Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Animal maintenance was never really Amy's thing, dealing with animals was a chore for her. She couldn't hold it against Wintergarden, it was her horses they were taking care of and they were needed - besides, everyone does their part in Last Hope. There no were freeloaders and Amy knew that was the truth, working hard and always working is what kept her useful to the town and it's what kept her around for the years to come. Never bite the hand that feeds you, unless you're looking for a fight. She shook it off though, work was work and it's how it's been and how it always will be. For now, Amy sat down her gear and helped the other unpack from the journey, working on the horse's feet was the least she can do - considering she was riding one of them for hours.

It wouldn't be until later did she find herself alone once again, by the water as everyone was out bathing or messing around in the water. She was up against the rocks as she observed those who took the time to bathe and horse around, of course not out of an urging perversion but most likely as a past time. People watching, of course, those who would notice and take note of Amy's position they could draw the conclusion that she was eyeballing everyone, in some capacity. Perched on one of the mossy, nature infested rocks of the lakebed Amy looked up to the sky as the blue sky and clouds oozed color and life into the world above them. It was breath-taking if one was inclined and accepting of nature.

The view was short lived though.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Lonely Road - Interacting With: Benny, Jain & Hector - Mentioned: Summermoon, James, April & Jax

No matter how they felt about Benny's death, the expedition continued its way down the lonely road. Leaving the dead behind was something that didn't sit well with Maisy, yet it was what it was in the cruel world they lived in. Riding by the boy's cold body, Maisy took off the leather cowboy hat that her father had given his daughter as a good luck charm. With closed eyes and a nod, Maisy pulled it back from her chest as Summermoon accomplished her ritual. It wasn't the best goodbye Maisy could have given Benny, but it was a rancher's goodbye.

Placing the hat back on her head, Maisy rode forward to catch up with the rest of Beta squad. The remainder of the trip was as uninteresting as it could have been. Excluding a walker that Alpha squad had missed and soon was dispatched, the ride was a mixture of silence and a few sparse conversations. Amelia was running some of the expedition members ragged, while some spoke of Benny's death or simply stayed quiet. Maisy didn't think much of it at the time, her mind focused on getting Beta squad and their companions to the Falls.

A quick glimpse to the sky had Maisy figure that Hector's squad was already there, and surely they would be too soon. Indeed, it wasn't long before they had reached the Falls. At first, the noise and commotion had put Maisy on edge. There was a lot of splashing around and yelling, which had worried Maisy until she realized it had been just Hector and April goofing off. Seeing such laughter and joy brought a smile to Maisy's face, reminding her that there was still some light in the darkness.

Then, things had taken a toll for the worse once more. April's pit bull, Jax, had a deep cut that had been splattering blood all over the place. They had James to help, but something was more than alarming to Maisy. April had mentioned there being a bear nearby, and Maisy wondered what should be done. They weren't exactly armed to hunt bears as much as they were to hunt the dead. With a motion of her hand, Maisy called over Hector and Jain to hear out their opinion.

"Luck hasn't been on our side today." Maisy pointed out, crossing her arms as her boots crunched forest debris underneath them. "I'm sure James can help Jax, but a bear? We're armed with sticks and wooden hammers which ain't going to protect anyone from a bear. I can have Beta stay on look out for Crazed, but if a bear comes waltzing in, I believe it's best to get back on the road." Maisy explained, hoping the others would see her side of the view. Rest of not, it was their duty to ensure the safety of the expedition.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looks for her second in command Maisy finding her discussing the problem with the Bear and smiles

We have an edge, Summer has an ergot tar she can coat a few arrows with. It usually don’t kill the bear but hit him with another arrow a few months later and they head hell and leather out O there; Raintree had me and some others do an experiment.

Trouble is she needs to make it and you have a 2 hour window to find the dam critter for it dries. It takes about 5 minutes to zap the bear but the critter drops like a rock when it does. I seen em puking and expelling liquid outta every exit except their ears; wasn’t pretty site but it works.

Rafe and April ought to be able to get close and dose the critter; better than a squad of horses and Troopers trying to bash heads with a Brown bear which the Bear will know are there by the sounds they make an how much harder it is to hide more than 2
She says as if she were only the Chief Scout of the Expedition Informing the officers of the Troop.

I wish I could send you lot ahead but they nailed a Captain’s hat on me so don’t matter that I’m one of the best damn hunters among my generation.

I hunted Griz before and he is in the end a predictable animal so my Scouts will do the job.

I sent Rafe ahead to the Falls because I know he’s done a once over of the subdivision cross the river about a year ago. Nothing detailed but he did find a locked Geek Van with a scad of tech and tools. He reported no Risen but he was moving quiet so we’ll do this in sweeper search teams.

So in the morning as a drill to remind everyone that when we get spread out we get cut off and when we get cut off we pay for it someway.

Back to the Basic I guess

Rotate the watch (NPC) and see about curbing the frivolity level, don’t want to be a wet blanket but bears ain’t the only things around here that got ears.

I’m fetching me a bath

Jain turns and heads to the water’s edge where she strips all the way down and dives in swimming down into the cold mountain water and rests on the bottom for a few minutes before surfacing.

She still felt hot headed and if she wasn’t the damn Captain she’d head out for that damn bear and bring back his or her skin by morning and sleep warm and toasty under it after she cured his hide.

Near shore she encountered Summer who was washing clothes in the water and they turned out to be Jain’s .

What the hell am I supposed to wear now that you’re washing my laundry? she demands of the odd little woman who points over her shoulder at a towel and a change of clothes down to her socks.

You should never put dirty clothes on a freshly washed body; I brought shampoo, it even foams which helps lift the dirt. It might tingle a little cause I added a little something to kill bugs by drowning them. But before Zero I could have made money with my all natural products, now I share it with friends and trade the special stuff for work said Summer never looking up as Jain chuckled at the idea of shampoo.

Was she ever going to forgive her for making her breakout when she tried out some of Summer’s bug repellent, it was an allergic reaction that none of the Troopers or Scouts that used the same stuff and no complaints.

I checked for enough Ergot for a bear hunt and well half of it went bad so I need to grow some more but I do have something else to offer. The Poppies at timberline were fat this year so I have tons of opium paste. Not sure how much it will take to drop a bear but I have enough. she taps the top of a former cold cream jar that while made of bright blue glass it’s contents are so black they absorb light.

Then the Little Witch opens her arms wide causing the trees around the water to explode with about 22 ravens, a few black birds and crows thrown in for good measure.

Rafe & Summer

Summer looked at the Deerskin and Smiled
Thank you Raphael

Her tone is reverent as she says his full name. She told him once that he is named for a powerful spirit and that she refuses to anger that spirit by uttering even one syllable incorrectly

I understand you will be sent to find the Bear so I have something to make it easier to take him down. Opium paste with a touch of cannabis oils, a little peyote tea, I made it for pain if we had any injured. I was blasted all day and all i tried was a small touch of my tongue.

