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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Upper South District - Roof of the Capitol Building

He looked up the stars, and he felt... Well, that's not important now. Is it? Ziggy Stardust looked into the sky above, to the stars above him, and he felt something. The boy from the stars, with blue skin and crystal growing from his skin. So obviously not human that nobody even thought he could be. But none the less, he was there on the roof of the capitol building looking into the sky. He wore a hoodie. Loose and baggy clothing, almost as if he was just another high school student. He could probably get away with it too, if high schoolers had glowing hair.
"I was looking for you." The voice that crept up from behind was gentle. Almost motherly. Made sense that it came from the person in charge of Ziggy.
"I just wanted to get out, you know?" Ziggy said, brushing his hands through his hair. His hair, was synthetic. It wasn't warm. It was cold, like ice, and the scientists figured it was some kind of incredibly flexible crystalline structure. Probably using the template of the astronauts whos bodies had been used as material in his birth. "All those meetings are boring."
"Yes they are. But they're important. And they involve you." Mother took a seat, right next to Ziggy. She was the only one who ever did. Others gave him distance, but not her.
"He can complain all he wants, but General Howzer said he wants me here. And he'll get his way." Ziggy grumbled out, thinking of how the mayor was always complaining. "I have enough problem dealing with the turf war with heroes and villains! I can't deal with some space messiah!" Ziggy did a nearly perfect impersonation of the fat, and clearly balding under that toupe, mayor. Though the slight reverberation of his voice kinda ruined an otherwise perfect show.
"Of course. And even if the mayor did have a say, we'd find you someplace else to test your powers."
"That's all you care about, huh?"
"Don't be that way."
"What way?"
"You know, that way were you act like we're only using you. Putting you through tests to turn you into a weapon for US superiority overseas."
"General Howzer says so."
"Well, he's only the general. And you're a private citizen. That took a lot of work getting you classified that way. The whole born on US soil thing took a lot of convincing."
"The judge was so shocked when I started growing those crystals." Ziggy laughed, remembering all the swearing about aliens and monsters.

Agent Mother smiled, and patted the starchild on the back. "Now, remember why you're doing all this."
"Do I have to say it out loud?" Ziggy said, smiling at his handler. She was the only person who really got him. Better than some of his professors at the university. They just didn't get it. He was smart, despite only being about four years old as far as humans could be concerned. And yet, despite all the superheros running around, a creature from space just stood out in a weird way.
"Not really. Just do your school work. Eat all your meals, and don't get hurt." Mother whispered that last bit.
"Oh come on, I haven't even run into any crime, and I've been in this city for a week."
"That's because you glow, and don't stray too far from the Capitol building."
"Yeah, but you said I have to stay close."
"For tonight, you have my FULL permission to travel through the whole city. Just um... Don't go past Northview or Young. I'll give you more room once you're better with directions."
Ziggy smiled, and then, he jumped from the roof. Spinning in the air just enough to salute Agent Mother, and he was off. Without the need to rest, he was already running down the city streets, with the ground slightly cracked on the pavement below from his impact.
"And don't go jumping from high places! You may not get hurt, but the streets aren't you!" Agent Mother shouted, before watching Ziggy vault over a car. It seemed he was heading towards Young. Not a bad place to go looking for crime. Sighing softly, Mother picked up her phone, and began to dial. "Agent Mother here. Subject Stardust is making his way towards Young. Let the authorities know, since not everybody is used to the alien boy yet."

Young was part of the poor district. It also happened to have the nicest rooftops. This was because the whole district was layered on top of itself. This made it easy to leap from rooftop to rooftop. And there was a rush in that. The way the city seemed to stretch around him. Area 52, where he'd been raised for four years was so small, full of walls and barricades. Here. There wasn't any walls. No desert to get in the way. Here, he could do anything, and that was so worth living for. So to the people below, there was a blue boy leaping about on the roofs of the building, and if they hadn't watched the news lately, they might have been terrified.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Little Italy
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Little Italy Trash Panda

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dinah McBride / female / 21 / hero
the Streets of Centerville; Running For Her Life
Interactions: @KaijuBaragon

By the time the cyborg had freed itself, Dinah had made it down the stairs and rushed out into the street panting, careful not to let her exposed left hand touch her clothing. She headed for an alley opposite of the building she had just barged out of, ducking behind the wall and stopping to catch her breath briefly. She peeked around the corner to see if she was followed, and sure enough there was terminator hot on her heels.

