Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago

**Character:** Mika Chambers Age: 28 Species: Human/Hunter With: Winchesters **Relation to characters**: An old "school" time girlfriend of Dean's. She is also a niece of Bobby's but only Bobby and Mika know about her relation to him. For some reason not known they kept it a secret from everyone- even the entire Winchester family. But now Dean knows who she is.... **Bio**: Got brought up to be a hunter by Bobby after her entire family was murdered by a Wendigo when she was 17 years old. She barely got away from the attack, with her back being left with a scar that runs down her spine. When this happened, she had lost contact with Dean and Sam. Only Bobby stayed in contact with her and secretly brought her up. She didn't want Dean to find out that she was in the same business as himself, due to knowing Dean would flip over it, though over the years it proved very difficult to keep the pretence and it caused a lot of angst between the two of them, until the day Sam caught her off guard and figured it all out, calling over Dean. Mika is a tough hunter and hunting is all she knows. She's very clearly at Dean and Bobby's level. Bobby taught her well. She knows how to fend for herself very well. Yet, aside from the hunting, she is still very fragile inside from the murder of her parents, yet she uses that fragility to her advantage to hunt! She still loves Dean and still fights to gain his full trust in her hunting abilities. **Appearance**: ![facial/look ref](http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/FuriePhoenix/tumblr_lx553vYuWH1qjoybdo1_500-1.jpg) ![facialref2](http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/FuriePhoenix/OnmywaytomeetRosieO8217DonnellTheRosieShowMarch12th2012.png) Long black hair (down to just above her waist) and has now streaked magenta pink highlights through it. She wears skin tight ripped black jeans with knee high DM boots over the top. She is usually seen in a pleather waist coat or pleather biker jacket with a vintage motley crue tee underneath. Sometimes she wears just her vests without anything underneath, which isn't practical for hunting in, but she's vain. She also has a full back tattoo to cover the scars from the Wendigo attack. The tattoo is a burning phoenix rising from ashes-wings spred wide. She also has a leg tattoo, again of fire and a winged person rising up form the flames. This signifies herself, though she just doesn't 100% realise this yet! Before the attack when she was 17 she had this bright red hair that she dyed (much to her father's dismay) and was very much the "girl next door" type who got bullied at school, and loved all things vintage and classic literature. After the attack, and she met Pamela, she went to the other extreme by bleaching her hair stark white and became extremely cold hearted. She wore plain colored tees and jeans. Now with her black and pin hair, her dark brown bordering black eyes look darker and more intense, especially with her smokey eyes she's always finding time to do and dark lips which either sport a brown or dark red color. Again, she only does this for the sake of being vain and looking good when she kills. She wants monsters to remember her when she disposes of them. **Preferred weapon:** Her hand gun .48 colt is her preferred choice of weapon but she does also enjoy the rare times she can pull out her sword, which is very rare as she usually ends up needing to use her machete. Her colt is precious to her, and she does have specially made bullets for it, so she can just change the bullet without having to change her gun. This isn't to say though, that she'll use any weapon she can get her hands on! She's known to steal the odd weapon or two - i.e an Angel blade. She also owns her own 1966 impala but since becoming part of the Winchester's team, it tends to get left at Singer's Auto just lately. She adores her car to pieces and wishes she could bring it out more, but it's easier to ride shotgun in Dean's 1967. So when she does get to drive her own Baby she's very happy about it. Her car was a gift from Bobby when she started hunting, and thus means a great deal to her - she got an impala because of Dean's 1967, but of course at the time she would deny that greatly. In fact, she still will!