Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Viral trusted Aito; he just didn’t trust himself. He was just a soldier, he couldn’t possibly accomplish everything like that. He had been made with so much potential and had failed at everything he had tried; it was even a wonder that they saw him with the potential to fight in the war. He could probably kill individuals who were trouble, but of course none of them would give him the chance to. He didn’t have a chance when it came to Saiyans, but if Aito believed in him so he was going to try and believe him, “Re-attuning? Just…re-attuning myself…” he spoke lowly, thinking about it, “My abilities are something no other creature has, but mastering is on a different plain altogether. It is true I don’t get ill, but…it might lead to…other desires…” Part of his immortality was his resistance to disease, something that many humans desired. The RRA were probably after it not to mention the King was after it, so that notion made him definitely feel concerned. It was a confliction that was steadily setting in his mind, whether he was being paranoid or not.

Maybe that was the reason the RRA saw him as a threat at the time, the man who helped create him must had deep religious feelings towards it to keep the human race pure; however, the thought of creating an army who could never die to disease, the biggest killer of soldiers, was definitely something they would want to have at their disposal. What a horrible confliction, but he couldn’t stop his creator. He should had been killed ages ago for what he did; being a failure to his creator was just dishonourable, “I’ll…possibly…see you soon”, he spoke, looking back up to the portal, “I will fulfil your orders and try my best to regain control of myself. I am not a weakling…”

With the party and the day over and done with, everything calmed down and the next day Shu and Takeshi were out and about with the aim to train in the art of flying. With T’charrl already clearly knowing how to fly, he was left back in the middle of nowhere at Takeshi’s house to try and train up his Ki. With the training he had received before he was definitely getting a lot better at it, managing to bring himself to summon Ki at will and practice throwing it like he had done before. He had a lot of energy today and he felt pretty good, keeping in mind that he had his friends to guide him. He was managing to keep his mentality in check and hold it all together, even without his friends to remind him who he was. He hoped to have it completely down by the end of the day, his desire to get stronger was definitely beginning to rival that of a Saiyan.

Shu, on the other hand, was having a ton of fun with learning how to fly again. He always had a great time with Takeshi, whether it was for the good for his health or going to wreck it. He knew the risks of flying and how he could easily crash and get horribly injured again, but at least Takeshi knew of several places to go to get him all healed up. Flying couldn’t be too hard now that he was getting used to using Ki again, even if his Ki was beyond powerful compared to the rest of his body. It was just too erratic for him to handle, but he would soon enough get a leash on it and under his control again. Getting all excited, he practically vibrated on his feet as Takeshi spoke to him, nodding a lot as he instructed him on flying, “Okay! Okay, okay! I can do it the right way, I promise!” he smiled before bouncing on his feet, trying to loosen up, “I want to just move it in my feet and out of my feet! Ohhh, then why does it feel like it wants to come out my knees too…”

It was definitely a difficulty he had to live with right now, having so much energy that he could barely keep it at bay. If Takeshi was going to help him in any way it would definitely be to catch him if he fell from the sky again. Trying to find his centre, he placed his feet flat on the ground and raised his hands, trying to guide his energy down steadily like he did before; however, before he could find control in his Ki he floated upwards rapidly, a little too quickly as he flailed before dropping back down to the ground. Flying by himself was pretty scary, probably because of a bunch of flashbacks of the bad constantly plagued his mind at the same time. Just because he was all happy didn’t mean he wasn’t scared, finding it as just his way to cope with certain situations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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"I know you can do it the right way, just take it slow," Takeshi repeated, nodding his head. He knew Shu could do it, he's gotten close before. Now it was just a matter of fine tuning things, and once he did that he'd be fine. He kept a careful eye on his brother while he tried to fly, actually rather worried he might somehow hurt himself. The first attempt of the day got him really worried as Shu blasted up in a rather quick burst, thankfully coming down in a much more graceful fashion than before. Sighing softly Takeshi smiled a bit, rubbing at his forehead with a chuckle. "Slow doesn't usually mean blasting off like a rocket, but at least you landed better. Don't be in such a hurry buddy, you have to ease yourself into it. By the looks of things you're putting way too much Ki into it to do things. Even if you barely put out energy just try that this time, it'll go smoother. Watch me okay?"

Placing his feet both flat on the ground Takeshi slowly raised up in the air, hovering just a few meters above the ground as he more or less stood completely still. "See? It doesn't take a lot to fly, does it? I'm hardly using any and I'm up this high. Now... If you keep doing what you just did..." With a brief wave the older boy suddenly blasted up into the air, laughing as he became a rather small speck against the skybox rather quickly. Stopping his own Ki Takeshi floated back down, using a little Ki to break his fall as he landed near where he'd began. "Just a tiny bit is all you need, and that's that. I can catch you if you blast off again, but try not to. You'll never get it down if you keep going too hard." Figuring to be as hands off as possible he took a seat on the ground, folding his arms across his chest and giving Shu a curious look. "You mentioned it coming out of your knees... Yeah...? Is it hard for you to keep it from leaking out? What's your issue there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was certainly getting the hang of it as he juggled an orb around, trying to keep it in shape without it without it exploding. If he could keep this under control then he could only further his ability to control the flow of energy through his body. He was definitely okay with training by himself, finding the wide open field nice and relaxing when he was in no immediate danger of being found by the locals. Giving himself enough space, he shifted the energy around on his arms before throwing the Ki into the air before catching it calmly and allowing it to dissipate. His own energy would need to find control too, his mind not particularly capable of finding a centre with that quite yet. To him his own energy felt pretty weak or rather brittle, easily broken and difficult to control. He should probably work on that too, especially now that he had pretty good control with his Ki. It was the most important aspect about him finding control, especially when it meant whether his friends would be free from harm or not.

