Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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"Hm? I know that, silly guy!" Yael said, flirtatiously, poking Blake, the guy who pushed her. She seemed to change completely, from a clumsy, nervous female to a flirty, incredibly brave and stubborn girl. Why? Because she heard the word Alpha, and that was what completely changed her. She raised an eyebrow at Blake, completely forgetting about what just happened. She pretty much was bipolar, except she had a trigger word. And if someone figured it out, then she was completely vulnerable to almost everything.

Her original personality was the socially awkward, constantly nervous girl for sure, but her other one; the Alpha bugger, that was the one that she wanted to be. "Blimey govna, youer the biggest bloodey idiot I've ever seen in my bloodey life." Suddenly she's Welsh. Oh, that was stupid. "Bye, guy." She said, waving at Blake while walking to the front of the academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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"Thank you for your answer, Mr..."
"IRANDI." He introduced himself, "MAN, I'M SORT OF HUNGRY. WHAT KIND OF GRUB DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE? I HOPE THEY HAVE SOUFFLES. OH MAN HAVE YOU TRIED A CHOCOLATE SOUFFLE? I SHOULD TRY TO GET INTO COOKING AND BAKING." Ineko went on. Before he could continue, the six drones he had launched before had come back. They hovered in front of him, interrupting his talk about food and the culinary arts. One drone beeped once. Four of the drones landed on the floor, making the four corners of a square, a bright blue holographic square appeared. The other two drones then began to construct the lay of the land, buildings and all, creating a holographic map of the entire area.
"OH. THAT WAS QUICK, GOOD JOB KIDDIES." Ineko said to his drones. They chirped happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

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Gideon shrewdly watched those around him, it seemed many of them were already making good with their conversation. Gideon wasn't good at talking, he was good at protecting his clients, like his father. A sudden sneeze swept through Xovos's body, causing him to reflect upon catching a cold in the relatively cold weather. The wet air definitely had an odd taste to it, contrasting from the warm, arid air that usually filled his lungs. Getting used to the conditions, much less the people, would be a difficult feat indeed.

While Xovos wandered the area, following most of the crowd, his eyes settled on a man in a metallic looking suit and a girl, though eventually a hologram appeared in front of the armored figure. Approaching through the crowd, Gideon brushed his way past the flowing traffic until he came to the opposite side of the hologram from where the two were. Without acknowledging them he simply stared at the hologram, his high intensity gaze focused on the display of light. Silently noting the buildings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Beliya stood there for another minute as the man continued to yell. His voice sounded odd, as if it were being broadcasted through a loudspeaker...it didn't really seem like his tone of voice warranted his volume...maybe that's just how loud his suit made him speak. She didn't know, and she didn't particularly feel like asking would yield positive results. Simply brushing off the possibly insane man's banter, she simply said: "I'm Beliya, pleasure to meet you...and I'm not sure if they have souffles here. If those drones are not your..." her speech was interrupted by Irandi's drones projecting an entire holographic map of the area before them, and it looked fairly accurate.

"How are they doing that?" She asked, deciding that everything before the 3-dimensional map was fairly irrelevant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phillmyster


