Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(As we come into this post, and the current events, we are heading into the episode, "Hammer of the Gods". It's directly after Adam has been possessed by Michael. If you haven't seen season five, I recommend you go back and watch. If you have seen season five, I recommend you go back and watch, even then. The reason for this is that this is a scripted RP, that adds original characters for flare and fun. So, it pretty much follows the timeline of the show. Now…to start the fun!)
AnnaBeth raised her head, thinking hard on the subject matter of the conversation. She then smiled, and narrowed her eyes, "What about Riley…", she murmured, meeting Sam's eyes for a second as she rubbed her right hand across his bare chest. As she waited for him to answer, she took a deep breath, the baby suddenly rolling visibly under her skin. As the babies foot caused AnnaBeth's skin to raise, it rolled against Sam's ribs, and she winced, but quickly smiled, "I don't think she likes it…"
"What do you think?", Dean asked Castiel, who stood against the wall of the small hotel room, playing with a rubix cube.

"About what?"

"What do you mean 'about what?'…The baby…", Dean clarified, his eyes narrowing, annoyed. He crossed his arms uncomfortably, glancing around for any sign of the others.

"Oh…You mean the abomination. I think it's a terrible and naive idea, believing that this…thing…can be the savior of earth. You've already met the anti-christ. He was a young boy with a vivid imagination. You talked him down like a suicide bomber…Poof…out of the picture…", Castiel snapped a bit, leaning heavier against the wall, "I think that you should allow me to do what should have been done when she first felt the first pain of infestation…"

"Will you cut it out?! Mika would murder us both, if we hurt this thing. It's a baby, and it's blood, whether it has demon in it or not. We don't know…"

"We don't know?!", Castiel snapped suddenly, stepping away from the wall. The rubix cube vanished from his hand, and his eyes were serious, "This pregnancy has lasted a mere two months and she's looking at delivering in a week…or less. You want to shove it under the rug as a 'maybe' for demon blood. I think it's pretty clear that there will be blood, and pain. There will be anguish, and before I allow the one tool we have against killing Lucifer die, I will take care of it."

"Wow, Cas…", Dean said incredulously, "She's still just a tool, to you…She's risked her life for yours, did everything you asked, and you still consider her just a weapon? You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"And I'm not. You wanna know why I'm not, Dean? Because I'm not a stupid, weak little bag of blood, hoping and dreaming that in the end, the apocalypse is simply a fluke, and will be over with without a single drop of blood from any of you. I'm not ashamed, because in the end, we're all dead…"

"I can't believe that.", Dean whispered, "I will protect her until my last breath, and I will keep my brother alive. We WILL kill Lucifer, and then you're free to hit the road. We're not killing the baby, until we have to…end of discussion. Now…is there anything we can do about her night terrors?"

"You've heard my thoughts. I'm finished. You protect that baby, and I'm finished…"

"Then be gone, feather duster…", a voice sounded from behind Dean. Castiel simply rolled his eyes and glared.

"Speaking of garbage to take out. Dean…deal with your dog…", Castiel spat, glaring at Arik, as the demon stepped up beside Dean and lit a cigarette. He offered it to the man next to him, but Dean simply waved him off.

"I don't have time for a pissing match. Arik, you know anything about getting into AB's head?", he asked, but Arik simply shook his head, taking a long drag off his cigarette, "Great…"

"You guys were threatening the baby, am I right?", Arik murmured, "May not be mine, anymore…but…I think I've been drawn to her, all along…"

"You've what?", Dean asked, his eyes narrowed almost to a close, "Like…twilight werewolf vs vampire baby drawn to her?"

"Why you gotta make it creepy?", Arik asked, and Dean simply shrugged…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sam looked up at AnnaBeth as she suggested a possible name for their baby girl to be. He was still getting his head round how AnnaBeth could know what sex the child is already, when they've never been to a scan or done any of the normal things expecting parents do. Not that they could anyway, it would be highly awkward trying to explain everything if, no, when something not so natural showed up on the scan. When however, the baby moved in anguish at the name suggestion he couldn't help but smirk and chuckle. "No, I don't think she does..." He smiled.


