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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

For the cluttered office of an Egyptologist, drama seemed to have made its home here. Not only was Nora speaking in tongues, a feat that still terrified her just as it had the night before, but Lady Munn appeared to be in the midst of her own war of roses. Lady Munn's mentioning of Mr. Drake's name, in combination with Lady Munn other suitor, caused Nora to wonder if Lady Munn's love life was normally this high with activity. She had received two deliveries of flowers less than an hour apart from each other, after all. It was not something that Nora had expected, though she did not imagine that Lady Munn had either.

Lady Munn's clumsiness was still shocking as well, though mostly because from what Nora understood, she handled priceless artifacts. Steady hands would be ideal for that job. Had she had the clumsiness of Lady Munn, Nora likely would have chosen to stay far away from anything that could not be easily replaced. The tea clattering to the floor only served as further evidence, though Nora kept her thoughts to herself. There was no reason to question Lady Munn's lack of grace openly, especially since she had taken to the woman's company quite nicely.

There didn't seem to be anything worth adding to the conversation. They were already en route (or would be soon) to Bubastis. Nora simply nodded. She tended to be more quiet and reserved. Yet with the entry of Mr. Drake to the room, Nora felt quite relieved that she had elected to keep her silence. Some show of emotion, negative or positive, was likely about to occur between Lady Munn and Mr. Drake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 1:35 P.M. Local Time

Peter & George

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office

A sheepish grin formed at the right corner of Georges lips, his eyes darting down towards the floor as a grunt came from him; it was rough but there was a hint of a chortle in that raspy cough. His shoulders shrugged a bit at the comments but Peter let out a rather light guffaw. "That he is uncle. This one is quite the jokester, very sharp," Peter said with a smile but that smile faded quickly at Georges question. "Very long story there old chap. One I will tell you once we have a moment and I am a bit more inebriated."

George didn't question the answer. He knew what it was like to speak of injuries, even if the question was only about the ones on the surface they were like a gateway to the ones swimming beneath the surface and those were much more difficult to speak about. Yet they needed to be released but one did a little bit of a push to get the job done and give a bit of anesthesia to the process so it wasn't so painful.

Figuring it was a good moment to change the topic Peter was more than relieved when a knock came to the door and the tea service was ordered by his uncle. Yet someone else wanted to speak to the Lord Major and before Peter could hold up a finger in hopes of pausing another person having to come face to face with George the Corporal entered. Peter hoped that his penchant for wanting to yell and serve his uncle above and beyond the course of duty would keep him from spotting George right off. That hope was dashed away as the man set his eyes straight on George.

George turned his head slowly as the corporal entered the room, general curiosity and a general means about keeping one sharp in their surroundings. His brow rose slightly as the man froze. He started to say hello but it was cut off as the man made a mad dash for the exit. Why did it always have to be like this? George new why but he figured at battle hardened soldier would be a bit better at dealing with a face mask. Maybe the lad wasn't so battle hardened. Turning his head to face forward once again, his chin lowered and he grunted. "mmm, apologizes," the war scarred man muttered under his breath. Maybe he should have sent a wire to Peter instead of showing up in person.

"Nonsense my good man. That one is always a bit theatrical from what I have asserted. Perhaps a run will do him some good to get rid of some of that excess energy he possesses. One would think he was a ring master of the circus in a previous life," Peter said, hoping to reassure his old friend but he could tell by the way George's shoulders slumped as he stared at the ground and how his fingers fidgeted with the cap sitting on his knee. Clearing his throat Peter shifted in his seat slightly. "So what brings you to Cairo?" Peter finally added, hoping this time changing the subject would work.

George looked up slowly, a timid expression on the half of his face that could be seen. There was a bit of light in his eye, a gratitude that could be seen without the words being said. "College," he said plainly at first. Then he began to speak and told Peter and the Lord Major about how he was speaking at one of the local Universities about the transition from war to civilian life for those bearing severe injuries. A sociological study in a way. As he spoke to Peter his voice remained gravelly but his sentences became more structured. It seemed the more at ease he felt around a person the more he spoke. As long as he kept his face turned to one side to where you could not see the mask one could almost forget the trauma that laid on the other side, almost. If it were not for the damage to his vocal chords that were, that always seemed to be the tell tale sign despite everything else.

The Legal Aide for barracks looked at Josephine and Haakon and nodded. "My lord, what a trying situation for the both of you to be subjected to. Well in any case, you are back now safe and sound. Let us hope that is the last you will hear from the local authorities. Should it arise again, please do inform me and I will escort you. Best not leave you legally hanging in the wind with no representation," he said before offering his arm to Josephine.

"Yes, of course. I will be more than happy to show you two back to your respective quarters and perhaps have a bit of spirits brought up to you as well as small noche to enjoy and sustain you until the next proper meal," he suggested. "This way if you both will," he added before showing them the way back through the compound to their quarters. Their guards followed them as they went and the lawyer informed them that their drinks and snack would be up post haste, as well as their guards would escort them to the Lord Major once they had a chance to freshen up. Giving them both a courteous farewell he left them alone to tend to their business as he returned to his.

Vera Munn

Location: Egyptian Museum: Her Office

"Indeed it is, with Lady Kingston speaking the language, saying the prayer, well I dare say it means we are on the right course of action it does. How splendid," Vera said with high enthusiasm as she spoke. Her eyes darting over towards Nora. "If it does not seem presumputious of me, I would like to suggest that perhaps now is a perfect time for you to expand your linguistical knowledge. A crash course in Ancient Egyptian might be just the ticket to help you feel more at ease. Knowledge leads to understanding and at this point I hope I am not forward in saying that you would do well to have some without the constant need for an interpreter."

Ancient Egyptian was not an easy language to learn but Vera had no doubt in her mind with Lady Kingstons penchant for mathematics and her own background in education that Nora would be able to pick up the basics post haste. Her confidence in Nora's abilities gleamed through as Vera spoke. It was only reinforced as Neema spoke up. "I believe she would be able to pick up the language with some ease," the older woman said as she smiled over towards Nora. Vera's brow perked a bit at the old lady. Not over the fact that she was confidant in Nora's abilities but how she addressed Nora, calling her by her first name. Was this woman a governess to the family? She doubted it; unless she had been with Nora since she was small, the woman would have still addressed her as Lady Kingston instead of just plain Nora.

The delivery man smiled and thanked William over and over again for the payment and assured him if he should want anything else to please contact him, giving the man his card before he slipped out of the museum quickly. Only giving a quick glance towards Akhmed on the way out with a nod before pushing the door open and heading back out into the streets of Cairo. Akhmed returned the nod before turning his attention back to Mahendra. "I see, well it does seem that you fit the basic requirements for the position sir," he said as he perused the papers that the man had provided him.

