Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Gary Stuart would not be able to answer, but Bloodrune was watching for any messages from Alto, with Plantmaster at his side. After playing a game of rock-paper-scissors in order to see who would answer first, Bloodrune would text, to Alto:

<Plans have changed. Offer them information about The Voice in exchange for their help. Said information is that The Voice's signals come from Avalon, Aperture's official, privatized Meta-Prison.> Then, Plantmaster spoke:

"Shall we tell him about his employer now? What could be the harm?" Plantmaster liked Alto, seeing in him the Anti-Ruby.

"Fine," replied Bloodrune, and texted: <Oh, and your employer is StuCorp; don't tell anyone not of the FBI and their affiliates.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

John listened to the instructions that Constantine were giving them and he still wondered if working with a purely independent hero with no government training. When he heard her talk about her problems with brothels, he smiled in amusement.

"Haven't you ever heard of Room&Board Light? There's more to living than just money and nowadays everyone seems to hate money" Bio-Beast said with a calm tone to his voice. He hadn't really went into brothels too much except when they had targets that needed to be taken down.

"Don't worry about me being underage, I can fix that problem" and with those words, John changed his appearance to make himself look older.

"as long as i get a chance to whack some skulls then I don't care if its human traffickers or the goddamn Peace Corp, I like some action" he said as he got a good look of the building.

"I should be the one to infiltrate the building directly since I look like the type of metahuman who would love to work for money, and my personality perfectly backs that up" John as he let his right hand change into a set of monstrous claws like some terrifying beast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Gang

It was too late for Bio-Beast to infiltrate, as Light had already engaged the enemy, including one of their Metas, an asian man who was launching bolt after bolt of ice at her. Thus, when John entered the building, he would find a second Meta, a white man whose power was to cover himself in steel. This Meta would charge Bio-Beast, helped by yet another Gifted, a young, 19-year old white woman who summoned a flock of spectral ravens to peck at John's eyes...

The Lynch Mob

Pamela would find the families of the Magi, five in all, huddled together in a basement that was many orders too small for them, and they would first look at her in alarm. However, said alarm would fade as it was clear that they were going to be rescued. And so, Pamela would lead said families out of the house they were in, and lead them to Dean and Abigail, who had nothing to do. Then, Constantine would give them instructions to take them towards the airport, where they can be taken to the FBI Headquarters in San Francisco.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Light's body wasn't very good at dodging things, but unfortunately for the meta and his support who were wielding knives and swords, attacks that would be lethal to most people only annoyed Light. The meta shooting ice was shooting small ice bullets meant to do significant damage to vital organs, but they pretty much just passed through Light, pelting her full of holes as she charged at him, counter-attacking one of the enemy support gang members and using him as a makeshift club to swipe at the others, finishing by tossing him at the ice meta. While the ice meta had ducked the human projectile, Light had used said projectile for cover, coming at the ice meta with a nasty haymakerr.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Collab between LetterBee & NarcissisticPotato))

Working for Gary Stuart was a bit of a new experience for Ruby, with all things considered. Before-hand, she had been a lone-wolf hacker that stole information in return for money then she turned to Aperture after being convinced of the benefits working for them would entail. And now, she was stuck working in an environment that could probably rival Google's can-do attitude when dealing with their interns. It was sickening, she was stuck amongst inferior idiots that only had knowledge on a few computer languages. That wasn't even the worst part - that was the fact that she had to pretend to be one of those mongols. Of course, she pulled her role off effortlessly and within a few days she was the star of Stucorp's think-tank and edging closer to gaining information about Gary Stuart himself.

Ghost continued to be suspicious of Alanna Tate, but could not find anything suspicious about her except for her rapid rise in the ranks, and her apparent freedom from the increasing Anti-Meta sentiment in LA. Both of those traits had benign explanations, but Ghost was paranoid and protective, and, well, something about 'Alanna rubbed him the wrong way. So, he just continued watching her, and finding new occasions to meet with her. Then came the day he had been waiting for, the day when Gary Stuart came to Alanna, and invited her to a private lunch; curse that man's libido.

From Ruby's point of view, Ghost was a horrid presence, especially when she couldn't get a moment to herself with him standing over her. It had almost got to the point where she was getting worried about it - had her cover been blown? Of course, she has no other option but to play along as Alanna Tate, the shy yet chirpy programmer. Ghost represented a problem that needed to be resolved but up until that lunch with Gary Stuart, she didn't have any viable options. "Mr Stuart." She greeted him, her demeanour bright as usual. "Thank you for inviting me today but I don't think things like this are for interns like me."

