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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


She nodded slowly when he introduced himself and bowed. "Nice to meet you I am Colette." she said politely and when he mentioned the stuff that the older vampire had given her she nodded. "Yes she did give me that stuff so I can control my blood lust" she said softly, almost quietly. She grew cautious when he mentioned her to follow him and she nodded slowly and began to follow him. "What is it you wanted to show me Mr. Marchosias" she asked curiously siding glancing the male she was following with a curious but guarded expression on her youthful face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago


Khan had been eyeing the pair since they finally noticed each other. He had a unsettle feeling and when things started to escalate, his mind for a split second debated on sending Uicle’s little mental birds to aid should the worse happen. The only problem with his idea was that it looked as if he wouldn’t have much time. The two looked on the verge of attacking one another, rather it would be something which would drag the remaining student body among their clash and likely injure several students in the careless action. Not to mention the pair of them.

Of all days, why it have to be today when two Naga had to show up on their door step? The Esyire sighed, his gesture mixed in both annoyance and defeat. He should’ve realized today was bound to be interesting. He forced his body to relax yet one foot stepped in front of another, brought him slightly closer and inwardly made a note to talk to Tyrael. He aimed to request Tyrael to keep his guest from attacking others unless Lucilia or Uicle would have a better method to complete such a task. Still retaining a safe distant, he remained on high gaurd to interfere and separate the pair. His eyes lingered upon the pair, inwardly debated on best method that would both minimize the damage and restrain the two Naga. His mind set to call Zaad to his aid. Thankfully he didn’t need to. Val, the blunt and gruff Rune Master, had leapt feet first into the heated discussion before the two vipers like creatures could tangle. Immediately she scolded both then warned them she would put them both in their place if they continued.

It seemed to do the trick as the female, Mar if he remembered correctly, had slithered away.

Yet not without cause for Khan to become concern. He would’ve over looked the matter if all there had been mere hissing and displays. His ears caught Mar’s threat, a clear warning that she fully intended to carry it out regardless of the courtesy extended from the College, disregarded the Twilight college rules. Despite the accusations and verbal claims, he didn’t completely condone such behavior. At least Alaira had the common sense to vent on potted plants or other such inanimate objects, even if it had made a few gargoyles grumble in grudging protest and earned Rathel’s disapproval.

His eyes still watched the Naga leave but another voice, feminine and gentle, had spoken. This caused Khan to break his line of sight upon Mar’s retreating back to the owner, his head tilted down when he realized it came from below him. His wing stretched out and up, no longer obscured his sight as they fell on what seemed to be a she wolf. Made from a combination of ivory, stone and bright gems, his eyebrow rose in question to whom the golem belonged to. His first assumption was an intermediate student’s first attempt to create a higher level golem or maybe another of Uicle’s.

Not aimed to be rude any farther, the Head master replied. “I believe they are called Naga. Though currently it seems they are in a bit of argument and one that is not advised. If you’ll give me a moment to settle a matter, I’ll introduce myself and we’ll seek out you master. I’m sure he can’t be far.”

Though the event died down he couldn’t allow the Naga to wander off unwatched. Khan rose his hand up. In moments, a small metal bird fluttered to his hand and perched there lightly. One of Uicle’s many spies and sentries. The small creature bobbed its head, surprisingly gentle in its grip upon Esyire’s large fingers while the Head Master pulled it close and whispered instructions to report back to Uicle. It was a simple request, one he would entrust the man to fulfill: send a few spies to keep an eye on the female Naga and some Golems on standby should she become aggressive again. Inwardly Khan only hoped he was being over cautious.

Next, he focused upon his knowledge of the Inferno, noted it was highly likely a small swarm of bone imps would’ve been nested in the precise area at this current time of day within the Inferno, and quickly summoned a portal big enough for his hand. He it held there for a moment until something, toothy and hungry, bit down. Instantly his hand fisted about the unwise creature and jerked it into the physical realm, the small portal sealed once through. The bone imp squeaked in surprise to find its prey had trapped it. It was just over 2’ tall, with red orange skin and bony tips at its bat like wing end. Twin horn curved up from the top of its narrow head, sided by pointed ears and slightly elongated neck. It was far too thin to be considered well fed, its long tail held a scorpion like stinger that had started to stab into the Esyire’s fisted hand repeatedly until it drew a bit of blood. In a few hours the venom would've affected him, unless he attended to it soon, but first this creature had a message to deliver. One to the demonomancer Tyrael in regards to Mar. Once he bind the bone imp, Khan made his massage clear that if Tyrael’s guest attacked a student, she would be forcibly removed and it was his responsible to ensure she didn’t. With careless and rough discarded, he released the demon to flutter off to deliver the message. The Esyire wasn't sure if the creature would return alive once it managed its task.

He returned his focus back to the stone wolf, no farther distractions to deal with. This time he stepped about to face her, his figure fell to one knee and rested his injured hand against his leg. Still assuming the statue had been created by one of the College’s current students, he continued to look in the golem wolf’s diamond eyes. His mind ignored the slight throbbing started in his hand to address her. “Well, what might your name be and to which student do you belong to? I’m Khan Jevarath, the current Head Master if you’re still a young soul. Though you’re a little more elegant then most intermediate students have tried to create but I admit a fine job with the craftsmanship, possibly one of our craftsmen within the school or from your master’s homeland?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith listened to Ssarak and laid back on his bed. He raised an eyebrow when the Esyire said that he was a mercenary for a time. [i[Well, he would definitely make an intimidating mercenary.[/i] He nodded when Ssarak finished his story.

