Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The peak at last. Here the Seat of Mavros, from here all could be surveyed from below. How the people they had passed become like ants to the majesty of the mountaintop, busying along they daily lives as the purple sky dimmed into the evening's indigo streaks. There a heavenly painter's cool palette brushed across, the azure gradient into the lavender fields, and the warm glowing embers of the celestial eye gazing rays of sunbeams through the clouds for one last glimpse before sundown. How they below could not see past the stonework masonry, the protective walls that enclosed as a bastion for her people, but here at the summit such pleasures were afforded the Twin Dukes amongst the courtyard greenry. Indeed this motley crew of gathered sheep were not ordinary lot, and though they hardly knew each other, perhaps their reputations preceded such knowledge that escaped Kethan's memory and failure to keep tabs on the young and old. Nevertheless, with a musing chuckle to the raven-elf's reply to his matrimonial comment, none were certain as to why they came. What calamity was upon them that required a gathering of such giants amongst mortals? What did had Ioun and the other divines see?

Ah there they were, the Twin Dukes. Lord Mavros always so stately dressed in his regalia, and Lady Mavros was almost a mirror image in hers. They were young, for elves, but the old cleric knew the Lady for some time now. Some people leave a more lasting impression, even on the feeble memory of an old man. That said, as the Dukes appeared, Kethan tapped his cane before him and bowed his head in acknowledgement of their titles. Perhaps he was the only one who still bore some respect to the reigning powers that be, even despite holding his own high-ranking position in the order of Ioun's clergy the hoary librarian considered himself just that: an wizened bookkeeper. It did help however that the Duke and Duchess were also more than just inheritors, they too where great mortals of skill to praise. For which a fading smile turn into a knowing stoicism at the arrival of the high elves. So, Lady Mavros was going to join them, then indeed there was no wedding to be had, but indeed as Kethan feared a great threat once again rises. One poised to bring ruin upon all nations such that someone had gathered them here. And there the darkened sky and crashing thunder was the very omen Kethan expected as he gaze drifted from the moment the Duke spoke of how the others had been summoned without the knowledge of Mavros itself.

There spoke the gods, as the booming voice of the celestial being rang out from the mountains. There the old man braced his ears for the deafening blast as his grip tightened across his cane's intricate handle. The voice of thunder cracked the very air, the resounding storm of Valkur, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing more than mere dramatis for all the world was a stage to the gods, And all the men and women merely players. Pawns in the games they play, or knights, or bishops or rooks, or whatever have you, the worth of a single being to be measured against the common soul perhaps. But they were just pieces, they have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many part. Kethan was once commanded in his meditations to journey the world, and only relatively recently did his pilgrimage end at the place it all started. But now, as the celestial spoke of dragons and undead armies it seemed once more the gods bade him play his part. Now exit, first the messenger who came to use a tongue to spoke quickly, then the Duke for anon the trees began to move, and so only does the Lady here remain.

And the young bade their questions, without letting the gravitas of the message sink into their bones. Not one, but two threats, one from the north, one from the west. There are minor threats which rise and fall everyday, many to lesser heroes than those gathered here, an army of undead is no match for an army of united faiths, but this Ghoul Emperor, this Kethan himself had not heard of perhaps either it was so new that it had yet to be documented, or so obscure that he did not know. but dragons were common knowledge, but of giants, he had no dealings with such beasts, yet knew of the bitterness of dragons and giants. It was indeed surprising to hear such a threat come from the cold north, but if indeed it was a white dragon, then either the dragon had become so desperate to deal with giants, or the giants were the real threat beyond the incapable dragon that had to swallow its draconic pride. Regardless the old man gave Ada an approving look at her wisdom, the library was a wonderful place to start. There the safeguards against the failing memory, inked upon the pages of ancient lores and histories. It was no Great Library of Archimagos, but it will do for a man who had spent days without dusty shelves to roam through. There Kethan would be in his element. Ah there the reason why he was summoned, to be the librarian they needed.

"I see we are already dividing our numbers. I suggest an even split, five to North, and five to West." Kethan grip relaxed as he began to walk forward towards Ada, "I fear the mountains will be too cold for my old bones, and Sir Lakeltia here may find me more useful in dealing with the undead should he raise arms to his sacred duty. I am too old for dragons and giants, I leave that to the young and able-bodied." A gesture towards Marcus, before a nod towards Ada, the Halfling, and the Druidic Elf. "And if we are indeed dealing with Orcus and his ilk, then I suspect Miss Lonett will join us. And I see the young man will also join us, making four. And though I suspect our Warforged here can surely turn the tide of battle against the undying armies, perhaps it would be more useful culling giants with someone to provide maintenance as indeed." A gesture towards the Warforged and the Gnome, before turning with a glare at the other human in the group. "Thus, leaves me with keeping a watchful eye on our bard. Who I suspect will be more useful in keeping up our morale against the living dead, rather than as a thief in mountainous dragon's treasure vault. But I am just an old man with no power here, little power left, and little time left in this world so I certainly have the least to lose."

"I do however, have a gift to bear for yourself Lady Mavros, Ah here it is." A book retrieved from his satchel, the leather binding stroked and the cover brushed before being presented. "Manual of the planes, fifth edition, by J.B.Ram, two thousand and two pages over which the coastal wizard describes the cosmos. Relatively new addition to our library, I hope it will find a home in yours." The book handed wholeheartedly, bestowing the gift to an old friend from an old friend. "So, shall we venture into the library then? Or does any amongst us care to rush so eagerly into defeat without knowing who our enemy is?" Spoken like a true master, surprisingly long-winded, but often aren't these old timers just so?

