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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Response? Why should the president respond to the political pandering of Jeff Davis? The Rebs will grow gray hair and become stooped-shouldered old men waiting for Lincoln to reply to any message they send to Washington. As for this Christmas True nonsense, I can say for a fact the Federal army has no plans to do anything at all during coming winter except trying to stay warm and building up strength for the spring campaign.

Major General George B. McClellan, Commanding General Army of the Potomac to reporters
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ampharos


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiserthum Oesterreich
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire is pleased to announce that it is now in a military alliance with its southern neighbors in the Ottoman Empire. After careful deliberation, we have determined that it is in the interest of both powers that we set aside our differences and work together toward a common goal of preserving peace on the continent. To the my people, I wish for you to understand that this is an opportunity for the Austrian Empire to further its interests abroad and ensure that the common interests of both Austria and Turkey are carried out. To the people of the Balkans, we would like you to know that you are not forgotten. We work tirelessly with our Ottoman partners to ensure that peace is maintained in the region and that you and your people see the same success and prosperity known to your brothers and sisters in the rest of Europe.

Without delay, the Treaty of Vienna of 1861:

“The Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire recognize a lengthy history of bloodshed and violence between our two states but come here today to put that behind us and solidify an alliance to ensure that there will be peace on the European continent. Under the sole provision of this declaration, the Austrian Empire and Ottoman Empire shall ally with one another, supporting one another in the event that either declares war on or is declared upon by another Great Power of Europe.”

Once more, we urge our fellow Europeans to exercise caution. May negotiations go well for all parties, and may we spare Europe from another senseless blood-letting.

- Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Reino de España (Kingdom of Spain)

Plus Ultra

If one studies the annals of history they would find that the United States and the Kingdom of Spain have had their fair share of differences in the past, yet if one is looking with a unbiased eye they would see that we have also nurtured a sense of mutual understanding since the founding of the American Republic. In these troubled time many nations have created a number of false pretenses in order to align themselves with an assortment of villainous rebels against the United States; this frankly quite petty. While, the United States has indeed commented transgressions of varying degrees against the Spanish people in the past, this alone does not justify fostering a state of insurrection; in fact it would go against the core teachings of the scripture if one's past sins could not be forgiven. Let it be known across the globe that Spain stands by the President Lincoln in his fight against those that would defy the word of God and terrorize a sovereign state; all those that prescribe to the true faith should abide by the words transcribed in 1 Samuel 15:23,"rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry." I therefore decree that Spain will not recognize this so-called "Confederate States of America" as a sovereign entity and move that any vessel found flying a "Confederate" flag is hereby banned from our ports.

- Por la gracia de Dios y la Constitución de la Monarquía española, Reina de las Españas
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 16 days ago

The Union of Sweden and Norway

Three scores and Eighteen years ago, my country signed an economic treaty between us and the United States of America. We were the first of all nations among those, who remained neutral during the American War of Independence, to recognize the United States of America as an official and sovereign nation. In this year of Anno Domini Eighteen Sixty-One, I, King Charles XV of Sweden, affirm that we recognize the United States of America to be a single union of the states in North American. We shall engage in commerce with the Americans just as we have done so for a little less than a century and we wish all other nations to respect our decision and allow our merchant fleet to pass over the Atlantic unharmed and unmolested.

Unity is the glue that adheres a nation together. Many nations in Europe alone are composed of different "groups". The United Kingdom is an alliance of the English, Welsh, Scots, and Irish. Austria includes Hungary. Even our own nations is a union between the Swedes and the Norwegians. Just like perfectly crafted watch in which the parts work in unison, unity keeps these different and conflicting parts together and allows our countries to run. I see the Americas in the same light. Without any reconciliation between the Union and the rebellious southern states, even if the south manages to claim "independence", the issues that are causing this nation to fight itself will rear its ugly face around again. Whether the Union quells the rebellion in the south or the southern states achieves sovereignty from their Northern kin, the hatchet must be buried or this war will be fought in vain.

Since the government of the United States of America has made it clear that they neither desire nor need foreign aid for the uprising of the Southern states of that Union, Sweden will not supply any soldiers or military power to either side of this internal war. I strongly suggest all the other nations of Europe to do the same, for both sides of this conflict. Are we so petty that we will go to war because of foreign powers that are not even in our hemisphere? Neutrality is the best option in this matter and we should allow the Americans to settle their differences by their own terms.

Finally, I would ask permission for Swedish ambassadors to be accepted to the Conference of Constantinople. While it is never acceptable to invite oneself to a party, I want to formally receive permission for our countries participation in the talks here. We wish to be present so that we can join the chorus of nations who wish that the nations of Europe to remain neutral in this American conflict.

