Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


(Collab between Savato and Pirouette)

The sand mummy had grown content from the hot sand serving as an extra layer to her baby skin, so much that it took her about five seconds to notice the nice Jackson showed up to apologize. Camille had no idea who he was and assumed that it was the asshole from before with a different pair of bathing trunks. She glared at the poor boy's eyes, expressing a deep case of bloodlust for him.

"Get lost or drop dead."

She wasn't very happy, that's for sure. But the idea of being a sublime sand zombie thing kept her in check for now. She even made a sand angel right after getting Jackson off her radar. When her buddy noticed how screwed the volley ball idea was, Camille looked around real quick, noticing a giant squid doing... Pointless things? She cocked an eyebrow, this felt perfectly normal considering... Everything?

"Ehhhhhhhh, we can always ride PattySquiddy and be the Marines of the Oceans, defenders of what is right!"

Camille expressed with enthusiasm. Only she could be worked up by such absurd and borderline stupid ideas like that. She randomly jumped upwards and landed on her feet so she could face her blonde friend, hainds on her hips as she got excited over doing something fuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Ann gave Jackson an expression that signified that she understood. Her friend, however, had answered in a more hostile way causing Ann to feel a bit sorry for the poor guy.

When Jackson turned and began walking away, Ann muttered to her friend. "You shouldn't be so hard on him. He probably can't help it."

Sure, Camille was angry but Ann thought that such an overwhelming negative comment wasn't necessary. She wanted to say something to Camille concerning the issue of negative comments and feelings but Ann couldn't muster up the courage to convey her message. So she stood there as the pair of them fell into a moment of silence. Ann's thoughts drifted to something what she would say to Camille and her childish friend was likely thinking about what to do since volleyball was no longer an option.

"PattySquiddy?" Ann asked having no idea what her friend had just named. She looked around but soon saw what Camille had been referring to. "Um... Okay. I guess we can do that." Ann added with audibly less enthusiasm than her friend. She had no idea what being Marines of the Oceans and riding a squid guy concerned.

A childish grin took form on the kid's face, she could just imagine how awesome it would be to dominate the seven seas while riding a squid. Feinting a walk, she'd swifty catch her friend's wrist while having her foot kick Ann's ankle in order to have her trip on the sand. It was a clumsy attempt to pull off a nasty sand mummy prank but hey, to her it was the new initiation to her league of marines.

"Teehee~ I forgot to tell you... SAND MUMMIES ONLY!"

Then followed a stereotypical villain laughter before she'd heorically point toward the pink squid's location. They were going to convince Patel to take down all 'evils' that roamed the beach, an by evils this likely meant Kuro and Isaac, because she just loves to mess with Isaac. Speaking of which, Camille took notice of the burning smell, but it was so unimportant compared to her ambition. Ann could literally see flames ignite in Camille's eyes as her determination rose up to the max as she maintained her pointing pose for a little too long.

"... So, any ideas on how we catch PattySquiddy?"

The over the top moment had ended and fell back into semi-reality as Camille was confronted to her first obstacle: Convincing Patel.

Ann had dropped her guard and hadn't expect a surprise attack coming. Camille's kick was enough to cause Ann to stumble back and fall on her butt and much ot Camille's delight, the sticky sand covered everywhere where Ann had landed.

"Ow!" Ann winced as she impacted the ground. She glowered at Camille as she got back up to her feet. Even though she didn't express her resentment, Ann would remember that and eventually get her revenge. "No idea..." Ann remarked, completely bypassing any comment about her being tripped and focused on the PattySquiddy. "You know him better than me so..." Ann trailed off as she realized she had just made a connection, even though she had no idea where it came from.

"Huh? I just know the legend, silly! I also hear that..."

She'd get closer to hr friend, leaving a few centimeters of gap between the two so she could whisper what seemed to be a secret regarding the sea monster antagonizing the bay.

"... It eats panties!" (To keep up with Bee's weird Hentai theme)

She informed her friend with a light giggle following. Camille wasn't wearing panties but an entire swimsuit, so the risks were at bare minimul. Her eyes quickly peered down at Ann's bikini, noticing that she was more than just vulnerable to the tentacle monster's tendancies.

