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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Martin Cromwell.

By the campfire.

Of course, his heart was pounding as he watched the girls interact. The adrenaline that coursed through his veins was nearly enough to cause him to raise to his feet. He didn't know what to do. It was almost as if vertigo hit him, a sort of dizziness that he didn't know how to fight off. What in the hell was he supposed to do if Claire started wailing on Rita? He didn't want to watch Claire beat his friend into a pulp but he also didn't think he could fight her or that he wanted to fight her.

He may have not known every minute detail about Claire but he knew enough that she was a pretty damn good fighter. Martin Cromwell was not a pretty damn good fighter. In fact, he'd taken a few beat downs in his life and he didn't want one of them to be tonight. God, that would be embarrassing. If he tried to step in to help Rita and got the shit kicked out of him then he was pretty sure that would be open season on him again. The thought of his old bullies coming out of the woodwork was enough to make him nauseous, the thought of new bullies coming out of the woodwork was enough to almost make him puke.

Claire shot her insult off at him, and he raised his hands in sarcastic, mock, surrender. It may have been ill timed on his part but it was his immediate reaction, maybe panic was making him delirious. Her friend started to drag her off and he physically exhaled. His shoulders sunk from their defensive position as the universe decided for him that he'd have to do absolutely nothing. That was fine by him, doing nothing meant that he could talk to Rita and try to convince her that this wasn't as bad as it seemed. Well, maybe it was as bad as it seemed but it was fixable. Maybe. Probably.

He couldn't help but feel a little bad for her. He knew what it was like to have all eyes on him in a negative way and it wasn't a good feeling. She hadn't even had a chance to introduce herself, she was a nameless face in this crowd but now she was the nameless face that Claire had developed a bias towards. Not a great start. He honestly didn't believe Rita had any intention of stirring up the shit pot with Claire but it had happened. It had happened and now she was suffering the consequences.

When the blond male piped up, he noticeably rolled his eyes in response. He hadn't ever met Hagan but he sure as hell had avoided him as much as physically possible. He burned with irritation that the boy would have the gall to be joking about this, though he wasn't surprised. He might have not known a lot about Hagan either but he knew Hagan wasn't known for his sensitive and caring nature.

"Fucking sadist." he muttered, though not loud enough to surface a challenge, because challenging Hagan did not seem like a good idea. He was pretty sure Hagan could literally kill him.

He had just been about to inquire about Rita's state of being when Tuyen beat him to it. She asked gently about her wellbeing and confirmed that she believed that Rita wouldn't have purposely done anything to Claire. He nodded in agreement when she said it, "Yeah, that was kind of. . . bad. It's good to see you again, Tuyen. I'm fine, but, Rita, how about you?"

Aliana Agüero.

By the docks.

The sound of Lynette's voice broke her from her thoughts and demanded her attention, it was hard not to be happy to see Lynette. She was a welcomed presence, especially when she was there to save Aliana from the clutter of her thoughts. She was always easy to talk to, though she was a more recent friend, she'd already made a good impression on her. She took the free spot to Aliana's other side, a notebook resting on her knees. Her company was comfortable, she was glad the girl had decided to join her.

Lynette was a New York native, they shared their obscurity from Montana. It was so very different from where they'd both come from, it was hard not to bond over that. Lynette was interesting in her estrangedness, there was something about her that provoked questions. That was part of why Aliana liked her so much, the girl had a goal but all be damned if she knew exactly what that goal was.

"Something like that, I'm not a huge fan of drinking and water helps me think. It reminds me of home." she said, glancing to her companion and smiling. "You looking to get away too or were you just bored with the mundane?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Campfire.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Martin and Zoey the punch that “the librarian” had braced herself for never came. Regardless, she felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. Her eyes were now boring a hole in to the ground, one where she could crawl inside of and hideaway for the rest of the night. She could hear the sound of her heart thundering in her ears; even without the danger, the anxiety was still there. She felt a sharp pain in her fingers. Absentmindedly, she had been clawing at the log seat; her nails were dark and dirtied with splinters and blood. She shifted in her seat and tucked her hand underneath her thigh, her “I love NY” bracelet glaring up at her. She bit her lip. Should’ve gone there. What kind of idiot runs away to Montana of all places?

Tuyen’s voice pulled her out of her mind. She actually seemed concerned, which should’ve made Rita feel better. It didn’t. The tiny voice that always whispers suspicion in Rita’s ear was at it, assigning ulterior motives to mundane actions yet again. She doesn’t really care about you, she’s just trying to make herself look like a good person, it said. Typical. Her other hand was now clawing at the log. Her eyes were still burning in to the ground. The blood was still in her ears; there was a tightness in her throat. She felt sick. Martin’s voice yanked at her again, and she realized that politeness demands that she said something.

“I’m fine,” she said, the lie barely eeking out. She wasn’t, but that was what they wanted to hear, so that was what she had to say. Nobody ever wanted to hear about actual problems. Better to just pretend it’s all okay like a loveless marriage, if only for the sake of the children. Still, sometimes the children can tell when mommy and daddy are on the rocks. Gotta sell the lie. Rita paused, trying to let calm wash over her. A great lie was one that even the liar had to believe was true. She breathed. Forced a smile. Looked up. Met eyes with Tuyen.

"I liked your story," said Rita. After a pause, she added, “So is there anything else to do in this town than drink in the woods and try to ignore the smell of manure?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 15 min ago

@Prosaic@Surtr Inc
Camping Trail

"Ouh!" A grunt slipped forth from a hoodie-clad figure's mouth as a branch recoiled and whacked him over the back of the head, "Fuck you, tree."

Somehow, Nate had let himself get roped into this - not that he really knew anyone here yet, but he'd heard from and spoken to enough people to know where to go. Maybe it was just him to blame - there hadn't been anyone tugging at his sleeve for him to come. It just beat doing nothing, sat on his ass whilst everyone else had a good time - and he wanted a good time, for a change. Which was why he was out here, stumbling through the woods on the trail to the camp - a very light knapsack clinging to his shoulders.

He felt a buzz from his pocket, prompting him to stop for a moment and reach down for his phone, sliding it out of his pocket - he swiped and checked his text messages.

Have fun with your friend, don't get into trouble

Trouble? He shot a quick message back,

Quent will bail me out if they catch me

It didn't take long to get a response.

He can't shoot every witness.
Seriously though, have fun - and be safe

She made a good point.

Yes ma'am

Of course, nobody back home knew he was out here here - as far as they were concerned, Nate was headed out and stopping with a 'friend' at Grand Ridge - not out here in the middle of the woods, ready to wipe his ass with poison ivy leaves.

His Aunt Viv probably wouldn't have appreciated the idea, whilst Quent probably would have had a few choice words for it - yes, Uncle Quentin, who was in fact no biological relative of Nate's at all, in fact he wouldn't have even passed for a blood relative if the two were stood together because of one obvious factor - whilst Nate had the pale skin complexion of someone who'd spent their life in Washington state, Quent on the other hand was black, with an accent that suggested he'd grown up in Los Angeles or somewhere around it.

Oh, and he was a beat cop - or, had been one back when he had lived in LA, though after his marriage to Vivian he'd retired from that, then taken up a local sheriff's department. It was a safer life, at least - you didn't get much in the way of drug busts or gangbangers around Farmer's Hill and Viv was grateful for that.

So, no need to compensate for her gratitude and relief by giving her more bullshit to to worry about.

Pushing thoughts of the two real parental figures (since the CEO of KW&Co Haulage was always preoccupied with other matters) in his life aside, Nate continued onwards up the trail - making out the glow of a campfire and rising smoke in the distance, with the backdrop of that mountain lurking just behind it.

Great, just think on that.

Seeing it at night, this time of night, no artificial lighting, was different to observing it in daylight - it almost reminded him of the monolithic behemoths that marked the skyline in his home state of Washington, except unlike Bellevue or Tacoma there was no great cityscape to challenge that imposition. Throw on top of that all this stuff about people disappearing?

