Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amid the cheering and congratulatory roars, Savayna would hear Grant. He brought up a good point. And she was just about to do that before she caught something rather peculiar: one of the remains of the machines that she had demolished had a familiar symbol. It was a shield with a golden lining and a royal blue center. Over it, a sword of black and chrome overlapped with eagle wings, and a crown down the blade at the middle. Near the bottom of the blade, a ribbon covered a portion of it, with the words “The Brotherhood” right in the center.

Savayna would sigh rather deeply, leaning close to Grant, and said, We don’t need to. I know what’s happening. Savayna said, tightening up her hand into a fist.

In the next moment, Savayna paced away from Grant, away from the crowd, and walked several of those paces opposite of the entrance. No words -she simply walked, bearing no mind to what Grant was probably thinking. She knew what she was doing. She couldn’t be here for more than one reason.

Jaakuna’s head was throbbing. Worse than that, he knew it wasn’t going to get any better. This was true for two reasons. First of all, Lorenzo wanted the rest of the tour. And two, Reia wouldn’t be along for the ride on account that she wanted to rest, which in turn would leave Jaakuna alone with Lorenzo. Was this what Nadeline feared about her father? If so, then color me a sympathiser. I had no idea it was this bad for you.

With an exaggerated groan, Jaakuna approached the duo. Very well. Jaakuna said. He gave Reia a smile, then said, “Iris, if you would, please lead Empress Reia to the female dorms. Make sure she is given the best one available. I think the one with the bathroom should suffice. And please alert her when we arrive in Archadia.” Jaakuna said.

Understood, Master Jaakuna. Iris said.

A moment would pass. In that time, something akin to a hologram would appear. It was blue all around but with different shades. Hair was dark blue like navy, skin was cornflower blue, eyes had a bright, almost crystal blue shine to them. To the naked eye, her attire was nothing more than a one-piece suit that covered major parts of the breasts, shoulders, and just six inches below the waist. However, if one looked closely, there was more to it than that. There was an ever-flowing stream of computer data that made up its entirety. This data also formed faded navy pantyhose that went from mid-thigh to her feet, as well as on the arms from mid-bicep to her fingernails. There are odd, almost lifelike patterns along her thighs and calves.

Empress Reia,” Iris’s voice came from the lifelike hologram, “if you would, please follow me.” Iris would gesture REia out the door, leaving Jaakuna and Lorenzo to their lonesome.

Before Lorenzo would have any chance of questioning what just happened, Jaakuna would force his frozen body out the door, and in the opposite direction of where Iris led Reia. In that direction, Jaakuna would be heading straight towards what Jaakuna liked to refer to Main Operations. It was a section of the ship that was dead center of the entire Ifrit. Unlike the engine room, main operations housed an even larger magicite core. While the engine has an impressive one for sure, the center of the Ifrit houses one twice as dense but nowhere nearly as large - it doesn’t need to. It’s a rotating, pulsating mass of pure magickal stone that sends out these pulses of magick every hour to enforce the Ifrit with its nearly-indestructible shield.

Walking into it, Jaakuna gleamed with pride. Surely Lorenzo was in awe. Jaakuna wasn’t surprised. Due to the spacious room where the core was hoisted at the ceiling, the crystal-like core of the Ifrit glowing with green Mist. But it wasn’t harmful Mist. This specific mist, while heavy on the magickal presence, gave a feeling of warmth and calmness, the only kind that was possible in a controlled environment.

The room itself, core aside, surrounded it. Several wires ran along the floors, tangling and crossed with each other, coiling to the contraption that held the core in place. Little, floating machines that were half machine, half magicite floated around, doing maintenance on the core, the wires, the coils, the cannons, and everything that required mechanical assistance.

Ain’t she a beaut!” Jaakuna looked at the core with swelled-up pride. “This was the hardest part. It took me months just to find the right kind of magicite to use. Took a lot of bribing to get what I needed.” Jaakuna said, bragging about the accomplishment, “yessir, she can produce over seven dozen rounds of pure, magickal, photonic energy in three seconds, appearing as one singular beam of magick. On top of that, the little cannons you see have enough juice in them to shoot three times as much in just 50% of the time. Not as accurate, but boy do they make aerial battles a whole lot easier. And don’t even get me started on our shields,” Jaakuna once again looked up, “powered by this baby, the Ifrit is not only capable of withstanding most frontal assaults, but with the added bonus of having an extremely-powered shield, it can double as a battering ram. Though,” Jaakuna paused, “more than ten direct hits from a distance less than half of a mile, and the shields temporarily disable for about twenty seconds. Safe to say we don’t want to be within firing range of an enemy ship when that happens.” Jaakuna laughed nervously.

Ivalice was getting worse the more time Zodiark remained loose. Turbulences of mist were happening all over. All three major countries of Ivalice have reported these disturbances. Airships that woudl otherwise have near-perfect flights either were rendered in stasis for several minutes or had completely lost control and went down, resulting in dozens of deaths world-wide. They were reported going down near The Phon Coast, and the Dalmasca Wester and Estersands. In these reports, the last moments of every airship crash had video files saved. In them, they showed the figure of a black mass passing through the ship as it malfunctioned.

These reports have been happening for days. And yet no one was able to do anything. The worst of it all was it could only get worse from here on out. Deaths upon deaths piling up and only a black mass of mist was the closest anyone has gotten. What was even worse, this black mass was last seen hovering over Stigma.

Somewhere in Stigma, deep in the shadows, a figure comes out, oozing black, gooey mist. It walks appearing to be in a heavy-duty armor black like night and with red emblems of a snake looking up at the sky at darkness, through the halls of Stigma's Palace. It does not need to keep to the shadows for it no longer needs to. Years of feeding off of the evil energies that have gathered in every crevice of Stigma allowed it to become strong. These walls have experienced argument after argument, and now, after so many weeks of being in slumber, The Creature is ready.

But first, something must be done.

The Creature turned a right into the room of one Andre Inabi. He lay unconscious, most likely sleeping. In the room were guards who guard — correction, guarded — the Lord Inabi. They no longer were as they have since then succombed to an instant death thanks to the floating mist that had entered their systems as soon as The Creature had entered Andre's room. Not far off, The Creature noticed someone running their fingers through Andre's mane. "The energies tell The Creature that he was in a coma, but had awoken just hours prior. Apparently the good will of one Jaakuna Hinoko, combined with Emiri Inabi's special ability," The Creature said to the person. "The energies also tell The Creature that the Scion Who Controls the Wheels of Time has been silenced. His magicks are no longer felt among the mist."

The Creature walked up closer to those sinister hands. The hands that belonged to a person that The Creature knew very well. It was a man that looked to be the age of Andre's daughter, maybe slightly younger. Hair like the abyss, but silky like spider web. Skin pure like the void and eyes empty like it too. Clothes were of no importance as they were as average as anything else in Stigma. But the way his eyes looked at Andre. It was not that of concern. It was a sinister, vile feeling.

"Keiran, you know what you must do now." The Creature said, gooey, sticky hand on Keiran's shoulder, "The Dark One is nearing the final stages of his plan. And to achieve that, he needs The Scion of Time. He has instructed me with the following order.."

And so The Creature would tell Keiran what he must do. Show yourself to Emiri once more. Tell her that you found the one responsible for her mother's death. you have found where Lola is hiding out at. Tell her she's hiding in one of the oil refineries in the Sandsea. Tell her that she's injured, and that if you strike now, surely Lola will fall.

"Do you understand?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Savayna knew what was going on. She deemed it important enough to go marching off towards the source, but apparently letting Grant in on some knowledge wasn't nearly as important. He wanted to be glad that it was more then her moody responses as of late, but at least then she would talk to him. No, wait, they hadn't had a proper conversation since this morning. Ah, the trials and tribulations of love, it was. For now, Grant would shelf those unpleasant thoughts to the side, as he too wanted to know the source of the machinery. The cold didn't seem to bother her nearly as much as it did him. It was odd, he normally enjoyed colder temperatures, but all that snow combined with Savayna's rather quick pace gave him more of a struggle than he wanted to admit.

As the pair would trudge on silently, Grant couldn't help but sigh. He really wanted to know what was on her mind, but what was the point if she was just going to yell at him for asking? Or worse, instead of answering she could have easily dismissed his question. He couldn't quite hide the scowl on his face, but he continued onwards anyway.

Lorenzo squinted at the core, deep in thought and listening carefully as Jaakuna spoke. Any question he had Jaakuna managed to answer, although when it came to the ship's weaknesses, Lorenzo colored himself impressed. This was definitely a luxury cruiser, though the fact that it could take more than a single hit was an achievement in itself. He let out a low whistle, though he would frown at the magicite before him. He was used to seeing different types, and while this one was the first of its size that Lorenzo had seen, something about it felt just a tiny bit wrong. It wasn't the fact that its leftover Mist roamed around, but for some reason it seemed...panicked? Was that the right word? Lorenzo doubted it had anything to do with the machinery itself. It must have had something to do with that crazy blob of darkness going around and messing things up for everyone. He almost regretted leaving Karolina behind, but escorting Reia was too important.

He briefly wondered how his daughter was doing.

Sensing his unnatural quietness, Lorenzo let out an uncharacteristically sound sigh. "It sure is something when even magicite feels like there's something wrong with the world," He said, placing his hands on his hips for a moment. "Don't get me wrong, I'm tickled pink you'd show this to me, kid. You already know I do a lot of my own tinkering back at home, but seeing something like this is a real treat. I can't help but wish Karolina was here, too. Not that she's a mechanic herself, but she used to love watching me work."

He let out a small chuckle. "Not even a few hours away and I miss her like crazy. Still...this little trip of yours is gonna do a lot of good for the world, trust me when I tell you that much," He paused for a moment, looking at Jaakuna intently. "Though as a man, I guess now is as good a time as ever to ask. Why didn't you just tell Emiri the truth?"