"It's just lunch," spoke Gary, smiling. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you, except, of course, talk about our life stories. Besides, you've worked hard, and you've worked well, so why not reward yourself?" The truth was, Gary was not completely naive; he knew that something was off about Alanna, but he didn't have enough evidence yet, and evidence was important. If the young woman would agree to his offer, he would then take her to his private office in the building, a private office that was artistically dotted with floating-orb drones. At the centre of the office was, well, lunch; Turkey Bacon, a Ceasar Salad, and some Cream of Mushroom all spread out on a table.
"So, like it?" Gary said; Ruby/Alanna might not be sure if he was referring to the drones or the lunch.

The food was of little to no interest to her at that moment - she had been given a free oppurtunity to study enemy technology so she was going to seize it. "I've never seen drones structured like orbs but you seem very fond of the design." She murmured, slowly reaching up and brushing her fingers over the drone. "Very nice sir but why exactly are they here?" She questioned, still captivated by the small drone which was hovering freely.

"Amazing, aren't they?" spoke Gary, who then continued, "these drones are for personal security, as well as aestethic pleasure. Basically, these drones are equipped with robotic arms, a stunning laser, and, well, deflector shields, in order to protect from mind-controlling enemies." The CEO chose to leave out any mention of the droids' kill-switches; he wasn't that inexperienced. "They're a new invention, to be marketed to the FBI...or at least some branches." He smiled. "Also, I'm sure you already know this, but, well, StuCorp started out as a toy company, before branching out to weapons and armor, biotech, and...publishing." There was a smirk at invoking the Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking trope.

There was no point even attempting to offer anything new on the droids - she constantly had to remind herself that she was an intern, not a technopath with an unparalleled genius. "I like to think that I'm at least aiding the design of these. There are too many bad people in the world and if I can help at all, I count it as a minor victory." Smiling softly, she turned and tentatively brushed a loose strand of black hair behind her ear; she was very fond of her new hair, even if it wasn't what she was used to. "So... lunch?" Smiling again, Alanna took a seat in front of him. "Sir, may I ask a question? You see, Ghost has been trailing me recently and I don't like making accusations but I think he likes me..." There was a light blush that touched her cheeks, finishing off her perfect performance in an attempt to rid herself of Ghost.

"Then confront him about it; I give you free rein too," spoke Gary. "If he refuses to stop stalking you, I'll talk to him about it. Also, a question: how do you define 'bad' people?"

Alanna successfully hid the smirk that nearly rose to her lips as she was given permission to tell Ghost to take a hike. However, upon asking his next question, Alanna frowned suddenly and stared at him. "I suppose I classify people as bad like any other person does. Anyone who takes the law into their own hands are bad and anyone who thinks that discriminating you for what you're born as is bad. What do you think qualifies someone as bad, Sir?"

"Causing unnecessary suffering, regardless if it's for the law or against it. I know, sappy, but, well, the fact is, most suffering is uncesessary, at least at this state in the world. Sometimes you may have to inflict it, but those times are one, rare, and two, have to be forced on you." He then smiled, faintly. "I've seen your eyes before, in a certain broadcast by a certain someone." Gary knew. He knew that a certain Technopath's eyes almost glowed with a lightning blue, a lightning blue that cannot even be covered by contacts.

Possibly the scariest thing she did was quirk her head to the side a little, an eyebrow raising involuntarily before she returned to her lunch. Stabbing a piece of chicken with her fork, she raised it to her lips beffre meeting his eyes. "Sometimes bad things have to be done for the greater good. You of all people should know that, Gary." Alanna was gone now and Ruby was ready. "My eyes are my most stunning feature; wouldn't you agree?" Laughing softly, she sat back and took a look at him before clearing her throat. "Some of your drones have some shitty security and now their loyalty is... arbitrary. So, Mr Stuart, how shall we resolve this?"

"Sigh...I was hoping I was wrong," spoke Gary wearily. "That, and we define 'the greater good' in our own ways. Activate kill-switches." And with that, the drones all fell down with a loud clanging and banging, completely deactivated. "Despite the suffering you caused my friends, especially Cedric, I do not plan on fighting you; Director Taylor is the one I wish to fight; if Destiny exists, it has pitted us against one another. In fact," he spoke, "I'll even tell you this: The families of the Magi, are now on our side." Not yet true, but knowing Constantine, it will be. Also, it would help seed mistrust between Aperture and its chosen guardians. "And said families are under our protection."