No wonder this place spooked some of the locals. Nate felt a chill running down his spine just from looking at it, nevermind going there. At least the camp was on the right side of the fence, else maybe he'd have given it some second thoughts. Too many hours running through Silent Hill, Raccoon City and hostile woods at night from the confines of his bedroom had given him instincts for those kind of places.

He stepped in closer, where the cabins were close up in sight and plenty of other figures were seen wandering around, one even brushing past him. On his way in, he couldn't help but notice a familiar face - though not one he particularly liked, staggering away, muttering something under bated breath.

This guy, he recognised.

He was Sheriff Reese's kid, an obnoxious prick that Nate had been graced to meet once before whilst Quent had first been taking him around town. No doubt someone had probably clocked him for acting like the shithead he was - it was even tempting to make a barbed remark about it too, but second thoughts crept up - Nate figured it was best if Reese didn't know he was here. Last thing he needed was the guy bitching to his old man, who in turn would bitch to Quent - and get him into shit from there. Instead, he stepped past, intentionally kicking up some of the dirt from his boots towards Reese's kid, prompting him to swear at him a few times. Not that it made a difference - he kept his hood pulled up enough that he could easily get past without being recognised and within seconds he'd slipped inside the camp, blending in with the half-dozen other party goers.

It was too crowded around the campfire for his tastes, though Nate recognised a few faces here and there - Claire Sullivan, Hagan something, Dex Quinto - plus others who's faces he couldn't put names to.

Instead, Nate turned his gaze towards the lake - and the docks by them, where there were people - but less people. And with that, plenty of sitting and/or standing room - whichever he felt like. Closing in, he made out two dark-skinned girls with similarly messy mops of hair talking, neither of them ringing any 'local girl' alarms on his accent detector. If anything, they each gave him an East Coast vibe - though for different reasons. Letting off a grunt, he stepped closer towards them, setting a palm on the handrail by one of the walkways, "Someone forgot to bring their boat."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Camp

After the whole little incident with Claire, Scott had hastily scampered off.

Not just with his groin injured, but his pride. He stomped off into the woods, he let out a vociferous yell as he hit the side of a tree with his fist. In turn, he received a near-electric surge of pain go up his hand into his arm. He hissed, but he needed to let off some steam. All he wanted to do was show her a good time, and she gets violent? Fuck. Her. He was about to lose it. He stumbled into the darkness of the woods. Stunned, but also feeling oddly compelled to a point... to one place. The thoughts of rage for Claire was the only thing on his mind right now, and he would love to do nothing more than to show her who was boss.

Scott came to a sudden stop as he looked around. He thought he heard something. It was an indescribable sound to the average person... but to him, it was communication. Something told him to keep moving until he made it to the fence that kept everyone away from the mountain. The place that the officials of this town were so heavily in defense of. There was a gap in the fence, seemingly made by an animal? But, evidently wide enough for Scott to fit through.

Mindlessly walking through the woods was not on the agenda, but he was being guided somewhere. After a point, with each step that Scott took, the environment made a change... it warped. Seemingly an orange light came from the mountain that illuminated everything with a blood-red hue. A bloody-rust had spread outwards from every step that Scott took. But, it didn't deter him one bit. In fact, he finally felt at home.

He had approached a chasm, and looked on at it. The voice in his head was commanding him to finally go forward, and that's what he did. He slid down the side until he made it to the bottom of the chasm. He kept walking on and on... his feet splashed against the puddles of water. He noticed that all signs of life fled him, from even the mightiest of bears to the smallest of insects. He finally knew what it felt like to be so powerful that everything was aware of it.

As he kept walking, a pillar of orange light appeared from the mountain, and he quickened his movements as he stepped inside the light. His reward? A skeleton. A skeleton with a broad axe with a large and heavy head dug into it. It was obvious what had happened - but it had occurred such a long time ago that the axe-head was rusted, and the wood was degraded. Scott smiled as he reached for the axe - but he heard that same sound, telling him to turn around...

He laid eyes upon a mere child. Wearing an all-white dress, and simply couldn't be much older than nine years old. Scott couldn't tell their gender - because their facial features were androgynous, the dress, and they had a bald head. The child had no irises... only strangely white orbs for eyes. The child just stared at him before saying,

"He wants you to know," The child said, their voice could honestly belong to a boy or a girl. "If you take his power, he'll own every part of you. Every cell in your body, every action you make... it'll be his."

There was a brief pause, before the child added, "... And there is no turning back."

Scott smirked, and the child continued, "... But, you already know that. Then come on and take it. We have much work to do." The child put their hand out, and the axe was restored to pristine shape. The rust faded away, and the wood was restored. Before faded away into an orange light, and disappeared. Leaving only Scott.

He tightly grasped both sides of the axe, and upon contact; bulging black veins had traveled up his arm as he grew larger. His skin turning grey, and his muscles bulging. He grinned as he held the axe with one hand, and with one powerful flick, he had knocked off what was left of the skeleton.

He can show that bitch who's boss, he can show them all who's boss.

The Campsite - Campfire.

Okay that was really weird.

Jordan was just here relaxing when all hell broke loose. Honestly, she held her tongue when the alcohol and weed were brought out, even though the mere sight brought back very uncomfortable memories. The kind of memories that were always haunting her to this day. She grabbed her arm in a nervous tick and tried to look away, but part of her just wanted to walk off. That was when Claire screamed out, and was about to go to town on that nervous girl. It looked like she should had held off from the vodka. If the situation wasn't so strange and serious, Jordan would had cracked a smirk.

That was when somebody walked up, and that was when Jordan couldn't help but smirk now. It was one of the teachers from school, a woman with her hair in a pun, and older. Probably around her forties. She was one of the people there to supervise everyone (a great job she was doing so far). She quickly moved over and snatched the alcohol and said,

"What are you all doing with this?!" She loudly says as she looked at the bottle, and says, "I leave you all unattended for a few hours and you all just throw a party, huh?! Well, I'll be sure to let you all know you're going to have a long appointment with the counsellors-"

When her last words left her mouth, a massive axe split her skull down the middle. Blood and gore was shot in all directions as everyone present loudly screamed. Jordan herself was frozen in fear, as the woman's eyeball fell down and rolled onto the dirt. She covered her mouth as a torrent of vomit came out of her mouth, and stained her entire outfit.

The woman's corpse hit the ground, as her murderer had put his foot onto her back, and pulled the axe free. That was when the tall figure of Scott Reese' mutated form had come into attention. He was easily eight feet tall, with grey skin, and a network of horrific black veins and muscles from head to toe. His eyes were glowing an orange color, and he was staring at the ground. He held the bloody axe in hand... before raising it above his head.

"Run!" Jordan said as she got up out of the chair, and did just that... well, the best she could with her leg, but Kimberly helped her get away.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Infirmary.

Everything went together so well with the story... and, even though it relied on stupid bullshit.

David said that Mosshead was sick and they poked their head outside and vomited. Justin would smile if that wouldn't give away that he was full of shit. He turned away when the Mosshead vomited, because he didn't want to see what kind of nasty shit they were spewing. Justin slid his hands into the pockets of his grey athletic shorts, and pondered if he should just leave before nurse-chick figured out anything. After all, Justin had no real reason to stick around after getting them to the doctor - it wasn't like he personally knew them. And like hell he was going to be compliant once they figure out that they're drunk. He slid off to the side a bit, before waving to David as he tried going out the back.

That was when the sharp sounds of yelling, followed by the distinct sound of a good dozen or so people running for their lives. Curiosity took over Justin as he moved over to the window and looked out - only to see his worse dreams come to life. The tower of a man with an axe and grey skin, standing over a body, and looking over his shoulder with clear intent. His eyes shot wide open as he realized just what had happened.


On instinct - once the shock wore off - Justin grabbed Rien by the arm and yanked her back inside, and shut the door. He breathed really hard in and out as he got away from the window. This was the shit that his mother warned him about: getting caught in a fucking killing spree! He knew that he had to do everything in his power to make sure that everyone stays alive.

"Everyone stay down!" Justin said, "I have an idea."

He flicked the light switch, and everything went dark.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Martin Cromwell.