-Charles XV, King of Sweden and Norway
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

It's a shame that war has to happen, but we'll just sit and wait until the countries come to Brazil for peace talks. I agree with Mr. Charles XV's statement, Europe shouldn't go to war with a country, that their hemisphere isn't the same with the European nations. I request that Sweden can pass pass over the Atlantic with their merchant fleets unharmed and unmolested. I also hope that Spain doesn't go to war as well, we don't need anymore nations at war within Europe. May I say that the Conference of Constantinople goes well and I hope that peace can be found soon in Europe.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 16 days ago

The Union of Sweden and Norway

The Union of Sweden and Norway apologizes for the similarities between the treaties. All of our other treatise writers were sick, so we had to rely solely on only one. Copying them would keep them fair to other parties.

Swedish-Italian Non-Aggression Pact

Swedish-Ottoman Non-Aggression Pact

[OOC: I did not want to make a second post so close to the other, so I just tacked this on because I just recently got the okay to post this]

Swedish-Austrian Non-Aggression Pact

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Royal Speech from Rama IV, King of Siam

This year is one filled with sorrows. The tides of war threaten to swamp the world in malice and hatred. Brothers find themselves at the end of each other's rifles. Sons and fathers march against each other. Even Siam is not immune from tragedy. Today, on September 9, 1861 of the Gregorian calender, my dearest wife, Queen Debsirindra, has passed away at the tender age of 28 during childbirth. Although young, I can confidently say that my Queen had lived her life to the fullest. According to the teachings of Buddha, to be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.

My Queen, a representative and leader of the Mon people, did her best to protect her people and provide for them when the Kingdom of Siam accepted them as refugees from the Kingdom of Ava, also known as Burma, where the government went through a systematic ethnic cleansing of the Mon people. Although many Mon people now safely reside in Siam or in British owned southern Burma, there are still some Mon people who reside in the borders of Burma, and are still targeted and discriminated against. In memory of my wise, diligent, wife, I, Rama IV, King of Siam, vow to continue the cause of my wife and to help and protect the Mon people as if they were my own children. To the leaders of the world, this year has brought much despair and suffering. It is the duty of the Lord to protect the happiness of his people. I pray that the blood-thirst that seems to propagating throughout the world will cease soon, and that the world will achieve a new state of peace and happiness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

As tempers soar and nations mobilize throughout Europe, let it be known that not all stand for such reckless acts that threaten to throw the continent once more into war. In the interest of preserving peace and stability as this madness continues to descend around us, the Kingdom of Italy is proud to stand alongside the Kingdom of Sweden and Norway. It is our hope that the other nations of Europe will take heed to this call for diplomacy over rash action and not allow conflicts overseas to bring terror upon Europe once more.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy

Swedish-Italian Non-Aggression Pact

[x] King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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The Treaty of Constantinople

The following treaty is in accordance with the agreements between the Concert of Europe, made up of the Second French Empire, the United Kingdom (together the French Federation of Great Britain), the Prussian Empire, the Russian Empire (together the Prusso-Russian Alliance), the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire in the year 1861 at the Conference of Constantinople. This treaty shall remain in effect until three or more of the signatories see it fit to end or renegotiate the terms. Annulment of this treaty must be declared 48 months prior to the date of termination.

Article 1: It is hereby agreed that the signatories will do all in their power to ensure that war on the European continent does not occur.

Article 2: It is hereby recognised by all the signatories that the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire shall act as neutral mediators in Europe when war threatens to erupt, and will do all in their power to uphold Article 1.

Article 3: All signatories hereby support the transfer of Veneto from the Austrian Empire to the Kingdom of Italy for the sum of 5 million British pounds.

Article 4: All signatories accept the independence of the city of Rome from Italy and under the control of the Papal State, until negotiations with the Kingdom of Italy are completed at a future Conference.

Article 5: The territories of Alsace-Lorraine shall be transferred from the control of the Second French Empire to the German Confederation, to be administered by the Austrian Empire until the territory can govern itself.

Article 5.1: All signatories accept Prussia’s claim to the territories of Schleswig-Holstein and will support them in reclaiming this land for the German Confederation, to come under direct Prussian control.

Article 6: The demilitarisation of the Black Sea region shall hereby be removed and the military vessels of both Russia and the Ottoman Empire will be able to pass freely in the area.

Article 7: Signatories imposing a blockade on either the Union or the Confederacy will allow trade to pass if a tribute is paid.
--Section 1: 25% of income gained from trading with either the Confederacy or the Union shall be gifted as tribute to the blockading party.
--Section 2: Should goods imported from the Union or Confederacy be traded with the blockading party, there will be a 10% deduction on the tribute paid.

