Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was certainly a little curious about Kai, seeing him all alone in his room like this. His father must had been elsewhere on the ship, but if he knew anything about Saiyan relationships it was that the father didn’t do much with their children like their own father. Tilting his head a little, he smiled slightly before looking to Takeshi, bouncing a little when Kai accepted their food and offered them a seat on the floor. He was fine with wherever he sat for the food and did hope it was okay and well cooked, tilting his head a little as he slowly walked on over to the spot on the floor and sat down, looking to Takeshi as he shuffled a little on the floor, “I bet it’s fine! Maybe it’s fine…is it fine? I hope it’s fine because I am hungry after all that training”.

Kai wasn’t too bothered with testing the food and from looking at it the seemed cooked through, but he would still have a look at it and see since it meant he would be getting food without having to make it himself. There was certainly a strange plethora of meats and what looked like seared fruit, finding the combination to be odd. Looking up at Takeshi a little, he frowned slightly and shook his head, “I’ve been sleeping long enough…however long that is”, he spoke, giving the meat a quick analysis, checking it over before he gave Shu a quick glance, “Training? Just you two? Hmm, must had been fun”. Without much regard for his health, he picked up a steak and bit straight into it, looking on the inside before giving a shrug. The meat was fine and the rest seemed okay, it didn’t smell off either and the rawness was fine in the type of meat too. Letting out a sigh, he placed the meat back down on the plate, “Everything’s fine…the meat, that is. For Saiyans it’s easier to eat raw meat, but because it was chilled you were right to be cautious. What time of day is it, anyway?”

Viral was pretty angry still, his temper hardly curved as the blame was put on him for what happened. He did what Vegeta asked for him to do and ‘terrorizing’ wasn’t what he had hoped to hear after his display. The kid agreed to train with him and that was just what he was doing, at least until he turned into a big walking steak. There was a thing; if Vegeta was back there with the kid then the rest of the meat in the medical room was still there. The thought of eating those steaks had him on edge, finding it very tempting and just thinking about it sent him bumping into the wall. Growling a little, he shook his head before he looked back in Vegeta’s direction, giving him a pretty angry look. He was certainly quick to tell him to go to his room and not even bother to go with him after giving him a good telling off for losing it. It shouldn’t had been his fault that the kid was too weak to stand up against him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi felt a little silly, having to have his cooking approved by someone else. Truthfully he was in the dark about proper cooking techniques, roasting meat over the fire was about as simple as it got. Usually when he did that he cooked it pretty darn well, there was never any pink left over. Seeing all the different shades of meats though made him realize how lacking his own culinary skills were. Not that he minded terribly much, he got on with what cooking he could do. If nothing else for curiosity's sake he wanted to see how he had done, it being his first attempt. Kai didn't seem to mind terribly as they put him up to the task, not that he appeared to mind much of anything at the moment. Poor guy, how long had he been cooped up in his room alone? While rare Takeshi did in fact feel sympathy for other people, and he was experiencing it right now for the other boy. Choi and Yumi had been together near incessantly since they had all come back out to space, it was a small wonder two people who were always together might feel lonely when separate. Or at least Kai, he didn't have a girlfriend with him. Himself and Shu would probably be the same way if they were broken apart, in fact they had been.

"So it's okay...? It's really okay...?" Takeshi asked, smiling excitably. Alright, first attempt successful, what a relief. Albeit Kai wasn't exactly exuding enthusiasm, so maybe 'fine' was the equivalent of saying 'well it won't make me puke'. Either way, it was edible and that was all he cared about. Giving a nod for Shu to dig in he grabbed a steak himself, biting into it slowly as he wasn't sure of the flavors. A sweet steak was unique, to be sure, but not bad. Tearing off a bit he chewed it slowly, looking over at Kai. "Hmph...? Oh, it's uh..." he began, speaking through a mouthful of food. "On Earth it'd be around five in the evening, so late. In space though who knows?" Out here it was impossible to tell what time it was, time was basically irrelevant. They ate, slept and did things based on when they felt ready, that was it. No small wonder sleep had been tricky the first few days back on Earth. While nice to have some food in their mouths Takeshi was hard pressed to fully enjoy it, still bothered by Kai's loneliness. It reminded him so much of his own and Shu's and felt compelled to try and help it. "We might go train again, want to join us? Nothing serious probably, just some sparring. But we got room for one more."

Haku was shaken, but otherwise fine. For a Saiyan he really lacked a spine, if he weren't standing up straight he might not have one at all. He had to be strong, however slightly so if he was tasked with taking on Shu, Takeshi and T'charrl. Either that or the king was crueler than they thought and some nobody child had been sent to his demise. Giving Haku a patting on the back Vegeta opted to go after Viral, not before getting a nasty glare from him in the process. He supposed the Beastman had fair room to be bothered, he had snapped a bit there, but not without reason. Viral had shown a lot of promise in his control only to lose it, making Vegeta skeptical as to how in control he really was. Maybe it was a bit selfish too, but Vegeta had wanted to think he'd solved this, and finding out the contrary frustrated him. "Haku, go clean up, okay? Then find Takeshi and Shu again, they'll find something for you to do." They couldn't well let him wander about aimlessly, and while getting ordered around couldn't be very fun Vegeta doubted the kid was very new to that, all things considered. Waving partially he hurried after the Beastman, determined to settle things before they had a chance to fester.