"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered, turning and darting off again, her other dark blue glove still clutched in her right hand and she bolted past the trash and pipes. There was no way she could hold her own against that thing, it would crush her like a bug under a boot. Her best chance at survival was to evade it. Her old chucks pounded the wet concrete, carrying her as quickly as possible through the back alleys. She turned a corner and was faced with a tall chain link fence, a few boxes stacked in front of it, barring her way. There was no time to put her glove back on, so she stuffed it in her pocket and started to climb, running and leaping up onto one of the boxes, then using it to vault as high as she could onto the fence. The moment her fingers came into contact with it, the steel began to turn to gold, the rust of intertwining links falling away as the change spread. By the time she swung her legs over the top and dropped to the ground below, the whole fence had turned to solid gold. She was starting to feel the fatigue now, not accustomed to using her powers so often. She kept running, her breathing now labored and lungs on fire.

Rounding another corner revealed a dead end and produced a string of curses from Dinah, who looked around frantically for a place to hide. There was an empty dumpster, the lid open, pressed in the corner of the alley that seemed as good a place as any. She dashed over to the rusted container and clambered inside, using her gloved hand to shut the lid as not to leave any clues of her being within. She huddled in the dark, her knees hugged to her chest as sat wide eyed and waited, the blood pounding in her ears and fear keeping her quiet. Thankfully the scarf covering her face muffled the sound of her breathing. On the chance that he should discover her hiding place, she removed her right glove and slipped it into her pocket, holding her hands out in front of her with fingers spread.

It was some kind of robot, not a human, so she could technically slap any part of it without killing or completely disabling it. Any system that shut off as a result of her touch could theoretically boot up once more when the effects of her powers wore off. That put her a little more at ease, although that was accounting for the chance she would even get to use her powers at all. There was a very good possibility it wouldn't allow her to get that far, now being somewhat aware of the nature of her abilities. She wasn't sure what had become of that Hijack guy, or if he had pursued as well, but she knew that if she was in his shoes, she would've high tailed it out of there without looking back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Scorn / female / 29 / Villian
Generically named - Madison Bank...

"The charges set, the time is right, it's time to have some fun tonight," Scorn cackled ",Let the party begin." Standing away from the door of the Madison Bank door front she hit a small switch in her hand. To get the doors open hardly required much explosive power, ramming it with a car would of just been as easy but Scorn wanted an audience so she decided to go big. The glass door front exploded into tiny shards, shaking the ground even where she stood.

"Perfect now for stage two, grab and dash," she spoke to herself jumping from beyond her cover and swiftly entering the bank even before the dust settled ",Just going to stop in to make a quick transaction." A few others followed after, bringing along a drill for the vault door. Three stayed in the lobby to keep guard while the other four followed their leader. While passing one of the bank tells, Scorn looked for the alarm button. If the alarm hadn't been triggered from the explosion and lost of doors, well she took care of that by finding the button hidden under the tell and pressing it.

"Time for the piggies to come and play. Who knows maybe a big fish or two will come along as well," she giggled skipping along to catch up to the four with the drill who had reached the vault and begun the process of cracking it open.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

LOCATION(s): Street -> Allewyway


Talos's metallic feet thudded off the roof and to the top of the stairs. He once again decided to take the quicker route of climbing the gap in the centre of the staircase, although this time he was going downwards. He reached the bottom of the stairs soon enough, heading quickly out of the door to see the smaller shape of the girl disappear around an alleyway, then the head peek around before darting back behind the wall again. Talos reached the corner, finding no sign of the girl, but a dark maze of back-alleys and streets ahead. No matter, there were dead ends everywhere. He would find her soon enough.

He tore off the last remaining parts of the silicon mask on his face, to make sure his sight was fully unobscured. Thick metallic thuds on the concrete echoed off the brick walls as the android stalked through the backstreets. His eyes suddenly caught sight of something as he went past a corner - a chain link fence made of gold. It seemed that the girl had touched it while climbing it, as the fallen boxes underneath it indicated some kind of activity there. Behind the fence, he could see there was a dead end. Perfect. He thudded up to the fence, gripping it with two hands before tearing a large hole in the fence which he stepped through.