Mika had decided to get some supplies soon after they reached the motel, as she could just tell Castiel was going to go on one of his all holy righteous rants about how the baby was an abomination the moment they got inside. She wasn't in the mood to hear another one of those form him. She found them repetitive and boring - kind of like when Bobby would rant to her about her driving or leaving stuff around the house or not calling in with him for days on end. Come to think of it, her uncle moaned a lot to her. Shaking the comparison thoughts from her head, she packed the supplies from the nearby walmart into carrier bags and headed back to the motel.

When she got back, she knocked on AnnaBeth's door first to leave with them, bits and pieces that would be good for AnnaBeth to take whilst pregnant. Sam answered the door and she handed the carrier bag out. "For AB... these supplies will help with her sleeping, pains and general well being, you're welcome" Mika told him with a smile, before walking away to hers and Dean's room before Sam could even say a simple thank you. She grabbed her key out of her jeans pocket and opened the door to find Arik in the room instead of Castiel. "O...kay, where did Cas go?" She questioned, handing Dean a take out pie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

AnnaBeth sighed, and glanced over at Sam with tired eyes, laughing at the baby already having an opinion of things. Smirking, she rubbed her stomach, calming her down, "Alright. Pick your own name then. Maybe I can read your mind...", she joked, although she genuinely hoped she could read the baby's mind, eventually. They were connected, but she still felt like the child wasn't truly hers. She jolted a bit with a groan as Mika knocked on the door, narrowing her eyes at the quick exchange between Sam and her best friend.

"What was that all about?", she asked, giving another rough shove against the lump at her side.


Dean turned, as Arik's cigarette was blown out of his hand by Castiel's rapidly beating wings, thankful to see Mika back. He gratefully walked over to her, leaning his forehead on her shoulder, and closed his eyes, the pounding in his head growing more and more the longer he went without drinking.

"Any booze?...Oh! Pie...a woman after my own heart...", he muttered, excitedly grabbing the pie from her hands and popping the top of the container.

"The pigeon flew the coop. I don't think he likes the fact that the 'savior of the world' is siding with the demon, here. He'd rather go off killing babies.", Arik chimed in, taking a seat on one of the beds in the room. He laid back, his muddy boots hanging off the edge slightly as Dean rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What he said..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sam walked in closing the door behind him holding up the carrier Mika just gave him. "She brought supplies for you. She said there's stuff in there for your pains, to help you sleep and what not." He replied to her, walking over and placing the carrier on the bed beside her. "Though, she did seem very... what's the word? Distant?" He added. "I'm sure she's fine though, she's probably just deep in thought or something, you know how she is." Sam finalised, sitting down beside AnnaBeth again.

He rummaged through the bag pulling out all kinds of pregnancy medication for her. "I'll never understand all of this" He chimed, before chuckling.


Mika smiled seeing Dean finally showing he's glad to see her around. Placing the carrier bag down by her feet, she ruffled her fingers through his hair. "I picked up pain killers whilst I was out" She told him, before he quickly took the pie and perking up again. It actually made her smile at how excited something as simple as pie could make him.

"Already got your heart, i just know how to make you happy" She chuckled, shooting him a wink. Her smile soon vanished though when Arik chimed in about Castiel's disappearance and hijacked one of the beds. "Great... Cas on one of his righteous selfish rampages again.... just what we need." Mika complained, rolling her eyes before sighing and sitting down at the small table, rummaging through her bag and opening her bottle soda, taking a swig. "So not the same... but it'll do" She muttered to herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

AnnaBeth giggled softly, reaching out and taking one of the bottles of vitamins from Sam's hand, "It's not to be understood, in the words of the 'great' Castiel. I just have to take them, and they will magically make everything okay. Other than the sleeping meds, I don't think I will complain about any of it.", she muttered, popping open the bottle and pouring a couple of the vitamins into her hand.

"I'm a little scared...", she admitted, as the baby rolled, causing a small wave of nausea to flow through her, "We don't know when she's going to come, and I know what everyone is saying about when the baby comes...about me dying..."

She bowed her head a bit, closing her eyes.