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Bye guy”
Blake stood there stupefied, It's as if the Girl he was talking to before had completely disappeared and had been possessed or something along those lines, was that even possible? Or had he been tricked? Well in the end it didn't even mater, she gained confidence and that's all that matters, but then, was it his words that inspired courage in her? Yeah, that would explain it.
Lost in that train of thought Alpha left and was now no were to be seen, well, at least as she was that confident he didn't have to worry, but was going to keep an eye out for the poor thing, who knew how long her courage would last.
Looking around some more Blake found the guy with the armor and the big sword again, this time he was sitting in a bench. Still curious, he approached him again
“Hi there, I'm Blake Silverheart, I caught a glimpse of your sword and it looks like a piece of excellent workmanship, but I couldn't help but wonder, why does it glow like that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gideon's view of the three dimensional map is punctuated by what looks like a brown stick disturbing the right side of his vision, at first it's against his cheek, before the end of it distances from his jaw line, then comes in for a swift strike. Gideon ducks with a rather large frown, then returns his assailant's initial move with a swifter punch to the gut, he's met by what feels like an immovable pillar, a heavily grounded man taller, and more fibrous than the boys and girls he's seen. Gideon lets out a light sigh when he looks up at his attacker, his friend. "What do you want, Atlas?" he questions, his fist still grounded in the man's stomach, it's ejected when Atlas laughs, and pulls the handle of his hammer away from it's temporary home: the jaw line of a girl, but she appears unharmed, to her the heavy impact of the handle felt like a mere tap. Atlas sighs, and lets the heavier end of his hammer drop to the ground, while the handle stands erect towards the sky, shimmering in the light. "To meet my best friend, of course!" the cheery Atlas retorts, sending Gideon a sharp pat on the back.

Gideon scoffs at his old friend's display, his exposed stomach, his massive scarf, the arsenic head band wrapped around his small head (in comparison to his body), he decides to remain silent, Atlas, however, asks him: "How's the family?" while he kicks his hammer onto it's side, but oddly enough, the surface of the 'Fenris Wolf' 's handle never makes it to the ground, it stays slanted at a 70 degree angle while Atlas walks up it's surface, light as a feather, he stands on his war hammer's thin handle without swaying against the wind, or the awesome power of gravity while he waits for Gideon's response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gideon's view of the three dimensional map is punctuated by what looks like a brown stick disturbing the right side of his vision, at first it's against his cheek, before the end of it distances from his jaw line, then comes in for a swift strike. Gideon ducks with a rather large frown, then returns his assailant's initial move with a swifter punch to the gut, he's met by what feels like an immovable pillar, a heavily grounded man taller, and more fibrous than the boys and girls he's seen. Gideon lets out a light sigh when he looks up at his attacker, his friend. "What do you want, Atlas?" he questions, his fist still grounded in the man's stomach, it's ejected when Atlas laughs, and pulls the handle of his hammer away from it's temporary home: the jaw line of a girl, but she appears unharmed, to her the heavy impact of the handle felt like a mere tap. Atlas sighs, and lets the heavier end of his hammer drop to the ground, while the handle stands erect towards the sky, shimmering in the light. "To meet my best friend, of course!" the cheery Atlas retorts, sending Gideon a sharp pat on the back.

Gideon scoffs at his old friend's display, his exposed stomach, his massive scarf, the arsenic head band wrapped around his small head (in comparison to his body), he decides to remain silent, Atlas, however, asks him: "How's the family?" while he kicks his hammer onto it's side, but oddly enough, the surface of the 'Fenris Wolf' 's handle never makes it to the ground, it stays slanted at a 70 degree angle while Atlas walks up it's surface, light as a feather, he stands on his war hammer's thin handle without swaying against the wind, or the awesome power of gravity while he waits for Gideon's response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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"How are they doing that?" Beliya asked,
"OH, WELL MOSTLY IT'S LASERS INVISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE ON DIFFERENT WAVELENGTHS, WHEN THE LASERS CROSS THEY FLARE UP AND BECOME VISIBLE." Ineko began, gesturing with his hands to a drone that had flown up to him. He pointed out the small emitter next to the camera lenses. "LOTS OF INTERFERENCE AND DIFFRACTION GOING ON HERE. THE BASIC MATHEMATICAL MODEL I USED WAS T=kUoU*r+k|Ur|^2+k|Uo|^2+kU*oUr." He explained, throwing out the equation casually as if he spoke like this all the time. Before continuing, he paused for a second, looking at the reactions of everyone present. "WHAT? YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE LASER BASED HOLOGRAMS EVERYWHERE?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oliver planted his foot firmly on the ground as he hopped off of the airship and onto the grounds of Beacon Academy. His nose twitched ever so subtly as he took in a most comforting breath of fresh air. Of course following this pleasant reunion between Oliver and fresh air, was an obnoxious sigh of satisfaction. "Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! Nothing like smellin' the good 'ol scent of mother nature." Oliver enthusiastically stated. His arms stretched straight out above his head seconds after, embracing the air even more then he previously had. His smiled vanished near instantly as he remember why we was here, his face going from a bliss to null in a heartbeat. His hands curled into tight small fists, and his arms were slowly brought to his chest in excitement. Oliver burst out with joy as he voiced and expressed how he felt."I can't believe I'm actually at Beacon academy. Legally too!! I've always dreamed of coming here, and now my fantasies are coming to life! I can't wait to see all the things they're going to teach me, like fighting, taking down monsters, survival!" Oliver said very quickly, all while throwing punches at the air and smiling uncontrollably.

