Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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"Well, I don't really know. I mean, I don't think Otou-san's so much of a villain. He told me once, that aside from specific instances, he doesn't kill anyone that he isn't paid to. So... I suppose he's just a man making a salary. With a sword." She grinned, and quickly stepped into the cafeteria. She grabbed 2 ready-made snacks of pretzels and peanut butter, paying for them while she spoke. "I think I'll just do something like that. I'd rather not limit myself." She tossed one to her sister and headed outside, making a beeline for the gym. "I mean, if someone needs killing, I'll do that. If someone needs a car fixed, I'll do that too. With the treaty, it's not like there's such a clear line in the sand anymore." She ate and walked, a skill honed by years of being constantly hungry.


Kijani grinned, definitely excited about the prospect of her idea actually working. "Well, I can't wait to get started. It'll have to be after class, though." She took his hand and started off, suddenly feeling like she might actually have a decent year. Class was already started by the time they arrived, people taking turns at the obstacle course.


"U-um..." Kassy spoke up hesitantly. She looked to the brother that had his foot bound. Was it Jasper? Or Hachi? She thought she knew, but now was too uncertain. "I can... numb the pain if you allow it. But you must... must promise me not to overdo it. The injury will still be there, but at least you can walk the course. If... if that's alright." She fiddled with the edges of her skirt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

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Walter Dreiberg, or Rorschach, walked up to the school. He held a schedule in his hand, double-checking his classes. Yep, he should have gym about now. He remembers how hectic the morning was. Walter had just woken up, and got dressed into his costume, when his parents received a call about the attack. So, thankfully, he got to stay home for half of the day.

And this led to him sleeping. And the sleeping led to oversleeping. And oversleeping led to now, being late to gym class on his first day. Folding the schedule and stuffing it into his pocket, Walter broke into a sprint, trying to get to class as fast as possible. Hopefully the teacher won't notice he's late. Hopefully.

With that, Walter slipped into the gym, seeing people already doing their activities. He saw no sign of the teacher, so hopefully he could just slip into a random group. He saw a group of three people, with a guy with black hair, a guy with white hair, and a... Girl? 'Yeah, that... It... She... Seems like a girl,' Walter thought to himself. Okay, yeah, a girl with blue hair. He also noticed the black haired guy had a cast around his ankle.

Slipping into the group, Walter said: "Hey there. Hopefully I'm not late, but if I am, can you guys hide me from the teacher? Oh, the name's Walter by the way, but my hero name is Rorschach. Just go with whatever floats your boat."

@Archmage MC @BlackPanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@Simple Unicycle @Archmage MC @Caits @Avanhelsing @RumikoOhara @DFTBA @Mistress Dizzy @Vulture585 @dabombjk @Spriggs27 @hagroden @Lucius Cypher @BlackPanther
"This course will challenge you in everyway. You will do will do well and bad in some. Take proud in the ones you do well and take not of the ones you fail at. You are free to use your abilities but I would encourage you to do as much without your powers as you can. You never know when you will be without them. The first is for agility. You simply have to go from plateform to plateform as fast as you can without slipping into the water. I suspect most of you will get past them easily. The second will test your upper arm strength. You have to use the rings to go from one peg to the next. The third will test your ability to use your whole body at once. You have to use your arms and legs to climb like a spider between the two walls. The fourth will test your ability to balance and react. The beam is not only narrow but will flex and move as you do. The fifth with test your strength. You have to lift the walls. They start at 50 and get heavier as you go. And last but not least the wall will test you leg strength and determination. You have to run up the curved wall to the top. Once someone is at stage two another can start." Beast explained.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Archmage MC@Mistress Dizzy@Simple Unicycle@KatherinWinter
Jasper nodded. "So you have healing abilities...that is so cool" he then had a look of utter fascination at lights claws. "Woah. Those are awesome! How sharp are they? What's the strongest thing you can go through? Are they like a dogs or a bear?" he was rambling. Hachi gave a look of fascination as well but then a sympathetic as Jasper went through his version of 60 questions. Hachi held a blob of water and that was enough to get Jasper to stop. He was still dripping from the last blob...the white and grey haired teen settled for a glare before grinning at light. "Thanks. It's called a kitsune so that's also my hero name."