Dean quickly dipped his hand into the bag on the floor, after taking a huge bite of pie. Pulling out the pain killers, he popped the top and tossed four into his mouth, swallowing them with his pie. He reached across and grabbed Mika's soda from her hand, taking a drink, and then placed it back in her hand with a sheepish grin, "And I'm happy."

He dropped the grin and glared over toward Arik, bringing up one of his own large feet to kick Arik's boot, "He's not killing any babies. He's worried. He's just worried.", he turned to Mika, "Have we found anything about delivering a demonoid baby? Surely there's lore somewhere. What's Bobby saying?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The bags under his eyes were deep. These books used to be nothing but helpful but now they were letting him down. Bobby brought up his glass of bourbon and sighed. "Balls."

They would be calling soon if he didn't call them, and all of his books had done nothing for him. He needed to find the right one, but anything he read spoke of the anti-Christ. And that was far from helpful, but he continued on, opening an even older more worn down book.


And there it was, Singer Auto Salvage. It had been a long trip here, but the brunette girl with human emerald eyes smirked. The black crossed over her eyes as she made her way up the driveway, a small token under her arm. She may have done her best to stay under the radar, but she knew a lot, having been watching this Bobby Singer for a while. A demon child was to be born, but nearly all signs pointed to the anti-Christ. Not the one she had though. Took some doing, but after a run in with her own kind, she managed to get it.

She moved herself towards the door, and she stopped, her eyes staring at the frame.

"Balls!" She heard from the other side of the door.

"Definitely not good." She muttered to herself, knocking on the door. The older man opened the door, and looked to her. "Bobby Singer, right?" She asked, and he looked at her.

"Do I know you?" He asked, and she chuckled.

"No, but you're going to want to." She said, holding up the book as her eyes flashed black. He moved to do something, but she held up her other hand. "Now, Now, peace offering. I don't want the apocalypse anymore than you do. Besides, a demon lovechild?"

Bobby's face said it all, "Balls." He repeated, and he picked up his phone. "What's your name?"

"Ezria." She answered.

Bobby sighed, and the other end picked up. "Dean." He said, forcing himself to allow the girl in. "I may have found something, but first I need you to ask Arik about the name Ezria."

Ezria leaned against the door frame. Oh this would be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arik perked up as, right on cue, Dean's phone lit up with Bobby's number scrolling across. Dean grabbed for it, setting his pie aside to answer the oddly timed call, "Yeah, Bobby. Whatcha got…", he started, before he was interrupted by Bobby's words. Narrowing his eyes, he sat up a little straighter in his chair, and listened.

"Alright…", he murmured quietly, turning his head to Arik, who was now leaning in close to him on the bed, "What do you know…about the name Ezria?"

As soon as the name rolled off Dean's tongue, Arik's face fell. His eyes widened, and he stared straight ahead, as if Dean had uttered something terrifying. He quickly recovered, leaning back a bit with a sigh, "We go way back."

"Why don't you define way back…", Dean began. However, Arik leaned back a little further, before he vanished, "Dammit! Bobby, I think he's coming to you."

On cue, Arik appeared next to Bobby, lighting a cigarette with a smug smile, "Boss man's tricks. I still got 'em.", he muttered, explaining once more the reason he had learned to teleport. His time working for crossroads demons wasn't for nothing. His eyes shifted, simply landing on Ezria with no expression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bobby had just barely heard Dean's warning when Arik appeared. Bobby saw Ezria open the book and turn it towards him. "There may be a spell we can use, but I've got to read more on it. I'll call you back when I have more to tell."

Ezria's eyes soon fell on Arik, her face equally expressionless until she gave a half chuckle. "Its been a while, and you know, honestly, I'm a bit hurt. You don't write, you don't call, and when you knew a ball fell into my court I had to find out by following this mortal."

Ezria motioned to Bobby. "I mean sure, getting hold of the tome was a bit bloodier than I may have liked, but hey, witchcraft was always my forte."

Bobby looked between the two for a moment. "This spell. Where would we get half of the necessary ingredients?"