"Yes, very much indeed. Though I might state that you appear to be a tad over qualified for the position of Junior yet that is not for me to determine. If you would sir, please follow me," he said as he handed the papers back over to Mahendra. "I believe the curator is available at this time, he is whom which you will need to speak with to secure a position," he added as he stepped out from behind the front desk and motioned for him to follow. Yet he was stopped as a messenger came into the museum and flagged Akhmed down.

"Just a moment sir if you please," he said as he turned his attention away from Mahendra and to the messenger. Taking the small envelope from him he tipped the man and thanked him. Opening the envelope he pulled out a slip of paper and read over it quickly. "Oh wonderful," he said with a slight smile before tucking the message away in his coat pocket and looking back over towards Mahendra. "If you would just follow me, I do need to make a quick stop before I take you to the curator."

"I dare say those are quite remarkable," a voice chimed in from behind where Mosi was seated. An older man was standing over her and looking down at the sketches she had pulled out. "Oh do forgive me ma'am. Mr. Khons, curator of the museum. I just couldn't help but look as I passed by. It is wonderful to see foreigners taking such an interest in our little slice of historical display," he said giving a slight bow as he introduced himself and stepped around her to offer his hand in greeting instead of remaining behind her.

"We get so few American's in here," he added as he looked over her attire. "Well ones that seem to take a true interest in what gems the Nile produces instead of just a passing fancy because it is in the in thing. A breath of fresh air compared to the ones I currently have to deal with," he added before his head snapped around as he heard his name being called out. It was Ahkmed with someone in tow approaching. "Excuse me," he said to Mosi before stepping over towards Ahkmed.


"Sorry to disturb you sir but I was just on my way to speak to the young lady over there and then come to find you but thank the pharaohs I have struck two cats with a single glance," Ahkmed began before explaining that Mahendra was there to apply for the position of Junior in the museum and that he appeared to have the required credentials.

"I see, yes, I will take over from here," Mr. Khons said, dismissing Ahkmed to tend to his duties and then looking over towards Mahendra. "Let us speak in my office," he said motioning for Mahendra to follow him as Ahkmed bid farewell and good luck to Mahendra and then headed over towards Mosi.

"Mosi, I have splendid news," he said pulling out the envelope from his pocket and handing it over to her. It was in Arabic. "My old friend Aton said he would be more than pleased to have you attend an evening exhibition. He has no class today unfortunately but he is willing to teach you should you find the exhibition he is doing tonight a fit for you."

"Enter," Vera said as she heard the knock and turned to her attention to the door. She froze in her place as the door opened and William of all people entered her office. Her lips pursed a bit and her eyes narrowed as he muttered an apology and headed back to the stacks. How dare he come back like this. Did he believe that an over abundance of flowers would set things right so he could just stroll right back into her haven?

Shaking her head she turned her attention back to the conversation at hand. She had asked Neema why she was there and what history she had in the city. Neema had been all to happy to answer any questions, informing the women there of her past with the museum and the curator on a professional level, the tiles, the digs she had helped with, and so forth. It had left Vera rather surprised and impressed, if it were true. She would need confirmation. "I see, I will have to speak with Mr. Khons of course about this."

"Would expect no less my dear," Neema said with a nod.

"Though I believe he is in meetings today trying to hire a new Junior here in the museum so that will have to wait. Yet with Lady Kingston's history and such I see no issue if you would like to take a look at what we discovered this past night," she said as she pointed over towards a table at the far end of her office where she had thankfully moved the tiles last night, otherwise they would have come under the heel of Mr. Drakes boots when he put them up on her desk just a short time ago.

"Lady Kingston, if you would be so kind as to show Neema the tiles and perhaps show Ms. Ridgeway here as well. I believe I need to attend to an elephant in the room before it turns into a bull in a china shop," she said glancing towards the flowers from Mr. Drake that were sitting before them. Neema took the hint and looked over towards Nora, awaiting her.

Vera rose from her place as she smoothed out her skirt and took a deep breath. Turning and making a beeline for the stacks after she excused herself. Walking over towards William she had it all planned out in her head what she would stay. She would give him a right good scolding for pulling such a prank on her, for playing with her feelings like that with the flowers, for taunting her, for dare insinuating that he was of noble birth by signing the card as Sir Drake. Yet, nothing came out of her mouth besides a rather sudden "Ahhck!" as the woman tripped over the edge of one of the runners and fell forward, landing with her face planted right into Williams chest. "Oh fuddle," she muttered as her hands clung to his shoulders to keep from continuing to fall.

Aziza Tarek

Location: Gheit el Idda: Aziza's Home

Aziza stayed behind Harry as he entered the apartment, giving a few moments before she followed. She was nervous to enter but found that she was even more so standing out on the veranda alone. Harry gave her a sense of calm when she was around him, she felt safe. Even if her apartment still held an intruder, if Sgt. Walsh was there she was far less worried than being out alone in the open considering everything.

Slowly she stepped inside and her hand came to her lips as she looked around at what she had called her home for the last several years. The place was in ruins, her things strone about without care. The life she had built for herself had been violated and with a single glance she could feel a knot tightening in the pit of her stomach. She had been worried about joining this little expedition but after seeing what someone had done to her home she decided that it was best for her to collect what things she needed right then, send for the rest, and never step foot into her domicile again.

Looking over towards Harry as he spoke to her, her eyes were misty with tears that were threatening to form. She found it hard to swallow the lump in her throat but she managed eventually as she stepped closer to him and rested her head on his chest seeking a comfort right then she knew only he could provide. "I will have to move," she said quietly as her arms came around him and she clung to his form, trying to fight off the want to melt into a sobbing heap. She had worked so hard over the years to build a life here in Cairo, one in which if she was ever able to see her son again she could bring him to. That was all gone now because of someone. They had taken the home she had built and turned it into a crime scene where safety was no longer an option. She would have to move. Start over again once they returned from the expedition. Have to leave the city. Perhaps the Lord Majors offer to leave the country was not such a bad one right then.

Pulling back she looked up with sorrow in her eyes to Harry. "Just...just let me gather me things," she stuttered as she reluctantly pulled away from him. If she had not been so fearful that who ever had done this atrocity would return she could have easily remained there against him for hours. Turning she wiped a tear away and girded her loins, taking a deep breath as she walked with determination through her home. Gathering clothing, papers, what she felt she could need not only for the expedition but anything else she might need just in case she could never step into the apartment again.

