Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 9 days ago

Captain Jefferson continued to sit in his chair, pondering as all the incoming transmissions were logged. He glanced up to the screen showing the secondary CIC, and his executive officer sitting in his own combat station chair. It was a necessary arrangement, so if the primary CIC or secondary CIC were destroyed, both commanders would not be taken out in a single hit. "Klein, get the air boss down there to get both Pelicans on the catapults. I want one disarmed and with a clear troop bay. Put a gunship package on the other. Tell Captain Reims to pull all her Marines off damage control, get a squad of them on the gunship, they're our alert five."

He paused, sighing. "Klein, you aren't gonna like it, but I'm sending you out. You're my representative. Take our navigator and our CE. They probably know the most on this stuff. Grab a couple of Marines, too. I don't want you down there unguarded." He picked up his radio receiver, ordering to his comms officer. "Prepare to transmit."

"This is the UNSC Kearsarge to the Andromeda. We have space on our shuttle craft for your delegation. However, I must stipulate that you disarm all but two armed guards as a show of good faith. I assure you we'll be doing the same."

"That being said, I'll have my craft out within the hour, I'll need a time and a place."
He transmitted the addendum to nobody in particular, hoping to get a suggestion of a meeting place. As he placed his radio receiver back on its dock, he commanded quietly.

"Thaw the troopers. I want them in their pods and waiting."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

UNSC Andromeda

Yamanami and the bridge crew waited patiently as the comms were active with various messages. It seemed a brisk dialogue was developing, even if there was some lingering mistrust.

"It doesn't sound like anyone is going to come and get us," Kenshirou pointed out after a few moments. They had had one refusal due to lack of ability, but not much more than that. Almost like the others hadn't even heard their request. Which was unfortunate, though perhaps a response to their more belligerent introduction.

In spite of that, Yamanami would not let himself be daunted. "That's fine. What do you think about this multiverse theory they've proposed?"

"It sounds as reasonable as any other explanation," Reynolds answered from his station. He was the busiest of all of them there, trying to get some sense of what was happening. "And you know what they say about Occam's Razor. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. It's either that or we're dead." None of them accepted that they were dead, which meant that this multiverse idea would have to be their go to for now.

Instead of saying more, Yamanami held his tongue as the message from the Kearsarge came across the comms. At least someone had heard their dilemma, and the fact that they were also a UN ship, if not from the Cosmos Navy, made them an easier option to go along with. Hopefully they could find some common ground, even if they were from alternate realities.

Returning to his seat, Yamanami activated the comms. "Kearsarge, we appreciate the pick up, and can meet your requirements for the delegation. We'll send over landing details shortly." The forward deck should serve as a good spot, or merely by the bridge itself. Turning from that, he rose and moved towards the door. "I'll handle this in person. Kenshirou, you have the Conn. Keep the repairs going while i'm away. Even if we don't have full weapons functionality, I want the ship to be able to Warp out of here if trouble shows up."

"Aye aye, I have the Conn," Kenshirou echoed as Yamanami departed the bridge. He had a meeting to prepare for, and it wouldn't do to be late for it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caldwell watched the screens above the main window. At this point, it looked like a meeting was inevitable. The planet was habitable but wasn't necessarily safe. From the scans of the Rentus at least its captain appeared to be honest in that there was only one life sign aboard. That made it the best possible choice for a meeting place. Especially as this Valtix, if he was actually an ancient, would have no way of knowing that Sheppard had the ATA gene and was capable of interfacing with his ship. "Sheppard. Since everyone else seems to be sending a delegation we'll send one over to the Rentus ourselves. If this Multiverse theory proves to be correct try and keep the fact we currently inhabit Atlantis on the down-low. For all, he knows Atlantis is another one of our ships. We're going to beam you over to try and keep our ability to use Lantean technology on the down low."

"Yes, sir. My team?"

"Correct, after all, you did once tell me that your team was better equipped to handle this kind of situation."

At that moment in time, Rodney McKay came onto the bridge, face buried in a tablet as he was tied into the ship's sensors. "Each of the different ships seems to be emitting a slightly foreign radiation signature. Two of them appear to have been damaged and they all have some pretty interesting designs." He moved over to the larger screen on the side wall, typing into the keyboard there. Bringing up scans of three ships. "The Kearsage appears to be the most similar in ship designs to our own. Likely from an Earth on a timeline that runs parallel to our own. Andromeda appears to be essentially a naval ship in space. That said I found the design fascinating as it seems to be emanating an extremely powerful energy signature. This Solomon appears most like our current Earth technology, and is probably what we'd be flying if it wasn't for the Stargate program."

He finally stopped when he noticed nobody seemed to be responding to him. "What?"

"Gear up McKay. We're going to be going over to find out how you screwed us up this time." Sheppard turned to leave the bridge, pausing to make sure McKay was following him. McKay just let out a sigh before following.

"You blow up one planet and everyone assumes everything is your fault."

"It was half a Solar System McKay."


The door slid closed.

Caldwell pressed the communication button to transmit. "Daedalus to the Solomon, We're familiar with the concept of the Multiverse and have actually interacted with it on a number of occasions. As of yet, we're uncertain on how this has happened, not just to us but to all the other vessels here as well. As a sign of good faith, we will be sending a delegation over to the Rentus to meet with any and all other delegates of the ships assembled here. On that part Captain Valtix, I request you lower shields so I can transmit my people aboard. I will be doing the same and can assure you we will only beam to an area of your choosing. If anyone else is without shuttlecraft I am willing to beam personnel here and then over to the Rentus for the meeting. Caldwell, out."