Shu didn’t much enjoy bouncing up into the air like that, finding the landing to be particularly sore too. He landed on his backside after his little spurt of flight, slowly getting up again and rubbing it sorely. That was a bit of a bummer, he thought he had it too. Letting out a sigh, he looked back up to Takeshi, “I don’t know about landing better…just not on my face”, he spoke, giving a little smile before shaking his head as he looked downwards, “I don’t mean to put out so much energy, but I’ll try better!” He would rather he managed to get his output under control so he could just use a little bit of energy to fly, hoping he wouldn’t lose it all and end up dropping to the ground anyway because he got tired.

Watching Takeshi as he gave a little demonstration, he watched as he floated up and gave him a smile. He was sure he could do that if he kept his energy low, especially when he knew how to fly in the first place. Watching him curiously, he squeaked when Takeshi suddenly blasted up into the air, watching him all the way up. That was something he wanted to avoid for the majority, seeing as how that’s what happened most of the time when he tried to fly. Watching as he came back down to the planet, he tilted his head before looking down at his legs, patting his knees, “Ooh, I don’t know…I mean, it feels like I’m in a lot of water”, he spoke, looking up at Takeshi with a smile, “I think I just have a lot of energy, is all. It needs to go further down to my feet! Hopefully not my tail, though…what would even happen there…? Maybe if I was thrown up into the air like you did to me when we were fighting I might manage some more...?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi smiled encouragingly at Shu, figuring his basic example was more than enough for him to work with. This was all easier said than done and he would give the little guy that much, but he still needed to work on it regardless. Evidently his display hadn't made his brother any more confident, if anything it worried him even more than he already was. "You're in water...? So... Does it feel like you're floating or something...?" he asked, not quite understanding Shu's point. Scratching at his head he frowned a little, not totally sure how his proposal would work out. "Hm... We can try it if you really want to," he said, shrugging and getting to his feet. "You'll be trying to keep yourself in the air though, which is harder than just taking off. Buuuut... If you want to give it a go." Could be fun to see Shu floating around all haphazardly, so long as he didn't come crashing down. Grabbing his brother's arm Takeshi winked playfully, pulling him a bit closer and glancing up for a second. Hm... Not too hard, he didn't want Shu to be overly high up in the air. "Ready? I'm going to throw you up on 3, so get ready. One... Two..." After two he grinned, yanking on Shu's arm and tossing him up in the air, watching curiously. "Good luck!"

So this was the right place... But people were missing. Neither of the brothers were at the house, and their energies were much too far away. Chasing after them wasn't completely out of the question, though something else had caught the boy's eye. There was some kind of alien at their home, training by the looks of him. He was an... Interesting looking one, that was for sure. The energy coming from him was anything but threatening, he was just big and bulky, probably a really easy mark. Hm... Was the alien a friend of the Princes? Maybe if he could capture this one they could be used as bait. Or at the very least he could just kill the creature for fun, time on Earth had been very boring so far. For the time being though he was going to just observe and see what was going on. He kept tossing that energy around, just what was he doing exactly? Some training, now that he thought of it this looked more like playing. Feh, so had he stumbled across some alien just playing games? What a waste of time...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu shook his head quickly, bouncing a little on his toes, “Not like I’m floating, no!” he squeaked, feeling a little frustrated that he couldn’t explain himself properly, “Like the water is all around me and is heavy and hard to move…like all kick and more kick…” Kicking his foot around, he soon stopped and stared at Takeshi again, trying to see if he would go with that plan instead. He thought it was a good idea since it meant he had some sort of urgency to follow up from, making a response a little more prompt than simply trying for the sake of it. He really wanted to learn how to do it for his sake and his brother’s sake, knowing he could end up in the worst of spots if he had to rely on him for everything. Smiling a little, he looked to his arm and squeaked as he was pulled closer to Takeshi, “I’m ready! I can do it!” Staring down at the ground at first, he felt confused as to when three came when counting for it before he was suddenly thrown on up into the air. Flailing at first, he quickly tried to find his centre and release his energy again, hoping he might fly. In the end, Shu soon found himself floating in the air, his arms flailing, “Whooo! Fly, fly, fly! Ah! How do I move again??”

T’charrl was trying to find his centre, his training in his own energy requiring him to find peace before he could continue. He needed to connect with his spirit first, separating his Ki and keeping that down. It wasn’t a long process, but it did require quiet and concentration, almost like meditation. It was certainly a lot easier by himself than with others, but it didn’t mean he had difficulty finding his centre around his friends. He had better concentration during everyday life ever since his change when he was with his friends. Letting out a sigh after taking a deep breath, his antennae twitched a little as some strange smell lingered through the fields. Certainly odd and a little off-putting, he looked around cautiously but couldn’t see anything that might give off the smell. He shouldn’t let such things distract him, but something was off-putting about it. While it was important that he trained his abilities, he was certainly feeling uneasy right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shu's explanation didn't help shed much more light on the situation sadly, Takeshi was still kind of lost. Ah well, they would work around it whatever it was, he was certain of that. Throwing the little guy into the air hadn't quite been what he'd had in mind this morning, but if Shu was willing to give it a go then they should give it a shot. "I hope you can, I don't want to have to keep catching you today," he teased lightly, grabbing his brother's arm. With a brief countdown he lifted Shu up easily, tossing him right up into the air and watching as he soared up. Worrying initially that the little guy might fall back down he smiled seeing him hovering, albeit after quite the display of trying to find himself. Beaming happily Takeshi slowly rose up to join his brother, folding his arms over his chest as he looked on. "Move by releasing more Ki in the direction opposite that you want to move. See... Like this. I'm going to move away from you..." he paused, pushing Ki forward and moving backwards as a result. "So I pushed it out of my front. It'll force you back from whatever way you release it, so you've gotta keep that in mind. And don't take it fast, moving around really doesn't take any Ki at all."