Dip your arrows before you shoot them and wait about two minutes between about three arrows first dose and two for second if you don’t want to kill it, if you do about 7 or 8 ought to be enough to make the Bear OD.

Then she fishes in one of three pouches hanging from her belt and draws out a huge black Bear’s claw.

Here to protect you or maybe wear because I went to the trouble making it but in any case what could it hurt? her voice altered to a more authoritive tone

Her smile is friendly as always but her eyes as usual are hard to tell if she’s high or so focused on believing her brand of spirituality which even she admits she is still working out

@Polaris North

Work is the eraser of all woes James and they need it said the Strawberry blond as she watched her brood

Then she turns and graces him with a s bright a cheerful smile as she says the most awful thing
Frankly I think at this rate if we don’t get our collective buts on the ball none of us will ever return home.

Me, I’m likely going to be taken as the unwilling bride of some Warlord out here in the Forsaken.

Cannibals are likely to dine on you then make your thigh bones as ceremonial flutes to some pagan God or Goddess they Worship.

I can hear them playing now

She says as if telling a fond memory.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Ryder Blaise

James shook his head at Amelia. Yes, he considered her a close friend. Yes, they knew each other for quite some time now. But her odd quirks always seem to put him off. However, this didn't mean that he'll just as suddenly not be friends with her anymore. In fact, it just made her all the more interesting even if she did speak more on the morbid side of things. He was pretty sure she didn't do these in front of the others to at least preserve the thought that she was quite a slave driver. Or maybe it was because no one really catches her off-duty like he does?

"Geez Petra, I don't need a foreboding possibility added to my already bleak future." James said while sticking out his tongue like a child. While James was considered an adult as you kind of grow old faster in Lasthope, or in this apocalyptic world in general, he was still prone to childish tendencies. It usually helped to lighten the mood really. He then crossed his arms and then continued, "But yeah, I guess it does keep their mind off of his death." He wasn't the kind of person who would give others jobs so that they could take their mind off of something, but he knew it was effective. He brought it upon himself before so that he can get over Valerie's death.

Before he could continue joking around with Petra, April had approached him. James turned to her quickly when he heard the urgency in her voice. He noticed that she was still dripping wet but his mind pushed that away when he saw Jax's condition. "Lay her down on the blanket. Quick." He said as he quickly took one out and then laid it down on top of the ground. He then took out his medicine kit and then listened to what April was saying while examining Jax's condition. April was comforting the dog so he was free to at least touch the irritated area and he could feel the dog's muscles tense up and obviously try not to bite his hand off.

"I imagine that the mere fact that you didn't quickly run to me when he was injured and when I came that it wasn't too bad." James then looked at her grimly before gesturing to one of the tents. "It's pretty deep though and he's lost some blood between the time he was injured and when you came to me so I need to stitch it up. James quickly picked up his medicine kit and then hurried to one of the pitched up tents so that there would be little distraction and once April follows with Jax, he prepared a sterilized blanket and was already preparing the materials for it. He didn't expect to already see such a case on the first day. First a death, now he had to suture a wound? It just keeps getting worse isn't it? But this was simple enough. As long as it wasn't infected.

He motioned for April to place Jax on the blanket. Since there were no elevated tables around, he had to make do. He's done this tons of times before... though this would only be the second time he did this outside Lasthope. He could see that Jax was already weak and very much in pain. He wished that they had pain killers to spare for the animals, but alas, that wasn't available. "Don't worry boy, I'll fix you up in no time flat so just relax." He put on his gloves and began to get to work. He disinfected the wound as best as he could and was pretty sure that there were no foreign materials that had entered the wound so it was good on that end. He had hoped that it would be a relatively clean cut but he had to cut off some skin so that he could properly stitch it together. He took a deep breath as he began to stitch, slowly and precisely. Each stitch breathing a sense of relief to him as he could still feel Jax breathing. He then bandaged the injured dog up. When he finished, he stepped back and then disposed of the gloves into a small box he had where he put all of his used equipment which he needed to clean again.

"Well, he should be good now. Though, he has to rest for at the very least five days. That means no expeditions for Jax, and certainly no strenuous activities unless you want him to get stitched up again. Everyday, you have to change his bandages or just come to me so I can properly dress it up again. He needs to be well-fed and hydrated." James rubbed the back of his head as he spoke. It wasn't a sign of uncertainty, but rather of one who felt out of his element being all this serious. He then fixed up whatever equipment he used while continuing to speak. "I know it'll be hard but you'll have to work with another dog for the time being. Jax is too injured to continue service for a while and he needs all the rest he can get. I'll have to report this to both Jain and Maisy."

James was about to step out of the tent when he looked back at April who would probably be devastated at the news. "I always knew that he was a brave dog. This just proves that." He then waved his hand and then headed back outside. It took quite some time, yes, but nothing too long.

He quickly moved towards their leader and her second-in-command. James rarely found himself speaking business to either of them since other doctors handled that, but being the only Vet here (as Amir was more human-oriented), he knew it was up to him to do it. "Hey boss, co-boss." He greeted with a silly grin on his face to lighten the mood. "So I just finished up with Jax and he needs some rest. Agitating his wound further would only result to an infection and we would lose him without proper medication, which I certainly cannot give since I'm equipped for emergencies. I don't have nearly enough equipment lugged around for that kind of wound. So yeah, Jax is out of commission for at least six days if we want him to fully heal."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 5 days ago

Amir nodded at James’ remark: Benny’s death was an ill omen for what may come, as far as he was concerned. Still, just because things may go wrong didn’t mean that Amir would turn into a fatalist. The pair continued to make small talk as they entered the falls, at which James led Amir over to Amelia Wintergarden – or Petra, as most called her. Amir and Petra had never spoken, though he knew her by family reputation alone. Her and James appeared to be pretty close. He stayed quiet as the pair talked, trying to get a sense of how close they were, exactly. It was a pass-time that Amir enjoyed: the analysis of a person, who they were and are, their relationships, and the things they communicate with the way they communicate. So far, all he had picked up was that Petra seemed to be a bit of a downer, as she began to talk about their collective future as cannibal lunches.

Still, before Amir could learn much more about the pair, James was pulled away to treat one of the expedition members’ injured dog. This left Amir alone with Petra, whom he still hadn’t spoken a word to. He took his gaze back away from the situation developing with the dog, and back to face Petra. What he hadn’t noticed before was how beautiful she was – he was likely too distracted by the cannibal talk. He then realized that he had opened his mouth to talk and had forgotten to do so, which left him standing there like an idiot. Then Amir blinked twice, and shook his head, allowing his brain to catch up with the rest of himself.
“I’m Amir,” he said with a smile. “Amir Jones. Although Cannibal Flute has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Just when she was about to shift gears in her conversation James was seized by reality but he did leave the other Doc who for a moment looked adorable as he struggled to think of how to fill the dead air and when he did the effort wasn’t half bad.