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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"I would agree with said sentiment", Marcus had barely let out of his mouth as a response to Lonett when he heard a cheery voice calling for him to relax from behind him. That since they were all here, it would be assumed that they could deal with any problem that could be thrown their way. A quick decision to be made in the case of a gathering of legendary heroes. Surely it would mean that the problem, just as well, was on the scale of legends? He returned his focus to the masked woman instead of the pink haired gnome over his shoulder, though this distraction had granted her time to don again her war face. "Yet to learn of the trouble we have is better to be done post haste. Any second wasted is one more second those of ill intent would have to assault our fellow man. And in a second, threats of our magnitude could level entire villages." A gloomy perspective, but something that grounded the responsibility of those gathered into reality.

The reception of the twin dukes was perhaps even more grandiose than it had been those times he had been called to speak to the court on the matters of judgement, righteousness and the justness of law and order. They had, of course, agreed. Few would dare speak against words of a paladin to the god of justice in matters such as those. Whether they had found it in their hearts was another thing. Marcus had not really followed. This time he was not here to speak of the matter however, but to deliver it. Not here, but wherever the summons would take him. And when the celestial messenger boomed and the paladin sat on his equally celestial mount, unflinching, it did not take long to make up his mind about what he would be heading to fight. The skills of one who possessed stoic fate and a blade of sunlight were called for in the West, where a most peculiar threat had arisen: Ghouls following a hierarchy.

In those around him, there were people of many opinions and varying knowledge. Even the duchess who would now abandon her title to seek the better future for the whole of the land seemed to lack information about this all, further speaking into the story of the divines not telling their blades what there was to be expected. Other than the immediate nature of the threat. Those who voiced their opinions were mostly interested in heading to the frozen North, to find the dragon and the giants working together. Then again, as they said, this was not always out of the ordinary, even if on this scale of power it was uncommonly seen. For all he knew, the once adult dragon enslaved by the giants could have now grown old and powerful. A natural event. But ghouls following a leader? Madness. As the halfling who called upon his attention seemed to think as well.

She had lots of things to say, the Paladin listening to her words attentively without making much of a noise for himself until she was done. She seemed to have some knowledge about these creatures as well, but ultimately chose to combat the threat in the North like many of the other vocal ones. He would speak up not too long after her: "Ghouls may swarm, but they do not work as an army. Usually. Now if they are adhering to the rule of another, Orcus meddling with matters sounds ever likely. My blade will undoubtedly shine upon the Western lands and my shield will be raised for those that would otherwise be trampled by the hordes of undead. I must still say that with all your knowledge on the nature of this threat, you would still dismiss it as mere ghouls to be... distressing." Having said his piece, he turned briefly to glare at Vincent, who he had just heard vocally dismiss them as just that.

Kethan's suggestions on splitting the amount of warriors in half sounded appropriate to the Paladin, who nodded at said words. The one known as Master suggested, not unlike many others by now, that Marcus would head into the fight against the undead. "I am glad you echo my sentiments, but this is truly undeservedly much. I may be half-orc, but my wit is completely whole", he commented on the eagerness of others to steer his decision. Speaking of steering of decisions, Kethan seemed to be making a division of resources of his own. A suggestion as it might be, it was a sound one to his ears. He could speak of his own though, but hopefully these people would learn that soon. Even if he took the time to weigh his words before letting them out. There was no taking back a letter pronounced, after all.

"The library would be an intelligent move, to seek all we can of the enemy that the divines themselves do not seem to know much of. Given we find all we can on our own, I will seek to counsel Tyr for his insight. I offer this aid to anyone who it needs, so those looking to head North may want to share their questions. But we must also act swiftly. A moment spent idly standing is a moment that may later mean the loss of lives."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Janine Fawkes

It didn't take very long for Scrapmouse, Sparky, and the other heroes that were called to reach the Seat of Mavros. When the two nobles started talking with their long winded speeches and flowery words, Scrapmouse merely looked at her soot darkened nails casually, and simply nodded when they said that they were the best in the lands. However, they had her attention when they mentioned that it wasn't them who called the heroes, since their seal was not on the letter.

Scrapmouse's eyes widened slightly and looked to the nobles. She commented to the both of them warily "Ya mean to tell me that ya didn't forget to put the seal on those letters?"

After she asked, the skies darkened and an angel appeared, speaking for Valkur.

You mortals have been gathered for glory in battle and the taste of godhood itself!

"Oh krick'nick nark!"

Scrapmouse couldn't help but swear in gnomish under her breath, and throw up her hands for a brief moment in frustration and anger, before having them crossed around her chest. She wasn't going to translate that. Who knows who could be reading this? It could be the kiddies for all anyone knew! Anyways, the last time she heard that bullcrap come out of a divine being's mouth, people lost their lives for its entertainment and she lost her freedom for a certain amount of time. So of course she wasn't exactly trusting of this divine being.

She listened as he spoke of fighting for good and about a dragon and giants, and a lich and the undead getting ready to attack, before the messenger disappeared. The rock gnome listened to the other heroes as they spoke. The only ones that she seemed to agree with were the noblewoman, the paladin, and the cleric. She answered "I agree with Gramps on how we should split the party. For now, let's get going to that library! You'll need mah researchin' skills as well," She then hopped off of Sparky and looked to Ada, ready to get going to the library. She would go on ahead herself, but she didn't know where the library was.

However, as she looked at the rest of the party, her mind recalled the dark memories once more. If this was going where she thought it was going, then she was going to need to spend as much time with these heroes as she can, and yet keep herself detached. She needed to know their strengths and weaknesses.

Valor may be regaled as a good guy. But you know what they say: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Perhaps Valkur also sees them as nothing more than entertainment as well for when the bad guys are slain and there's nothing else for them to fight...