After all of that at least things couldn't get any worse. Shy of having a hole blown in his chest Haku was positive he had weathered the lousiest that these people could throw at him. Now he had to go back to Shu and Takeshi yet again, that was no fun. Like Vegeta had said he really ought to shower, he could smell himself starting to sour from all the juices. Wrinkling his nose in disgust the Saiyan went off towards his own room, closer to that of the Princes and twins. For all the lousy treatment he was getting this was still better than being with the king's people without a doubt. Sure, he was basically an errand boy, but there was no being beaten around or made a joke of, the former only if he was training. Really it was a blessing, being with these people, or a blessing in disguise anyways. Haku didn't fully see it that way, nor did he think of these people as any sort of salvation, just the next group to boss him around. If it meant being safe and getting fed, plus a place to sleep he'd be a good boy, he supposed. Not like he had much choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was waiting patiently for Kai to test the food, hoping that it was all good and not poisonous. He did trust Takeshi and he knew he could make food, but he was still worried when Takeshi had been all worried as well. Staring at the food curiously, he watched as Kai gave it the usual tests and checked to see if it was alright by biting into it himself. Smiling a little, he let out a sigh when it was given the ‘okay’ before he turned to Takeshi, giving him a smile. Nodding, he too picked up some steak and began to chow into it, finding it to be absolutely delightful despite what Takeshi and Kai might think of it. Anything sweet was good with him and always a favourite, so having sweet and savoury mixed in was just a juicy meal. He was certainly feeling a lot happier this time round and he couldn’t see anything else that could make him feel as satisfied as this. Kai did seem to be a little down in the dumps, but maybe them being here would make things all better.

Kai was still feeling a little tired, he must had been sleeping for hours. He had been very lazy ever since Choi had been going out and about with Yumi all the time but he felt like he couldn’t help it. He was not stimulated to do anything by himself and sleeping the journey felt like the only solution to his problem regarding activities. Getting some free food was good enough for him to wake up, but he still didn’t feel the need to do much else once he had food. Taking his steak again, he slowly ate it with eyes directed down towards the plate, barely giving Takeshi a glance at the mention of the time, “Hmm, well we just came from there, so using the time from where we just were helps with sleeping patterns”, he sighed, shrugging slightly, “Even if it makes me feel lazy when everyone’s awake”. Feeling a little bothered by how lazy he had been lately, he glanced up at Takeshi, looking like he was considering the offer before he sighed, shaking his head, “I shouldn’t. Choi is probably not training and just showing off so I shouldn’t make our Ki uneven just because I’m bored”.

Viral was pretty annoyed with how long it was taking Vegeta to come over to him, finding it a little annoying that he was taking his time with that kid. He was very close to running off just to spite Vegeta for what he threatened him with, making it fairly easy to show up Vegeta and show he wasn’t going to end up maiming someone. It wasn’t his fault that the kid didn’t shower and smelled of raw meat. He did lose control easily, but it wasn’t his fault. Slowly standing up straight, he growled impatiently up until Vegeta finally started making his way over. Going back onto all fours, he huffed and eventually decided to walk onwards again with an angry sway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The steak wasn't too bad, if a little sweet. Takeshi had never had sweet steak before, had Kai not said anything he'd almost think it was bad. He'd eat it because he was hungry, but fruity steak was definitely not something he would be cooking again. Shu on the other hand looked like he was in heaven, munching away at the sweet, juicy slice of beef. Then again making that kid happy was fairly simple, it didn't take a lot to wow or impress him usually either. Glancing back over at Kai he watched their friend eat silently, wondering just how lonely he might be feeling. "Makes sense when you put it that way. I usually don't pay attention to time when we're traveling," he remarked, shrugging his shoulders. Kai looked to be really in the dumps, the least they could do was offer for him to join them. Takeshi wasn't sure what the other guy liked to do for fun, they had never exactly sat down like this and talked to one another. Sighing as the offer to train was put down he placed his steak on his plate, licking one of his fingers clean lazily. "Hm... He is training, he was with Yumi in the training hall," Takeshi said, "So if you're worried about your Ki being uneven or whatever I guess you've got to come train with us, huh?"

Vegeta sighed in slight annoyance as he followed a bit behind Viral. So much promise and he had to go and near eat the kid, so much for that. Back to square one he supposed, they needed to make damn well sure next time that they took more precautions. As he simmered down a bit Vegeta was more able to look at it a bit objectively, and foolishly he realized that the Beastman wasn't entirely at fault here. Food had triggered a more primal response in the laboratory before, and then that kid had been covered in raw meats and fruits, the former being Viral's main food. So it was a small wonder that when they fought he lost himself, in retrospect. "Viral... I think I owe you an apology," Vegeta called out, "I suppose now that I look at it you weren't entirely to blame for what happened. Maybe you should have removed yourself from the situation to avoid it altogether, I don't know. But apologies for singling the blame on you, that kid was at fault as well. And... I suppose myself to a smaller degree." In the future their training would have to be far more controlled to ensure Viral was capable of handling himself. Of course that ran the risk of losing said composure once introduced to a stimulus, so some exposure then was necessary. "Can you speak?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai didn’t fully know what made Takeshi want to cook a steak this way other than probably for his brother, but even then the kid seemed to be fine with normal steak before so that shouldn’t had been a complete factor in this whole situation. Either way, it was food or he was going to eat the food since it had been cooked as well as it could have been under Takeshi’s supervision. Eating quietly, he frowned a little at the mention of Choi training without him before he looked away with a shrug. That was a little annoying; Choi knew it would hurt both of them if they weren’t even on their Ki, not unless Choi was holding back with his training and letting Yumi win because he couldn’t fight properly. He was feeling pretty lost and his room was the only place he knew where to be. Looking to the other empty bed, he frowned a little before sighing with a shrug, “Fine then…okay. I’ll train with you two if you want me to. If Choi’s there then I guess whatever, unless he’s just amusing your friend with what we know…”