"The others have already made their plan known."

Anubis turned from the screen, an Imperial battlegroup was currently fighting some form of an unidentified ship. The sensor readings of the ship had it putting off some form of strange radiation. It wasn't from this universe, the others had interfered very indirectly as was their way. "It is of no consequence to me. They send one ship to fight me? On its own. It may be more powerful than one of the old Republic vessels but the Empires new brand of ships?" He chuckled as he keyed a command into his console. Ancient markings scrolling up the screen as he sent the command.

"They're a new beast entirely."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 19 days ago

@Sep & @thedman
{{Location - Renatus Docking Bay & Bridge | Galactic Sector - Unknown}}

Valtrix let out a sigh as he heard the Daedalus message. Couldn't they have sent it earlier, back when he was still in the primary bridge?! Why wait until now to finally respond to his call for a meeting? Now he had to trek all the way back to the teleporter and then to the main bridge before reassuming control of the ship long enough to drop his shields so the delegation they were sending could beam aboard his ship, most likely via a short or long range teleporter. Letting out an annoyed sigh, the Lantean captain slowly turned round and began to make his way back to the control chair. After a couple of minutes of walking, followed by a brief teleport, Ornus eventually arrived at the bridge. Moving over to the control chair and taking a seat in it, Valtrix took control of the ships comms and shields. Re-establishing contact with the Daedalus, he sent another hail to the captain of the craft.

"Captain Caldwell, I will momentarily drop the shields to my ship, as I'm still not entirely sure of the intentions of the other craft in this area, but it should be more than enough time for you to beam your delegation onboard. As for the location of the meeting, I ask that you send them here to the primary bridge. Best place for a meeting I can think of, as well as the safest. And as for your delegation Broodmother Ikani, once onboard I ask that you and those with you also head towards the main bridge. Do not worry about navigation. I will guide you to my location." He said, taking control of the ships shielding system. Sending out a mental command, Valtrix briefly deactivated the ships shield generators, causing the transparent bubble surrounding the large craft to pulse a dim brownish green before finally shutting off, leaving the Renatus's hull vulnerable to attack as well as long range teleport from the surrounding craft.

Hopefully everyone here would continue to operate in good faith and avoid firing upon his ship.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

[OOC: Imminent Arrival, tag anyone and everyone]

The U.S.S. Yangtze hovered outside her beleaguered and damaged mothership. She was a Danube class runabout. A long range shuttle and transport that was, in every respect, a veritable starship in its own right. Through it's main canopy the Faith of the Heart could be seen.
All the interior lights of the saucer section flickered as the Yangtze's sensors swept back and forth across the Nebula Class explorer. Life support was good but main power was still intermittent. The power stack was cross wired like a Christmas tree and one of the key plasma conduits leading to the main deflector dish was blocked or severed. Without the main dish they couldn't maintain relativistic velocities without pocking the entire hull.

"Faith of the Heart," the green skinned woman at the co-pilot's console transmitted, "This is the Yangtze. You are receiving data now."

Inside the Faith, Chandani looked over the data. She wasn't alone. Several science officers were beside her, running computational models on the rear battle bridge panels. After several long minutes they had their answer.

"Yangtze. This is Faith of the Heart. Analysis of local stars yields no results. No pulsar signatures or other astral phenomena within range of the Yangtze's sensors match any of them in our database. Galactic core is of a different mass with distinctly different gravitic signature than the Milky Way galaxy."

Shaavi sighed and leaned back. That pretty much meant no help was coming.

"So I take it we've officially surpassed Voyager's record?" Shaavi asked.

"There's no way to know. It won't be official until we can map our position relative to the Milky Way and how we're going to cross the great galactic barrier even if we did find a way back... I have no idea."

"Well Captain," Shaavi added, "I've discovered several signals. Most are simple- radio. If we try and respond to their signals they won't receive an answer for several hours. They sound disoriented and confused with conflicting accounts. Most of them seem to be experiencing similar difficulties to our own. Do I have permission to make contact?"

"What does your gut tell you?"

"My gut?"

"I could go over the transmissions but if, in your judgement, they do not present an immediate threat we should make contact."

"You do realize I'm the Security Chief and not an ambassador?"

The cat woman beside Shaavi chuckled.

"I'm also not a captain and I don't have a first officer as of yet. What would you suggest?"

"Good Point."

"Keep a subspace channel open. I'll be monitoring. Faith of the Heart out."

"Yangtze Out." Shaavi finished and then turned to her pilot, "So. What do you think?"

"I think you're screwed," M'Rella responded and tapped the side of her flat triangular nose.

M'Rella's fingers danced across the console as she entered an intercept course. It was a short hop by any standard but she adjusted the entry slightly so that they would come out of warp and approach using impulse engines. It wouldn't do to drop out of warp immediately out of nowhere without any sort of warning.

* * *

The Yangtze burst out of warp after only a mere moment. It then approached the collection of vessels at an impressive half of the speed of light, seemingly ignoring all relativistic effects of moving at such a ludicrous speed. It did so from several minutes out. Just to be on the safe side, giving the vessels a chance to read her on sensors before arriving. After all, if the Yangtze had chosen to move faster they would be chasing their own sensor image. Those vessels without supraluminal sensors would only have moments to respond. They wanted to be seen, to be addressed, and hopefully not get a face full of weapons fire.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by thedman
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thedman Fanatical Purifier

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location unknown

Soon after he finished speaking, the coordinates appeared on the screen of the Terran communications device that had been, using fleshy cables that pulsed with energy, attached to the living vessel. "Coordinates received. Expect us soon." Turning off the device, Ikani turned to face the infested Terran at her side. "Well, I suppose this is it. Would you mind coming with me? You know Terrans better than I do."