Amir, nice to meet you Mr. Amir Jones, back home they call me Amelia but as the Expedition has an Amy all ready I shifted to my also ran; Petra.

I’m happy to hear the image is memorable
she says with a soft laugh

Then she sighs and her entire being softens for a moment as she allows her concern for Elsa to filter through her facade of a hard nosed Ramrod.

At least I know I’m in charge and my people know that I am in charge

Anyone can see Miss Roe would rather be stalking game or scavenging the outside. But she appears to be getting the general idea; I only hope she works through the other 5 or 6 stages before anyone else has to die

She bites her bottom lip and turns back to him after seeing Elsa giggle at something one of her team said.

I know I talk bluntly but it is because I love the look on people’s faces or to direct someone’s thinking into a lane I want them in or out of a bad one.

Look at my people making jokes and talking about what a bitch I can be sometimes, none of it is about Benny.

“ Death must not be feared. Death, in time, comes to all men. “

Patton said it best, well a lot said similar things through the ages but I like his the best.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Joker892
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Joker892 It's just business.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

He was a bit upset that their time in the water was cut off, but he knew Jax was in need of their help. He followed April out of the water and quickly threw his stained grey t-shirt on while slipping on his worn pants. He left the rest of his things and quickly went to April and James, who was close to finishing up with Jax. He watched with a concerned look as he worked on Jax and glanced over to April who watched on with worry. As James finished and listened carefully to his instructions of taking care of Jax until he was better. As James walked away Hector gave a small nod of appreciation and he knelt down next to Jax along side April who looked down to him with worry.

Hector rested a comforting hand on Aprils shoulder and looked down to Jax with a saddened look. He was a good dog and Hector hated to see him like this, but to see April with such worry really hit him hard. He wanted to help, but helping animals isn't one of his talents. He could only help by being there for the two. He gently rubbed Jax's head and smiled. "Hurry up and get better boy," he said softly and glanced over to see Maisy calling for him. He raised an eyebrow and sighed. He looked to April and planted a quick reassuring kiss onto her cheek. "Stay here with him while I go see what Maisy wants," he rubbed her shoulder and turned to walk towards Maisy.

As he reached them he picked up the conversation and crossed his arms as he listened to Jain. He simply listened to Jain with a blank expression and could only mentally sigh. It was true that everyone in this group has dealt with the dangers of wildlife before, but he didn't like how Jain wasn't that worried about it. He especially didn't like the fact that April would not only have to take on a damn bear that almost got her once, but she would also be near Rafe. He watched as Jain went off for her bath and clicked his tongue in annoyance before looking back to Maisy. "Jain may be good when it comes to hunting and such, but I'm not to sure she knows what she is doing," he muttered. "Instead of sending April and Rafe against the furry bastard she should send me and my men, we can get the job done without a single casualty," he stated and shook his head.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dnafein
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raphael listened intently to the instructions regarding use of the paste before taking it. A bad idea or two popped into his head, but as the group was essentially alone he dismissed them handily. Pranks are fine back home, in the field was a different story.

As the woman pulled out the necklace and held it to him her tone of voice changed Rafe smiled. He took it carefully while bowing his head over it. "The thought is immensely appreciated." He said as he slipped it over his head.

"If your hearing is correct, and it normally is, then I'd best get this back and find out where the bear may be." He said raising the container of paste briefly. "Please excuse me."

With a final smile to the Sprite queen, Raphael turned and headed back other camp. He noticed Jain heading towards the water and figured she left instructions with Maisy. Locating her with a quick scan Rafe made his way to her donning his cockiest smirk seeing who she was conversing with.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collaboration between: @Poi, @Dnafein, @Wick & @Joker892

It was the eve of a warm spring day, and the expedition had just settled at the edge of the Celestial Falls. Raphael had been sent ahead to scour the location by Jain, but with the luck the expedition was having, it was not as safe as it was slated to be. A bear was on the loose, one strong enough to injure a dog with a nasty cut along its belly.

"Perhaps. Killing the bear would remove a nusiance in the future, and also replenish our supplies if anyone was willing to eat bear meat for the next week." Maisy replied, biting her lip as Hector spoke of it like a trivial task. As much as the rancher trusted her fellow squad leader's skill, the boasting had not sat right with Maisy, especially after Hector had just lost one of his squad.

"Of course people would be willing to eat bear meat." Rafe interjected as he arrived, "The better question is would they rather risk tripping a little, or would they rather think about the medicine Doc used--sorry, wasted--on whoever the bear didn't kill before it was finally clubbed to death?"

The scout shrugged his response to his own question. "Me and Theena can handle this. Don't need to send more. Just tell me where to go, and why I should kill it."

Having overheard the conversation, April approached the group. "I agree with Jain. Two scouts are better than a bunch of troopers in this situation. We'll have dogs and it just makes more sense to me." April said even though she knew Hector didn't like it.

Hector gave an unfriendly glance to Rafe before rolling his eyes and looking towards April with a frown. "Really, my men and I can handle this big bastard by sun up. I say you all relax here for the night and let me and my men take care of the bear. Besides April, I think you should stay with Jax. Poor guy needs all the comfort he can get right now," Hector said before looking to Rafe with a hostile gaze.

Men and their ego fests, Maisy thought as she listened to Hector and Rafe each suggest their own variation of a plan. Sighing, Maisy looked back and forth between the two men and crossed her arms. "Listen--if you two are both keen to go chase a bear, why don't the two of you take up arms together? It seems to be a mutual benefit for both of you." Maisy explained, finishing with a shrug of her own.

Rafe learned the details of his task as he stood there. He raised an eyebrow as April piped in, on his side no less, and stifled surprise as he discovered it was to be her that was to accompany him on the task. "I'm here cause I was told that I was supposed to go face a bear. If Hercules wants to come along he can. He can play bait stomping around while Athena and I do the heavy lifting. Better than getting more of his men killed."

Turning to April, the scout asked, "Jax is your companion, the bear's life is in your hands. Dead and gone, or alive and thinking about the Risen is your call."

April looked from one of the men to the other, almost angrily she spoke. "I'm leaving in fifteen minutes. James can handle Jax tonight and I'll get another dog for this mission. Pixie should be available. You guys quit comparing who's dick is bigger and get to work. Rafe, get ready!" She growled as she turned and went back to her things. Then, April went to the horses and she grabbed a couple of spears to take with her. She was retying her boots by the horses when she looked up and saw Hector.

A heavy sigh escaped Hector as April let out her anger onto him and Rafe. He rubbed the back of his neck and watched her storm away with a frown. "There is no comparing," Hector mumbled and looked to Rafe with a warning glare. "Try anything or let a single hair on her head get hurt and I will make you wish a walker got ya," He warned with white knuckles and walked away from the group and towards Jax to comfort him.

At the comment about comparison Raphael just started chuckling. At the threat he smiled before saying, "April's a big girl, and she scares me more then you do, muscles."