By the campfire.

Martin watched Rita carefully as she responded to Tuyen, having developed a keen eye to her mannerisms after living with her. He could easily tell that she was far from comfortable, she seemed to be drawing into herself. It worried him, he knew that she had wanted tonight to go well and this was about as far from well as one could get. He'd need to pull her aside to talk to her about this, though he wasn't sure that she'd be willing to talk with Tuyen around. He swallowed back the bile of his anxiety and focused on figuring out what he was going to say to her later. He didn't have long to think it over.

The sound was terrible. A sort of wet, cracking, noise that conjured images of horror movies. Martin liked horror movies, especially the cheesy slasher kind. The dumb kids at a camp getting hacked to bits kind. The not me, not I, not in Farmer fucking Hill kind. The kind of movies where he'd get so frustrated that they didn't have a strategy. The kind of movies that you couldn't help getting infuriated with. The kind of movies that weren't real. The kind that weren't happening right in front of him.

The teacher's head splitting down the middle was nothing like the movies. He was frozen in horror when he saw it. For a second, he barely dared to breathe at all as if his breath alone could invoke some angry spirit. Blood splattered the ground around a creature that was far more monster than boy. It looked like something out of a nightmare. It's eyes were burning brilliantly orange and it had a peculiar smile about it. It's flesh looked as if it were made of stone. It raised it's axe again, the steel shining in the glow of the firelight, the metal almost seeming hot with intent.

He heard a girl scream for them to run, her voice lost in the rising panic. He could see Kimberly helping the girl as she bolted, he could see the other forms of terrified kids as they stumbled off or stood shock still. He could hear angry words, scared pitching voices and and his own blood roaring in his ears. His heart was pounding in his throat, he could barely draw in a ragged breath. The scene was disorienting, shock was setting in and he was getting dizzy.

He didn't want to faint in the midst of all of this chaos and he wasn't about to let himself. He had to move, but where? It seemed like everyone was running everywhere all at once. They were scattering like ants, some in small groups and a few scraggling loners. He couldn't ditch Rita, he knew that much, he had to keep her in his sight. Wherever she went, he'd follow, they had to stick together. Tuyen too, he knew she had a cousin but all be damned if he knew where the guy was or what he looked like. The only way they were going to get through this with their heads in place was to stick together.

He struggled to keep his voice even, trying not to be too loud or too quiet. "We need to stick together," he stressed, swallowing thickly as he spoke to the two girls. "And not dawdle, if we leave as a unit then it'll be safer than splitting up. I'll take up the rear, just go as fast as you can."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krystal was sat down on her own by the campfire. She held a clipboard and was making a music sheet. She didn’t pay too much attention when Zoey and Claire arrived. She had noticed that a few people headed towards the infirmary, but with a quick glance it didn’t look like it was anything threatening, so she went back to her music sheet. A little later, she heard a scream and looked up to see Claire. It seemed she had been drinking and someone mentioned weed. Well the situation was handled for now anyway. Claire was taken away to calm down and she didn’t need to use her music. She continued to focus on her music sheet, she was almost done although her focus was shattered when she heard multiple loud screams. Krystal quickly looked up only to slowly put down the music sheet as her eyes fell on the corpse of one of the teachers and a eight feet tall grey monster. Quickly she stood up and placed the music sheet in her pocket just as Martin finished telling everyone to stick together. Crap, what could she do. She spoke up loudly, trying to get people to hear.

“Everyone, don’t spread out, stick together. Go! I’ll distract it!”

She grabbed her Ocarina and quickly began to play as loud as she could, trying to distract the thing. As she did she jumped and danced in front of it. That was the good thing about Ocarinas. You could stay mobile was playing. She spun and Jumped and tried her best to be showy. If this worked, this would give everyone a chance to get away.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Docks.

Lynette couldn't help but crack a smile at Aliana as she echoed her friend,

"Something like that."

There was a part of Lynette that was more than bored with "the mundane." That was why she carried around this journal. The camping trip was fine for the most part, but yeah, she had other things on her mind. Something that'd be more interesting. And something that she'd like to have Aliana join her on. Though, she needed to have absolute seclusion to even suggest that they go beyond the fence... and that absolute seclusion came to an abrupt end when somebody came strutting up.

It was some fat kid leaning up against the fence, and made a joke about needing a boat. Lynnette would almost feel annoyed that their conversation was being interrupted, but they could always walk away and have that conversation elsewhere. In the meantime, just not to be rude, Lynette decided to humor him just a little.

"Naaaaaah," Lynette said, "Somebody just stole all the boa-"

That was when the loud shriek pierced the air in the distance... followed by what had to be a stampede, and more frantic yelling. The shriek was so loud that it couldn't be ignored, but she also knew that it just couldn't be in jest. She looked worried, as she wondered what in the world was going on over there. Lynette paused for a moment, as she bit her fingers a little bit.

"... What's going on over there?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@The One
The Campsite - The Campfire.

The foolish girl with the octerina got exactly what she wanted when Scott turned his sights on her.

What was even the plan? Pacify him with music? He started laughing, grasping the axe tightly with two hands. With surprising amounts of speed and agility, he had lunged towards her, raising his axe over his head. He brought it straight down on Crystal with enough force to induce the same fate as that teacher on her.

They'll all be dead by the time this is over.

The Campsite - Male Cabins.

Kimberly and Jordan had inadvertently lead a group. They ran to the largest place that was away from Scott, which turned out to be the male-coded cabins.

Kimberly had held the door open for a group of a few other people, before she had slammed the door. On instinct, she had pushed a cabinet in the way of the door. That was when she slinked down, and shook her head. Putting her hands on the side of her head she took in deep pants. What the hell was going on? Vivid echoes of what happened to that teacher was on her mind. She couldn't believe what was happened.

There was the thought of calling for help, but she pulled out her phone, and looked at the corner. No bars. Damn it. She couldn't call for help, and she was surrounded around three something strangers. They needed to do something or else they'd be lambs for the slaughter. She stood up, and looked at the group

"Guys..." Kimberly said as she looked at the group. "We need a plan, something. Or else we're going to end up like that teacher." She said.

"What we should do first is make sure that this place is secure," Jordan said, leaning up against a sofa because all that running was hell on her bad leg. "If whatever the hell that thing was is smart, he'll just go around the back if we leave it open." She gestured at the cabinet that Kimberly pushed in front of that door. If it was going to do anything.

The Campsite - Infirmary.

A few people had run up to the door in panic, and Justin just couldn't leave the door locked for them. He opened the door, then locked it back again. He kept the lights off, but had his phone ready to act as a light source. He briefly shined it on their new comers, before putting up a finger.

"Okay, what we're gonna do is keep the lights off, and wait this out," Justin said, "If we don't catch whatever the fuck is out there's attention, we should get through this." He softly spoke.

"Got it?" He asked. Wondering when he became the team leader. But, their good plan was interrupted when they heard a shambling and a voice coming up from behind them.

"Useless... useless..." They heard a voice approach from behind them, and Justin shined his light and saw that it was the nurse from earlier. Except, her eyes were wide, and her mouth was a massive ear-to-ear grin that would unnerve even the joker. What made Justin really worried was the scalpel that she had in her hands. "... It's all so useless! So why try!?"

She immediately lunged for David with a hand outstretched, and grabbed onto his collar, before she swung the scalpel directly as his throat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
Avatar of Atrophy

Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Male Cabins.

This was beyond her. Plans? Rita had a plan to be spontaneous and outgoing, and Claire had shredded it. After that, she didn’t have any plans.

She didn’t even know how she ended up in this cabin, huddled against Martin with her hands pushing back her greasy hair, her heart racing a thousand miles a minute. This was the worst night of her life. She’d go back to Texas. She’d take the embarrassment. Anything, anything would’ve been better than this. She wasn’t built to cope with situations like this. Nobody was built to cope with situations like this. And and and, and the teacher! They could end up like the teacher? Split in two by some murderous monstrosity? Why would someone bring that up? Why would someone suggest that? She could feel her fingers pushing into her skull; her skull that the monster would cleave in two. This was bad, bad, bad.