Watching this one was proving to be pretty boring, he just wasn't doing anything. Maybe this was how Earthlings trained, what an odd way to go about it. Sparring and fighting worked much better than this, what a waste of time. Still... If nothing else he had arrived at his destination, and now the Saiyan just had to play the waiting game. Either that... Or draw the Princes back. If he could create a large enough distraction, blow something up maybe, then surely they'd return. All he had to do was find them after all, an easy enough job really. Smirking he held a hand upside down, gathering a small amount of Ki in the palm of his hand silently. If this alien was traveling with the Princes then it probably knew how to fight, maybe. Time to test that theory. Opting to toy with it a bit he chuckled, growing the Ki orb before cocking his arm back and releasing it, sending it in a curving path right at T'charrl. As it sped towards the Kaesstrian he moved from his spot, tossing a second in a different path for good measure to keep the alien guessing. Hehe, he wondered how long he could pester him like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was pretty happy that he was finding himself in the air, the height he was at not being too great but something surprising nonetheless. If he could keep this up then maybe he’ll be flying like Takeshi in no time, but that meant being able to move around in the air too without ending up falling out of the sky instead. Feeling all giddy, he watched as Takeshi went up to meet him, wobbling around in the air as if struggling to find balance, “Ooh! Oohhh I can do this, see?” he squeaked, smiling at Takeshi. He was a little afraid of moving considering he was going very fast last time and while he did enjoy it, he always had trouble landing when he could fly and going super-fast would mean he would definitely fall just as fast. Staring at Takeshi, he gave a little nod, “Uh huh…like running or jumping…right?” he asked up as he watched the demonstration, holding out his hands in front of him as if trying to push the air. Slowly he began to move through the air backwards, his legs and tail trailing behind his steady flight backwards, “Weeee! Look at me! Much fun! Much fun, yeah!” Even though he wasn’t going anywhere, he was still having a lot of fun and even manage to turn, even if it was just him going around in circles, “Is this good?? Am I doing it right?”

T’charrl was pretty nervous right now, finding himself stuck and trying terribly to relax. Just what was the strange smell, especially when it was making him feel so uneasy? Shifting his feet a little, he looked around calmly before slowly moving out of the house’s vicinity, just incase there was something behind it, “…H-Hello…? Is someone there? Takeshi…?” he asked out, looking all around him before suddenly gasping as there was a sudden increase in energy. The increase was small, but he could recognise it but not know where it was coming from. Suddenly becoming alerted, he looked around hastily before suddenly needing to dodge in place as a Ki orb suddenly whizzed by him, a jump coming out of him as another just narrowly missed him. That definitely wasn’t Takeshi unless he was playing some sort of cruel game, his wings flaring up and flapping rapidly, “Who’s there?? This isn’t funny!” he shouted out, using his own Ki as he gathered a ball of his own in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I sure can see it! Your plan worked, who would have though?" Takeshi was pretty impressed, he'd honestly expected Shu to just plummet back down and have to catch him. Seeing the little guy floating there, however unsteadily was pretty nice. It was a long cry from flying about at high speeds, or even controlling his flight, but that was yet another big hurdle he'd overcome. Since he had asked how to move around the older boy provided a simple example, floating backwards casually before coming back to his brother. It was an easy enough thing to do really, just pushing yourself along with Ki was all it took. Rather quickly Shu got the hang of that as well and began to drift about, a little haphazardly but he was still doing it. "You're doing it right... For the most part. You shouldn't be going in circles like that," Takeshi replied, laughing. "If you only push from one side then you'll spin, you have to do both your left and your right to stay straight. See, otherwise you get this." Putting out one hand flat he smirked at Shu, releasing a large burst of invisible Ki and causing himself to whip around in a circle rather quickly. Laughing as he did so the Saiyan quirked an eyebrow at his brother, "Got it?"