If that is the case, then Scrapmouse needed to be prepared. And she would be adding another god to her hit list.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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"You honor me good cleric by suggesting I join you and the revered paladin. And while a dragon's hoard may be wonderful for looting so might an undead emperor. I also see a song of the vanquishing of a legion of undead quite possibly doing better." James didn't fail to notice the glare nor the mistrust spoken by Kethan. "I will also echo in agreement that we go to the library. Perhaps our scholar will be of great use here."

He couldn't say the cleric's mistrust was invalid, James is a thief in true. However as a rule he followed, James has never stolen anything from his friends or those he works with. Not that anyone here would care nor would it make them trust him anymore. Regardless of what they may think it was a way to do good. It was one of the only things James knew and he did give much to the orphanage in Valera. It gave some comfort to him knowing that others might not know the hardship he did in his youth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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As the group expressed their plans and recollections, Ada watched and listened. The groups seemed to be forming naturally amongst themselves, with weighty conversations being shared between the greatest combatants in the world as if they were considering which tunic to don this morning. It was an interesting juxtaposition between the extreme danger they all found themselves in, such that most men would never stand a chance, and the confidence that each had in their own abilities. Ada prayed silently that this confidence would not be their downfall before answering some of the questions tossed her way.

"Our library is not extensive on every subject, Seeker, but we do have many ancient tomes on several subjects," she replied to the druid's question, evidently already knowing her title before being introduced. "It seems the messenger neglected to give us any further information than direction, and there is a lot of land to the North and West. Perhaps we can determine a more exact location with the aid of research."

Ada then turned towards Kethan, bowing graciously to receive his gift. "Uncle, it has been far too long," she said before enclosing the elderly man in an embrace. "I am glad you answered the call, and I envy those who will receive your instruction to the West. Our library had been missing astronomical studies, so this book should be quite useful." With a smile, she placed the tome inside her bag for safekeeping.

"To think that we would be blessed with a Hammer of Grimjaw," Ada said to Markus, sending a smile his way. "Tyr may indeed have useful insight for us heading to the North, and although you speak true when you advise haste, we still have many preparations to make. Our research in the library may take some time, and the Duke has bestowed upon me the opportunity to present gifts to the party as well. Before we dig into the research, let me present to you all our gifts from the Mavrosian Vault."

From her bag were withdrawn a handful of peculiar items, all of which were noticeably magical once the party got a better look at them. "First, we present a simple magical item to each of you: an Earstone of Communication. These stones clip to one's ear, and allow you to communicate through closed doors and walls up to a range of 300 feet. Useful if we ever get split up. There is enough for each of us to take one." Ada presented a clip to each party member with a bow and a smile of gratitude. The stones were of various colors, although they seemed to not serve any special purpose other than decoration, and each person was able to choose a color of their preference. Clipping the stone to one's ear was only mildly uncomfortable, but the sensation quickly dissipated over time to be nearly imperceptible.

"Next, to keep our parties in touch over long distances, I present a pair of Sending Stones," Ada announced, handing a simple smooth rock to Markus. The figure of a face was etched onto one side, but otherwise, the stone seemed as mundane from a distance as any rock on a beach. "These are only usable once per day for a short message, but when in need of immediate aid or if useful information is found, these stones can be vital." Ada herself seemed to keep the other one, and the etchings on the stones were identical mirrored images of the other.

"And finally, our vault had two items of great legend that I wish to share. Items this powerful have the potential of great power, but also of great destruction. I trust that we know to use them well and safely." From her bag, she withdrew a crystal ball and held it out for the group to see. "This crystal ball allows the user to scry on a target and also to sense their thoughts, making it even more powerful than a standard scrying spell. Of course, we first need to have a target." She then hesitated a moment before withdrawing a deck of cards from her bag. "And this item... we have been counseled not to use it except in dire need, for many things can happen once a card has been drawn, both of good and ill fortune. I present these items to you to use as you see fit."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 16 Bit
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16 Bit Twice the bit of the NES

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Vale watched closely as her fellow heroes split off between hunting giants and making a trip to the library before facing the ghoulish hoard. Itching to hurry; thinking if they were to quickly dispose of the giants and dragons, they would be able to help out with the threat out west. Wishful thinking, she was sure. But that danger to innocents pulled at her heartstrings. She relaxed some, however. A few extra minutes doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

It seemed some of the party had already knew of each other. Or perhaps being a noble, the duchess is expected to know some? Was the old man really her uncle? Vale was just about to pull out her stitching work while the rest of the party tied up loose ends on their thoughts, but was quickly turned as lady Mavros pulled out gifts for all. Vale nodded thankfully and took a soft green earstone and immediately attached it to her ear as Ada carried on. Though her eyes quickly lit up as she watched the last item offered to the group.

"Ah! L-lady Mavros? Surely you don't mean to give such an item to complete strangers? As chosen by the gods we are, you don't know anything about us. .... However, warning aside. If you don't mind me holding on to the deck, I'd be honored to protect such a wondrous item."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Titan Bane stood in silence as others spoke around him. He saw no reason to speak since all that came to his mind was promptly given voice by 1 of his peers. Eventually, magical items were produced. The item that caught Titan Bane's attention the most was the deck of cards. He knew not what lay within. But he had a feeling that it would be for the best if he avoided drawing a card from that particular deck. Titan Bane was then handed an Earstone of Communication. This led to a small problem. The Earstone was meant to be clipped to the user's ear. Titan Bane did not have ears. It would instead have to be installed onto the side of his head. "If any of you know how to install a Earstone of Communication onto a warforged, I require assistance" Titan Bane stated "If none of you know how, I can do it myself if someone holds a mirror up to my head".
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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Marcus nodded at the words of Ada. "I have come like every time I have been called. It is not in my habit to refuse summons, not from the divines, those who serve them or nobles of the land." The fact the Mavros had prepared gifts for such occasion surprised him, but he was not sure why. Surely they would bring everything they could, wouldn't they? The first items handed over were a method of communication, the Paladin nodding at her suggestion for everyone to pick one and raised a piece that was not too unlike to the one the halfling that had spoken to him would pick in just a moment, for they both defaulted to a green option. Marcus placed the piece gently onto his ear and let it settle. He would soon forget it even was there.

