Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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I'd probably get my tongue carved out for mentioning the '98 Godzilla movie in a positive manner.

Zilla, as his own thing, is fine. I got no problems with him as its own kaiju. And while the movie is kinda bad, it's just an OK popcorn movie. But as a Godzilla however, it's an utter travesty. However, Zilla Jr (the animated series) is a way better character - far exceeding the original 98' in many more ways than one (like not being a pussy lil' bitch and actually fighting other monsters). But overall...

J-Just stick to the Monsterverse Godzilla please, it's way better in all the right damn ways.

(Hell even the recent Japanese Anime series this incarnation is based on actually considered pretty meh. First part was great as a trilogy starter - Second part is just a total let down - and I'm still waiting for the third to come out on netflix but according to spoiler reviews, lets just say it gets WEIRD. Overall, its a great concept, just not strongly executed.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Well, before '01, Zilla Jr. was good as it got; making Zilla Godzilla's proto-mum (a necessary evil in movie-making back then was incrementally introducing a franchise in bite-sized easily defeated chunks).
-To its credit, it did manage to hit the right notes where and when it had to. And as a series, expectations weren't "blow me away or this is trash", it actually performed slightly better than expected. Just not good enought to defeat Ash's ridiculously OP Pikachu.

Although I don't think we'll see a nimble ninja-godzilla again anytime soon. The '98 movie showed what could've been, while simultaniously poisoning the well with nerfed abilities and an anticlimatic death-confirmation.

Although, even the original Godzilla got killed in his first movie too. In that direct comparison, the '98 version did better in terms of presentation up to a very specific point in the film.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Well, before '01, Zilla Jr. was good as it got; making Zilla Godzilla's proto-mum (a necessary evil in movie-making back then was incrementally introducing a franchise in bite-sized easily defeated chunks).
-To its credit, it did manage to hit the right notes where and when it had to. And as a series, expectations weren't "blow me away or this is trash", it actually performed slightly better than expected. Just not good enought to defeat Ash's ridiculously OP Pikachu.

Although I don't think we'll see a nimble ninja-godzilla again anytime soon. The '98 movie showed what could've been, while simultaniously poisoning the well.

- I mean Cyber Zilla was literally Junior's mom so say what you will about "letting the past die". But yes, the series definitely was much more faithful to the original series than anything else.
- Yeah, Big G' isnt known for very fast and acrobatic movements (Save for a certain piece within our hearts)

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Well, Godzilla has gotten faster (due to no longer being constrained to an overworked actor in a ponderously heavy rubber suit), just not too inclined to dig, climb, jump, or swim unless he really has to.
-But usually he takes the Dalek approach to stairs.

Speaking of really needing to do things, there's some people I've got to nudge.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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I've been thinking about your character a bunch (Cus she's another big gril) and I came up with some ideas I thought I'd run past you cus I thought that they were pretty cool, of coarse @Foster is in charge and stuff.

Now I'm not well versed in the anime godzilla and idk if it actually is a hyper evolved plant thing or if it just looks like that. But in the case that it is an evolved plant thing I had some ideas about how you could possibly incorporate a sort of size morph feature. I kinda just thought that she'd be able to absorb and metabolize the suns rays super like really super quickly and use that to grow, I don't know that's just a spitball. Also another thing I though would be cool was if said growth feature was tied to her really scary side, so when she's going freaking mental that's when she starts to absorb light and grow rapidly, like some sort of offensive trigger making her size and power match her incredible fury.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Now I'm not well versed in the anime godzilla and idk if it actually is a hyper evolved plant thing or if it just looks like that.

Yes, Godzilla Earth originated from plant-based lifeforms and was considered as the "end result of natural selection on Earth". Over 20,000 years later, it became the largest Godzilla to be put in any form of media whatsoever (Easily beating the top 3 biggest Goji's including Marvel's, Hanna Barbera's, and Shin Godzilla respectively) as it had no competition whatsoever, even to the point where it was able to create the smaller Godzilla "Fillus" which broke off via cell division, and ended up growing to the same height of Godzilla from 20,000 years prior, albeit in the present day.