She smirked dryly as the drones came crashing down - it seemed that even their inventor had his doubts about their powers of keeping her out. Giving him a quick roll of her eyes, Ruby curled her feet up onto the chair and stared at him. "It would be a very unfair fight. I'm just a young girl lacking power-armour, after all." Still smirking, she inspected him before chuckling a little. "You good guys and your desires to get an advantage! Really quite entertaining, really. The Magi are heroes, we don't control them and if you think they're going to allow you into the sleeper-facility, you're an idiot."

"Point, also, you betrayed the fact that Aperture hasn't informed you yet - we've found another way in; what I said was a distraction. As for that other way in, Director Doctor Taylor will tell you once I send you back - he loves being surprised," he smirked sarcastically. "And yes, I'm sending you back so I can send a message to him."

Ruby sighed softly and inspected her nails, almost as if Gary Stuart wasn't particularly worth her time. Finally, when she did decide to continue on with the conversation, she gave him a small roll of her eyes before elaborating. "With all due respect, Mr Stuart, you could take the whole bloody army down there and they wouldn't get in. If you know what's good for you, you'll call off anyone with any intentions to infiltrate the sleeper-facility because I assure you, they will die." With that, she slid to her feet and once again rotated her head to the side, watching him curiously. "You've built some pretty robots and you've helped the FBI but it's time to give up. You're playing with things you don't fully understand and going against organisations that are leagues ahead of you." Sighing softly, she fixed him with that intense stare of hers. "For the mercy you've shown me, I hope you get out of this war. If you do, per chance, not get killed, do some research into Project Eve. It might help you understand."

"Thank you," spoke Gary, "and, here's my message to Director Taylor: Tell him that, the End Times are coming, and by End Times, I don't mean in a religious sense."

Quirking a small eyebrow at him, she smiled a little before turning away from him, heading towards the door. "The End is always coming, Mr Stuart, but some of us just know when and where it'll be!" She shouted back to him, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she looked down sadly at the small robots before pushing the door open. "Another time then, eh?"
((TL;DR, Gary and Ruby talk, the former reveals that he knew who Ruby was, then lets her go to reveal a foreshadowing message to Director Doc Taylor.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once John was in the building he saw two metas that were obviously looking for a fight and one of them changed his body into steel.

"I didn't Colossus was a worker at this fine establishment" he said with sarcasm in his voice. The other metahuman who was a woman created birds out of thin air and the flew to attack him. He tried to make swings at them but found that they were like ghosts and his claws went through them. when they tried attacking him, he moved from one side to the next to keep moving. John then noticed the other metahuman charging towards creating dents in the ground from his charge towards him. Bio-Beast gave him a eager grin and he toughened his skin and ran towards the metal human.

"Hike!" he shouted as he rammed into the metahuman with incredible speed and power and sent the meta flying for at least twenty feet. the impact had hurt John, but he wasn't going to let pain stop him from taking down these tools. He then focused his attention on the woman morphed his hand into a massive fist and clubbed her in the face and knocked her down onto the ground. As he expected the spectral birds disappeared thanks to their caster losing focus and John turned his attention back on the other metahuman. The meta came at him again and punched him in the chest and the man's metal fists hurt a lot and made John stumble to the ground. Using his more feral instincts, John recovered quickly off of the ground and went on the attack. He made bone claws grow out of his knuckles on both of his hands and he began to slash wildly at the metahuman with a animal like ferocity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Light would find herself encountering a barrier of ice between her and the Haymaker, but said barrier would be broken in a few seconds, knocking the enemy Meta unconcious, but the Toon-Metahuman would find herself a little exhausted, and her fists would be comically glowing red. Also, there was the fact that the enemy Meta needed medical attention, at least for interrogation...

Bio-Beast would find himself fighting fast and fighting hard, with the Steel Metahuman proving a match for him in brute force, his steel skin proving a match for the other man's bone claws, which made a deafening 'screech' scound as they scraped the aforementioned steel skin. Nevertheless, John would slowly gain and advantage, the Steel Metahuman having less versatile powers...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Literally 5 seconds after Alto put his phone down after sending the message, he got a reply from his mysterious employer.

Oh, the plan's changed. He thought. Wait, did we even have a plan besides finding them to begin with? Looking back at his phone, he received another text from his employer. StuCorp?