Keiran looked at the Creature almost fondly. "Best news I've heard all day," He admitted as he nodded. "You just leave it to me. She's almost right for the picking...this'll be the perfect little nudge in the right direction--sorry, the nudge in our direction," He let out a small sigh as he looked over at Andre. "I shouldn't complain, but honestly it's been so damn easy I could finish the job with my eyes closed. Such tragedy befalling the little one...almost breaks my heart. But all that grief and sorrow makes for a rather weak mind, perfect for manipulating." He would then sense something in the distance, clucking his tongue in disapproval. "She is here, it seems...ah well, looks like it's high time to go, then."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She heard his sigh. And quite frankly, Savayna didn’t seem to care. She wasn’t about to turn around. She knew he was feeling a certain way about her right now. And that was fine. Let him feel that. Savayna needed to focus. There were much more pressing matters than what Grant was feeling. The Brotherhood was here. And that meant only one thing: he was here.

Savayna, what is that I sense?

It’s probably your stomach. You should really do something about that.” Savayna hissed.

I’m an esper. I don’t have those bodily functions like you Humes.

Then I don’t know what to tell you."

It’s dread mixed with anxiety.

You’re lying.

I’m connected to you, idiot. I can sense it. Just tell me what it is. If you don’t, I’ll tell Zeromus, and he’ll probably tell Grant. Mateus threatened Savayna.

You wouldn’t?

Try me.

That bastard. Why couldn’t he just leave it be? Savayna sighed, letting it be known to Mateus that she was clearly annoyed with him. But she had no choice. And better she tell him than--and then she looked at Grant. It just hit her that he heard every word that she said. And the fact she was talking to herself and not him probably made it worse. “On second thought, Mateus, Grant will hear it from me. Feel free to listen in, you eavesdropping ass.

Savayna heard a scowl, but there was no other vocal response.

She looked to Grant, stopping where she stood. They were about a hundred paces west of the entrance, but the tall towers of Omisace still within sight. “Grant, I apologize,” she said, “I know I’ve been less-than helpful this trip. My attitude about my family. And now this.” Savayna let out a sigh again. “The truth is that Omisace is now in the hands of a rogue Hunter’s Guild known as The Brotherhood. You probably heard of them. They were founded by a former Archadian General by the name of Glacier Frost. About ten years ago, he was planning to overthrow Emperor Simon Darcone, but was foiled by Vincent and Jackson--I mean Jaakuna,” she quipped, “after that, he was set to be hung for his crimes against the empire, but as he did, the whole ordeal of Simon’s death being blamed on Jaakuna allowed him to flee Archadia. I’ve kept tabs on him over the eyars, but lost track of him about a month ago, which was around the time I first met you when you were still a bit screwy,” she quipped again. She’s gotta stop doing that.

Savayna let her voice trail off, gripping her fist into a ball so tight that it drew blood, which she would then curse under her breath about. “Listen, this matters and relates to us because Glacier isn’t just some random guy that just so happens to be an Archadian.” Savayna paused on that note. “Glacier Frost isn’t just an exiled, former general of the Archaidan Army. Glacier Frost is the person —”As Savayna went to speak, out of nowhere an arrow of poisonous magic shot through her shoulder, sending her into Grant’s arms, sending both of them jerking backwards. Though her lips moved, no sound came. Savayna would soon lose consciousness not long afterwards.

Moments of complete silence passed since Lorenzo had asked him about Emiri. Since then, he had taken a seat at a nearby chair, inviting Lorenzo to do the same. Then he thought about what he was going to say. How was he going to tell Lorenzo when he himself hadn’t figured out why he didn’t tell Emiri the truth? Jaakuna knew he would have to think of something.

Looking at the prince, Jaakuna said, “It might be hard for someone who has a perfect relationship to understand, but I’m afraid.” That wasn’t something that a man like Jaakuna said lightly. “Ever since I met Emiri, I’ve caused her nothing but pain. Whether it was threatening to take her back to Grant when he was still a psycho-killer, or when I put her in harm’s way, or when I made a deal with the devil - there was always a time where I would hurt her.” Jaakuna spoke with sorrow and grief. “So, I guess I didn’t want to hurt her again. After what happened with Lola and how, once again thanks to my brilliant decision to opt for the dark side, she got hurt again.” JAakuna leaned against the arm chair. “It might’ve been cowardly, but she’s in Stigma. And she’s safe. I can live with that. I won’t feel guilty by putting her in harm’s way. I won’t have to worry about her getting hurt like before."

Without a warning, The Creature grasped Keiran’s throat so hard that it resulted in two things: a gagging noise and Keiran being lifted off his feet. “The Time Scion is to not be harmed in any physical manner.” The Creature’s eyes oozing out gooey, black liquid. It crawled onto Keiran’s arms, grasping them so tight that it threatened to tear them off. “Remember your place, Seed. Or you will return to the nothingness for which you came.

And after that sound threat, Keiran had been lowered, left to gather himself. But only for a moment.

Do as The Dark One has instructed. Nothing more. He will know if you have deterred, for you are a small part of him. Your role is nothing more than just a pebble that contributes to the ripple that He will send throughout Ivalice.” The Creature said, his form starting to fade away, leaving Keiran to choke upon the thought that, contrary to his arrogance, is expendable to The Dark One.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The gods answered his frustrations as Savayna would finally stop for just a moment. Unfortunately he got a little more than he had bargained for, and soon after an explanation was offered, Savayna was interrupted by an arrow. She crashed into him, the man himself staggering backwards as he caught her. Before he could even yell out her name, another arrow came by. He was luckier as it flew past his face, though he was going to make sure the owner wouldn't be as lucky.

"I believe the time has come!" He called out as he lifted his hand into the air, Zeromus taking form before him as more arrows threatened to end his life. "Wherever they are, find them!" He ordered his Esper as he would pick Savayna up, making an attempt at finding cover as his Esper would do battle for him.

As he would hide behind a rock, he placed Savayna down for a moment, withdrawing his gun in case an enemy would slip by his Esper. He examined the arrow carefully, though the way it looked, it seemed poisoned. Holding out his hand, a spell would conjure from his fingertips: "Reverse!" He called. At the very least, the poison would not inflict any more damage, although he wondered just how much it had done. He scrambled through his bags, silently lamenting that Nadeline wasn't there to cleanse her.

Lorenzo listened carefully, waiting until Jaakuna would finish until he would respond. He scratched his cheek almost bashfully, a small smile on his face. "You're really preaching to the choir more then you realize, kid," He admitted sheepishly,though he would let out a great laugh as he would throw his head back. "Man...when I was your age, only thing I had to worry about was trying to find the time to sneak out so I could rummage through the junkyard for parts. Wasn't 'til sometime later when I accompanied my father to the barracks did I meet Karolina...and boy, did she hate my guts!"

He sighed dreamily, caught in nostalgia. "She was beautiful...and I was an idiot. But by the gods, I promise that it was love at first sight--I just didn't realize it yet, figured I just wanted to get in her pants like the other gorgeous women I had met. But they were all so shallow, all just wanting to become someone of royalty. She didn't really care about any of that, but she did care that I wasn't making an effort to at least try to get the know the woman I was supposedly so in love with. I used every excuse and every chance I got to go see her, and I guess with some time and effort, I got her to feel the same way."

"That was the easy part--falling in love, getting to know one another. I guess the hard part was ironing out everything else that would follow. She was a commoner, I was a prince, and everyone from the Council to my parents rejected the fact that I wanted to be with her. Kinda got to the point where Karolina started thinking that maybe this wasn't the best idea. She wasn't that interested in having a family while I wanted at least four or five kids. She didn't want to live in the castle while I did. She hated the publicity that came with dating a prince. Not just all that, but she wanted to stay in the army while I wanted her to stay by my side int he castle. We actually fought a lot about that part--and sadly, even though I got my way, it nearly ruined our relationship. I wondered if it was worth it.

"And then, she got sick. Real sick. Like...in bed every day because she couldn't lift herself up kind of sick. She was dying...and suddenly everything else seemed so petty. Why did we care so much about having our own way when all we really needed was one another? I must have apologized a hundred times, begging the gods not to take her away from me because of my selfishness. Then, when she found out she was pregnant, things got worse. There was a huge scandal--I had knocked her up before we had gotten a chance to get married, after all. After that the Council had the audacity to suggest that I leave her right then and there. My parents disagreed, though they were pretty disappointed in me. The world seemed to be falling apart around me...and then the baby died. She blamed me, I blamed her, and one day she just packed her bags and left.

Lorenzo stared up at the ceiling, wracking his brain for more memories. "Let's see...we broke up after that. Wasn't until about a year later that we ran into one another again. No, two years? I don't remember. But all that time apart...and the first thing I did when I saw her was cry. I cried like a bitch, and for some reason she cried, too. We apologized because despite all the shit we went through, not once did we stop and wonder how the other was. I was selfish, she wanted things her way. You'd think at that point 'happily ever after' would follow, but nah, it stayed the same shitfest life is. It was us against the Council, though this time I did things proper and married her ass the first chance I got. Then she got pregnant, got sick, and that was when I met Aloa, I think. And when I saw that baby of ours for the first time...boy, does it change you. But there Karolina was on death's door again no matter what I did."

"At that point, I gave everything up. I gave up my frivolous life, gave up the idea that someday I'd be an engineer, gave up my right to ascend the throne...and did my best to just stay and take care of her. Everything else came second, and one day when it was just us with Nadeline sleeping in her crib, she said to me, 'Thank you'. Now, it doesn't seem like it now, but that was the first time she had thanked me for anything. And then it was her turn to give her own stuff up. She gave up the idea of staying in the army, gave up her own dream of becoming a full fledged white mage, gave up the life she knew to stay with me...and when she did, I swore to her that I'd give her enough love to make up for every little thing she left behind.