Ezria gave a slick grin. "I could help there, but I'm not stupid like others I have to, unfortunately, share a species with. But, that's only if you ask and I get something in return."

Bobby groaned. He looked to Arik, showing him the spell. "How difficult would these be to come by regularly?"

A valid question, and Ezria just smirked. If she had learned one thing, having the Winchesters in the pocket was a good thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been a quarter to midnight when he snuck into the back of the ER. No one paid any attention to him; they were too busy trying to help the people who actually needed it. Billy could smell it in the air, the sick and the dying, those who'll live and those who won't. But what got him the most was the blood, the hot, sweet smell of the blood. It's everywhere, permeating the air like an expensive perfume. His fangs extend a little, pushing down on his bottom lip, almost puncturing skin. It's uncomfortable, but it helped him focus. The sweet smell of the blood rushing underneath skin was almost too much to bear, just begging to be -

Why do you do this to yourself? It's not worth it, he can hear his own voice in his head, chastising him again for even daring to step inside this place. While Billy might not’ve been the most cautious of vampires, even he should’ve known the risks of putting himself right into the middle of a group of humans. It was horribly masochistic, sure, but the payoff was worth it. He could survive walking through a buffet when it meant he could get the particular kind of nutrition he needed without killing anyone.

Granted, he’d drained at least a dozen people in his first few months of vampirism, but that was besides the point. He was trying his best to go off the live stuff, and thus, that was all that mattered.

Inching closer to a 'Staff Only' door, Billy checked to see if the coast was clear. People still didn't look his way. If anything, they avoided catching his eye. He was the last thing from intimidating, but as a vampire, there was something about him that made people instinctively shy away, even if they didn't know why.

Slipping inside the room, the door clicked shut behind him, and he quickly set to work. The sooner he got out of here, the better, but he wasn’t about to pass up the chance to try out some of the more… exotic fare. Who knows when he’d be able to pull something like this again, right?



A long, heaving sigh of satisfaction escaped from Billy as he sucked up the last of the blood through a neon green silly straw. O negative - his favourite. Of course, it wasn’t quite as good as it would’ve been straight out of a jugular, but hey, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Microwaving the blood bags for just a few seconds to get them to just the right temperature was a neat little trick he’d picked up a couple months back. Not like he could do much else with them, anyway. The amenities of a motel were sparse at best, and that was putting it gently.

Just as he was about to retrieve the fifth serving from his messenger bag, the overwhelming stench of rotten eggs filled his nostrils. Uh-oh, that wasn’t good. The last time few times he smelt sulfur, things didn’t turn out too great for him. What was behind these strange occurrences? He didn’t know, but one thing was for sure - they fucked him up big-time. Whether it was bad luck or something else altogether, the trail of carnage left behind put the law enforcement on high alert, making it near impossible for Billy to even keep himself fed. People got antsy, and just the thought of having to leave town yet again pissed him off.

Just as he was having an internal debate with himself on the merits of leaving versus those of staying, the scent of sulfur was gone, almost as quickly as it’d surfaced. For a moment or two, Billy simply sat there, waiting for the stench to return, but it never did. Well, that was weird. What was he supposed to make of that? The whole blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing unnerved him, but he wasn’t about to hit the road just because he smelt some rotten eggs. He had a good thing here, and it was honestly shocking how the hospital he kept stealing from hadn’t caught on after this long. Billy wasn’t complaining, though. The subpar customer service made his job a whole lot easier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arik rolled his eyes, taking a long drag off of his cigarette and leaned in close to Ezria's face, a lot like he was going to kiss her, before he smirked, "You're here because you're running scared like everyone else…and I'm doubting anyone is going to take in another demon, during this mess. Good luck with batting your eyelashes. Honestly, if I didn't need you…I would kill you right now…", he whispered.

Straightening, he gathered what emotions he had accidentally let show, his memories kicking his ass for a second and stood close to Bobby. Honestly stress was getting to him, as bad as the others, at that time. As Bobby leaned toward him and showed him the ingredients list, he winced, realizing that they would need the help, and the firepower to actually get them.

"I hate to say it…but…she's got leverage, here.", he sighed, squinting his eyes as the words became hard to admit out loud, "And I know what she wants. What do you want?"