She needed to calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Think straight, breath, breath, in through the nose, out through the mouths. Panic only begot more panic. Relax. The only way to survive was to relax. Don’t think about the blood—on the axe, on her sweater. Don’t think about the monster—outside, hunting. Don’t think about dying—excruciating, and alone. Don’t think at all, just breath, breath, breath. In, out, in, out, in...better. Okay, now, try and help the others think of a plan. Anything. No such thing as bad ideas. On three. One, Two…

The sound that came out of Rita’s mouth was a mouse-like squeak. She slammed her hand over her mouth and grabbed onto Martin’s arm, her nails digging into his skin. Her chest was heaving; a sweat had begun to break out on her forehead. She bite down on her hand, the pain distracting her from the world around. Ignore everything. That was the answer. Ignore everything and try to calm down. Relax. Relax. Relax. It was easy, just try to relax.

What a fucking laugh.

“Hide. Just hide,” she muttered.

Now. The Campsite - Female Cabins.

“What!?” Billy said, finally raising his voice and spinning around to confront his friends. “It was just a joke. Don’t...be...so...holy.”

It was decently far, but his vision was clear and he wasn’t nearly high enough to be hallucinating something like this. There, by the campfire, was Scott Reese, resident Chad and general buzzkill, doing what he did: ruining the night. Only it wasn’t in his typical format of getting too drunk and trying to fight people, unless he had drank something that made him transform into a goddamn Frankenstein’s monster. But really, the most disconcerting part wasn’t Scott’s display of what happened when someone took too many steroids, but the part where he was ripping an axe out of his philosophy professor’s skull.

Actually, nah, all of it was pretty fucked up.

He grabbed Suzie and Layne and pulled them inside the cabin, shutting the door and killing the lights. He motioned for them to get down, which all but Penny, who had not seen the attack, did. His sister, however, was not ready to end their argument. She stood defiantly with her hands on her hips and a sneer on her face.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

“Penny, shut the hell up and get away from the windows,” said Billy, his normal tone replaced with one that was both alarmed and commanding. He scuttled around the floor and dropped the blinds of all of the windows; Penny, who was never used to seeing her brother be serious, realized how he wasn’t screwing around and haunched down on her heels.

“What’s happening?” she whispered.

“I think Scott Reese just fucking killed someone,” said Billy in a hushed tone.

“What?” Penny scouted over to the window and peered through the blinds. Her eyes grew wide and she pressed her back up against the wall. “Holy fucking shit, I knew that kid was nuts.”

“We should call the cops,” said Billy. Billy pulled out his cell; it lacked bars, but maybe there was still a chance the call would go through. Of course, it failed. Gotta love rural America.

“They’d just end up helping him anyway,” muttered Penny bitterly. Billy could hear what sounded like music being played; Penny’s eyes snapped to the window, but she didn’t move to look.“Now what’s happening?”

Shifting towards his sister, Billy peered through the blinds. “A girl’s trying to catch his attention.”

“And what, lead him away like the fucking Pied Piper?” said Penny through her teeth, letting her head fall back against the wall. “I hate this town.”

“We’ll wait until he passes and then make a break for it,” said Billy, keeping one eye peering out the window. “Keep low, keep quiet, stay outta the light. Get to a place where we can call the cops.”

“I hate this town, I hate this town, I hate this town,” said Penny, a mantra to try and keep herself calm as she gripped the bridge of her nose and tried not to cry.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Martin Cromwell.

In the male cabins.

Rita was panicking, he didn't blame her.

Her body was huddled against his, he'd unthinkingly wrapped an arm around her to keep her close. If he kept her close then she wouldn't get hurt, or at least that's how his anxiety riddled brain was reasoning this. He had to keep her safe, she was the first person that he'd met that he'd ever felt so fiercely protective over. He wasn't about to let that creature make her into mincemeat. He needed time to breathe, to think, to stop the whirling in his own head before he could help anyone else.

The only thing he could focus on right now was the girl that he was holding close to him and the trembles that were running through him. Her nails bit into his arm and he ran his fingertips lightly over her back. He was trying to soothe her about as much as he was trying to ground himself. The images of what he'd seen were flashing through his head, almost taunting him with their presence.

The reality of the situation was overwhelming. This was real, terrifyingly, horribly, real. He could cling to Rita like a lifeboat in a treacherous sea but it didn't change that this was all so real. This stuff didn't happen, not in his life, not in his boring, isolated, life. This was something out of a horror movie, but if it was a movie then he would have stepped up, he would have done something to stop it.

He would have been bolder, he would have been more reckless. He would have rushed straight into that axe bearing maniac and- And what? He was just Martin Cromwell, the local, lesser known punching bag. Even if this had been a movie, his character would have just been Martin Cromwell. He was only lucky that he hadn't been sliced into two equal halves by that monster out there.

That wouldn't be a fitting enough end for a movie though, if this was a movie then it would have been more poetic. He'd be killed alone, there wouldn't be any witnesses, it would be off screen and some unfortunate person would find his body later. Strange to think of how insignificant he was while the world was going mad around him.

"Everything is going to be okay, Rita." he said quietly, his voice gentle. "If I can help it, we're going to be just fine."

He had to focus on getting out of this alive. He couldn't stew in this terror, he had to make it his goal to get to safety. That meant that he had to draw himself out of this shell of self hatred and misery that he was trying to retreat into. He had to figure this out or he was basically damning himself to the same fate of the teacher outside.

He attempted to return his attention to Kimberly and the girl with the limp. He barely knew Kimberly, she was a passing acquaintance. They kept it friendly but distant, he liked her though, admired her skill with a camera. He wondered if he should tell her that in case they were all inevitably hacked to bits. Best to keep it easy going though, right? That wasn't positive thinking.

He glanced around the cabin, trying to think quickly. What did they do in the movies when they were cornered in a house type area? Board up the windows, wait it out, don't try to leave too quickly or you might get axed. "Hiding is definitely important, just in case. Is there anything we can break up to get over the windows? We'd need something to secure it in place, of course, but there's got to be loose nails somewhere in these old walls. I can't imagine that this cabin has held up perfectly all these years."

He had started to chew his thumbnail as he thought, gaze scanning over the walls. "Kimberly had the right idea with the cabinet, is there anything we can wedge under the knob? Or maybe you can move the cabinet at a slight incline so it's wedged beneath the knob? It'll make it harder for him to turn it if he decides to come in by average means."

If he doesn't decide to hack the door open, he thought, feeling just a little bit wretched.

Aliana Agüero.

By the docks.

Lynette's echoed response peaked her interest, she couldn't help but wonder what the girl had on her mind. That was the fun thing about Lynette, Aliana couldn't quite read her. If the other girl had something planned, it would be a pleasant surprise. She was just about bored enough to do anything at this point, she was about to ask if Lynette had any ideas but she paused when she heard footsteps.

The approach of the boy startled her initially, the dark had masked his features so that he looked like nothing more than a shadowy silohouette. It reminded her why she hated darkness. It took her a second for her eyes to adjust and to see him more clearly. He was large, built kind of like a linebacker without the muscle and he had brown hair that looked like it could have used a trim about a month ago. He didn't strike her as threatening though which was the iniative that she needed to ease up a bit.

It was easy to get a little nervy out here but having Lynette nearby made her more comfortable. Lynette responded to the boy easily, her words light-hearted. Aliana opened her mouth to introduce herself to the boy before she noticed the sound, freezing in place for a moment. The calm atmosphere was immediately broken by the ruckus from beyond the docks.

Fear washed through Aliana, her gaze flickering over to Lynette. "Call me chicken shit but I really don't want to find out."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Surtr Inc@Prosaic@Atrophy
Campsite – Male Cabins

It had taken everything Tuyen had to not just throw up when the teacher in charge was mauled by an axe. What the hell, when did they get dropped into an actual horror story? It was only because of Martin dragging her away that she hadn’t just stood there in shock, meeting the same fate.