This is all as has been agreed, and we hold all signatories firmly to their word,

[X] Queen Victoria, the United Kingdom

[X] Emperor Napoleon III, the Second French Empire

[X] King William I, the Kingdom of Prussia

[X] Kaiser Franz Joseph I, the Austrian Empire

[X] Tsar Alexander II, the Russian Empire

[X] Sultan Abdülmecid I, the Ottoman Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If we needed any more proof that Great Britain's involvement in our affairs is an act of avarice, we have no need to look further than this so-called treaty. Their blockade is nothing but a toll booth, gentlemen. They mean to turn our pain and suffering into some hair-brained scheme to fatten their own pockets. They talk about peace, they talk about rights and sovereignty, but make no mistake that all they care about is coin. Who cares about things like freedom or human decency when there is money to make? Like the Book has said 'it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God,' and so it seems that it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it will be for a ship filled with wheat to make it out of a New York harbor. Very well. While they starve in London, that wheat will rot while it sits in that New York harbor. Let us hope that when they meet their maker, those rich men will be able to shove that camel through the needle's eyes.

-- Representative Thaddues Stevens on the House floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The United Kingdom wishes to applaud the Conference of Constantinople as a resounding success. Peace for Europe has been achieved and the United Kingdom wishes to commend every Nation in attendance for their sacrifices, wisdom, and willingness to compromise in order that peace might be achieved. We commend the Ottoman Empire for hosting the treaty and acting as a voice of reason. The United Kingdom supports the German Confederation and pray that Denmark will agree to a peaceful handing over of that land.

To the Union, the United Kingdom states that your Nation is one of tyranny and oppression. We will not allow such a state to bully us with words or by stealing our lunch. The United Kingdom remains firm in our stance against the Union and we will make every effort to bring this war to a quick close. May God have mercy on your souls.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Giant


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grenadine Confederation
Statement by Bartolomé Calvo, Inspector General of Colombia after the publication of the Treaty of Constatinople

Trade is the blood and life of a modern nation that develops its territories, this is an undeniable fact. Any restriction to this fundamental ability of a nation to excercise its right to trade freely in an international stage is, above all, a gun pointed at the softest spot of its body: the nation's citizens. Or aren't the ones affected by a choking hold like this the ones who produce most of the grain? However, the Europeans of old, that speak so freely of justice and that have yet again,disrespected the American continent, calmly bring their boats to the blue waters of our Atlantic and Caribbean oceans.

As the United States speaks, in a righetous manner, this is nothing but the profeetering of few for the starvation of many, both in Europe and America for, allow me to remind the few who have chosen this in the Old, anachronic, rotten World of the East: you affect your own nation by restricting the riches and solidarity of the Americas. The forgiveness that we have treated you with, after ruthlessly being imposed your yoke for hundreds of years, is repaid with a clear example of your true intentions, akin to the monopolies you held over our goods, restricting our freedom.

"Stealing our lunch" says the United Kingdom; allow me to retort. Your lunch, the one your citizens so rightly deserve, has been restricted by yourselves by taking these measures against the right to trade freely held by the Union. I do not know what kind of diet the aristocratic, pompous classes of the Old World have taken to shine their crowns and look down at the American continent, priding themselves of being so slim but the European working man that depends on the cooperation of humanity can't afford such a regime of eating dirt thrown by the rulers, harboring in the safety of their castles."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 16 days ago

The Union of Sweden and Norway

The Treaty of Constantinople surely will have mixed reactions, some may praise it for the good it has done, others may say it has not solved the problem or it has not done enough. While the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway do not have problems with the entire document that was created in Constantinople, we do smell rotten apples mixed in with ripe ones. Namely, Articles V and VII. At this present time, the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway decline to dwell further into our opinion of Article VII because we feel that it is rash to make a statement without fully understanding the consequences of both Article VII and the FFBG's intent on blockading the ports of the United States of America. We will say, however, that this article shows a measure of tactlessness due to our previous statement about our intent to continue trade with the United States.

Article V is a different story. The United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway requests further explanation of the exact territories of Schleswig-Holstein. Does this include the southern border of Denmark? Due to our Pan-Scandinavism, we request that the nation of Denmark be left alone. For how much the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland claims that the United States is a "[n]ation...of tyranny and oppression", if these territories are confiscated from Denmark, such an act would be just as tyrannical and oppressive because Denmark was not involved with the talks. The treaty fails to explain whether this "reclaiming" will only involve diplomatic channel or military force shall be exerted. The United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway humbly asks Europe to respect Denmark's boundaries. We wish this article to be further explained before tensions rise.