Ann immediately expressed her worry about Camille's remark. PattySquiddy sounded like a perverted monster, assuming Camille wasn't just sprouting fake legends just to mess with her. Yet somewhere, somehow she had heard of some weird thing being like that. Perhaps from a previous life.

"Oh no, no, no!" Ann hastily spat as she took a step back, noticing that Camille was eyeing her like piece of meat now. "I'm not getting anywhere near that thing, then."

Camille snickered at her worried friend's reaction, follwing with a little pat on her shoulder.

"There there Ann, that's only assuming you'd get caught~ I'll protect you of course!"

As unconvincing as that was, agreeing with her right away would spare Ann from a lot of trouble and harassment from Camille. Though she did recognize that she may have taken it a step too far by telling her a vague rumor she had heard about sometime in her subconscious. She wasn't going to assume it, however.

"Now quit being a bummer and let's fulfill our destiny, dang it!" Camille said with dominance and strength, as if this was serious business.

Ann, again, gave Camille a scowl, not comforted by her "friend's" attempts to reassure her. "I'm not going over there!" Ann said sounding thoroughly unconvinced of Camille's reassurances.

"If you want to go over there and try fulfilling YOUR destiny than that's fine by me!" She stammered in a sudden fit of rage crossing her arms and turning away from Camille, which was considerably uncharacteristic of Ann. Apparently people have their limits and Camillle's insistence of acquiring a squid-guy for nefarious purposes was past Ann's limits.

Ann's sudden explosion kept Camille frozen in place, shocked and unable to utter a word. She didn't expect this, living in the thought that people would usually deal with her antics with simple nods or by just shrugging off her absurd words. But her friend, or at least what she believed was her friend considering this world's strange rules, reacted in a way she wasn't used to. Sure, she was used to raging individuals she'd have to handle during fights or cleanups, but the fact that she held a specific value to a friend caught her off guard.

"W-wait, erm..."

Having lost her ability to freely release her sass and appear as carefree as ever, she looked like a helpless critter having been denied its right to live. She sniffled, ready to cry at any second.

"I-I'm sorry...Sniffle..." she didn't move from her spot, facing Ann's back as she hoped that she wouldn't get yelled at even more.

Ann's heart sank as she heard Camille sniffling behind her. Based on what experiences she had with Camille, she certainly didn't seem the type to cry, despite her visible age saying otherwise. "O-Oh no." Ann turned around, wearing a face that appeared as if she was going to cry. "I d-didn't mean to be so mean! I just..." She stopped herself and took a deep breath before continuing. "I just thought you were... being too mean is all." Ann trailed off with warmth and friendliness returning to her voice. She had to be the bigger person here as she wrongily thought she was older than Camille.

Tears started to flow out of Camille's eyes and from her cheeks, now feeling guilty about encouraging her friend to join her in an adverture. She looked up at Ann's slightly happier face, but it was blurred out by her wet eyes.

"But... I-I I just wanted to g-go on an adv-venture... And have fun..." she sulked. She never thought her words could affect people so much, nor did she consider her insistance hurtful or even remotely mean. But she was naive like this. She was kind of guilt tripping her friend at this point, but Camille could barely control her emotions, so it wouldn't be that surprising either.

To an outside observer, Ann was totally appearing like a jerk denying a ten-year old her wishes of adventure, or so Ann had worked up in her head. Ann raised her hands defensively, trying to calm Camille down, "O-okay! Okay! We can still have fun but I... Let's try finding something else?" Ann suggested, looking around frantically for something to do.

After a few more sniffles, Camille did indeed calm down before actually bursting. A she tried to rub her eyes, she noticed at the nick of time that she was convered in sand, making this a rather bad idea. Without saying a word, she took a few steps toward the rising water and soaked her hands and foerams so she could rub off most of the tears. She'd then sit down on that same hot water, cleaning her backside in the process.

"Hmm... Sit with me, Ann."