She nodded, following alongside the Broodmother as she walked away from the nerve center and down a corridor, heading towards the lower sections of the vessel. "Of course, Broodmother."

The two continued down towards the bottom end of the vessel, through narrow passages and numerous chambers holding the various Zerg organisms populating the ship. As they walked, Ikani turned to address her companion. "So, what do you think of the others?"

"I don't know. They all appear to be Terran, but some appear to be more advanced than others, although it is hard to tell without taking a closer look at their technology. Either way, none of them have been overtly hostile so far, so I don't believe we'll have any trouble. At least, assuming they don't panic when they see us."

"Then let's hope this goes better than first contact did in our universe." Eventually, they headed to the bottom of the vessel, where most of the flying Zerg organisms were held. Here, they would be able to exit the ship, and head to the meeting. Waiting for them was Zalek, the lesser Queen that usually led Ikani's forces in battle. She gave a nod as the two approached, and Ikani spoke first, addressing her. "It is good to see you, my daughter. How have the underlings fared so far?"

"None have been injured by our...relocation, thankfully. I've heard you discussing above...you wish to speak with these Terrans?"

"Yes, and I expect you to look after Moonreaver until we return. I'm not expecting an attack, but I don't fully trust these Terrans either, so be alert."

"I see...then, I will keep watch over the Brood until your return. As for your mission..." A pair of hydralisks appeared next to her. "These are some of my finest warriors. They will make any enemy of the Swarm think twice before attacking."

The two hydralisks took up positions next to the group, Ikani petting one as it drew next to her. "Thank you. Hopefully, we will not be forced to use them."

In the hangars of the Renatus, the Zerg delegation had arrived. An overlord touched down at one end of the hangar, and four figures emerged from beneath it. The broodmother herself was a massive creature, centaur-like with six webbed legs and a torso with two arms. Beside her were two hydralisks, intimidating serpentine creatures with massive claws and skull-like faces filled with teeth. Beside Ikani was someone who might have looked human, if you weren't paying close attention. She was a young woman in a blue naval uniform, with pale skin and blonde hair done in a ponytail. However, there were a few glaring abnormalities- her arms and legs were covered in purple, alien muscle, with her hands ending in pointy claws. She had a tendril sticking out of where her right eye would have been, and her left eye had an unnatural orange glow. The tendril followed with her as she looked around the room. "Big ship...but where's all the crew?"

"I suppose we'll find out." After spending a moment observing the ship, the group headed out, walking in the direction of the main bridge.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location - Egg Carrier

As the Egg Carrier made its way attacking the Venator fleet, long-range scanners, if the ship had anything that could be considered as such would detect three large ships heading towards them. All transmitting an Imperial Friendly signal to the fleet that was currently being engaged. At the helm of one of the ships was a man in a crisp imperial uniform, pointed nose and very chiselled features. Wilhulf Tarkin. The Man who was poised to become the first Grand Moff of the Imperial Domain. For now, he was merely an admiral, in charge of testing out these new ships. The Assimilator-Class Star Destroyer was a revolutionary breakthrough, nobody knew where the Emperor was getting these new technologies but they would turn the tide of the Galaxy and bring it into a new age. Shields that were far more efficient than anything that had ever been designed, faster firing weapons and a hyperdrive system that didn't have to worry about gravity wells. They could jump anywhere, anytime with none of the restrictions that had plagued them in the past.

There was a flash of light as the three ships pulled out of hyperspace in a wedge formation. Tarkin turned to one of the officers. "Open a channel, power weapons and target the Conqueror."


"Do it."

Someone else spoke off to the side. "Channels open sir."

"Attention unidentified vessel. You have infringed on Imperial Territory and attacked an Imperial Navy vessel. Stand down now, withdraw or be destroyed. These ships are far more powerful than the ones you previously attacked."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Egg Carrier

"Alright, Oglivie, bring some of them aboard, we'll need to interrogate them." Eggman ordered. He then saw a button start beeping on the control console. "What the..." He then saw the new Star Destroyer approaching and the message.

"Attention unidentified vessel. You have infringed on Imperial Territory and attacked an Imperial Navy vessel. Stand down now, withdraw or be destroyed. These ships are far more powerful than the ones you previously attacked."

"HAH, YOU GUYS JUST MESSED WITH THE EGGMAN EMPIRE!!!" Thunderbolt responded over the closed communications. "BOSS, ORDER US TO OPEN FIRE AND WE'LL TAKE 'EM DOWN!!!" She yelled with excitement. Eggman smiled as he flicked a switch.

"Remind me, Thunderbolt, since when did you give the orders?" He asked. She faltered as he asked.

"Umm... I... Uhhh... Never?" She asked.

"That's right!" He replied in a patronizing tone. "Now, kindly STOP DOING IT!!!" he roared.

"I'M SORRY!!!!" She cried.

"All forces, retreat, pull back to the Egg Carrier and retreat." Eggman ordered. "We are after Manic, we don't need to get bogged down in a pointless fight." He said. "Rev up the Special Zone drive." He ordered. The Emperor and Wizard began returning to the Egg Carrier. Oglivie, on the otherhand, was slicing his way into the bridge computer.