"But wait...What if I'm not ready? What if I choke just before fighting a monster? What would happen if I was to weak to fight for my life?" Oliver whispered with dread. A single drop of sweat accumulated on his forehead and tried to escape by rolling down Olivers now blushing cheeks. Oliver looked around nervously, as if everyone in the school was about to jump out of a bush and laugh in his face fore being a failure. His eyes landed on a holographic layout of the school grounds."So cool..." Oliver said as nervousness diminished and curiosity replaced it. It wasn't just the hologram that caught his eye, though, but everyone around him. There was a man in full suit of cool looking armor, a girl with beautiful pink hair behind him, a brute of a man with a hammer just across the way. Not to mention the magnificent architecture of the school. This place, when actually examined, made him speechless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Beliya stared at Ineko blankly at his explanation of the exact mathematics behind making a holographic projection, and she could have sworn her brain cells slowly burning up trying to understand it. She was studied, but that...that was beyond even her studies. Then again, she never did like math much... regardless, this at least proved that this Ineko was far smarter than she took him for, not only a capable pair of hands, but a brilliant intellect lying behind that helmet. Seemed like good partner material. No doubt someone like him would serve well, someone as ingenious and resourceful as him would match well with her. Looking around, she noted the reactions people were having to the projection, and turned back to Ineko, saying: "Honestly, I've never seen something like that...intriguing. Anyway, I'll see you around, Ineko." She would turn to go towards the main assembly building, though she would turn back for a moment to add: "Good luck on the entrance exam."

Within a few minutes she would reach the assembly building, and wait for the assembly to begin. She noted a rather large man with a glowing sword, but thought nothing of it; everyone had odd weapons here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoktorSchnabel
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DoktorSchnabel The Kind Berserker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well after narrowly catching the ship with a thrown bear trap, climbing his way up the chain that is attached to said trap, and then crawling in through a window made difficult by the small window size and his huge body size, he finally made it aboard. The “slipping through the window” part of that whole excursion was the most difficult, due to the window being about the length of Brucey’s legs, when in a crouched position… He definitely was stared at for a good while, that is something Brucey noticed and regretted, he has always been an attention grabber due to his size which more than anything makes him feel uncomfortable. After righting himself and walking over to a few seats, he examined them and decided not to take a seat as to refrain from breaking the seat, or at the least bit weakening them. Deciding to stand he looked out the window and admired the passing ground, and the approaching Building which he assumed to be the academy. Brucey admired the sheer size of the building never seeing a structure so big before in his life.

“The doorways are probably taller than average”, Brucey mouths out but doesn’t actually put any air in order to make auditory speech.

He notices a few eyes still burning holes through his body with their gazes, he shrugs as if to dislocate their eyes from his body to no avail, he really wished the person explaining to him what to look for had said “airship” instead of just “ship” since he was looking for a sea-dock rather than a hangar, that would have spared him the embarrassment of being so late as to have climbed via chain into a window,

“How silly, how foolish of me.” Brucey again, mouths out.