Talos was met with a mess of possible hiding places. Bins, bags, cardboard boxes. He began at the left, a methodical search. He lifted up bags and bin lids, hoping to find a cowering girl underneath or inside. He worked his way up the side of the street, checking every place he could think of, until he reached a large dumpster tucked away in the corner. Certainly big enough to hold a human. He leaned in close to the metal, listening for the faintest noise from within. He reasoned that if the girl was inside, she was probably poised and waiting, hands at the ready. He grabbed the side of the dumpster and tipped it over, hoping to catch her by surprise if she was hiding inside.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by superservo27
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superservo27 Hey I'm Grump! I'm Not So Grump!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Current form: Amber Levesque

Warning: a good amount of swears

Amber checked her watch again. It read 11. Oh thank god, I can go. She stood up and shut down her computer. As she walked out, she high fives her replacement. ”See you tomorrow, Ted.” She jogged to her car, wanting to get home as soon as possible, or if not home, then at least, not work. The classic roll of a storm echoed through the air, signifying that there would probably be lightning forming. I fucking hate working late, but beating some bastard up’ll feel great.

She started the car and left the parking lot. She tuned the radio while doing so. Eventually, she found the good rock channel just as her favorite band started playing. ”Duh, duhduhduh, duhduhduh, wehnehnehnehnehnehneh. Hell to the yes!” Rather fittingly, the song was “Back in Black” by AC/DC. Unfortunately, as she was driving, one of the signs said that there was a traffic accident. Right there, Amber decided that she would take the tollway. Though it takes her a farther way away than the freeway, it would be faster in the long run.

After driving a bit, she turned onto the road that would lead to her house. As a result, though, it took her by the warehouse district. As she was driving, she noticed some flashes and heard some gunshots. She decided to break this fight up and pulled over. She turned off her engine and popped the trunk. 5 minutes later, Dr. Wattz was running as fast as she could, electricity crackling around her eyes. She got to the fight scene just in time to see someone chase after someone else.

She immediately ran after them, trying to catch a glimpse of who she was dealing by throwing electrobolts at them. She saw shimmers of metal on the closer one and decided to target that one. They ran down the stairs and out the warehouse they were fighting in. Overhead, the storm rolled. Eventually, they ended up in a dead end, one of them gone. Luckily, the one that was shiny was still there. She grabbed one of her 360 speakers and threw it. As soon as it left her hand, it started playing a very distinct guitar riff. At the same time, she started putting together Mjolnir and swung it. The song skipped to “You’ve been... THUNDERSTUCK!” And impact was made. Lightning raced through the sky and landed on the hammer, racing through it and onto the now-obviously-a-robot’s face. She spoke, her voice taking on an electric crackle, ”Let’s dance, fucker.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Madison Bank - Stopping a Crime @Argetlam350

One doesn't need to be a superchild to hear an explosion. Nor does one need to be particularly observant. But Ziggy was both, and he could see the smoke billowing out in the distance. It wasn't exactly subtle. And best of all, it was in Homewood, not to far from Young. He could tell from the building structure, since the obvious distinctions in brickwork made it an easy r- Nevermind. The ground blurred beneath his feet, and Ziggy jumped from the roof of the apartment he had been standing on. The ground thumping below his feet as he landed on the next room, and then the next. He was close enough to the border that this was a few easy jumps for him, and then, he was teetering on the edge of a building. Overlooking the bank as the dust was already starting to clear. He stood out too much anyway with his glowing body that he was thankful for that.

Ziggy could go in through the roof, no... Agent Mother always said he had to limit damage to buildings. Since repairs were costly. Instead, he had to go in through the doors. After all, while it'd be obvious, he'd deny the criminals the chance to escape. That alone was worth the risk. "Look out down below." Ziggy whispered to himself, arms spread out, and he leapt to the ground. The impact was enough to rattle him back to reality, and he approached the building. "Criminals! You are under arrest. Put down your weapons, and surrender." The words weren't brave. In fact, from the alien boy they sounded weak. As if despite rehearsing it a million times he didn't actually understand what he was saying.

The three criminals in the lobby may have been surprised, but then they started opening fire. Bullets struck Ziggy's body, and he charged them. The bullets whirled away, deflecting into the ground and nearby furniture. One bullet smacked into the gunner's leg, sending him to the floor. The other two either continued to fire as it was their only plan, or maybe they were trying to warn the boss. Either way, it was only about two seconds of gunfire, before it stopped. The guns began to creak and snap as crystals grew inside them. Ziggy's hands clasped around the barrels. The third gunner, who by that point had stopped firing to nurse his leg wound was the first to go down. Ziggy's right leg cracked against his skull, knocking him cold. The other two found their hands encased in crystal. The one on the right smacked into his ally when Ziggy lifted him off the ground, knocking into the nearest teller desk. One was out cold, and the third passed out when the monitor from a computer fell into his head. Crystal was used to weigh down their legs, and the superboy began to make his way to the back of the bank. A deep breath, and he was ready.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Douglas Song
North Cyprus

The walk back toward "home" was a quiet one for Song, having found no further opposition for the evening that drew more and more toward the wee hours of the morning. For his troubles tonight he had earned more than enough to pay for a few days of his stay and had another gun to add to his collection; it wasn't that he needed them all, but he was pleased to remove them from criminals, even if he knew well they would soon find another through some unscrupulous means. It was a never ending cycle, crime and corruption feeding into itself, though if this were not true where would he be now? The man had much to atone for, to attempt to right his wrongs in his new understanding of life and the world he lived in, no matter how impossible they seemed. Not every wrong man makes could be corrected, yet for Song, he needed to at least put in the sincere effort - to have good kung fu in all he did.