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: AnnaBeth Donovan Species: Liln (Half Hell Angel Fledgling/Half Human) Age: 21 (Spirit is as old as Lilith) Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/149/3/1/Hayley_Williams_by_Mr_Baro.jpg "enter image title here") **Relation to characters**: She was nothing more than a terrified college student who was in the wrong place at the wrong time when a demon decided to come for her, and use her to break the seals of hell. When he failed to kill her, he made quick work of anyone and everyone she knew. That's when she met Sam and Dean Winchester. Against Dean's better judgement and complaints, they took her in and gave her security. Since she's been with them, all hell has broken loose, quite literally. She and Sam have grown close, bonding over the "demon" blood that courses through both of their veins. A random shot in the dark chance, caused by Gabriel himself has left AnnaBeth pregnant with a baby that will surely be a target for the demons and angels during this war against heaven. The baby will be powerful, and is growing rapidly inside her. The baby is Sam Winchester's child. Bio: AnnaBeth grew up quite simply, or so she thought. She was raised on a farm, away from all other beings her parents could keep her from. They tried methods and methods to cleanse the demon from her, even blaming her for killing her little sister (who actually died at the hands of a demon bounty hunter). They tried bleeding the demon out of her, bathing her in holy water, anything they could find in a book, but to no avail. Their child was different. So, they locked her up, giving her books and homeschooling materials through a crack small enough for a roach to fit through. She had a tiny bathroom, supplies that she asked for, and enough food to keep her alive, until the day she left for college. That's where she met her boyfriend, Chaos. He was everything she had ever dreamed of in a man. He thought her white eyes were beautiful, and her normal violet ones even more gorgeous. When she was aroused, and accidentally burned him, he became turned on even more, clinging to everything she said or did with so much excitement that the day he died is still the worst day of her life. A demon came for her, planning to use her half blood (She's the product of Lucifer and a human female) to help break the seals, somehow. He failed, panicked, because of his own stupidity and attempted to clean up the area. What he succeeded in, however, was pissing her off. He burnt down three dorm buildings. One of those, her boyfriends. He died inside, and she was lost. Sam and Dean found her in the hospital, banged up but alright. The 'demon' inside her fighting and tearing at her flesh every time she closed her eyes. She would dream of hellhounds, and they would actually tear her apart on the outside, not understanding that she was much more powerful than any of their masters. She was more powerful than the main keeper of the beasts, Crowley. She grew some control over it, and her relationship with Dean improvedā€¦hellā€¦it grew stronger than any other relationshipā€¦besides Mika. When Mika joined up with the boys, AnnaBeth clung to her like static, finding comfort in another female giving her advice. Now, things have grown complicated, as there is a baby on the way, and the apocalypse looms closer and closer every day. The baby is growing rapidly, looking to having a gestation period of less than two months. **Appearance:** Medium red hair and green eyes. She wears mostly sundresses, as they are easy to move in, and easier to pack (She's used to moving around a lot). She also wears a tattered pair of Dr. Martens, and wears no makeup at all, other than mascara. **Weapons:** **Herself** - Obviously the most powerful weapon. She has the power of telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and although she doesn't know it yet, most of the powers of angels, including healing, and teleporting. However, she's banned from heaven, due to her relation to Lucifer. **Angel blade** - Castiel made sure to tuck it into her bag, terrified that she would actually be murdered by Lucifer. However, it's become quite obvious that Lucifer loves her, and wants to protect her with everything he's got...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Arik
Species: Demon (black eyed)
Age: Who knows? His human soul would be around 200 years old by now.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Age unknown, Soul nearing 250|Black Eyed Demon|Lucifer|Not exactly with, but not against the Winchesters*