She said with a an uncertain tone. From where she was sitting, Ann couldn't get a clear view of her face, making this situation even more difficult to decrypt. Maybe the blondie would be up for a nasty surprise...

"Oh okay sure!" Ann answered Camille's request with a tinge of apprehension but overall with satisfaction. Ann had always preferred low-key activities and sitting in the water, letting the gentle waves massage you was considerably more fun than chasing a squid. Ann sat down right next to Camille and relaxed, leaning back on her hands while sitting allowing the swell to gently wash away all that nasty sand. "You alright?" Ann inquired with concern, still looking at the back of Camille's head.


She responded simply to her friend's expression of concern, giving a little yet visible nod. Slowly she turned her head, purposely making the moment last longer than it should have before her eyes could capture Ann's relaxed figure. Camille looked normal, neither ridiculously excited nor overwhelmingly depressed.

"Are you angry at me? Do you hate me?"

She bluntly asked her friend, barely making eye contact with her during the process.

"No! Of course not!" Ann quickly replied, suddenly not appearing so relaxed. "I only... I don't like people being mean is all." Ann added as she leaned forward thinking upon her own words. It was strange for her to ever be angry and she knew it. Friends fight, of course, but Ann had a feeling that she wanted to be angry at that moment looking back on it. But now that impulse was gone, quickly washed away like the sand on a shore.

"Hmm... I'm sorry..." she turned back to face the clear blue horizon, sighing ever so slightly. Camille was having a hard time understanding what she did was wrong, moreso when she expected people to ignore most of what she said. In a way, she felt happy that her friend listened to her at least. Taking in another deep breath, she assumulated a little bit of water in her half so she could wash off some leftover sand on her face before spinning her body and face Ann.

"I hate this place." she responded out of the blue, her face just as neutral as it was a few seconds ago.

"Yea... Me too." Ann muttered under her breath that even Camille would have a hard time hearing. It was true, though. This place just felt.. off. It felt like there was a big part of Ann missing here but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Everything about this was just giving off weird vibes and sitting here now, ignoring the loud rambunctious action coming from the beach, Ann could just sense the unnatural stench this place had. "I want to go home." Ann said to Camille, which was ironic because Ann didn't have a home technically. She remembered that at least.

Camille smiled just a little as she acknowledged her friend's weak response, even with the waves blurring most of it, there wasn't really anything else. They both had this strange feeling, and it made Camille behave in ways she wouldn't reveal to people like her colleagues or someone she had just recruited. It felt wrong but at the same time she had lost the notion of her Underground duties.

"Home? Where do you come from? I thought you lived here..." she inquired with a touch of curiosity in her expression, slowly she reverted back to her usual appearances, but without the extremes.

"Home?" Ann mirrored her friend's inquiry unintentially. It was just the shock that the question brought on. What was home? Ann could never remember but something stirred in her mind as if she was finally getting a complete picture. A small town tucked away in a vast, flat landscape. A set of mountains marked the horizon and Ann could distininctly remember the feel of prarie grass as she imagined running through it. Several familiar horses were in this imaginary view as Ann ran up to a lone house on a hill... Snapping out of what was almost like a dream, Ann shook her head. "Sorry... I, uh, come from a farm." She answered but thought it sounded a bit awkward. "You know, somewhere in the middle of the United States."

The subject kind of made her uncomfortable and even though she could probably guess where Camille came from, she asked anyway. "What about you?"

Camille tilted her head just a bit as she watched her friend drift in he thoughts, but before she could wake her from her day dreaming, she had replied with a rather vague answer. Camille, despite not being the best social basket around, could tell it made her feel a bit uneasy so she'd brush off her curiosity for a moment. The more she thought about this, the more she realized that, although they acted and felt like good friends, the little girl could barely recall anything involving her friend's life. This unnerved her just a little bit.

"Me? Hmmm, I come from France! But I don't know if you've heard of the town Carcassonne?" she asked, giving off a little smile of joy that they were having a conversation she could at least enjoy. "I've lived there for a long time! But my parents don't come from France so... I guess I have many homes?" she concluded, asking herself if her parent's origins actually counted as extra shelters for her in the future.