Continuing along in his stride, Viral only glanced back at Vegeta when he called out to him, finding it hard to believe he had an apology to deliver. It would had been an apology more for his convenience so that he didn’t feel bad about it, but in the end Viral couldn’t keep his mind together and had nearly eaten the kid. Grumbling with a shake of his head before he stopped, looking back at Vegeta in annoyance. He was never going to get this down in a few days, it was just impossible and yet Vegeta was half beating him for screwing up and half slapping himself for not realising the screw up still held under a number of factors. Huffing, he stared at him for a moment before trying to speak, coming out as a bunch of growls and hisses with his words being unrecognisable. Shaking his head momentarily, he grumbled as he rubbed at his throat, trying to work back his vocal chords before trying again, “…How…am I supposed to do thisss in a few daysss…” he spoke, coughing a few times as if hacking up a hairball before giving his head a shake again, “…That fish was a bad idea to give me…that week ago…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Come to mention it, Takeshi had never known the twins to train without one another. They did everything together, it was rare to see one of them by themselves like this. He supposed that was the effect Yumi was having on Choi, giving him ample reason to leave his brother alone. Really not the worst thing in the world, even if it was negatively affecting both Kai and Shu and Takeshi. Yep, definitely a selfish thought, but they would all be happier if those two weren't together, or rather, everyone but those two would be happy. Meh, this whole dating thing was just weird and disruptive. Kai didn't look fond of the idea of being left behind for training, and it was no wonder then he took up the offer to join the others. "I don't want to think about what they might be doing. Probably kissing or something," Takeshi remarked, grimacing and shaking his head. "I don't know if we want to use the training hall with them in there, that might get crowded. And actually..." he paused, chuckling as he rubbed at his nose bashfully. "I haven't a damn clue what we'll do for training. Shu and I did the afterimage technique earlier, and he already knows how to fly and use Ki, so we don't really need to learn anything. Either of you got any ideas?"

"No one said it would be easy Viral, we both know that it's an uphill battle," Vegeta replied, smiling slightly. Chuckling at the comment about fish he shook his head, waving a hand dismissively. "That couldn't have been what caused this. That form emerged for another reason, because it's certainly not the first, or last time you'll eat fish. Wishful thinking though, I wish it were that easy." Food definitely played a big part in this, that much was clear. Just the smell of it alone was enough to make the Beastman lose his sense of self, which meant in this form they'd have to keep him away from it. Without any outside influence Viral had control, but as soon as a stimuli was introduced he lost it. They had to find a way to either dampen the influence of food or remove it altogether, easier said than done. "Look, even though you lost your sensibility for a moment we've still made major progress. You can't deny that much, you can control yourself right now after all. Perhaps... A few days was wishful thinking, it might be more like a week, maybe two. But the fact remains you have improved and will only continue to. So don't beat yourself up, it's a process." Reaching over and clasping Viral on the back Vegeta started walking off again, placing a hand on his stomach. Well all this talk of food was making him hungry, poor timing on his part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai would ask Choi what he was up to when he was with Yumi, but he had a feeling that it was pretty private or Choi would be unable to explain himself anyway. It’s not like either of them had ever gotten a girl to like them, girls just didn’t like low ranking Saiyans like them so of course Choi wouldn’t know what to do with them once he got one. It made him feel a little jealous almost to the point of wanting to play the trickster and pretend he was Choi to get them to break up, but he could never hurt his brother like that; after all, with them both being in close range to one another again would mean they would both be feeling the hit and Choi may never forgive him. He was just being selfish; it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know what he was supposed to do with himself with his brother being happy, “There’s usually a few large rooms down on the same floor, some spare training rooms that are usually off unless the ship is carrying an army”, he sighed, finishing his steak, “Remember; this is a big ship. It’s designed to carry armies to planets so there’s not only one training room. The only thing you have to do is activate auto-repairs and switch them off again once it’s finished, otherwise you’re using power when you don’t need to”.

Viral shook his head, grumbling at Vegeta’s reply. It all wouldn’t had started if he had been left alone and not fed, causing it to manifest in the first place. He was pretty ill that night before his change occurred because he was fed. Whatever the reason Vegeta had in mind was probably just a theory, but he still thought it was because he was allowed to feel hungry again and now that ran rampant during his transformation, “I go into a state of madness in my strongest transformation…ever since I experienced madness myself. I just want to eat in this transformation because it was hunger that I was experiencing…and I don’t know how to ignore that. I don’t know how I’ll expel that and keep it away”. Who knew what he’d experience for his unlocked form for it to come out; the only time his first unlocked form was of near-solid state of mind was after his mind was wiped and even then he was cruel in that form. He didn’t know what else could be done to prevent this mentality from breaking down. Sighing, he scratched at his ear before looking to Vegeta when he touched his back before moving on again, deciding to go back on all fours and walk with him. He didn’t know what he was doing wrong or what was going wrong, but he did know it was his own mind that was to blame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It wasn't the most tasty of steaks in the world, but Takeshi finished eating it nonetheless. If nothing else it was a decent snack, they would definitely need to eat more later on. After everyone else had finished their training for the day perhaps they could get a real meal cooked, assuming the twins would be doing the cooking. Worst case scenario though he supposed he and Vegeta could cook, or attempt to anyways. "Oh, there's more than one training room? Makes sense I guess when you think about it." There was a lot of this ship that he hadn't seen, there hadn't been much reason to. Of all the rooms on board Takeshi had been in a quarter at best, there were just too darn many for the small size of their group. There were still two steaks left on the platter, no use in letting them go to waste. Tearing one of them in half he began to nibble at it slowly, still not digging the flavor very much. "Auto-repairs... Right, gotcha." How did they do that again? Vegeta had shown them in their regular training room but he'd sort of forgotten since then. Probably just a matter of hitting the right button on the panel, that was all. If not then Kai probably knew how to do it. "Might as well get going then, we've got time to kill before dinner anyways!" Takeshi added, smiling as he got to his feet, tossing the last of the steak into his mouth. "Mmm.... Shu? Got enough room to eat the rest of that? I'm done."