Now was just to take the weapon and the other rewards back, divvy them up among his storage, and then set off to find himself a purveyor of the tea he so desired. It was rare, an actual import of China and there were few oriental markets that carried it; more often than not he found it in small coffee or tea houses, but such a game was time consuming. It required wandering all of Centerville at times, no small feat during the day when the bustle took root. For all the crime of night one was safer there, at least those familiar with the underworld - the everyman hadn't an answer for the modern day bandits and thugs that dominated the place.

Placing his hands back in the welcoming pockets of his black jacket, Song wound up in North Cyprus, a slightly better side of town not too far from the Best 8 he called come.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

""Hey! Tin-can!"
@KaijuBaragon@Little Italy

Jason was about to unload the rest of the magazine at this robot, until something strange happened. A substance began to spread onto the robot, and it was... gold? A malfunction? The work of another super? Jason couldn't be sure, but he didn't take the time to check. Jason immediately holstered his pistol and turned on his heels, sprinting to the edge of the building and taking out his hook launcher. He fired and swung across as fast as he could, quickly scaling up to the adjacent building. He turned back and saw that 'Jack' had disappeared, chasing whatever or whoever it was that had caused the gold onto him. However, as Jason was about to escape, he began to hear metallic thuds echoing throughout the street. There was no doubt that this belonged to his former assailant. If the robot met his quarry, they would probably meet a very unforgiving demise.

Jason cursed, and followed the sounds. He couldn't abandon his benefactor. Even if it was a super, he now had a calling card to identify them. He was ruthless, not heartless. Following the sounds from roof to roof, Jason managed to slip by unnoticed. It seemed the robot had completely tunnel visioned on the person it was chasing. It seemed they were ending up in an alley, and Jason just caught up. He watched in silence as the robot systematically checked his surroundings. Jason's temporary ally must've hid, or he would've seen them up on the roofs. He stepped onto the ledge and pulled out a flash grenade on his belt. He pulled the pin and called down.

"Hey! Tin-can!" He yelled out. He tossed the flashbang down onto the street and bolted, running off into the night and hopefully avoiding the robot for another day. For now, it was back to hunting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Korkoa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Overclock, 2:57 am
King Station, bordering Ross Park

((Warning: Adult language))

Overclock skulked around the darkened entrance to an alley as he kept an eye on the poorly lit street separating King Station from the Park. About fifty feet away, the porch light of a 24-hour convenience store flickered, catching his eye. Overclock considered stepping into the shop to get out of the rain, which by now had soaked through his clothes. He could get a hot drink, a protein bar... Or a candy bar, he could afford some chocolate/peanut-buttery goodness... Of course, that would mean having to be seen by the acne-ridden kid manning the graveyard shift, and possibly getting the cops called on him for either illegal vigilantism or suspected gang activity, considering his outfit. But on a night like tonight, maybe it'd be worth it to get run off this street...

Overclock snapped to attention as a pair of headlights rolled up to the stoplight just past the convenience store, crossing from the Park into the Station. It rolled slowly around the corner, the bright beams nearly catching Overclock before he ducked back into his alley hiding spot. Judging by the undercarriage lights, lifted cab, and the gang-related detailing; this had to be the D-Gens. Patrolling the edges of their turf, most likely. But now they had crossed into the Station, probably just to cut through and find a shortcut, but that was semantics. They were across the line. That was his cue.

As the car rolled up by the alleyway, Overclock sprinted out to plant himself in front of the car. The brakes squealed too late, as Overclock watched the car close the gap between its bumper and his legs. When the car hit though, instead of knocking down the masked man it simply... Stopped. Even the occupants of the car, none of whom were wearing their seatbelts, didn't move much, all the kinetic energy of the car suddenly being sapped away into the human battery in front of them. The four delinquents stared in slight shock at the hooded figure in front of their car before the drover swore and leaned on the horn.