Hah, the moron fell for it! Little alien was jumping all over trying to avoid the attacks and he still didn't know where they were coming from. Oh, but there was his own little attack, ready and primed to fire. How cute, though it was doubtful that little blast could do anything. Grinning from the bush he was hid in the Saiyan glanced down at his hand, slowly forming another Ki ball of his own. "Alright weirdo... Let's see how you handle this..." From the thickets of the forest T'charrl would see another Ki orb thrown straight at him, and then two more that came to the left of the first. A final came from the right, all four moving at different paces but all at the Kaesstrian. Taking the chance to move again he raced along the bushes, cutting into the field and dashing up along the opposite side of the house. Seeing that the alien didn't even realize he was there yet the Saiyan jumped up onto the roof, sitting down on the peak casually cross-legged. This was too easy, he was really wondering why the Princes had this thing around with them. A pet perhaps? "Poor alien, you're so slow!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was having fun with this, even if he wasn’t getting it fully. He had the floating thing down and was managing to stay there, but he knew if he relaxed too much he would probably drop down to the ground and that would be that for the training. It was going well now that he was moving, but he just needed to go forward now. Looking to Takeshi as he gave his approval, he smiled away as he tried to stop himself, almost slowly rolling over onto his back in the air upon doing so. It was as if he was floating on water, his balance still pretty off, “I was only doing one side? Ooohhh…” He figured he would screw up somehow with that, his training from creating the Ki using one hand probably bringing out that problem. Looking to his hands, he soon quickly had to look up at Takeshi as he gathered Ki and decided to go spinning instead. Giggling at his actions, he clapped quickly before nodding, holding out his hands and sure enough was going straight if backwards this time, “I’m doing it! I’m not spinning all spin, spin!”

T’charrl wasn’t going to let this stranger beat him and with the attacks cutting close he was sure it wasn’t Takeshi and definitely someone trying to attack him. However they found Takeshi’s house, he didn’t know, but he had to keep himself safe and calm. Keeping a hold of his Ki, he looked around slowly, his antennae twitching before realising another attack was coming straight for him. Hissing, he threw his Ki orb right for it, he soon had to watch out for even more that all came from different places. Gasping, he ducked close to the ground to avoid one, bounce forward to avoid another before making a sudden dash across the ground. He wasn’t sure why someone was attacking him if only because he looked strange, but trying to kill him was going too far. Hissing, he pushed himself up and bounced to his feet, looking around quickly before finally spotting a stranger on top of Takeshi’s house. This wasn’t good at all, this kid was a complete stranger and had somehow managed to find this location, even when he had been keeping his energy levels low, “Who are you?? What are you doing here?!” he hissed angrily, trying to calm himself again, “This is not your home!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Maybe this alien was supposed to be a guard dog? He sure whined like one, and he was all fluffy, it would make sense. Though guard dogs usually couldn't use Ki, not that it worried the kid much. Smiling amused he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "Oh, I'm a Saiyan genius, can't you tell? I'd tell you my name but it won't matter soon anyways." The alien wouldn't be around long enough to remember his name, no point in sharing it. Getting hissed at made the boy grin widely, finding T'charrl's anger amusing if nothing else. "Me? Oh... I wanted to see the flowers and all the trees. I just love nature. But then I saw your ugly mug scarring the landscape and thought I had to get ride of you immediately." With a chuckle he turned around, laying upside down on the roof with his arms under his head. It sure was easy riling this one up, he'd barely done anything and he was already beginning to throw a fit. "No, it's not my home? Oh darn, and I was sure I was on Kortal. I guess I should probably be on my way then, huh? Or..." He paused, grinning and extending an arm as he gathered a sizable Ki blast. "I can just kill you!"

Shu was having a blast flying around, even if he didn't exactly have it down yet. Hey, it was easier to learn something if you enjoyed it though right? Hopefully this meant Shu would be a master in no time. Takeshi couldn't quite say why his brother felt he had to use his hands to direct himself, though rarely did the little guy go for conventional tricks anyways. Smiling amused he watched Shu flutter about without a care in the world, finding his excitement infectious. "You can do all sorts of tricks too once you get flying down too, you know. Flips and spins and other things. And you can play tricks on people in a fight. Like..." With some distance between them Takeshi flew right at Shu, making a move almost as if he were going to punch him. Just as the gap closed he used an after image, his visage flying straight through his brother as he came to rest behind the other boy. Grinning ear to ear he poked his sibling's shoulder, waving at him cheekily as he turned around. "I doubt you'll be able to do that like I can," he added, placing his hands behind his head smugly, "But you can do something like it, maybe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t know who this guy was, but the air about his was definitely off-putting. He smelled terrible, his attitude was completely off and he had power that he was just freely flaunting around. T’charrl had to get his mind straight and think clearly, not wanting to lose it against someone like this. Hissing lowly, he narrowed his gaze slightly and moved into a defensive pose at the mention of the boy being a Saiyan. He didn’t know how to identify Saiyans from non-Saiyans yet, probably none of his kind did when Takeshi came along with Shu saying they were both Saiyans too, but that didn’t matter right now. Looking around quickly at the mention of the environment, he gave the boy a good glaring at, “Ugly? You’re the one with the tiny eyes and tiny snout!” This kid was in no position to threaten him and it was easy to see he was getting all riled up. Keeping his stance, he stared at the kid but when he was suddenly threatened with a Ki blast he raised his wings and suddenly jumped with a great spring up, darting down at the kid from a few metres above with two left swings, “You’ll do no such thing!”