*HOWEVER, being mostly neutral, she is more for the Winchesters than she dare lead on.

Ezria is a lost soul. She used to follow Azazel, but once the Winchesters put him down, she wandered aimlessly, trying.to find something new to believe in. She never followed Lilith, but never exactly stood against her either. She, by nature, has always been a neutral being, but then she caught word.of the scandal surrounding the Winchesters.

It took her a while, but knowing that the apocalypse was a threat to her way of life, she began tracking down the Winchesters to offer her services. Not to mention, she has been trying to track down Meg, the only demon she ever allied herself with aside from yellow eyes.

She has a set of brass knuckles her meat suit carried around on a silver necklace, and a 9mm that she also found on her.meat suit. She is currently trying to get better weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William ā€œBillyā€ Murdoch

18 (appears 17)


Childhood wasnā€™t quite as picturesque for Billy as most othersā€™, with a drunkard for a father and a mother who struggled to make ends meet, he didnā€™t exactly grow up surrounded by sunshine and rainbows. But still, that was something he wanted. A loving, close-knit family, just like the ones in the paintings of Norman Rockwell. His fatherā€™s idea of a bond with his son, however, was keeping women his father brought home at night a secret from his mother. While Mrs. Murdoch thought quality time with Billy was handing him a list of household chores to do as she spent her days waiting tables at the local diner. Other than that, Billy, for the most part, was left to his own devices.

Which may be the reason why he was so intent on getting attention outside of his home. The neglect he felt from his parents translated into rowdy, rambunctious behaviour as a kid, which then evolved into sarcastic remarks to his teachers in high school. From setting off the sprinklers, to surreptitiously peppering the history teacherā€™s chair with thumbtacks, he was notorious for the pranks he pulled. You had to be living under a rock to not know his name, in fact, and Billy loved every second of it, no matter how many times he got sent to the principalā€™s office. It was a good thing the principal claimed he had so much potential, if only he ā€œchannelled his energy appropriatelyā€ - whatever that meant.

On a rainy afternoon, at the local diner, the then seventeen year-old Billy struck up a conversation with a young man from New York in town for a funeral. One thing led to another, and after a several day affair, he told Billy to leave with him, back to the Empire State. Not seeing how anything bad could happen, Billy bought himself a one-way ticket to New York and left for the train station, leaving behind his parentsā€™ nothing for a note explaining everything. Little did he know that things would never be the same again. He never saw it coming, he never anticipated the moment when razor sharp fangs sank into his neck, draining the very life out of him. The last thing he remembered before falling unconscious was the taste of metal slipping past his lips

And then, a gasp of air filled his lungs, eyes shooting open. An iron hunger burnt deep within the pits of his stomach, he came across an unsuspecting morning jogger. He felt no remorse as he leapt upon the woman, sinking his teeth into her limbs much like his maker had done to him the night before. Soon enough, every last drop of blood had been drained from her, and Billy was finally satiated. Blood dripped down his chin, as widening, blue eyes roamed the destruction before him. He was no longer human, but a vampire. With nothing more he could do other than to run, he decided to follow through with his original plan, fleeing to New York to find some answers.

Unfortunately, even after months of searching, Billy never uncovered any trace of the vampire who turned him. Plus, the curious pattern of missing blood bags and the occasional, dried-up corpse were beginning to garner him unwanted attention. It wasnā€™t long before he had to leave the city, travelling across America with whatever money he could scrape up from his various victims.

The first thing most people see when meeting Billy is his spirit. Heā€™s always been an energetic one, full of life and personality, almost to a fault. The guy is, by nature, extremely impulsive, both in the things he does and the things he says. As far as he was concerned, at least as a human, life was too short to sit around and let shit happen. Itā€™s all about the now, and how you handle the people and things that surround you. If he likes something chances are heā€™ll let you know it, and if he doesnā€™t, well, heā€™s never been shy about voicing his opinion in that matter, too. Try as he might, heā€™s never really had the best poker face in the world, and it tends to give him away more often than not.

On a regular basis, despite his predicament, Billy is of the happy-go-lucky mindset. He often finds himself stating that no one should take life too seriously, because in the end, everyone ends up in the same place - even if he doesnā€™t truly believe what heā€™s preaching. More often than not, he can be seen with a smile on his face, and heā€™s always quick to crack a joke or make a teasing remark. Heā€™s never uncomfortable; in fact, his boldness often borders on brash and crosses into downright crude, thanks to his lack of a filter. If itā€™s on his mind, itā€™s out of his mouth. Heā€™s completely indifferent to major events unless they directly impact him. When Billy gets serious and loses the grin, you know shitā€™s gotten pretty fucking heavy. Still, the vampire has never met a boundary he wouldnā€™t cross. Heā€™ll go to bat for you if you make him laugh, if he likes your style, or if you have an offering that tickles his fancy (heā€™s really quite fond of stuffed animals, cigarettes, and puppies, just as an FYI).