"Your strongest transformation... The dragon one, right? Yeah, that ones a puzzle in of itself. We've not even mastered this one and I have a feeling that will be on an entirely different level. Never mind your third, we haven't even seen that one." Not all was lost however, their one saving grace was Enki. That Viral seemed to be capable of controlling, from what he had been told by Yumi and the others. One of four wasn't astounding but at least they had something to utilize, and it very well may be the only thing for some time. "You can't experience hunger if you're not hungry, that goes without saying. So maybe the best way to avoid hunger in that form is to fill up before hand? Taking precautions like that could make a difference. Or... It could be a moot effort, hard to say. This entire business of transformations has be stumped, honestly." And being stumped was beyond frustrating. Inwardly Vegeta's mind was like a storm right now as he tried to make sense of all the information they had, and it wasn't easy. Bits and pieces didn't seem to connect at all and the transformations seemed more erratic and random than anything. Without saying that made no sense, he couldn't fathom why Ikura and his father would make something like that. Unless... "Viral... What they did to you, the Saiyans. Maybe they disrupted your ability to control yourself? What if there was a sort of countermeasure to keep you from going berserk, and they shut it off while they tampered with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai was more than a little confused to what he was supposed to be feeling right now and doing the whole training thing without Choi made him feel a little unsettled. He didn’t want to train without him but if he was doing that with Yumi then maybe it would be okay, but if their Ki was uneven then both of them would feel the effects. They would both feel dizzy and ill and would have to get them back the same again. It was like having an ear infection and Choi knew that just as much as Kai did. He’d probably not do too much with them, it wasn’t his place to be playing around with them if they were just taking pity on him for being all alone. Giving a little nod, he sighed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I’ll just get changed then”, he spoke, standing up and walking off to pick up some clothes. He didn’t want to get these clothes all dirty and would rather the standard outfit considering there were plenty of those lying around. Without much of a care he stripped down to his underwear as Shu chowed into the food, “…You know, next time you make food like that, you should probably make a backup incase you don’t like it. It helps greatly if you’re hungry and a Saiyan”.

Viral wasn’t even sure if his strongest form was a dragon for starters, but that wasn’t his biggest problem with it. He had a great deal of control with that form before but as his mind deteriorated it just got worse. He had control when the Saiyans had control over his mind, but of course that was because the Saiyans had conditioned his brain into thinking they were his masters rather than becoming a zombie like Shu. Feeling as if he should be off the ship somewhere to practice these forms, he felt pretty discouraged and wasn’t even sure how he was supposed to change back. The last time he changed back was because he ran out of energy and fell asleep, but he didn’t feel much like sleeping unless Vegeta really did decide to knock him out. Feeling confused and irritated, he grumbled lightly and shook his head, “I wasn’t hungry until I started changing…the change would only alter my mind if I don’t get food too…hmph, I’m a mess”. Feeling annoyed at all sorts of things, he walked along with his head low before he made a glance up to Vegeta at the mention of the Saiyans, frowning slightly, “If they did then I’ve also lost a lot because of them. I don’t know how to get either of them back. I am…not stable at all. I don’t feel much like eating my opponent on the battlefield in front of the kids if I have no means of control. Does that mean I need more risky brain surgery, or something…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Good, we'll give you some privacy then." Takeshi began to get to his feet, taking the platter with him as he did so. Before he had even begun to move for the door Kai had already stripped down to his underwear, making the older Prince blush indignantly and look away hastily. "Damn it Kai, don't do that in front of us! It's weird!" he complained, using one hand to shield his eyes. He never liked it when they had to change into their armor in changing rooms, it was always strange when he undressed with friends. Peeking through his fingers to see Kai finished Takeshi exhaled softly, giving Kai a scrutinizing look. "I wouldn't normally make this anyways, and I doubt I will again. Fruity steak is just weird..." Though Shu certainly seemed to be enjoying the dish well enough. Small wonder he was, he would probably eat a shoe if you slathered some fruit on it. They were all set to go, he supposed, and had at least a little bit of food in their stomachs to keep them going until dinner was ready. Hopefully there was enough left, otherwise they might have to defrost even more and wait until later to eat. Glancing at the tray in his hands he wondered what he ought to do with it, glancing at the window in Kai's room before shaking his head. "So nothing in mind for training? Want to just spar then?"