Shu hoped he would be able to fly without crashing by the end of the day, his enthusiasm for what was happening well beyond the thought of eating right now. It was rare for him to have this much attention in doing something, but he recognised how important it was for him to learn all of this and how he was supposed to get back on Takeshi’s level of learning when it came to Ki control. Having fun propelling himself backwards at a slow pace, he looked to Takeshi curiously before squeaking when Takeshi decided to fly straight for him, looking like he was going to hit him. Raising his limbs to cower behind, he shut his eyes tight and braced for impact only for nothing to happen, a finger instead being prodded into his shoulder. Squeaking a little, he looked to Takeshi and frowned, shaking his head, “I don’t want to do that! It’s mean! I could have wet myself…” he spoke, looking down at himself before trying to grab Takeshi, “I wanna learn how to slow down or stop if I’m going really fast though! I don’t want to crash again!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Oh... Did I strike a sensitive chord? I think I hit the alien's bad side!" the boy teased, smiling amused despite being threatened. Tiny eyes and snout? Really? What did that even mean? Maybe freakishly large eyes were a thing on his world, if that was the case then the whole planet was just odd. Getting a little weary of T'charrl again he lifted up a hand, firing off yet another Ki blast at the alien and watching him evade yet again. He took to the sky this time to avoid it, making the Saiyan actually have to move. T'charrl was quick, surprisingly, and the only thing the Saiyan could do was roll backwards, plant his hands on the roof and push himself off quickly, flying backwards to dodge the incoming strikes. Grinning he gathered up another bit of Ki, tossing it at the alien's back. "And you're going to stop me? Hah, as if!" After tossing the Ki he did his best to vanish from view, moving as quickly as he could to make himself appear invisible. "I'm a Saiyan, you're a lowly alien! You can't even dream of being my equal, freak! Give up and I'll kill you quickly!"

Takeshi's grin waned slightly at Shu's reaction to his trick. He didn't get it, that was a perfectly harmless thing to do. Plus it was meant for a fight, and at that point it wasn't exactly like you were being nice to the other person anyways. Sighing softly the older boy rubbed at his forehead, closing his eyes with a small smile. "It's meant for a battle, Shu. Since when are you supposed to be nice in a battle...?" he asked, making a small surprised sound as he was abruptly grabbed. Looking down at Shu perplexed he nodded his head, easing the little guy's grip off of himself. "Stopping and slowing down is kind of the same thing. If you're going one way you can stop by pushing the other way and cutting off the Ki that was moving you. It's like this..." He used his forefinger and middle finger as a 'person; and pretended to fly forward, "Say you're going really fast, so you're pushing a lot of energy out from behind you, right? To stop you have to cut off that energy AND use some in front of you slow yourself, make sense? Only enough to slow down though, if you do it too much you'll just end up going backwards."

Considering these were the basics once Shu had these down they could get into the really fun stuff. Just one day and he was up in the air, he was a really fast learner. Hell, faster than Takeshi had picked them up, he couldn't help but realize that glaring fact. Trying not to be jealous over it the older boy smiled at his sibling, motioning for him to get on with it. "I'm still here in case you fall, so don't worry about trying it. Just do your thing and we'll fix any problems you have." Something had begun to bother him a short while ago, though he wasn't able to put it to words. There was still an uneasy feeling about the area however, and now it was really beginning to sink in. Looking around curiously it abruptly hit Takeshi like a brick wall when he felt a foreign Ki begin to build, eyes widening as he looked back at the direction of their home. It wasn't T'charrl, and it wasn't one of their friends. "Shu, we have to go, now." he said plainly, moving over to his brother. "On my back, we don't have time for you to fly there. There's a Saiyan here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl fell to the ground with a bounce, his back burning from the impact. He was lucky that he wasn’t killed by an attack like that, but it sure did do a good bit of damage and disabled his wings. Hissing angrily, he pushed his chest off the ground while his other two set of claws moved to his chest. His orb was glowing bright after that, the pain in his chest overpowering for a second there. Slowly managing to push him to his feet, he hunched forward as he slowly looked around, hissing lowly as the boy taunted him once more, “…Lowly…alien…? You do not belong on this planet!” he shouted, holding his claws out and trying to expel the energy that was beginning to build up by firing it in all directions around him, trying to hit the Saiyan.

Shu hoped he was going to have a good chance at flying properly soon enough if he was now able to keep in the air this long. It felt so strange, but he also didn’t like the possibility that he might just end up falling straight to the planet again if he stopped concentrating on flying. Keeping in the air, he stared at Takeshi with a little frown, giving a little nod, “I knowwww, but you could had warned meeeee”, he spoke, eventually giving a smile and flapping his arms around, “I wanna learn how to do neat magic tricks! I wonder if I’ll get to do anything like that…or maybe not! You wouldn’t want me taking your moves, right?” He knew Takeshi would be upset if he ended up being able to do something, knowing he liked being unique from time to time.

Feeling a lot more confident over his flying, he watched Takeshi give his little demonstration as he tilted his head, giving a little smile at the figure, “Ooohhh, oh yeahhh. I remember that! Back and forth! Energy off, energy front”, he spoke, holding his hands out and moving them around, “Backwards is better than going into the ground really fast”. Feeling confident that he could do it, something soon caught his attention as the feeling of strange energy built up from nearby. Frowning a little, he looked to Takeshi quickly and nodded, flailing his arms to get him to move towards Takeshi as he grabbed at his back, “A Saiyan?? Why is there a Saiyan here…? Oooohhh, friend T'charrl isn't a Saiyan, so who...?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Messing with this alien was proving to be a lot of fun, especially since he was getting angry. Slapping him with a blast like that had done a little damage anyways, it looked to hurt his wings at the very least. The strange guy could probably fly without them, but it had to at least be inconvenient. "And you do? You're not a human or a Saiyan. You're an alien, you don't belong here any more than I do," he retorted, smiling amused, "And it's a good thing I don't. This world is so pathetic, why would anyone want to live here." Thinking T'charrl was down after being hunched over for so long he was awfully surprised that an attack came his way. It was an absolute random volley and scattered all over the place, making it awfully difficult to avoid. Swatting away the blasts that he could the boy ended up having to bring his arms and knees in, covering himself as a few of the blasts hit him. Getting knocked back as a result he tumbled through the air, flipping himself over and landing on the ground, his momentum making his feet dig through the soft earth as a result. Scowling in annoyance he looked down at himself, his little Earth disguise of clothes hardly holding up to that barrage. His shirt was all burn and torn now and there were tears in his jeans. "You idiot! What am I going to wear if you ruin these? Bah... Stupid aliens..."