He notices the massive structure now dominates most of the window, the “airship”, is landing.He decides to wait until everyone else gets off first taking with him only the steamer trunk tied with rope to his back...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

KabenSaal said
Trico giggled softly. "you know, most people treat their dream guy a bit nicer" she said, playfully teasing the girl. A large iron staff hung from her back, a good six foot in total, and swayed when she held up her hand to grasp the offered appendage. "Trico Kunrai, It's lovely to meet you dear, but don't worry about him. He will take away from this that a beautiful girl randomly attacked him because he was so handsome he makes that kinda stuff happen. Guys love putting a spin on crap like that" she told Priscilla, shaking her hand, and trying not to crush it."So, Beacon. Big place of Hunterness and learning. Is the guy you where kicking in your dream someone that you want to be a Huntress to kick? Or do you just dream of kicking guys a lot?" She asked.

"It's nice to meet you." The pink haired girl said now taking her hand back. "He wasn't a dream guy or anything.....heh. He was just...well.
Someone evil and I had to kick his butt!" Priscilla said smiling at the girl, who seemed to be very nice and all. "I hope that guy is alright though. I sometimes move alot when I am sleeping and I tend to ...um do actions in real life as I am doing in my dream." She sighed looking around and bitting her bottom lips and turned back to the girl. "And no! I jus- I dont know. Ima just go explore a bit or something. See you later? Unless you want to come with me?" It was nice having a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Tai stood now in the fresh air of Beacon, a gaggle of students about, moving past towards the school, meeting, talking. He refrained form that for the moment, instead walking over to the side of the path and dropping down into a crouch. He reached down and picked up a handful of dirt, feeling it and it's texture, letting the individual grains and clumps slip through his fingers until there was none left. He sighed, imparting what information he could from it. At least the grounds seemed well taken care of, for the most part.

He rose then again, his meteor hammer in separated form knocking against his side yet doing no damage thanks to his aura and him being used to the familiar weights. He walked along casually, just watching, and listening. He was not one for hasty action, so he would observe, listen, and then move. Still, he knew they had to get to the main hall for the entrance ceremony relatively soon.

And honestly, he was a tad worried. A lot of these people seemed...eclectic, to say the least. It left him more than a little worried as to what would happen, and the fact that he would have to deal with these people as his classmates. Oh well, it would probably work out somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

paigesweetheart said
"It's nice to meet you." The pink haired girl said now taking her hand back. "He wasn't a dream guy or anything.....heh. He was just...well.Someone evil and I had to kick his butt!" Priscilla said smiling at the girl, who seemed to be very nice and all. "I hope that guy is alright though. I sometimes move alot when I am sleeping and I tend to ...um do actions in real life as I am doing in my dream." She sighed looking around and bitting her bottom lips and turned back to the girl. "And no! I jus- I dont know. Ima just go explore a bit or something. See you later? Unless you want to come with me?" It was nice having a friend.

Trico smiled. "He was a guy, in your dreams. So he is your 'dream guy' even if he is evil." She explained, before thinking. Knowing her way around would be helpful, and this Priscilla girl was so cute when she bit her bottom lip. "So, no dreams of kicking guys. I hope you don't dream of kicking me. I mean, it probably wouldn't do much but still, I don't think I want to get kicked." She again teased Priscilla before smiling. "I would love to come with you. It'd be great to get to know my way around with someone"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A few other students passed him while he was in his bliss riddled trance. It wasn't until a faint explosive noise glided through the air, reaching his sensitive ears. They perked up. They rose above his head pin straight. He listened attentively, his dog ears twitched a little as they tried to find the noises origin. He had no luck. Being a faunus, Oliver had some of the perks his counterpart animal would have, such as enhanced hearing and smell. Oliver quickly dismissed the noise and slouched a bit,"I thought there was going to be something epic..." Oliver whispered to himself as he sulked. Oliver looked down at his watch to see the time. His eyes widened so much they looked like they were going to pop out of his skull,"Oh! The assembly with begin shortly, I better get there so I can get a good spot in the building!" Oliver said. Oliver picked up his things from the cleanly swept stone walk away that lead to the main building. He had accidentally dropped his things when he got excited.