It did not take her long before she had systematically packed three bags with nearly anything of value in them. A steely look of fear laced with anger seemed to fuel her as she packed as quickly as her fingers folding would let her. She was shaking visibly as she did but she managed in silence. It was obvious there was a strength beneath the fragile surface that was beginning to show through the cracks. Aziza had never thought of herself as a strong person but she had to have been to survive the way she had over the years. Trauma pushed so many to an edge which they leapt off of but not her, she pushed through it each time and carried on.

Forcing a smile as she finished and set the last of her bags by the door she looked back over towards Harry. "I just need to change quickly," she added. There really was no place left for her to change in private. Doors were off the hinges. Shaking her head she grabbed what she had laid out to wear and motioned for Harry to turn around without a word. She changed quickly, slipping out of the attire she had been wearing the night before into something a bit more fitting for the day. It was a simple outfit, compared to what she had been wearing. Red, rose red with lace, overlayed with sheer tulle. She let her hair down fully and pulled a matching sheer wrap over her head, tucking a few loose strands behind her ears as she stepped in front of Harry and stepped into the red flat slipper by the door.

"I just need to get Drahl now," she said finally as she rested her hand against Harry's arm and let out a breath while she looked up at him. Without warning she leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. A bush came to her cheeks as she pulled back from the lingering kiss. "Thank you, for everything."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The street of Cairo, headed for the Barracks --> Qasr El Nil Barracks

Haakon's coughing didn't resume the same level of sound after those first coughs thanks to him taking the inhaling a little more with ease. The fresh drag of niccotine down in his lungs had burned intensly, but the relaxing toxins they let off was starting to take effect to the non-smoker, and now he felt himself breath a little slower.

The courtious behaviour of the legal officer wasn't something to scoff off either. For the first time since he had set foot inside the British miltiary installation, he felt that he was more than a guarded captive, perhaps even somewhat welcomed by them. Drinks and a little appitizer before their meeting with the Lord Mayor? For once the mention Lord Mayor Keystone didn't make Haakon sigh mentally, even if he didn't particularly look forward to talking about whatever they had found in his notes.

But that could wait, as Haakon looked at Josephine with narrowed eyes and lowered brows at her comment on her interrogator wanting more than just the interrogation. He understood that neither of them would have an easy time with their respective questioners, but...that? It made Haakon sick to his stomach, or was it the cigarette? All he knew was that as they were escorted back to their quarters, he felt a growing sense of hostility towards the prison-folk.

"The nerve those men at the prison has, to eye you up and down like that. And to think that they...that...Jo, I hope it never came close to actually becoming physical?" Haakon said in a hushed tone to his American friend, his lowered voice clearly filled with a mix of concern and spite.

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location:The Egyptian Museum

Over-qualified. At those words, Mahendra already felt the shameful feeling of rejection at yet another position. Perhaps it wasn't his fate to work in that establishment, or in Egypt at all? Perhaps the sign of cats had been anything but a welcoming, and rather a warning? Mahendra had heard that reason for not being employed before, and so it was far from an overreaction that spurred through his mind until he was told to follow Akhmed. With a surpressed smile of surprise pressed upon his face, the Bengali man dutifully followed him through the museum after patiently waiting for the messenger to give his note and leave.

Mahendra wasn't quite sure where they were going and what rooms they had passed, but he was doing his best to remember it for later. Less time spent wandering directionless in such a large establishment meant more work done, and all that followed henceworth. It then came as another surprise when he suddenly saw more people. One turned out to be the curator, the man either giving him a job or another polite 'good-bye'. When the curator told him to follow, his shoulders felt lighter once agan, and he walked after. "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: The Museum

Lauren looked towards Vera and then at Nora as she suggested that Nora should learn ancient Egyptian, that was a little bit out of her league she thought. Though it was probably a good idea for her to learn to make her job that much easier without having anyone else to translate for her. Though Lauren wouldn't mind listening to the translations, she leaned back slightly as she listened to Neema as she started to bring up her history on how she used to work for the museum as well as going onto digs with the curator of the museum and some of her history with him.

Then Lauren heard a knocking on the door her attention turned towards the door and spotted William there again, she wasn't expecting to see him again. He did ruin Vera's picture of her grandfather, Lauren imagined that Vera would end up just storming up to him and start yelling at him. Which Lauren could easily understand for her to, pictures were priceless memories especially if they were of a departed friend or family member that you were close with.

Lauren gave Vera an understanding nod as she stood up she was slightly curious about the tablets that they were mentioning, though she didn't know what they would be useful for on their little expedition a few days from now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: The Barracks

Josephine took the man's arm as he walked them back to their rooms. She wanted to do flips at the mention of drinks and food. They were being treated quite nicely now. Perhaps bygones were bygones now. Hopefully, she wouldn't hear of the prison people ever again. She really needed to get her bearings in order before she dealt with anyone else.

Haakon was sweet to worry about her, but it wasn't as if she didn't ask for that to happen. She fully intended to have the upper hand should it have gotten farther. "Your concern is touching, darling, but not needed. I dare say I would have handled that man, but luckily that was not the case. Either way, some food and drinks sound lovely. I could do with a bath, but I expect just a simple powder and a change of clothes will suit me just fine." She kissed Haakon on the cheek before she made her way into her room to await her blessings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

"Yes, quite an excitable fellow." agreed Reginald, in response to Peter's assessment of their most recent guest. "Prone to interesting fits, that Corporal, but loyal to a fault. A glaring, massive fault... But what ho? I'll have none of this "apologies" claptrap, Mr. Benaszewski. The Corporal's own bit of momentary weakness served to mirror my own, I'd surmise sir, and that was certainly not anything slanderous to your character." The Lord Major peered thoughtfully into whatever distance the walls of his office would allow, thinking out loud, "Strange, really: The Corporal and myself both are no strangers to injuries of open warfare, yet the circumstance left us both momentarily shaken. Curiosity abounds as to whether there is some bit of psychology over and above the obvious at play... Hmm..." He shook the idea off, unsure as to whether such a bent in the conversation would be uncomfortable to their guest or genuinely be a thing of interest. "But do forgive the ramblings of an old man."

He listened to the story that Peter prompted from George, one concerning the present vocation of their disfigured guest. A paid speak at a local University, no less, concerning a subject to which he was woefully overqualified to discuss. "I doff my cap to you, sir. Finding some measure of goodness and giving hope to others after enduring more than... Oh?" A knock sounded from behind Reginald's office door, interrupting his sentence.

"Tea service, Lord Major!" called a respectful voice from just outside.

