Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Bobo awoke when he heard that in a few hours it would be showtime. He cralwed off the tent and walked to the trapeze and Chey. He couldn't really 'practice' his act, so he really just practiced what everyone else did. He climbed onto the trapeze, but insetad of swinging on it, he walked ontop of it and just walked across of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrien had finished his food just in time to hear Grigori's announcement. The mime grinned and let out a unheard cheer as a response. He knew he wasn't one of the big crowd gathers like the others, but he still loved the thought of being able to perform for so many people. He quickly jumped up from his invisible table and seat, threw his arms and the air and let out a silent exclamation. He could of said anything really seeing as it would of never been heard, but he still seemed proud of what he did and didn't not say. He looked around at everyone before he did a motion that mimicked a person mounting some sort of bike. After a moment he twisted his right hand the same way some one reviving a motorcycle would. It was less than a second before Adrien was riding around the ring on his unseen motorcycle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaito pushed his wheelchair up to the office and knocked on Grigori's office door. He sat and waited for permission to enter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

NekoJordan said
Kaito pushed his wheelchair up to the office and knocked on Grigori's office door. He sat and waited for permission to enter.

Grigori, who had gone back to his office/trailer, opened his door to see a young man in a wheel chair. "Hello, good sir!" He stepped out, grinning eagerly. "If you have come to join our family of Freaks, please, step this way!" Grigori lead the young man to the big top, standing within the ring. "Please, show me your freak side." His grin reached his ears as he waited for for the newcomer to audition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"O-ok.." Kaito closed his eyes and soon enough the hooks that were wrapped around him started to float they latched onto various poles and pulled Kaito up out of his wheelchair Kaito's tail showed aswell. "I can m-move the hooks with my mind in order to move around I also have a t-tail similar to a monkeys" said Kaito nervously
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

NekoJordan said
"O-ok.." Kaito closed his eyes and soon enough the hooks that were wrapped around him started to float they latched onto various poles and pulled Kaito up out of his wheelchair Kaito's tail showed aswell. "I can m-move the hooks with my mind in order to move around I also have a t-tail similar to a monkeys" said Kaito nervously

"Wonderful! Another act that will surely help the circus grow." Grigori clapped his hands. "If you are willing, you may participate in our show tonight, that is, if you are ready. If not, you are welcome to wait until our next show in the next town over." Grigori shed his coat, swinging it over his shoulder. "Also, if you have no place to rest, I'm glad to share my trailer for the night. It is rather spacious for a single person. Until then, we have a show in a couple of hours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With a titanic yawn, Virgil woke up from his sleep. Turning to his clock, Virgil was slightly annoyed that he had slept for most of the day and it was almost time for the show. Giving a low bellow of displeasure, Virgil got up and stepped out of his tent before heading to dinner. His feet stomping the earth underneath his weight as he made his way to the tent but before he entered he stopped, changed his mind, and turned around. He had forgotten an important "morning" ritual, his cigar. He had heard it all before but he didn't care, coffee and cigars would be his vices and damn whoever told him otherwise.

Reaching his tent once again, Virgil dug through his box before he found his coffee mix and began to heat up the pot/mug. Soon enough the kettle began to whistle and Virgil poured the piping liquid through the machine. It wasn't the most high tech method but it was the one he preferred, no little thing like electricity is going to get between him and his coffee. Piping hot liquid darker than the deepest pits of hell in hand, Virgil lit his cigar before heading back to the tent.