"Give me a minute, i'm going to try and get some of their data. See how much they know about us." He replied.

"The longer we stay, the more data they'll collect." Sonia replied over the comm. "I hate to say it, Eggman's right, let's just go." She ordered. Oglivie saw some of the data that he was downloading.

"Metal Sonics, fall back and secure an escape route." He ordered. The Metal Sonics began to leave the room. Oglivie saw the bar go to 2% then 3% "Dammit, this'll have to do." He replied, before disconnecting and floating out of the room and rocketting down the corridor, towards an airlock, that the remaining Metal Sonics were gathered at. He jumped into the Airlock and was followed by the Metal Sonics, before they were ejected into space. They blasted back to the Egg Carrier. Oglivie rushed up to the command bridge to find Eggman having already returned. "We could have gotten more data if we fought them." He said. Eggman didn't look at him.

"Their ship is brand new and they aren't too sure about us." He said. "They don't want to test it out against an unknown, so they are letting us go. I think that is the best outcome that we could possibly hope for." He said. Oglivie plugged his jack into the console.

"At least download and analyze the data we collected." He asked. Eggman nodded, before the Special Zone appeared around them and they disappeared.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Daedalus - Deep Space - Caldwell Preciding

The flagship team, AR-1 stood on the bridge of the Daedalus. Sheppard, McKay, Teyla and Ronan. Two from Earth, one Athosia and one from Sateda. One of the most diverse teams that Earth ever had to offer, simply as it had a 50/50 Earth and Off-worlder ratio. All dressed in black, and P-90s slung held close to their vest on all except Ronan who had his signature pistol in his hand. Sheppard looked at Caldwell and nodded, there was a flash of light as the delegation from the Solomon was beamed aboard before they all disappeared in a simultaneous flash of light to the bridge of the Rentus. The immediate difference was the temperature, and the low drone from the Daedalus and its systems was replaced by the silence of the efficient low hum of lantean systems. The air was cooler and somehow purer than that on the Daedalus, which didn't make sense as it was all done through pretty much the same Sheppard immediately scanned the area, the bridge was pretty much consistent with other Aurora classes. It had the more military paint job rather than the more white finish of the research variants of the same class.

Sheppard turned to look at the crew from the Solomon, some of them in some very cool looking armour. "So, nice digs huh?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 19 days ago

@Sep & @thedman
{{Location - Renatus Bridge | Galactic Sector - Unknown}}

Valtrix watched as the delegations arrived in the bridge. First the crew of the Daedalus, then another crew from a separate ship, and finally Broodmother Ikani and her group. The progress of which he was tracking via the ships interior sensors. Leaning forward, the control chair moving with him, Valtrix quickly re-enabled the ships shielding systems before turning his attention towards his current guests. "Welcome aboard my ship." Valtrix said, nodding slightly towards the respective leaders of both groups. Or at least those he assumed were the leaders anyway. "I am glad you all have decided to try and help me settle this in a peaceful manner rather than a militaristic one." He said, gesturing to the Daedalus crews weapons and the fancy armor the delegation from the Solomon were wearing. "For the most part anyway. Now, all that aside, let us get down to the heart of the matter. Figuring out the reason why we were all brought here in the first place, as it is readily apparent as to how we all got here." He said, steepling his fingers as he leaned forward in the control chair, the bridges dim and almost deep sea like lighting giving the Lantean a mysterious, almost menacing, appearance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 9 days ago

Collaboration with @Flamelord

"All nonessential personnel clear the flight deck. Scheduled departure in five." The loudspeaker rang across the hangar, the nondescript voice of some yeoman.

The delegation had been assembled as quickly as they could, consisting of one Lieutenant Commander Klein, the esteemed German executive officer, a Lieutenant Romijnders, their Dutch chief engineer, and their navigator, Lieutenant Junior Grade Williams, a woman of Canadian birth. They walked along the flight deck clad in UNSC steel grey Navy fatigues marked with symbols of the UNSCDF, a contrast to the working jumpsuits worn by most others of the crew. They each wore a vest with ablative plates attached, a simple precaution, and had a reserve oxygen system affixed like satchels - really it was just a satchel bag made of an air mix tank, an independent oxygen concentrator, and a full face mask. LTJG Williams had another item about her waist, a duffel bag full of the ship's physical star charts, their backups for if sensors couldn't pick up locator beacons, and it was her job to know how to read the stars using those maps.

They were flanked on either side by a single Marine in what they called 'full battle rattle'. They wore similar fatigues, albeit marked with Marine Corps identifiers instead. They wore the same model of vest as well, albeit a heavier version which included pauldrons, a groin guard, and shin guards. They each had MA5Bs, the service rifle of the Corps, attached to single-point slings on their vests, and they also carried their own reserve oxygen kits. They all moved towards the waiting D77 'Pelican' dropship, which sat on catapult one disarmed as a show of good faith to those they were meeting. The bay of the Pelican could theoretically hold twenty-plus people, but the five of them would do. And with however many more the Andromeda was sending, they could be expected to fill all ten jump seats at the least.

Deck crew with colored jerseys continued to buzz about the craft as the delegation strapped in. Inspecting the craft and giving the go-ahead, a pilot and co-pilot both boarded the craft from the rear to take their own positions in the cockpit, making their final checklist with command. The Pelican got its clearance and was given its working callsign, 'Ranger'. The electromagnetic catapult began to hum with electricity as the strength of its magnetism built, locking in the forward landing gear of Ranger. And suddenly, with a salute from the pilot and a thumbs up from the yellow-jerseyed 'shooter', the catapult came to life, accelerating the Pelican with immense force and passing it into the void of space.