But next it was him, nobody else that was handed a small stone with very little for itself, other than the face one side of it. He bowed his head politely, closing his eyes momentarily as even Bartimeus joined the show of gratitude. "I am honoured to be chosen as the carrier of this vital item", the Paladin thanked Ada for her trust while he enclosed the stone into his gauntleted fist. He could not and would not lose it.

Then out came the items of legend, the crystal ball made for the more discerning folk as well as the deck that... was not to be used unless in the direst of circumstances. Yet there was somebody already imploring to take the burden of said item, earning a sideways glance from Marcus. Wise words regarding the group's status as people she did not know, yet she would implore to carry it nonetheless. He rubbed his goatee with the hand that was not currently stashing the Sending Stone into a better location. He might want to keep an eye out on this person for the while they still stayed in one bunch. Mainly due to curiosity, he had to admit. What was this young woman about? He had never seen or heard of her before, yet she was one of his magnitude. He didn't really know what to expect of her, even. But she had the looks of a magic user.

@JBRam2002@16 Bit
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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Lonett listened to Ada's words of greeting with a head cocked to the side. She'd stepped a little back when all the other heroes had stepped forward to voice their thoughts and concerns. She knew Divna would get restless with all the humans talking and her having to stand obediently waiting. The monster huntress approached her fierce companion and petted her shoulder soothingly.

"Looks like we'll be here for a while after all, ol' girl." Lonett whispered to Divna who bumped her beak against the woman's head. "There's trouble brewing and the people of this land will need our help." The owlbear nipped at Lonett's ear. "Yes, I know. Just a little while longer. Until we know what exactly it is we are dealing with. And then we'll be on our way." The aasimar ranger looked her friend in the eyes and stated her following sentence with great care. "I can trust you to play nice with the horses while I do some research with the group, right." It was more of a statement. But there was a question implied there for Divna's sake. The large owlbear sighed dramatically, lowered her head and without preamble shoved Lonett away and in the direction of all the other heroes. As if saying 'Go! I'll behave.'

"Thanks, ol' girl." Lonett whispered and turned to walk towards the now former Duchess when she heard Divna emit a low squawk. The ranger grinned and approaching Ada who was currently giving out gifts to the heroes who'd answered the call as a way of helping their future quests. Lonett lowered her hood. Something she rarely did in public. More so when her mask was also down. Her long, dark hair was kept practically out of her face by way of a simple pony tail. She stood tall in front of Ada, making eye contact, but not really. And then her eyes fell on the Earstones of Communication laying in the palm of her fellow ranger. A deep purple one called out to her and she raised her hand taking it gently from the other woman's open palm.

"Your generosity is much appreciated, my lady." She said, clipping the stone to her left ear. It would not be safe on her right as Divna tended to walk on her right side and would surely peck it off. Lonett felt a pleasant tingle roll down her neck as the stone attached to her ear and settled. But then something else drew her gaze. Ada was holding a pouch in her hands that appeared to be a deck of cards. Lonett fixated on the object trying to discern what it was, but from what she could tell it looked to be a deck of illusions or something. So the following words of Ada made little sense. Apparently it was a very dangerous object meant to be used only as a last resort.

A sentiment confirmed by the nimble half-ling who offered her services as the objects keeper a little bit too eagerly. This left Lonett even more perplexed. Why would a deck of illusions inspire such awe in two heroes that had probably seen wonders beyond imagine? She approached the half-ling cautiously.

"Forgive me, Mistress..." She hesitated, realizing she didn't know this person or of her prior to meeting her here and now. "Mistress Ada warned us of this object, but I fail to see its importance. Is this not a deck of illusions? I believe these are not something to be feared as you two seem to be concerned with this deck of cards." She was speaking in a polite tone, making eye contact, but yet again, not really. It was her way as a solitary traveler. People often wondered how she did it. The only ones who seemed to be able to draw her gaze in completely were the children. Then as if remembering something, she placed her right hand on her heart and bowed slightly. "Ah, forgive my rudeness. I am Lonett of Caernath." She introduced herself.

@JBRam2002@16 Bit
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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James took an earring with a red ruby and then looked suspiciously at the deck. Back in his youth there were merchants that often misled people, himself included, by saying something was magic. Several times he lost the few coppers, or in some cases a silver, he had gotten from begging or stealing. This, to him at least, looked like a simple deck of cards. He was unsure why Ada had said they could be dangerous nor why some of the others liked at it in awe.
"Please excuse me mi'lady but I think you may have been lured to. These appear to be simple playing cards, maybe a few short. With your permission I would like to look at them. Yours as well my fair halfling as you have requested to be their barer." He stopped and shook his head. "Please excuse me again. In my haste to tend to my curiosity and see what is special about these cards ib failed to introduce myself. I am James Greerson.

@16 Bit@JBRam2002

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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E . .ʟ . .ʟ . .. .ɴ . .. .ʀ . .A A. . ɴ. . ɴ ' . ʟ. .. .. . H ...

Ellenara turned, watching once more as the mountains slowly gobbled up the lonesome star. She felt almost like she needed to bid farewell, as if watching an old friend pass through the threshold of her home. Within her wistful trance, she still listened, merely letting the words meet her ear rather than seek them out. But she pulled herself from it as the others became audibly more curious of something.