"Ah yes! Very good. Please do come in." A thought of propriety occurred to him, "Actually, if you would, please just push the cart inside of the room. We shall see to ourselves, thank you." The Lord Major rose from his seat and quickly moved over to the door to take over. Propriety aside, he did not desire yet another outburst from his staff. "Lemon, you say?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

“Thank you.” Mosi replied almost right away, before she even turned to see who was speaking to her. Still any compliment on her skills was a rather flattering thing so she couldn't pass a word of thanks right away.” Well met, Mr. Khons, my name's Priscilla Harker.” She introduced herself real quick too as she took his hand in the greeting.” It is truly a remarkable slice of history. I've visited a few museums in my travels and studies and I find yours to be among the best if not the best.” Mosi quickly complimented his establishment.” Naturally such magnificent display inspires me quite well.”

“Of course.” She nodded as the curator moved to speak with Akhmed. A man was searching for a job it seemed. Well to each his goal in life. Though she had to admit that working at a museum like this was a rather tempting proposition. Not always a perfect fit, but even for someone like her it was rather curious. To have access to all the antiques at a place like this, to learn from them. Well then again she rarely settled at a single place for too long so who knew if she'd even fit in at a normal workplace.

“Great!” Priscilla stated with rather happy voice at the good news from Akhmed as she took the envelope. She opened it and took note of the Arabic. Well that was an issue, not a critical one of course, luckily. “ That's marvelous! I can barely wait for it! Thank you, Mr. Akhmed, I will make sure to attend.” She smiled.” Though if I may bother you a little bit more, can you tell me the location? I sadly can't read the letter, I have yet to learn the language.” So far this man has been really polite, kind and helpful to her. She felt she needed to buy him a drink sometime!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Gheit el Idda

Harry remained silent as he watched Aziza. Feeling her step closer and set her head on his chest, he lowered his rifle to the ground with one hand still on it, gently wrapping the other around her as he held her for a few moments, remaining silent - so as to not say the wrong thing. When she moved to pull away, he nodded his head and shifted his weapon back into both hands, settling the weight of it as he watched her. "Take all the time you need..." He uttered quietly, moving back towards the entry-way, giving her the privacy she needed to pack up her things, and to change, when she brought it up.

He dared not even take a glance over his shoulder after she uttered that she needed to change, finding himself instead staring rather intently at the door, considering there were no real areas she might be able to gain some proper privacy. The faint aura of awkwardness that came with the situation however, was vaguely amusing, and despite the awful situation the two of them were in at that moment, he had to fight to hold back a laugh at the embarrassing situation they had both suddenly ended up in, during a far more trying time.

He barely even heard her coming towards him until he saw her figure slip past him. He took a moment, looking over her new outfit, and found himself awestruck yet again. It didn't matter what Aziza wore, every time he saw her in a different outfit, and indeed, just every time he saw her, he was again taken aback by her incredible beauty. He had been about to speak up in a reply when he felt her lips press against his, the sergeant not hesitating for a moment as he leaned back into it, closing his eyes as he savoured the kiss for a few long moments. "That's already more than enough thanks, Aziza..." He smiled with a chuckle, attempting, at least slightly, to lighten the mood.

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

The look on Vera's face as William entered was not lost on the man, and he made his way towards the stacks, intending to conduct his research, and ideally slip away and be done before either of them would make any major scene for the displeasure of the other women in Vera's office. He was pleased to get by without any words said towards him, believing the ladies were content to ignore his transgression as he began to search for the information he desired in the stacks.

That was until he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. He didn't have to turn to know who it was, but he did anyway after a brief sigh. Seeing Vera storming towards him, determination and venom in her eyes, William braced himself for the lecture he was likely to be given, attempting to prepare some reasonable excuse for why he had returned. Then of course, she tripped. His arms flying out, William caught hold of Vera's shoulders, but not before she collapsed into his chest, his efforts merely holding her there and stopping her from falling as he looked down at her. He could have said something snarky, something to rile her up like he usually did, but he thought better of it, instead, he watched her with a genuine sort of concern. "Are you alright, Vera?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 1:45 P.M. Local Time

Peter & George

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office

Haakon and Josephine's escort made his way from their rooms respectively and headed back down the stairs. He had promised them a few moments to clean themselves and that he would send some minor refreshments. This wasn't something he was normally charged with, being the legal representation for the base, but it wouldn't hurt to take care of it himself. He figured after the trip to the prison and dealing with the corporal as their escort they could use a little break from the loud mouthed man. The corporal seemed to mean well enough but how the Lord Major had not seen fit to cut out his tongue by now was beyond him. Apparently the Lord Major had reserves of patience that few outside of Sainthood possessed.

"I am not surprised that you have found such work George. You seemed to be able to find a way continue on. I dare say there has to be a bit of Brit in you. Keep calm and carry on as we say," Peter said tapping his cane to the ground a bit.

George shook his head slightly. As he spoke it was clear he was answering the words of the Lord Major but speaking more or less to Peter. This seemed to be the way most of the conversation went. When he spoke directly to anyone but Peter, whom he knew well, his sentences were nearly nonexistent, and his words short. Yet when he spoke to Peter he was able to articulate himself very well even despite the gravel in his voice. "MMm, battle wounds, we become numb to. Many wounds are hidden beneath the clothing, mmm or removed completely," George said as he looked over towards Peters leg before turning his head away.

It was clear he was referring to the many that came home injured but were able to keep going on in society. Peter was obviously injured but it was covered by pants, others had lost limbs but those could be hidden under clothing or removed completely. George's injury was different. Half a tin face, covering wounds beneath. "This..." he said as he tapped the face plate, "keeps the carnage of war on the front lines and people are not expecting the front lines to walk right passed them in the middle of peace time."

Peter cocked a brow at the analysis of people's reactions to Georges face plate. The more he thought about it the more it made sense. During a war people expected to see injuries and death, especially if one was on the battle field or in a veterans hospital. Yet walking down the street, they were not prepared to see it staring them right in the face, literally. Unmoving, unalive, blank cold tin glare in their directions. "And so the war continues for you..." Peter said quietly as he rubbed the back of his neck. A slight grunt and nod came from George.

Looking over towards the Lord Major, George lifted his head some and changed the subject. He didn't want to continue with that part of the conversation. For him the war would never be over. "Yes..mmm, lemon."