Turning away from Maisy with a small nod. Raphael walked to where he left his bow. Hefting it, he gave a shrill two tone whistle, and a moment later Athena rushed to his side. "Let's go find us a bear."

April walked over to Hector as soon as she had everything. Pixie was excited and running around her in circles. April grinned at her and knelt down by Hector and kissed him. "I'll be back tomorrow. Don't worry." Rising to her feet she looked around for Rafe and sighed and headed towards her scouting partner.

Maisy shrugged once more as the expedition members went their seperate ways. Each of them had wanted something else, yet they came more or less to a decision. Good thing I'm not stuck in a lover's quarrel... yet, The rancher thought, giving her limbs an ol' stretch. Jain had wanted Maisy to attend to the perimeter of the camp, and just like the others, she set off to do her duties.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dnafein
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Collaboration between: @Dnafein & @Wick

Rafe moved at a dogtrot, passing through the forest like a shadow. Disturbing almost nothing as he moved. At the man's side Athena kept up easily, but she was the first to slow. Raphael followed suit; In the I'm since the hunting party separated from the main group Rafe used his constant companion as a means of detecting danger.

Coming to a full stop Rafe waited resting on his heels for his hunting partner. When she approached he asked.
"How close are we to where you stumbled upon it?"

April was tracking the bear's paw prints in the dark which was pretty difficult. She nodded and pointed into the woods. Pixie was less excited and a little more cautious. Keeping close to her handler she waited for the hand signals to continue. April walked closer to Rafe and quietly said

"We need a plan of attack. It's injured but I'm not sure how badly. It was limping and had walkers trying to bite it. It could be dead although I doubt it. I'm thinking Rope it and try to tie it off in the trees then go in for the kill while the dogs keep it distracted. What do you think? Got a better idea?"

"How about giving thanks to the raven princess." Rafe replied with a smirk, pulling a container from his pocket. "She gave me this. And thus brings us to the important question. Should we kill the bear?"

April looked at the container and smiled. Leave it to Summer to give him something cool. "What is it?"

Rafe grinned, "From what she told me a taste of this will put either of us into orbit, probably for the rest of the night. A couple of arrows dipped in it would give us a very high and probably placid bear."

"Meanwhile a double handful in short order will kill it." Raphael shrugged, "I see no need to kill something that's distracting and crippling a bunch of roamers. But Jax was your companion so it's your call."

April sighed and thought about it a minute. "We should kill it. It's going to do nothing but become a bigger threat to anything or anyone in the area. If it were to get close to other people it could take a hoard of walkers in with it. Besides, what else would we do with it? It's meat won't be any good so we can't eat it and we can't let it loose with people in the area either."

Looking back at the trail she pointed, "It went that way with at least three or four walkers. Something was dragged behind it.... So tell me something. What is it with you and Hector? You love making him crazy don't you?"

"And you don't?" Rafe chuckled, he made a motion with his left hand and Athena charged forward about 10 feet. Raphael shrugged, "Honestly Hercules appears to be jealous of our history. As long as he doesn't try to do something stupid, like lead his squad against a bear, I don't mind him. Muscle can be handy, and it makes funny movements when it's prodded."

As he spoke he drew four feathered arrows and carefully coated the tips in the containers paste. The man extended the container to April, "Don't cut yourself this time. Don't need you and Athena tripping out at the same time, and you know she'll lick the wound."

April shook her head with a low chuckle, "I think we have very different ways that we like to make Hector crazy. My way is a lot more fun than yours. I think he just doesn't trust that you are just willing to 'just' be my scouting partner. He believes you want more still. That will make him crazy but there isn't anything I can do. He trusts me, it's you he thinks can't control yourself." She took the paste and started coating the spear tips with it.

She remembered the last time Summer gave them something to use on an animal. April had gotten it into a fresh cut and it had made her high for two days. She had been worthless on the trail but Rafe had laughed at her for hours over it. She smiled at the old memory and stopped.

Raising her hand Pixie and Athena both looked to their masters for orders. April closed her eyes and caught the smell of the bear and her ears picked up a feint sound further into the trees. She motioned to go forward slowly and be alert.

"So you're suggesting I should give you a pinch around him from time to time?" Rafe asked with a quiet chuckle. He nocked one of the drugged arrows and crouched to shrink his profile. Rafe moved forward quietly his eyes flickering across the forest ahead, his mind was turning over the problem of the undead following the bear.

He doubted they were all still in one piece; However only a bite was needed to kill. Most likely a half crippled risen was what caused the dragged trail.
"The dogs should stay close until we've hit with a second arrow. Once they bark, any dead still mobile will start towards them. Best to slow the bear before getting everyone's attention."

April kept her eyes open and her ears alert. "If you pinch me in front of him he'll give you what you deserve. If you do it away from him, I will." She said stopping suddenly. Moving swiftly and in total silence she maneuvered herself further ahead and more to the right of Rafe putting distance between them. She could hear noises ahead and it wasn't good. Peering round a bend in the trees she saw the bear fighting off a few walkers while trying to protect a small bear cub.

Crap! Mama bears are the most dangerous! she thought to herself. Raising her hand she used sigh languare to tell Rafe about the cub then she moved forward and sent in Pixie to divert the walkers. Working her way around to the other side of the bears she stayed downwind of them and she sunk a spear into the mother bear's side.

First the addition of the cub, and then April started with a spear. Raphael smoothly drew the fletching to his ear and released. The second arrow was loosed before the first impacted the bears side. In the process of drawing the third arrow he flashed a hand signal to Athena, "Orate"

At the command Athena started barking, jumping from side to side as she did. The intent was to further distract and confuse the walking dead. She kept her head turned partially towards the bear to watch it for sudden moves.

Pixie had walkers that were more sturdy than most than they had seen lately trying to bite her. She was dodging quite well though and she moved the walkers further away from the bear and April. April sunk another spear into the mother bear who was now growling and swatting as she stumbled around from the paste on the arrow and spear tips. The baby bear was really little about the size of a large five year old. It's nails were as long as April's fingers were. When the mother bear started to fall the walkers started to come back.

April's instincts took over and she picked up the baby bear and called Pixie back. She looked at Rafe as she ran past him with the baby.
"I'm not leaving it here for them to eat it alive."

Rafe fired the last two drugged arrows into the bear. As April sprinted in Rafe turned his attention to the walkers. As they closed in on the three larger living beings Raphael barked, "Check."

At the voice command Athena charged the undead from the side and leapt swinging her body to hit the closest. The zombie stumbled and fell, and Athena sprinted away on April's trail. As the woman passed Rafe he threw her a smile; What they'd do with the cub he didn't immediately know. However he couldn't kill it any more than April could abandon it to the dead. Rafe drew a cloth fletched arrow and turned his attention to the dead as he started backing away.