"Andromeda, this is the shuttle craft of the Kearsarge, callsign 'Ranger'. We're en route to your vessel for pickup, how copy?"

The ensemble had assembled for the meeting. They were in a roughed up state, and certainly had not been expecting to engage in foreign diplomacy so soon after battle. Yet all of the crew had done their best to prepare for the meeting, cleaning and dressing their best as if to make up for the damaged appearance of the ship.

For his part Captain Yamanami was in dress uniform. He wore a white hat, a dark blue overcoat with a lighter color, gold ends on his sleeves, a golden anchor decoration over his left lapel, and three stripes on his right arm. That joined with whiter gloves, a brown belt, and black dress pants. As for the marines with him, they were in military greens, with grey helmets and their own rifles. They weren’t quite sure what they were in for, but were determined to face it with bravery regardless.

From the Andromeda would come a swift response to the hail. ’We copy Ranger. Proceed to the port side docking back. Following instructions would reveal that the doors had pulled back on a previously concealed docking bay, conspicuously empty of ships despite its relative size. This was mainly used for supply shuttles, rather than launching military aircraft, which was why it was fairly brightly lit up, and not necessarily indicative of the rest of the ship.

Once the Pelican had entered, a red alarm would begin to sound as the door closed to allow for the bay to be repressurized. It was time for the meeting to begin, as Yamanami and his entourage filed out of one of the nearby interior entrances to, effectively, make the first interdimensional first contact in the history of the Federation.

The Pelican’s ramp dropped, providing a hard boarding surface. One of the Marines aboard made towards the door to assist the incoming entourage of the Andromeda. Klein was the first to rise from his seat, followed by the others of the UNSC delegation, hands extended for handshakes all around.

Klein particularly took note of Yamanami. It wasn’t hard to pick out the commander in the Navy. No, while in the Army or Marines the officers went so far as to dress almost the exact same as grunts on the battlefield, those sailor Captains wanted to make it known who and what they were.

“Willkommen, willkommen. I am Lieutenant-Commander Eckhart Klein, UNSC Navy.” The XO spoke in a thick German accent, but otherwise completely legible UEG English, or at least that’s what they referred to it as. He wore his steel grey fatigues with a perfectly tucked shirt and immaculately bloused boots, and although he wore a vest, he had no tension about him. Atop his head sat an eight-point cover marked with the symbol of the UNSCDF, and pinned on his collar was the rank insignia of a Lieutenant Commander, a golden oak leaf.

The ramp dropped, and the two groups moved to meet, after Yamanami had saluted the Lieutenant Commander. The marines were busy sizing up their opposites, silently gauging how well they would do in a fight. Which by the first indication might not be all that well, though of course they didn’t say that. It would ruin their reputation and their image.

“Welcome to the Andromeda, Lieutenant Commander. I’m Captain Yamanami, of the United Nations Cosmos Navy,” he said, taking the lead as he crossed the few steps necessary to shake the man’s hand. “I appreciate the pick up. We were involved in a battle right before winding up here, so this has been a bit inconvenient for us.”

"Vell, Captain, I can say zhat you are not ze only ones who were snatched from zhe battle." Klein rendered a sharp, rigid-postured salute in return. "Vell, no time to waste. Shall we be off?"

That was interesting to hear. What sort of enemy could these humans from a parallel Earth be fighting? Yamanami spent a moment reflecting on that question, before deciding to be content for now. He would doubtlessly learn sooner or later.

“Certainly,” he agreed, moving on to the drop ship before gesturing for the rest of his escort to follow. They would sit in any seats indicated, examining their surroundings as they prepared for departure and the trip that would follow.

The Kearsarge’s Pelican came in for a slow-burn landing course for the Renatus’ hangar bay. Its wheeled gear dropped first as its vectoring thrusters scrambled to account for its dropping altitude and speed. And finally, as it hovered barely a few feet from the hangar deck, its stability gears came down, the long, spider leg-like wheel booms that arched from the troop bay normally acting to prevent a significant change in the center of mass of the landed vehicle, considering the fact that without thruster power, it was immensely rear-heavy. The ramp dropped a moment later after a momentary confirmation of breathable atmosphere.

The two Marines of the Kearsarge detachment descended the ramp first, holding their MA5 rifles across their chests in a non-threatening, albeit not completely relaxed manner. They knew to expect anything. Following them was the trio of technical and diplomatic representatives the UNSC vessel sent along. Klein stood center, flanked by the navigator on one side, the chief engineer on the other.

The ride had been interesting, not too dissimilar from their own Seagull transports. Idle chatter was kept to a relative minimum, perhaps because of the importance of what was being done, or simple awkwardness and unfamiliarity with their hosts.

But they soon arrived at their destination. Yamanami departed at the head of his party as they exited the dropship along with the UNSC delegation into the hangar bay. Looking around, there were some similarities to Aquarius architecture and design, aside from the colors. “I suppose we wait for our host now,” he observed, glancing over to his counterpart.

“I believe so.” Klein affirmed, interlacing his hands behind his back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by thedman
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thedman Fanatical Purifier

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bridge of the Renatus | Location Unknown

Ikani stood on her end of the bridge, taking a moment to observe the various delegations. They were all Terran, as she suspected, although their weapons and armor were unfamiliar to her. It looked much lighter than the heavy powered armor that the Terrans of the Koprulu Sector used, perhaps designed for mobility over protection. Either that, or these Terrans were not as technologically advanced as the ones she was used to. If this did end in a fight, that would be useful for her.