He'd heard of StuCorp, supposedly another mega corporation, sort of like Aperture but only in the mega part of it. The FBI and those affiliated with them? he thought, a little puzzled by the last part of the message. He mulled it over in his head as black-ops guy finally introduced himself.

"Registered government employee, callsign; Lighthouse" the black-ops guy said.

If he's government, I guess that means he's technically affiliated. He thought.

Getting up from his sitting position, he dusted himself off a little bit. More for vanity's sake than anything, really. He walked into the hideout, noticing that Lighthouse was still talking.

"I'm tracking the man responsible for the broadcast that forced you two into hiding." Lighthouse said.

Black-ops guy is also after the Voice? Alto thought. That dude sure is getting popular in the secrety secrets department right now. The Voice must have been good, too. Alto was mainly assuming here, but he was pretty sure it had taken the FBI + StuCorp upwards of a week or less to find where this guy might be. Still, he wasn't sure what to do if someone else was also after the Voice.

Pulling out his phone, he quickly typed out a message before sending it.

<There's some other guy after the broadcast dude here as well. What do I do about him?>

Shoving the phone back into his pocket, he decided to continue regardless of what came up. He'd probably get messaged back before he acquired a reason to regret it anyway. Ignoring the last statement of the black-ops dude, he decided to put the loose cannon attitude aside for now, and go for the business face.

"My employer hired me to find you two," He said, pointing at Nightingale and Elijah, "Because they believe they have something that you might be interested in. They are willing to give you information about the man behind the Broadcast, if you are willing to assist them in-" What I'm assuming to be... he thought, "-taking him down."

Both Elijah and Nightingale were in hiding now, thanks to the Broadcast so he was also assuming that they were at least interested in finding out where he was. "You'll lose nothing if you refuse, but you won't find him without my employer's help." He said. "What do you say?"

He was going to withhold the information about who his employer was for the time being. He didn't really know about the black-ops guy, if he wasn't really what he said he was, telling him the name of his employer might not be a good idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roze kept silent for a few moments, weighing the situation in her mind. So, this Lighthouse guy was with the Government. And this irritating kid was working for someone unknown - at the moment, Rozalia was going to take the Government option. Hopefully she could instill some form of protection against arrest and whatnot for herself and Elijah by cooperating with them. And, they had the same target - the 'TV guy'.
Her eyes then snapped back to the kid, narrowing at his final sentence.
"Won't find him?'. Kid, we aren't some stupid ammeters who can't tell our ass from our head - this guy was stupid enough to mess with us metas - and he definitely fucked up by making that decision. I'm not going to be at the beck and call of some rich guy just to get information." She snapped, then looked back at Elijah. "Lighthouse here is our best option at the moment. The Government obviously isn't bothered about taking us down after what happened with the deaths and the FBI, so we might as well work with them. It's better than the alternate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

John had to admit that it was hard fighting against an opponent with powers like this metahuman, and his organic abilities made it so that his bone claws were not as dangerous as he wanted them to be. They screeched against the metahuman's steel body and even though his body was toughed up, the pounding that he took from his opponent was very painful and he made extra sure to guard his head so that he didn't suffer from too serious of a concussion. Even though he was able to match the men blow for blow, Bio-Beast decided that keeping his distance might be a better course of action.

He jumped away from the metahuman and resorted to his more ranged attacks by creating powerful tendrils out of his arms and using them to attack the metal man. Because of the length and power of his tendrils, John was able to keep his distance and kept on hammering the metahuman. Eventually he saw the man begin to tire and John needed to finish him quickly. He morphed his hand into a massive boney fist and he charged the man. John drew back his fist and landed a colossal punch to his face, causing the metahuman stumble back and fall onto the floor knocked out cold.

"Try working on your creativity next time dude" John said to the unconscious metahuman, and with those words he became curious to know what Light was doing at this moment and went looking for her. He hoped that she had been having as much as he was just now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Light looked over the body of the ice meta she had just clobbered. He didn't look so good after getting hit in the back the way he did, and was out cold, same with his small group of allies, although they wont be paralyzed like this meta. "Well, crap. Didn't think he was so fragile. And after all that ice. Oh well, Ice is brittle after all. At least he'll live, but man, he might wanna ask for death with that kinda spinal injury. Dead from the neck down, ouch." Light commented, looking over the guy who was out cold, picking out the knives and icicles that were stuck in her body.