April's cub was holding onto her making a wimpering sound that threatened to break her heart. "Shh little one. Your mama was sick. I'll take care of you." She murmured to it as she exited the forest with Rafe and the dogs not far behind her. Once cleared of the forest she carried the cub into the clearing and she waited for Rafe. Pixie was wagging her tail and looking curiously at the cub who was clutching onto April leaving nice little gashes in her where it was scratching her up good. April ignored the cuts and settled the cub down until they all were able to head back to the group.

She looked at Rafe and said,
"Petra should be able to do something with it don't you think? Either that or she will know where to take it so it can live with other bears." She sang softly to the baby and it seemed to keep it happy in her arms.

"You know what? I think Summer likes you. She never gives me cool stuff but you? You she keeps packed pretty well. Yeah, I think there is at least a crush going on there." She teased him.

Raphael ended the undead life of one of the risen before he turned his full attention to following April. Catching up he heard her question and shrugged.
"If the pony princess can't figure something out, our fairy priestess will have an idea." Rafe chuckled as an image of Summer riding a bear instead of her horse.

He was thankful for the darkness as he felt his cheeks heat.
"She might," He admitted. He glanced first to the bear claw around his neck, then to the most comfortable pair of boots he'd ever worn. "It could also be that I don't avoid her when she's being mystical."

"If you're done resting," Raphael changed the subject. "We should move on. I don't want to spend the night out here babysitting..." Rafe narrowed his eyes trying to recall a distant memory. "Smokey."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 5 days ago

Amir Jones

Petra began to open up a bit, to the point where Amir could see that she had built a façade borne from her position as a leader – one which required a serious face and an unwavering, dominant personality. In many ways, she appeared to be the reverse of Amir. Years ago, he had subdued his own ambitious drive for the calm, supporting man that his role as a doctor demanded. But that hadn’t always been him, and in the past Amir often thought that had it not been Doctor Robert who rescued him but another member of Lasthope, he might have turned out leading a scouting troop on this expedition, or more.
“Your people, you’ve taught them well,” he said, laying off his joking tone from earlier as he looked around at Petra’s teamsters. “And Patton was right about not fearing death, and most everything else – well, except in diagnosing PTSD amongst his soldiers. In that he was clueless.”

Amir gave a smile, then returned to his original point: “Just remember, there is a difference between having no fear for death, and forgetting the dead. The only thing we keep when the living pass on is their memories; the dirt and the monsters take the rest from us. And while we’re quoting, what’s that Márquez quote? “What matters in life is not what happens to you but when you remember and how you remember it”? That’s it.

He sat down on a nearby stump, keeping his gaze with the teamster. “Don’t forget to remember, Petra,” he said, grinning. “Oh, and speaking bluntly is just fine with me. Hell, I’m a doctor in the apocalypse – if I hadn’t gotten good at telling people they’re screwed, I probably wouldn’t still have this job.”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“The Life of the Dead is placed in the Memory of the Living’” Cicero. He was an Equite, or member of the Equestrian order.

His motto though was better suited to someone in the medical profession; “Salus Populi superma lex esto”

My mom loves philosophy and has made sure that at least I remember the great ones
she says as she looks over the water falls and surrounding area

When she spots some of the Troopers pulling the saddles of their horses she chuckles as she hears her people moaning even before she opens her mouth to yell Alright my bunch of sniveling overworked and underappreciated apprentices we have a change of plans and the faster you pull all those packs the sooner I'll allow you to wash off the stink you’ve accrued.

“Move It, Move It!”

Then she turns back to Amir her tone is sweeter and softer I can’t let my people know how much I care about them with sweet words; if they thought I was soft they would work as hard. I’ve run them so hard back home that what used to take them and hour to do they now do in 20 minutes.

I know people think I’m a Bitch because of how I treat them and I could careless; everyone here is a veteran except my lot. Till the council started thinking this plan up my kids were going to run draglines for the lumberjacks home by evening.

I’ve had 6 months of time to reinvent them and I started out with 30. Some of the starting group were older but they just thought they were in charge when I wasn’t around, they questioned my orders and basically were slowing me down so I chucked them and took the best apprentices and started over.

She finished and smiled as she watched her people working as efficiently as a machine
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Ryder Blaise

James quietly listened as the four spoke of their plans against the bear. There had been tensions between Hector and Raphael mostly because the latter had a past with April, who was now Hector's girlfriend. It was quite messy but they had reached an agreement. He didn't speak since he didn't really have anything to contribute with the group and he was only waiting around to see what kind of conclusion they would reach.

Yup, the conclusion wasn't what he expected. However, it did make him think of what to give Jax. Hector had already gone to the recovering dog so James went off to get some water and food. Some meat that was reserved for the dogs and then brought it over to him. He nodded at Hector and watched as Jax began to eat his meal. Well, as long as Jax doesn't do anything that would make his stitches open, he should be fine. He was pretty sure that the dog would be too tired to actually go ballistic. Though, if anything would happen to April, maybe that would happen. Oh whatever, he was pretty sure that wouldn't happen.

James looked around. Petra and Amir were now associating with each other. That was good. More friends meant more happiness - to him at least. Besides, it was good that Petra was actually interacting with him. She needed more people who didn't see her as the boss, but as an actual friend. While James acted as a fiend to her, as much as he can since there were times when she would suddenly spout off something about someone saying something - Philosophy in general. James, himself, wasn't a very bright kid. No, he wasn't stupid - he was in the medical profession! - but he wasn't as eloquent as most people out there. So, in times like those, he would just nod and try to lead the conversation away from that.

It usually ended well, but still...

James wasn't too keen on talking with Hector, who might still be a little bit angry because of what had transpired earlier. James rubbed his chin, craving for some sort of social interaction. Now, he would be more than willing to talk with the others, like Elsa or Sammy. They were pretty okay. The others were cool too but they were all busy. Maybe go on to talk to Maisy then? She looked free? Nah, she's probably busy doing some co-boss stuff. He's heard that Jain was being shackled down by boss stuff so Maisy was probably the same with doing co-boss stuff.

So what was one of his last resorts?

Bug Amy again!

Maybe it was't such a good idea, but he's going be honest, maybe that 'later' could already qualify as now. Time to find her, he guessed. After only a few minutes of searching near the lake where most were taking baths earlier, but were now done with it. She was sitting on top of the rocks.

"You know, you look a little bit suspicious like that. I know you've kind of given up being integrated to the group but really?" He teased as he saw her. He crossed his arms as he did so. "Thought you were doing traps and stuff. Is it cool if I, uh, you know, talk with you again?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Collaboration Post

Hector gently stroked Jax's back and let a heavy sigh escape him as they both rested within their tent. He stared at Jax's sleeping form with an uneasy frown as the crickets chirped annoyingly from outside the tent. He would always glance towards the tents entrance in hopes to see April enter without a scratch, but he would always end up disappointed as the tent only housed him and a sleeping Jax. Ever since she had left with Rafe Hector had been in a sour mood and would ignore everyone, including his own team. He shook his head as her outburst from earlier ran through his head and scoffed.