"Yeah, it's pretty much the same for me, except I wasn't a mercenary or anything like that." Leith sat up and gestured to himself with a smile. "I don't exactly have the build for it. I came here to learn about hydromancy." And to see if I can find out what's making my head buzz, he added in his mind. "Anyway, I'm going to try and get some sleep before the Opening Ceremony." He laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.

As much as he wanted to, Leith was unable to fall asleep, and he knew that he wasn't going to get to sleep for a while, unfortunately. The buzzing in his head and the excitement of finally getting to the college was making his mind far too active for him to sleep. With a sigh, Leith got out of bed and went to the door. He looked back at Ssarak.

"So, trying to sleep didn't work that well. I'm going to go take a look around the college, maybe find something that could help me sleep." With that, he opened the door and left the room.

He walked around the college for a while and eventually ended up in the courtyard. When he got there, he saw Khan. Khan opened what looked like a hole in the air and pull a creature from it. After a few moments, Khan let the creature go, and turned to face a wolf. Interested, Leith made his way over to the Esyire and the wolf. When he got closer, he realized that the wolf was made of stone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone in a grey cloak running up to the wolf and the headmaster.

Leith noticed another person standing a bit out of the way of everyone, just watching, and for some reason, when Leith stared at the man, the buzzing in his head got a bit louder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Tyrael Marchosias

"This." Tyrael placed his hand onto the large rectangle, and a large rune appeared. The metal wall began to shift and move, and eventually began to rise up into the wall. And on the otherside... Was what looked to be a tavern of sorts. There were many demons and humanoid looking beings walking about, drinking and chatting. Light came in from the ceiling, but it was not sunlight, but an artificial light made from Inferno Fire. A slight haze wafted in the air, scentless but would put those who breath it in a slight high. "Welcome to Underhaven. This is just the open area, but here is where my demons and Lucilia's vampires come to rest during the day and indulge their basic needs. She probably did not want to show this to you because she fears you will refuse to drink her Marrow Draught when we have a ready supply for real, fresh blood for you to consume. If you ever feel that you must feed, or simply need a place to relax away from prying eyes, feel free to come here. Allow me to introduce you to some people of importance."

Tyrael took Colette into Underhaven, first taking her to the bar. Standing there was a goatman. "Hello. Colette, allow me to introduce you to Barkeep. That is his given name. He is a demon who has spent much of his life learning the trade of barkeeping, though that's only one of his many skills. He's not the only one of his kind here, but the other goatmen do not have names. If you are looking for him, just call for Barkeep. A drink for our friend here Barkeep. Valenta's Red." The goatman silently nodded and mixed a drink for Colette as Tyrael went on to talk to her about the others. He pointed out one of the bouncers, a shirtless man with white hair. "He is Jader. A vampire who apparently owes Lucilia. Does not do much aside from keeping out riftraff and breaking up any fights that bothers the patrons. And he is very good at both. He also has some back up too, so do not think of trying to cause any trouble here. But if you feel that someone wishes to do you harm, but cannot ask me or any of the teachers to help you, do not be afraid to ask Jader." Barkeep slid Colette her Valenta's Red, a blood drink mixed with some sweet syrup and a splash of liquor. Around the same time, a dark demon walked up to the pianos and started tune it. "And he... Well, he does not have a name. Never gave us one and does not accept any we give him. We have come to call him Ryuchi. I do not know who gave him the name, but it seems to be the one most know the best. Does not respond to it however, so if you have any reason to talk to him, you will need to come to him in person. He plays music for the Underhaven, and sometimes I have him assist the Brahmasta in their performances."

As Tyrael was considering taking a break, he caught a Bone Imp just as it was about to crash into him. He knew it wasn't one of his, but if someone wanted to kill him they'd have sent something more deadly than this. Before Tyrael could snap the whelp in half, it gave him Khan's message. Tyrael signed before he crushed the demon in his hand, tossing it to Barkeep who nonchalantly dropped it's corpse into a bin with a hole leading to gods-know-where. "My work is never done..." He muttered under his breath. Tyrael picked up one of Barkeep's towers to wipe off the gore from his body before turning back to Colette. "Now than, anything you have to ask of me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As she sat, Shala watched intently as the two showed intimidating displays of aggression, neither giving any ground for a second. The golem found such conflict amusing, not for the factor of violence, but because conflict changes everything, and it's inevitability, the change, always gave way to wisdom. The fact that they were creatures of another place and culture, with a conflict entirely foreign to her, made it all the more fascinating. She doubted it becoming more than an isolated incident, because not many would relate to such a squabble enough to become involved, but it piqued her interest.

A sigh brought her attention to the large man beside her. He might have been the most interesting of all of them. The way he watched like a sentry meant he had some kind of authority, perhaps the head of the establishment. He had the demeanor of such. The she-wolf cocked to the side as she observed him, just as he moved his wing to look at who'd made the comment. As he responded, the golem flicked her tail in excitement. Then the winged man proceeded to use some of his own magic as he effortlessly spawned some sort of twisted creature from a small portal. What magic is that? she couldn't help but wonder. It seemed rather similar to what Nhane had done with her, bringing her to this realm of life, yet very different. She had not been a monster upon waking as the life-given statue. Also another important detail was that she had no memory of how she came to be, a blank slate. The creature obviously had a naturally destructive disposition. As he let the thing go, he turned back to her, and she resumed the thumping of he tail against the air.

"My name is Shala," she dipped her head, "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Headmaster Khan Jevrath." She said, slightly satisfied she'd assumed correctly of his status. "I belong to my master, Nhane. You honor me with your compliments, Headmaster, but I was nothing more than the state of a royal pet."
The hooded elf moved quickly between groups of people, "Damned wolf," he breathed. Spotting her with a large winged man, he stopped a second, wondering if approaching would be the best idea. After all, he still had not the slightest idea what they did to vampires around here. He'd certainly not seen any yet; though giant snake people couldn't be more pleasant guests. Then there were all sorts of twisted forms that walked about as 'students'. Dangerous obviously wasn't a factor in student acceptance, and with that he decided he would risk it, walking toward the two.