She didn't care much about the injuries she had caused the people here, especially with the cages and bloody instruments laying around the back of the room. As far as she was concerned, it was their just deserts for causing so much suffering. Yawning, she put her finger in her mouth and popped all the injuries away with a loud crack that could be heard through the building. Picking up the broken meta, she went back to Bio Beast, apparently at a dead end. It didn't take long for him to find her, as he had finished his fight as well. She gave him a playful wave with the unconscious meta's arm.

"Yeesh, you look a little beat up there pal. " Light said looking over bio Beast.
"I didn't see any slaves, dunno if they're somewhere else or what." she continued as the two looked over the area, the noise dying down as the two had taken out a good amount of gang members. when the two reached outside, Light moved over and dropped the unconscious guy on another pile of unconscious bodies, then followed Bio Beast to wherever he was going. After all, he had animal bits, maybe he could sense stuff she couldn't?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After subduing the whole of the gang, Bio-Beast and Nahual would smell out a healthy dose of fear pheromones, which would lead them to a cliched place to store new slaves in - the basement - where they would find about two dozen Metahumans from ages 6 to 30, many of them bearing marks of abuse, and all of them looking afraid and wary of the newcomers. However, in an odd inverse of how things usually worked, the newcomers' unfamiliarity made them look less threatening to the prisoners than the Meta Gang were. Not merely that, but they would notice a young girl, about 12, who looked similar to one of the Magi; they don't know the exact name. Nevertheless, this mission can be classified as an unqualified success.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elijah took another sip of his bourbon, he was shocked and more than a little dumbfounded. Did that fucking kid not only bust in his house, but the fucking kid sent out like a million messages? Who the fuck does this shit? He didn't know how many messages were sent but one might as well be a million.

Before he responded he looked over Lightning house, or whatever his name was. No mattered how this played out Elijah knew they were going to fight. It was as inevitable as the passage of time. The both of them had dominate personalities and were more than capable of working their problems out with their own hands.

Going to the kid... Eli figured that he was nothing more than a foot soldier. The kid was small time, he was nothing to fear. The employer was interesting, there were only a handful of people in the world who had the pull, power, or money to doing something like this. The only problem was that Elijah knew most of them and they were not nice enough or cared enough to do anything about it. Mob bosses and crime lords weren't all that loving of their fellow man, metahuman or otherwise.

There was still the matter of Roze, who for some reason seemed intent on doing government work again. He had been down that road before and he wasn't going down it again. Add to that, there was no offer on the table from Golden eyes. Plus the government came with rules that had to be followed, a flawed chain of command, and that stupid fucking political game that was all to self serving.

He finally spoke after running through a couple of scenarios.m "Just so im clear about whats happened here. Light Bright fimds us via a phone call I made. He shows up here actin like a douche bag and demands we or she rather answers his questions. Which she complies with for some fucking reason." He tone was so dry, it was almost like he had been talking about the weather. He pointed at the kid next.

"Then you show up and... dear christ you do some dumb shit. You.... You you fucking hide out ln the roof and try to stay out of sight bit apparently that works all too well so you throw a g-d damn fit about it and then if that wasn't bad enough you've sent like three fucking messages from here.... How... just tell me how you're that fucking stupid. Cause its beyond me newbie." The frustration was more than easy to see amd hear. On the plus side, if Eli didn't melt this dumb ass' face off it meant he was at a new level of self control.

"If Newbies's employer really has anything on The Voice then thags wbere we go. Light Bright ain't got shit. We knkw that because he's asking about that dumb ass child."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Against Goliath

Alec always had a soft spot for child soldiers. He had seen plenty of them being used as mine detectors by official government contractors in Liberia, being blown up to pieces and hell - even being waterboarded by CIA officials for failing to hold a gun right, something that a kid should never be forced to do. While the ninja was bearing a load of cutting edge technology, he was still a sixteen-seventeen year old, forced to fight in a war just because God decided to up his life a notch. The revelation that the government was employing child soldiers wasn't much of a bombshell either, but the report that they were using child soldiers within the American soil was concerning. If Uncle Sam maintained this pace until the end, it wouldn't be long before your usual American citizen turned on the TV and found out about yet another toddler in a military uniform murdered. It was sickening, but not enough for Alec to try and do anything about it.