-Charles XV, King of Sweden and Norway

[OOC: reason for edit - forgot to sign Charles name...]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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Events of the World: 1861

In 1861, the general populace of the United Kingdom was very anti-slavery, and unlikely to support positive United Kingdom-CSA relations. Hoping to rectify this, the British Parliament implemented a propaganda campaign hoping to demonise the USA in the eyes of the general public. Despite higher costs than expected, the campaign was mostly successful.
(-£81, +5% public support to the United Kingdom)

The British Parliament, hoping to support their new ally the CSA, ordered a huge portion of the Royal Navy to blockade the Union. Unwilling to oppose the UK and thus worsen the war, the navy of the USA made no opposition as the British warships blockaded the ports of the Union. Some British officers shared this unwillingness, and some braver blockade runners managed to slip through, especially on the west coast, heading for friendly Russia. At the same time, British transport ships delivered 25 000 troops into Canada, ready to take more drastic action against the Union. The move was met with dismay in Canada, as the general populace had still fresh memories of the last war and had no wish to antagonize their southern neighbour, many of them sharing the Unions views.
(USA partially blockaded)

British warship moving out of harbour

British merchants began trading heavily in Chinese ports. However, the new market proved unruly as some merchants failed to understand the value of their products, often selling at a much lower price or buying too high.

Expecting war on the horizon, the British Parliament ordered the British army to undertake a recruitment campaign, as well as making factories produce better equipment. However, almost no men signed up, and although the Parliament pumped money into the factories, it came to no avail.
(-£672, +1800 regulars)

In order to aid the poor in France who suffered the most from medical problems, and were least suited to alleviate them, the French Government passed a bill implementing a National Healthcare System. The NHS, although expensive, was successful and had immediate results.
(-£1,010, +0.65% population growth)

The French Government also wished for inventors and entrepreneurs in France to succeed, and so provided grants and support. However, although many claimed the grants, few had any useful results.

Hoping to aid the CSA and the British, the French military attempted to send an army of 25 000 troops to Canada to join the British troops also sent. However, the public reacted violently against such a move. Huge protests were held, and eventually the French military caved under the pressure and postponed the deployment.
(-15% public opinion, troops not deployed)

The Government had better luck when it attempted to improve the education of the populace. Working in conjunction with the UK, the move had small costs and large benefits.
(-£110, +10% education rate in 2 turns)

Newly appointed War Minister Albrecht von Roon quickly began to reform the structure of the Prussian military. By making conscription applicable to all males aged 18 – 45 and changing the number of years spent in the reserves, the size of the army increased immensely. However, it did not increase to the size desired as many attempted to avoid the draft, and there was some backlash from the general public.
(+30 000 regulars, -4% public support)

Albrecht von Roon

Travelling by civilian transport, some Prussian officers managed to sneak into North America and Colombia as observers of the civil wars. However, they did not gain much from the Colombian war, and the inconclusive fighting at Bull Run did not offer much insight either. Worse, the blockade meant that many were stuck inside the USA, forced to wait it out with the American populace or try and sneak through the blockade.
(+1 army sublevel in 4 turns)

The Prussian Government spent thousands improving their infrastructure, concentrating heavily on railroads. However, the costs were high and the yields were low, as piles of unused materials lay alongside planned railroad routes, only to be pilfered by the local populace.
(-£532, +1 infrastructure sublevel in 3 turns)

By increasing tariffs on the steel industry, the Prussian Government aimed at promoting economic growth. However, it was only partially successful.
(-£533, +1 industry sublevel)

Austria set out in 1861 to improve the efficiency and skill of its troops – a wise move, considering the turmoil now engulfing the world. To facilitate this, the Military Academy of Prague was founded in 1861, using an old building that was renovated. The greatest military minds around Austria, and abroad, were called in to help staff this. The costs quickly ballooned out of control, but the desire for a newer, and better, army drove the government to continue to spend. The results were seen, but the costs left many wondering if it was worth it.
(-£604, +1 army sublevel in 2 turns)

The Austrian Army requested in mid-1861 for an upgrade of their equipment and their artillery. In order to do so, the government passed several acts, hoping to bring up money and funds for the expansion. Some unforeseen expenses came up, requiring much more than previously thought to be purchased, causing a massive amount of money to be spent.
(-£457, +5% equipment)

An army can be the best equipped and best trained army in the world, but if it can’t reach the battlefield it is useless. Therefore, the Austrian Government undertook a project to construct a railway from Vienna to Prague. Work began in due course, but there were unforeseen expenses and progress was slow.
(-£541, +1 infrastructure sublevel in 3 turns)

Under supervision from the Austrian Government, factories began to be built all over Austria Proper. With good guidance and a few lucky breaks, soon industrial output had increased massively.
(-£443, +1 industry sublevel)