This couldn't be at all enjoyable for Viral, and it was showing. His own power was a mystery to him after all, goodness knows how infuriating that must be. Vegeta wasn't without sympathy, but he was also determined to see the Beastman regain his control. Not only had both his parents and Ikura tasked him with doing so but now it was a matter of pride. If he was really going to hold a candle to his father he had to be able to figure out his greatest creation, otherwise he might as well find another line of work. "I wouldn't say you're a mess... But it's certainly complicated," Vegeta said with a nod. "All we have to do is put the pieces together and delve a bit deeper and I'm positive that we will be able to figure this out." It might take a while, a long while, but they would get this. His only hope was they could do so in the time given to them by Viral's creator, otherwise it'd be a shameful return for them. "We are absolutely not resorting to brain surgery, I refuse to do that," he replied, frowning disdainfully. "They can't actually remove knowledge, that's impossible, but they can disrupt its flow by tampering with your mind. If we can find a way to undo what the Saiyans did then it all should come back rather easily. If the method proposed by Ikura to restore your memory prior to my parents' death can work then we may be able to use it here as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kai didn’t care that Shu and Takeshi were still in the room when he was changing, but he did think it was weird that Takeshi was making a fuss over it, “What? Are you worried you might see something?” he asked, looking over his shoulder before continuing to change, “Worried you might fall for me?” He didn’t have much of a care for it, especially when he often changed in front of others and it wasn’t like he was getting completely naked. Letting out a sigh as he pulled his tail through the hole in his trousers, fixing up his clothes before turning back to them, “Well, you can make a fruity steak…but you’d usually have it in a sauce or pick the type of fruit more carefully, maybe as a marinade. The problem is you’re not a cook and don’t know how to make these things”, he spoke, casually shrugging, “At least your brother likes it, so who cares; you did something good”. Heading over off back to Takeshi, he looked to Shu quickly to see if he was finished before back to Takeshi, “I guess we could spar, I mean…it’s you who is inviting me for this little excursion and I’ll be happy enough to do anything so long as it doesn’t make me sick. Choi is off having fun so…why…can’t I…”

Viral really wanted to hit something, give it a good whack and probably tear it apart in frustration. He was really questioning how he was supposed to control himself if this was going to be the pinnacle he could achieve while being aware of what was happening to him. Vegeta really needed to give him the answers to this, he had no idea otherwise and he was questioning why they were trying to control his forms. The Saiyans had left him in a mess and all these years of remaining locked up in the Capsule Corp without his creators meant it all seemed too late for him. Viral hoped this would all end soon, especially when he was feeling well embarrassed in his current form. Grumbling away to himself, he slowly shook his head before looking up to Vegeta, questioning his future motives to deal with this, “And how do you suppose you’ll do that…?” he asked calmly, sounding doubtful, “You realise that will be a while yet and my stability isn’t exactly getting better, right? It’s all going to end in brain surgery anyway…and you know it. What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Keep getting hit in the face and hope for the best??”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"W-What? No, of course I'm not going to fall for you! It's just weird how you do that!" Takeshi complained, frowning as he finally looked back at a now dressed Kai. He never had any problem doing it so it wasn't anything new, though it still was weird. Too comfortable around Choi probably and now he did it wherever. Thankfully they went back to the meal, he really didn't want to discuss whether or not undressing in front of friends was weird or not... Which it totally was anyways. "Sauce or marinade...? You have to wait a long time for marinades don't you?" he asked, disdain in his tone. "Ew, why would you wait to eat? I don't care how good the food might taste, it's quicker to do it this way." Fair enough point, Shu did enjoy it at the very least. So if they ever needed to feed the little guy just slap a few pieces of apple or something on a steak and he was good to go. 'Course it would probably take more than just one to fill him up, but preparation was a breeze. With the aforementioned boy all finished with his meal they could be off to train now, or whatever it was they were going to do. Takeshi didn't really have anything in mind, and apparently neither did Shu nor Kai. "Just thought I'd ask, give you a choice," he said, shrugging his shoulders. The latter bit made him frown, it made Kai sound pretty bummed out. "You can have fun without him, you know. It's not like you're bound to him or anything."

There would be no easy way to go about this, it was going to take even more time to uncover the secrets behind Viral's power. The fact both his father and Ikura hadn't given him straight answers to his questions was annoying Vegeta quite a bit. Why wouldn't they just tell him, were they expecting him to find out for himself? Surprise, he was lost, and he'd admit it. Perhaps he was over his head with this business, he had no right to be trying to unravel what took men far smarter than him years to accomplish, he wasn't a prodigy. Sighing dismally he glanced over at the Beastman as he spoke, not seeming at all enthusiastic anymore. "Therapy, medication, I don't know. I'll figure something out," he replied. "Your stability has improved, you're speaking coherently to me now. The first time you changed you were more or less feral, so you are better. It's not perfect... But it's an improvement." In the smallest regard, of course. They still couldn't trigger the change on a whim, and obviously going by Viral still being transformed they didn't know how to undo it either. The mention of brain surgery made Vegeta scowl, shaking his head before looking at Viral angrily. "I am not operating on you like that, so get the idea out of your head. That's how you got in this predicament in the first place, and there's far too many risks with tampering with your brain. We'll find another way to do it that doesn't involve slicing you open. As for what you're supposed to do... Just keep training. Who knows, maybe you can actually figure this out yourself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai frowned in annoyance, looking fairly insulted by his lack of culinary taste; he worked his entire life trying to make the best of the best meals for the King and now he gets this, “Why?? So you can get the best flavour! To appreciate the meal, to make art, a meal worth the attention of royalty…and you just say ‘ew’?” he spoke, taking it all to heart, “But if that’s how you feel about food and how I cook, then fine…I’ll throw a raw steak on your plate next time, get you to cook it yourself”. He didn’t feel like cooking for someone who was just wanting to stuff his face without fully appreciating what he has, especially when it was his life previously before he got drafted with his brother. He didn’t think Takeshi knew how difficult it was growing up in a kitchen where one bad meal could spell torture and mental breakdowns. Sighing, he pulled his collar a little as he thought about his brother, his aspect of fun without him being near non-existent, “Like how? Go and cook? Be a third wheel? I’m already being a third wheel just now, so what’s the difference?”