"Shala," he barked as he neared, "If you can't listen, then we leave." He looked at her sternly, then to the man, keeping his head low. "I apologize if she's been a trouble. We'll be going now."

"Master, I do not think-"

"Now, Shala," he said as he began to turn away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Coco Bean

It had been minutes. After speaking with the Rune Master and having her help her with her speech problem and lead her to this Lucilia female, she felt like she was stepping into something she couldn't quite fathom. The memory of the Goddess' voice was still present in her mind, and she could not shake the words she told her. Sure, alone they did not mean much at all, but every time Coco spun the words around for any kind of deeper meaning or plan, she came up with a different explanation.

Why did this Goddess Xiah have to be so impatient? Why didn't she herself, Coco, ask questions when she could? She could have even asked for something cute, like a bat! But no... She was scared, terrified and shaken after the Syphis' attack. Her fellow Foreas were dead, killed by these... Creatures of heat.

She clapped her hands once and stood still for a few moments, relaxing enough to look her best. And when she felt her leaves follow her desires and lay down, she knocked on the door. Hopefully this Lucilia was present and could answer a couple of her questions. And even though the nice Rune Master Val told her not to expect to be able to pet a bat while near Lucilia, she still hoped she would be able to do it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Uicle chuckled as the girl called him sir. He was many things, but sir wasn't one of them. Torturer, perhaps. Bastard was one he had been called several times. "Sir? I'm no Sir. Uicle will do just fine. As for exploration...I suppose they did. I'd best send a few Golems after them to make sure no one gets into trouble that will get them killed." He shifted his head to the shadows on a nearby wall and gave them life. Half a dozen or so Golems, their forms vaguely humanoid. They scattered, insubstantial and hugging the walls, one watching each of the students that disappeared. Uicle returned his gaze to Annabeth. "Seeing as this tour is going nowhere, or at least the few that remain following me are either doing it out of pity or because they've no where else to go, shall I give you your own Golem to help you avoid getting killed while you explore?" He wasn't sure, but it was doubtful the girl was actually interested in a tour that would serve her only slightly better than exploring the College on her own. Placing his staff on the ground so he could keep an eye on the other students, he leaned on it, waiting for her response. Or tried at least. His staff slipped from beneath him and he went crashing to the ground, muttering a curse.

Greg came trotting out of the Forge, his metal hide gleaming and a sizable piece of scrap metal in between his jaws. "What did I tell you about begging polishes and stealing scrap metal from the Forge workers?" Uicle scolded, picking himself up. The dog golem looked decidedly unashamed, settling down to gnaw on his prize. It produced an almost painful sound, and Uicle(now standing) flicked out his staff to rap the dog in the side. "Stop that." Reluctantly, Greg obeyed. A bird came and whispered in Uicle's ear once more. Uicle tilted his head, sifting to see what the bird saw. "Ah.." He said softly. Now it made sense. The Naga was getting hostile and making threats. Easily enough to preemptively stop.

With a mental command, a shadow golem began to follow Mar. It wasn't substantial enough to physically restrain the Naga, but it could distract and harass her long enough for a steel golem to arrive.


Althalus tensed when the Ocean Naga drew his trident and set it on the ground. Something was about to go wrong. He could feel it. The strange creature's next words proved his feeling correct. Oh Gods.. He took a small step backwards. Naga fight well and die hard. Two(at least, he assumed the thing before him with the fins was a Naga. They looked similar enough.) fighting was likely going to get multiple people(himself included) killed. As Mar drew herself up to her full height and the other Naga hissed, he took a much larger step backward, a hand on the shoulder of the Foreas, pulling her backwards. He had seen how curiosity could get them killed. Done it a few times himself, in fact. "Let's not get between the two of them if things get violent, hmm?" He said to her, keeping his eyes on the two in front of him, while maintaining a grip on the Foreas's shoulder.

Much to his relief, the Dwarven Runemaster(He assumed, given her referencing to needing work on Runes,) interfered. Both Naga backed down, and the dwarf ran off, soon followed by the Foreas. Mar was already slithering away. Althalus glanced between her and Xyden, and decided she was the safer of the two. Besides, he had nothing better to do. Wandering the College didn't seem nearly as interesting as following the Naga. As he prepared to walk away, he noticed an albino man(who looked like a vampire but wasn't, given his standing in the sunlight.) staring at him. Althalus raised a hand in greeting, smiling slightly. Turning away and striding after Mar, in the time he took to catch up with her, he noticed a shadow with no cause dart past him and follow a prudent distance from the Naga. "My my. Someone doesn't trust the Naga after her death threat. Not that I blame them." Althalus muttered to himself.

He sped up, catching up with the Naga and reaching out a hand to touch her shoulder and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "That was an impressive display of righteous anger and pride, but you seem to have worried someone with connections to a shadow Golem. Don't turn around and look, but you appear to be being followed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago


Khan smiled and bowed his own head in return to her politeness, introducing herself and continuing her rather elegant greeting. He noted the aura of smugness coming off her for some reason but he didn’t mind, finding little worry in a harmless thing. Shala seemed humble enough as she casted off his compliments with politeness he would’ve longed to see in a few of his less than savory students, Alaira and the female Naga for starters. At her comment about merely being a pet, he chuckled lightly with amusement.

“Everyone starts as something and regardless of the role; in this odd world it all places some needed piece. Even if we can’t always see it currently. “ Khan answered before jerking his head up to spot someone, dressed in a grey cloak with fur trimming along the edges, draw near. Feeling rather aware of his kneeing position, the Esyire lifted upwards in time to hear the man reprimand his stone wolf.