In the Russian Empire, Tsar Alexander II of Russia announced that during the year of 1861, all of the Serfs in the Russian Empire were to be liberated. 23 million people were to receive their liberty, and to have the full rights of all citizens. This sudden shock of a move stunned many in the Empire. Thousands of landed Nobles, who saw that this reform actually took land away from them to give to the Serfs, instantly struck a tone against this. They refused to give up the land, and thousands of Serfs began to wander. This caused a huge portion of the agrarian Russian to begin collapsing. Massive starvation as well plagued the Empire, causing a massive importation of food to try and keep the country alive. It was unknown for how long this massive upheaval would last.
(-£11,835, -1 industry sublevel, +35 prestige)

A town hearing the emancipation being read to them

Hoping to spread their influence in the region, the Russian Government began a propaganda campaign in the northern regions of Afghanistan. The effect was almost non-existent, as the mostly Islamic population did not fancy being under the yoke of the Christian Russia, and the Afghan government did not take Russian intrusions kindly.
(No effect)

Attempts to improve the education of the Russian people went far better, as newly emancipated serfs took advantage of state-sponsored classes to improve their lives.
(-£95, +8% education rate)

The Romanian Government also tried to improve the general education of their populace; their method was to construct more schools and universities. However, to try and cut down costs, budgets were cut on staff wages, meaning that the teachers that applied for jobs were not of the highest calibre.
(-£154, +5% education rate)

Seeing the rest of Europe militarize, the Romanian Government thought it wise to raise more troops. A propaganda campaign was drawn up, with posters and leaflets planned to be scattered all over Romania. Unfortunately, a secretary misheard some crucial orders, and the leaflets were sent to Australia instead. Due to the long distance and a poor grasp of the Romanian language, very few Australians signed up for the Romanian army.

In order to try and determine the mood of the general population, ballots were held to discover what they wished to be improved in the country. However, pranksters and troublemakers took the opportunity to post ludicrous answers, and many nationalists in both Principalities voted to split from the other one, so the ballot quickly degenerated into a farce.

Hoping to improve the skill of the average soldier in the Principalities, a more rigorous and structured training program was devised. It was a roaring success, as the quality and general health of the troops improved immensely.
(-£740, +1 army sublevel, +1 army sublevel in 2 turns)

The Italian military, in order to improve the skill and experience of their military leaders, sent a number of officers to observe Prussian training and tactics, as well as being taught by Prussian strategists. Unfortunately, poor direction skills and a misleading map caused them to take a train to Sicily instead.
(No effect)

Hoping to spur economic growth in a single focussed direction, the Italian Government decided to try and integrate the once separate Italian economies. It was a success when it came to smaller areas, however a divide between the industrial north and agricultural south became apparent, and integration was slow.
(-£542, +1 industry sublevel in 1 turn)

Hospitals were constructed in populated areas all over Italy, to try and provide healthcare to those in need. Progress was slow, however, and became tangled in many bureaucratic webs.
(-£487, +0.2 population growth)

The Italian Navy, in order to prove themselves masters of the Mediterranean, conducted naval drills in the Tyrrhenian Sea. They were immensely successful, and the sailors received beneficial experience.
(-£112, +1 navy sublevel)

In the Ottoman Empire, the decision is made to establish the Meclis-i Umumi (General Assembly), made up of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, transforming the Ottoman Empire into a constitutional monarchy. Each vilaya is to get 6 elected representatives in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, filling the 186 seats available in the lower house. The upper house, the Senate, is to be made up of 30 Senators appointed by the Sultan and 70 Senators voted for by the Chamber of Deputies, filling up the total 100 seats available in the Senate. Political parties are allowed to be established in order to campaign for seats in the lower house, while the position of Prime Minister is to be filled by the Grand Vizier, appointed by the Sultan.
(+12 prestige)

The long-failing bureaucracy was also tackled, with positive results. The implementation of the vilayet system, centralising of the empire, and a rooting out of corruption lead to decreased government spending.

Hoping to link the entire empire by rail, projects are planned and funded to increase the number of miles of railroad track. The main Pristina-Istanbul-Damascus-Jerusalem-Mecca line is built quickly and efficiently, and other lines follow.
(-£1,107, +2 infrastructure sublevels in 2 turns)

Hoping to encourage industrial growth, the Greek Government offered incentives for factories that increase their output. It is, however, only partially successful.
(-£722, +1 industry sublevel in 1 turn)

Training drills were held outside of Athens to show the skill and prowess of the Greek Army. Large crowds came out to watch, and fortunately there were no glaring errors made.
(-£102, +1 army sublevel)

The Greek Government attempted to build schools in poorer villages. Unfortunately, most of the materials were lost en-route, so none were able to be constructed.