"If I warn you ahead of time then it's not a surprise, is it? That would be the whole point," Takeshi retorted, smirking as he poked Shu's nose with a fingertip. "Hey, enemy. I'm going to disappear and come up behind you, don't turn around okay? See why you don't say anything?" Looking at his brother a bit confused he rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a short laugh. "There's nothing magic about it Shu, it's just a technique. I can teach you how to do it, it's not that hard. Though you probably don't want to try it while flying just yet, you're probably going to fly into someone if you do." A lot of good it would be if he ended up knocked out because Shu got overzealous and flew into him like a truck. Unfortunately for all the progress they were making something came up that required more attention, the arrival of a new, strange energy. It was a Saiyan, Takeshi could tell that much already just from feeling it. Frowning he urged Shu to come to him, getting the little guy onto his back and clutching him securely before beginning to fly back towards their home. "I don't know who it is Shu, we're going to find out!"

"So you can actually hit, surprise surprise. Looks like the buy can actually fight," the Saiyan mused, grinning as he removed stood up from where he had landed. Dusting himself off he turned to face T'charrl, pushing off the ground and racing towards him. "Let's see how you do up close!" As he got in the Saiyan dropped low, trying to kick up into the Kaesstrian's gut and knock him in the air, which he would follow up by flying beneath him and slamming his fist into his gut as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t want to give away any weaknesses he might possibly have against this guy, not at least until his friends got here. He could barely concentrate and the guy talking was helping him keep together, slightly. He knew what could happen, anything could happen and most of the things he definitely did not want to occur. Firing out the attacks, he looked around hastily for signs of the Saiyan, watching as he went tumbling out of the air not too far from him, “Saiyans hate everything…don’t they?? Hatred…you’re full of it!” he hissed, trying to recover from his power surge, “If they sent you here by yourself…doesn’t that mean they think you reflect what this planet might be to you…? Are you the pathetic one of your group??”

Shu was pretty worried now, hoping it wasn’t his friend that was being invaded by the foreign energy. He had hoped that Takeshi’s house was far enough away from everything to let their friend have some quiet time as he trained by himself, but if there was a Saiyan around then he could be in a ton of trouble. Holding onto Takeshi tightly, he looked down at him and frowned a little, “How did they get here…? Do you think Father knew we were heading back home? How could he have known?” he asked up, looking over Takeshi’s shoulder, “Should we ask Mister Vegeta for help? Maybe Yumi…? Oooohhh, I don’t know what any of them are doing today!”

T’charrl moved closer to the kid, hoping to scare the kid off with some attacks of his if he could pull them off. His attacks certainly managed to scare others before with how strange they were and how raw his power could be, so maybe they would work against this guy. He was just on the verge of losing it, but even while injured he was determined to keep his mind intact. Getting into a ready position, he dashed at the Saiyan when he raced for him as well, hoping he could use the momentum to cut and dodge the attacks. Throwing his claws around in an attempt to cut the kid open, the Saiyan instead dropped down low and threw a kick right into his abdomen. Gasping as he was sent off his feet, his pained wings fluttered as if trying to fly before another hit was delivered into his abdomen a second time. Letting out a snarl, he suddenly threw all four arms around at the Saiyan, trying to claw him apart and get him away from him even if it meant mauling him apart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"We only hate what can't benefit us, and those that are weak! People like you have no use for us!" Laughing happily at getting T'charrl so riled up that laughter was abruptly silenced when he was called weak. This bug wasn't the only one to call him that, and no way was he going to take it from some alien! Gritting his teeth angrily the Saiyan forced a smile, shaking his head before waving a hand dismissively. "I drew the short straw... That's all. Sometimes we get lousy jobs, it can't be helped." he added, shrugging his shoulders. "So come on, prove to me this isn't a colossal waste of time!" So far humans had been so boring, he hadn't found anything at all to fight as of yet. Poising to strike the Saiyan dashed forward, preparing to throw a combo of strikes at T'charrl to see just how durable this alien was.

Clutching Shu securely to his back Takeshi began flying back to their home, hoping to arrive before something bad could happen. This energy he was feeling he didn't recognize at all, it was a new Saiyan then. It was hard to tell how strong he was from here but considering the usual troupe that was thrown at them they were typically strong. "Father must have known somehow. Maybe they missed something on the ship?" That didn't seem likely though, both Vegeta and Sayomi had worked on it and they were geniuses, there was no way they had missed something. This was awfully fishy, but they didn't have time to wonder about it just now. "They're busy, and we don't have time to get to them, it's just us." Hopefully whatever opponent they were having to face wasn't too powerful, but between the three of them they ought to be just fine. Takeshi was more worried about Shu or T'charrl being hurt than anything, maybe he could make use of his sword to keep them safe. "Hang on, we're going fast!" he added, pushing much harder as they sped along.