- Extremely enhanced senses that include being able to smell humans and vampires over long distances, and the ability to see in pitch darkness.
- Sharp, pointed, retractable teeth that emerge from his gums and extend beyond his human teeth.
- Indefinite lifespan, seemingly immortal unless killed.
- If he has enough human blood at his disposal, he can heal quickly from any wound besides amputation.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Everyone here is obviously approved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Elena Morgan
Species: Human/Hunter
Age: 25


Relation to the characters: Against the Winchesters

After following the Winchesters, in an effort to stop the apocalypse in its tracks, Elena and her boyfriend were forced to take a step back to recoup and lick their wounds. Now, however, they're back and with new information about a demon baby the Winchesters are harboring. There are rumors around the hunter's community that this baby is quite possibly to be used as a weapon, by Lucifer's forces, but it has not been made clear as to how.

With what they know, it is their responsibility to take care of this situation, keeping this child from falling into the hands of the Angels. That may or may not mean killing a child, and anyone that gets in their way, including the Winchesters.

Weapons: A single angel blade (stolen from Castiel a while ago), a Winchester M1911 pistol, and a sawed off Maverick 88 shotgun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amphibious Assualt

Amphibious Assualt Ralph Waldo Pickle Chips

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jayceon 'Jay' Morgan

Species: Human/Hunter

Age: 27


Relation to Character:
Against the Winchesters

After following the Winchesters, in an effort to stop the apocalypse in its tracks, Jay and Elena were forced to take a step back to recoup and lick their wounds. Now, however, they're back and with new information about a demon baby the Winchesters are harboring. There are rumors around the hunter's community that this baby is quite possibly to be used as a weapon, by Lucifer's forces, but it has not been made clear as to how.

With what they know, it is their responsibility to take care of this situation, keeping this child from falling into the hands of the Angels. That may or may not mean killing a child, and anyone that gets in their way, including the Winchesters.

Model 629 .44 Magnum Hunter, M&P15 MOE Assualt Rifle, 8in Hunting Knife


Icy Blue 1969 Mustang .302 Boss (Equiped with various hunting weapons and tools)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amphibious Assualt

Amphibious Assualt Ralph Waldo Pickle Chips

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nephilim (Half Demon, Half Angel)
Unknown (Older than Castiel)

Wears this:

Relation to Characters:
None; (Reveal In Character)
Heaven & Hell
Heaven: Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum Silver Finish with Enochian Sigils carved into it.
Abilities: Fires silver rounds that are seemingly normal but when comes in contact with an Angel can banish them.
Hell: Colt M1911 Black Finish with Latin sigils carved into it
Abilites: Fire black rounds that are seemingly normal but when they come in contact with a Demon it can paralyze them and keep them from escaping. Each round has a devils trap carved into it.
Angel Katana (Yamato)(Shown in appearance)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Dimidium
Age: Unknown (Appears 32)
Species: Half human, half Nephilim

Who's side are they on? With the Winchesters.

History: Dimidium was born to a half-angel mother and half-demon father. They despised each other but had fallen in love despite this. After years of fighting and... well... yeah... they had a son. They named him Derek.

Derek grew up as a normal human orphan, not knowing of his angelic or demonic blood. Many kids in the orphanage, however, feared him and the things he did. Once he was of age, he left with only the clothes on his back and a bit of food. He traveled for years, never staying in one place for long.

While running through a forest, he heard something running towards him. Without even knowing what was going on, he used some of his powers to knock it back before staring at his hands. He had powers. When the beast tried to escape, Derek began chasing it and trapped it in a cave. He heard more footsteps behind him and spun to see humans. After exchanging questions, Derek had his calling. He was going to be a hunter. His first hunt was the Wendigo in the cave.

A few years later, Derek began thinking he needed a new name. While looking through a Latin-English dictionary, he found Dimidium. He smirked, not knowing just how true it was. Shortly after choosing his new name, an angel came up to him. He spoke to the young man, offering to help him control his angelic powers. Dimidium used his powers to disarm the angel before killing it with its own weapon. Only a week later, a demon tried the same thing and met the same fate by the boy's new blade.