To try and build support for his rule, King Otto took a tour of his country. The tour was a success; however a minor bout of sickness forced him to cut the tour short, leaving much of the Peloponnese unvisited.
(+4% public support)

The Americas
The Battle of Bull Run showed that this would be neither a short nor an easy war, particularly as European powers look to be getting involved. Large armies and huge numbers of troops will be needed. However, as war fever spreads across the Union, volunteers are not difficult to find and lines for recruitment offices stretch around the block.
(+120 000 conscripts)

A typical recruitment poster

Although the nation had been blockaded by the Royal Navy earlier in the year, the US Navy was still a force to be reckoned with. US naval commanders began preparing to either fight and break their way through the blockade, or to try and run the gauntlet and slip through. Either way, the smallest change could mean the difference between life and death, and the US Navy trains and studies zealously.
(-£310, +1 naval sublevel, +1 naval sublevel in 1 turn)

Blaming inexperience for the failure to achieve victory at Bull Run earlier, US army commanders spent the winter training and outfitting the army, focussing particularly on the Army of the Potomac. Understanding the value of meticulous planning and preparation, the Maj. Gen George McClellan took personal interest in training the army during the quiet winter months.
(-£456, +1 army sublevel, +6% equipment)

While there had been precious little to celebrate during the year, President Lincoln still believed that they were in the right, and he endeavoured to make the general public take his view. With impassioned speeches and tours, he was successful in swaying much of the public’s opinion.
(+10% public support)

The Confederacy mirrored the Union in its realisation of the scale of the war. Recruitment increased hugely and thousands of new soldiers joined the ranks, although they fell short of the goal of 150 000 Davis was hoping to reach. Placing their training under the capable hands of Gen. Thomas Jackson, the green recruits were quickly taught how to march and how to fight.
(+75 000 conscripts)

It is one thing to raise an army, and to train it, but it another issue entirely to get it to the front. The Union had over twice the amount of railroad track that the CSA had, and they sought to rectify this. An ambitious plan was drawn for the construction of a railroad system linking all major cities of the CSA. It was a slow start, but eventually work got under way.
(-£1,001, +1 infrastructure sublevel in 1 turn, +1 infrastructure sublevel in 2 turns)

Montgomery, while it would forever famous for being the founding place of the Confederacy, had a population of only 9000, and was too small for the demanding task of running the fledgling nation. A number of other choices were put forward; such as Nashville or Atlanta. Richmond in Virginia was seriously considered for a time, but it was located too close to Washington for comfort. Finally the port of Charleston was chosen. It was certainly large and wealthy enough, however there were some fears that, as the city was already being blockaded, it may be too vulnerable to the Federal Navy.

In order to increase the literacy rate of the population, the CSA undertook projects to build public libraries in all major cities. However, a lack of funding, and some confusion as to why a wartime government was wasting time on such an issue, meant that almost no progress was made.

Hoping to capitalise on the distractions the USA was facing, Mexico attempted to build up its industrial base so to become a competitor in North America. However, slow progress was made, although there was some gain.
(-£841, +1 industry sublevel in 1 turn)

A plan to build a railway connecting northern and southern Mexico fell flat as corruption and theft robbed the operation of its funding and materials.

Attempts to prevent desertion in the army by increasing pay were unsuccessful, as few soldiers thought it was worth it, and the plan was soon scrapped. Hopes of enticing military advisors from Europe to reform the military also failed, as they were engrossed in their own affairs. However, there was some good news, as a Prussian officer who had come south trying to get back through the blockade agreed to offer his expertise in return for a boat ride home.
(-£250, +1 army sublevel in 2 turns)

The Lei Áurea, the Golden Law that abolished slavery in Brazil, was signed and ratified. While this was a grand step in the right direction, the law failed to provide support and assistance for the freed slaves, who were left to make their own way in the world and often struggled to gain economic, political, or social status.
(+22 prestige, -1 industry sublevel)

In a gesture of generosity, the Emperor authorised the use of Brazils transport ships to try and rescue refugees from the US Civil War. However, the blockades made it difficult to reach the shore, and those that did found that the single limited battle that had occurred so far had not generated many refugees.
(+5 prestige)

Factories sprang up in Brazil as a result of a government push for a stronger economy. Many of these factories provided work to those newly liberated slaves, although perhaps not the best quality work.
(-£501, +1 industry sublevel)

Although originally for the refugees that never came, the government-built housing found good use as housing for newly freed slaves.
(-£120, +0.2 population growth)

Now that they had the advantage, the Granadine Confederation was desperate to push hard against the rebels, so the Government issued an order to recruit soldiers from Santander to restore the numbers lost. Some took the offer, but not nearly the amount expected.
(+8000 conscripts)

To allow quicker access for troops, the Government attempted to improve the poor roads in the mountainous region. Unfortunately, the use of explosives to speed up the work triggered landslides, and all progress was lost. Fortunately no one was killed.