"The hell is she even mad for? It's like she wants to be around that bastard," he mumbled with annoyance. Sure the two broke up long ago, but Hector still didn't like how he would be around April. It just caused further anger within his mind. His head lowered a bit as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He had been awake for hours now and should be sleeping, but his worry for April would always force him awake. "Just come back soon," he mumbled to himself.

April took the bear cub to Petra and returned Pixie as well. Yawning she headed towards hers and Hector's tent. She never hesitated or second guessed she just walked in. She knew he was mad at her but that wouldn't change how he felt about her. Her eyes met his the instant she entered.

She took off her jacket and moved a little slower than usual. The cuts from the cub's long nails were bleeding and they were painful but she ignored them as best as she could. She didn't like it when he was mad at her. She moved towards him and saw the worry in his eyes. April leaned over and kissed him on the neck. "You still mad at me?"

Hector was silent and looked to April with a bit of relief, though as he saw her wounds he couldn't help but clench his fist. He never made eye contact with her and simply stared at the wounds with a frown. Finally after a few seconds he sighed and grabbed a nearby rag while unscrewing his canteen. "Turn around," he said as he splashed a bit of the water onto the rag. He wasn't a doctor, but he at least wanted to wash off the blood before it dried completely.

April watched the look in his eyes and she turned so he could get the wounds. "We found the bear protecting a small baby cub and fighting off walkers. After we killed the injured bear I grabbed the cub and brought it back to Petra. I'm sure she will figure out a way to help it. I wasn't about to leave it there for the walkers to eat."

His hands on her skin felt soothing and warm as he cleaned the wounds. She still felt the tension in him. She sighed.

"Rafe and I have not been together in over six years. I don't understand what the deal is."

Hector froze at her comment and simply looked to the ground with a frown. He felt anger and annoyance. Anger towards Rafe for even being a part of her life and annoyance towards April who simply didn't understand. He gritted his teeth and resumed to clean her wounds, making sure to remain gentle even though his temper was growing even more. "I don't care if you two broke things off six years ago, I don't like him or how he acts around you. Simple as that," he muttered loud enough for her to hear him. It was keeping everything he had within him not to burst.

April hesitated and decided to tell him how it made her feel. "It makes me feel like you don't trust me and it makes others see me as weak when you try to leave me here because you are worried about him and I. Rafe and I get along just fine. He doesn't flirt with me or try anything out of line. We don't work together all the time but he is my scouting partner and has been for years. I am not going to change everything because you don't like him!"

She turned so she was looking at him so he could see her eyes.

Hector stared into April's eyes without any emotions and scoffed. "Well Im sorry for caring about you, but I can't trust the bastard when he is around you," he said with gritted teeth. "He isn't the one that should be watching your back, it's someone that really cares about you or someone you care about," he stated and looked away. "I just want that bastard gone for good," he hissed.

April stared at Hector a moment. He hadn't said that he trusted her at all so maybe he didn't. He must have thought she was weak and unable to do her job because even though she brought it up he never disagreed with it. So, what? He thought everytime she left his side that she and Rafe were off somewhere doing it in the bushes or something? She grabbed her jacket and looked at it.

"So you don't trust me. You don't trust me not to mess around with Rafe and you don't trust me to do my job? No matter what you think of him you should at least be able to trust me! It's been almost four years for you and me. I thought that meant something." April felt the tears in the back of her eyes threatening so she went to walk out of the tent so he wouldn't see them.

Hectors eyes widened a bit and felt as if he just came out of trance. What the hell was he doing? What the living hell was he saying!? Of course he trusted her, but he was so focused on his anger towards Rafe it blinded him. He looked back to April, but before he could say anything she was making her way towards the tents entrance. He felt his legs push him forwards as he grasped her wrist softly and jumped in front of her to stop her from leaving. "Wait Apri-" he stopped mid-sentence as he saw tears ready to fall from her eyes. He stared down at her with a slightly shocked expression and shook his head. He did this. He has been going on about Rafe that he completely forgot about the person who really mattered.

"I-I... April Im..." he couldn't find the words to speak. His anger and annoyance were now directed to himself. He lowered his head and closed his eyes to hide his shame. "I didn't mean it like that. I trust you, I trust you completely! It's just I'm scared I'm gonna lose you to him, or god forbid lose you out in the field," he said as he held her hands gently. His mind clouded with guilt as the image of her crying replayed in his mind and he took a deep breath before continuing. "You are literally the only thing in my life that makes me happy. I've lost everything, and I can't even remember losing it! Everything before I was seven, I can't remember anything. Not my home, family, friends, nothing! I lived in that settlement with nothing and lived alone not knowing if someone from my past life was still out there. I trusted no one and kept to myself because I thought that was how it was supposed to be," he said with a shaking voice before looking back to her.

"That is until I met you. The one person that made me feel something towards someone. You gave me something that I was missing for all those years. Love," he said softly and shook his head. "I cant have that taken away from me."

April watched his expressions and his eyes as they changed at his memories and thoughts. Hector was very open with her but not with other people so much. She knew how he felt even before he said it. She walked into his arms and wrapped hers around him. She knew he trusted her, even if he forgot it sometimes.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to fight with you. You aren't going to lose me. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, even when you act like a jealous idiot."

She chuckled a little as she pulled him closer to her and hugged him tightly. Her feelings of uncertainty seemed to simply disappear. The one thing she could always count on with Hector was that he was genuine. He never lied about things. If he said something he meant it in the moment even if he later recanted. It was one of the many things she loved about him. She dropped her jacket and leaned into him and just held onto him afraid that something would take him away from her if she let go of him. Raising her face up she kissed him. She wanted him to realize that she was his. His. Not Rafe's or anyone else who might show up just Hector's.

All of the worry, anger and annoyance melted away as Aprils warmth filled his soul. He felt at peace in this moment and chuckled as he looked down to her. "But just to clarify things, there is nothing to compare between me and Rafe, right?" he asked as his eyes quickly glanced down. He just wanted to check.

April started laughing and shook her head. "Oh my god I love you you silly man! No there is no comparison." April kissed him and wrapped her legs around him as he carried her back to their makeshift bed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@NarcissisticPotato@FortunesFaded@Wick@DeadDrop@FortunesFaded@Poi@Joker892@Polaris North

Jain had tried to let Maisy handle the situation of executing her orders and was happy when she’d sent out April and Rafe as she had insisted and the two had accomplished the goal quicker than she expected they might even bringing back a bear cub.

She had woke before dawn as was her custom and habit then prepared for the day’s duties though she’d much rather be out riding to her next navigation point instead of having to put her remaining people to a test which she had made ready to ruin her reputation by turning around and calling Red Rock. The idea that she would quit this before her own and their incompetence got any more of them killed was chilling to Jain as she had never failed to complete any assignment. It had been her and a Scouting Partner before and Mr. Raintree always matched teams better than any Trooper because he had personally trained everyone of them. Jain had Troopers who had never worked with one another, been trained by different men and women and commanded in various ways not her own.

