your Pokemon had left a room looking like an earthquake hit a cotton wool factory," Sophia sighed. "It's been less than a day and this Purrloin's already getting on my last nerve."

Ok, so the nurse didn't seem too annoyed, thankfully. That was something. She nodded at the nurse's question, even though the stay had been far from enjoyable. What kind of place was this dump for someone like her? She glanced up at the lobby's ceiling lights. One was flickering, and a few others looked to be broken entirely. Shouldn't those have been replaced?

She stood there at the desk for a few moments, fists clenched at her sides, before rummaging through her bag for her wallet. The incident hadn't been her fault, but... This Pokecentre was clearly struggling, for some reason. It simply didn't feel right to leave it further burdened. "Ugh... Alright. Here," she grumbled, handing over several banknotes.

Great. Just great. So much for a free stay. Thanks to Purrloin, that was a significant chunk of the money her parents had saved up for her journey gone. She could imagine what they'd say if they found out. They'd act like it was her fault. Was it, in some way? How could she become a better trainer? She would. She had to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

Orez Shrin woke up to the sound of untamed animals having what seemed like an early morning party. "Ugh, damn trainers. No wonder why most hotels don't permit pokemon inside." He grunted his complaints to seemingly no one before rolling over to check the time labeled on his pokedex. It was between 8 and 9 on the clock, meaning he should probably get up anyway. But it's still quite the hastle to be doing this against his will.

Going through the morning routine, taking care of hygiene, putting on a fresh purple suit and tie, and preparing his balls for what is to come, he exits his room with a less than pleasent look on his face. It wouldn't take a genius to tell that he was currently unamused at his wake up call, or in fact the morning in general. Not even Nurse Joy's cancerous smile could cure the overwhelming grump that is currently Orez. As demonstrated by the death glare he gives her while returning the keys to his room.

"Do you know where two people -a male and a female who both seem rather uncaring in their behavior- have run off too?" He attempts to sound angry and serious, but all he manages to accomplish is a grainy moan detailing just how exhausted he was. She points to the door without saying a word. Maybe she wants him out of here as much as he himself wants out. He was about to explain that he did not contribute whatsoever to the chaos in the trainer rooms, then decided it was not worth bringing up. Better to just get on with it after all.

He exits the pokecenters doors which slide open and shut upon his approach. Those sliding doors remind him way too much of a certain companies doors for him to not be annoyed by them. Oh look, now he's getting pissed off at doors. Damn his too stubborn to drink coffee self. Oh well, it would seem that the people he had been searching for were right in front of him. Probably not making the same mistake of butting into their conversation like last time would be a good idea. Or eavesdropping in general. He needed friends on this trip early on to speed up his process towards his goal. Being an ####### like last time would be stupid to put it bluntly.

He walked up to the group trying to not look as grumpy as he actually is, and then waved when they noticed his approach. "Hey. Sorry about the meet and ditch yesterday. I was just trying to make some friends, and I assume I came off the wrong way." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Umm, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it that you are working on right now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Pokemon Center

@LuckyBlackCat@Iatos@AbysmalDemon (I'm assuming the other two are still in the vicinity)

The nurse accepted the banknotes reluctantly. She wanted to deny the girl and tell her it was fine, but times really were tough. Thanking the young lady and putting the money under the desk, she retrieved a remote for the television in the corner and cut it on.

"Hello beautiful Kosei! This is Jack Hammer here again, unveiling the mysteries behind Team Noble!" Said the usual intro. Truth be told, Hammer had been trying to catch Team Noble for well over a year now with little to no results. "Last time, we tried to get some information out of Mr.Remmington. Given the information we managed to extract, we know that a man and a woman were the ones that nabbed him at Naran. Not much, I know...but there's more. Given the little bit of information he had on their appearance, we've deduced that she is a resident of Naran by the name Erika Huyabishi. and this sketch:" Hammer said as he pulled a rough sketch of a woman that appears to be in her early twenties. Beneath the sketch is her name and a few details that the sketch didn't communicate. According to the description, her hair is auburn, she is approximately 5'6, and has dark green eyes. "Despite this information and the wanted posters we have put out, we can't locate her. If you find out any information at all as to her whereabouts, please call this number."