When the arguement had died, Khan immediately noted several things about the man. One he wore a cloak far too thick for even the ending summer months and seemed to shield his head from the sun’s dying light which even wouldn’t harm Lucilia or Colette very much. Next came the brief pinkish coloring of the man’s eyes. The most obvious sign of being a vampire and clearly a skittish one from his hastiness to be away, something Khan didn’t think was wise. Following his instinct the Headmaster called out.

“She wasn’t any trouble and it wasn’t my intention to offend you by speaking with her. I can tell you’re not a student, Nhane, isn’t it? Yet clearly from seeing Shala, I can tell you’re a Necromancer. Currently the Opening Feast will begin this evening and I believe you might benefit from meeting our resident Necromancy as well as our Herbamancy teacher, Lucilia. She’s a vampire like yourself and one of my trusted staff at Twilight College.” Khan waited a moment to gage the man’s reaction.

However he didn’t simple remain in place, his eyes noted another man who he mistaken to be another vampire only to note the pale blue eyes and the fact he wasn’t hiding his face. His face seemed to have a slightly uncomfortable expression, added to the baggy eyes and weary appearance from lacking sleep made the Headmaster a bit concern. Khan knew those signs well because he often suffered from them in the absence of others. Still within staying within eyesight of Nhane, Khan’s long strides cut the distance between the second man and himself in moments. Focusing on other’s pain was easier than dealing with his hand, the throbbing edged a little farther to his wrist as he continued to ignore it. The small holes that burrowed pass his tough scales increased their bleeding to start to stain the sleeve of his tunic red, slightly. He inwardly hoped it would end up dying down before he was forced to fix it, the healer Samuel’s last lecture and threats to become his babysitter- or worse, ask Lucilia to-hadn’t exactly encourage the Esyire to rush to visit the infirmary right away.

“If you’re in pain, I suggest seeing the Healer in the infirmary. Samuel might have something which might help…” Khan gently suggested to the man, placing a hand upon the shoulder. The Esyire's eyes looked to see if Nhane had still been walking away. Personally the Headmaster had hoped his mention of having a vampire teacher might provoke a need to stay or at least a curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith waved back at the man dressed in black and watched as he walked away. As the man got farther away, the buzzing in his Leith's head quieted to it's sleep-deprived buzzing. He frowned in confusion. Why did that man make his head buzz louder than usual. He might just have to go talk with the man and figure out what had caused that, but before he could continue his train of thought, he noticed the headmaster making his way towards him.

Smiling at Khan's question, Leith shook his head. "I'm not in any pain, thanks for the concern, though. I just have a bad case of insomnia. There's a," he paused. He couldn't exactly say that he was hearing a buzzing noise in his head, so he decided to changed his story a little bit. "Ringing in my ears that I've had for a long time. Sometimes it gets enough that I can't get to sleep. I'll take your advice, though, and go see Samuel. Do you think he would have something to help me sleep? Although, I think I can wait until after the Opening Feast, it sounds like it'll be quite interesting."

He ran a hand over his head as he looked around the courtyard. There were more people here than he would have seen in a month at Rehm's. It was quite the change in scenery, and Leith assumed that that change will be the first of many. This'll be an interesting experience
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 1 yr ago


She spent her entire time as he took her around the underground tavern silent as she consumed the information he was giving her about the tavern and some of the people they were walking up to. She looked down at her drink and sniffed t taking in the blood mixed in sweet syrup scent before she took a sip. She looked around smelling the stock of blood but since she took the Marrow Draught Lucillia gave her she didn't react to it like she normally would. She sighed and looked at him. "How did this place come to be...." she asked politely looking up at Tyrael taking another sip of her Valenta Red. "I mean I heard places like these before, but I never really gone to one like this..." she trailed off before shaking her head, preventing herself from going back into the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dinner: Opening Feast within Twilight College Dining Hall

In the passing hours into evening, students and staff had been busy readying for the event that had finally reached fruition at last: the Opening Feast. A time old ceremony that had begun since the College’s move from Aerta to present estate and one that suited to shed away the school’s unsavory history. It designed make new and old students feel comfortable, a casual but still elegant event within the hallowed castle walls. Likely it would fill the aged hallways with sounds of laughter and merriment from a rather pleasant time though not all students were required to be present, Khan had tried to encourage as many as he could to precipitate. Even if it was just for the magical demonstration each teacher had prepared.

In the Twilight College kitchen, bodies moved and busied themselves within the almost Inferno like atmosphere. The mouthwatering smells that permeated into the Dining Hall, creating causal and relaxing sense, came from the many dishes being prepared close by. While Tyrael aimed to provide most of the exotic meats, the staff had thoughtfully prepared complimentary sides. Less filling for full meals were a wide selections of soups, stews, fruits, vegetables and even bread variety to be served during the wait for the demonomacer’s main course. Each side dish’s origins ranged from the Ghannos to the Yarsomere, and even the Scorch Lands, to hopefully have something everyone would enjoy. No shortcuts or half efforts were accepted as this event was Twilight’s pride and joy. Several hours of hard work and endless activity later had produced the best, the final details now fussed over by the Head Chef’s bellowing reminders. His own hands busied with knife in hand and smoked eel being cut up into smaller chucks before distributed upon the waiting plate then shoved to a large table near the exit. Each finished dish was proudly displayed, ready and quickly snatched up by demon or golem to deposit it on a main area table in a fashion they chose best.