She found herself in the male cabins, the initial shock wearing away for a sharp fear followed by unstoppable trembling. What the fuck, how the fuck were they meant to survive this.

Tuyen shook her head slightly to stop her thoughts from spiralling down into negativity. Rita was already panicking and the last thing she needed was out add more burden to the others. She just had to push her fear away like she did everything else and think of something to do. Anything to help them get away.

“We can push the beds against the cabinet to make it harder to push or hack through.”

Tuyen didn’t think she’d ever been so relieved to see her cousin as he placed a somewhat comforting hand on her shoulder. How she hadn’t noticed him before she didn’t know. The fear, she guessed.

“There also must be another cabinet we can put over the back door,” Min looked thoughtful and far too calm for the situation. Of course, he was as scared as anyone would be – but if someone didn’t keep a level head they wouldn’t make it through. And he was the smartest here. That much was obvious.

After speaking he indicated for Martin to help him with moving one of the beds to add more support to the door.

“Maybe we can use the cabinet doors to board up the windows,” Tuyen suggested, voice wavering a bit and shaking not subsiding. But she was putting on a brave face. They could get out of it, right?

Definitely not, was what the small voice in the back of her mind was telling her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Male Cabins.

Jordan peered over at Martin, and scoffed,

"Yeah," She calmly said, "If he comes in the normal way." She hissed in pain, nearly let out a swear, but she was trying to be quiet. She heard what Rita muttered under her breath, and wondered what she thought they were doing right now. Staying hidden was the best chance for not getting murdered right now, unless somebody had a better idea - which she severely doubted. She wanted to give her leg a rest, but she also wanted to make sure that there weren't any other entrances for Scott to go through. Or if... Jordan herself hoped that it wasn't the case, but there was also the possibility that there could be more than one axe murderer.

"Barricading the door better than that-" Jordan gestured at the cabinet. "-Is the best idea right now, but I also think we should make sure that the other entrances are barricaded, too." She reiterated her point, because all the defenses they put on one door ain't gonna do shit when there's other openings. Fortunately, everyone else.

Just so she can entertain their ideas, she threw a thumb in the direction of a large and sturdy wooden chair that was pressed up against the wall. Kimberly pushed away the cabinet and quickly grabbed the chair, and wedged it underneath the doorknob. Giving it a good tug to make sure that it would stick. She sighed in relief, but she also listened to the suggestions put up by Tuyen and Min, and had some choice words on why they're a waste of time.

"Boarding up the windows isn't going to work because we'd need to find nails, then something to hammer them with..." Kimberly trailed off for a moment as she bit her nails. "It'll make too much noise, anyway." She shrugged. The last thing they wanted to do was make a ton of noise and draw the attention of that thing Scott Reese transformed into.

"It's a better idea to use the bedframes to barricade the windows."

But, this was so frustrating... they were just standing around talking about their plans instead of just doing it. Kimberly took a step off into the distance as she gestured for some people to come along. "But, let's hurry up and get to work." She said as she walked into one of the bedrooms, and grabbed the end of a mattress, pulling it off as she grabbed the end of the wooden bedframe. She realized that she wasn't that strong, and asked.

"Hey guys, can ya'll give me a hand?" Kimberly quickly added on. "Also move that cabinet to the backdoor, and put it in there real tight."

Jordan couldn't be of much help due to her leg... the best she could do was push stuff, and that was about it. She hated being so useless - but all she would do is hurt herself even further.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Get to the cars, now!"

Dexter took a sharp step backwards as a stone connected with Scott's cheek and sent him stumbling and cursing away. At this point, his presence was more for Scott's protection than it was for Claire and Zoeys- and Scott really seemed to be asking for it, so he let him dig his own grave. Scott collapsed and with the immediate threat gone, Dexter turned his attention back to Zoey and Claire- who was giving him his flask back. If his eyebrows could've gone any higher, they would've, because he had no idea that Claire actually had his flask. Today just seemed to be his day.

"Much appreciated." Dexter commented, taking the flask back and feeling it's weight. It was definitely empty now- he looked up to Claire, who flashed him a wry smile. Dexter smirked and shook his head, seems he'd have to worry more about Claire than Hagan. He rand his fingers along the brand of his last name on the leather sleeve to be sure and pocketed the flask. Scott brought his attention away from his friends as he attempted to get up. Dexter sighed stepped over, looping his arm under one of Scott's and pulling him partially up only for Scott to hastily shove him off once he regained his footing and awkwardly limp-run into the woods. The three of them didn't move until the crunching sounds of Scott's footsteps on the dead leaves and sticks became inaudible. As the sounds of the forest returned, Dexter spoke up again.

"Lets get back to the fire. As much as I'd hate to say it, I'd like to have Hagan around if Scott shows up again." Dexter didn't like the idea of being in the woods after this incident. Scott had his pride injured, was likely somewhat inebriated, and was desperate. They were open from all angles and he just did not want to run into Scott again- especially if they were on Scott's terms. He straightened his leather coat and trudged off with Claire and the group at his shoulders. The silence of the walk back was soon filled with more conversation between the three, but was quickly cut short again by the sound of footsteps. Dexter stopped and turned in case it was Scott, but relaxed when Karma's figure materialized through the dark. She had seen what happened, and wanted to see how they were doing. "We're getting back to the fire right now actually. I dont want to be in the woods with Scott out there in case he get a bad idea and finds a, uh... bigger rock."

And so they became a party of four. Karma didn't seem too interested in speaking to anyone aside from Claire, which was fine with Dexter- they were only another ten minutes or so walk away. Dexter decided to take his phone out and message Britney since he hadn't heard from her in a bit. Would be worth letting her know to steer clear of the woods. He glanced at the time at the top of his phone- 9:15.

To: Brit
With Claire and Zoey rn. Scott tried putting something dangerous- sent him packing. He's somewhere in the woods right now.
Be careful.

By 9:30, they were getting close to the campsite- but instead of laughter, there were screams. The group moved at a quickened state and climbed a small but steep hill as they approached the fire. Dexter was the first up. They were still forty or so feet away from the fire, but as Dexter gained higher ground he caught sight of a huge figure just as it brought an axe down on a woman. The audible, and sickening crack and slumping sound that followed made Dexter's stomach lurch. He averted his head very quickly, losing his bearings and sliding down the hill. He stumbled away and steadied himself on a tree. His vision was fuzzy, and his stomach was weak. His hand trailed up to his stomach in an attempt to stabilize his stomach- which felt like it was doing back flips. It was for naught though, because the contents of his stomach seemed intent to vacate the premises after witnessing a murder. The axe man had likely heard him, too. He spat the remnants of puke out of his mouth and looked up to the group.

"Get to the cars, now!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Carbonatter
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Carbonatter Always Asleep

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Campsite - Infirmary.

There was a moment of ease, the ploy began to work wonders once David's nameless friend ran to the door, emptying their stomach along the side of the wooden wall to which David averted his gaze from - as did Justin, he noted. His friend then began to shuffle towards the back door, to the confusion of David, then stopped to beckon him over along with him. David looked back to the drunk, who was being watched by the nurse, then back to Justin.

"What..?" he mouths to his summoner - a frown of confusion, hidden from the nurse was growing from his face, forehead in particular.
Then the cries and screams began, not like a chick-flick where the main lead screams as she's pushed over by her friends - neither a scream of surprise or joy... this was something much shallower and selfish, as though the group of criers were all thinking the same selfish though, a second without the consideration of others. The sound perpetuated through David's ears, his head tilted so that his ear faced as close to the point of origin as it could. His eyes open yet he did not see with them - he was attuned to the sound from the surprise, if only for a second.

"...What?" he repeated, this time to himself rather than to Justin. "What was-"

His associate had by then scrambled to the door, pulling the drunk back in before closing the enterance way, sucking in hard and then commanding out;
"Everyone stay down!" he continued, "I have an idea."
Then the lights went out.