She was angry with herself for thinking her people would make her quit her assignment as she climbed aboard her mount and rode the perimeter of the camp at the falls checking on the guards and watching the Troop as they got ready for the day’s assignment. The bows of the satsuma were installed to shafts of varying lengths between 4 to 8 feet, clubs set aside and hammers, bola, and lariat; it was pleasing to see how relaxed her people were and still doing a smart job.

Once everything was ready she rode to halt before her Troopers and looked them over before she began a speech many had heard in one form or another by their instructors and former commanders.

Okay everyone today we will be performing a sweep of Paradise Valley across the river and a search for critical goods house by house and while I’m sure you’ve all heard the rules 100 times before I am forced by events and doubts to repeat them for my own well being.

1st Never move in groups of less than 3 in or near buildings.
2nd Always keep at least one set of eyes on your escape route while pinning and dispatching a Risen
3rd Regroup if possible with another team after Removing a Risen or group of Risen in the focused room or area outside of a building.
4th If you lose either club or satsuma retreat back to the established resupply point as a group; resupply and then return to the sweep.
5th Clear blind corners with your signal mirrors before stepping around them
6th “And this one I cannot stress strongly enough!” Never move close to a Risen no matter how helpless they may appear outside of your group
7th Always clear a building bottom up in 2 teams and leave 1 team to hold the bottom before clearing the top.
8th Never use a weapon too big for the fighting space retreat and resupply then return
I know number 6 and number 1 are the same just worded differently but that should stress how important it is to never fight alone
she continued on detailing all 21 points of the First Order called such because it was the first outlined strategy instituted by Chief Comber and the First Orders new recruits heard in practical training.

To anyone looking at her it would seem Jain was angry when she finished but at whom not clear.

She drilled them across a bridge to the entrance of the subdivision then she assigned Maisy to the reaction force made of the specialists Amy, Lyra and Doc James whose primary job was resupply of the left and right flank sweeper teams and act as a support reserve to either should they find a nest.

Hector was assigned to the Left flank command and April the Right flank.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


James Ryder Blaise

Swinging her legs, Amy looked over to James as he approached her. Perched on the rock, she held her ground as the young medic made his way over to her. Her arms were behind her back to support her as she continued to swing her legs over the edge of the five foot rock. There were fewer people in the water then before, most people had moved on - to work, fuck, patrol. Amy's face deadpanned as the first comment from James's lips rocked through her skull, internally sighing she forumulated a response.

"Hello James, no. I'm just enjoying the view."

She patted to the empty patch of rock beside her, there wasn't much of a climb - maybe not for the young man before her. Looking up to the sun, it was setting on the horizon. She smiled, her lips barely parting as her brief display of emotion flickered over her face for a moment or so.

"I don't always do traps, besides. I suppose you're correct, right now is a good time to talk.

After calmly speaking she turned to James, flashing a smile at him before leaning back into the rocks some more. The winds of the night were upon them as the air wasen't idle for long, its cold wraiths stroked Amy's and James's face as the breeze picked up. Seconds later the breeze died, perhaps the past calling back to them.

James simply grinned back at her reply. "Well, I guess it's pretty good." Well, he actually thought that it was breathtakingly beautiful. The sound of the waterfall splashing down onto the water gave him quite the relaxing moment. For him, it really was a good idea that they camped here. It gave people a reason to kick back and relax by the water or even swim in it. But he saw that there were few people in it now, since there were more things to do back at the camp. He already did his job, so he wasn't worried about it.

To say that James had been surprised with her willingness to talk with him was an understatement. You could say that he had his mouth open when she told him that now was a pretty good time to talk. You know one of those times when you can't process something and you just end up blankly staring at something for a moment or two?

That was definitely what happened to James. However, after a few seconds, it turned into a wide grin. "I'll take that offer then."

He then climbed up to the rock to settle at the empty space beside her. He took in a deep breath and then let his body relax. James sat there for a moment in silence with her. Perhaps one of the few moments when he wasn't disturbed by the lack of voices speaking. However, that moment quickly passed. He chuckled nervously, "Now that you're actually willing to talk, I can't think of a good conversation starter. That's a first." He pointed out. There were times when James was a little bit more than awkward. As social as he was, when things turn out the way he hoped, it usually catches him off surprise - especially when people who usually avoided talking with him suddenly agreed to do so!

"Have you..." He stopped for a moment, considering the consequences of the question but decided to go with it anyway. "Have you ever wanted to change anything in your past? Like, if I hadn't done this then that wouldn't have happened... thoughts like those?"

Figuring that he should share his thoughts first as to ease her into conversation, he continued speaking. "I have. I always think that if I hadn't broken off from my family at that one point in my life, then my father would still be alive. Y'see, I was a pretty smart kid back then but I was only just that, a kid. I saw this little toy inside a store and wandered off. Just as I got in, the alarm was tripped. I couldn't believe it was still armed!" He then shook his head, forcing the smile on his face to stay there. "So you know, zombies came, surrounded me and my family, my father stayed behind while me and my sister got out... and the rest is history." James stopped there, regret flashing in his eyes showing how much guilt he carried with that story. He then turned to Amy, wondering if she would follow up.


Amy said, her face tired and her body more relaxed as James sits beside her on the rocks.

"The past is what defines us, it's what makes us who we are. To change it would be selfish, there's nothing we can change but our own future. To dwell on the past is pointless, move on. "

That's when she started to get up, making a move down the rocks as she found herself quickly standing on the stand below. Wiping off any excess dirt and dust she looked back up to James.

"I think it's time for me to go help out Wintergarden and the others, or work on repairs. I'll figure something out, mmm."

With that Amy began to walk away from James and up back to the camp where she descended in the first place, the temperature was changing as the day progressed into the evening. A cold chill ran across Amy's back as the wind came back again to address everyone's anxiety of the night.

"Try not to let your emotions get the best of you, James."

James couldn't help but laugh to himself when she decided that she didn't have any regrets before figuring out that she had more things to do back at base. "Good luck with the repairs or whatever you need done." He said, waving farewell to her.

He then chuckled again. "Just something to think about Amy. You know me, I won't let anything distract me."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Being on the support team never really bothered Amy, she was with some familiar faces. Maisy, who was around the encampment that was set up by the support staff. Doc Jones, the doctor that Amy never really talk to or spoke about. Being injured was the only excuse for Amy to talk to him, albeit small and to the point. One of the biggest distractions to her work though was Lyra, her junior techie. She didn't really like her, while she was friendly to Lyra she didn't like the rivalry between the two. Both usually stuck to their own area of work, Amy with weapons, gears, and traps while Lyra worked on engines and other 'junk.' While it wasn't uncommon to see the two dabble into other areas, Amy preferred to be alone and without help. Idiotic in a survival situation but being anti-social was a behavior that stuck with her for most of her duration with the Last Hope.