This alien couldn't be that fast, not with his size. Dashing in swiftly the Saiyan dipped low, grinning as he easily evaded a set of rather nasty claws. Driving one kick into T'charrl's abdomen to knock him up the boy chased, driving a fist into his gut as well. "You're just a giant punching bag, you know that right?! I'll show you who is weak!" Laughing he began to throw a third punch, instead being smacked away by two strong swipes. Man those claws were sharp, they went right through his armor and managed to make some uncomfortable cuts across his chest. They weren't deep or even remotely life threatening, but they stung and were annoying. Covering his wounds with his hand for a second he glared up at T'charrl, a but curious seeing him as a bit more feral than before. "Heh... Lucky shot bug, but that's the last one you'll get. Now then..." Extending his arm he gathered another mass of Ki, firing a large attack at the Kaesstrian. "Goodbye!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The attacks had done a number on T’charrl’s insides, the Kaesstrian only lucking out when his underbelly was solid with a strong shell for skin; however, it was too much to brace and damaged him pretty badly. Furiously slashing at the Saiyan had been an automatic reaction to being assaulted and thankfully it had managed to make the Saiyan back off, the smell of blood quickly filling the air around him. Everything was going blurry, the kid’s taunts not going all that far as he slowly lost touch with the world. He was continuing to try and keep himself together as the world took a spin, his chest tightening uncomfortably and spreading. Backing off slightly, he was back on the ground and shifting away from the boy as he turned away from him a little with hands going to his chest. The orbs on his body were all beginning to glow, giving off an urgent pulse with each of them causing pain as if trying to force his body apart. Struggling to keep it contained, he looked back to the kid with angry eyes, his own sticky yellow blood dripping from between his sharp teeth as the attack came straight for him, threatening to blast him apart.

Shu wasn’t sure how their father would have possibly known they were heading home, nor could he think that even if he did there was no chance somebody could get there before them. It took them ages to get back home and if their father heard about them heading there then surely it would had taken a while for the Saiyan to arrive too. Maybe the Saiyan had been around on the planet waiting for them to arrive again, their father knowing they would eventually return. Maybe it was good that they went back home after all, even if it was just to find a stray Saiyan terrorising whoever they were after now, “I’m holding! I’m holding! What if they’ve been here the entire time??” he asked out, finding the wind a little hard to speak over, “We were away for ages…a-and they did arrive for Yumi one time…”

The Ki blast hit T’charrl directly where he stood, the shockwaves dragging behind from the force of the attack; however, the blast that had resulted not only didn’t explode violently but instead shifted erratically in the air before going back to its centre point. There was a lot of smoke as a result, the dirt well kicked up and a low hissing growl signalled that the Kaesstrian was still there. Through the fading smoke, two large glowing eyes pierced the dust and when it faded a burnt and damaged T’charrl still stood with singed fur and deep burns. Every orb on his body was glowing as he hissed through his teeth, his mouth slowly opening as blood drooled from his mouth. With one step forward his body began to flinch, his shoulders twitching with one final attempt at resistance before his back gave way and he hunched forward with a loud crunch as right down his back his skin split right open from where the first attack had scored.

T’charrl couldn’t stop it anymore and rather viciously his body began to expand through his burnt and damaged shell, the orbs growing rapidly beyond the size of his former body. Each growth spurt forced his shell to part and burn away, each of his arms bulging out into huge trunks with each forearm gaining several times the muscle mass to support what could only be a huge body. He looked pretty terrifying without fur and wings, his skeletal-like frame being packed with muscle as it spread from his limbs. His body just continued to grow larger, his lower abdomen growing to just over half his body length with a weight that would cause his large back legs to bend. Rearing up to beyond eight metres, he raised his limbs up as the orbs grew so large and rounded that they protruded out of his body like round globes, his huge eyes still glowing bright with power. As a thick and long tongue worked its way out between a gap through his huge sharp teeth, thick fur forced its way out of the hard chitin and covered him regally apart from his underbelly, his huge claws rearing down again as monstrous wings burst from his back. With massive claws that could crush the Saiyan in one grasp, it probably wasn’t a good idea to be anywhere near him as he reared forward and tried to chomp down the Saiyan in one bite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There was no telling where this Saiyan came from, neither of them had an answer for that. Shu might be right, this one could have been waiting the entire time for them to return. How a Saiyan had avoided everyone else this entire time, and not made himself known was a bit surprising, usually they caused a ton of havoc. "I don't know Shu... I really don't..." This was worrying, could there be more than one? For all they knew they could have come home to an enemy battalion waiting for them and this was just the start. Already going fairly fast he pushed himself a bit more, the house maybe just under a minute away now at this speed. "But we're going to find out!"

"This is just pathetic! What are you doing hanging around with the Princes, you can't fight!" He had only used a few simple blasts and the alien was all burnt up, how sad! He certainly wasn't a Saiyan, that much was obvious, and he couldn't even hold a candle to a baby by the looks of it. It was oh so rewarding seeing all of the damage caused, just one more blast could probably seal the deal. Readying up a final attack the Saiyan hesitated for a moment, not too sure what T'charrl was doing right now. Hissing and shuddering like that, was this how they acted near death? Grinning widely at that he formed a Ki blast which rather abruptly vanished when he saw what was truly happening. For no apparent reason whatsoever the alien began to grow in size, rather largely at that. All of a sudden all of that bravado and gusto was gone, and seeing the massive, twisted alien staring down at him now he really wasn't feeling this fight anymore. With a nervous chuckle the boy dropped his hands, "Uh... You're mad about those taunts... Aren't you...?"