But they weren't here to fight. They stood and listened as Valtrix spoke, their two Hydralisk escorts eyeing the other delegations with animalistic stares. They wouldn't attack anyone unless Ikani ordered them to, but their presence would no doubt serve as a deterrent to any sort of attacks. As their host's speech ended, Ikani took a moment to psionically share a few thoughts with her Terran counterpart, before stepping up to speak.

"Perhaps. I would argue that we don't know how we got here, but that is beside the point. For whatever reason, we have been brought here, to this system, together. If this was some sort of random wormhole, it would not explain why we were all taken to this particular system. Because of this, I can't help but think that we were brought here intentionally. As to why, well...there is no way to tell as of yet."

After Ikani finished, she nodded to Shelley beside her, who began to speak. "And we don't know where here is, either. It doesn't match any system on our star maps, and I assume the same is true for the rest of you. For all we know, this galaxy could be completely uninhabited, filled with dangerous beings, or...well, anything. This system appears barren, so I doubt we'll find any answers here. Travelling to another system might give us more information, or even put us into contact with the locals, if there are any. I...assume your ships all have functioning faster than light systems, yes?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 19 days ago

@Sep, @thedman, @Assallya, & @CaptainBritton
{{Location - Renatus Bridge | Galactic Sector - Unknown}}

"My ship does posses such drives, yes. Although I am not sure about the others." Valtrix replied, gesturing to the other delegations present. "As for the idea of exploring other star systems, I agree fully. Our current location certainly doesn't seem to contain the answers we seek, so it is probably best that we search for them elsewhere." He said, nodding slightly. Pausing briefly to take a breath, Valtrix was about to say more when two notifications flashed on a nearby console. Getting up, the Lantean captain walked over to a nearby console and pressed a clear crystalline button which brought up a display of the surrounding space on a dark screen at the consoles center. Off to the far left of the screen was a small white blip, one that was much smaller than the surrounding blips which indicated the other ships, which was remaining completely stationary. Ornus examined the screen, his eyes narrowing slightly as he did so. He hadn't seen the craft the fist time he activated the ships scanners. Sending out a brief hail asking the craft to identify itself, Valtrix pushed another button, switching the screen from a 2D field of the surrounding space to a live feed of the Renatus' interior hanger where another ship was docked.

Taking a minute to examine it, Valtrix finally realized that the craft and the people with it were the delegation sent from the Kearsarge. Pressing another button on the console, Valtrix activated the ships interior coms and sent a message to the group.

"Welcome aboard my ship." He said, speaking into the com. "We are currently holding our discussion on the primary bridge. I'll use the ships lighting systems to guide you towards my location. Also, some delegations from the other craft are already here and they might seem quite... unusual, so I ask that you keep those bearing arms among you in check. I do not want a firefight on my ship." Releasing the button, Valtrix quickly strode over to another console and entered a series of commands to the ships lighting systems which would cause them to turn off and on after a brief delay and in a very specific sequence that lead all the way from the hanger where the Kearsarge's delegation was, to the primary bridge. Stepping away from the console, Valtrix returned to the control chair and sat down. Propping his left leg up onto his right one and steepling his fingers, Valtrix leaned backwards slightly in the alien looking seat as he waited for the others in the room to put in their two cents on the matter.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"-and there it is," M'Rella stated as they listened to the hail from the massive vessel that seemed to be center-most in what appeared to be a rag-tag fleet.
Shaavi nodded and made sure that she was broadcasting towards the Faith of the Heart in a tight beam transmission. There was no need to alert these ships to the exact position of their vessel.
"Captain," she stated for the transmission, "Sensors indicate a collection of vessels, seemingly with no relation in silhouette or design. Technological levels seem to differ as well. For one, we are recieving lots of radio. All telemetry and sensor readings are being forwarded."
"I see them," the radio replied, "No deep scans. We don't want to alarm anyone."
"There doesn't appear to be any hostilities. Heat signatures appear cold. No signs of shields or charged weapons as we would know them. I'm going to initiate contact."
"Confirmed. Stay Friendly you two"
Shaavi manipulated the LCARS, opening a new channel, modulating the frequency to match the radio frequencies being transmitted. Given the distances and the slow speed of radio it would take a minute to arrive, then a minute to receive any sort of reply. She then ensured both channels were linked in a manner where if their Captain chose to speak it wouldn't be heard by the vessels in the fleet. She then took a long deep breath and ran her fingers through her shoulder length green hair. She really didn't like the idea of speaking on behalf of her ship. She was the security chief, the tactical officer. She felt more comfortable pummeling people than winning them over. Remember your training. Keep things simple in case they were using a translator.
"This is the U.S.S. Yangtze. Lieutenant Shaavi in command. We are a peaceful exploration vessel. We have become lost and are in need of navigational assistance."
M'Rella smirked or at least Shaavi suspected that was what she was doing. It was hard to tell on a cat sometimes.
"What is it the humans say you are doing? Pulling over and asking for directions?"
"Better than flying without any idea where we're going."
"Loosen up. It's going to be a slow conversation at this rate. You should relax."
"I'd rather be holding a phaser than waiting for someone to reply."
"You'll be fine. I'll slow down the approach a bit more. We're practically running down the radio signal to the target."
"Oh great. Slow down and make the exchange take longer."
"I'm just trying to look non-threatening. It could look like we're stating 'We come in Peace' while moving in for the kill."
"Good Point. Nothing to do but wait then."
M'Rella and Shaavi stared at the canopy window. To the naked eye the ships in the distance weren't even pinpricks against the vastness of open black.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Captain Yamanami

Those in the hangar bay would be greeted by an intercom, which was somewhat unusual. You would think that for something like this there would be someone to meet you. What if they just started shooting up the place, or trying to take the ship? Sure he was busy, but he could have had crew do it instead. Or was he not able to?