Just across from the Dining Hall entrance, the wall behind the table containing the Twilight’s current teachers was a rack system that held all the drinks for the evening. So many choices, it filled the wall behind the teacher’s table and promise everyone would’ve found a favorite. There was a variety of wines, ale, liquors, and even nonalcoholic cordials. Key favorites imported from Ghannos like strong Wood Elf Rose Wine to Yarsomere’s Dragon Spite Liquor, even a Scorch Land favorite called Ember served piping hot and burned on the way down with a sharp butter scotch taste. All these gathered to satisfy those of different tastes and pleasures, all thanks to Lucilia’s skill.

At the head table, Khan sat in his chair waiting for the students to begin to pour in. The first thing they would notice would be the room’s vast size, both in height and width, like some grand ballroom. Banners baring the College’s sigil were draped to cover walls made from tightly sealed stone akin to the rest of the Castle foundation. Already some of the first had started to arrive, faces ranged in excited to timid but all absorbed the sights and smells. Scattered throughout the room were numerous rounded tables that were elegantly carved and stood on claw ball footing, customized by Val to situation most the student body’s many races. From the tall Esyires to the smaller statured Snow Elves, there was rarely a race uncounted for that didn’t regularly cross Twilight College’s threshold. On closer inspection, most tables still remained in decent condition yet to the craftsman’s eye, it was clear many had been repaired countless times over the years.

Khan’s body leaned back, his eyes drifted to his goblet filled with rather powerful Dwarven ale. One that even after a few glasses would’ve knocked even a Dwarf on his ass. The strong scent had a heavy peppermint smell. It wafted and roughly demanded his attention; odd colored eyes lingered over the three vials lying next to the base. At some point he would have to pour one in as directed by Samuel, repeating the process with the next two in refills, throughout the night. However he couldn’t drink more than one glass of the Dwarven ale, even if it was best to eliminate the bitter and pungent taste the anti-venom had. Ember was his next choice and second best. The vail contents would ease and lessen the paralyzing effects that came from it. Personally Khan would’ve ridden it out rather than down the nasty stuff but he didn’t sense Sam would allow that. Not to forget the older man might’ve notified a few of the other teachers, including Uicle and Lucilia, to makes sure the Headmaster drank them. Not just stored them away to forget.

The thought made his eyes wondered over those seated next to him. He was in the center, his figure surrounded on either side by the attending teacher from each mageblood school. Save for one. Joseph Windsor had become ill thanks to a sickness that had plagued him for several days and instead of asking for the Noxomancer’s aid, he decided to allow Uicle to do a demo in his stead. The Snow elf had preferred to heal naturally rather to allow his body to grow immunity for the next time. It was pity but in the end Khan respected the Snow Elf’s decision. Again his attention returned to the three innocent looking vials, mentally debating on what to do. Consciously he flipped the napkin over them and hid them from sight, a faint hope he could get away with forgetting them during the Feast. Even if the numbness and tingling had reached his elbow by now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ponders took in the many sights and sounds of the great feast hall as he stood by one of the grand tables. He didn't need to eat, couldn't eat in fact, but the messenger who'd informed him of this event had said it was quite special, only happened once a year and well worth going to, and so he'd left his stack of books to attend. It seemed that the majority of the students of the college had also chosen to arrive, and many of them were already digging into the food stacked on the tables for them. The messenger had been right - this was worth going to. It was a prefect oppurtunity to learn more of the students. They weren't the main reason he was here, but new knowledge of any sort served to sustain him just as the food sustained the creatures of flesh around him. He'd spent so long watching and thinknig about slow and still environments that this bustle of activity was quite a refreshing change, even if he had trouble keeping up with it all.

Ponders was trying to watch each and every student all at once, and as he divided his focus, the many smaller stones that made up his form began to shift out of the humanoid shape they were usually in, revolving in slow circles around the larger central piece that was his sensory hub. Here a Snow elf trying to reach across the table, there a half snake half man sitting awkwardly picknig at the exotic food, and at yet another table a crimson haired elf tearing into a piece of meat as though she hadn't eaten in days. These were just a few of the things Ponders tried to watch, each case fascinating in itself and deserving of his full attention, but every one happening at once and thus dividing that attention.

A thought was taking shape as he watched the flesh creatures consume both other dead fleshlings and parts of plants. The thought formed into a question as he watched an Esyire tear a piece of meat with his sharp teeth before washing it down with a steaming drink. What was it like to taste? Taste was not one of his senses, the lack of both it and smell being made up for with his exceedinly good hearing and wide field of vision, but in this case he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. He might hear and see better, but he wouldn't know of the variety the fleshlings could experience. Perhaps when one was no longer busy with its food he would have the oppurtunity to ask. Maybe he'd get to ask several of them if he was lucky. But not yet. Now was the time to watch, and there was so much to see!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

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colab between Toxic and Ryonara
She was falling. Plummeting at a breakneck pace. The wind tore at her hair and stung her eyes, she let out a scream but none of the sound reached her ears as the wind tore it away. She tried to snap open her wings to catch the air, but there were no wings. She panicked. She flailed her arms and tried to think, tried to reason, but she was only overcome by pure terror. The feeling only increased as she saw the sparkling surface of a vast, unending ocean. No! It can't end like this! She closed her eyes just as the water rushed up to meet her.

Aruna's eyes snapped open as the stranger in the room threw their weapon. Her heart was still pounding in her chest. She quietly tightened her grip on her knife and prepared a plan as the stranger began murmuring to herself.

Mei gently placed her weapon back against the wall before she laid back on her bed. She closed her eyes half expecting to immediately fall asleep, however it didn't surprise her hen a few minutes passed without so much as vision. She tried to change her sleeping posture to get more comfortable, but the more she tried to sleep the more restless she got. "Aarg!" Mei spread her body out over the bed in a last ditch effort to sleep, but nothing came from it. "Sure. The one time I'd like to rest, my body won't allow it. Whatever..." Mei got back to her feet. She began to do some stretches and threw a few punches in the air. "Alright than, I'll just look around. Who knows, maybe I'll make some friends! Or maybe I'll find that elf from before. I could use a good fight. But first... What does this do?" Mei walked over to the button on the wall and pressed it.