Once he entered the tent, Virgil took stock of the whole situation. The furry runt was tearing into meat, many of the girls were sitting together, the boss was nowhere he could see, and Cheyenne was on the trapeze. Giving a grunt, Virgil blew a giant vent of smoke from his maw before gulping down his chosen poison. Stepping over to his specialty stool, a simple thing made of steel, Virgil sat down and said "When the show start" in a voice more gravelly than a dirt road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tod was woken from his trance of staring at his scalpel when Virgil sat down and asked when the show was about to start, "I believe Grigori said it was in a couple hours... But of coarse I'm not quite sure how long ago that was." He chuckled a little, "You look displeased today Virgil, sleep too much did you?" Tod ran the scalpel a long his finger slowly cutting it open, deep enough to see bone. The Doctor then took a string and needle and started sewing in back together. Not only was he practicing for the show, but Tod had a habit of doing this whenever he had nothing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inside her trailer Cici got to work gathering her supplies and primping herself up. For the most part Priscilla's job was to lure people inside the show, she often stood by the doors leering people in with quick sword play tricks and involvements of the audience. Nothing quite gives someone a rush then being ask to pull a sword from a woman's throat, or watching a burst of flames shoot into the sky. Today would be no different, besides that fact that she would get herself a spot in the schedule to perform her special trick she had been working on earlier this morning.

Priscilla curled her hair into clips, making herself a very pin-up style woman; red lipstick, cat eyes, and dusty eye shadow. During the off times Cici did like to wear a lipstick here and there, but didn't like to cake on the makeup too much, it was good to feel free every once in awhile. Placing on a red floral corset with a red skirt, she was ready to go. Packing her small duffle bag she included; a metal ball, one long sword, a few small daggers, her fire breathing supplies, a bottle of water, and her pack of smokes. She threw it over her shoulder and exited back from her trailer, coming back to where some of the group were still hanging around.

Approaching next to Virgil, she caught a whiff of his sweet cigar. "Yum." she cooed, placing her bag on the ground as she looked around to what everyone else was doing, and where Grigori wanted her to be for the beginning of the night; whether it be right by the entrance of the big top or close by the ticket entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finn had spent the night sleeping under the full moon which was one of the few things besides his faith which help calm his temper. He gave a yawn and got off his outside bed which was basically made up of dirt stained pillows and covers. He needed something to eat otherwise he could be potentially dangerous to the others when he was super hungry, and that would be bad for the show. Finn got a piece of meat and entered the tent with the others. He heard Tod talk ask if Virgil had gotten too much sleep last night, and he entered the conversation.