As he asked the question, he flexed his fists, before a flutter of wings blew the hair from his forehead, and Castiel stood in front of him, between he and Ezria.

"Bobby, I…", Castiel started, and his eyes landed on Arik, "I didn't realize you were dog sitting. How did you get here?" he asked.

"Unlike you, my wings aren't clipped. You got a little…", Arik signaled toward his own nose, as a trickle of blood fell from Cas'.

Reaching a hand up, Castiel quickly wiped the blood away, and sneered, "My wings are NOT clipped! What have you found?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bobby near groaned at the exchange. However, he noted how Ezria didn't bat her eyes at Arik. He came in close and spoke and she chuckled. "Obviously, you've grown soft." Her voice was edged, a smirk playing full on her lips. "Or have you forgotten what I'm capable of?"

He moved away and Bobby couldn't help his reaction. "Balls." He looked to his phone. He would call Mika this time, and hope her head would remain cool enough to tell Dean and then the others. However, when the question was asked, Ezria's face fell flat.

"You know, Arik, I've changed, but I'll get to what I want later, we don't have much time to-"

She was cut off by Castiel, and when he referred to them as dogs, her blood ran hot. However, Arik's words.brought her some relief. She laughed at Castiel's flustered retort.

"My, My, sweet angel boy." She moved forward, gathering the book from Bobby and he.looked to her.

"There's a spell. It warrants protection from death, even in childbirth, no matter how strenuous. But it's complicated, and the witchcraft is old." Bobby said.

"I didn't sell my soul for nothing." Ezria commented.off hand. "Don't get your feathers ruffled, sweet angel boy. Being around dogs must have you itching."

Bobby left the room, and called Mika. The faster the angel and demons were out.of.his hair, the better. "Mika. I've been given se information on a spell that may be able to protect Annabeth from death, however, there.is.a.catch."

He quickly explained. And he walked back into the room after he was off the phone. "Where do we start?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mika smiled when Dean said he was happy. Honestly, none of them get to say that very often anymore, and when she does hear any of them say it, it makes her smile. Something that she treasures deeply considering the times ahead. When Dean asked if Bobby has said anything on AB's pregnancy and if he's found anything her smile quickly dropped to a serious look. "Unfortunately no, he's not found anyth--" She began to explain, when right on cue Dean's phone rang and it was Bobby.

"Talk of the devil..." She muttered quietly, causing herself to smirk. She fidgeted on her chair, wishing Dean would just put the cell on speakerphone like he usually does, but this time he didn't and it irked her irrationally. Her curiosity got picked when he looked over at Arik and asked who Ezria was. "yeah... who is Ezria?" she thought to herself. Hearing him say they go way back, just picked her curiosity even more, then... then he was gone.

"I'll never get used to him and Cas teleporting in and out.." she remarked. She awaited for news like Dean, when suddenly her own phone rang after some time later. "Hey Bobby...Brilliant, hit me. Wait.... what's the catch?" She asked, shooting a concerned look towards Dean, before pulling her phone away from her ear and putting Bobby on speaker.


Sam smiled at AnnaBeth when she spoke about the pills and what Castiel thinks about them. "Well, if they help then I won't complain either. Its times like these I'm seriously thankful for Mika being in our lives again." Sam admits to her. He watched as she took the pills, and smiled but frowned when she admitted to being scared about this whole situation.

Sure, pregnancy can be a scary time at the best and normal of times, but this is a whole new thing. She was allowed to be scared, but it still didn't make him frown as he never wanted her to be scared of anything. If she became scared, he feared he would become scared. "Hey.... it's going to be okay..." He started to say to her, taking her hand and rubbing his thumb across the top of her hand.

"We'll figure this out, and you'll be fine. you're not dying, not on my watch" He told her in a reassuring tone of voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bobby pondered for a moment. Then spoke. "Well, it comes with how I found out about.it.in the first place... and how we are going to get everything we need." He groaned a bit. "There is another demon, her name is Ezria. Arik seems to know her, and he admitted.that we're going to need her help on this one too."