Vera Munn

Location: Egyptian Museum: Her Office

Leading Mahendra, Mr. Khons walked to his office and showed the man inside before motioning over towards a seat in front of his desk. Making his way around the desk he sat himself down and removed his fez, setting it on the desk top lightly. "So, if you have gotten passed Ahkmeds initial overview I can easily know that you are well qualified for this position. The look he gave me tells me you are vastly over qualified. So please, tell me why you wish to work here instead of elsewhere? A junior position for someone with your background does seem like more than a simple step back to regroup, but a run back to change courses completely."

Ahkmed smiled over to Mosi. "If you wouldn't mind, I would be happy to escort you to the demonstration this evening. It has been some time since I have been able to visit my old friend and this would give me the perfect excuse to. We could meet at the front of the museum around 6 pm tonight? Would give you plenty of time to explore the museum, perhaps check out some of the local vendors to eat, and I would be very neglectful if I didn't suggest you at least changing into something you would mind having damaged or dirtied. Last time he conducted a demonstration he did call on one or two people to try their hand in front of the fire," the man suggested.

Watching Vera walk over towards where the man had gone, Neema turned her attention back over towards Nora and rose a brow. "Nora?" she asked, it had been a bit longer than one would expect a reply and Neema wondered if Nora was thinking on something. "The tiles? And what you found?" she added, nudging sightly as she pointed over to where Vera had mentioned in the office.

Shaking her head slightly, Vera said nothing to start. Just remaining where she was, leaning against William and taking a deep and nervous breath. "No, I am not," she stated through trembling lips. She wasn't okay. He had her mind all in an uproar and she didn't like that. She had been so ready to tear him a new one, to rip into him like there was no tomorrow and yet here she was, falling over herself once again. She had always been clumsy yet when he was around it was ten times worse. As if there was nothing that could stop her from falling. She could be seated, perfectly still, and still find a way to fall out of her chair.

"Why are you doing this?" she finally asked. Her dark eyes coming up to his slowly, she still hadn't moved from his arms, no effort to right herself. What was the point? She would just trip again and did she really even want to move at that point? What was coming over her? He vexed her so, caused her blood to boil and her pressure to rise. Why on Earthw ould she want to remain in his arms? "Why now?"

Aziza Tarek

Location: Gheit el Idda: Aziza's Home

Aziza smiled warmly towards Harry and giggled a bit. "Then let's be on our way, would you mind?" she asked as she pointed over towards her bags. She had one of them in her hand, there was another that needed to carried down as well. "Shall we?" she asked before lacing her arm through his and waiting on him to grab her other bag. If he didn't she would take it herself but something told her he would be the gentleman that she had come attached to in a rather deep way quickly over these last couple of days.

Making her way down the stairs and around the corner she found herself in front of a small private stall where residents of the building could keep their horses if they owned one. There were several being kept there but as Aziza made herself seen it was rather obvious which one was Dralh. The horse neighing loudly and jerking his head up and down with excitement as Aziza smiled. He was a stunning stallion. Grey with black mane, a pure Arabian, who stood over fifteen hands in height.

"Dralh," she said as she set her bag down and walked over to his stall. Picking up the saddle set over the side of his stall she got to work on saddling him. The saddle wasn't like most. It was obviously different than the standard ones. Sleeker, with odd placements of added materials. She worked quickly and ran her hand down the front of Dralh's face, giving him some much needed attention.

After a moment she grabbed her bags and attached them to the back of the saddle before gathering the folds of her skirt and mounting the horse rather effortlessly. "Would you open the gate?" she asked as she took the reigns and looked down at the small gate keeping her and her horse separated from the rest of the city.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

Nora couldn't help but be surprised by Lady Munn's suggestion. Would she be able to learn such an intricate and difficult language? She doubted that she could do it in a few sessions of study. It was a skill Nora was certain would take her years to acquire, years of rigorous study and inquiry. The confidence displayed on Neema's part was surprising as well. While Nora had studied mathematics and could detect patterns with the aid of references, she felt that languages were an entirely different skill in order to understand them without reference. They required memorization and constant repetition.

"Forgive me, I appear to have been lost in thought for a moment," Nora finally said. It wasn't entirely unusual for her to become intently focused on her own thinking and temporarily forget her surroundings. Nodding at Neema, she then motioned for her and Lauren to follow her, as she headed over towards where the tiles were kept. Nora was hesitant to touch the tiles directly without gloves, instead figuring that for now, they should be fine to remain on the table. She didn't want to ruin a priceless artifact, especially one of this importance.

"These are the tiles that Lady Munn examined the previous evening. I had begun to detect a cryptographic element in them that appeared to be the marking of a cipher, yet I was not able to make much progress beyond that," Nora said softly. She imagined that Vera and William would be exchanging words and that having her voice carry over to them may not be the best course of action. "There was the divine ratio -- phi."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: The Museum

Lauren looked towards Nora for a moment and nodded as she followed her over towards Vera's desk, she looked down at the old looking tablets that were on the desk. She wasn't sure what their significance were, they did look very old and priceless and wondered what they actually were used for back in the day. "So what were these used for back then anyway?" Lauren asked, looking between Nora and Neema, since the two of them seemed to have some grasp on what they really were or knew something from them.

Lauren leaned back as she looked over her shoulder wondering how things between Vera and William were. So far she didn't hear any sort of yelling, so it was possibly a good sign then that they maybe able to forgive one another. Lauren looked towards Nora as she started to speak a little bit, she then eyed the tablet for a moment she was still very confused on what she mentioned, Lauren didn't know what phi meant at all and decided to remain pretty quiet after that and decided to listen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

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Harry Walsh

Location: Gheit el Idda

Even before Aziza motioned towards the bag, Harry had moved to retrieve it. Adjusting his slings somewhat, he hauled it over his shoulder along with his own bag, his rifle tucked nicely between them as well as he followed her out of the room and back down the stairs. Moving into the stall with her, he glanced around briefly, examining each of the horses before he set his gaze upon Dralh. He smiled as he looked the creature up and down, letting Aziza comfort and saddle it as he stared. Horses were something Harry had grown used to seeing during the war, but a creature as fine as this one was still a rarity, indeed - only the bedouins ever had horses as beautiful as Dralh was as far as Harry had recalled. All of Aziza's praise of the creature suddenly made an incredible degree of sense in his mind.

As Aziza mounted Dralh, Harry gave her a smile and nodded, carefully opening the gate and taking a step aside so Dralh could momentarily stretch his legs. He moved closer and ran a gentle hand along the side of the beasts' neck, speaking in a hushed, warm tone to him as he walked back outside with Aziza and Dralh, allowing the horse to get used to his voice briefly as he walked along. He knew horses well after all, and knew that it would be foolish to have taken Dralh's reigns to lead the creature, or to have disrespected it in any way. Horses were noble beasts, and they demanded respect.