"Justin, what's happening?" David asks, The stress in his voice as clear as the confusion on his face earlier. He places the drunk comfortably on the ground before perking back up into a stand and continuing, "Ja-"
Again he is cut off, this time by the clutter and assembling of several others on the other side of the door, people from outside attempting to enter. Lacking lights from within, the campfire truly the only source of illumination to see the figures with, even then their fronts were not lit - they seemed black and without the finer features of humans, their eyes and brows could not be seen from this side of the wall that separated us from them. Justin opened the door with a click of the lock, ushering them inside before locking the door again after the last entered. He brought out his phone and shone the lit screen to his face, pressing his free finger to his lips as a gesture of silence to the newcomers.

"Okay, what we're gonna do is keep the lights off, and wait this out," Justin said to the collective around him, "If we don't catch whatever the fuck is out there's attention, we should get through this. Got it?" His voice barely travelling to David's ears, he was speaking so softly.

"Justin. What the hell is doing on?" the words travel like a hiss as they ring out, David was confused, stressed, worried and scared - he wasn't happy with being in the dark. Instead of a response the boy shifted the light of his phone screen beyond and behind David. The Nurse stood, gloss-eyed and carrying a cut-throat smile. "... It's all so useless! So why try!?" she screams, lunging at David.

Her hand grabs his collar, to which he begins to push away from.
Her other hand thrust forwards and then across David with a slash.
A glint within the Nurse's hand reflected from the phone light.
David's mouth began to open. His arms rose to protect his face which he turned away from the event out of instinct. A moment passed, David pushed away at the deranged woman elbowing her in the face as he reached for any part of her to grab and push further away, that was when he saw his arms, a cut on each - pushed together they would create one, much longer cut. Blood began to seep from the wound in an increasing magnitude as he struggled more and more.

"Get away!" he shouts, his frantinc movements ending with his fist colliding with her face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With a text appearance from Britney!


The Campsite - Campfire.

Karma approached Claire, and she almost smiled in all of this - not because she was happy to see her, but because she felt a little bit more proven right. That warmed her cold heart in all of this. Claire loudly spit on the ground as she reached into her pocket for a box of Marlboro Menthol, and slid one in between her lips. "I'm quite dandy right now, Karm." Claire said, then Dexter piped up. While she mostly wanted to have fun in the cabins, he was right. Scott was the retaliation type, and Hagan was the kind of guy who would snuff it. "I'm just gonna relax at that shitty campfire until the bus to take us home comes," She shrugged, she played with the cigarette in her hand, "And I lost my lighter, so a girl's gotta improvise." She grinned. Zoey kept her mouth shut because she had nothing to say, really.

That was when Dexter got a reply to his text.

From: Brit
Okay. I'm by the office right now talking to somebody.

With that, the group went back to the campfire. All seemed well, until they got into view of it. They saw people running, and screaming... with Scott Reese's monstrous form standing over a body, as he wielded an axe. And he brought down that axe on some girl with... some kind of instrument. The axe completely split the woman's head in half, going all the way down her neck. Splatting blood and gore all over the place. One side of the girl's head went down on end, and the other splattered all over the rest of her body. She slumped over dead as Scott pulled his axe, and wiped it off on his fore-arm. Claire's eyes were wide open as she was frozen in shock. Her hands went up in defense as she took a few steps back. She looked away - anywhere but that murder scene! - and saw Zoey turned away with her eyes covered by her hands, and Dexter was just about to throw up.

It wasn't long until he went all the way, and Claire caught a good sight of his dinner... and so did Scott when he looked over his shoulder at them. She saw a faint grin forming on his face when he finished wiping off his blood covered axe. He didn't waste a second in letting out a loud war-cry and charging towards them with the axe held tightly with both hands.

Dexter had shouted, telling them to run to the car. "Fuck this!" Claire shouted as she immediately turned away and began running towards the parking lot, with Zoey, and Dexter, in tow. She ran faster than she ever ran before - but still she could hear Scott's heavy footsteps and his monstrous pants getting closer and closer. The campsite wasn't that big, so they made it to the parking lot fairly quickly.

The only two things in sight was Dexter's car, and the wooden bridge that lead to safety - whoever thought of building a campsite on an island was a moron, and was going to receive the business end of Claire's boot when this was over. Still, she ran over to his car, and said, "Come on, come on!"

But, two pillars of orange light appeared from the sky right onto the bridge, before it disappeared. At first, Claire didn't pay it any mind... then she saw a massive tree fall over right onto the bridge. It collapsed onto the bridge, and caused it to fall to pieces. Which was like her escape plan right now - in pieces. Her jaw had dropped.

"... Fuck!" Claire said.

Scott had approached the car with his axe overhead, ready to slaughter.

The Campsite - Infirmary.

Justin was literally caught off guard when nurse mc-crazy tits came out of nowhere screaming about how useless it all was (what "it" in this context was, was irrelevant).

But, all Justin saw was the nurse going straight towards David with a scalpel. The struggle caught Justin off so much, that he was frozen in sheer shock. He wondered what the hell was even going on. David punched her with no effect, but she was still going towards him. But, the details got lost when he did the first thing that came to mind. He charged over to the woman and punched her hard as he could - now, he was told by his mother to never hit women, but he had to make an exception. She choked for a moment as Justin's fist came in contact with her right cheek, and she was sent stumbling backwards.

What should have been a knockout only made her grin even further. She shouted, "Useless!" She still had the scalpel in hand, and then turned her attention to Justin. Whom - no offense to his buddy David - knew how to stop a bitch with a knife. She shoved the knife towards his gut, and Justin lunged forward - moving his stomach out of the way, and grabbing her wrist. They struggled for a moment as Justin was pushing more against her. But, she laughed as she grabbed Justin with her other hands. For a brief moment, Justin saw all of her veins glow orange for a brief second - the same second her eyes began to glow a bright orange color. She grabbed Justin by the wrist, and swung him across the room like he was a ragdoll. Justin had no idea what the hell to even do - who would respond to a nurse suddenly developing super strength?

He was thrown onto the table and hit some tables, crashing onto all of them, and he could only groan in pain. The nurse reached down and picked up the scalpel, and spoke one more time, "Useless... there's something out there that makes us sooooo small!" She said, turning her attention back to David,

"So... why even try...?"

The Campsite - Docks.

Aliana had a similar line of thought as Lynette. Maybe this was one thing that they should leave alone.

"Let's, um," Lynette wasn't quite sure of what to say. She was feeling some kind of fear as well, but she knew that fear was irrational. "Stay put... I'm sure it's nothing but a stupid prank."

But, she saw somebody running over to them from the campsite....
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Chad Watts

The Campsite - Campfire.

The cold morning breeze stung like the light against an alcoholic's eyes after a particularly wild night - just a lot colder and less skull-crushing. Chad always preferred warmer weather - hell, he wouldn't have signed up for this trip if it wasn't for the fact that it was summer. The sun had set only half an hour ago - and already, the surroundings were completely save the light of the moon... Chad briefly remembered a movie he had seen when he was eight, some cheesy horror flick about werewolves attacking campers in the woods. He wasn't very scared of it then, and he was even less scared now - the only reason he even remembered that was because he was in a similar situation. He always wished that the same thing could happen when he was taking tests, but he always seemed to black out on that kind of stuff when it came to calculus and trig.

Shaking his head, Chad reminded himself why he was there - he needed to relax for once, even if it was with a bunch of people he really couldn't care too much about. Gazing around was a nice reminder. The lake was wide and open, the mountain being in clear view, and the campsite itself being spacious enough where Chad didn't have to talk too much with the other people who signed up for this trip. Even though he sure as hell wasn't an outdoorsy kind of guy, he could get used to this feeling...

Chad began to count off all of his supplies, the third time he had done so since he even got to camp. His toiletries, towels, spare blankets, snacks, lighter, other essentials, and even the notebook he had questioned bringing. While he did so, he scanned the rows of cabins, trying to spot any noticeable differences or luxuries so he could claim the best one as soon as possible. Of course, he wasn't able to... But, whatever. He had plenty of ways to keep himself busy for duration of the trip.