He looked to see Castiel, Arik, and Ezria.all standing in his study together, and he spoke again. "I'm not quite sure of her angle, but she wants something in return. Won't even hint on it until we've got this going. Says we don't have much time."

He studied.her.back from where he was. She was crafty, he'd give her that much. "I'll call again soon, hopefully with some.better.news."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"You have no idea. If not for my…affliction…I would take care of that mouth of yours.", Castiel sassed at Ezria, before listening to Bobby's phone call. He became concerned, staring Bobby down as he spoke to Mika about the plan. As Bobby hung up the phone, Castiel placed a bloody hand against his eyebrows and sighed, "We're trusting a demon with something as important as this. Our one weapon could be killed by this…this thing."

"So, she's a weapon to you? Again? Wow, pigeon. That's cold, even for you dicks…", Arik growled, his eyes becoming black around the edges from the small bit of rage flowing through his veins.

"I'm just keeping things into perspective, unlike the rest of you. Even Dean has the veil over his eyes. This is the end of times, in case you haven't noticed. There isn't much time for cuddling and singing songs. We have to fight this with every ounce of power we have. Lucifer wants the girl…"

"AnnaBeth…", Arik corrected.

"…and we will do what we have to do to keep her safe. If that means killing the abomination growing inside of her, then yes. I will do that. Try and stop me and I will kill you where you stand."

"How? Smite me? I don't feel like you have much confidence behind that statement. Touch her, and I will rip your meat suit into so many pieces, daddy dearest couldn't put you back together…", Arik sneered. Out of habit, Castiel slapped his hand against Arik's forehead, and much to both of their surprise, Arik's eyes began glowing white around the edges, and his half open mouth did the same, as a groan left his throat. The small trickle of blood from Castiel's nose was a pretty good indicator that this would not end well for either of them.


Dean closed his eyes as Bobby finished explaining their scenario. He brought a hand up to wipe down the front of his face and sighed, "Well, there's that. A demon…with leverage. Must be Tuesday. What do you think? Could she be legit? I mean, after Ruby, I'm not sure what to believe from these hell bitches. Even Arik is sketchy, sometimes."

He gazed at Mika, attempting to study the look on her face for answers.


AnnaBeth smiled, gripping Sam's hand as he reassured her. She leaned forward sweetly and placed a quick kiss against his lips, as a vision flashed through her head. It was the first in months that she had dealt with and it was vivid. Her eyes turned white and she stared blankly at his face for a few seconds, before leaning back, terrified.

"Cas and Arik are fighting. Like…really fighting. They're both at Bobby's.", she whispered, "We have to tell Dean. Cas is killing him, Sam!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mika for the entirety of the call, kept a blank expression. She felt the need to remain expressionless for some unknown reason, even though the thoughts in her head were the complete opposite to her outside persona.
When Bobby said he'll call back later and hung up, she continued to make complete sense of what was spoken about. "great... another Ruby scenario. Just what we all need in our lives" she thought to herself, when she was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts at the feel of Dean's eyes upon her.

Sighing and nodding at his words, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm about as lost in this as you are. like you, I'm just thinking and feeling this is another Ruby scenario, and even though i wasn't exactly with you two during that time, I was quietly around and heard about it from Bobby." She openly explained. "I normally have answers Dean, but this... this has me completely stumped." She admitted. If she was stumped about this, then that meant they have to be in for a long hard road.... and not one they would welcome.

Only thing she could think of was wait until Bobby called them back with anything else, and then make a game plan from that. "I guess, I guess we'll have to play this by ear." She sighed once more, lowering her head. She hated being in this situation, she hated not knowing and not having everything planned out in advance.


Sam smiled, seeing his reassurance was indeed working. This made him feel complete. He returned the sweet short kiss gladly, when he was taken aback by AnnaBeth suddenly getting a vision. He recognised the scene playing out in front of him instantly. He quickly became concerned and worried, as her visions weren't ever of anything positive, and he knew instantly they're free time of relaxation was going to be rapidly ended.