Working away, Amy was working on fixing a bear trap. The trap was apart and the spring required cleaning because it had been gunked up with Risen Blood and - appendages. It wasn't a pretty job or an easy one but it was one Amy was assigned to do. Maisy was obviously not in a good mood if she had to strip and clean all the portable, reusable traps they had. The thought of the recently departed, Young Ben crossed her mind as she was worked away at cleaning the blood plagued metal. She never really knew him, nor did she ever have a chance too. The thought of Ben lingered on her mind some more as the table she was working at oozed red water from the soap and lake water that thoroughly ravished the Bear Trap.

Maybe he had family.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Ryder Blaise

James wasn't usually sent out on scouting parties. This time was like those times. He's volunteered many times to go around and help, but since there wasn't a shortage of hands, they didn't really need it. And so, like always, James was in the support group who were in charge of resupplying the ones that are going out to scout. It really gave them an almost infinite amount of time to do whatever they want until they got back. James usually spent these times checking on each of the animals for another day. It was usually just to alleviate the boredom that was crawling into his being. Of course, they were still in peak condition aside from Jax, who was once more sat out of the expedition because of his injuries.

Jax had been an obedient boy. While he wasn't keen on letting his master leave without him, he knew better than to follow and get himself into more trouble which would greatly sadden April. He's been looking relatively better and James had just changed his bandages for the day, unless it would rain, in which case he would need to change it again.

He stayed with Jax for a while to see if the dog needed some more attention just in case. He didn't want April to come back to bad news after all.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Paradise Valley - Interacting With: Trooper #1 & #2, James & Jain - Mentioned: Jain, Hector, April & Raphael

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home (oh won't you please take me home)
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home (oh won't you please take me home)

By any means, Paradise Valley was not a "paradise city." The expedition saddled and geared up, crossing a river only to be met with the same bleakness that most towns had fourteen years after the end of the world. Yellowish grass that was dying, spots of stained blood on the concrete, even a few objects that once showed people lived here stood out to the eye. Jain had given the expedition their orders before they marched into the neighborhood, leaving Maisy guarding the home front once more. Hector was assigned to command the left flank, while April was sent to command the right flank. Upon hearing that Raphael would be replacing Benny in the search, Maisy wondered how well they would work out together. Hopefully being at odds wouldn't result in another death.

Dog eat dog
Read the news
Someone win
Someone lose
Up's above and downs below
And limbo's in between
Up you win
Down you lose
It's anybody's game

Momentarily worrying aside, Maisy had her duties to look out for. Outside guarding the supply depot, Jain had thrown them together with the support reserve in the case either the left or right flanks requested help. However, given the time the operation was to take, Maisy needed to find a way to keep the men and women on their toes, rather than falling into a lax loop of boredom and day dreaming. Surely there was something they could do instead of standing around like goons with nothing to do until they were called upon. Thankfully, an idea came in the form of James. Maisy had noticed that James was staying by Jax's side, and an idea sparked as the rancher glanced around the neighborhood. Taking note of an old lawn chair, Maisy gathered two of the troopers on standby when she heard an obvious shuffling noise.

They build the walls around you
And they tell you you don't fit
And still you think you know me
You don't know the half of it
I'm a beggar, you're a savior
I'm your devil, you're a thief
I'll be here until you realize
I'm you and you are me

As the troopers stepped onto the dying lawn, a Risen shuffled through a section of broken fence. It appeared to be relatively fresh, and Maisy was interested in the rugged pack that the walker was wearing.
"Spread out. Let him follow me and circle around with the satsumas." Maisy noted, making a clicking sound to alert the Risen as she swirled the lariat in her hands. After a number of twirls, Maisy flung the rope, catching the walker by his torso. With a yank, Maisy pulled him to the ground, where the other troopers came in and secured him to the ground with the satsumas. Taking a warhammer, Maisy approached the secured walker, and with one clonk on the head, it was no longer a threat to the expedition or anyone else.

Lend the hand, say a prayer
Give a smile that he might share
But for the grace of God it could be you instead of him
(But for the grace of God it could be you instead of him)

Once the walker was dispatched, Maisy had the troopers return to look out as she snatched both the bag and the lawn chair.
"Here, James. Thought Jax might be a bit more comfortable resting on the lap of someone he trusts." Maisy explained, giving the veterinarian a nod of her own before she returned her attention to the pack. Typical basic necessities--spare change of clothes, empty water bottles, cooking supplies, but what caught Maisy's eye was a map. "Hey, Jain. You might wanna see this." Maisy called out, pointing to the various inked out structures in red. To what the red ink meant, Maisy had no clue. Either it marked picked clean buildings or Risen nests, but whatever the case, Maisy wasn't sure the slightest.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Morning came early for Lyra. Old habits die hard and hers was waking before the dawn. Back on the farm, there was more than enough things to be done before the rest of the world rose and out in the field was no different.

Pulling herself up into a sitting position, she took a slow drag of her canteen before pushing herself up. She didn't bother dressing, she had one destination in mind after all.

She was a strange sight wandering through the camp half naked but she knew the only one who would bother to be up this early would be Jain and, as far as she knew, she didn't have to worry about her staring. Finally she got to the falls and didn't waste time diving in. The water was a tolerable freezing, the sort of cold that drips into your bones and cleans your worries. She liked it down there, the only pressure on her was the ever rising kick of life; the inescapable need to breathe.

After a while she surfaced and floated, letting her body drift back until she breezed along the surface. The night still betrayed its secrets and Jupiter hung low, the piercing light of the sun threatening to hide it once and for all. She would have floated there a lot longer if she didn't have work to do.

When she returned, there was a bit more life about the camp. She had dressed and tied her hair up into a high ponytail and after stopping for some breakfast, found herself making the rounds of the perimeter. Amy never realised but Lyra would check her traps every morning to make sure her superior wasn't putting them at risk with some of her shitty mechanisms.

Once that was done she checked on her horse and judged it a good time to go back for the Commander's address. If she was dreadfully honest, she had no idea why the council sent an engineer who specialised in engines and generators along with a trooper detachment but she wasn't one to argue getting to escape into the world. Sitting back waiting to give the patrols extra sticks wasn't appealing but at least she had time to read. She did need something from the troopers though.

Meandering after Hector and April, she rounded on their tent just as they disappeared after it. She guessed you couldn't knock and she wasn't particularly in the mood to see what happened in their tent so Lyra awkwardly shifted onto one foot and waited. When they made to leave they stopped to kiss.

"Cute." A little dry and sarcastic but then again, Lyra was dry and sarcastic. "I need spark plugs. Like seriously need them. Like an, ignore the things Jain wants and get them, need them." Fishing into a utility belt she produced a small spark plug to show them. "Old cars, gas lawnmowers, anything with a gas tank will have one of these babies. Get me as much as your troopers can find and I'll owe ya."

Giving them a small smile she turned and wandered off. There was work to look like she was doing.

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