The man paused once more, though this time he would look at Jaakuna, letting out a small cough. "Excuse the rambling, I actually didn't mean to go and pour out my life's story, but...a 'perfect' marriage doesn't just come easy. It takes a shit ton of work and communication from both sides just to keep the relationship afloat. You really don't think that leaving her behind hurt her more then any wound from a sword would? Though I'm not just accusing you--it was written all over her face how much she wanted to go, yet she didn't say a damn thing either." Lorenzo told him earnestly, bringing everything completely out into the open. "If she's stuck with you this far despite all the crap you've put her through, it means she's willing to stay no matter what. So now, I have to ask again--are you guilty because she's gotten hurt time and time again, or are you guilty because you don't feel you're worth it, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally?"

Keiran couldn’t help but scoff as the Creature would fade away, clearly displeased at his little show of power. Of course he was going to do as he was told, it wasn’t like he was going to go at it any other way. His hand massaged his neck, though a wicked smile played upon his lips. Just a pebble, huh? Probably accurate, though it could be surprising how much damage a little pebble could do. But for now, he would digress, and focus on the matter at hand. He figured she’d be waking up at any moment, and as he made his way back to the castle, he would practice his words.

As he rounded the corner, he jumped backwards, hiding himself. Was he going crazy? He almost felt like he had just sensed the Blue Rose here. He dared to peek around the corner, and sure enough, there she was in all her glory. She was accompanied by a viera he didn’t recognize, though the two seemed to be in a deep discussion as they walked. And of course, they were walking straight to Emiri’s room. Great.

Now what? He contemplated his next move, scratching his head. The Creature specifically warned him not to get Emiri hurt in any way—though the way things were going, that would be the exact consequence. If he revealed himself, he’d probably get the entire castle on him, and while it wouldn’t be a problem per se, it’d make it increasingly difficult to disobey his master’s orders. It was one thing to deal the Creature, but disobeying his master was not an option.

He placed his hand on the wall, a darkness seeping out of it. It would enabled him to sink through the wall and into Emiri’s room, though hearing their talking outside the door informed him that his time was up. He went over to the sleeping girl, shaking her shoulder. “Emiri, wake up,” He told her urgently.

The brunette grumbled something under her breath, though she would open her eyes. She was pale, and seemed to struggle to get up. Keiran should have been pleased, as they were signs that his magicks were taking their place, though now was not the time to weaken her. “Keiran? What’s—” She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

An idea popped into his head, and he would put his finger to his lips, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Listen to me very carefully,” He told her. “Aloa is here, she has come to ensure you remain here.

Why wouldn’t I be?” She asked, though at least she kept her voice quiet.

Because Lola has been found—” The knocking came again, interrupting him, though he was shocked when she grabbed a hold on his shirt.

Where is she?!” She hissed, somehow managing to keep her voice low, though her anger was obvious.

It was too easy. It really was! Keiran placed his hands on hers, looking at her very seriously. “We’ll go now. But we have to keep ourselves in the shadows—Aloa wants to make sure you don’t go running off now.” Emiri ran a hand through her hair, contemplating. As a loud, more urgent knock happened, it seemed she made her choice as she would leap to her feet, making her way to the balcony. The man grabbed her by the hand, stopping her for just a moment. “Only go if you’re absolutely sure.

Emiri had a rather dark expression on her face as she would pull her hand away from him. “I’m sure. Let’s go.” She said, and before he could retort, she would leap over the balcony.

Keiran looked over his shoulder at the door, though he would follow suit. Off to the Aerodome…
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hearing the life story about how Lorenzo and Karolina met, about how they fell in love, about how they lost their first child and broke up because of it, and how they got back together and had Nadeline, did a lot for Jaakuna. First off, it was incredible to hear such an imperfect perfect relationship. Of course every marriage, as Lorenzo said, goes through their ups and downs.

So that’s the moral of the story, huh? I need to get my head out of my ass, and stop trying to protect Emiri from every little thing.

Jaakuna couldn’t help but let out a laugh. It was more of a laugh at himself than it was at what Lorenzo had just said. To think that someone else other than Jaakuna had those feelings of self-doubt and fear. What was Jaakuna thinking? Of course there were more people. Everyone goes through those moments of dread and fear and just about everything related to it.

How I was a fool.

Lorenzo, thank you,” Jaakuna said, cocking his head to the side ever so slightly, giving Lorenzo a grin. He held out his hand, and said, “You’re a good man, Lorenzo Jeremiah Roselia. I am honored to call you a friend.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Lorenzo stood up from his seat, a rather bittersweet expression on his face. He was glad his story had some kind of impact on the kid, though he couldn't say his job was complete. As much as it pained him to admit it, everyone was right about Jaakuna. He definitely had some of that bit of spunk Lorenzo had in his youth, although it didn't seem to bother him as much as it did when Grant had first brought it up so long ago. Hey, life had its ups and downs, all you really could do was ride the wave and hope for the best. He approached Jaakuna, taking his hand in his and gripping it tightly enough that he was able to yank the boy onto his feet with relative ease. Bearing a rather mischievous grin, he raised his hand into the air, higher and higher, and brought it down with full force. It wasn't that it was necessarily strong, it was more than it was needlessly more brutal than it needed to be as he slapped Jaakuna's back.

"Don't let it get to your head kid! Not in a million years could you reach my level!" He laughed rather loudly, patting Jaakuna's head.

As his laughter died down, a shine seemed to appear in Lorenzo's eye. "Just keep at it, kid. Half the battle is just learning how to pick yourself off the ground after life's kicked your teeth in. If a special lady decides you're still pretty lookin' after the fact, keep her around," He sniffled for a moment, lost in thought. "Wonder how much longer we got 'til we arrive."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It was ten years ago. So long ago that I didn’t think I would remember, but I remember it all like a vivid dream. It was just hours before I was set to marry Vincent Darcone. He was the younger brother of Jackson, someone who I had admired for years. I thought Jackson was going to be my husband as our families were close, but apparently there was a different plan. My father had made a deal with Emperor Simon Darcone. In exchange for amnesty for Glacier Village, my father agreed to sell me off to the Darcone family. I was barely a teen, but he sold me off like some slave. His own daughter had been sold off.

I thought it was going to be okay. I knew it would because I had my guardian angel. Well, okay not exactly my guardian angel. He was more like an uncle to me. He was my father’s old war buddy. Both of them had served in a hunter’s guild back in the day. His name was Glacier Frost. He was now a rising general for the Archadian Army. He was poised to be Simon’s top general, surpassing the current general, Suijin Glacie, Savayna’s older brother. He was a man that she looked up to.

Somewhere down the line, maybe a couple more years, Suijin succumbed to a mysterious assassination. He was poisoned by an arrow. I remember it well. He was a great warrior and had the respect of many. I looked up to him for most of my life. He was seven years older than I was. When he died, my Uncle Glacier, or rather General Frost now, took his slot. I was proud for him, of course. How could I not be? He had earned it. SEveral years under service, and he finally became the General he had vied for since he enlisted after his hunter days. It was a glorious day, even Leviathan was happy for him. She was just one year older than I was, but already she had made Captain, and was well on her way to becoming the fifth judge, replacing Vincent because Vincent himself was going to take a place by his father’s side as his top advisor. To gain experience for the day he would take his father’s place as Emperor since Jackson was too busy with Operation Ifrit, a secret, classified project commissioned by a secret, third-party organization with interests in warships.

It was all perfect. And yet, I remember it being nothing but a facade. It was..

IT’S A TRAP! FATHER NOOO!” Savayna shouted, her voice like screeching nails on a rusty chalkboard. She looked around, seeing that she was inside a tent, a fire lit aflame nearby. She winced as she felt a surge of pain go through her shoulders. She saw Grant near her, looking at her with those eyes of his. “Where am I? Last I remember..

Savayna recalled. Was that a dream? No, I most certainly was telling him about someone, but who?

Amid the tour and the moment that he and Lorenzo were having, the thought of Archadia had completely slipped Jaakuna’s mind. It had to have been a couple of hours at the very least. Surely word would have gotten to Roman by now. Even if he was busy with the responsibilities of being Emperor of Archadia, he should have heard back from him by now. It was extremely diserning.

Jaakuna mulled on that thought, appearing broody, which would have been obvious. He then looked to Lorenzo, and said, “Should still be a couple of more hours, but let me check with Iris.” Jaakuna looked up, “Iris, has Roman got back to you yet?

Silence for a moment, then Iris said, “According to my logs, he hasn’t responded yet. Shall I sent another message?” She asked.

No, it’s fine. I’ll call him myself from my personal quarters,” Jaakuna said, concerned.

As he would ponder once more, Jaakuna felt something deep in his gut that felt familar. Every time something bad happened, it’s like he had a premonition of sorts. Or like a consistent gut feeling that told him only bad things awaited him on his journey. It happened when he fought Aloa and Vlyn in Bhujerba. It also happened last night on the beach with Lola. So it definitely wasn’t a good sign.

Lorenzo, I’m sorry, but I need tend to some things. Iris will show you to the barracks. Maybe go check on REia. She did seem to be tired, so I’m sure some company could help.” Jaakuna was lying obviously, but he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to be interrupted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Grant had honestly seen better days; fighting unseen enemies in the middle of a snowstorm would leave anyone irritable. Zeromus had done his job justice, and with an Esper as a distraction, he had somehow managed to escape with Savayna in tow. Still, the snow didn't make anything easier, so as soon as he was sure he was safe, he set up camp. It had been some time since he had set a tent up, though it was relatively simpler once he found the instructions. He had remembered Lorenzo showing him how to light a fire, and so once Savayna was safe inside the tent, he'd light a flame and wait. He knew only how to get to Bur-Omisace, though the Paramina Rift was large, and trekking around in the darkness was never a good idea. He let out a sigh as he would take a seat at the entrance of the tent, letting out a slight shiver. Zeromus hadn't alerted him to any threats, but he could not rest. Instead, his fingers fiddled with the arrow he had managed to pull out of Savayna's shoulder. It was a strange thing, the making one he didn't recognize, though its residue of poison magicks told its own tale. He had hoped this would have been a simple trip, with a simple goal, although in all fairness he figured it wouldn't be easy.