Both looked over when they heard Kassy. Jasper gave a head tilt and Hachi shook his head. "Thank you very much for the offer...but it doesn't bother me too much now." he gave a small moth twitch that could have been mistaken for a smile...Jasper blinked at the sight as that was Hachi's smile.

Both then turned their attention to the new guy. Jasper grinned. "No problem. I'm Jasper..hero name Kitsune. The gloom and doom guy over there is my brother Hachi...hero name Kirin." he crossed his arms and raised a brow. His white and grey hair contrasted by both the mask on his head and his bright blue eyes. The tattoo on his shoulder more prominent now. "so...why did you go with that hero name?"

Hachi listened closely to beast while his brother socialized. As he looked up the deep green in his black hair was more visible. He stood as if he was going to try to go first. He managed to hobble about 4 steps before falling. He kneeled there frustration all over his features and as the frustration got worse the room started to drop in temperature. His grey eyes seeming paler as he unknowingly dropped the temperature to the point where breath was visible.

That got the attention of his brother. Jasper kneeled next to him. "Hey bro....inhale exhale calm down. Remember how mom said sometimes your emotions unleash you abilities...you're doing it" Hachi inhaled slowly and exhaled a trail of steam escaping him as he slowly calmed. The temperature slowly went back to normal and Hachi hobbled back to his seat. His hair falling forward and covering his face. Jasper walked the last few steps to beast and grinned. "I volunteer as tribute"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Hachi can run the obstacles tomorrow. It isnt likely we will get through everyone today. You run the course for yourself." Beast told him indicating to the steps.he was curious to see who did well where. The course was designed to pick as many strength and weaknesses at once as possibly. He figured it was the best way to see what the kids had to work with. Then he could start building the activities for the yesr.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tsura Eisenhardt


Looking over the obstacle course Tsura had to suppress a giggle and then was pleased to see Phoebe come over and explain that she'd had to leave to talk to her dad. It was a clear sign that the other girl was at least wanting to be her friend or at least be friendly which was pleasing to her.

That's okay we all have commitments to parental authority: if I may ask who's your father?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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@Archmage MC@Mistress Dizzy@Simple Unicycle@KatherinWinter

Seeing her claws, Jasper had quite a few questions about them, Light answering "In Order, uh... really sharp, I don't know, but I can gash steel, and neither. They're more like ripper claws than anything. Think finger, but its a claw." Apparently Light was ahead of the curve with these two, as two more students joined their group. One seemed to be a bit freaked out by Light, but the other didn't even notice her. "Hello, I'm Light. No hero name yet, no point when you don't care if baddies know you or not." Light said, waving to the newcomers. Before she could say much more, Best spoke up and introduced the obstacle course, which was what they'd be doing today.

"Oh, this looks easy. Besides that last one, dunno if these little ladies can run up an incline like that." Light said, lifting her leg to show her pointy legs. Hachi then got up, eager to go first but was stopped by his brother who saw him trying to deal with his injury. After convincing him to sit back down, Hachi causing the room to get cold for a moment, something Light didn't really care about, Jasper went up instead. "I think I'll go close to last. On second look that 2nd part looks a bit... well, not hard but I got a feeling I wont mix well with it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin was studying the course when she felt the temperature drop. This caught her attention instantly. Another person who could control ice and snow? Or could the just control the weather? She looked around curious. She wanted to met this perdon. Everyone thought she was crazy but she was convicted that the colet the temperature the stronger her powers. This was the perfect way to find out. A couple of new arrivals caught her attention. As it one of them? She thought so but it was hard to say. Atleast until she saw the injured on close his eyes and take a deep breath. She felt the temperature return to normal. She hurried over to the boy as he returned to his seat. "You made it cold!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hachi was busy brooding and mostly ignoring the rest of the group that had formed. So the new voice caught him off guard and caused him to flinch somewhat. He looked at the owner of the voice and raised a brow. "Not on purpose...but yea" he was starting to feel uncomfortable with all the people around him...Kassy...Walter...Light and now this one. Socializing really wasn't his thing. That was more of Jaspers department.