"Well then, let's be going," he said aloud. He turned to the entrance where flashing lights indicated the path that they should take, moving off with his delegation in that direction. At the same time he kept an eye on their surroundings as they moved along, in a hope that it could shed some light on which of his theories would be correct.

With his own natural curiosity, as well as the warning provided to them, it would be interesting to see what they were in for. He had no intention of being hostile, especially with a damaged ship, he just hoped that the meeting was productive. He wasn't sure what they would do if they were stuck in this unknown place on their lonesome. It would not be a good situation to be in, that much he was sure of.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

USAF Daedalus

Caldwell sat looking at the sensor readings as the other ship approached from deep space. This was becoming a hodge podge of ships, and sooner or later one of them was unlikely to be as friendly or reasonable as everyone else was being. "Marks, I need you to have long range give me a possible hyperspace destination, it's a risk jumping to a planet when we don't know if what's waiting for us at it is worse but I'd rather have a destination rather than just jumping into hyperspace and hiding there indefinitely."

"Yes, Sir."

"Also hail that new ship." Marks nodded as the channel was opened.

"USS Yangtze, this is the Earth ship Daedalus. Ourselves and the other ships gathered here also seem to not know where we are or how we came to be here. If you desire we all have delegates aboard the ship broadcasting IFF as the Rentus, should you be unable to dock or board the vessel yourself we have the ability to beam you aboard using matter transmitters."

AR-1 aboard the Rentus

Sheppard turned to McKay, who merely shrugged. "It is possible that something brought us here, but nothing from our scans indicate that any of the ships here could have possibly been the source. If it was an outside power, why wouldn't they be here to collect us? How did they specifically target us? There isn't a lot here that makes sense."

"We've seen things like this before McKay."

"No we haven't. There's always been some quantifiable explanation for what's happened, this is, there's nothing. It's just happened for no reason and we're all lost with no clue where we are, no idea how far away from home and no telling what trouble At-" Sheppard threw a look at McKay before he mentioned Atlantis, they still weren't entirely sure how this Aurora related to their universe and didn't want to give away too much too soon. "-home is going on."

Teyla stepped forward as she tried to mediate, and change the conversation. "Perhaps Captain Valtrix is right, we should consider moving on to somewhere else. The answers we seek are not here, that much is certain."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"They're from Earth?" the intercom reiterated as their captain chimed in, "with a ship like that? It has more in common with the NX series than a modern vessel. Maybe they're temporally displaced as well?"
"There are residual chronoton residues," Shaavi added, lending more credence to that theory, "but are they in the wrong time or are we?"
"Or both..." Chandani mused.
"Great," M'rella commented, mostly under her breath, "The one time we encounter humans in the vast universe and we have no humans on board making the introduction. The Faith of the Heart is ninety percent human by the brood mother."
"Easy there. Don't get a furball." Rengaging the communicator Shaavi replied to the vessel, "Yangtze to Daedalus. We uh... welcome your hospitality. We also have transporter technology but need to know- err... we respectfully request coordinates to beam in."
Yeah, Shaavi thought to herself, that sounded better.
In short order, with the coordinates provided, the pair stood and stepped back across the carpet to stand beneath the transporter arch, Shaavi in her gold and grey jacket and M'Rella in her red.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Egg Carrier

Egg Carrier exitted the special zone again. "Alright, here it is, Bluto!" Eggman proudly announced. He then looked out of the viewscreen and saw the planet.

"That's..." Jack said. "That's not Bluto." Eggman's face froze as he contemplated what had happened.

"I mean... If you... Kinda tilt your-WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID THING!?!?!?" He yelled, kicking the console.

"Real mature, boss." Thunderbolt replied.

"WHO ASKED YOU!?!?!?" He then saw the console beeping. "YEAH, WHADDYA WANT?!?!?" He yelled at it. A picture of a Robot materialized in front of him. "Oooh, what's this?" He asked.

"Greetings unidentified vessel. Identify yourself or be destroyed." It chirped.

"Wow, we sure do know how to meet very hostile people." Eggman quipped. "Hello, I am the great Doctor Eggman of the Eggma..." He then stopped. "The Royal House of Acorn of Mobius." He smiled. "I promise that we are of no threat to you and simply wish to talk to whoever is in charge."

"Stand by." The robot said.

"Well, they aren't shooting at us, that's a good sign." Oglivie said. A picture of a cyborg appeared.

"Greetings [tzz] I am Bromb Krashtal [fzzt] Member of the new Confederacy Council. The [fzzzzzfzzzzzt] Resistance against the Empire."

"Ah, fellow revolutionaries against the tyranical Overlander Empire." Eggman cried with joy. "If you are against the Empire, then you have found common allies." The cyborg tuned a dial on its chest.

"This is [tzzz] most fortuitous. We will send landing coordinates, please come [fzzzzzzzzz] Unarmed."

"Sounds good to me!" Eggman bowed, before the feed shut off. "Like hell are we going unarmed, Oglivie, Acorn, Jack, you three are with me.