After silently observing the couple tear the new guy a new, state-of-the-art asshole, the radiant meta finally decided to interfere. "Alright, alright.", he held his left palm up, his poker face still present. He slowly lifted himself up, noticing Elijah's death wall for the first time before waltzing his gleaming gaze towards the trio. "Kid, tell us the name of your employer. Withholding information was pretty smart of you, but if your employer is that powerful to-", his speech was interrupted by a buzzing sound on one of his suit's pockets. He pulled his phone out, revealing yet another message by the MHRC contact who seemed to be doing his best to keep him up to date. "The FBI have traced the broadcast's signal. It's Avalon. I think they're sending an inspection unit as we speak.". Alec winced the moment the name Avalon came into the equation. If that was where the TV guy was hiding, that meant he had diplomatic immunity, not to count his bodyguards were the Magi superhero squad, arguably the most efficient metahumans on this planet. He raised his left brow at the kid, sliding his phone into his pocket as he spoke

"It's Avalon, huh. Basically, whatever choice Elijah and Roze make here, our paths are still going to cross.", he paused for a second before carrying on "so, while I'm not big with working alongside mass killers", pointing at Elijah "and kids" he continued, his finger motioning around like a CCTV camera "we're gonna need all the help we can get. I guess now is the time for us to board in the MRAP. Of course, if Elijah has something against it, then you two can board the car by yourself and call the clean-up team", Alec finally brought his speech to a conclusion. He was only hoping the inspection unit would manage to find evidence incriminating enough to avert the need for a confrontation with the Magi squad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Mass City. NarcissisticPotato should also be collabing, but he and Mass aren't on at the same times, most of the time.))

Elena was on her sat phone talking to a high ranking mucky-muck. Most of the times the others would not care. Really why would they care? But they saw Elena talking to this mucky-muck and saw her telling everything to the man at the other end. "...look sir I don't know?" she listened as he replied. "Looks Mister Speaker, I am not sure how you got my number but I need to be able to cooridnate rescue, recovery, and investagion work. Can you please let me do my job, sir?" Elena was getting annoyed and about to hang up.

"Ah," spoke a silky - why was it that these politicians/corporate moguls always had silky tones? - voice from the other end, "I'll let you go back to whatever you're working on in a jiffy. It's just that, well, news travels fast, and it seems that you're inquiring after a warrant to search Avalon, yes?"

"Yes but only POTUS can get it. I think he is more worried about sending troops to LA than allowing us into Avalon." Elena sighed.

"I see, well, you're an up-and-coming FBI Agent, a woman of talent, and an ability to manage people who can literally kill us with their gaze," spoke Speaker of the House Greene. I think you'll go far, which is why I'm offering you this favor."

"Listen, I don't care about the Metas or your pretty little Reformist movement, but I do care about PR, and Martial Law is bad PR. So, I'm offering you a deal: the President's ear in exchange for, well, Peace in LA, as well as the heads of the Voice and that Massacring Meta. What do you say?"

"I'll do it. But I know you are doing this so you can run for the White House next year." Elena sighed. "I will greatly take your help."

"Thank you, and, yes, having the vote next year is going to be a good thing," And with that, Speaker Greene closed the call.


At Avalon a helicopter lands at the helipand near the facility. They had permission from the top. The FBI agents got out of the heli.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Ah, damn it." Alto said. "There goes my secrety secrets."

Did that government guy really have to spill the beans? Where was he getting that information from anyway and why hadn't he gotten it earlier too?

Besides that, there was also one other thing to think about. Was Alto really stupid?

Sure, he'd finished secondary education when he was 12, then spent the 4 years after that getting his PhD, then he's spent the year after researching his arm... Yeah. He really was lacking in common sense by any normal standards. He hadn't really noticed, since he'd been doing science for so long, but he was really deficient in terms of life skills. Hell, he knew how to do rocket science, but he'd be damned before he went and booked his own doctor's appointment.

Well, at least I can cook. He thought. But that was little comfort when he started to realize the full weight of his current situation.

He was living alone right now. He was offered a job at Aperture, and he'd gone overseas for it. He'd left his parents behind because they thought that he'd be fine. Alto knew how to cook, Alto knew how to do numbers and his annual salary was more than his parents combined. Aperture also had a lot of added medical coverage as well. Now that he was unemployed, Alto realized he actually might have to go to the dentist's himself.

Aperture had a pretty great dentist as far as he remembered.

Anyway, that was besides the point. black-ops guy was telling them it would be a good time to get in his car and now that he thought about it, this guy was more than a little bit suspicious. Supposedly, he was government, but as far as Alto knew, the government usually ran around in teams or something. Even the FBI don't usually send in lone agents unless it's better than sending a group and in this situation a group would probably have been the better option.