Now knowing of his angelic and demonic bloods, Dimidium began trying once a week to go into heaven and hell. He eventually succeeded but didn't stay in either place long before being attacked and having to retreat.

Dimidium is currently walking along the road, looking for his next hunt.

Some personality: Childish at times, loves to read, hates angels, demons and most monsters, loves sweets and enjoys working on vehicles.
Special abilities/powers: Enhanced healing, enhanced strength, teleportation, enhanced speed, telekinesis.
Weapons: Angel Blade, iron pipe, half of sword forged in blood of dragon, 6-shot Revolver with silver bullets, sawed off shotgun with rock salt rounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Josiah Mezunun

Age: 22

Species: Human


Who's side are they on? Michael

Who's side are they on? Against the Winchesters

History: Josiah was born and raised in a small town in America. He was raised by his parents who were both hunters, but his dad was part of a secret order that collected information. They managed to obtain information about him and his destiny, and found out he was being watched by an angel from heaven who told his parents he had a special purpose in the universe as a weapon against a slew of biblical threats to come.

Josiah was raised by his parents to be a hunter and was raised in the lifestyle. His entire town was wiped out in a massive demon attack, and Josiah fled with his mother going to be traveling hunters. Eventually his mother vanished one day, and he went on to survive by himself. He got involved in manufacturing fake ID's to survive and make a living eventually moving to Atlanta to start a new life outside of hunting having grown tired of the lifestyle of being on the constant battle. He managed to do surprisingly well in high school, and went on to get accepted to college.

He was trying to put his life behind him as a hunter and quickly became a fan of alcohol, drugs, sex, and other things that helped him forget about his harsh life and the dark things of his past. His past eventually caught up to him when the Apocalypse began to happen, and he ended up running into a hunter at his college and working a case helping investigate and wipe out a demon infested sorority on campus. He began learning of the Apocalypse, and began having nightmares about Heaven, Hell, and his destiny. He tried to ignore these signs but eventually left college in pursuit of knowledge of what was happening to him. Following his visions he tracked down his guardian angel who had been held hostage by some of Lucifer's forces, and managed to liberate him. He learned he was the vessel for the hand of god and a bane of existence to evil supernatural threats. His guardian angel took him to Eden to help him unlock his power, but said guardian was murdered by Lucifer after the left with him telling Josiah that his mother had been taken captive by demons years ago and he'd never find her unless he agreed to give up his quest and join him.

Josiah turned down the Adversary's offer, and promised he'd be contributing to his death as well as any other evil supernatural threats deaths. Driven by the knowledge of his mother's suffering, his guardian angel's sacrifice, and knowledge of his destiny he's once again resumed hunting seeking to learn more about the hand of god, and to help put an end to the Devil roaming the earth.

Some personality: Josiah is a very serious individual who's focused on the task at hand, and determined to work. He takes no pity on those who he deems are monsters, and will got to any length to achieve his goal. He has a dark sense of humor that many don't understand or appreciate. He has a bit of a substance problem that he uses to cope with life sometimes and enjoys driving.

Special Ability: Hand of God: Josiah is imbued with the hand of god with the ability of supernatural negation. His ability lets him surpress the power of magic, and other supernatural entities rendering them somewhat human. Using this power causes him strain and the more powerful the entity the more he has to focus.

Weapons: Josiah has to twin pistols, an assortment of weapons in his trunk including assault rifle's and grenade's, and machete.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Maxwell V Ravencroft
Age: 28
Species: Human
Appearance: Maxwell stand at 6'2" with long black hair, pale skin, purple eyes, slim but muscular figure and anti-possession tattoo over the center of his chest. He wears a black t-shirt, black cargo jeans, black military boots, a long, black duster coat made of light fabrics and a black hat resembling Van Helsing's from the movies.

Who's side are they on? With the Winchesters.