The other campers themselves were around, but Chad didn't pay them much mind - The town bicycle and her tall friend were chatting while most of the other kids were near Chad - close to the campfire, which was being set up. Chad briefly thought of pouring some lighter fluid to get the fire going, but he was as stingy as they come. After a minute or two, the fire started up, and everyone began to sit around one another, almost like they were part of some cult.

Chad had quickly secured himself a spot on one of the smaller logs, slightly further than the fire than he would like to be. Some of the other kids had already left, red in the face and stumbling like toddlers learning to walk... Just the smell of the booze on their breath caused Chad to get a little nauseousness. Luckily, only the mostly sober were staying near the fire, with the passed out and very inebriated being dragged off to god-knows-where. Chad only hoped that they were being taken care of well as he adjusted himself on his seat. Chad slowly leaned back as the giant handed off a bottle of some alcoholic beverage to a very well-built blond guy. Chad could make out that it was some cheap brand of vodka thanks to the light provided by the fire, but determining the exact qualities would require a closer investigation, which he didn't exactly plan on doing.

As everyone began to talk about what ghost stories to tell, Chad simply chose to pull out his phone, planning to only check some emails or read some stupid book. Just his luck, the phone was out of range - as he expected. Nothing this far out of town would work properly. Resigning himself to the inevitable, Chad retrieved the notebook, and began to write out the surroundings. Things like "Very dark, illuminated by the moon and the single fire" were what dominated his musings. He had adopted the habit of writing down locations he's been to and things he did that day ever since his mother told him about his grandfather's worsening Alzheimer's. Less a diary, more of a log of events and people, and things he's done. Briefly pausing, Chad realized that it really was a diary, and quickly shoved it back into his bag after roughly a page of work.

By the time Chad's view returned to the campers, he realized that they not only rapidly had people pinching off into other areas, but were now passing around pot as well. Chad grimaced slightly, but he greatly preferred the stench of someone smoking to booze. A guy and girl rushed off, neither of which Chad was familiar with - to be honest, the only people he knew here either hated him, or were somewhat neutral. Thank god that some more people were gone though - the less people there were, the less awkward things would be when Chad wasn't the only one 'getting high asf brah.' The guy, of course, had to leave a damn flask behind though - only making Chad wonder how the hell so many kids here had some form of booze. Was he really the only person under 21? Nah, they had to have fake IDs or something.

A 5'2 Asian girl was the first to start off the scary stories, and while Chad was the first to admit that he was a scaredy cat, even he wasn't scared of ghost stories. Chad was way more terrified of actual threats, rather than boogeymen. Still, it did help put him on edge slightly - whether the girl was jut a good storyteller or Chad was more of a pussy than he thought, no one knows.

Nearing the end of her story, however, the girl was cut off as Claire fell on her ass. Chad was initially about to laugh at the drunk girl already falling around, possible make a remark about holding down her booze, until he saw her eyes. Pupil dilated, heavy breathing, and the fact that she was startled were obvious clues of something worse. Or the fact that she was gripping her head while swearing. The latter was more of what let Chad catch on, since he was pretty shit when it came to physiology. Chad was worried until Zoey made the remark of it being "a bad reaction" before he immediately stopped caring.

Of course, the weed was bad. That's exactly the reason Chad didn't touch any of that shit. The last hing he wanted to do was freak the fuck out and do weird shit in the far outskirts of town, with no connection, and the only people around being strangers or assholes. Chad nodded his head slightly - she totally deserved that. To think, Chad was worried for a second there. Even more so, worried for someone clearly in the "asshole" group.

People were already crowding around her and reassuring her everything was alright - one girl, the one who initially introduced the pot to the group, was even crying. Chad simply kept his mouth shut - now was not a good time for a joke, and offering her help or condolences would not only be a lie on his part, but something that she would flat out reject. For some reason, that chick hated him since day 1. No point in asking someone if they were alright when they'd just blow you off, especially when nearly everyone in the camp was consoling her already. Zoey and Claire soon left, Claire glaring at the poor girl in anger. As soon as they left earshot, Chad finally spoke.

"Shit, hope she's okay."

Chad didn't mean that at all. A bad trip was a good thing - it showed that you fucked up, and you should either find a better outlet, or a new dealer. Hopefully, Claire learned not to except pot from a stranger at a camp in Bumfuck, Nowhere.

Minutes passed by without any interesting discussion, just consolation to one another. It wasn't until an older woman, a teacher in the science department and one of the trips counselors, finally showed up that the situation was saved. Thank god. Chad wasn't even upset that he was in trouble - his stomach was already in knots from the combined stench of the pot and vodka, and getting it the hell out of here would be marvelous. Besides, he may be able to charm his way out of detention.

This thought was cut off as an axe flew into the counselors skull, cleaving it in two with ease comparable to a fist punching through toilet paper. Chad immediately screamed, along with the majority of people present, as blood splattered his clothes. An eye slowly rolled into the fire, causing Chad to vomit in the opposite direction. When his view returned, only a few seconds later, he was met with the image of an eight foot tall monster, grey skinned and bearing veins more akin to Lichtenberg Figures than actual tubes for blood to pass through. Chad barely caught a glimpse of the still familiar face before his lizard brain took over - it was fight or flight, and flight was the obvious damn choice. The axe wasn't halfway raised above the monster's body by the time Chad was hauling ass. Running quickly, Chad managed to see the infirmary open for a split second, before shutting again, and the lights cutting out. Chad didn't even bother risking it - they almost definitely locked the door.

As he ran the yelling continued, footsteps growing louder by the second, and even the sound of music began to permeate the area. Chad didn't look back for a second. This was obviously some dumb ass prank, but he had a rule - never call a bluff when someone else can do it for you. Someone else was going to prove that this was a prank, while Chad stayed good and hidden in...

Fuck! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

The Campsite - Dock.
@Surtr Inc@Prosaic

The music was fading as he ran faster, but it didn't cut out do to distance - it was silenced some other way. Tears coated Chad's eyes as he ran towards the opposite way of the majority of campers. While everyone headed to the cabins, Chad chose to go straight for the docks, praying that there was some boat left...

Scanning the shore revealed nothing at all, and Chad immediately began to swear under his breath.

"Fuck, Fuck, this can't be real...!"

No boat was in sight, but two people were here - Some random girl he never me and (thank god) a familiar face! Instantly, Chad grabbed them by the wrist, dragging them behind the small supply shed where most of the fishing and boating equipment was kept.

"Oh Jesus Christ, you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now Lynette, Jesus fucking Christ, someone fucking died, my god, someone fucking died over there, Jesus Christ, oh fuck."

Tears were streaming down Chad's ace as he hyperventilated, the stress and gravity of the situation finally bearing down on him. He didn't even care that he was whispering so quickly, and was ready to vomit again as soon as he could. Calming himself, Chad finally began to speak again.

"One of the professors got fucking chopped in half... There was some kind of monster over there... Oh god..."

The sound of a tree falling in the far distance quickly forced Chad to jump, before he began to whisper as loudly as he could again.

"We got two options - running the hell out of here, or hiding somewhere. The murderer is on the other side of camp right now, so I'd be fine with either..."

Chad's mind was racing to quickly... Someone fucking died... No, two people died. He didn't trust himself to make a decision. He'd end up running into problems quick, and may even end up lost in the woods with a massive killer. Thanks to the huge difference in appearance, Chad didn't even connect Scott to the murder - he simply was jealous that Scott fucked off when he did and managed to escape this situation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aliana Agüero.

The Campsite - Docks.

It was safe to say that Aliana was glad that her more adventurous friend had agreed to stay put. It wasn't that she didn't want to go traipsing straight into whatever was causing that caphocony of horrible noises. It was just that she didn't want to go traipsing straight into whatever was causing that caphocony of horrible noises. Call it instict, and her instinct was good but she didn't trust whatever was happening at the campsite. Those noises didn't seem fake.

The idea of this camping trip becoming a slaughter fest was enough to make her hair stand on end. She was already on edge enough from the darkness around them but the idea of anything else? Awful. She was glad that she'd opted to stay by the docks. Not only was the view better but she'd managed to avoid that entire scenario down there. It didn't stop her from being curious about what was occurring though.