He didn't imagine it would involve this situation, however.

Grant let out a gasp of surprise as Savayna would scream, prompting him to turn around in a hurry. A nightmare, it seemed, although it also woke her up. He let out a small sigh of relief, and responded with "Paramina Rift. We were ambushed, withy ou the unlucky target of this arrow." He would hold it out to her to let her see.

Lorenzo pouted, clearly unhappy with how Jaakuna was dismissing him. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, fighting back sobs as he would bite his finger. "You think you know a guy...and then he just throws you away! Just like that!" He whined, although he would take in a deep breath to calm himself. "Fine! I know when I'm not wanted...I'll just go elsewhere...maybe tangle some wires...and see if THAT will get your attention!" He stomped away from Jaakuna, making his annoyance quite clear, although when he got far away enough, he couldn't help but scratch the back of his head. "Roman, huh...Speaking of brothers, wonder how Grant's doing..."

The corridors seemed awfully lonely by his lonesome, though he remembered which way to the personal quarters, and he would watch Reia pass a comb through her blonde locks. She had changed into a more formal gown and seemed to be getting ready. Her hair had gotten so long, however, that she was struggling, to which Lorenzo would gently take the comb and began to brush it himself. "You didn't have to do that," Reia mumbled, embarrassed.

"You used to let me do it all the time when Mother passed away," He reminded her, making sure to get the tangles out of her ends quickly. "Besides, you don't have your usual group of handmaidens to tend to you, so I'll just have to do."

Reia huffed, though she remained silent as she stared at Lorenzo through the mirror. "What's wrong?" She asked him.

"I wonder if Grant and Nadeline are doing okay," He sighed. "Can't help but shake this bad feeling out of my gut. It's a father's instinct or whatever, but..."

Reia seemed to understand. "Wesley of Dalmasca is there with her. He seems like a fine gentleman, I doubt he would let any harm come to her."

"Eh...Kid's still got a lot to learn, him and Jaakie both. Though I think him and Nadeline are doing a little better then Jaakie and Elizabeth are, least they talk to one another and communicate," Lorenzo said as he finished, placing the comb onto the dresser in front of her. "Guess we'll just have to see.

"Are you certain she is here?" Shion asked as Aloa would knock once more.

The viera hesitated for a second. "This is where Her Highness said her room was. Though if she is not here, I cannot fathom where she could have gone to."

Had she run away? Perhaps the darkness had already taken hold and alerted her to her presence. Shion narrowed her eyes at the door, focusing on finding the darkness once again. It seemed to have slipped away from them, as the feeling from before had distanced from them. It was moving, but where? Was it truly Emiri, or was it a third party she didn't know about? She was unsure of her next step for once, although causing a commotion could only serve to hamper her rather than help her. She crossed her arms under her chest, looking around. No, she could not take the risk of Emiri becoming possessed as Jaakuna had. Without waiting for Aloa's permission, she would take a step back and kick the door open. Surprise, surprise, the room was empty, and with no sign that anyone was there--with the exception of the doors wide open leading to the balcony. Shion ran forward, leaping over the balcony and landing in the bushes. The plants had given away Emiri's pathing, and gripping her sword, Shion would follow suit.

Aloa watched Shion, and made to follow, only to see Vlyn approach her. "The Scion of Time seems to have run," She told him.

"And a guard just reported that a man was seen in Utena Hospital. It seems that he had taken an interest in Lord Andre, though luckily he was not harmed. If she escaped, would she not go there?" He asked.

Aloa pointed towards Shion, who was now quite the distance away. "The path says otherwise. The girl's intention seems to be to leave Stigma...but to where is the question."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Holding the arrowhead in her hand, Savayna examined it the best that she could. It was smooth to the touch, yet it was jagged at the same time. The surface and back was what felt smooth, but the edges were like jagged rock. The top was sharper than any steel sword that Savayna had encountered. There was a faint magickal presence that she couldn’t place, yet felt eerie familiar.

Savayna kept it in her hands, but looked to Grant. She wasn’t sure what she was going to tell him. It was mostly a blur. She recalled telling him something, but anything after that was clouded. “I’ve seen this arrow before.” She said. “I can’t remember where, but I know I’ve seen it,” Savayna said. Something in her told her that she knew exactly what it was and where she had seen it, but something blocked her memory.

When Jaakuna got to his room, Iris had already prepared his communication systems. Monitors appeared before him. They were managing all sorts of situations, most of them were graphs monitoring the activity throughout Ivalice.

Taking a seat, Jaakuna was at the monitor that was mostly for communicating. As he would set up a call to Roman, Jaakuna would wait. It rang for a few moments until there was an answer. To his surprise, instead of Roman appearing on the screen, Jaakuna was met by his grandfather, Hamut. “Oh, grandfather, hello.”

Jackson. It’s been a while.

Jaakuna tried not to cringe when he heard his Archadian name being spoken. “That it has.” Jaakuna said. “Is Roman — I mean Emperor Roman — around?” Jaakuna asked Hamut.

Hamut was silent for a moment, then said, “he’s in a meeting right now. What’s this about?

I would prefer not tos ay over this line. Just know that it’s revolutionary. I think mother would have been proud of me.

Hamut smiled an uncharacteristic smile, “I’m sure, wherever she is, she’s proud of you,” Hamut said.

In any case, please tell Roman to contact me as soon as he can.” Jaakuna said. Before signing off, Hamut gestured him for a moment. “Yes?”

Before you go, I need to ask you a question.” Jaakuna simply looked at Hamut. “How do you get the Espers to cease their constant ramblings?

Jaakuna blankly looked at him for a moment, then laughed. “Having trouble with Exodus are you?

“No,it's not The Judge-Sal. Like me, he also has been finding these ramblings trite; it's the others.

Such as?

Mateus, Addrammlech mainly. They won’t stop coming to me.

Well, considering the fact that Savayna has barely bonded with her own and Isaiah is probably too proud to submit to Addra, they need to find entertainment elsewhere.” Jaakuna laughed again, “if you want my advice, just let them do it to you until they get annoyed that you’re ignoring them.” When he said that, Jaakuna heard Belias scoff towards him. He snickered.


Nothing, just got a reminder why I’m an expert in Esperology.” Jaakuna said. Belias scoffed once more.

Hamut shrugged, and clicked off, the sight of his one-eyed grandfather disappearing into white noise.

Jaakuna sighed. He wasn’t too sure why Roman hadn’t been at his desk. He didn’t have a good feeling about this, not one bit. Roman didn’t answer; their grandfather did, however. And that’s what was really bothering him. It wasn’t that Roman didn’t answer, but that Hamut had answered instead of his brother. The more Jaakuna thought on it, the more it made him consider way more than he needed to. What did need to do was just rest up. Even if Roman had no idea they were coming, the Ifrit would arrive in Archadia in a few hours. Jaakuna needed the rest for the long couple of days ahead.

Hours ago, airships went down all around Ivalice. There was no warning. No alert that signalled technical difficulties. No flash of horror before they went down. It was if it happened in the blink of an eye. The ships were flying normally as they always would have in the past, and then boom! Engine burst aflame, and almost every airship flying over the Mosphoran Highwaste went down.

And one of those was the airship that Wesley and Nadeine, and over two dozen other innocent civilians were aboard.

The engine had exploded and descending from a third of a league in the air, the commercial airship that was flying perfectly before was going down. Panic ensued among the entire ship. Some screamed that they were going to die, some screamed that the monsters below would kill them, and some were screaming that they hadn’t gotten laid yet and they didn’t want to die before they lost their virginity. It was chaotic to say the least. The ship was going down and no one had any faintest idea if they were going to make it.

But for Wesley, he was keeping a relatively cool head. He glanced at Nadeline, and she also was in that same neighborhood, if not just slightly more on alert. It wasn’t surprising considering the fact that the both of them had fallen asleep in front of the window. The last thing that Wesley remembered was her in his arms and he in hers, watching the rare sight of unpolluted mist passing by them in colors that were all over the spectrum, but all seemed to be viridescent in the center.

And then, as the ship rocked, that woke the both of them, rocking them in opposite directions. Whatever had been the cause, Wesley knew he couldn’t waste any time wondering about it. Several people, whether they knew it or not, were depending on his focused mind.

One more glance at Nadeline, Wesley would simply nod. It was a universal nod that would tell Nadeline to summon Ultima, because Wesley would do the same with Hashmaal. On the moment she would, Hashmaal would come forth through a glyph. With their combined power, the ship — and the innocents abroad it — may be saved yet.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Grant watched Savayna carefully, gauging her reaction to the arrow. She definitely recognized it, although from where wasn't a detail she had at the moment. He wasn’t sure how to take the news, though: on one hand, knowing the enemy was always advantageous, but on the other, that same recognition could always come back to bite them in the ass. For now, and only for now, he would have to make due with what he got. At the very least, they were somewhat safe, though the temperature only dropped lower. He let out a small sigh, resulting in his breath forming a small cloud, though he would then shuffle himself into the tent a little more.

Rest easy now, you’re alright,” He assured her. “No one seems to have followed, though I have to apologize for your wound…I’m afraid my expertize in dark magicks offered no solace in healing so I had to rely on items.