Aruna relaxed her grip on the knife. While it was unclear if the girl was a threat, it was obvious that she had no idea Aruna was even in the room . Aruna decided that she would rather betray her presence than have someone potentially dangerous find her snooping. That tended to end bad "That button changes the room to fit the users liking." She uncoiled and sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her previous dream had left her heart pumping and her body wired with adrenaline. No matter what she did, she wasn't going to sleep now. "Also, I'm Aruna." She stretches and when she dies her still sore wings unfurl to their full extent, stretching just like the rest ofher. She ends the stretch and looks to see the girl's reaction.

"Uwa!?" Mei jumped when she heard a voice behind her. And this was before the room began to change. The first thing that happened as a wooden hitting post popped out of the ground between Mei and Aruna. Instinctively, Mei knocked it away with a single kick, breaking it in half. She jumped away from her side of the room as it began to transform. It didn't take long before it finished. It certainly had an oriental touch: the walls looked as though they were made of some sort of paper, with a soft light illuminating from them. However they where made entirely of stone, though they felt like paper on the touch. Her bed shifted as well to a more modest bed roll. Her floors changed from solid stone to wooden mats, solid enough to be difficult to damage but soft enough that it wouldn't hurt to walk on it barefoot. A rack for her weapons also appeared near where her bed once stood. Lastly, there was a table. But it wasn't a normal table. For one, it as only about two feet off the ground. However, covering the edges was a thick quilt, and on the underside of the table appeared to be a rune of sorts. "Oh! I never thought I'd see one of these here..."

After recovering from her initial surprise, Mei looked to Aruna. She recognized her as the dragon-girl from before, who flew in during the opening ceremony. The knowledge that Mei completely missed her when she came in was not lost on Mei, so she tried her best to ignore it. Meirin bowed her head to about waist length and kept it there. "Ah, hello. My name is Meirin Kurenai. B-but you can call me Mei! It's a pleasure to meet you, Aruna."

Aruna flinched a bit as Mei broke the hitting post. She almost reached for her knife, but she was didn't want to tell her potential enemy where her weapon was, so unless attacked directly she wouldn't reach for it. As the girl studied the changes to the room so too did Arua. It was very sensibly made, with a modest touch. She spied the weapon rack and used the number of pegs to tell her how many weapons the girl had in the room. After seeing the amount Aruna's tail itched to have her tail whip back on.

Then the girl, Mei, turned and bent at the waist to introduce herself. Aruna recognized this as a trick she often had used when she tried to flatter or ingratiate monsters or demons she knew she had no chance of besting in combat. The fact that this girl used it confused her slightly. This girl was obviously an accomplished warrior, yet she is bowing? Does she think I could overpower her? Then another thought occurred to her. Does she think I'm a demon?

"Umm... It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mei."

An awkward silence followed. Normally there's more to say than just that, at least in Mei's experience. She figured that Aruna was just shy though, so she took it upon herself to begin the conversation. "You must have come a long way to immediately head strait to bed after the opening ceremony. I don't even think it's pass noon yet and you've already made yourself at home." Though Meirin herself had nearly fell asleep a few times here before, and she didn't even do much of anything to tire herself out. But moving on, Mei continued. "If you don't mind me asking, here do you hail from?" Aruna nodded to Mei as she spoke about coming a long way. When she asked where Aruna came from the halfling dropped her eyes and rubbed the back of her neck. She had trusted Ssarak with the information, but now she regretted it. She didn't intend to make the same mistake twice. She tried to give her best bashful look

"I, uh, I am from a small town by the scorchlands. O-on the human end of the border though. I had to fly here, I hope that there wasn't any problem with me leaving."

She was trying to seem as shy as she could, keeping the information off of her but it was Tearing her up that she had to act so.... Weak.

"Um, what about you? W-where do you hail from?"

Mei nodded her head as Aruna spoke little of herself. She was quite vague, but Mei didn't blame her: as far as she knew, they were both strangers. Or maybe leaving home was hard for her? Either way, Mei figured that she would open herself up as the two became better acquainted. When Aruna asked where Mei came from, she wasn't so fearful of telling her.

"I used to live in Djarkel. My home was a monastery in the mountains, just a little bit off a trade route. It... I cannot describe it perfectly with words. Djarkel seems like such a dark and dreary place, but at the monastery, it makes you forget where you are. It shows both the power of nature and the strength of men, as it was built to make sure it did not drastically change the nature of the place, and to do so it's founders built it where others would think impossible. It was a place of spiritual enlightenment and physical empowerment. We always offered a space for visitors and helped them get to town safely, because for all of it's scene peace, it was still Djarkel. We had to deal with bandits and raiders every so often... But we were not a people of peace. Sure, we did not go about robbing people either, but the artists at the monastery never showed weakness. I still remember seeing all those men hanging by the trees on the way up to the monastery..."

Mei was about to drone on about the monastery when she remembered that Aruna was still here. "Ah, forgive me, I was rambling. I loved my days at the monastery, but I'm at a part of my life where I need to learn the world outside of it. I would love to return there one day, but for now, this college will be my new home." Once she finished, Mei could feel a knot in her stomach. She was a bit hungry. If she remembered correctly, Khan said that the dinning hall would be open for those who feel peckish before dinner. A light lunch would be nice. "So, Aruna... Care to join me for the feast? We may be a bit early, but better than being late, no?"