His car and his uniform seemed pretty legit, but you could steal that kind of stuff if you needed to. He didn't really seem to have much proof of his identity, actually. The group had just assumed he was who he said he was really.

Maybe it was just paranoia, but Alto wanted to be sure.

"How do we actually know you were sent by the government?" He said to black-ops guy. "For all we know, you could actually be working for the Voice."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In a tiger form, Val made her way towards the smell of fear. She had already taken out quite a few vile men on her way here and even though they might have smelt like fear when they saw such a large cat about to attack them, their smell was nothing like the one coming out of this basement.
She was furious when she had heard about these excuses for humans enslaving metahumans and with vengeance she came to let them know just how much this pissed her off. Now at the door of the basement she scratched and lunged at the door with her giant tiger body but it just did not want to open. There was a giant chain and lock on the door and she found the doors were just too solid for her to break through so she had to turn back to her original form to find a way to get it open. Turning into her human form she stood in front of the door naked, trying to find a way to get the darn thing open. That was when Biobeast and Light appeared, "Good. You can help me get this darn lock opened", She said when she saw them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Unfortunately for him, Ruby wasn't exactly done with Gary Stuart - she always liked to have the last word when it came to things like this. "Oh, and Mr Stuart, for the good of you and your brother, I advise you stay out of my way. Next time, I won't be so... polite, even if you have your goons with you. Good day." She murmured, giving him a small tip of her metaphorical hat and a wink as she swaggered from the room. This was very definitely not Alanna Tate, which must have confused Ghost completely but Ruby strode past all three of Gary's personal protectors without a single care. She even gifted Ghost a mischevious little grin as she passed and faded away with the closing of the elevator doors.

Once inside the elevator, she pulled her glasses off and stuffed them into her pocket before pulling her dark hair free from the bun that was restricting it. A few seconds later, she produced a small device which fit snugly over her eyes, covering them with small, metallic blocks. On the inside, her HUD lit-up, displaying rooms and anything with a heartbeat detected. Upon reaching the bottom floor, she stepped out in front of the buzzing drones that had spun into life. They already knew their task and instantly began spewing smoke around the packed foyer. The fire-alarms triggered just as Ruby strode out into the open air, smirking confidently and not caring about the weird looks she was receiving from the stunned onlookers.

Striding on through the large square, she waited for a few seconds before a black car with tinted windows pulled up and she climbed inside. "Didn't get much dirt on him, Taylor, but it sounds like I'm going to be needed at Avalon." She spoke softly when she climbed in and saw him on the screen, waiting for her in some sort of conference call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Mass City and NarcissticPotato))

Just because the helicopter was clearly labelled as a FBI helicopter and their arrival had been anticipated, didn't mean that the anti-air turrets around Avalon's perimeters weren't trained on them the entire time. It must have been quite unsettling to those inside but that sort of message was recurrent whenever one was visiting Avalon. The structure clearly was not built for aesthetics but it fit the part well considering it hid some of the greatest criminals in the history of mankind. When the helicopter touched down on the helipad, an official was waiting for them to disembark. Holding a tablet in one hand and using the other to shield her eyes, she waited for the helicopter to touch down and for the so-called FBI agents to greet her.

"Who is in charge here?" asked the lead agent, a woman, looked Hispanic.

Once the helicopter had died down, the woman resumed her work on the tablet and kept the squad of FBI agents as an after-thought. Finally, after a few seconds, she looked up in slight curiosity. "Dr Taylor is very busy at the moment. He knows you're here though but he sent me to guide you to the Colonel who will then take you through the first few levels. Unfortunately, for your own safety, the Sleeper-Facility is off limits." She informed them as she turned sharply and began walking.

Agent Reyes was annoyed. "Fine but remember we have POTUS authorization we will get to look at the control center." replied the upset FBI woman.

"I fail to see how looking at some cameras will help you, Agent, but if it seals the case then so be it. Keep yourself within the blue lines on the floors. Do not go beyond those points; you're about to step into Hell." With that, they entered through the large bay-doors into some sort of loading bay.