Sand was everywhere.

That was the first thought as Nadeline sputtered some out of her mouth, coughing and hacking in order to free her lungs of the substance. The wind didn’t help matters, though by some miracle she was able to get to her feet with little trouble. She was relatively unharmed, though the same could not be said for the airship they had traveled in. She watched as flames engulfed it, lighting it up like a bonfire. It was then she realized she had landed a distance away from the commotion. Why wasn’t she with Wesley? She couldn’t remember, the last thing that came to mind was her and Wesley combining to protect the ship from crashing.

That’s right, they crash landed. The fire happened afterwards, a combined result of engine failure and the magicite powering the whole thing going crazy. The citizens were being evacuated from the ship by several knights, though it was then Nadeline realized Wesley was nowhere to be found. No, it was the other way around; she spotted the prince in no time, and as she trudged through the sand, she saw that a hole had been blasted through their room. She must have gone flying from the impact, and as if to confirm it, she felt something warm running down her head. Her fingertips confirmed it was blood, though she couldn’t say whether or not she was fine just yet.

What a miracle…” She told Wesley, astonished for once. “We seem to be relatively unharmed.

What do you mean there are no outgoing flights?

Emiri was beyond annoyed now. Keiran teetered behind her, amused as she would try to argue with the flight attendant, but to no avail. Airships everywhere seemed to be having issues, and thus most flights had been shut down and canceled. The attendant seemed apologetic, but Emiri was not having any of that at the moment. Keiran patted her should assuredly, though the girl turned on him shortly after.

Hey, calm down, the Sandsea isn’t far at all. We could always find other means of transportation, we don’t have to go through Dalmasca,” Keiran pointed out.

Running her hand through her hair, she had no choice but to concede, and nearly shoved him aside as she would lead the way. He grinned, running after her, though he could feel Shion’s presence getting closer and closer. She sure was a thorn in his side—no pun intended—though at this rate, there would be a fight he really wanted to avoid. He half wished Emiri could take her on, but he was sure she wasn’t quite ready for that yet. Clucking his tongue, he slipped between the people as they arrived at the chocobo rentals. As the pair approached the man, Keiran realized an attack was coming towards them, He grabbed Emiri as he leapt back, a flash of light passing by them. Letting out a curse, he would see Shion approach them, wielding a blade of light.

Crap! He bit his lip as the woman looked at the pair, though it seemed Emiri was the more courageous of the pair as she stepped forward. “What are you doing here?” She asked, a hand on the holt of her sword.

Shion eyed her rather coldly, though her amber eyes would flicker to Keiran. “Had I known this would have happened, I would have killed you from the start,” She fully admitted, gripping her blade. “Birds of a feather, you and that sky pirate, for you would repeat the same mistake that he did. Fear not, I will cleanse the Dark One’s influence from you.

That was absolutely the last thing Keiran wanted. No, he didn’t have a choice, he would have to further the plan now lest he risked to lose it all. His lord may or may not forgive him, but losing Emiri was not an option. He stepped behind her, a darkness surrounding him so great that it would materialize. It would engulf himself and the brunette, surprising her, though it was only the beginning….

Where am I?

She could see her own reflection in the walls, as if looking at a broken mirror. A cave path with crystals protruding from several places seemed to be her location, although exactly where, she couldn’t really say. The crystals themselves looked nice enough, but there was something off about them. The cave looked like it would lead somewhere else, and so she would make the decision to continue walking down the unknown path. Further and further, until she reached the inner cavern. Said cavern was covered from top to bottom in glimmering crystals except for a small pool of water.

Emiri approached the water, watching her reflection in the stillness. After a moment, she would see Keiran approaching, and she would let out a sigh. “Something told me not to trust you. I don’t know how you got me to confide in you,” She said, as she would turn to him.

Actually, you can thank Jaakuna for that,” He outright admitted with a small shrug. “Desperation is a funny thing, you know. Hell, it even makes your worst enemy look like a friend. I mean come on, of all the people to trust, you decided to place it on the one person in Ivalice who’s notorious for having no loyalties for anyone? Although I can’t say that act alone was enough for me.

He was trying to get under her skin, though she wouldn’t have any of it. “What’s that supposed to mean?

Alienating your friends, grieving over the loss of a family member, anger towards the whole situation…all that pent up frustration does wonders to the mind, you know,” He gestured towards the crystals. She wasn’t entirely sure what he was trying to say until she realized that most of them were cracked, and a few would crumble and fall into the water. “The mind is a terribly fragile thing, you see, especially when left unchecked. It makes it easy for someone like me to come on in and do as I please.

Emiri hesitated, looking around once more. She hated to admit it, but he was right; as beautiful and serene as the cavern seemed, it was slowly deteriorating around her. So this was her mindscape—it was vastly different from when she had seen Jaakuna’s, at least he had been sound of mind back then. Still, Keiran had finally admitted his intention to take over—she had no reason to hold back. Summoning her sword, she would take a battle stance, much to Keiran’s amusement.

Not going down without a fight, huh? I admire that, I really do,” He said as he would summon his own sword. “And honestly, at any other time I’m sure you’d have a fighting chance. But with everything that’s happened, this is nothing more than a guaranteed victory.

She had heard enough, and would charge it. Keiran would parry her first attack and sidestep with little effort, striking her arm. To her surprise, there was no pain from the sword, although instead a brief memory flashed before her. Grant had grabbed her by the hair back when they had been captured, a dark look on his face. But as quickly as it came, it faded, and she was back with Keiran. What the hell was that?! Keiran read her expression perfectly, and would only smile in response. No, she couldn’t lose focus now. She went in again, only for him to block her attack and counter. She jumped back, bringing her sword around and parrying his next attack, but he was faster. She staggered backwards as he lunged at her, his sword barely slicing through her cheek, and again a memory played before her. This time it was Nadeline reprimanding her in front of Wesley and Jaakuna, one of the first fights they had.

Emiri managed to keep her ground as it faded away, though she hated to admit that whatever he was doing was definitely throwing her off. Keiran admired his sword for a moment, glancing at her. “A Nightmare Blade—all it really does is bring up bad times. Mostly distractions, but it’s more effective here,” He explained, his dark eyes briefly glowing red.

Now it was his turn to take the initiative—and he would rush at her in a blinding speed, his sword cutting across her arm. She couldn’t keep up with his strikes, and the memories would flood in one after another: a fight with her mother, the first time her father would leave and no come back for months, the massacre at Dalmasca, Vincent kidnapping her, her powers failing her. Every single moment in her life where she was afraid, every time she was angry, every time she was sad. It was too much. She wanted it all to stop, she didn’t want to remember any of this!

The crystals around them would further deteriorate. Her sword fell to the ground as she would drop to her knees, her hands grasping her head. “Stop it!” She cried, shaking her head.

Keiran let out a small sigh, bringing his blade above his head. He paused as he watched, though he would get down on one knee. He would take his free hand and place it under her chin, lifting her face towards his. “This world is nothing but impure. People have nothing but hatred and sorrow in their hearts. Your travels have shown you this much, I can tell,” His voice was low, almost comforting. “He will free us all from this misery. You’ll never have to feel the pain of being abandoned, I promise.

It was ridiculous. It wasn’t true, everything Keiran said was all lies, and her head was screaming at her body to do something, anything. He’d remove his hand from her face, lightly embracing her. She let out a gasp as he would run his blade through her, clutching her abdomen as he withdrew his sword. A glyph appeared from her wound, the light of the crystals fading around them. Her eyes darkened as they clouded over, and she would stand as darkness seeped out of the glyph, enveloping her entirely. She fell backwards, Keiran watching as the darkness erected a cage around her. The crystals emitted a red glow, and he let out a small sigh, watching as she writhed in pain.

Emiri managed to sit up somehow, grabbing a hold of the bars keeping her imprisoned. Keiran couldn’t help but clap for her. “Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.” He grinned.

The darkness would converge on the two, and as Shion raised her weapon, it would burst forward, though it seemed it was more for show than anything. Her eyes widened as she had seen that Emiri had changed before her, though it seemed more refined than Jaakuna’s possession. Gone were her dress and boots, replaced with a rather revealing leotard that left little to the imagination paired with a matching set of long gloves and long boots, the remains of a tailcoat billowing behind her. A crown of gold and silver formed on her head, holding some of her hair up as several red jewels sparkled from it. Emiri seemed just as surprised, examining herself, and as she would unsheathe her weapon, it too would change into a blade of darkness.

So this is the power of darkness…” Emiri mused out loud, looking at her weapon. “Cold…yet comforting…

Shion narrowed her eyes, though she shook her head. “You fool…fear not, for I shall release you from your shackles,” She stated.

Emiri’s eyes widened, her once violet eyes now a hue of magenta, though she let out a small giggle as she covered her mouth. “Fear…I have nothing to fear now,” She seemed to agree, though her expression would get more serious as she prepared her sword.

You would challenge me?

A challenge implies a chance at a struggle. No…I plan to win.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She set down the arrowhead beside her, taking in a moderate breath in and out. Though the thought of the arrow was on her mind, she wouldn’t spend much longer thinking about it. There were more important things to focus on. For one, who had attacked her? And the more important question was why did they attack her? To her knowledge, Savayna and Grant had arrived unnoticed, not counting the showy display she gave everyone when she attacked those at the main gate. Speaking of which..

After moments of silence, Savayna spoke. “Something I found odd, Grant. I wasn’t stealthy at all with those floating machines, so why didn’t we meet resistance? Or rather,” she quipped, “why didn’t I meet resistance?” Savayna asked Grant, looking at him thoughtfully. “And another thing. Why didn’t they persue us? I don’t remember much, but I heard Zeromus release a battle cry when I would come in and out of consciousness. This just doesn’t add up.” Savayna was struggling with the fact that she could remember Zeromus but not why the arrowhead beside her seemed so Occuria-damn familiar.