Before many of the introductions had been made, this young Duchess had offered them a small stash of magical artefacts essentially on a platter. Some were even quite precious, dangerous, and possibly ancient beyond even Ellenara's time. The wizened elf silently recounted the days when such items would have to be hunted down amidst the lair of a fearsome drake many times beyond a young adventurer's stature, or plucked from the stiff, rotting hand of a slumbering undead lord within its own sarcophagus. Such treasures must have such stories to tell, and carry the invisible stain of the blood spilled for their purchase.

And now, these items were offered as easily as swords among candy. How far-flung those days seemed, after countless more had aged their memory to only the barest recognition.

And yet, like toys, they were being accepted by children far too eager to ascertain their properties. It was clear that they had not bid themselves with as much caution as they might give the objects of their curiosity. Elle could see within the twinkle of the halfling's eyes that the cards in particular must've been as of much grave importance as Ada had hinted at, despite the vocalized ignorance of some of the others. She hadn't recognized them herself, as they seemed to be a stack of illusionary trifles that she had seen in action once upon a time, but she knew not to trust her memory always, as it often failed her.

Ellenara stepped forward, making her presence known before the Duchess was to hand over the cards. "My name is Ellenara Ann'leah," she spoke broadly to the group before focusing her attention to Ada, "Now, I may only be an old goat myself, but you seem to know me as Seeker. So, may I ask something of you, Miss?" Despite her rather youthful appearance, which was certainly more pronounced than a few within their party, she still referred to herself as elderly. Which, given her elven heritage, might even seem believable. "I know that I must be speaking amongst incredibly capable warriors and mystics, but if these cards are as extreme as you warn, would it perhaps be best to leave it within the hands of someone who you know will have the measured judgement necessary to wield such a thing?" she said, nodding over to the greyed human from whom Ada had received a gift.

As the girl pondered this, Elle stepped forward once again to sift through the little trinkets handed over to the group. She pulled at one that stuck out among the others, one that shone with a dull, golden radiance within the dying sunlight. After clipping the device to her knife-edged ear, she bowed humbly toward her host. "And, if you don't mind terribly, may you show us to this grand library of yours? I haven't had a good read in ages."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So much fascination with the deck of cards, but so little interest in the crystal ball. Ada listened quietly as the various combatants introduced themselves and voiced their concerns about the cards. "If we are to be this concerned about such an artifact, perhaps I should keep it myself," the former duchess suggested. "But what use is a magical item that we never try to understand?"

Ellenara's comment drew her attention next. "You all might be surprised to learn that I have heard much about each of you, or at least of your deeds. My people have seen most of you coming, and have learned all they can about you. Some of you are easier to learn about than others, such as Marcus of the Hammers. And some of you have kept your deeds hidden from public eye, which is no less intriguing." She looked closely at the deck, then back to James.

"I can definitely sense magic in this deck of cards, and powerful magic at that. More so than one would expect from even a Deck of Illusions. I am only quoting what our sages have determined about the Deck. The House Mavros has held it for a few generations, and none have attempted to wield it out of fear. I believe that fear does naught but paralyze us from action." With that said, she stepped forward to James. "If you doubt its power, or wish to test it for yourself, feel free to draw a card. Once you have done so, we can proceed to the library, or perhaps to our keep's smiths." The last phrase was said with a nod towards the Warforged.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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James shifted with slight nervousness under her gaze. Not many people knew his trade and he preferred to keep it that way.

"If you insist it is magic then I will draw one card just to see it for myself." He reached out and drew the card from the top. When he looked at the card and saw Talons all his magical gear disintegrated as the card vanished. He frowned deeply as he realized he had not been lied to and played himself as a fool and was left naked as his name day.

He quickly began to pick up his belongings that had been scattered around, hurrying for his cloths stored in what was his bag of holding."Well, I suppose that will be the last time I handle that." He said with bitter resentment while quickly putting on his cloths. "Shall we be off to the library then?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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Ada watched the disappointing result with pity. "My apologies, but that is the nature of magical items of this power: unpredictable and dangerous. At least we are in the midst of a city where smiths can be found easily. I might suggest getting yourself outfitted before we head off. As for the rest of us, the library is this way..."

Ada placed the Deck of Many Things back in her Bag of Holding and led those who would follow towards the Hall of Mavros, a beautifully gilded building with statues of elves lining the halls. "These are my ancestors, the Kings and Queens of Mavros that made us great until our downfall. In our pride, we thought ourselves impregnable, and did not suspect that we were being destroyed from within. Now, Mavros is under the control of Verrayne, a stark and constant reminder of our own hubris."

Through a great set of open doors, a long hall could be seen with crimson carpet running down the center. At the far end of the hall were a pair of thrones upon a dais, and Duke Vicente sat upon one of them idly. He waved to the group as they passed by the open door, but Ada led them to a side door. Beyond this door was a room nearly as grandiose as the Hall, but this one was filled from floor to ceiling with books, both new and ancient, all guarded by what appeared to be a very old half-elf with grayed hair and bent spectacles. He bowed to Ada as she entered, then looked at her compatriots with a questioning glance. "Eh, how might I be of service, milady?" he asked, evidently either out of the loop with the festivities, or too senile to recall being given such info.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 16 Bit
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16 Bit Twice the bit of the NES

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Vale paused. It seems the cards had gathered a cult following. Well, the cards and herself. The 5'10 owner of the owlbear turned around after receiving her own earclip and captured Vale's attention and inquired about the deck of cards. What a good bunch of heroes these were, not even knowing what the deck was.

"... I am Lonett of Caernath."

"Yes yes, that's nice. But the thing about the cards is that I'd rather-"

It seemed the human male was confidently sure of himself, brushing past her to introduce himself and take a look of the cards. As polite
as he was, he was far too brash.

"- This is your deck of illusions."