He held onto her shoulders when she snapped out of her shoulders, seeing just how terrified she was, but he was not expecting what came out of her mouth. "What!?" He exclaimed, even more shocked that he sounded concerned for Arik's life. He never cared for Arik, so what had suddenly changed in him now?

"We need to let the others know" He simply said with great urgency in his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amphibious Assualt

Amphibious Assualt Ralph Waldo Pickle Chips

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Down in a dark alley, there was a hooded figure. That hooded figure was hunched over breathing heavily. It seemed like the figure had been running for quite sometime sometime. A bead of sweat rolled down his brow, he whipped his head around and beared his teeth. Soon after bearing them, a new set of teeth overlappped them. The new teeth were like finely sharpened knives. This hooded figure was a Vampire. The hunt was on. "My, my what sharp teeth you have." said the darkness. Walking out the darkness was a young male. He wore a black shirt and stonewashed jeans. Strapped to his hip was a Model 629 .44 Magnum Hunter and he was gripping a large machete. The Vampire snareled before running deeper into the darkness. Jayceon chuckled before pursuing the fleeing creature, the vampire moved quite fast even though it was tired. Jay hadn't even broken a sweat yet, he was in top shape and made sure that he was always like that. The young hunter stopped for a brief second and pulled a small walkie talkie out of his back left pocket. "Hey baby girl, Shark Tooth is heading your way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean sighed once more and shook his head, "Playing things by ear in the middle of the apocalypse, the Winchester way, eh?"

He leaned back in his chair, picking up a beer. He banged the head against the table, causing the beer to open messily, and took a long drink, "So, what we know. Arik knows the chick. He's not back, yet, which means she's important to him, or at least was. I know him well enough to know that much. She seems to have a lot of knowledge of A.B.'s situation. I would say that she got that info from Lucifer, wouldn't you? I mean, how many demons know about this thing? Once again, we're between a rock and a hard place over this…and maybe…could Cas be right?"


AnnaBeth rolled off the bed with a wince, opening the door to their room immediately. Her eyes were still white, showing her panic as she began banging on the door to Mika and Dean's room with urgency, "DEAN! Open the door!"

Some rustling inside was heard, as Dean tripped over a chair and nearly fell face first into the door, and then the heavy oak barrier was opened.

"We have to get to Bobby's. We have to do something! Cas and Arik are killing each other."

"Killing each other? Cas doesn't even have any juice, at the moment. How sure are you?", Dean asked, glancing back at Mika, worried.

"I don't have visions anymore. There has to be a reason that this one came through. I wouldn't call it a 'dream', if that's what you mean. It came out of nowhere."

"Mika. Call Bobby back, right now.", Dean ordered, closing his eyes with a sigh, before settling them on his brother.

Elena perched herself on the hood of the Mustang, a bottle of nail polish sitting open, beside her. She blew on one of her fingernails, and began to paint another, a little bored as Jay played his games with their current hunt. They used to not play with the monsters they hunted, but with the demons in hiding and the angels keeping most other monsters in check, this was really the only fun that they were able to have.

She finished the nail she was working on, just in time for the radio to hiss with a familiar voice. Smirking, she stood from the hood, capped her fingernail polish and picked up the green handled machete that lay next to it.

She lifted the radio, "Babe…you're ruining my manicure…", she fake whined, as she slammed the flat edge of her machete against the approaching vampire's throat, clotheslining it to the ground with a groan. She raised the machete to finish the job but was swept off her feet by a strong leg, and tumbled to the ground, her machete skidding away from her along with her radio.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ezria narrowed her eyes at Castiel. "I wish you would, angel boy. But even then, if you knew what I knew, you'd understand why I don't fear you." She said, but things got heated and Bobby returned. "She took her eyes off of the two for a moment and spoke to Bobby. "Do you happen to have wolf's bane lying around? I need some for my first task."

Bobby went to answer, and saw what was.going on the.moment that Arik's eyes changed. He nearly got his sawed off up before he saw Ezria react. She managed to push Arik back, and she felt Castiel make contact with her.