"Yo muthafucker! Get the fuck outta the street you fuck! Quit touchin' my fuckin' car! You deaf or somethin'?! MOVE!"

Overclock grinned beneath his bandana, slipping a hand into a pocket and pulling out one of his rubber bands. He took a step back and listened to the driver rev his engine as he closed the gap again, clearly trying to intimidate him. Overclock hooked the band around a finger on his prosthetic, and grabbed it with his other hand. Raising the improvised and normally harmless projectile, Overclock chuckled as he charged it with stored energy, the rubber flashing a dull purple briefly before he aimed it at the windshield... And shot.

A pair of ear-piercing crashed filled the soaked streets, echoing down the alleys and off buildings. The windshield of the D-Gen's car had shattered, the band actually passing through and blowing out the rear window as well.There was a chorus of panicked screams from the four gang members as they abandoned the car, each or them brandishing pistols as they turned on him. Overclock tensed andreached for his staff...

This was about to get fun.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cole Walker, alias Mr. Nil
King's Station, Bordering Ross Park
3:00 AM
Interacting with Overclock (@Korkoa)

Tonight's excursion had led Centerville's own masked madman to King's Station, having decided to head out again after a short break to eat. Normally, he never ventured this far from the Lower Southwest End, though tonight he felt a tug to the more desirable part of town (though, that's only when compared to the hellholes of the Lower Southwest and Southeast Ends). Rain beat down upon his head, drenching his coat and hat, but he continued on. In the distance, lightning struck.

Mr. Nil leaped from the rooftop onto a freight truck, jumping off and rolling with the fall. Continuing on the ground, he found himself standing near a convenience store, where he saw a young man in street clothes wearing a bandana wielding a staff, one of his arms a very clear prosthetic. Surrounding him were four unsavory gangbanger types, guns at the ready. "Hunh." Mr. Nil hummed slightly, sneaking towards the scene.

Withdrawing his grappling gun, the vigilante aimed at one of the undesirables. Slowly, he squeezed the trigger, the hook wrapping around the man's ankles and pulling him into the alley. He screamed, dragging his fingers along the ground in a hopeless attempt to escape. His screams were silenced moments after he was pulled into the alley.

The gangers shifted their focus from the man with the staff to the alley, as Mr. Nil stepped out. "Hrm. Three against two. Not fair. They need at least a dozen more." He said, approaching the younger man and staring at him with blank, yellow eyes. "Shall we?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Little Italy
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Little Italy Trash Panda

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dinah McBride / female / 21 / hero
the Streets of Centerville; What is even happening
Interactions:@KaijuBaragon @GingerBoi123@superservo27

The sound of metal footsteps echoed around the alley, Dinah holding her breath and remaining perfectly still as she listened to the cyborg kick over boxes and rummage around in search for her. I should've just kept walking, she thought to herself, her heart practically pounding out of her chest. She wasn't cut out for this, not at all. There were plenty of superheroes in this city, why did she have to go try her hand at it.

"Jack" stopped in front of her dumpster; she could tell by the shadow cascading through the cracks and the clanging of metal on concrete. Fuck. Next thing she knew, the container had been rapidly overturned, causing Dinah to yelp as she tumbled out into the alley at the robot's feet. Her hand had brushed the ground, the spot turning to gold and spreading for a few seconds before stopping. She continued to roll away and get to her feet in an attempt to some distance between herself and the robot, but she didn't get far.

"Hey, Tin-can!" she heard a voice yell, looking up just in time to see a figure throw something down into the alley. She leapt backward just in time as the flashing connected with the ground, the explosion and searing light blinding her for a moment as she tripped backward and landed on her back. She rubbed her eyes, ears ringing as she attempted to stumble to her feet once again, now thoroughly discombobulated and confused. Although, she was grateful for Hijack's intervention; she would have been done for otherwise.

She was going to turn and try to run again when electricity crackled past her, headed straight for her original pursuer. She whipped around to see a woman, lightening crackling all around her and a wicked grin on her face. Where were these people even coming from? she wondered, assuming that this character was friendly, as she had chosen to target good ol' terminator and not Dinah. She stumbled over to the woman though still kept her distance, all the while keeping an eye over her shoulder in case Jack tried to attack once more. She had a feeling he wouldn't be out for long.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Korkoa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Overclock/3:00 am
King's Station, bordering Ross Park
Interacting with:
@Simple Unicycle

Overclock jumped in surprise at the surprise grappling hook, the gangbangers reacting similarly as one of their buddies was dragged away screaming. Overclock braced himself again, watching as a figure emerged from the alley... Overclock recognized the face of Mr. Nil. He had spent some time browsing VigilanteWatch, and Nil's look was pretty unique, like a Terminator that stepped out of the 50's. Listening to his quippy one-liner though, Overclock had to grin. The Terminator was on his side.