When it had happened, Wesley had little time. Save the innocents. Save Nadeline. Save yourself. Ensure everyone went unharmed. Ensure that no man, woman, or child was left behind. That’s what Wesley had promised himself in that small window of time before he and Nadeline had summoned their Espers.

Or so they tried. Wesley wouldn’t get that chance nor Nadeline, because in the moment that followed, something completely unknown to them [at the time] had passed through them. It was a cloud of black smoke that reeked of putrid flesh. Such a foul stench that Wesley never got the chance to summon Hashmaal, nor did Nadeline get that chance to summon Ultima.

But there was still a chance. There was no chance for the innocents. As much as it weighed on his soul, as much as it made him want to give up, Wesley couldn’t. Not when Nadeline could still be saved. Selflessly, Wesley, as he and Nadeline descended, cast a spell unlike ever before. Completely out of his wheelhouse, WEsley raised his hand up, a series of dozen of glyphs trailing along his arm, surrounding his body. And then his body itself became a glyph - a seal, if you will - and cast Nadeline away from him. This seal surrounded her in a brilliant orange and white light. As Nadeline would find herself several paces away from the ship, Wesley would look on as she would land ten paces tot he left of where the airship was poised to land.

I am sorry, father. I will not be able to lead our country after all.

I’m afraid you’re wrong, Wesley heard a voice say. It wasn’t Hashmaal. It was..


you did a selfless thing for that girl, Wesley. You really did use that one spell that I told you never to use, huh?

It was my only choice.

I recognize this to be a fact. And you were in the right to use it, for without it, she would have died from the impact.

Guess both of us are fools for love."

Jonathan laughed. Wesley, it seems you are ready.

Ready for what?

The Order Seal.

What is that?

I’ve not the time to explain, but just let me show you instead.

As Wesley would look down confused, he saw something. For a moment, a large glyph appeared before him. Acting faster than Wesley’s eyes or mind could, the glyph passed through him. At first, he felt pain unlike any other pain he had ever felt. It was like someone was skinning him alive. But then it shifted. The glyph, or seal molded inside of him, and that’s where he understood. A wave of knowledge, of power, of balance merged with his soul. Outwardly, Wesley would appear to have a strong, magickal aura, mist twisting and contorting the air around him.

And as Wesley was mere yards from the ground, he would prepare for impact.


He made impact,landing on top of the airship. He would connect with it. Hard. He felt bones snap, joints breaking, muscles tearing, and blood coming from all limbs. He was flung several paces deep into the crater that was twice as high, thrice as deep. He lay beside bodies piled high - bodies of Bangaa males, of Viera, of Moogle, of Seeq - all bloodied. Some had decapitated heads, some had blood still warm, and some were - some were still alive. By the gods..

They’re still alive!

Wesley tried to move, but he didn’t budge. Everything hurt. Head to toe, everything hurt. Surges of sharp agony was the least of his worries. Wesley was bleeding out. And just as Nadeline was under the impression he was fine. She saw him, but had she not realized he was severely hurt.

Nadeline…” Wesley managed to say something finally. His voice, while weak, had volume. It would no doubt reach her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Of course it didn’t add up, and of course Grant had rather conveniently pushed said matters to the side. He had a few theories in mind, though he wouldn’t voice any of them right then and there, instead thinking. There was always the more obvious ‘they saw us break their things and then retaliated’ or the less conventional ‘dumb luck’ excuse, though neither of them seemed to fit the situation. The more he thought about it, however, the more one little fact became increasingly clear to him: he couldn’t quite shake off the thought that maybe they were after Savayna specifically.

It would make some sense, He grimaced, a hand to his chin as he contemplated the thought. I was as off guard as she was, and yet they aimed for her instead of taking us both out at once. Was their goal elimination? Poisoned arrows do the trick, but why not aim for the head or chest rather than the shoulder? No…it could have been intentional if they wanted to capture us instead.

The only sound he made was a small ‘hmm’, though everything he was thinking was simply conjecture as he didn’t really have anything solid. He did, however, decide to voice one opinion he had. “Perhaps there was no pursuit because we came into their territory…so long as we were far away enough, they wouldn’t mind,” He suggested. “ If we were to approach them once more, perhaps we would meet similar resistance. Just a theory, mind you.

Nadeline shook her head at her fiancé. She wasn’t sure if it was the adrenaline or the possibility of hitting her head very hard, but she seemed very nonchalant about the entire situation. She dropped down to her knees, lightly caressing her beloved’s face. Not even a trip from point A to point B could be made simple for them, could it? Instead of thinking further about it, her white glyph appeared under the pair, underlined with Ultima’s symbol. The holy Esper’s influence was clear in her healing spell, amplifying it greatly as the magicks weaving through his broken bones and various wounds. In a manner of minutes, her work was done, a fully healed Wesley before her.

The Espers’ power is truly something to behold,” She commented as she put a hand to her head, making sure to heal her own wounds. The situation was dire, but it proved an excellent testing ground for her newly Esper-enchanced magicks. “You should be much better now, I think it best to present ourselves lest your sister begins to worry,” She suggested as she would cease her magicks, a sharp pain running through her head. A concussion? It would probably explain her dizziness.

A clash of light and darkness collided with one another several times, sending many of the townspeople running for their lives. Any soldier unfortunate enough to make an attempt to interfere would only see their death as they were caught in the blasts, and thus they relegated themselves to evacuating the citizens. Keiran colored himself very impressed with Emiri, as the brunette was going toe-to-toe with Shion with relative ease. His Master would be pleased at the growth of her power, though he had to credit her own emotions were powering her through the fight. A small frown formed on his face as he saw both Aloa and Vlyn running through the crowd. They were probably going to back up Shion, and for a split second, Keiran wondered if maybe it would be too much for the girl to take on the three of them at the same time.

Aloa stopped as Shion would skid backwards, only coming to a halt a foot away from the viera. “This corrupted Mist…it warps the Scion’s power,” Aloa muttered, watching Emiri warily.

The brunette smiled rather bashfully, giving off a rather innocent look. “Corrupted? Mmm, that sounds right,” She seemed to agree, her sword on her shoulder as she looked at them.

Shion scoffed, clearly displeased that Emiri was actually matched with her. Why was this situation different from Jaakuna’s? He, too, had dipped his soul into darkness, although the more she thought about it, perhaps she was mistaken. Jaakuna had taken on a rather corrupted form back then, a direct result of Zodiark. But Emiri seemed less frantic and more controlled, the only thing changed being her clothes and weapon. Shion narrowed her eyes as she dismissed her sword and brought out her regular katana.

Seemingly reading Shion’s thoughts, Emiri let out another giggle. “Met your match, have you? You’re sorely mistaken if that’s the case!” She called out as she shifted her weight onto her other foot. “Come on, aren’t you going to try and purify me, too? It’s like you’re not even trying!

It appears as if she’s gone mad,” Vlyn commented.

A corruption it is…though of a different sort,” Shion verbally confirmed her thoughts, though her amber eyes would rest on Keiran. “You hide your stench well, minion of darkness.

Keiran grinned, clapping his hands. “All I did was give her a little push in the direction my master wanted. She’s actually quite talented…but she was burdened by so many unneeded emotions like love and all that other crap,” He said almost mockingly. “But even I never imagined she’d equal your power, Blue Rose! That’s really something…I even had concerns about your constant meddling, but it’s good to know I don’t have to worry about you any longer.

The three of us can handle her,” Vlyn told Shion and Aloa. “Ancient magicks are at work here, ones that are older than even ours. Still, if we take the boy out…” Aloa nodded in agreement, though they were interrupted as Emiri let out a laugh. She gripped her side with one arm, nearly brought to tears with her laughter. “Uh…that’s never a good sign…

Emiri finished laughing, wiping a tear from her eye as she pointed her sword at the trio. “Come now! There’s a reason you haven’t even bothered ripping me from limb to limb! You’ve gone soft, Blue Rose, you’ve let your darling Wolf influence you! And Nadeline wouldn’t quite appreciate her most loved teacher slaying her best friend, now, would she?” Emiri sported a rather wicked smile as she spoke, giving them a shrug as she twirled her sword around her. “It’s almost like I have myself as a hostage! But no…the worst part for you lot is one little bitty thing I have yet to use…

Aloa’s eyes widened as Emiri would disappear, and she let out a gasp as Emiri’s sword made to slice through her. Shion managed to block the attack, though in the next second, Emiri was gone once more. Vlyn looked around, though he spotted Emiri too late as she would leap down towards them. The three jumped away in time, though as her sword pierced the ground, it would let out an immense wave of darkness. The wave outright obliterated the stands and anything unlock enough to stand in its way, even causing the walls of the surrounding buildings to crack. Aloa managed to put up a shield around the three, though it too would crack under the magicks of darkness. Only when it was reinforced by someone else’s magicks did it remain true, and as the darkness faded, Aloa was shocked to see Karolina there, her hand in the air as her glyph disappeared beneath her.

“[b][color=thistle]My lady! It’s much too dangerous here![/thistle][/b]” Vlyn called out.

Karolina shook her head, her hand to her heart as she watched Emiri. “Must it truly be this way?” She asked her with a worried expression. “You saved your father, must you also succumb to the darkness?!

Papa…! The thought actually shocked Emiri, and she looked at herself. What was she doing? Why was she going through all this? It was as if a veil had been lifted, a moment of confusion taking her. “Karolina…I…I…

The woman offered her hand to Emiri. “Come back to us—we’ll go to see him together!