This wouldn't be her end, she could feel it. He just wasn't strong enough. But something stopped it, and she barely gathered herself before she did the first thing that came to mind. She got to Arik, and she checked on him. Whether it was old habit, or just her first reaction, she wasn't sure, but he did take the brunt of it. She moved some of his hair from his face. "Same reckless behavior, I knew it would Damn near get you killed one day."

She finally got herself stable and began writing a few things down. She slapped the.list to Arik's chest. "Watch for those signs when you're with Annabeth. Get a hold of me as soon as possible if she starts labor. I'm off to get some of what we need."

She looked to Bobby whose phone was ringing, and he left the room to answer as she continued to scribble things down. She had sold her soul to be the strongest witch possible, though her.powers had been hindered since becoming a demon, she was still strong, and under Lucifer who was a great teacher himself. Her eyes fell on Castiel, and she averted them quickly. She had an urge to kill him, but she couldn't. She didn't the means.

And it didn't help that somewhere in her dark heart she still cared about Arik.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

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Arik gasped loudly as Ezria pushed him away from Castiel's heated hand, falling to the floor with a loud 'thud'. He coughed and sputtered, a little blood coming up as well as a trickle flowing down from his nose as he closed his eyes and laid back against the hardwood.

"Ugh. Fucking angels…", he groaned, noticing for the first time that his meat suit wasn't healing as fast as normal. He rolled onto his side, and sat up on one elbow as Ezria got to him, taking him off guard. He flinched away from her touch at first until his eyes settled on hers, and faded back to their normal baby blue. He sighed, and reached up, grabbing her hand, "Did I die?"

He quipped the words at her, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, and dropped her hand. As the note was slapped against his chest, he groaned, realizing that his meat suit was rather burnt on the inside. It wouldn't take much more damage, at this point. He looked at the list and cringed, "This looks horrible…You sure you have a plan?"


Castiel stumbled backward, leaning against Bobby's desk as his eyes faded back to normal and the trickle of blood reached his chin, and fell onto the floor. He let his blade fall from his sleeve, into his hand for a split second, before deciding against killing both demons. He was too exhausted. Honestly, he was too exhausted to even fly.

Grumbling, he glanced over at Bobby, "I'm going for a walk…", he huffed, stepping out the front door. It was a very human thing to do, but unfortunately, he was about as human as an angel could be, at the moment. He was becoming more useless every day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mika smirked at the 'doing it the winchester way' remark. Sure, it was indeed true and rather normal for them to just go with the flow and never have a proper damn plan in mind. Yet, she still found it slightly amusing none the less.

"If she didn't hear about it from Lucifer, then it's a worrying thought. Makes me question just how many demons know about this baby full stop in general. I mean, if this chick knows then surely others must as well. Having a demon baby isn't exactly going to stay out of the metaphorical papers for long is it? That's like saying the Prince of Britain having a baby and no one finding out about it." Mika responded to him, it was a worrying thought and she probably made a far fetched example, but it was a good and fair one.

However, when Dean questioned if Cas was right in HIS opinions, she scowered at him. "Don't say that Dean... just... dont go there okay. Not yet. Cas can't be right, this baby not only has demon blood running through her veins, but she has Winchester blood running through those veins as well." After she said that, herself and Dean heard banging on their door which made Mika spin her head round so fast, she almost gave herself whiplash when she realised it was AnnaBeth screaming and banging on the door. If AnnaBeth was like this, something major is bound to be going down, which got her more concerned, yet when Dean fell flat on his face she couldn't help but be the sudden mean girlfriend and laugh at his downfall....literally.

Coughing to control her laughter, she put on her serious face once again, when the door opened and AnnaBeth said about Castiel and Arik killing each other. Mika wasn't sure whether to roll her eyes or look horrified at this news. An angel and demon at each other's throats once again? Nothing new there she couldn't resist thinking. Though, it didn't stop her nodding in agreement and calling Bobby back to find out what the hell was happening between the Angel and Demon.


Sam ran after AnnaBeth to next door to his brother's and Mika's room and was going to knock on the door but seeing as AnnaBeth had that well under control, he decided against it, as he wasn't sure if the whole door would come off its hinges if he joined in.

Once the door opened, and AnnaBeth explained what was happening he guided her inside the room, closing the door behind him.
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