Viral was pretty lost to ideas and the only ones he could think of currently involved modification. It was all he knew when it came to altering him and changing aspects of him. He definitely had little regards to his well-being and didn’t care about what happened to him. Watching his paws as he walked along, he sighed lightly before looking up at Vegeta with a frown, “I can speak because I was determined to keep my ability to speak. I almost lost it because of that kid and it was hard coming back from that”. He didn’t know how to reverse his transformation or control himself during a change and him being in control just now was because he was being treated like a civilised being, helping his concentration. He had all sorts of urges running wild like the desire to scratch everything to bits, to batter Vegeta around and to eat lots of steak. Giving Vegeta a glare back, he frowned a little before letting out a grumble, “Oh good. Training…I’ll get right on that as soon as I change back again”, he grunted, looking away, “How else am I supposed to make a change to my mental and physical structure that’ll undo the damage the Saiyans caused…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"W-Wait what? No no no no, that's not what I meant at all!" Takeshi stammered, shaking his head. "I just mean I don't want to put all that effort into cooking myself! You know? I mean, why do all of that when I'm used to just cooking things over a fire! If you want to do it for us then I won't stop you." He really didn't want a still bloody, uncooked steak on his plate. There was a lot that he could eat, raw beef was not one of those. Smiling uneasily as he pressed his fingers together Takeshi chuckled lightly, "So uh... Sorry? Cooking's not really my thing, I don't know a lot about it, I'll admit that." Food crisis averted, hopefully, maybe now they could focus on what they were actually going to do. Kai wasn't so much focusing on the 'what' though as he was being miserable, unfortunately. Still giving an uncertain smile Takeshi shrugged his shoulders, itching at his nose. "Well, uh... We can do something that doesn't make you a third wheel...? Like..." If they couldn't train then there wasn't a whole lot else he had in mind, that was basically all they did. That and play, though somehow he figured Kai wouldn't appreciate their childish games quite as much. Training it was then, either that or they sit around and play cards, something Shu probably didn't have the attention span for. "How about we go see what Choi and Yumi are doing? And if they're done maybe you and him can spar with me and Shu? I want to see who the stronger pair of brothers are!"

Vegeta wished he had the answers for Viral, then they wouldn't be here bickering like this. What he did know was minimal, unhelpful and perhaps even incorrect, so there wasn't a whole lot to go off of. Both of them were frustrated and with no clear solution in sight that was only going to continue. "But you managed to come back to it, which means you're not completely gone once you've become more primal. That's a good sign too, that you can be brought back. If we can prevent you from ever reaching that point to begin with, now that would be ideal." A lot more information was going to need to be gathered in order to figure out how that would happen. Vegeta was precariously close to deciding to study Viral in a controlled environment, hardly a fitting place for his friend but perhaps necessary. He was a scientist, sure, but not a biologist and certainly not a neurologist. What he did know was minimal and barely touched upon the complex nature of the Beastman's being. It was like having to teach yourself calculus while being in middle school, no easy feat. "Anything that was been done mentally can be reversed or suppressed. If they managed to 'flip off' your ability to handle your transformations then there's no reason we can't reset it. If I've learned anything thus far it's that your memory and power has been tampered with, which is a clear indication it can be done again. If I can figure out how they did it I can undo everything, restore your memory and give you full access to your abilities."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai didn’t like having his ability as a cook demeaned like that, especially when he was supposed to be part of a team keeping them all alive with proper cooking. There was no way Takeshi could last by himself with these preserved foods and everything else that was not as easy to cook as holding it over a fire. He was not all that happy with that and Takeshi was trying his best to recover from it, giving him a frown in return before he sighed, shaking his head, “No wonder you have no taste if you think barbequing is the best thing in the world to have, especially on a ship”, he mumbled, looking away, “Smoke on a ship is not a good idea and you know that”. Finding it difficult to see past the whole idea that he was just there because they didn’t like seeing him lazing around, he frowned a little at the suggestion of seeing Choi and Yumi, “Look, I don’t want to end up disturbing them either. My brother’s been hanging around me enough and it would be disrespectful if we showed up crashing his date. Let’s just find a room and I’ll show you things or you show me things and then we can spar or do that the other way around, okay? There’s plenty of big rooms we can do in for ourselves”.