Aruna listened intently about the monastery, it sounded like an amazing place. She could imagine being at peace in a place like that... But not yet, she had to finish what she had started. At that line of thought Aruna's thoughts turned morbid. Though she didn't realize it, her face reflected her mood.

Then Mei asked about food and before Aruna could fashion an appropriate answer her stomach growled.and she gave a small smile. "Um... I guess food wouldn't be that bad. Sure, let's go." So with that she went to the door of the dorm and opened it for the two of them to leave.
At the dining are Aruna and Mei found that, while they were early, there were still some students who had come in before them. It was there that they split paths. Mei left to go and speak with the other students, while Aruna found a seat in the corner of the room with the best view and clear line of sight with the doors. There the two girls were when the flood of students and teaches came into the dining hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Coco Bean

This College would be her end. Ever since she had put a step inside it, she had been the most excited in her life. The new scents, textures and sounds all got her mind working at nearly a hundred percent all of the time, and now, hours after her arrival, she was getting even more excited. There was a Feast to attend to- Some kind of tradition of the College, where most consumed things to live. Food and drink. Naturally, she would not be able to eat or drink any of what was served, but attending it was a surefire way to learn new things!

As she stepped into the huge Dining Hall, she could feel stares on herself. Though she couldn't really know who had been looking at her, she knew that she had garnered some attention... Probably it was the fact she was, well... The only Foreas there, along with the first Foreas they had ever seen. But that was understandable. She could feel a wave of heat rush over her body as she shivered in sheer excitement, standing still for a couple minutes as she listened to all the sounds and took in all the scents she could.

"Here we go." She whispered to herself, now focused on finding something really interesting to go touch and smell- And that's when she saw it.

A group of big floating stones! Now that was something she had to go feel!

And so she walked over to the floating stones, her leaves puffing out slowly before she laid her hand on one of them and gently rubbed it, trying to feel its texture the best she could.

"This stone is so weird! It feels so different..." She said to herself, placing both hands now on the stone and grabbing it to study it closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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After his new roommate left, Ssarak remained in his room for a while longer. Now that his room was in order, he had little to do other than sit and think. The overall feeling of the room reminded him of his home, which inevitably brought his thoughts onto the topic of his past. His axe and armor were reminders of his father, but he had nothing left of anyone else. Not his mother, his wife, his children, nothing. They lived on only in his memories, which would have to be enough, he supposed. His marriage had been arranged from birth, but his wife was a good person, and he had loved his children with all his heart. The loss of them and the rest of his family had sapped all meaning from his life and replaced it with regret. He tried constantly to move past that event and on with his life, but every time he was left alone with his thoughts, it seemed, they emerged once more.

Ssarak brought himself out of his ruminations when he realized the opening feast was close at hand. He was ready to attend, though his mood had been soured somewhat by his own thoughts. He needed something to keep his mind occupied when he was alone, a project of some sort. Walking over to the rune, he touched it once more, summoning forth a large block of wood almost as tall as himself. The dark black material came from the only type of tree that could actually grow somewhere in the Scorched lands. He knew what he intended to make from it, though for now, he was eager to get to the feast.

Using the gargoyles to give him directions, Ssarak made his way to the dining hall, and was immediately overwhelmed by everything he experienced. It was a massive room that was packed with the largest crowd he had ever seen. Scents of all types flooded the room, from food and drink to the students themselves, though they all blended together to the point that they were almost indistinguishable. Merely glancing at the feast revealed an expansive variety of items, most of which would likely be entirely new to him. His mood quickly elevated in the presence of such splendor, and he eagerly anticipated the displays of magic they had been told about before.

As he walked around the room, Ssarak managed to spot one of the two familiar faces he knew of at the college: Aruna. He still felt a bit embarrassed over what happened, but he felt it would be good to apologize and clear up any misunderstandings. He approached the Half-Esyire and bowed slightly. “Greetings, Aruna. I…would like to apologize for what happened before. My new roommate explained what happened, and where the misunderstanding arose. Evidently, human culture treats men and women differently, a concept of which I was unaware. I do not know if you heard in my rushed stammering before, but in my village, men and women alike would often share common housing, so I was unaware of the…implications of my request.” He said in a polite tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aruna had sat watching the rapidly growing crowd for threats and sipping her soup. The smells and aromas of the food, all of it exotic, all seemed to shove around and demand for her attention, each one seeming to be more delicious than the last. In the end she settled for soup. It was something she a often in her life of solitude, considering It's simplicity. It was amazing soup to be sure, but still a familiarity amongst the chaos.

She found the range and variety of the students as wide and as amazing as the food. There were all races, colors heights, and widths. Hell, she had even seen a rock creature come in, she was still eyeing it warily. Aruna had decided to pass the time trying to figure out how she would defeat some of the students in combat. It was a wonderful mental exercise that kept her on her toes.
Human, moderately armed, armored except for helmet, obvious training: Rear approach, check shoulder to prevent turning, hands to chin and base of skull, neck-snap. Alternate: Check and grab shoulder, arm around throat, grip jaw, single-arm neck-snap.

Then she noticed Ssarak and her blood heated. She couldn't help it, but a small blush also rose to her cheeks. She looked away from him and tried her mock fighting on someone else to try and ignore him
Elf, lightly armed, heavily armored, no helmet, tall, very good training: Side approach, low kick to knee, grab arm and pull into broken-leg lock as elf leg stiffens in pain response, finger-stab under jaw or eye, grab under jawline, neck-snap. Alternate: Front approach, paired punches to vulnerable plates just below neck, drop-elbow to collarbone, tail sweep while coming up to stab in the ribs.

Ssarak noticed her and headed in her direction. She actively avoided looking at him, but couldn't help note his position. She hoped he wasn't coming to talk to her.
Human, lightly armed, lightly armored, seemingly proficient at magic, possibly a master, average height: Front approach, throat-punch to collapse airway, arm control lock to delay magical response, hip throw, grip chin and scalp, neck-snap.