When she saw the figure bolting towards them, all the curiosity quickly drained away. She didn't want to know. "Oh holy crap, that's comforting."

The dark gave way to the features of a very panicked young man, who in his frenzy had thought it was appropriate to precariously steer their small group behind a storage shed. In her fight or flight state, she had nearly drove her foot into his shin. That would have been a great first impression. The sheer palor of his terrified face had been enough to stave off the response. He looked like he was barely holding it together, hell, he didn't look like he was holding it together at all.

She quickly stepped back from him, shooting a confused glance to Lynette as he addressed her directly. She immediately felt her mouth go dry at what he said. Somebody died. Now, that made her immediately nervous. Somewhere out here in the dark was a monster, a creature who's intent was to hurt these kids. Somewhere out here in the dark was something that she didn't want the pleasure of seeing.

"Oh no, oh shit. You poor thing." she sounded sympathetic but her mind was racing through a thousand different scenarios. She could outrun a lot of things but a monster? "This is messed up. Lynette. Do you think it's even possible run out of here? Where do we hide?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Male Cabins.

Rita knew that Martin was trying to calm her down and trying to be nice. It didn’t help, obviously, her heart was still racing and her body was still shaking, but she still felt obligated to thank him. To say something nice in return, to pretend that she believed his empty promises so that the others and him wouldn’t worry about her. Her lips parted with a crack, and a voice came out.

“Everything is going to be okay,” she repeated slowly to herself; her eyes casting a look of irritation towards Martin. Her tone was uncommonly bitter. “I knew you were a loser, but I didn’t take you for being a fucking idiot, too.”

Her eyes grew wide and darted back and forth as she covered her mouth with a hand. She had not intended to say something like that; it had just slipped out. Clearly, the pressure must’ve been getting to her, cracking through and poisoning her filter. She forced an apologetic look onto her face and, slowly, as if she was almost fighting to get the words out, tried to set things right.

“I’m...sorry,” she said. Her voice was strained and forced, not unlike that of someone who had been crying, but to her it felt different. Heavier, if that was possible. “I, uh, I didn’t mean it.”

"Hey guys, can ya'll give me a hand?"

Anything to get away from this moment. Rita forced herself to stand up, catching herself against the wall to steady out her shakiness. Yet, despite her confusion on what had just occurred, her mind felt more at ease; she was still terrified, yes, but the panic attack had been kept at bay. If anything, staying next to Martin was more horrifying than getting split like a log. At least with the latter the only person who got hurt was her. Losing her one friend because...she pushed the thought away.

Lightly she stepped into the other room with slow, uncertain movement, making great effort not to look at Martin’s face, before she was on the opposite side of the bedframe from Kimberly. She gave the other girl a nod but did not say anything, worried about what else might slip out from her tightened lips. Grabbing the edge of the frame, she prepared herself to move to it wherever Kimberly was going.

The Campsite - Female Cabins.

“Oh, shit.”

The sound of Billy’s alarmed voice drew Penny to the window. Her desire to cry had been shifted into a quiet fury—she had been thinking about Scott Reese, superdouche extraordinaire, and how the kid would’ve been locked up years ago if daddy hadn’t been the one with the keys. It seemed absolutely unfair, utterly unfair, that he could have gotten away with all of his bullshit while she was hounded by the cops for the slightest infraction. She could still feel the cuffs cutting in to her the last time they had found her out at the mountain. And now, in the shadow of the mountain, Scott Reese was going on a freaking killing spree; somehow, she still felt like his dad could play it off as “boys will be boys”, the prick.

Billy turned away as the axeman split another girl in two with a shudder. He had seen how quickly Scott had moved to catch up to that girl; there was no way they would outrun him, and unless he moved away from the one road off the island there was no way they would sneak past him. His mind began churning for other possibilities—no boats on the docks, but they could possibly swim as long as there was no undead kids in the water waiting to pull them under. Staying put could also work, but with the amount of women Scott was slaying it was only a matter of time before he came to the girl’s cabins to rack up a few more kills. He ruffled his hair. Damn it, he wasn’t an ideas man, he was an opinions man. Why wasn’t anybody else trying to come up with something?

Unbeknownst to her brother, Penny was coming up with an idea. Her stomach knotted as she watched Scott butcher another girl, and her eyebrows knitted into a look of determination. She spun from the window and quickly riffled through the room for her bag, grabbing something out of it before shoving the bag to the side. She patted her leather jacket, feeling the small object in her pocket, before making her way towards the door. She stopped once she felt the handle, in part because Billy had spoken up.

“What the hell are you doing?” he said, the concern in his voice apparent.

“Probably going to get myself killed,” she said, her eyes thin.

“Are you seriously going out there?” said Billy, standing up to stop his sister.

“Better to burn out,” she muttered.

Reese was moving—shit, he had spotted other people. She threw open the door and ran after him. This was a horrible idea; damn near suicidal. But Penny would’ve killed herself anyway if she let herself become yet another bystander, yet another victim, instead of trying to stop a massacre before it became even bloodier. She couldn’t not understand how Billy could just hide and wait for it to all passby. These people here—she could now see Claire and Dexter and whomever else were with them—they weren’t her friends, she didn’t like them, but they were still people. They didn’t deserve to get killed; especially not by Scott Fucking Reese.

The Campsite - The Campfire.
@Surtr Inc@Junkmail@PharaohAtem

She wasn’t built to run—and smoking didn’t help, either—but the adrenaline coursing through her veins was enough to give her the energy she needed to bolt across the field. In her right hand she had grabbed her lighter, a little pink BIC; her left hand was holding the can of hairspray she had snatched from her bag. She’d seen enough videos of people making impromptu flamethrowers to act as pest removal in regards to wasp nests, and what was Scott Reese but one unnaturally giant, grey skinned pest? She was in striking distance now. They both were. Surely he had heard he coming now.

“Hey, dickhead!” she screamed, flicking the lighter and spraying the aerosol. One more orange light appeared that night as flames erupted from the spray, tossing themselves towards Scott’s head. Ideally he would set on fire, although she had her doubts about it. If it at least blinded him, even temporarily, it’d be long enough for the others to get away. A small victory. As she began to torch the giant, Penny felt her eyes begin to strain and focus on his arms, readying herself to dive out of the way the second he moved to swing his axe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Campsite - Docks.

It was Chad running up to her... one of her "informants" that she had struck a deal with - she does work for him, and he tells her everything she needs to know. She would be happy to see if he wasn't, for lack of a better term, a complete wreck. He runs up to her, and started off on this frantic speech trying to explain to her that somebody was murdered.

Suddenly, the screaming began to carry a lot more weight. She wasn't sure if this was just some really elaborate prank... but, Chad didn't look like he was joking - neither did the people running for their lives. The anxiety that Aliana was feeling was suddenly creeping onto Lynette. She could feel a trickle of sweat run down her head as she looked around. Was it really a joke? Or was there really a monster out there? Lynette wasn't sure what to believe, but was it really intelligent to shrug it off as a prank?

Paranoia is only paranoia when it's wrong.

When Aliana spoke, Lynette's eyes darted between her, Chad, and the chubby newcomer as she tried to come up with the best solution in this situation. More sweat trickled down her cheeks as she thought about it... Screw it. If it's a prank, then Lynette's gonna fall for it. She turned, and saw the boathouse - a relatively small, cabin-like place, where the campers get their boats from - and knew that was the best short term hiding spot.

She grabbed onto Chad's shoulders, slowly turning him towards the boathouse. She silently jabbed a finger towards it a few times, afraid of even opening her mouth lest they attract the wrong kind of attention. She quickly (and quietly) lead the group from the docks to the boat house. The door was fortunately open, and she held it open for everyone. When they were in, she closed the doors. The room was pitch black, and Lynette didn't want to flick the light switches on, so she pulled out her phone and turned on it's flashlight.

Feeling a little safe, she let out a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on, but we should definitely stay in here... keep our heads down, and we won't have to worry about a thing...." Lynette slowly said, almost whispering. While she wanted to hide, there was a part of her that knew that they couldn't hide forever.
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