"I had no problem sleeping last night. the moon was absolutely beautiful and there's nothing better than a rest beneath the light of a full moon" he said to them as he began to stretch to loosen his muscles and then pick up weights to start practicing for the show.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kumo and Suko decided to run through their tricks without a flute. Just to practice what the spider would do. So they let Sugo out of her cage and began to practice their tricks, spider scurrying around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cheyenne reached the top of the ladder, and unhooked the bar. She began swinging on it, practicing some different moves, when she went to reach for the next one. When she let go, she realized Bobo was on it, walking across it. At first she yelped, then laughed as she fell down and was caught in the net, rolling to the side and then off it. ”Don’t do that during the show, okay?” she requested to the clown, shouting up to him with a smile before skipping off towards her own trailer. Once there she began primping for tonight, getting into a different outfit. It was one piece, with shorts and thin straps and covered in sequins to catch the stage light. She did her hair and makeup in a pinup style, all while humming to herself happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"No worries." he said with his clown smile, then jumped off the end and onto the net. He hopped off the net and onto a different tent. He went to the bg ring where somenew guy was using his hooks to stay in air. He climbed on the edges of the walls and crawled until he walked up next to Grigori. "And who might you be?" he asked in his clownish ways, and did so while climbing up the poles where the hooks were attached. He hummed to himself the circus song and walked on the hooks to where Kaito was floating. He then sat next to Kaito on one of the hooks, making himself be so little weight that the hooks couldn't possibly drop him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grigori lifted his sleeve to check the time once more. "Show time, everyone!"
With a snap of his fingers, the lights flashed on and the music blasted outside the big top. Betty shooed everyone to all their places, hiding herself away as well. The stars began to show in the pitch sky as a murmuring wave of people came, looking for strange entertainment. As the crowds cluttered the seats, showing off their pre-bought tickets as if they were a trophy, the lights began to dim save for a single spotlight shingling on the ringleader. Grigori smiled to the audience, tipping his top hat in a formal greeting.
"Welcome ordinaries!" He shouted in a gleeful voice. "Allow me to intrigue you will the strangely awesome and oddly beautiful wonders of this world... I suppose you wouldn't want me blabbing on too long would you...?" Grigori pinched the corner of his mouth, an echoing zipper sound followed as he slid it shut. Without saying a word, he ripped a long scarlet silk scarf from his hat, dropping the ends to the ground before twirling it up, revealing lovely legs, hips waist and neck before Betty's deformed face was shown to the crowd. Gasps and sheiks were heard around her. She began to shake her hips as a beat started, twirling around in fancy patterns before shouting. "Ladies and gents! Welcome to the freak Circus!" With that, Grigori pulled the silk over the both of them, completely disappearing from the ring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kumo and Suko looked at each other. They were up first. In Suko's hand was a beautiful cage containing the spider, and both of them had flutes. They stepped forward into the ring, Kumo slightly in front of Suko. Suko held up the cage and Kumo introduced the spider.
"This is Sugo, she's a tarantula, but she is poisonous," Kumo said as she unlocked the spider's cage. Sugo crawled to and began to scuttle up Kumo's arm. Kumo simply lifted her flute her lips and began to play. The spider seemed to go into a trance and began to crawl over Kumo, never biting her. Kumo took a breath, momentarily releasing her control over the spider. I got ready to bit Kumo's shoulder where it was perched before Kumo began to play again. They continued for a bit, before Kumo decided it was time for the finally. Kumo stopped playing and Suko began. The spider began to perform the trick Suko and Kumo had practiced earlier, weaving a web over Kumo's mouth. It was a fun trick to do, the song had pauses where Suko could catch her breath and Kumo would release the spider for thrills. Once that was done, Kumo pulled off the web and put Sugo back in her cage before both of the girls bowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the crowd erupted in applause for Kumo and Suko, Cici's adrenalin started to rush. She was next in the list of performances and was excited to be performing so early on in the set tonight. As Kumo took her leave from the center, Priscilla bounded out, her legs practically galloping as she reached the center of the ring. "Ladies and Gentleman! They call me Priscilla 'The Pincushion' Rodriguez!" she called raising her arms with her palms upward. Her hip jetted out slowly as she bent over and into her bag taking out the small swords. She licked them slowly, enticingly as she slipped one, than two down her throat. A quick and easy trick for a warm up.

She removed the swords and tossed them back into her bag removing the fire breathing tools. "Pardon me, I have to warm up a little before performing my last trick" she cooed, giving the audience a wink. She swallowed the fire and blew, her arms thrown back in mercy as the flames engulfed the air above her. The audience gasped, applauded and whistled. She took a quick swig of water, before asking the audience for a volunteer. Grabbing a younger man, she teased him a little rolling her slender fingers around his chest before taking out the large metal ball to showcase to the crowd.

"Will it fit?" she asked the audience, as a mix of answers were called from the crowd. She placed it towards her mouth and gave a large inhale, taking it in and down her throat. A gasp escaped the young volunteer as he looked on. Cici then took the long sword and swallowed it, the tip making a loud and fulfilling ding as it met contact. Leaning over she took the hand of her volunteer and encouraged him to remove the large sword, in to which he responded. Once the sword was removed, up came the ball just as quickly. Taking the free hand of the volunteer she raised their hands and bowed, She turned to the boy in a hushed voice "Thankyou for volunteering, you are allowed one free item from our shop after the show, just come find me." she told him, letting go of his hand and taking the sword from him. She turned towards the audience brimming with a grin, "Keep your eyes in the sky for our next act!" she cooed, hurrying off the mat back towards the rest of the gang.