When they returned to Roach, Harry took a moment to climb back up into his saddle, adjusting the reigns in his hands as he glanced over to Aziza with a smile. "Back to the barracks, then." He nodded, as if to confirm that there was nowhere else she planned to visit before they returned, though for now, he began to canter through the clearer streets, occasionally glancing back to ensure Aziza was close enough for conversation at the very least.

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

William was somewhat surprised as Vera chose to remain against him, but it was not an unpleasant feeling. The small, miniscule part of his conscience that tried to ensure he held himself with some modicum of respect assured him that it would be best to help her stand up straight, even if she made no effort to himself. Yet, a far stronger part of his heart had no desire to. He welcomed the closeness the two of them had then, even with the tension that still kept them separated by a miles' length. His expression made no change as she spoke originally, it had been the answer he expected, even if he knew she was not talking about a sore ankle or a bruise, but something far more complicated.

As she asked her question, William sighed. There were times he had been on a dig, locked in the darkness of an ancient ruin, puzzled by some ancient riddle or puzzle which kept him locked away from some great secret or treasure. He would sit for hours, days, even weeks, perplexed and entranced by this riddle. At that moment he realized that Vera had been such a riddle, yet there was no treasure in it, she was not a prize, as she insisted he viewed her. And in fact he knew that this was why he was drawn to her, Vera was an engima, a puzzle and a mystery which defied explanation in all ways men can conceive. "Because I don't want to pretend anymore." The answer came from his lips, but it was not anything he had thought to say. It came from the soul, and even had he attempted to stop it, there would have been no luck. His eyes remained locked on her, his hands still holding her as she stood against him, silence filling the room aside from the two of them, as he waited for her response.
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Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

Mosi was rather impressed and amuse when Akhmed proposed to lead her to the location of the demonstration. In a way it reminded her of a rather well played date invitation. She realized full well that was NOT the case(probably) an she didn't feel such emotions too, but she had to admire it non the less.” I would be happy, Akhmed.” She smiled.” Thank you for all the aid you've given me despite just meeting me.” Mosi thanked him truthfully, from heart.

“Hmm to finish a meal might be good. I did stop my lunch halfway because of rather curious coincidences it appears.” She smiled amused.” That's a great idea, as for the clothing though... I would have to return to my hotel if so.” Priscilla explained with a thoughtful expression.” I also had planned to visit a few stalls that were selling wonderful cloth on my way back too. Ahh it appears I will have to cut my visit to this wonderful museum shorter than even I expected for the first day. Still it's been a wonderful development. 6 pm it would be, friend.” She smiled.” I will wait you outside as you proposed.”

It was a wonderful day, filled with weird suspicious coincidences and nice people so far!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Reginald took over the role of servant, of a sort, in his own office. He had waved away the tea steward earlier in hopes of avoiding another incident like the one that had embarrassed himself, and then his "favorite" Corporal. He didn't know much of anything about this George Benaszewski aside from the fact that he was a friend of his nephew's from the Great War, but it was enough. Even if he were some manner of crazed, opium addicted menace to society, he would receive proper decorum on his base until his actions dictated otherwise. "Lemon, yes quite..." he mused, counting out several very thin, semicircular slices of the tangy citrus fruit with a small pair of metal tongs, placing them on the saucer in front of him except for one. Proper service suggested that it should be hung from the edge of his teacup with the remainder set beside; if he wanted a touch more (or a lot more) it was calmly at his disposal, for use in several cups of tea or lumped into one if he so desired.

Then again, the man was American. Such civilized customs might elude him for that detail alone. But no! He was a gracious host. The Lord Major would educate his guest with minimal prompting, as it suited their preference.

Again, Reginald's mind went back to the visitor he had yet to receive, and the phone call that had yet to ring. Maybe he was giving too little time for such logistics to be made available. No, it was better to wait for a while. He had guests anyway, and though his office wasn't the greatest place to entertain, it would suffice for the meantime. At the very least, it would suffice well enough for tea service for three people before he had to get back to the business of quartermastering an expedition to the unknown.

"Well, let us not dwell upon things of depressing note, gentlemen. We were all part of the Great War; experienced it firsthand, the grime and glory of it, both. Let us speak of things more uplifting, if old soldiers like ourselves are able. What say you? Here, here we are... Peter, Mr. Benaszewski, have you the opportunity to sample much of the local cuisine? You Americans are fond of your coffees, but have you imbibed a thick, potent cup of Cairo black? It is quite the experience, you see."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Josephine Clark

Location: The Barracks

Josephine entered her room and fell upon her bed with the dramatization that only real actresses could muster. The day's events were torturous. Not only was she subjected to sights and smells that would put anyone over the edge, but she came dangerously close to doing something that, while she normally enjoyed it, would have made her sick to her stomach. Still, the ordeal was over and she was allowed to rest and would be getting food and drink soon.

She changed her clothes. She opted for a nice blue dress and a pair of black heels. She checked her make-up and, once satisfied, sat down to wait for the man to return.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

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Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The street of Cairo, headed for the Barracks --> Qasr El Nil Barracks

If it hadn't been her words, Josephine's kiss on Haakon's cheek calmed him down from the earlier conversation. Either it was her calm attitude towards the sitation or the kiss itself, but the trace of spite in Haakon melted away like the snow in spring. Instead he found himself breathing calmly again, like he had continued smoking that cigarette, thought that still rested half-smoken between his fingers. And like Josephine, he entered his quarters to get changed.

First off him was his fedora, thankfully untouched by the bloody table standing between his interrogator and Haakon Then his sweaty shirt and dirtied pants from the little joy-ride with the prison-van. After a quick wash of his face, Haakon had the privilige of changing clothes for the first time in what felt like forever. He chose to wear a clean, white shirt and light brown pants. Less formal than what he had worn before, but it was far less dirty and smelly after their endevours, so he wasn't complaining.

But what then? Haakon looked down at his pocket-watch, wondering how much time had passed. How much time did he have before the legal man returned? Soon? Five minutes? The longer he looked at it, the longer time felt passing, and so he pocketed the watch. No need to stand there and watch time fly, even though that was pretty much all he had energy for right then.

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location:The Egyptian Museum

"My good Sir, mostly two reasons weigh in on my wish to seek employment here." Mahendra said most humbly to Mr. Kohns as he was asked about his reasoning for applying there. Like the man holding Mahendra's imminent future in his hand - beside the Gods of course -, the Bengali removed his hat, but placed in calmly in his lap while he folded his hands.