The princess consort was good, this much Keiran had to admit. Still, it simply wouldn’t do, and he would snap his fingers in response. A sharp pain coursed through Emiri’s head, causing her to let out a piercing scream as she clutched her head, falling to her knees. Karolina rushed to her, though as Emiri would look up at her, she realized that she was still in there, fighting herself. “I…can’t go back to him…not like this…” She said, shaking her head. As Karolina went to comfort her, Shion knew what she would do next, and she ran forward, pulling Karolina away from Emiri as a burst of darkness erupted from her. “I won’t go back…not until I’ve had my vengeance,” Emiri clarified as she would stand, the darkness creating a wind around her as she would pick up her sword once more.

That isn’t the way!” Karolina called out to her as Vlyn held out a hand to stop her from running back to her. “Please, you mustn’t do this!

Keiran clucked his tongue, looking at Emiri. “We really should get going, don’t you think?” He asked her quietly. “We’ve wasted enough time here.

Emiri nodded in agreement, bringing her blade out in front of her. The wind picked up around them as she lifted her sword into the air. The dark clouds from above gathered, lightning crackling down around her as she watched the sky. “Creare!” She called as she brought her sword down, various bolts of lightning raining down from the sky. The magicks obliterating anything still standing, effectively clearing around the area around her, and as the wind died down, Emiri turned on her heel and began to walk. Keiran couldn’t quite wipe the grin off his face, snapping his fingers to open up a portal of darkness. Once the pair walked through, it would disappear, and Karolina was shocked to see they were still alive. Shion had stabbed the ground, the holy magicks of her sword erecting a shield, though it faded as Emiri and Keiran would leave. Shion actually let out a sigh, sheathing her weapon as she crossed her arms. Karolina looked to be on the verge of tears, though was unharmed. Aloa watched her carefully, a hand on her arm as a sort of comfort.

The blonde woman shook her head, looking at the trio. “Send word to Archadia and Dalmasca. They…they must know what has happened.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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So, if we go the same way we went before, it would be a repeat of our previously failed efforts,” Savayna mused aloud, then looked to Grant. “Then perhaps we don’t go the way we came. Maybe instead of going from the ground, we,” Savayna let the thought trail into silence, her herself thinking about her next words carefully - thinking about their next actions carefully.

Without uttering a single word, Savayna stood up. Despite the pain she felt in her arm, there was no time to rest. Sure she could do that, but the more time she spent resting up, the more time the both of them wasted by doing nothing - time that could be better spent scouting other areas of the Rift to get into Omisace.

Come Grant!” Savayna, tumbling forward once, finding herself using Grant as a tool to get her balance back, “the skies await us,” Savayna said.

Her arm was out, Mateus’ Glyph appearing before her. When she took a step, Mateus came through it, and Savayna climbed on him. Though he grunted, he wouldn’t say anything. Instead, he waited for her to get situated on his back. She found a spot close to this shoulders.

Well, what are you waiting for? Get that Esper of yours out!” Savayna demanded with authority,

As Wesley and Nadeline were both healed, Wesley could not bring himself to smile,not with the bodies that lay scattered about. Some were gone from this world, back to their creators. But others were still alive. Some still had a chance. This was a chance that Wesley would not and could not ignore.

I refuse to leave them here: the ones lost, the ones fighting for their lives,” Wesley took to his feet, eyes sorrowfully looking at those that coughed crimson blood. “We have to save them.” Wesley said, “and the ones who have lost their lives - they will need proper burials.

In a matter of moments, something changed in Wesley. He went from feeling satisfied with knowing that Nadeline was alive to having a sense of responsibility for those who have lost their lives or still clung to them with their few remaining breaths. “My sister can wait, I’m sure.” Wesley said, stepping forward, hands glowing ethereal white and orange. Curaga was flowing from each finger tip. “I vow to each and everyone of you,” Wesley would say to those who could hear him, “I will save you all — we will save you all.

And then Wesley went to work. Hopefully with Nadeline’s enhanced powers, they might have a chance of saving the less-than-twenty people who had severe to critical injuries.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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I don't know how to feel about this.

Grant definitely wanted to object to...whatever it was that Savayna was thinking. Why didn't he just say] that this was probably a bad idea and that maybe getting some reinforcements or just stopping to come up with a plan would be ideal? He was an idiot, and as powerful as the Espers were, it was just the two of them. What if there were worse things than poisoned arrows awaiting them? What if the enemy was waiting for them, expecting them to give it another shot? He let out another groan as Savayna would effectively use Mateus as a form of transportation, and at that point he needed to vocalize some of his thoughts.

"I don't believe this to be the best idea," He said, hands on his hips as he watched her. "Did you forget about the flying machines from before? Your injury also marks another point in the 'bad ideas' column, I admit."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Savayna would ignore Grant for a moment, scoffing under her breath as she was letting him think she simply didn’t hear him. She did, but she was choosing not to respond right away. Instead, she looked ahead. The temple of Omisace was still as large as it had ever been. It’s a sight to behold, that was for damn sure.

As she looked at Grant, she sighed, and said, “And this is why we’re going through the air with Mateus and Zeromus.” She looked at him still, this time her eyes searching for something in his own. “Is your objections because of my injuries or is it that you don’t want to avenge your woman?” Savayna pointed to her shoulder, “they hurt your woman - your love. Do you not wish to seek out vengence? Or the big talker who got me to come doesn’t want to go through with his rhetoric?” Savayna smiled slyly, a snicker hardly contained behind it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Grant stopped completely in his tracks, squinting his eyes at Savayna dangerously. Did she really have to take that angle? Oh how he wanted to wipe that arrogant smug off her face. It was as if she was the one wielding the arrow and had managed to hit him right where it hurts. He scowled in response, wordlessly summoning Zeromus. Even the Esper was silent as Grant would hop aboard, shooting a rather pouty glare at the blonde haired woman. How she wounded him. He was definitely grumbling under his breath, clearly annoyed, though he would cease as he would fix his longcoat.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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When Wesley made that vow, he meant it. He vowed to save their lives. Though he pulled through for some, others wished to die. These were the older men and women. They had lived long lives and they wanted to be able to die with their loved ones just beside them. Wesley wept for them. He wept that he couldn’t save them before they became too injured to save. All Wesley could do was say I’m sorry. That was all he could do.

And when the time came bury the dead, he did that. With Hashmaal and Nadeline’s help, WEsley was able to bury each and every last one of them. All thirty men, women, and child that had suffered a terrible death were buried in six rows of five. They ranged form Bangaa to Hume; from Viera to Seeq. Whatever life they had lived before did not matter to Wesley. It didn’t matter if they were rapists or murderers. Wesley saw them as Ivalice’s children who lost their lives because of Zodiark’s doing. They died because of his presence. That was what angered Wesley above all else.

Sons and Daughters of Ivalice. You have lived your lives to the fullest. Whatever your make. Whatever the direction you took in your life - it brought you satisfaction. But now you prepare for the eternal sleep. Be at peace. You are finally ready to join your ancestors in the heavens above. May the Occuria welcome you with open arms and genuine hearts.

After Wesley uttered that prayer, he rose from his knees, clapping his hands three times, each with a one second gap in-between each. Then he looked to Nadeline. Smiling at her, three tears falling from each eye. He did not have those tears because he was sad. He had these tears because he regretted not being able to save them. But above all, they were tears of pride as a Dalmascan.

Wesley hoistered his sword around his waist, took what remained of his belongings, and looked ahead. It wasn’t far until they reached Dalmasca, so they better start walking. “Shall we?” Wesley held his arm out to Nadeline.

Master Jaakuna, Empress Reia, and Prince Lorenzo, we have arrived at The Imperial City of Archadia!” Iris announced.

Jaakuna had already been on his way down. He had made sure that Reia and Lorenzo knew that he had yet to be able to get into contact with Roman. Despite that, he told them to dress to impress. As for Jaakuna himself, he was outfitted in something a little more presentable: a suit of red shirt, crimson tie, black jacket and pants, and maroon shoes. His hair was tied up with a single red hairtie. He had his two twin daggers in their black sheaths inside his jacket.

He stood just ten paces away from where the Mist Teleportation Station was. He saw Reia and Lorenzo stepping forward. As a man, Jaakuna couldn’t deny that Reia looked stunning. Of course she did. She was Nadeline’s aunt and Lorenzo’s sister. But most of all, she was a Rozarrian. They all were beautiful people. Even the ugly ones had a certain appeal to them. Of course, he had eyes for one, but that didn’t mean Jaakuna couldn’t appreciate an exquisite beauty when he saw one.

Looks like you both are ready to go.” Jaakuna commented. He found it best not to verbally comment on Reia, though his eyes would betray him. Surely that would get him heat.

Well done, Jaakuna. Well done indeed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

To think she would be stepping on the soil of another country was far too bizzare of a thought to even register in her mind, And yet, as the mysterious voice would announce their arrival, Reia knew this wasn't the time to be nervous or excited or anything, She would take in a deep breath to calm her nerves, following Lorenzo closely back to the area to beam down once more. She was almost shocked to see Jaakuna in something that wasn't common sky pirate attire; she could almost say he looked handsome. Almost. Perhaps if he were a stranger, if she hadn't known him and his foul mouth. But for once, just once he seemed to be doing alright, and would wisely not even comment on her appearance.

Too bad his eyes betrayed him.

Reia couldn't help but cross her arms in disapproval. "You didn't believe I wouldn't be dressed for an occasion, did you?" She asked, almost defensively, as if trying to justify herself.

Lorenzo, on the other hand, was much more open about it. "Hey, hey, hey! That's my little sister you're gawking at! Put those eyeballs back where they belong, kid!" He huffed, clearly displeased that anyone would even look at Reia with the slightest hint of attraction.

To his surprised, Reia would snap at him next. "And you chose to remain the same instead of changing into something more suitable? Honestly, Lorenzo, did you forget that you are still a prince?"