The Egg Carrier moved into the correct orbit of the planet to teleport them down to the coordinates, a green beam shot from the ship towards the planet. Immediately, alarm claxons began to sound in the Seperatist command. The beam hit the ground, dealing no damage, much to the surprise of everyone. Several ships began to make their way to Egg Carrier. Eggman, Oglivie, Jack and Sonia appeared at the bottom of the beam, the beam then disappeared. Battle-Droids immediately surrounded them and pointed weapons at them. "Woah, what kind of welcome is this?" Eggman asked.



"THEY SHOT A GIANT LASER AT US!!!" It replied. "OF COURSE IT WAS AN ATTACK!!!" There was a murmering of "Roger-Roger" among the droids, before they were corralled and lead to the large building nearby. On the steps, they were met by Bromb.

"That is a very [fzzzzzzt] Interesting form of travel. The Techno-Union would be [fzt] Very grateful for [fzzzzt] technical specifications on it." He said. "These are our [fzzzzt] Guests. Please, leave us." He waved the Battledroids away.

"Your Robots aren't terribly bright." Eggman said. "I do know the pain of incompetent robot help..."

"The older B1 models [fzzzzzt] were unfortunately speedily upgraded and forced to work independantly, when they were originally [fzzzzzt] designed to be hiveminded."

"Trust me on this, never go hive-minded. They soon start questioning why they are following your orders..." Eggman sighed. "Let me work on your robots sometime, i might be able to squeeze a few more points of IQ points out of them."

"The new B3 lines [fzzzzzzt] are going to be more than sufficient for the next war against the Empire."

"Oooooh, new robots, i MUST see them." At that point, Sonia pushed in.

"Ok, if you two could stop bonding over your love of building robots, we do have a diplomatic mission to perform here." She said. She bowed to Bromb. "I am Princess Sonia of the House of Acorn." She bowed to him. Bromb looked at Eggman, then back to her.

"Then that would make Eggman here your Father?" He asked. Sonia stared at him, then swallowed an amount of vomit that crawled up her throat like a thousand tiny spiders.

"That would be incorrect..." She wheezed.

"I'm sorry, we've been at war for the best part of 40 years and now i'm her best friend." Eggman smiled.

"You're on thin ice, Eggman..." She grunted under her breath. Eggman gave a smug smile, he was enjoying this greatly. "I wish to speak to your King and ask him if he might help us on our current mission." She said, regaining her composure.

"We do not have a King, but i will [fzt] ask for a convening of the [fzzzzzt] Council" He said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by thedman
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thedman Fanatical Purifier

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bridge of the Renatus | Location Unknown

The Zerg delegation mostly held their silence as the others spoke. More delegations slowly streamed in, Valtrix speaking to them through the ship's intercoms as they came up to the bridge. Ikani let out a chuckle as he mentioned that some of the delegations were 'unusual'. He could only be referring to them, as the other delegations seemed solely comprised of Terrans. Although to their credit, none of them had an overtly hostile reaction to their presence. It was likely due to the fact that, since they were all from different universes, the Terrans here had no history of conflict with the Zerg, and would be hopefully more open to peaceful relations. Hopefully, the same could be said for the native inhabitants of this galaxy.

The other delegations mostly agreed with what they said earlier. "Yes, it seems that there is little to gain from staying here. Is everyone in agreement that we should travel to the nearest system for answers?" Ikani asked, looking to the various delegations for a response.

Shelley, meanwhile, was considering something that one of the other delegations had said. "Excuse me." She said, looking towards the Daedalus delegation, her eye-tendril twitching slightly. "I couldn't help but overhear...you said that you've seen something like this before? Could you elaborate on that? It might be able to help us understand what happened here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sheppard nodded to the weird alien delegation. To be honest he was a bit unsettled and could see Ronan was giving them their undivided attention. There didn't seem to be a large variety of alien life in the Pegasus Galaxy, at least not in the sentient department. The fact that this alien looked menacing wasn't exactly support for peaceful negotiations, he just hoped that this one was meant to look menacing as if this was a good looking one he'd hate to see a bad one. "We'll all lock in some co-ordinates then, then we can rendezvous there and see if we can't figure out where we are and if there's anyone who knows off anything that could be the cause of this disturbance."

The delegation from the Solomon spoke up, a man dressed in what was visibly officers garb. "The Solomon has no access to faster than light technology."

McKay turned to face them. "Don't worry, for shorter jumps the Daedalus can open a hyperspace window big enough for both ships in-fact so can th-" Sheppard spoke up before McKay said too much about the Aurora Class. If this ship was from their universe, giving him information on the fate and future of his people could potentially be devastating for the timeline. If Atlantis wasn't abandoned, or if the Wraith somehow found out about the Milkyway thousands of years early, or the future for Earth then it could have devastating consequences.

"Really the point is we should hurry up and decide where we're going." He tapped his earpiece and nodded as Caldwell informed him about the new delegation. "We also have new friends."

There was a flash of light, similar to an Asgard beam but identifiable as not the same technology, as a group of non-humans appeared in rather colourful uniforms. Sheppard nodded at them before turning to the human that was amidst the alien delegation. He just hoped that wasn't some kind of slavery situation, that would make negotiations complicated.

"We've had a couple of situations with people crossing between universes, usually with the aide of advanced technology. In one instance a team from another Earth altered the natural flow of a wormhole around a blackhole in order to move to another universe." He turned to McKay for confirmation.

"Yes, it was far more complicated than that but that is the abridged version."
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