To be continued...

TL;DR: Camille and Ann have a roller coaster of emotions and end up sitting on the shore, opening up a bit to each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He smiled when the dog started spouting random words in celebration. "Yeah, I know that fe&&&&&...I g&t wh@t th@t'$ lik...erghhh." He fell back onto his butt in the sand, rubbing his head. When the dog spoke, worried about him, he replied, "Yeah, sorry. Sorry. It's probably just the sun, is all. Just the sun." He looked around for the sun block he'd lost when the dog had knocked him down, found it, and applied a layer of the stuff to his cheeks and forehead. "I'm not exactly much of a sea bird. Don't know why I'm out here. Probably just to be seen, I guess. Do you have a name? Mine's Zachery. Zachery Talbot."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Thanks, dad!" said Eden as he went up to Jenni, and tapped her shoulder lightly, saying:

"Tag, you're it!" and with that, the chase began!


"Yeah..." spoke Isabella, "I can't really do clothing." She viewed Nate with an...apprising eye. A handsome, clearly military man, with black eyes that delighted the soul. She almost forgot the subject, but not quite.

"Anyway," the woman said to Kuro, "I'll begin the alteration process now." And with that, the Biomancer let off a cloud of spores, spores that enveloped, and then entered the Meta, slowly growing his body into that of a 25-year old, a 25-year old with the Laser Eyes and Energy Absorption that was in the man's wishlist.

"I could give you near-invulnerability," Isabella continued, "but that would require me weakening your original powers..." she trailed off. "Anyway, once you have your revenge, please, remember to pay me back; there's a bungalow at the far side of the beach where you can meet me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli ignored the Confederate remark, it just didn't bother man.

"You speak of perverts in the presence of their Queen! Shameful Shitdick, just plain Shameful." Eli proclaimed walking up.

"Has anyone noticed and holy joy, I'd it that just me? There is nothing here that even remotely bothers me! All this shit scrawled one face and I'm happy to have it... I think this happy."Eli said questioningly.
@Letter Bee
@Subject Zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Damn he's pretty fast...well we guess it's our turn now" Jenni thought turning her body around to face Eden,"Im gonna get ya" She said now running after him using her powers to move herself quickly across the beach sand.The small shock form the other person that scared the crap out of her at first because she thought she was being attacked,But she dismissed this and kept chasing after Eden.

"This is fun and all but i don't know i feel like i can do something else that would give me even more joy...but i wonder what it was.." She thought while chasing after Eden now jumping up high in the air to get in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Avarice was going to forgive Dick-face but then he called her Cer. He could have tried to kill her and she wouldn't have been as mad. "HOW DARE YOU!" she was beyond pissed now, clenching her fists she was covered by black flames which lasted only a few moments as the initial rage wore off.

"Cer is a best an uptight stick in the mud but I am not her and she is not me." For emphasis she pointed at Cer who was still stuck to the tree, glowering. "I'm not sure why that is true, but it is and those who confuse me for a prick such as her will face death. That's you Mr. Dick-Face, any last words?" A ball of black energy formed in her hand, it looked fairly harmless but she could probably destroy an entire building with it. She was ready to fire but some kid jumped out of the bushes, he looked like Damien and like he wanted a fight. Kuro went flying and she cursed lightly, people were going to have to pay for this. She formed an invisible barrier as a strand of darkness tried to hit her. She was to angry to hear the tribal-fucker's words and launched the attack at him instead.



She'd gotten over her anger and was trying to break down this barrier when Nate decided to 'help.' She was concentrating her energy into dispersing Avarice's but rage and wrath usually only served to make her 'sister' stronger. "Nate, you can't break it with any normal convention. I'd need to absorb the energy or over power it, neither of those things are going to happen." She sighed, he wasn't paying much attention, "Avarice and I are only separate right now because none of this is-" Cer stopped short, he was just kind of talking over her at this point. Some engagement thing, she didn't really care.