Jasper meanwhile cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. He jumped a bit while shaking out his limbs. Then he held a thumbs up before getting a start on the course. He took his time leaping from one platform to the next. Then he sized up the next course. He shook put his arms before leaping into the rings. He took his time with that one, carefully moving the rings from one peg to the next his muscles actually more pronounced during this. Neither brother was weak...both were actually pretty fit.

Once he made it through he paused once more at the spider obstacle. He backed up a bit before leaping up and suddenly extending his limbs. The sound was like a thump when he hit. He then made his way through it. This one took him the longest, his blue eyes shining with determination as he went.

He again paused at the beam. He then grinned and became his kitsune form. The nine tailed grey fox bounded through that obstacle and became human once more at the end of the obstacle. He looked at the walls and shook out his limbs once more before lifting each just enough to fit himself through. It was clear though that the ball of energy called Jasper was getting tired. His breathing was hard and he shone with excertion.

He made it though and bent over while he collected his breath. He then looked at the wall and then at beast. The look was one of 'really' before he backed up and began trying to run up the wall. This took about four tries before he made it. He wondered who was going behind him. When he was done he made his way back to his seat beside Hachi and worked on breathing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Phoebe smiled, "Bruce Wayne" She said, taking Pride in being able to say that, "And my mother is Pamela Isley. I don't get to talk with her much, but I spent the summer with my father as much as I could" She said, glancing at the obstacle course. It was a little daunting, a step up from the course last year, but she was stronger, faster and better skilled this time round.

"Well, did you want to have a go at the course?"

Kalinda turned to Kyle, and smiled brightly, but she did look around, studying the emotions of the students. Hachi seemed to be frustrated, and still in pain. She hesitated, but she also sensed that he was a little uneasy about having so many people talking with him. Familiar with that from Griffin, Kalinda decided to leave him be for now, although the pain was a little distracting for her.

As Jasper made his way through the course, She gave a sigh, deciding to just get it over with. "I'll be back" she said to Kyle, "May as well get this over with"

She approched the first platform, drawing in a deep breath, before she began to run, jumping from plateform to platform, maintain her balance with apparent ease, only stopping when she reached the second stage.

She leaped up and grabbed the rings, grimacing as she tried to figure out how to do this. is this some sort of gladiator thing? Gosh she thought to herself, as she took her left hand/ring off the peg and she swung for a moment, gathering momentum, on the up swing, she took the right one off, and quickly caught herself with the left, swinging the right up, to secure herself.She hung a moment, grimacing. this is going to be hard For a moment, she wondered if she should just give up, but her eyes fell upon Kyle. No. she couldn't do so, what would kyle think? She continued, making slow progress, but progress all the same over the second stage.

At the third stage, she wondered if she'd be too short to do it. How can my legs and arms span that gap? but she gathered her strength, leaping up as high as she could, spreading out her limbs as far as she could, catching herself and hovering between the walls for a moment. I'm so glad I wore the skin suit today. And that I remembered shorts and a shirt otherwise, she might have given her classmates a shocking view. She scaled up the wall, knowing she probably looked foolish.

The fourth stage was the only stage Kalinda felt good about, as she mounted the beam, she strode along it with confidence, maintaining her balance perfectly. Those gymnastics weren't a bad thing after all. I miss them. That was why she was going into Romanoff's class.

The fifth stage was the only stage she used her powers. She knew she was no where near strong enough to lift all the walls. Jeez, the first one alone is like half my weight!. With her telekentic powers, she could move things much easier then lifting them herself. Getting through that, she approached the last stage.

She started to run, keeping her speed even, at first, she didn't hesitate, putting on more speed as she reached the curve. She felt herself sliding, and all she could think was I'm so tired, I won't be able to do this again. she was nearly there, but she knew she would fall. She raised one foot, and pushed off the ground, leaping, she was in the air, and then se reached out, her fingers brushing ovver the edge, and she curled them over. She hung there, exhausted, before twisting her body, and flinging herself up, over the edge, she lay there, breathing hard. She didn't think she'd ever be able to move again.