Oh boy, yep! Feeling himself lock up with uncertainty the Saiyan stared wide eyed at T'charrl, totally lost as to how to handle this. Getting lunged at the Saiyan jumped back nervously, narrowly avoiding being munched on in the process. Gasping in fright he gathered Ki in each hand, tossing them fruitlessly at the Kaesstrian. Both hit easily enough, but more or less turned into puffs of smoke with no recognizable damage. No way... What he had just done to near kill the alien now wasn't even making a scratch. He really wasn't trained as a strong, single fighter, certainly not against an opponent like this. Quite nervous he flew up into the air a ways, forgetting all about the fact that the creature had wings. "S-Stay away from me, you monster!"

It wasn't very welcoming that the first thing Takeshi saw near his house were smoke plumes. Looked like someone was having an awful lot of fun blowing apart his property. Damn Saiyans, couldn't they go anywhere without causing a pain? It wasn't until they got much closer that he got an idea of what was going on. First spotting another kid flying through the air he tried to see if it was someone they recognized, not able to place him at all. The other figure there was big, gnarly, and... A b-bug! From going mighty fast to coming to a halt Takeshi stared wide eyed at T'charrl, shaking slightly. That was a really... Really big bug, and right now it wasn't exactly registering that it was their friend. Unable to make himself move he shook his head slightly, beginning to back away. "Uh... W-We should go..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The power surging through T’charrl’s body was incredible, his body practically at bursting point with it. Going from a lanky fluffball to giant muscular insect carrying orbs in its hide that might as well had been boulders. His anger and hatred towards the Saiyan had intensified greatly with his mind completely lost to his new form. Bending down and trying to snap at the little Saiyan, missing meant his snout drove into the ground, the earth parting from the impact. Snorting and pulling his face up from the ground, his head tilted slightly as the puny fighter made a disgustingly pathetic effort to pierce his hide with attacks that might had worked before. Snapping at him again, his head tilted sideways as he watched the creature try to fly away from him. Rearing up and swiping at the Saiyan, his powerful back legs soon went into action and pushed his large body into the air as the huge wings upon his back beat fast and lifted his massive body into the air, easily causing a tornado upon lift-off. His aim was to beat the kid out of the sky with his huge claws, but when his swipes missed he tried to vacuum in the air, his lower abdomen inflating as his lungs went to work.

Shu was worried when he spotted the smoke in the near distance, frowning when he noticed it was right near Takeshi’s house. The Saiyan must have targeted Takeshi and him, lying in wait for them to appear at the house again so they could capture them; however, that wasn’t the worrying part. The worst part was T’charrl had been down there training while they were away and the smoke easily indicated a fight. Gazing over Takeshi’s shoulder, he tried to see what was going on but as soon as Takeshi stopped Shu nearly flipped right off him with only his tail to stop him from being catapulted away, “Ah! Takeshi!” he squeaked, climbing back on to see what was going on. Staring at the sight beyond, he was suddenly silenced upon seeing the sight with no T’charrl to be seen; just a Saiyan flying for his life and a giant bug, “F-Friend T’charrl…?” There was no doubt that was T’charrl, it must have been the monster inside him he claimed he had and boy it was huge. Half-expecting Takeshi to fly for him, he looked to him when they instead began to back off, Takeshi suddenly getting cold-feet about being here, “Wha?? B-But that’s friend T’charrl! Something’s happened to him!” he squeaked, pulling at Takeshi’s collar, “Why are we not going to help??”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Oh crap, this was really bad! The alien was much larger than he was now and his Ki didn't seem to do a thing really. He wasn't supposed to be fighting something like this, he hadn't been told anything about this opponent. Taking to the air in hopes of avoiding being mauled the boy yelped seeing T'charrl take off as well, bouncing around in the air haplessly at the gusts his powerful wings created. Managing to evade several slashes from his elongated claws he thought he might be in the clear, but was in for a nasty surprise. Even while using Ki he found himself gradually come to a halt, then struggle to stay in place where he was. Looking at the Kaesstrian in shock he couldn't believe the cause, all he was doing was sucking in air! How the heck was that even possible? After a moment's fight the Saiyan found himself slowly inching forward, ever closer to those rather intimidating claws. If he got too close he was going to be torn to shreds, no doubt about that. Gathering Ki in each hand he did the only thing he could thing of, throwing a handful of blasts at T'charrl in hopes it would make him stop. "Get away! You're a monster!"

That might be T'charrl down there, but Takeshi still couldn't bring himself to go on. That tongue... The bristled fur, the blood seeping from his jaw... It was all so sickening. All he could do was hang there in the air mindlessly, staring on wide-eyed at the display. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't. His mind screamed at him to get in there and stop this but his body was totally frozen. Shu noticed this, shouting at him and yanking at his collar. Being roused slightly from his fright the older boy looked back at his brother somberly, shaking his head. "I... I can't Shu..." he replied, looking back at T'charrl, "I can't do it... I'm sorry..." He'd done it before, but that hadn't been expected, he'd wandered into it blind. Besides, even the last time it didn't seem as bad as this. There wasn't a chance in hell Takeshi was getting any closer than this, he'd have to be dragged. If it was any indication he was frightened he glanced at Shu, trying to ease his brother off of his back. "You go help... Y-You're his friend... Right? He'll listen to you."
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