"Don't mind if I do, friend. I could use a nice, easy warmup." Overclock retorted before springing forward at the nearest D-Gen member. The gun came up and Overclock was momentarily blinded and deafened by the flash and shot, but the bullet simply dropped away from him as the energy harmlessly transferred. Letting out a short laugh, the masked vigilante swung his staff in a wide arc, the end flashing with newly stored energy. The staff connected with a sickening 'CRACK' and the gun-toting gangbanger was lifted off his feet and flew through the air to crash into a newspaper stand across the street.

"Woo, it feels good to cut loose!" Overclock cried with a hidden grin as he turned back to face the remaining two opponents.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cole Walker, alias Mr. Nil
King's Station, Bordering Ross Park
3:01 AM
Beating up criminals with Overclock (@Korkoa)

Mr. Nil watched as the young man sprung forward and attacked one of the gang members. The ganger managed to raise his gun and fire just in time, though it missed the vigilante despite the two only being a few feet apart. 'Some kind of force field perhaps?' Nil thought to himself, though he didn't have time to think too much into it as he remembered the remaining two gangers.

Two gunshots went off as Mr. Nil dashed towards them, one missing though the other clipping his shoulder. The detective grunted in pain, voice modulator distorting it, though he continued his charge and rammed into one of the gangers. Quickly disarming him and smashing his nose in with the pistol, Mr. Nil quickly took aim at the remaining ganger and fired off a shot, hitting the man's gun hand and causing him to drop his pistol.

Nil tossed the pistol in his hands at the remaining ganger's head, the scum falling to the ground and clutching his face as he shouted in pain. "FUCK! YOU GOT ME RIGHT IN THE EYE! YOU PRICK!"

"Why tell me your problems?" Nil asked as he loomed over the man. "I've no pity for you and your kind, hustler." Kicking the man in the face and knocking him out, Nil turned to his ally as he withdrew some rope to tie up the men, "Nice work. Haven't seen you around. New to this?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Douglas Song
Best 8 Motel

Stepping in from the downpour outside that had gripped the city, the soaking man shook out his coat whilst closing the door behind him. The fabric, drenched as it were, at least kept him dry for the most part and had done its task of obscuring him on the streets; Song wished to go where he desired unaccosted and subtlety was a great factor in that. The familiarity of his orderly, neatly kept, albeit humble room pleased him, even as he latched the bolt upon the handle, the deadbolt, and the chain across the door. There was no denying this side of town was dangerous, even the motel had such basic, rudimentary security upon their door, but the man was pleased all the same.

Removing the handgun from under the second sweatshirt, did he examine it for a moment in the faint light. Depressing the magazine release, the small metal rectangle fell into his palm and he laid it to the bed; fourteen out of fifteen for the moment. With a flick of his thumb, cocking the weapon slightly to a side, he racked the slide to the rear and sent the round withing the chamber spinning wild through the air and with all the grace of a magician performing sleight of hand, he caught it without second thought. The metal frame of the pistol, from its grip on, felt so foreign, so dead to him; there was little life or art to this thing. It had its uses, it was a tool, but it was impersonal, indifferent... mechanical.

The magazine was reloaded and Song soon joined the weapon among a black bag from under the bed among others; various handguns, a few modified shotguns, a set of cutdown rifles. The "Golden Tiger" had freed them from the hands of bad men, at least objectively worse men than him at least, and kept them here. At times he thought to begin pawning them off but what suspicion would arise? It was better to just keep them in disuse here, safer at that. There might have not been a use to the martial artist in them regularly, but who would make a better steward? Few, at least here.

Soon, like the rest of his attire, Song attended to everything from the small collection of throwing knives he kept to the money he had plucked; looking over it neither approvingly or with any sense of disappointment. It simply disappeared into his meager safe and the rest, what little he kept on his person, into a pocket. It was not long that he delayed or dallied, reequipping himself in preparation to travel further north and procure his few luxuries; it started with the duffel bag and ended with it, the zipper sliding shut as his hands pat the bulky, metal filled bag down. Returning it to its place, he nodded.

It was time to leave, albeit this time a long coat would join him to slick the rain.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Scorn / female / 29 / Villian
Madison Bank - Playtime

The drill was doing its work, only a few more minutes and they would be in and taking their deposit. Oh what wonders would be in all those lovely boxes, Scorn could hardly contain her excitement.