Vegeta did hope for a lot, but Viral had little hope that it would work at all. He had only been brought back because he wasn’t too far gone when he intervened, but who knew what he would be like if he did that and ended up losing it completely to the point where he needed to be completely knocked out. He was definitely not having that happening, especially in front of Yumi or the others. If he changed into his strongest form on the ship then they’d probably be done for, not unless Yumi can talk him down from it. Grumbling a little, he looked to Vegeta a little, “Well, you better come up with a good plan because I’m just the subject! I can’t do this by myself unless you want me to go out of control. Only the collar managed to keep me under control after they changed me”. He didn’t know what else to do and trying to think in this form was pretty difficult, especially when trying to think up all these different technical problems and how to fix them, “But how do you know that would work? How do you know any of that will work?? Who says they can be restored?? You think just because your parents say something can be done that it’s true? I am very dangerous and only you stand in my way”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Hey... Don't bash barbequing... It's really good," Takeshi said in a deflated tone. "Just because I don't have your training or know-how doesn't mean I can't cook something good." Besides, he'd gotten on perfectly fine thus far just cooking things on an open flame, so why should he bother learning how to do things any differently? "And I know smoke on a ship is bad. I'm not a complete moron." And now he was getting all annoyed, that wasn't at all what they were going for. Okay then, probably best to just move on and focus on what it was they were going to be doing. Perhaps going to see Choi wouldn't be such a bad idea, seeing how lonely his twin was. Or maybe that was the worst thing to suggest. "Oh come on, it's not like he'd mind his brother showing up," Takeshi began, pausing briefly before looking at Kai surprised. "Wait, they're on a date? Like... A date date? I mean they're going out and all, but..." Huh, that just seemed weird. The idea of the two of them being lovey-dovey was kind of funny, he almost wanted to drop by just to spy on them. Shaking his head and dismissing the thought altogether he motioned for Shu and Kai to follow as he took the lead. "I guess we can show each other any techniques we picked up. I'm sure we've each got something new by now."

"We'll work on it so you can do it by yourself. Sorry, it's a little rash of me to expect you to have a handle of it so soon, I'm getting too far ahead of myself." They had to figure this out, no way was Vegeta going to accept failure. He'd take as long as need be to uncover what they were missing, he had to learn what was happening and fix it before they saw his parents again. He didn't want the first thing that he'd be feeling upon their return to be shame for not helping Viral, no way in hell was he having that. It was awfully hard though, trying to contend with so many things when he didn't know anything about them. "I... Can't be certain if any of it will worth, everything is theory right now. But we won't know until we try, right? I refuse to just let this go on if there's anything I can do about it. If you can't be hopeful about this then fine, but I'm not giving up on you yet." The comment about his parents bit, perhaps harder than it should have. Vegeta very nearly lashed out at Viral for saying that, instead giving him a terse reply. "I'm fixing you, that's that." If he was the only one that kept Viral from going rampant then fine, he'd keep himself in the storm's path for as long as he had to. If anyone else was hurt then it was due to his failings, he refused to accept that as a possibility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai was a little annoyed by Takeshi, sure, but he was sure he was not entirely stupid when it came to cooking and shouldn’t end up destroying the kitchen with his cooking ‘skills’. The guy was pretty useless when it came to creating things and that much was obvious when it came to the food, but at least his brother liked it well enough. The problem with the food was he should had soaked it in the juice and then thicken it to make it into a pretty nice glaze, but instead he just smothered it all on the meat and hoped it would come out well. He should really learn how to do things properly if he was to cook in the kitchen, not just because his brother might be hungry or something. Feeling as if his cooking skills meant nothing, he frowned slightly and shook his head, “I’d believe that once you cook something that everyone will like that’s not just a slab of meat roasted over an open flame”. Sighing a little, when Takeshi responded in surprise he simply looked up at him and nodded a little, shrugging, “Yeah, a date-date. He’s real happy”, he spoke, frowning, “He doesn’t even know what that means but that’s what it is. We weren’t exactly popular with anybody, so having someone who likes you is a big deal. I don’t want him getting angry at me because I wrecked his date”.

Viral grumbled at Vegeta’s response, giving his head a quick shake. It was such a short time and he was already expected to perfect his control as soon as possible when he had no idea where to start with it. He needed to work hard to try and get onto their level and hope that maybe he might find control that way, just to try and train up and hope he might be able to control his abilities. He was not confident at all and Vegeta’s words weren’t exactly helping either. Everything he said just sparked doubt in his mind like a massive shadow looming over his darkened future. Letting out a hissing sigh, he glanced up at Vegeta and let out a grumble, “Hmph! Sure you will…” he mumbled, looking away, “Howabout you start by thinking about what you’ve got planned for me now? I want this fixed and if you’re going to fix me then do you mind getting on with it? I’m not enjoying walking around like this…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takeshi huffed angrily and glared at Kai, balling his hands into fists before pointing at the Saiyan in frustration. "I can cook just as well as you can! I was trying to be nice, but if you're going to insult my barbeque then I won't stand for it! My fire cooking is just as good as any of your fancy pants stuff, and it takes even less time too!" He couldn't help but get all riled up, he was trying to be modest and all that did was make Kai insult his food more. Hmph, maybe now he would take some cooking lessons just to spite Kai, then they would see who was the better cook! Annoyance quickly dissipated and turned into surprise when Choi being on a date was brought up. Now that through Takeshi through a loop, even though it should have been pretty obvious. Expressing his surprise he began to lead them towards another room, hopefully one big enough for them to really move around in. "Choi and Yumi on a date... Huh..." he mused, cocking his head to the side as he tried to envision what it was like. Weren't dates supposed to be all romantic and crap? Nothing on this ship exactly screamed romance, at least not in his mind. Scratching at his head Takeshi glanced back at Kai, a small smile forming on his lips. "Alright, we won't bother him. But now I'm starting to think we need to find you a girl too! And I need one while we're at it..."