He was definitely headed in her direction looking directly at her. She sighed, it was a bad impression to leave, fighting at a prestigious event like this, but if he came over, she might just do it anyway.
Black Esyire, heavily armed, heavily armored, tall, expert if not master with weapons: Top approach, double-strike to eye ridge, slide down between blinded target's rising arms, precision strike to throat, secondary strike to counter physical response, quad-kick to bend target, grip each side of skull, running-spinning-leaping-neck-snap.
Alternate: Run.

He arrived at her table and she tensed, but when he explained everything to her quickly, she stopped to think. It was something she hadn't considered, that he'd honestly been confused. She wasn't sure she believed it. Either way, she wanted him close to her, so either he could explain, or she could kill him if he made a fool of her a second time.
She nodded to him, then motioned to the chai next to her.
" Apology excepted. Take a seat. But, believe me when I tell you that I will be watching you, and if you try anything."
Her slitted pupils narrowed as she looked at him with fury.
"You will regret it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith felt alert. Even the buzzing in his head sounded more upbeat instead of the low, droning buzz. After talking with Khan, he went to infirmary to seek out Samuel and see if he had anything for his insomnia. As he was there, Leith asked if here was anything he could have that could get rid of his weariness for the feast. The healer did have something, but he was reluctant to give it to someone who hadn't been asleep for three days. He finally gave it to Leith on the condition that he would take the potion that would help him sleep when the Opening Feast was over.

Once he had taken the potion that would help him stay alert, Leith decided to go take a look around the school, now that he could stay awake better than before. There had been a few time where he got the feeling that he was being followed, but when he checked the area around him, there was nothing there. When Leith was satisfied in his exploration, he realized that it was almost time for the Opening Feast, so he went back to his room and got ready. He took off his cloak and put on a dark-green long-sleeved shirt. When he was ready, he made his way down to the dining hall.

Now Leith was sitting at one of the tables in the back, just trying to take everything in. There were just so many people there. He noticed Mei, but he decided not to go talk to her as it looked like she was talking to some people. He noticed Ssarak standing beside a table that a girl was sitting at. He rubbed his eyes for a second when he saw that she had wings. Maybe he was hallucinating due to his lack of sleep, but when he looked at her again, she still had wings. Huh, that's weird, he thought to himself. Their eyes met briefly, and Leith gave a small wave to her. He continued looking around the room as he thought about what he should do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ssarak Dyreackthanose
"Do not worry, I intend to be as cautious as possible from this point forward to avoid any other misunderstandings. Perhaps you could explain some of the finer points of Human culture, if you would like to help with that endeavor. And...thank you. I do not think I need to say how embarrassing that entire situation was for me, and no doubt you as well. Give me a moment to collect my meal and I will be glad to take that seat." Ssarak responded, bowing once more before stepping away to grab a plate.

Ssarak moved quickly around the room, searching for interesting foods to try. He saw a few dishes with ingredients from the Scorched Lands, but as he was already well-familiar with their tastes, he passed them up in favor other dishes he had not seen before. Even so, he tended to stick with cuts of meat, or at least meat based dishes, as it was rather difficult for him to eat fruits and vegetables with teeth that were designed for cutting and tearing. Most of the cuts of meat looked pretty much the same as those from creatures in the Scorched Lands, but it was easy to tell by their scents if they were from different creatures. Grabbing one of the largest plates available, he filled about half of it with three large cuts of meat from three separate animals, then moved on to the selections of seafood. Since leaving his homeland, Ssarak had become somewhat obsessed with the water and the creatures that resided in it. His homeland did not have bodies of water large enough, or stable enough to support any sort of underwater ecology, and he found that aquatic creatures had entirely different tastes and textures from anything that lived on land. When he first arrived in Human lands, he was surprised and excited to find that they had lakes and rivers in which one could actually swim. He nearly drowned the first time he stepped into the water, but he had since learned to swim decently well.

Once Ssarak had his food, he walked over to another table to grab a drink. Just as before, there were a plethora of options, but he finally decided on a bottle of Ember, something to add just a touch of his homeland to his overall experience. He quickly returned to Aruna and took the seat she had offered, though he did not begin eating immediately, instead deciding to observe the others around him first to make sure there were no Human traditions he needed to be following in regards to beginning his meal.

"This feast is certainly spectacular, like nothing I have seen before. I look forward to the magic demonstrations, especially that of the psychomancy instructor. I am eager to see what I might be capable of in the future." Ssarak commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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As the Headmaster hid the vials beneath a napkin, Uicle chuckled. He was sitting next to the Esyire, swirling a glass of Yarosmerian Dragon Spite. He couldn't drink it of course, but the smell brought back pleasant memories of a time before he sold his soul to the God of Evil. He kept his gaze on the students pouring into the Dining Hall, but spoke to Khan. "You know, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who would find it vastly amusing to see the Headmaster not only scolded by an old man for not taking his medicine, but having the old man force it down his throat as well. It'll certainly make it a memorable Opening Feast, don't you think?" This was spoken in a conversational tone, as more and more students poured in and the sounds of conversation slowly filled the hall with a dull roar. "Alternatively of course, you could just take the medicine now. But that would be the boring route. The first one would be so much more entertaining, even if it damaged your pride, dignity, and authority beyond repair." Placing down his glass of Dragon Spite, the Necromancer reached down and patted Greg on the head, the Golem dog still gnawing on his scrap metal prize, albeit much more quietly.

Glancing around, he added in a dark tone, "If Alaira breaks anything or starts any fights here, she's going to clean and repair the entire damn Hall."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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[Current Alaira post to be added]
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