"I'm deeply interested in the archelogical significance that is unfolding itself here in Egypt, Sir. Yes, I might have been involved in digs of interest both in England and my own homeland, but Egypt is...Egypt, Sir. And then there is my personal reasons. I served here in Egypt, defending the Canal from Turks. I became a man in your land, Sir, and the memories of friendship and war I have not forgotten. Perhaps that also is why I am here, as to not forget in the first place..."

Mahendra sighed quietly, leaning forward slightly over the desk as if not wishing to be overheard. "My background may sound promising, but as an Indian I am...well, not particuarly renowned as more than an assistance in those projects. I am by no means a rich man of my occupation, and so I take what I can. Perhaps this run-back, as you say, can get me on a righter track this time?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 1:50 P.M. Local Time

Peter & George

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office

Peter took the offered cup and thanked his uncle. George did the same, giving a slight grunt when he did as if to clear his throat. "I wish I had but considering I just arrived," Peter said with a wink. "In fact now that I think on it, I haven't had but a bite of a morsel since I arrived. This morning completely missing breakfast due to the excitement. I should truly eat something more substantial."

"mmm, Your waist would beg to differ," George said with a bit of mischievousness in his eye before taking a sip of the tea.

Peter's eyes darted over to his friend, a look of offense crossing his gaze before he chuckled. "You fink. Do not dare poke fun at the breadth of my mid section. I am in prime marrying form," Peter scoffed, patting his abs some what.

"mm, yes. Fattening up for the cold nights to come," George added with amusement and Peter just laughed. It seemed the two enjoyed the tit for tats between them and Peter was looking more at ease with George having arrived. "Have not tried coffee here, kept to myself," he said turning his attention over towards Reginald and finally addressing his question. His words always seemed short and broken when he was speaking to anyone other than Peter, perhaps it was the nerves. Then his brow rose slightly, both did actually but one could not see the other from behind the mask. Turning in his chair slightly he looked back at Peter. "Wait, marriage?"

Peter let out a good "Ha! There it is!" he said triumphantly. "I wondered when you would pick up on that. Yes. Marriage."

Setting the tea cup back down on the saucer that he held in his other hand George slid to the edge of his seat. "You only just returned from what I have read. Who are you marrying? Mmm, some fan for war hero's?"

A knock came at both Josephine and Haakon's doors in near unison. Outside of their doors where their guards now stood were another set of soldiers. Privates from the markings on their uniforms. "Tea Service," they announced through the doors. Each of them held a tray in their hands with a kettle of boiling water, an assortment of teas, vessels of lemon, sugar, honey, and milk, as well as several finger sandwiches and scones with a slathering of jams and butter on a side plate. It was the simple food that had been promised to them after they freshened up and before they were taken to speak with the Lord Major.

"May I enter?" each of them asked and if allowed they would bring the trays in and set them down on their respective tables, asking if they would like for them to pour the water and steep the tea for them before they left. They also brought a message. That their guards would show them down to the Lord Majors office in thirty minutes to meet with him and such. They hoped that would be enough time for them to be able to enjoy the little bit of food before they had to go. Once they were finished they showed themselves out of the door, closing it behind them. If they were not allowed in, they would relay the messages and leave the tray at the foot of the door. Either way it mattered not to either of the men.

Vera Munn

Location: Egyptian Museum: Her Office

Neema looked over towards Nora and smiled in an understanding fashion. "No apologies needed, it happens to all of us," she said in a grandmotherly voice. Rising from her place she followed Nora over to the tiles and glanced down at them as she listened to what Nora had to say. Her brow quirking slightly as she mentioned phi. "Then you have made progress. We had not seen that when we first found them," she admitted. It wasn't something they had even considered back then. Their main concern being with deciphering the hieroglyphics. Mathematics wasn't what they were concerned about. It was about the history. She gave Nora a nod as she looked back over towards the woman. "Astounding," she said in a surprised voice.

Turning her attention over towards Lauren she took a breath before she began to speak. Her accent was heavy but her English was sound as always. "We were not quite sure. These were decorative pieces on a temple, carefully removed. Normally we would have left such wall faces in place but they were becoming damaged with weathering and age, as anything would over 3000 years old. Yet they held so many hieroglyphics we dare not leave them. Their ease of removal, their small size, their age and historic value. They would have been an easy take for treasure hunters and one that was rather profitable. We were luck to find them before some thief did."

Turning her attention back to the tiles she held a finger out and counted them out in her head. "This is but a small portion of the ones we removed. And far out of order from how they were placed on the walls." There was a tone of concern in her voice as she pulled her finger back. Why were so few up here? Was it that the librarian hadn't want to pull all of them? If that was the case, why not bring them up in order? The thoughts and reasons to why seemed to cause a vexed expression to come across the old woman's features. "You are missing over two scores worth of tiles. This one was the second removed, this the seventh, this the twenty-third, and this one was the forty-first," she said pointing them out with ease.

Vera found herself lost in Williams eyes and even more so in his words. He didn't want to pretend anymore? Those words caused a tensing in her heart, a gentle ache that she couldn't explain. Was she becoming ill once again? Oh what a time to be coming down with a sickness that seemed to come and go with the wind. One moment she felt fine, the next she felt the heat growing in her cheeks, warmth growing in her body, her breath becoming sharp and deep. It was all so perplexing and she hadn't a clue to why it was happening.

"Pretend?" she finally managed to eek out. Then it dawned on her what he could be meaning by his words. Another game for him to play. To taunt and tease her. Perhaps his pretending had been the rare moments of kindness he had shown her and now he wasn't going to pretend to be such anymore. He was just going to blatantly pursue her. Of course he was. Peter was here now, he had made his affections known, he was courting her. He had sought out Reginald's permission to do so, he was sending her flowers. It was proper courtship with talks of engagement and marriage. Ones hat had happened before the war and now that he ha returned he intended to follow through with it in a gentlemanly fashion.

Yet then there was William. He was no gentleman. He flittered about Cairo, seemingly to bed anything he could capture. Nothing in her mind told her that his intentions were pure or honorable. That he wished to pursue her for a long term anything. That she was nothing more than a prize in his mind, another notch in his bedpost. Just the evening previous he had accepted, nay even welcomed the advances of Miss Clark. Why was he doing this now? It had to be because Peter was there. Now she was no longer the unwanted bluestocking. A potential future member of his street harem that could be put on the back burner until he was bored with the rest of what Cairo had to offer.