A number flashes across the screen for a few moments before Hammer continues speaking. "Now that that is out of the way, we can continue our investigation for today. Hopefully, Hayabishi won't be able to hide for too long. Her accomplice remains unknown, apparently my interrogation technique is getting a bit rusty."

"Do you mind changing the channel?" Rheese asked the nurse who was apparently fairly invested in the show. She seemed slightly disappointed, but complied. "I just don't understand how anyone can watch that...For all I know it could be staged, but that doesn't excuse the way people just accept it." Rheese's disdain for Hammer was hardly hidden. Even if Hammer were to expose Team Noble, what would it mean? For all anyone knew, revealing them could be more dangerous than allowing them to work in shadow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

@Heckno12 @Iatos @AbysmalDemon

"Interrogation technique?" Sophia looked at the TV, frowning. "That doesn't sound like anything good..." Ok, Team Noble obviously weren't up to anything good either. She'd heard some of the stories on the Internet, along with some of the theories. People being kidnapped and returned with no memories of what happened... The erased memories could be due to some kind of psychic ability, that of a Pokemon or a human. She knew about what some of the most powerful psychics were capable of. But why? What were this team's motives?

As dangerous as Team Noble sounded, though, she'd hardly taken a liking to the detective trying to uncover them. It could all have just been a hoax, anyway.

She was glad when Rheese, who didn't like the guy any more than she did, asked to have the channel changed. She paid little attention to the show the nurse switched to - she wasn't in the mood for TV, or for hanging out in the Pokecentre much longer, for that matter. "Well, I've got better things to do than watch garbage on TV," she said, straightening her back, her mask of confidence once again in place. "See you around."

With that, she left the Pokecentre. She hadn't exactly had the best start to her day, but she'd find some way to make up for that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



He glanced to the tv as it was b turned on and watched the show despite the others being there. He then laughed a bit over how silly the show Was. "Oh please... Like asking a few people around could be considered an interrogation... If you really want to find someone like team noble you can't be afraid of a bit of dirt under your nails... Of course flagging someone's picture around won't. Uncover something useful, someone like team noble would just change hairstyle and color if it was getting hot around them" he said as he rolled his eyes.

He turned his attention to the others to see that Sophia was leaving. He shrugged and decided to follow her for a bit. "Hey, Never caught your name... Already heading out to the next town?... Mind if I tagged along? " he asked as he followed her... It was not really like he had any plans for the moment anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Outside the Pokecentre


Sophia turned around to see the man she'd spoken to in the cafeteria earlier following her. "Oh, I'm not heading out just yet," she replied. "Not when I've still got plans for this town. Uh..." She trailed off. Besides the gym battle, she didn't have any plans. "I was thinking of, um... Looking around. Finding some items, and some more Pokemon. Then, on to the gym battle."

A passer-by gave her a strange look at the mention of the gym battle, which she ignored. She turned back to face the man, and her confident grin returned.

"If you want to come along anyway, I'd gladly give you the privilege of exploring with me. I'm not the kind of travelling partner you'll meet every day." She took out her parasol and repeated her usual trick, throwing it in the air and using her power to make it snap open, this time spinning it around a few times before directing it to her hand. She posed and smirked.

The trick had allowed her to demonstrate how much she'd recovered. Even so, she reminded herself not to overdo it... today was going to be a busy day, after all. She hoped her mother wouldn't contact her like that again, getting her to drain herself sending psychic messages back. It would be much more convenient to just get phone calls or emails, but she knew why her mother had done that. It was yet another test, which was why much of the maintaining of the link had been left to her. Of course, the conversation must have taken someone like her mother very little effort, even across such a distance.

"And later, you can watch me get my gym badge. Come on, then." She started heading in the direction of the seafront. "I'm Sophia, by the way."
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