Agent Reyes shook her head, it was all a part to intimidate people by making the security look imprenable. Thank god the it was escape proof. But there was always a first. "I will want to convey a message to your boss from the White House." Reyes remarked. "It's about some request he made to the DoD. I don't know personally." Reyes trailled off

"With all due respect, Agent, my boss is busy cleaning a mess that the goverment made. I will see if I can get him to join a video conference as he is not on-site." She replied, guiding them through another door before descending a flight of stairs. When they finally reached the bottom, another entrance led to the heart of Avalon - the control tower. "Colonel Keegan, Sir." She greeted the man standing at the helm.

Elena nodded at the Colonel. She just wanted to deposit the message and leave this place. At least with the military on the way to LA it meant order would come. "Things quiet here Sir?"

"Very quiet. Makes me a little worried but we have yet to discover anything to raise suspisions." He spoke clearly, signing off on some document before he turned to them and extended a hand. "How may I help you folks?"

"We are inspecting a lead on the man on the broadcast. We are curious on how he was able to access all channels. The other issue is it seems the signal, originated from here." Reyes replied. "Which should be impossible."

The Colonel was clearly very interested in this as he fixed her with an examining glare, testing her to see if she was lying to him or not. Sighing softly, he shook his head before turning and looking out the large bay-window. "Agent, I assure you, the authorities have had no hand in orchestrating the violence we have seen in LA but I might have someone who you might find interesting." He spoke softly, turning to them again and nodding towards the small circle near the window. "For the safety of your agents, I recommend you come alone with me."

Reyes did not like this but she followed. "Alright Colonel show the way."

The Colonel held out his hand, gesturing towards the circular shape on the floor. "Warn security I'm on my way down." He told a nearby operator as the circle suddenly shifted, moving down and into the floor beneath them. The small elevator-like circle descended down until it clicked into place, allowing them to step out onto a glowing corridor. "You heard the rules, stay inside the lines." He informed her once more as they began walking. After another few minutes of walking the silent corridors, he stopped and turned towards a locked cell before swiping his hand. "Security clearance, Colonel Keegan." He spoke clearly before there was a small clicking and the door slid open. "In here, Agent, he's not really harmful." With that, he padded into the room where a nervous-looking man was sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth. "We call him Waves. According to our records, he can detect radio-waves but if what you say is correct, he might have an involvement."

Reyes moved towards him slowly. "Is he sedated?" Reyes was concerend.

"No. He can't harm a fly and I'm telling you that. They all have shock chips installed in them so if he does try anything, he'll definitely feel it. Talk to him if you want, he's not overly talkative but you might get some information from him." He shrugged softly and stepped aside, allowing her to work.

Reyes approached him got with a few feet of him. She sat down and was quiet for a few minutes. Then she started talking, "I don't understand how a person cannot go mad with all the frequncies that a person like you must run across. In fact I am curious if you could tell me about how you keep from hearing all the radio waves out there?" Reyes knew this was a longshot but it was her best bet to figure out what happened.

The man seemed distracted by something a lot more interesting than Agent Reyes, or at least that's what it looked like. "Boom-boom. Blue. Blonde. Good morning America!" The man was clearly and utterly insane, Reyes just needed to get his attention somehow.

Reyes had nothing to garner the nut's attention. Her devices were confiscated and so was any food she had. Her weapons was obviously in lockup too. There was nothing that she could do to get the man's attention. She sighed in resignation.

Suddenly, the man seemed fixated by her as something clicked within him. "FBI. Boom-boom." He nodded quickly, seeming to almost want some sort of confirmation from her as he stared up into her eyes. Maybe she might be able to get something from him.

Reyes looked at him. "FBI did go boom boom. What do you know?" Reyes knew it was a long shot but hell it may be something.

"Voice? No Voice. Boom-boom blonde." He informed her, smiling confidently as if he knew exactly what he was talking about. Generally, he was probably recognising that it had nothing to do with the Voice and more to do with Ruby.

"What do you know of Boom-boom Blonde?"

"Boom-boom Blonde?" He questioned, frowning into thin air before he got up and moved to the wall, almost desperate to draw or display a message on it. Realising that wouldn't happen, he turned to her slowly. He looked almost scared to tell her the next piece of information but slowly, he came around. "Eden. Eden. Eden. Eden..." He kept repeating this as he took his place once more on the bed, curling up in his corner.

"Eden?" Reyes responded confused. Reyes sighed with resignation. "Well thanks Colonel I will look over your logs in the control center." Reyes remembered she had to tell Taylor's representative what Lawton told her her on the phone. She did not want to tell Taylor the President had flatly rejected his offer.
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