In order to foster support for the military and the Government, taxes were lowered in areas that provided their services to the military. However, many people saw this as bribery, and others complained that their areas did not receive this preferential treatment. Most, however, where simply too focussed on their day-to-day survival to offer any help to the army.
(No effect)

In his new role as Prince-Regent, Prince Gong of China began with a purge of disloyal and overly conservative figures from the government, and replaced them with reformists and loyalists. The effect was huge – that, and the idea of the Self-Strengthening Movement, caused a massive uprising of support for the new Emperor against the Taiping. Enterprising Officers took the advantage to seize massive swaths of Taiping land, including the cities of Hangzhou and Suzhou, and the revolt in Nanjing effectively ousted the Taiping. As a new era began, the Taiping Rebellion was effectively at an end.
(+20% public support, +10 prestige, Taiping Rebellion effectively over)

Attempts to overhaul the educational system in the Great Qing fell flat, as the planned Ministry of Education never received the funding it needed, and stubborn-minded elders protested against the changing of how schools were run.

A merging of different duty systems in China into the Imperial Maritime Customs Service had the effect of streamlining and regulating the tax system. This reduced Government expenses quite heavily.
(Raised income)

The Japanese Army conducted drills modelling after European fashion to improve its failing army. The soldiers were slow and lethargic, but otherwise impressive and coordinated.
(-£321, +1 army sublevel)

Attempts at improving agriculture in Japan fail hopelessly, as the local population are unwilling and often downright refuse to change their farming ways from that of their fathers and grandfathers.

Coordinating with the army, the Japanese Navy also conducted training drills off the coast. While the army still needed a bit of work, the Navy, despite its poor condition, operated magnificently.
(-£435, +2 navy sublevels)

In Siam, a systematic restructuring of the government in order to remove any unnecessary or redundant aspects of the government takes place. This is a measure to cut down on the nations' expenditures, and it is a success.
(Raised income)

Attempts to unify the country were not very successful, as people were more focussed with trying to earn a living than worrying about politics, and the words were mostly ignored.
(No effect)

The Government invested heavier in factories in Bangkok, and these investments paid off, as new factories quickly become operational and efficient.
(-£452, +1 industry sublevel)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

Countries of the World: 1861

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kingdom of Greece

"There is several things we wish to discuss with multiple nations. We would first like to speak to the British. Long have you held the Ionian Islands under your influence, preventing them from reuniting with Greece. We understand that you wish to keep it as to maintain a naval base there, but if you went them reunite with us we will gladly allow you to continue to maintain a naval base.

We also wish to speak to the Ottomans to try to negotiate the return of several lands that we believe to be ours. The lands to be returned shall be discussed at a meeting, and while we would prefer it to be held in Athens it is up to the Ottomans on where the meeting is to be held.

Finally with the recently signed treaty in Europe I believe that it marks a new era in cooperation and peace for Europe. We wish to hold another conference in Athens wherein all European Nations are invited to attend to discuss a potential trade agreement applying to all signers of the treaty that shall come out of the conference. Together we can spure economic growth and further the causes of science and industry.
-King Otto of Greece
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
Avatar of Byrd Man

Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I awoke in the gray of the morning twilight; and as I lay waiting for the dawn, the long lines of the desired poem began to twine themselves in my mind. Having thought out all the stanzas, I said to myself, 'I must get up and write these verses down, lest I fall asleep again and forget them.' So, with a sudden effort, I sprang out of bed, and found in the dimness an old stump of a pen which I remembered to have used the day before. I scrawled the verses almost without looking at the paper.

--Julia Ward Howe, November 1861

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

This was is no longer about something so heady as states' rights. With European involvement it has boiled down to one main issue: Emancipation. The emancipation of the Southern negro, as well as the emancipation of the Northern Yankee. The European bootheel seeks to push us down and wrap us in chains very much like those poor black devils down South. British ships blockade our ports and British armies mass in Canada for the express purpose of slapping the yoke of British imperialism back upon our throats. That is why we here at this paper say that we must take the fight to the would-be conquerors. We say that General McClellan should march the Army of the Potomac north while the Army of the Tennessee and Ohio march south with all due haste. On to Canada and on to Charleston! God save our Nobel Republic!

--New York Tribune editorial, December 1861

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

My fellow Americans,

As I've pondered over the situation we find ourselves in, I am suddenly struck with a story I once heard back home in Illinois. Two hunters found themselves in the woods, confronted by the sight of a massive bear. It was easily ten feet tall, maybe a thousand pounds. It had claws that could chop trees in half. The bear catches the scent of the two hunters and takes off after them. The first hunter slings his rucksack and weapons to the ground and begins to run. His friend inquires about that, saying that he can't outrun that bear. The first hunter simply replies "I don't need to outrun that bear, I just have to outrun you."