They had a lot of work ahead of them, himself and Viral. It was a good thing there was now a crew to maintain the ship, otherwise Vegeta wasn't sure he would be able to set aside the time needed for this. Training wasn't the only thing they were going to be doing of course, tests would be run and observations would be made, any number of things to get to the bottom of this. Whatever was coming he was determined to see it through, he'd tackle each new problem with everything he had and wouldn't relent until it was overcome, one way or another. Viral, unfortunately was skeptical of his willpower. "Don't you dare doubt me Viral, you know how I get. If I say I'm going to solve this then dammit I will, it just may take a little while longer than I firs thought." Running on a deadline didn't help either, though in a way it helped him to work even harder. Looking to the Beastman for a moment Vegeta smirked, stepping closer and nodding his head. "Fine, want me to fix you?" he asked, reaching down and giving Viral's ear a playful pluck, "I can't imagine why, you seem to be thoroughly enjoying yourself like this." In all seriousness though they probably should get him to normal, though there was one small dilemma. "How about we get to your room before you change? I've seen you without clothes before, it won't phase me, but what about everyone else on the ship?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Kai stared at Takeshi’s finger before looking to his face, looking unimpressed by his bout of anger. He was really hard set on defending his ‘barbeque’, even if it was just cooking meat over an open fire. It was hardly a big deal and he knew a variety of sauces that would make it much tastier, especially when searing meat could either make it too raw on the inside or tasteless, probably tasting more of smoke than actual meat. Letting out a sigh, he looked away a little in disbelief, “’Fancy pants stuff’? It takes less time because it’s either half-raw or overcooked, but if that’s how you like it then who am I to say what would taste better?” Shrugging a little, he still couldn’t help but feel distracted over what he was supposed to do without Choi, feeling a little lonely as a whole swarm of realisations came tumbling down on him; if things got serious between Choi and Yumi then that was it for him, he’d be left behind. Feeling a little distracted over that reality, he barely realised Takeshi was talking again and looked to him after a few seconds, “Oh, uhh…nah. I mean, do you see any other girls around here?” he spoke, looking around himself, “Besides, I’m not into the whole random date thing. It’s even harder when you’re a twin as well, even though Choi seemed to had struck it lucky…”

Viral wasn’t looking forward to doing any of this at all, he still had his mental health to sort out too and if his medication got in the way and made him too out of it then he was going to fall behind pretty hard. It was especially bad when a lot of this involved pain, even if he was not going to die from it. It was hard enough trying to get into this form and he didn’t exactly feel happy about doing that everytime he needed to use this form or practice with it. Looking to Vegeta in annoyance, he grumbled and shook his head, “I can doubt you until I see progress! This isn’t progress yet…” Stubbornly holding his ground, he remained looking fairly annoyed but growled in annoyance when Vegeta pulled his ear, quickly shaking his head, “Enjoying myself?? I’m hairy, I have a tail, I have a snout…” he grumbled, holding up his paws, “And then I have these! You try holding things with them!” Not in the mood for jokes, he let out a huff and shook his head, frowning slightly, “I don’t want to change back in front of others so I’d rather my room…even being without clothes around you is unsettling”, he muttered, lowering his head a little, “I hate that. I only manage to keep them if I had my blade and changed fast enough! It’s so embarrassing…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

All of Takeshi's defensive ranting hadn't done much to Kai, and that probably bothered him even more than having his cooking insulted. While rather close to going on a tirade he managed to keep himself quiet, instead deciding it was time to get moving. Mph, his cooking was plenty fine, he and Shu ate it all the time. T'charrl didn't seem to mind it either, so he certainly wasn't a bad cook. Stupid chefs, they cook for some king and they think they know everything. Kai was much too preoccupied with the whole Choi and Yumi situation anyways, it was hard to have any sort of conversation with him when he was like this. Looking over his shoulder at the other boy he smirked, getting the idea to find him a girlfriend too. That suggestion didn't hold a lot of merit apparently, though it was a fair point, there were no other girls on the ship. "Not on the ship no... But hello, we're traveling the universe here, we can kind of shop around a bit, you know? Find someone you like." Some aliens weren't half bad to look at in his experience. That girl Sasha, she was kind of pretty and she wasn't human nor Saiyan. Giving a roll of his eyes Takeshi smacked his own forehead, smiling as he shook his head slowly. "Kai, you've got to date around to find a girl, you can't just hope the right girl is just going to drop into your arms. Choi did get lucky, though I don't know if getting paired with Yumi is considered lucky or not..." He wouldn't want to be the one to forget their anniversary or anything.

"It is progress, whether you accept it as that or not. The fact you're coherently speaking to me and controlling your actions right now is proof enough of that. What you're looking for is out of our reach right now." Progress was clear as day, you couldn't just say it wasn't there and make it true. It was almost reluctant ignorance that kept Viral from appreciating his improvement, either that or his mind was so clouded he just couldn't see or appreciate it. Having a little fun was evidently out of the question as well, all it served to do was anger Viral even further. "There are worse situations you could be in, you know. I don't doubt it's an inconvenience, but relatively speaking you're perfectly fine. As for your paws... Well I can't say I envy you there. I wouldn't be able to work with those, and goodness knows I'd go insane if I wasn't able to do anything." Considering that Viral was essentially naked right now it was probably best they get him back to his room, no reason to have him strutting about bare. The last thing Vegeta needed was for someone like Shu to see the Beastman in his birthday suit and start asking question. "I'll wait outside while you get dressed then, alright? First of course we've got to get you to change back, otherwise I don't imagine your clothes are going to fit you all that well."
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