Slowly she righted herself and pushed a step back out of his arms. She had remained in them far too long and she could only thank the Nile that Peter or Reginald or anyone from the ton had not caught glimpse of her momentary lapse of prudence. To be caught in such an embrace could have easily caused her such a headache to deal with and with how things were going, she needn't any other aliments afflicting her. Her eyes darted down and away from Williams as she straightened herself and squared her shoulders. She had to put a stop to this. She couldn't risk Peter becoming offended. He and her were a good fit for each other. Marriage had never been a high priority for Vera, and when Peter was declared dead she had written off ever going through with such. Now that he returned though, it was in her mind her only prospect. And in her mind the only probably reason that William was doing anything in her direction at this point.

"Oh, so that's it? Lord Keystone is courting me now, so now I am worth pursuing in you mind? Now that a gallant, handsome, well educated, titled, and charming war hero has his mind set to marry me I am worth your attention?"

"Do not mention it, it is my pleasure," Akhmed assured Mosi. "I will see you this evening then. I will let my friend Aton know we will both be attending this evening. If you have any questions I will be here at the museum until close. Just ask the front desk for me if I am not there and they will send word for me post haste," he added before bidding her farewell. He had work to do and did not want to be caught having to stay late because he had been lax in his duties. Attending to Mosi was part of his job but he had others he had to see to as well. Some of them were not his to do but he had taken them on himself none the less. He hoped to become assistant curator one day and perhaps even take over Mr. Kohns position. If he were to reprimanded for not completing his duties it would not bode well for his prospects.

Mr. Kohns was aware of Akhmed's future plans, it was one of the reasons he had asked him to vet prospective applicants. The man seemed to be doing his job as he listened to Mahendra. After the man finished speaking he nodded. "I see. Well most informative. I dare say that you could fit this position well yet I wonder if it is something you are going to want to take on considering the circumstances," the curator said before adding a bit more. "Our circumstances. Not yours."

Taking a breath the man leaned forward and laced his fingers together. "You see, this position is to give aide to a certain member of the museum. I will be blunt. The person you would be working under is English, and a woman. Not many in our profession but her uncle was the main financial supporter of the King Tut dig and the reason we are doing so well. She is hot tempered at times, far to blunt for her gender, and how we have not managed to be destroyed by her clumsiness is beyond me. She is petitioning to lead an expedition. I will be granting it to her. Not because I believe anything will come of it but because the site was deemed cleared many moons ago and it will get her out of my hair for a time."

Aziza Tarek

Location: Streets of Cairo Headed Towards Barracks

Trotting out slowly on her stallion, Aziza smiled down towards Harry. "Thank you," she said softly before the gate was closed and Harry saddled himself on his mare. Nodding ever so slightly she cantered behind Harry through the narrow street until things widened a bit and then brought herself up next to him. She felt more at ease on a horse than she did walking the streets. While they were noticeable right then, she felt more sure of herself. If something happened they would be able to gallop away quickly and crowds seemed to part when horses came rushing through. On foot, it was easier to be grabbed and snatched down an alleyway. Yet she missed the charade. Being that close to Harry, in his arms, leaning against him. It had felt so wonderful. Hadn't she been so fearful of someone finding her and finishing the task she was sure they were on, she would have opted to just lead the horses and stay closer to the man at her side.

Lost in her thoughts, her eyes would occasionally move to Harry before looking forward again. The thought of taking the Lord Major up on his offer to get her out of the country was becoming more appealing. Especially now that it was more than clear that her home had been broken into the night before and that the life she had built for herself here in Cairo had been subsequently violated. To such an extent even that there was not recovering from it. She would have to start a new but where? She did not want to leave Egypt. Her son was here. Yet what would it matter if she were killed? Yet if she left, would she ever see the sergeant again? That had not been a concern before but now it was. Or would moving to England make things simpler? Allow her to start again, in a place where Harry was from. Would he even want her there?

So many thoughts she had become silent during the ride. Her facial expression moving from adoring to worried to vexed to concerned and back again. Running the gambit of emotions she was feeling at the time. Taking a breath she turned her attention back to Harry. "Sorry, lost in thought," she said apologizing for her silence. Smiling to him she continued. "What do you think of..." she began but stopped herself from saying "us". "This expedition we are supposed to be going on?" she finally added.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

Nora's cheeks had a delicate flush to them after Neema praised her for her analysis of the tablets. It wasn't something that Nora felt was unique to her - any mathematician with an interest in amateur cryptography could have done the same. Why, the Lord Captain that had been here the previous evening likely would have made the same conclusion. He was particularly famous for his achievements in mathematics. She herself had only received a certificate, as degrees were not granted to women.

The flush thankfully faded from her cheeks as Nora listened to the rest of Neema's information. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the revelation that these tablets were incomplete. While she was aware that there were more pieces awaiting them, she didn't understand as to why so many other tablets the museum collected were missing. Perhaps they had gone amiss in the archive? Lady Munn did not strike her as the sort who would willingly withhold information. Yet Neema's words seemed to be true - there had to be more tiles about.

"Perhaps we might search the archives for the remaining tablets," Nora suggested. "It is not outside of the realm of possibility that they were simply misplaced."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

“See you later, Akhmed.”As the moved to return to his work, Mosi too bid him a farewell as she too looked around. Yeah the museum ha a lot more to offer. Much more to see, learn and sketch. She was so going to be visiting a tomorrow too. Maybe it was better to return to the hotel for now... or rather go shopping on her way back to the hotel. Yeah that nice side alley had very good selection of different items from trinkets to cloths and the like.

With one final look about the area, she smiled to herself, put back on her cowboy hat, hide away the sketchbook into one of her bigger pockets of her jacket and headed out of the museum, stopping outside the entrance, looking around once more.” Yeah... I like this place.” She mused to herself, enjoying the sun the atmosphere in general. With that she quickly picked up the pace and headed back towards that side alley. She was going to say hello to the nice people at the eatery and then browse for some nice cloth she could use to make some clothing when she gets the chance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: The Museum

Lauren looked towards Neema as she answered her question and then looked back towards the tablets, they were used for decorations inside of a temple then. But she remained quiet as she looked at Nora seeing her friend flush for a moment at the praise and gave her a friendly smile, she was certainly a lot smarter then she was. Neema then started to point out that there were a few of them missing from what was already there. Lauren looked to each one that was there, then she started to wonder where the others were most likely all in storage as the others had said. Lauren slowly ran a hand through her hair as she leaned forward slightly and looked at each one of them closely.

Vera probably had access to the rest of them wherever they were inside of the museum, but then she did think for a moment that maybe that they could possibly been stolen by someone as well. But she decided to keep that suggestion to herself, Lauren then leaned back looking between Neema and then Nora. "So I guess we just have to wait for Vera to swing back then right?" Lauren asked.
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