Oliver, about to walk off, stopped his train of thought as he noticed two girls walking off the airship and onto the school grounds. They were both very pretty, especially he one with the pink hair. "Woah...If all the girls at beacon are as good looking..."Oliver gulp as his unwanted nervousness returned....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla smiled and nodded at the girl. "Alright! Leeets goo!" She said throwing her hands up in the air excitedly and turned around now walking away, as she did. She noticed a guy(Oliver) and decided to give him a smile and wave at him. He was pretty cute, so she got back towards Trico. "Sooo! What's up?" Priscilla said running a hand through her pink hair and looked around, scanning the area seeing alot of young upcoming huntress and huntresses. "I can't wait to start this!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trico smiled softly at this girl. She was so eccentric and full of energy, it was a wonder to see. Then she asked 'the question'. The one that had been asked since time itself began! after she smiled at some guy that Trico put on her mental hitlist. He would die, soon enough.
"My Libido" she tease, grinning before looking around with Priscilla. "ohh yea, this is rather interesting, to become a Huntress, fight The Grimm, protect people. It is a noble pursuit" she said, grinning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Conrad was roused from his relaxation by someone, he missed most of what the person said but picked up "-piece of excellent workmanship, but I couldn't help but wonder, why does it glow like that?". Shaking the last dregs of sleepiness away, Conrad said "Yeah, its an excellent sword. Older than both of us combined and multiplied by 4. Old Cleave here has been in my family for generations, since man first harnessed Dust actually." Giving it an affectionate pat on the hilt Conrad concluded his statement by saying "And as to why it glows is anyone's guess. I tend not to think about it."

Extending his hand in greeting, Conrad introduced himself and said "I didn't catch your name, was kinda taking a nap. The names Conrad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chris continued down the path towards the auditorium. Besides the sound of what seemed like an explosion in the distance, the trip had been rather tranquil. The landscaping on the campus was just as beautiful as the architecture, and Chris was walking at a slow pace to admire the scenery. As he continued walking more paths came up to meet this one, growing ever wider to accommodate the higher volume of people walking. Soon the large path led directly to the doors of the auditorium. A bunch of students were rushing inside to grabs seats and Chris assumed that the assembly would start soon enough. He hurriedly ran inside and sat down.

His seat wasn't the closest to the front, but Chris was content. He grabbed one more towards the back, with the seats on either side of him still empty. Students continued to file in, and the upper rows of seats were filling fast. There must have been more airships than what Chris had originally thought, and maybe even more arriving as he was sitting there. Chris was getting excited. Anybody in this room could be a member of his team. A friend. He smiled at the thought of being on a team. Man, I hope I have some awesome teammates. With some cool weapons! Or badass Semblances!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gideon simply stares at Atlas with eyes not unlike a snake, finally answering with a, "Father is working, Mother is dead. Stop asking questions you already know the answer to." He states. Gideon watches the interaction of a couple girls and a guy who were fairly close to the ship, having quickly lost interest in the hologram. He recognized one of the girls, who had kicked him earlier, she waved toward the boy, who seemed to give off an aura of nervousness, though it was fear in Gideon's eyes. As he watched, the right edge of his lip moved up ever so slightly, in a barely noticeable smirk. He took amusement from them, petty desires and petty problems were something Gideon always wished for, perhaps at the school he would be able to have just that.

Almost intentionally ignoring Atlas, beginning to make his way towards the main assembly hall. Walking past Atlas, Xovos signaled that he was moving on, "Structure might have air that doesn't feel soggy." Is all he says before re-wrapping his shemagh over half his face, attempting to help filter the air with the cloth. There were many people moving towards the assembly and he wondered just how many of them were like him, he hopes Atlas would not be his only friend here, but he was also afraid to befriend the many eccentric people that put themselves on display.
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