Vale scurried around Lonett's legs and effortlessly slipped behind the Aasimar. Vale wanted a front row seat as she watched James pull from the deck, and was not disappointed. Vale stood wide eyed as the human before her drew and was immediately punished by fate. It seemed nearly everything he had with him disappeared in an instant; leaving him bare against the elements. Vale couldn't help but gasp in shock and embarrassment as she watched such a wondrous item take affect.

Taking a moment to collect herself; she would have helped James shield himself, but she didn't have anything better than the random assortment he was able to scrounge up of whatever he had left. Only a second passed before she walked passed the human, resting her hand on him in comfort to the misfortune that struck him. She didn't find anything to say that might have been useful, but she did watch Ada as she put back the deck of cards. Probably for the best, but Vale almost had to wonder if that was the duchess' plan all along. Regardless, she headed off with the front of the line as they were led into the Hall.

@ihinka@Lurking Krog
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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Three names he had been referred to, and yet none so far called him by name. Either he had fallen into obscurity, or perhaps the young ones cared not to know him. Which was all well and good, let the fate of the world rest on the shoulders of the young and able, and less people pestering him for this or that. But it appeared everyone was keen on two things. The first was the division of heroes as Kethan had suggested, the second was that there was no reason to rush so eagerly into certain doom. They had only heard of the threat, but neither knew the whereabouts or the specifics. Thus far no dissent within the group, even the rascal that Kethan planned to keep a close eye on during their travels. The two younger men that would accompany them the old cleric had little familiarity of, for the tales of modern young dashing heartthrob heroes are not for saintly scholar. Nor are the tales of wizened old men for the young impressionable women, although the surprisingly affectionate squeeze Kethan found suddenly wrapt around his old bones was comforting. "Indeed, Lady Mavros, if only the circumstances weren't so dire. Sir Lakeltia but I fear the Gods have spoken. What Tyr and Valkur may not know, perhaps my goddess Ioun can divine. Yet I am not ready to come before her insight, not without an attempt to gather the information myself as her follower."

Gifts for gifts in kind. It seemed only Kethan presented the Dukes with a small token of court etiquette. For now the favour was returned, with fine earpieces of many colors. To which Kethan gave a bow of his head as elder fingers uncurled to select such a device. Though he did not clip it on instantly, instead placing it in a side compartment of his pack with the other enchanted items he acquired over the years. There was no need for them to have such relays at this moment, although they would make the battlefield communications much more effective. The sending stones perhaps the paladin would find better use for if not the demon huntress. The crystal ball perhaps best to the elf woman who introduced herself, for Kethan and Marcus had other means of divination. Ellenara Ann'leah, where did he know that name from? It mattered not, they would know each other soon enough by rubbing elbows. How blessed are elves and their legendary longevity, and youthful beauty. And as for the deck of cards that carried the warning of Ada, Kethan was instantly wary of their power, though unsure of their exact nature like several others, the cleric had the wisdom to avoid tempting fate. Sure there were fabricated tales of legendary hopes being nothing but a false promise, some made to inspire courage and valor within the heart of one who thought to use such a boon. But more often than not, such relics are a box of pandemonium, bearing both curses and blessings in ill proportions. Place your faith not in these, but the Gods. And if the gods themselves fail...

"Ah, no, no, Miss Ann'leah, such an item is left best in the hands of Lady Mavros. I have no use for a deck of cards, not one with such arcane power. Youself, my dear, may however benefit from the Crystal Ball. Ioun bestows upon me my vision. And besides, I entrust the safety of Lady Mavros to you and your party, although she is no delicate flower..."

And as the old folks chatted away in their wisdom, a fool had challenged fair warning. The rapscallion bard, of which Ada had hinted at knowing the true nature of his being, had drawn a card from the deck. The test subject was rewarded at once, as reality seemed to shift maliciously. A disturbance felt by all those in the room as the legendary relic was invoked: Talons. Instantly did the card vanish, and so too did the items the bard had carried, his weapons and cloak disintegrating, his armor wisped away like smoke leaving him bucknaked to pick up the scattered remains of his bag of holding. Such indecency, although Kethan had no reason to stop and stare, he could only hope the bard had had some manners to cover himself before Lady Mavros. Such ruination of a hero, stripped of his treasured items, how a benefiting fate to see a thief scramble to collect his odds and ends. Justice it seemed, for one who intended to steal with so already so much, now how the fates had stolen from him. it is as they say: A fool and his money...

Thus with a knowing smile Kethan's staff clicked once more into the rhythm of his waltz. He could attempt to reverse the events that had occurred, but there was no treasure greater than wisdom. There was a lesson to be learned here, and the cost of tuition was merely his worldly possessions and not his life. Had he died in such a time of crisis, Kethan would have attempted to intervene given the divines had chosen for this other human to journey forth on this quest. Now, then the library awaits, as they all passed from the courtyard into the hall of Mavros. The gilded faces of ancient rulers looked down upon them, possible saviors of the kingdom they once lost. A nod towards the Duke on his throne within his throne room, yet the greatest room in Kethan's view came past the side door that Ada led them. There the familiar sight of shelves and musty tomes, scattered and littered about the desks. There another old bookkeeper came bowing towards them, as proper as every library has its guardian no matter how great or small the collection. To which Kethan, a familiar figure amongst bookkeepers and scholars, knew just who the bespectacled half elf was.