But in the case that it is an evolved plant thing I had some ideas about how you could possibly incorporate a sort of size morph feature. I kinda just thought that she'd be able to absorb and metabolize the suns rays super like really super quickly and use that to grow, I don't know that's just a spitball. Also another thing I though would be cool was if said growth feature was tied to her really scary side, so when she's going freaking mental that's when she starts to absorb light and grow rapidly, like some sort of offensive trigger making her size and power match her incredible fury.

That is definitely a good idea and something Im on board with.

BUT... this is a mecha RP, not necessarily a Kaiju RP. Plus appearantly the square-cube law is in certain effect, due to a comment of the GM stating something about a max height of 40 feet or something before cardiac arrest or something (don't quote me on this)?

I don't think the GM is going to sign off on that idea. It would definitely be cool, but I dunno if it will fit in with the other mechs very well.

Of course, that's where the Mech comes in as essentially a substitute/power-limiter to her rage. Again, I don't think the GM is going to sign off on that idea - as much as I wouldn't mind. However I could be wrong so we'll just have to see what he says about this.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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I think 100 feet was the limit. Also fer her to grow she'd need to be in sunlight, so if she was in her mech she'd not get hit by much direct unfiltered light or anything like that so she could still focus more on all the giant robot goodness. But it's just a spitball that I thought was cool. Also I'd say the Square cube law is being bent a decent amount for this RP, mostly cus Mecha themselves wouldn't really work with it, let alone Jenny and her size.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by tal0n


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@Foster Sorry, but I am backing out of this RP. Hope everything goes well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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I've been asked to poke you with a stick to make sure you didn't die in the 26 minutes since you've logged-in today.

Next mention is prob going to be when we land planetside.
(I'm figuring in another 2 rounds of posts)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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*I wonder who that might be...*

And alright. I'll be aware of this.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

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Name: Azai Cislacen | Race: Oni

Personality: Generally rather gloomy or inexpressive, uses as few words as possible, mentions self in the third-person
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7k3G_6IjE

Callsign: "Jackhammer" | Type: Mobile Suit
Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/1EUzAlL.jpg
Loadout/abilities: 25mm Modular Caseless Automatic Rifle, head-mounted .50 caliber compact HMG, 6 Anti-Tank grenades, Anti-armor knife
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Feel free to start in the cool quiet kids corner next to Eileen or something.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Actually. I came to a conclusion, and I must unfortunately say, I think I'll have to back out of this one. I just have sooooo many RPs on my table and I need to pace myself with these. Good luck with the RP! And if you want to utilize Titania for this RP, feel free to do so.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Perhaps we'll still utilize Titania, but instead opt to let Titiania watch over the inhabitants of the planet she has come to regard as her own.

I'd also permit your continued input regarding anything you'd think is unharacteristic of Titania's depiction within the RP.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Foster If you want me to put in my two senses regarding her, contact me and I will give you my thoughts. :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Hey there! Since I don't seem to be needed much here as well as other matters like other RPs that I have, I must also withdraw from this RP.

Have fun guys~!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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@Lady Selune
Just as a note: Not going to put a limit on roleplayers, but going to suggest breaking the RP up into teams of small-group RPs for most things, plus a common-IC RP area for introductions and figuring out what team you'll want to be in (or just to pester the other teams for shenanigans).

^ Pretty much means spin-off 1x1s are unofficially encouraged. (non-canon 1x1 RPs are an optional distraction)

So I guess I'll need to keep track of who'll be pulling from the RP-mainline and (dis)continued 1x1 availability.
-If needed, to facilitate jumping from a 1x1 back into the mainline-RP [this IC] by establishing some parts as canon as they come to light.

>We'll try not to swarm your with pun-inspired RPs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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@Foster *looks around*

Oh wow, some of these monster girls are pretty dang cute! :O

I remember seeing this place pop up a long time ago in the interest checks...so i felt curious and wanted to drop by and see if this place is still alive! :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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How you all doing around here? :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Foster
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@Crusader Lord
We're a lively bunch.

Somewhat bogging with swapping ideas on discord and/or schedualing issues.
-But that was ofc, anticipated from the start.

Still happily accepting transfers/arrivals to the academy!
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