Make no mistake, the force we face is very much like the bear. It is large and angry. We have enemies massed to the North, to the South, and even out to sea. We are surrounded on nearly every side by hostile forces who seek our end. Like that hunter, we cannot outrun them. Unlike that hunter, we don't have anyone we can outrun. No help is coming, it is just us and us alone against the Southern rebels and the European meddlers. This conflict, which started out as an attempted rebellion has become much more. It is about the rights of all men, be they black or white, and the rights our Founders fought so hard to attain all those years ago. Our Republic sits upon a knife-edge. We have the chains of slavery to the South, and the chains of imperialism to the North. We cannot accept the enslavement of the negro, and we will not accept enslavement of the United States. This is no longer a Civil War. It is a second war for American independence. It is a Second American Revolution! And we declare that all men shall be free!

--Abraham Lincoln to Congress, January 1862

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The United Kingdom first of all wishes to applaud the Empires of both Brazil and Russia for their acts of humanitarianism and sacrifice. By abolishing their institution of slavery, they have shown themselves to be Nations of Christian Character. We applaud both Brazil and Russia. They are truly wise in their actions and it is our hope that our Allies the Confederacy will soon make a similar decision.

Secondly, The United Kingdom wishes to decry the actions of the Union in moving troops towards the colony of Canada. While it is true that we are building up our army, our intention was that of defense. However the Union claims that we are acting to take their nation. Calling it a second "American Revolution." The incompetence and inherent lack of intelligence is astounding. The Union is truly a nation run by egotistical and self-righteous tyrants. It is our desire that this war will come to a swift close, but we will be in it for the long haul. To our colony in Canada we say that you are not forgotten. Our troops will defend you from all attacks. And even now, we are preparing another shipment of troops to your borders for defense.

Thirdly, the United Kingdom wishes to address the Nation of Greece's request. We have spoken with their nation and together have agreed to this treaty:

The Treaty of Greece and British Friendship

Both the Kingdom of Greece and the United Kingdom hereby agree to follow the following articles

Article I: The United Kingdom hereby will release the Ionian Islands and allow them to reunite with Greece. The United Kingdom may maintain a naval base in the Ionian Islands and will assist in the training of Greek naval forces.

Article II: Greece and the United Kingdom hereby enter a military alliance, wherein either nation has to enter any conflict or war that the other enters save for wars in which either nation breaks the Treaty of Constantinople(1861) and causes war to occur on Europe Actual. Each nation will assist in all wars that occur outside the European concert, but battles are not to occur in Europe actual.

King Otto of Greece[X]
Queen Victoria of the UK[X]

We applaud our new brothers in Greece. May God bless Europe. May God bless the FFGB. May God bless the United Kingdom!

-Queen Victoria
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kingdom of Greece

"As apart of the deal worked out with the UK I hereby declare war on the US. It is time to solidify our support of CSA Independence we made earlier, and our troops are preparing. We do not know when they will arrive, but when they will deploy into Canada and assist there. The USA claims to be for freedom and independence, but they would oppress the CSA."
-King Otto of Greece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Empire of the Great Qing
New Year Speech given by Prince Gong at the Great Qing Gate in Tiananmen Square (January 30th, 1862)

Our good and loyal subjects.

On behalf of the Lord of Ten Thousand Years, I would like to wish every family happiness, peace and health in the New Year.

We stand at the dawn of a new year; a year which is to be ushered in with the highest of hopes. The last year of Xianfeng saw extraordinary changes happen to our Most Illustrious Empire. The most villainous banditry to have plagued the Celestial Empire since the days of the Yellow Emperor has been soundly crushed by the mighty Imperial army. No longer do the fiendish traitors under the command of the heretical Hong Xiuquan threaten those closest to us. Their bloody reign of terror has come to a swift end. No more do their vile armies hold the people of Nanfang hostage; now the altruism of the Qixiang Emperor and the Imperial Court is free to shine upon the south once more.

This is a mighty achievement which could not have been accomplished without the blood and sweat from all in the Middle Kingdom. I'd like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you all. It is a testament to the strength of our united willpower what the Great Qing may achieve.

The first year of the Qixiang Emperor is the year of the Water Dog. The dog is a kind and compassionate creature; one which always looks forward to a brighter future. In the spirit of the dog, this year shall be one of great benevolent and idealistic changes. It is the virtues of broad-mindedness and goodwill that shall triumph most this year as we seek to revitalise this noble land.

The Self-Strengthening Movement has only just begun, loyal subjects, but already does the Celestial Empire benefit from it. Already does our nation begin to renew itself, but that is merely the beginning. We have an arduous journey to complete, where a truly glorious rejuvenation of the Middle Kingdom shall await us.

May we all work hard together in writing these new annals into the history of our ancient and golden empire, and may prosperity fill the lives of all under heaven.
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