"Ghouls Kings and Dragons, Lawrence. Whites in particular." Ah the emphasized wit, although wights were not ghouls per say, the humor should not be missed by his elderly colleague. "Anything you have on the demon Orcus and his undead servitors, the more obscure the better. Cast a wide net, perhaps a compendium of demons and undead, but anything you suggest Lawrence. Geography of the northern mountains would also be appreciated, both modern and ancient maps please. And how was that chapter of the manuscript on I had sent forward to you? I had to make sure the Grand Librarian of Mavros had seen it before the writer publishes such history of the Verraryne region.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 16 Bit
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16 Bit Twice the bit of the NES

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"Ah~ books!" Vale rushed into the now open library, ignoring the now dubbed Lawrence, and began skimming though topics; pulling out a vast selection of books. Building a stack taller than she before setting up her study section and scouring the shelves for more books of interest. "Much easier to read than people." She mumbled joyfully to herself. There was no time like the present to get started, opening the books eagerly, but carefully. She was a scholar, not a monster. "Oh, and Lawrence? Do you happen to have a quill and ink or whatever you use for writing around here? I could be of need of one, if there was one nearby I could borrow."

Hour 1, 2: until 7 pm

Vale read countless books on the study of Orcus, most of which coming from religious texts and the like. But nothing too in line with her interests. A weapon here, some fancy paladins, a home plane filled with zombies and war. It wasn't until her second hour that she began to find texts more in line with her pursuits. Vale skimmed through the books she had gathered, and even went through the shelves another time; pulling out a few more books based on her findings. Each book she read, she set aside in a pile of their own. When this was over, she'd put all of those back, but right now she didn't have the time or care.

Hour 3 : until 8 pm

Vale opened up a book on the Western Wastes. If they were headed west; this would be the obvious place to start. Not a lot was gathered though; mostly history lessons and who does what, why, and where. The only thing of note was a small book about Caelmarth. A small ruin from centuries ago that was overrun by undead. Frankly, it was only as far as Caelmarth, but if they could make it as far as Mavros; then she couldn't leave it alone. The distance was too similar to her home for her her to ignore, even if it was in a different direction. She set the book aside, in a new pile of important books. Half of her wanted to just hand that book to their paladin, but they still had until morning at least, she was certain.

Hour 4: until 9 pm

The last of her stack of books were on The Gardens of Carnessa. She didn't know really what she wanted to find; half of what she read just drummed in her mind. The only book that caught her interest was one written in Abyssal. Vale looked around. The chance to read it was too great. Flipping through the pages, she saw many pictures. The Gardens were quite pretty; it almost reminded her of her little hermit hole out in Ghostlight Forest. But sure enough, everything written was naturally unreadable. She bit her bottom lip. She wasn't that skilled as a wizard, but she had confidence in what she could do. Her hand reached into her component pouch and drew out some soot and salt; casting Comprehend Languages and touching each page as she let the magic flow through her, gaining the secret knowledge from within.

... Honestly, it was a bit disappointing. Vale set the book down and stretched her arms. Feeling like she wasted the last four hours, but it wasn't like there wasn't time left. And who knows what others found; Vale had disconnected herself from the rest of the group as best as she could. Certainly this old, out-of-date tourist guide didn't up her spirits.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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Lonett looked expectantly at the halfling, awaiting a response, but it was Lady Ada who spoke first. She had some wise words to impart with regard to the mysterious deck of cards that for some reason drew the attentions of a few of the heroes present. Herself included. In her defense, she wasn't one who interested herself with magic items unless she knew exactly how they could help her in her fight against evil. Anything ambiguous, as powerful as it might be, was a double-edged sword she could ill afford to use in a battle she fought on her own. When in group she supposed, with others to watch your back, an item like that could become an asset even with it's uncertain nature.

She returned her attention to the halfling who brushed off Lonett's introduction impatiently, failing to return the gesture, and started answering her question when the two of them were joined by the bard. The man came to them with a similar question about the deck as the ranger herself had posed.

Before the halfling could respond to him Lady Ada approached the bard, who'd introduced himself as James Greerson. She explained that the deck had been in her house's possession for some generations now and that she could sense the magical essence of the cards. She even offered the young man to draw a card so that he could attest to that himself. It was about this time that Lonett felt the nimble halfling skirt around her legs to get a better view, as it appeared, of what was to follow. She herself observed with morbid curiosity. Something about this deck of cards wasn't right to her. She just couldn't put her finger on what it was. But it would appear they were about to find out just what the deck could do.

As James drew a card there was a moment of stillness and then all his magical gear vanished into nothingness and the man was left standing in his birthday suit a frown marring his features. Lonett averted her gaze tactfully as he hastened to grab his spare set of clothing and began putting himself and his scattered gear in order.

Prior to the misfortunate draw, a suggestion was made by the wood elf to go to the library. Lonett's attention was now drawn to the elf woman once more. She looked to be young in appearance, but the ranger felt something from her that belied her youthful appearance. Was it the way she carried herself? Or the way she spoke? Plus with elves one could never be too sure of their actual age. Her thoughts were interrupted by a nervous servant who was standing a few feet from her looking cautiously at Divna.

Lonett smirked. "It would appear it's time, ol' gal." She rubbed the owlbear's neck for comfort. "You promised." She whispered and got a beak nip on her ear as response. "Oy!" The ranger rubbed her ear, congratulating herself for the foresight to put her Earstone on her left ear. She then looked at the servant and beckoned him to come closer. "She's behaved. I assure you. But just to be on the safe side. Put some distance between her and any horses." The nervous man looked almost horrified at the rains in Lonett's hand. She decided to spare him and tied the rains on the saddle. "It's alright. She'll follow you. Just lead her to the stables." The man gulped, nodded and wobbled away, followed by the large owlbear.

As Lonett turned to look what the others were doing she realized they were now all following Lady Ada. The Aasimar hurried to catch up with them and the party was soon led to the library. They were greeted by an elderly librarian who was immediately recognized by Kethan, the Master. As the two of them exchanged pleasantries and caught up on scholarly news, the group settled to do research on the impending threats either in groups, or by their lonesome.

Lonett approached the old librarian and asked him if he could direct her towards any books that pertained to Orcus and any related topics. The man led her to a section of the library that contained the books she'd inquired about.