History: Maxwell was brought up in a family of Hunters who took pride in what they killed. When he was 8, he witnessed his entire family killed by a group of monsters including a vampire, a werewolf, a shifter, an arachne, a Crocotta and a kitsune all lead by a Djinn. The Djinn had been the child of a family of Djinn that the Ravencroft family had killed some years back and was returning with team for vengeance. Young Maxwell hid, only coming out days after the monsters had left to check on his family and eat. He packed and left, soon being joined by a dog. With the help of the dog, the boy survived for a year before she revealed herself to him as a skinwalker.

With a long explanation, she told him how she had worked as an informant for Maxwell's older brother, Ryan, and had once shared a kiss with his sister, Nicole. She had not met his mother, Delilah, or his father, Edward, but had heard good things about them. She had heard his mother was an experienced sniper, his father was better with any blade than anyone else Nicole had seen and his brother was the most experienced tracker. She then told him she had seen the monsters leaving the Ravencroft household with a number of weapons. When asked what they were, she gave a general explanation, which was enough to let the boy know those were his family's prized weapons.

More years passed and the pair became close. Their partnership grew with another member. This man was strange, being both Angel and Demon. He joined on a couple hunts but spent quite a bit of time away from the group. With more years came more talents for the boy to expand into, allowing for better hunts. He has already collected his brother's Falconeer 11mm pistol and his mother's Bloodrunner 45mm pistol, leaving his father's twin pistols, Claw and Fang, his mother's sniper rifle, From Mother With Love, his brother's triple-barrel shotgun, Cerberus, and his sister's twin pistols, the Sarcastic Bastards.

[this hasn't happened yet] With the angel-demon's help, Maxwell was able to use half of Excalibur, a single bullet left behind from the Colt, the half-breed's blood, a few ancient symbols and metal melted from a stolen angel sword and a pilfered demon dagger, they created a weapon that would allow the man to fuse with the sword, giving Maxwell the ultimate weapon.

Some personality (most can be added in the IC): He's cool, calm, collected, but at times can be brash and hotheaded. He hates to admit it but he loves the hunt, just like his father. He tends to over analyzes things, causing him to have a weird, almost dark, sense of humor.

Special abilities/powers: Natural enhanced sight. His eyes can perceive faster movements, longer distances and tinier details. Along with this, he has Alexandria's Genesis.
Weapons: Falconeer and Bloodrunner (both above) along with a silver dagger, an iron rod and a normal sawed-off shotgun.

He also drives an Equus Bass with a modified engine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ariel
Age: 40
Species: Skinwalker
Dog -
Human -

Who's side are they on? With the Winchesters.

History: Ariel had grown up running from Hunters her entire life. She, unlike her parents, had not been created by the Alpha but had been born a Skinwalker. With her family constantly on the run from Hunters and, after refusing to obey the Alpha, the Skinwalkers, she didn't have much time to be a child. Then her parents were killed. They had been out on a hunt for food, trying to find someone, anyone, to eat. It didn't go well. Ariel waited all night but they never returned. The next morning, she found their bodies. She could tell by the bite marks they had been killed by Skinwalkers.

She traveled alone for years, living off scraps until one night, she was cornered by a Hunter. He said he knew what she was and he offered her a deal. She was to be his informant and he would find scumbags who got away with large crimes, such as murder, to feed her.

Their arrangement went well for a year before the man's sister found out. Once their eyes met, it was love at first sight. Ariel was afraid, though and had tried to hide, only to be pinned by the girl to a wall. An hour later, they were kissing. They quickly became a couple.

A few months later, she had gone to the spot where they had normally met up. When they were late to show up, however, Ariel ran to their house. She had arrived just in time to see 7 monsters leaving, each one carrying one weapon except the Djinn who carried a pair.

She searched the house and had heard the whimpering cries of a child. She hunted nearby until the child left the house a few days later and traveled with him for a year before revealing herself to him. He was confused at first. They became closer friends as they continued hunting, eventually getting back 2 of his family's weapons.

Some personality: Calm, caring, sometimes motherly, but still as perverted as a horny teenager.
Special abilities/powers: Shift between human and dog form. Enhanced strength, speed, senses, healing and agility. Hard to kill. Infectious bite.
Weapons: She owns none, preferring to fight using her teeth and claws in her dog form.
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