"Boss, the watch-outs are not answering," the one member who wasn't handling the drill told her making Scorn sigh as she postponed her victory snickering and began making her way back to the lobby. Her mood shifting from being ecstatic to annoyed.

"It's like dealing with a bunch of children," she mumbled to herself carefully rubbing her temples with her clawed fingers thought a smile crept onto her face at what it might mean if the others weren't answering the radio ",Or maybe we have a big fish on the line." The thought made her quicken her pace. She was so thrilled with the thought she nearly ran into the person who must of dealt with her followers.

"My, my you're a new one? Just blew into town?" Scorn asked looking at the odd glowing person ",So your power is being a nightlight? Man if those bozos were defeated by a nightlight I'm going to crack some skulls later." She ranted to herself before returning her attention to the new challenger. There had to be more to the meta human in front of her but there was only one way to find out for herself.

"So I'm guessing you're not here to play?" She inquired getting ready for a fight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Madison Bank - Fighting Criminal Scum @Argetlam350

Between Stardust and the four remaining bank robbers, was another, slightly more super-villainy bank robber. He stopped, glowing eyes focusing on the wild haired girl with the skull painted onto her pale skin. Her outfit was rather clown-ish if he was going to have to name it. A bright red with some other stuff slapped on till she looked like rainbow vomit. But, what really took his attention was the claws. Big metal looking things attached to her arms, to a point where it looked like delicate wasn't in her style. Was this a regular crook, or somebody worse? Ziggy took a step closer, eyes focusing on her own. "I'm trying to stop this bank robbery. And I don't think that's a game. But I got what you were saying. Agent Rooster says that same thing all the time." Ziggy added that last bit, mostly because he didn't want to come off as rude, or worse ignorant.

The criminal before him was probably trying to buy time. He doubted the only robber would be trying to fight a hero, so, he had to move fast. Knock this robber out, and move on. Taking a deep breath... He charged. No guns, so he knew she was a close range fighter. But if getting up close helped him mask his power for a moment longer. His fist pulled back, throwing a punch right at Scorn. If he made contact, crystals would began to sprout, immobilizing or weighing down the point of contact. He hoped for a moment she'd try to catch the easily telegraphed attack with one of her clawed hands, removing that from the playing field right off the bat. "My name is Stardust, what's yours?" He shouted that out, as if it was some kind of witty one liner. "And I'm here to knock your nightlights out!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Black Mask/Sanctum collab

Black Mask stiffened when he heard the man's voice enter his mind . You know, he'd had just about enough of people getting in his head. He took a menacing step towards the man when he fell. Mask wasn't above kicking a man when he was down. That was when he felt the pull on his body.

The instant that the invisible force began to move him, Black Mask dissappeared. He vanished in a cloud of black smoke, only the reappear a second later, behind the man. He popped back in about four feet off the ground, already aiming a kick at the man's back.

Sanctum opened his eyes in time to see the man vanish into the cloud of smoke. He expected the man to reappear from the cover of the smoke after it dissipated, but was surprised when he felt a foot collide with his back, knocking him forward into the pavement.

Sanctum shot up as quickly as possible. Making direct eye contact with the man through the raindrops, now smacking violently againts the pavement. ”So, you are a super after all.” He concentrated on the man once again, grabbing him, but this time waiting. He focused on a trash can next to him, sending it at the masked man quick, ready to pull him down was he disappeared again.

Mask lunged to the left at the sound of metal scraping concrete behind him. His action was validated when a tin trash can flew right by him. That was how this was going to be, then.

Black Mask ported away again, but this time, he took the man with him. It felt like being forced into a narrow tube, spinning the whole time. When they came out on the other end, they were on top of a nearby building. Black Mask landed with the roof under his feet, but the young man was just a foot shy, left to fall.

Sanctum wasn’t expecting the masked man to port with him. He was left to his react time to save himself. With the man in the mask still held on my his mind he dragged him down to meet him. Sanctum clutched on to his arm as tight as he could. Now the black mask would have to port away to save himself and take Sanctum with him.

Black Mask did, indeed, teleport again. The feeling of the tube returned, the crushing sensation surrounding them. While Mask was used to this, having a lifetime to adjust to it, his teleporting made most other people ill.

This time, when they came out on the other end, Mask was already on top of the man. They landed flat out on the ground, a bit of the fall's force still following them. Black Mask didn't wait for a recovery before he began pummeling at the man's face. The heavy rain poured at his back, running off the nose of his mask.