Finally though, she groaned, and made herway off the course, back over to kyle.

Connor enjoyed seeing Kijani's excitement, letting her take him along to the gym, quite content to walk hand in hand with Kijani. He looked about the gym, studying the course. It seemed a step up from the year before. Perhaps they are trying to get more students to graduate? With whats happening, I wouldn't be surprised Connor thought.

He figured he wouldn't do well-balance wasn't Connor's thing, and that seemed to be a strong suit in this. Still, he'd have to have a try, everyone did. "The Beast has stepped things up a bit, hasn't he?"
@Mistress Dizzy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tsura Eisenhardt


Tsura smiles and says to Phoebe
I love a chance to go powerless on an obstacle course, my mom pushed me all the time to hone my body into a weapon. I still have a bit to go before I reach that level but my dancing skills are well rehearsed so this should be of medium difficulty considering it is a starter course.

Sorry; Yes, Yes I'd love to take on the course

Tsura laughs softly as she commits the course to memory using her ability to obtain exact measurements and densities of the materials used. she does this because often her mom made her perform such movements blindfolded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Emily Nakajima

" But he fights Heroes and Heroines." Naka argued with her sister." He fights against them and some bad guys too. Plus being a hero means you gotta do a ton of things to be selfless and give to other people who aren't as tough or skilled as you." She sounded angry." You have to waste your time and energy on people and just get a thank you out of it. Being a villain is more rewarding because you can take things from people without asking and hurt people as much as you want." She told Jin sounding a little happier.

The moment they arrived at the gym for the next class Nakajima was in Awe of the obstacle course, she stared at everything she and everyone else would have to go through and felt she would be able to clear all of it in no time. She listened closely to what had to be done and couldn't hold her excitement to jump into the course." Can I go next !?"

" Can I go next !?" She yelled with her arm raised trying to get into course next before anyone else. The whole course reminded her of her childhood time in the monastery, of course, the monetary's training course was longer and would put the school's course to shame, but she wanted to get that nostalgic feel of running through one, even if this one would test most of her body. She looked over to Jin with an excited look in her eye." Jin you ready to do this too ?" She asked barely containing her excitement.

@Mistress Dizzy@KatherinWinter
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin nodded sadly. She understood what that was like. She hadn't had much control when she had first arrived. She still at the level she thought she should be at. "I understand. I can't always control my powers. People are always commenting on how cold it is around me. When I first came here I was no one would want to be around me. Who wants to be cold all the time."

She was glad she wasn't the only one who coukd affect the weather. It made her feel less alone. She knew she was never truly alone. She had Phoebe, who became her her friend practically on day one. She had her dad who would support her no matter what.but despite that she felt like she was missing something. Someday she would figure it out.

Beast nodded. He pointed to the girl who clearly wanted to go next. He didnt care who went next as long as they did their best. "Go ahead.;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Hachi tilted his head. "That's not very good of them. My main ability is water...but I can control the temperature of it....so that's why it got cold. Though I can also make it hot....I've only ever done that once" he looked away from her as he said that but but then looked back. There was a lot of people so focusing on one at a time made it easier for him.

Jasper, who was still recovering from that exercise heard the part about it being cold around her. He stood made his way to the other side of her and sat next to her. "I needed that thanks" he closed his eyes and let Hachi interact with her. He was exhausted...which made him overheat quicker then most. Fire abilities did have some downsides to daily activity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Well, gotta change out an I hope this isn't a coed locker room school so see you in gym bye Griffin an try and smile more you're a good looking guy and need to know it, can't dwell in the dark all the time and believe me when I say the Sunlight is peaceful

She paused and blew him a kiss

Au Revoir

Then she ran to change out before gym.