"You're up baby doll!" Cici said to her friend giving her a kiss on the cheek, before softly pushing her way behind the others as to not be in the way of the upcoming acts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cheyenne was watching the other performances, clapping happily for them before Cici came by and kissed her cheek. She winked and climbed the ladder for the trapeze in the dark before the spotlight hit her as she reached the very top. She fanned out her arms above her head, letting the audience take in her tattooed body. A few gasps emerged from the crowd, mostly smiles, a few disapproving looks. But the brilliance of the spotlight blinded her from just about any reaction, though her bright blue eyes stayed wide open and with a fake flirtatiousness she wore for the show. She turned towards the trapeze bar and grasped it, breathing in deeply before exhaling as she leapt from it. The net that had been below her during practice had been removed, leaving her vulnerable to falling to her death. She had yet to do something so reckless though, and tonight was no different. She swung, preforming feats of contortion midair between grabbing the next bar and swinging, leaving people gasping or oooing and awing. She continued her exploits of gymnastics and flexibility in the air before pretending to reach for the bar and tumbling. She mocked panic as a few audience members screamed, but out rolled a giant ball, and she flipped to land on her feet at the last second. A loud drum sound came from the band, leading the audience to clap like mad as Chey bowed with a wide smile, balancing atop the ball and rolling it around the edge of the ring until she led her way out for Vindale to take center stage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vindle


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vindle walked out into the ring with his full outfit, mask included.
"I am Hiruko. Hiruko Kagetane. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and welcome back to those who have previously been here." he said. Vindle had never been safe with telling the public his actual name, so he created a fake name for performances.
Vindle moved his arms up, and water came from the top of the ground, but not from under. The water was weaved around the ring with Vindle in the middle. Vindle then froze the water, creating a beautiful and intricate ice design. He heated the water, breaking the ice into tiny, rain-like pieces that fell into the audience. The ice sparkled in the lights. Even though it was ice, it'd only feel like a drizzle of rain due to the size of the ice.
Vindle then took off his hat and bowed as the audience clapped. He then left the ring, leaving the next performer to do their act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

In a burst of flame and a flash of lightning, James seemed to appear out of thin air on the stage, bringing gasps from the crowd. "I am James. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Of course, he vanished in a swirl of flame, accidentally leaving a black swirl pattern in the middle of the ring. He was always quick to enter and quick to leave, but made sure to amaze the crowd with pyrotechnics and electricity on both the entrance and exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tod walked out on stage, dragging along with him what looked like an old hospital operation table. Trays and tools scattered across the table he addressed the audience with a bow, "They say beauty is skin deep... That you must look inside to find your true self. Well... Let's see if they're right. For my demonstration, I need a volunteer." A few hands were raised and after a few seconds Tod picked out a boy that seemed to be the about 17 years of age. Tod took of his coat and shirt, grabbing a scalpel from the table. He positioned the scalpel next to his stomach, making a few of the crowed to gasp and the young boy take a few steps back. With one quick motion, the Doctor inserted the scalpel into his stomach and pulled up, making a large incision up his entire torso. Blood poured from the cut as a few audience members screamed in horror. The boy tried not to vomit as Tod grabbed the sides of the incision and pulled it open.

After a few minutes of letting everyone take in what he had just done Tod reached in with the scalpel and made a few more cuts that no one could see. He laid the tool back on the table giving the boy a pair of rubber gloves. After the volunteer put on the gloves, the Doctor reached back into his torso and slowly pulled out a still beating heart. This caused the audience to stir, and the young boy flinched at the sight. Tod turned to his volunteer, "The most important part of the human body and the most beauty filled part of all people." He smiled wickedly as he slowly placed his own heart into the hand of the young boy, who seemed to almost faint at the act. Tod asked the volunteer to place his heart back inside his body, which the boy nodded hesitantly in response.

As soon as the heart was put back, the Doctor grabbed a needle with string and stitched the heart back in place. After a few minutes of stitching the torso incision he placed the needle back and took the now blood covered gloves from the young volunteer. He let the boy go back to his seat and as a final part of his act he grabbed the string which now hold his torso closed, then he pulled slowly. When all of the string was pulled out, the earlier incision seemed to have disappeared. With a bow Tod grabbed the table and pulled it off stage. The audience applause, some were very impressed with the performance, while others were hesitant in there cheering. When the Doctor was completely of stage he smiled a little at the Clown letting him know he could take his turn and then sat up against a wall that gave him the perfect angle to see all the other performances.
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