Sanctum pushed the man off with psychic force. At this point he couldn’t tell if it was blood or rain running down his face. He stood up, irritated at the man’s ability to negate his actions. In a quick fury he flicked his wrist aiming to throw him into the brick wall of the building next to him. At this point he didn’t care if the building came down, as long as the man was was under it. This was getting irritating to him.

Black Mask felt himself being thrown again. He disappeared mere inches before colliding with the wall. He reappeared a few feet up the sidewalk, and immediately began taking strides to close the gap between them.

Just as he began to approach the man, however, a black and white squad car pulled around the corner. It slowed, the officer inside clearly spotting them. The blue lights flicked on. Black Mask wasn't about to deal with the cops today. He grabbed his bag and vanished once more, leaving the other man standing alone in the rain.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

LOCATION(s): Alleyway

INTERACTING WITH: @Little Italy @superservo27

Talos was pleasantly surprised as the dumpster tipped over to reveal the girl hiding inside, as she tumbled down at his feet, flecks of the ground turning to gold as she skidded along. He raised his cold grey hands over her head. Preparing to bring them down and end this. Perhaps her body could be harvested to create some sort of weapon out of this gold ability. It certainly seemed like something which could come in very useful down the line. Suddenly, cracking footsteps came running from behind him and he heard a voice yell out, before the sound of something skidding along the floor.

Then there was the bang. Blinding light filled the alleyway as Talos stumbled slightly, too heavy to be fully knocked over. But he was disorientated for a second, and it took a bit of time for his visual sensors to work again properly. He recognised the voice immediately to be that of the roof man, Hijack, but by the time he turned around, the man was long gone. Drat. He turned his attention back onto the cowering girl, now slowed in his efforts and angry. He needed to finish this, right now, then be done and go back to his base to rebuild and recuperate.

Then, something made his sensors prick up. A crackling, in the sky, and a crackling slowly approaching. And... music? Talos was utterly irritated and confused. What was with this damn city tonight? He turned to see another girl, this one surrounded by electricity, grinning wildly. Music blared, seemingly from her presence. And then suddenly, electricity raced into him and struck him straight into the face, causing the left side of his face to shatter as systems entered a temporary, emergency shutdown as he collapsed in a heap on the concrete.

Talos's mind raced to get everything back into order, as silence rang out in the alley for the first time. Talos's fingers began to flex and twitch as the android rebooted his battered body, a rasping sound being emitted from his mouth as his twitching head turned to face the electric girl.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Douglas Song
North of Best 8 Motel

Regularly, even at this hour, it would not be unreasonable for Song to see, rather hear the college, still alive with some activity. They were youthful, reckless, wild, but the rain had extinguished any flames they had and called it an early night on their activities. This made travelling its block easier, the outsider not wanting to develop a reputation. Why even bother going down a route that gave an increased odds of detection, a pattern? Simple really, it was the most direct route to the coffee shops of the area.

What proved more amusing? That tonight of all nights, had he gone the route around and away from the college, one of several he varied on and chose, he would have stumbled into the brawl of man, machine, and women. It had become a free for all and as if some greater divine, if not absolutely cosmic comedy was at hand, those responsible for it all were the same two he had met. What punctuated it most was a great clap of thunder and lightning that came, seemingly erratically from the storm and struck several blocks over. The wanderer ceased his advance for a moment, water slicking off of his coat, shooting a speculative glance down the road. That was odd, the storm reached out not to the highest or most prominent point, any number of metal fixtures or even lightning rods that lined the rooftops.

The "Golden Tiger" was no master of the storm, let alone all that knowing of it, but whatever had just transpired was strange. So strange it seemed either a once in a lifetime incident to behold or far more unusual matters were afoot. What had brought things out as they had on this night? Song could only wonder, be he listened and waited, stepping back under the overhang of a shop's front...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Scorn / female / 29 / Villian
Madison Bank - Round 1 FIGHT!

Scorn made the split decision to flip backwards, she wanted some fun as well as needing to delay him from making any attempts of stopping her current transaction."Well since you asked so nicely Starfreak, the name is Scorn mistress of shadows, she stated once out of the flip, giving a brief bow towards her new adversary. Now having some distance between her and Stardust she briefly took a better look at him. For the most part Stardust seemed human despite the blue pigment skin. The crystals impaled or part of him seemed to be haphazardly place with ho real rhythm or reason.

"You are a lovely shade a blue I will say, but you know what you need is a bit of red. Should we found out what your insides are colored as?" she cackled getting into a fighting stance and then charging forward, staying low, going for an attempt of taking his legs out from under him, either just by tripping him or slicing one of the appendages off with her claws.
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