Late Elliott prances in and finds a corner to inhabit so she may observe before interacting or preforming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin was alittle disappointed. She had been hoping that he was like her. But she figured that water was cool. It was close to her power. "I have the power of ice. I'm working on snow but it's harder. I don't know about this course. I'm not very strong. I'll probably end up icing one of the obstacles." Which would ruin it for everyone else. She wasn't as eager to try as the others. She was confident she could do the steps. But after that wasn't certain. She didn't want to look weak. Especially after this morning. But she had a feeling it was going to happen. Still she wasn't going to worry about it yet. It would only make her more nervous which would increase the odds of her screwing up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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@BlackPanther@Simple Unicycle@KatherinWinter
After watching some of her new friends do the course, Jasper exhausted from his run, as well as a new girl who talked with hachi, who gave off an aura of cold. "Ya know, I WAS going to wait, but this looks fun." Light said, getting up and walking to the start of the course.

There was a lot of positives to having super strength, one of them being that physical activities didn't really tire you out. And that was the case for most of the course. The first obstacle wasn't that bad, while she was unlucky, Light had phenomenal balance due to always having to walk on what were essentially needles every day, and it showed with how effortlessly she could keep her balance while jumping form slanted platform to slanted platform.

Parts two, three, four, and five didn't really pose much of a problem. She could easily hold her own weight using the rings and pegs, and she was happy nothing bad happened, as she was worried one of them was going to fall or something. Then there was part 3 that didn't really work so well in the modesty department since she wore a dress, but Light didn't really care too much. (In fact she never really understood why people intentionally shame themselves over stuff like this, and she was actually curious as to how many people did look at her in that section.) And part four was just a more fine tuned balance thing. Sure she left little pin holes in the rubber where she stepped, but other than that the balancing beam was a casual walk for her. And part five, well, super strength carried her through it once again. Though the last few doors were a bit trickier. Apparently they scaled with how well you did on the earlier ones. At least they thought about people like her when making this course!

The last part she decided to not do. While she could probably scale it, leaving large holes in it due to her feet would hurt the course for the people who hadn't gone yet. So instead she decided to take off one of her gloves and slash the air. The first time she did this, the wormhole she made decided it didn't want to have anything to do with her, and exploded in Light's face in a puff of purple smoke. Coughing while waving away the smoke, she tried again, and managed to make her way to the top of the obstacle. Having finished the course, she slid down the ramp and made her way back to where she was sitting, putting her glove back on.

"Well, thats done. Be nice if that 6th one wasn't rubber, but that was really easy. Super Strength FTW." Light said to the group with a toothy grin. "Wonder whos going to go next? she said, sitting down and getting into a relaxed position. She didn't mind the cold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hachi nodded as she spoke of her power. Ice was interesting...he wondered how his ability and hers would work together. Since I've is more focused then water and is simply another form of water he wondered if he could control her ice. "That is pretty cool...no pun intended...don't worry about icing the obstacles. My brother or I could deal with the ice." he looked at Jasper who wasn't really paying attention and rather seemed almost half asleep. He eye rolled at Jasper before focusing back on Katherine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Ryab makes me go through a work out every day. It's exhausting, but I can see the point of it, and my father encourages it. My mother just thinks I should be flexible, that my strength will come from my plants. I just want to be able to keep myself safe, and my loved ones" Phoebe said, giving a shrug, "I was thinking of picking up a class, maybe Romanoff's. And I'm doing a business study course this year too"

She smiled, and nodded to the course "Why don't you go next? I'll probably go last or second to last-I don't want to force anyoine to go after me if I make some plants grow, that wouldn't be fun for them"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tsura Eisenhardt


Tsura Blushes and says I need to stretch before I go after all this isn't an Ambush run

Tsura begins stretching by fist sitting on the floor her long legs extended before her an touching her head to touch her toes and holding the position for twenty seconds three times then she stands flat footed crossing her ankles and repeats the same stretch folding her body flat her head nearly touching the floor each time and recrosses her ankles in the opposite direction. Next she stretches her feet sitting back on the floor by pulling on her toes while arching her feet.

Once she's warmed a bit she uses any nearby vertical object to continue by facing it and lifting her right leg up and practically kisses her knee leaning forward holding that position for about thirty seconds. After doing that twice on each leg she drops to the floor and sits on her feet and >>>>>>>Full on Ballet stretch for four more minutes completed with a cute pirouette en pointe

She grins when finished and is practicaly glowing with joy Now I'm ready
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