"I ain't the one on trial!" Now it was his turn to get defensive. "And I'm not here as a prince, I'm here as your bodyguard. Gotta make sure no evil Archadians jump out from the bushes to try to kidnap you or something!"

That was probably one of the most ridiculous things she had heard all day--no, this was pretty typical for Lorenzo. She threatened to hit him with her fan again, and only then would he conceded, hanging his head like a child that had gotten scolded. Reia sighed, summoning up her will as she turned to Jaakuna. "Lead the way."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Jaakuna had been completely silent when Reia and Lorenzo had been talking. It was in his best interest to do so. It was even more so considering he got scolded by both of them for simply looking, though it was in different ways. Nonetheless, it taught Jaakuna a valuable lesson: no matter how pretty, if you are spoken for, even looking will get you put in the dog house.

And in moments, they touched ground on Archadia.

As the trio walked through the doors of the Aerodome from the private section where all those who had their own airships came to the public section where one could book flight on commercial ships, Jaakuna felt something stir in his stomach. It wasn’t pride, but just a warm feeling. Maybe it was all the times of being away, being in foreign land, that Jaakuna -no, not Jaakuna today. Jackson Darcone was home. Jackson Darcone, for the first time in years, was home. He wasn’t Jaakuna returning for a visit. He was the crown prince who had dressed for the part.

I guess this is what it means to return home, huh?” Jackson mused, a smile of pride on his face.

Jackson could tell that, even with them barely arriving, they were getting looks from everyone and whispers that followed.

“Is that Prince Lorenzo of Rozarria?”

“Is that Empress Reia of Rozarria?”

“Is that the Crown Prince, Jackson Darcone?”

While these whispers weren’t ignored, they weren’t acknowledged either. Jackson wouldn’t subject himself to that. These people, while they mattered in an overall sense, he wasn’’t going to give them teh satisfaction by turning his head to them. If he did, that would only invite them to indulge in their trivial gossiping. There was just far more important matters for Jackson to focus on.

And as he, as well as Reia and Lorenzo, would soon realize, these important matters had decided to come to them rather than the other way around.

“Prince Lorenzo, Empress Reia, and Prince Jackson,” an Archadian Soldier said, looking at the three. He stood tall and presentable. “Judge Darcone has sent me to receive you as your personal escort to see his eminence, Emperor Roman.”

Jackson looked at them briefly. It wasn’t a confident look. Hamut hadn’t told him about roman and where he was. And now he sends a soldier to escort them. It just didn’t send a good feeling through his body. Even worse, Jackson was not keen on this soldier. His voice sounded shady.

Tell my Grandfather that, while we appreciate the gesture, we can see our own way to roman. But thanks though.” He said, waving the soldier off.

The soldier took a moment to respond. Silence spoke volumes, as it didn’t do anything to quell Jaakuna’s suspicions. But, after another moment, the soldier said, “Very well. I shall carry your words to Judge Darcone’s ears.” The soldier bowed, “please enjoy your stay in Archadia, Empress Reia and Prince Lorenzo.”

When the soldier had left, Jaakuna let out a relieved sigh, then looked at Reia and Lorenzo. “We’re not even out the gate and already a bad start.” Jaakuna scoffed, “I’m starting to think that this treaty might’ve been a bad idea.” Jaakuna said, clearly agitated. If he had known it would have been this dangerous, he would have opted for Roman to come to ROzarria as compared to what was happening right now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Reia eyed the soldier rather warily as he was dismissed. No, she didn’t like the look of that one at all, less so when Jaakuna would state his concerns. She would look at Lorenzo, who seemed more interested than anything else, and let out a small sigh. She almost suggested turning around, but that wouldn’t just be an insult to Jaakuna, it would be an insult to herself as well. After a moment of collecting her thoughts, she couldn’t help but notice Lorenzo’s lack of response. Odd, considering he was the last person to ever shut up.

Lorenzo caught her look, and let out a rather dramatic sigh. “And you thought I was joking when I said I was your bodyguard,” He couldn’t help but smugly point out, though his expression immediately hardened into one more serious. “We’re already here, ain’t much left to do but to keep going. Don’t go striking your idea out just yet, Jaakie. Not saying it’s gonna turn out one hundred percent alright, but…shit, we need to make sure everything is alright here.

She hated to admit it, but he was right. She would cross her arms once more, shifting somewhat uncomfortably. He would shoot her a grin, patting his chest. “If you’re absolutely sure…then I agree. Even if everything goes down the drain, no one can say we did not try.

That’s the spirit!

How he stayed so optimistic was a mystery to her.

What am I doing?

Is this really worth it?

I can’t do this.

What’s going on?

No…I want my revenge…

I need it.

An inner battle seemed to wage on inside Emiri as she and Keiran trekked though the Dalmasca Westersand, close to the border of the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. Keiran had led her this far, though the longer they walked, the more doubt she had. She wasn’t feeling too hot either; her movement was sluggish, her head ached fiercely, the heat beating on them terribly and adding to things as they walked. But she would carry on. She owed Lola…she needed to find her…she needed to make her pay for making her father suffer…for killing her mother…Who the hell did she think she was?!

Keiran eyed Emiri rather carefully. Once in a while, her body seemed to reject the dark powers she accepted. It was an odd phenomenon, though he couldn’t quite understand why. Chaos had been silenced, Shion was unable to purify her, so why was she able to resist it so much? Were his own powers not enough? No, that couldn’t be it, his master made sure of that. There was something missing, something blocking it that he didn’t know about. The brunette fell to one knee, clutching her chest. His eyes widened, though a blinding light would throw him to the ground. Emiri let out a gasp, turning around to see Shion at the ready, blade aloft. The wind whipped her blue hair around her like a storm, but the woman herself was at the ready. The blue rose in her hair glowed brightly, its petals scattering around them.

Emiri bit her lip as she smiled, slowly standing on her feet. “How I hoped you would follow,” She admitted as she withdrew her sword from her sheath. “Just you and me…with no one else to interfere.

Shion’s amber eyes seemed to pierce through her very soul, though she was completely focused on her. Emiri took it as an invitation, cackling madly as she swung her sword. The two blades clashed as they did, hers oozing darkness to oppose Shion’s light. The result was another explosion that would send the two in opposite directions, although they would immediately charge at one another once more. Emiri’s moves became messy and erratic, a sort of unpredictability, though Shion was always one to adapt to a situation. The woman parried an attack, forcing Emiri back. The younger girl staggered backwards, her heels slipping in the sand for just a moment. Shion charged in, her hand glowing as she would strike her abdomen. Emiri let out a small gasp, shocked as she was sent flying a good distance away. Shion narrowed her eyes as the girl would fall to the ground, though for once, Emiri was not her target.

Instead, she approached the fallen Keiran, who was groaning. He looked up at her, one red eye shining, his face cracked from the exposure to light. He couldn’t help but smirk, covering part of his face with his hand. “Heh. You really got me. Well done,” He offered a congratulations, though Shion’s only response was to place her blade to his neck. “Touchy, aren’t we?

Of course. Eliminate the source, and the girl goes back to normal,” Shion replied rather simply, pressing the tip into his neck. “Your life is nothing more than a waste. Trouble me no more and return to the darkness from whence you came.

To her surprise, Keiran laughed, his eyes widening somewhat. “That’s funny, it said the same thing! Oh, but the stories I’ve heard of you, Blue Rose…you and it would get along swimmingly, I’m sure!” He chuckled. “See, the thing is, the seed has sprouted. This physical form is just a better way for me to communicate with her. Slice it up, behead me, tear it apart…I’ll just come back so long as she’s alive.

Shion narrowed her eyes, unconvinced, though she would see Emiri approaching them once more, seemingly angry. “A clever ploy for your life,” She said, and before he could respond, she ended him, her blade cutting cleanly through his neck.

Emiri’s eyes widened, a sharp pain coursing through her own neck. She screamed, partly from the pain, partly from terror, and an explosion of darkness erupted around her. She gripped her sword firmly, her free hand clutching her neck, and with murder in her eyes, she charged at Shion once more. As Shion lifted her sword, she let out a small gasp as Emiri swung, her blade going right through the sword of light. How was this possible?! With her free hand, she would catch the sword, though it was not without pain as she made an attempt to prevent the girl from slicing her open. The various petals swarmed around her hand and she was able to push Emiri back.

Her hand bled freely, though what was once running red ran black instead. Shion recognized it immediately, a white glyph appearing beneath her as the darkness seeped through her body. The darkness would fade from her wound, leaving her blood red once more, though it seemed Emiri wasn’t quite finished with her.

You should have killed me back in Archades,” Emiri whispered as she tried not to smile. “I was right in front of you, do you remember? But your precious Wolf would have seen my dead body…how soft you’ve gotten, Blue Rose.

Shion winced, her wound burning, though she wasn’t about to die here. “You haven’t won yet, Scion. Fallen petals have their uses, after all…” She replied as the wind picked up, sand scattering everywhere.

As Emiri raised her arms to shield herself, the sand fell to the ground, and Shion had vanished. She cursed out loud, clearly aggravated, though she would sheathe her weapon once more. Her eyes landed on Shion’s fallen blood, and couldn’t help but smile at it fondly. Not even Jaakuna could have landed a hit on her, but she did. She didn’t need him. She didn’t need any of them. Not after they all left her behind.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her, and she felt Keiran put his head on her shoulder. He was completely unharmed now, though he hugged her tightly. “That’s right, you don’t need them anymore,” He echoed her thoughts almost lovingly, a hand stroking her hair.

Emiri shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks, and Keiran would turn her around and hug her properly. Never in her life had she felt so alone or felt so robbed. Why was all this happening to her? Why did he leave her again? What was wrong with her? She sobbed into his shoulder, her hands holding him as tightly as she could as she cried.
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