"Thank you, Master Lawrence. If I can impose on you to inform the group of my line of research and to direct anyone who wants to join me to this spot." Lonett started taking books from shelves and hauling them over to the nearby table. The librarian nodded his assent and the monster slayer sat down and began her research.

After two hours of sifting through tomes of lore and religious texts Lonett had acquired a good amount of information on Orcus. She was taking neat notes on some parchment Lawrence had provided her with. As it turned out Orcus was the demon lord of the undead and necromancy. There was a reference of two Orcus cults worthy of note. One in the Gardens of Carnessa and the other in the backwater areas of the Western Wilderness. That drew Lonett's attention as it was in the general area where Valkur's messenger had said the Ghoul Emperor amassed his armies. She also discovered an interesting connection between Orcus and the Paladins of Conquest. Since she was unfamiliar with the subject she scoured the books on information on The Oath of Conquest and diligently scribbled down what she found.

At first it didn't make sense to her for any lawful Paladins to want to follow a chaotic creature as Orcus. But taking into account their constant search for glory and the desire to subjugate their enemies, she could see how they could be drawn to the demon of the undead, who sought to exert his might over this plane.

Lonett rubbed her eyes to chase the tiredness away and promptly resumed her work. She needed to look more closely into this Orcus cult said to be located in the Western Wilderness. And if her eyes did not betray her, she wanted to put in some hours of research on the subject of white dragons and giants, of which she knew next to nothing.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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E . .ʟ . .ʟ . .. .ɴ . .. .ʀ . .A A. . ɴ. . ɴ ' . ʟ. .. .. . H ...
And they set forward, by the lead of the Lady Mavros. On past the courtyard, away from the receding blanket of warm sun, and into the grand halls of kings. Each immaculate carving of stone and structure bore the refined and pompous aesthetic of royal elves. Elle wondered at how long is must've taken to craft such a place. At how much more it'd be before such a grand palace would inevitably recede into darkness and ruin. From the sight, it seemed like these lands had long enjoyed the bright daylight of their civilization, and Ellenara pondered at how dark the coming night might be for them, as the dusk seemed to be settling in then, just as it was outside.

"Oh?" she said to the elderly man's offer as they walked. "That's kind of you to suggest, but," she caught herself. Had he not mentioned his name, or was she forgetting again? "And what should I call you, young man?" she grinned as she teased the old sage. Elle looked to the child elf ahead, who was still carrying the spherically distended silk pouch. It was true that none had taken a liking to it, and while she had similar abilities herself, she couldn't deny that she had been eyeing the artefact since it was revealed. She had hoped that the first treasure she would acquire would be through adventure, but perhaps patronage would do just as well. "I suppose, if none others would like to, I could handle the globe myself. I'm sure I can find use for something so reliable."

The mystical cargo soon exchanged hands, and Elle was left at the entrance to this dusty library with the shimmering orb in her palms. She considered it for a moment, gazing into its depths and feeling a twinge of its essence binding to her little by little. A familiar feeling. After pulling her eyes from the crystal ball, she looked to her ring. She'd have to remove it before she could fully bind to the orb, this much she knew. Ellenara pulled from her finger and plucked a silvery helix cord which resembled a broken chain. The old thing hadn't seen much use since she had mastered the thousand forms, but she still seemed quite loathe to part with it. A relic of unforgotten times. Pulling from her hip, she untied a small pouch of red silk, seemingly filled merely with air. With the ring in hand, she reached into the bag, half of her arm sinking into its space paradoxically, and it seemed to hardly react to the intrusion. She took some time, seemingly finding a proper place for her ring, before finally removing her hand from it and tying it back to her hip securely.

Afterward, she had strode over to an unused corner of the library, her back to one of the bookshelves as she sat to the floor and gazed into the crystal ball. She felt some of her own energies fade only to be replenished by something new, a mutual feeding of energy between herself and the item in her grasp. She glanced about to the others every so often, scooting once out of the way as the halfling girl checked behind her for some material, but she firmly held her concentration on the globe. Elle wondered at how she'd extract the necessary information from these tomes, as she hadn't a clue where to begin or where to look. All of these covers seemed to be titled in forms of history or esoteric text, but not of any rumours of recent sightings of troublesome creatures. As she stared back into the clear orb, she saw an image in her mind of an old tavern she had once been hesitant to frequent, but had soon warmed up to.

And then she realized something she had nearly forgotten, which was where to find such a place within the city. She had passed by quite a few establishments during her jaunt in the sun, a couple of which might pass around these kinds of rumours. Another couple of which she'd need to remember for later if she decided to vacation in these mountains. In her realization, Elle stood, and addressed the busy party, "I'm going to head off and look for some more recent rumours. If anybody wants to come with, I'll be visiting the adventurer's guild and a couple rascally pubs."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

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Vincent smiled receiving an obsidian colored stone that he clipped to his ear as soon as he could. As he looked up he was the Bard lose his clothing and gear and had to stifle a chuckle. Shouldn't be trifling with things you don't understand. he thought to himself as they all began to separate. Finding himself an area of the Library he began the research into ghouls trying to learn as much as he can. Looking for anything related to the Emperor ghoul they had been told about but sadly finding nothing but an old children's tale. Before long the Wood Elf looks to everyone and offered for whomever to travel with her to the adventurer's guild and look into recent rumors.
"I'd be happy to travel with you." he said smiling and standing from his chair. Vincent strode over to where the wood elf was standing and smiled again offering her his hand. "Also it's nice to meet you. I don't believe we have been formally introduced." He began bowing politely. "I am Vincent Amakiir of Reywald." He said giving a cocky half-grin believing he just introduced himself in a shocking manner as though people should know who he is
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