"Look pretty boy, give it up already I'm going to be here a while. I don't know why the original Nate would even care, or you for that matter, but since you're here do you mind getting me a drink or something, please? I was going to beat Avarice to a pulp before I did any relaxing, unfortunately things did not go as planned. I'd seriously owe you one." She entertained the idea of batting her eye lashes but she decided on trying to maintain some dignity.

@AcerRo@Subject Zero@Raijinslayer (I might be missing someone, sorry)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago


While everyone else was having fun on the beach, causing general chaos and what have you, Ian had made a startling discovery. This island. . . was able to grant wishes. How did he notice this, one may ask, and he would answer: "How else would I be able to pull duck tape and gorilla glue out of thin air?" He hadn't even noticed it until right now, but now that he knew, he was going to do what all people due when they find a glitch in the software.

Exploit the ever-living hell out of it.

Hidden on the far side of the island away from everyone else, Ian wished the one thing he had always wanted. A bonafide, mother-fuckin' Pirate ship, complete with a crew of undead skeleton pirates, as well as host of scantily clad servong wenches. The frigate that he had was equipped with 20 broadside canons on each side, except these were hi-tech cannons that exploded into quick hardening, porous foam, he didn't want to hurt anyone. . . much. As the ship bobbed in the ocean, Ian bursted out of the Captain's quarter dressed in the most stereotypical buccaneer outfit he could think of, with two cutlases and four flintlock pistols on his jacket, and the tricorner hat situated crookedly on his head. He looked certifiably insane, mostly because he was certifiably insane, at the moment anyway.

"Listen up you scurvey Seadogs, today we go Krakken hunting, any objections?"

"Will we get Workman's Comp. if we get injured in this event?" One skeleton asked, right before his head was blown to pieces, courtesy of Ian's flintlock, smoke rising from the barrel. "A simple "No" would've been fine sir."

Iab shrugged, "Yeah, but I.ve always wanted to do that. Sorry Frank."

"No problem, boss."

Walking up to the bow of the ship, he looked westward to the island, seeing a stream of smoke rising from the forest. What the fuck is wrong with people! Must be some idiot's dropped cigarette or something.


"Yeah boss?"

"Tell the boom-guys to launch a volley where that smoke is coming from."

"Can't ypu give them a name more diginified than 'boomguys', like the actual one that you could look up on your-"

"Frank, do I need to shoot out your kneecaps, matey?" Ian warned, two flintlocks pointed at the skeleton's legs.

"No sir, I'll go tell them." Frank sighed, then went down to the lower decks, picking up shards of his skull along the way. With in seconds, the cannons were raised and 20 balls of light were sent screaming into the sky with a resounding cacophony of booms, then they'd fall onto the area of the fire, exploding into a pillar of foam that could be seen from the beach. With that taken care of, Ian made a gesture and the ship began to sail down the coast, where it would soon be visible to the beaches inhabitants as it made its way towards the Hentai Krakken, swerving around to have it's cannons pointing at the foul beast. Ian was hanging ffom the ratlines, pointing at Patel with hus cutluss and letting out a hoarse screaming call to his bony crew.

"Avast ye, scurvy swabs, there is our quarry, now prepare yourselves for bloody battle. Boomguys, blow the scallywag out of the sea, in other words, FIRE!!!!!!" With this hollar came an equally hoarse shot from the skeletons and wenches as they got into position, those who weren't manning the cannons aiming at the beast with flintlock rifles, firing of barrage after barrage of shots at him, each one followed by another cacophonous volley of cannon fire, the glowing spheres of quick-hardening foam slamming into the Krakken again and again, seemingly without end in sight.

@Letter Bee
@Lord Santa

Damien and Insomnium

Insomnium snickered as Bitches McBlack fired a ball of energy at him. Raising his hands, hecaught the ball, absorbing the energy and tranfering it into shadow appendages that sprang from his back, each one forming cannon-like tips, which filled up with shadows that began to shift into pulsing red energy.Once the transger was complete, he sent out four beams of energymat her, before turning into a stream of reddish black shadows and hurtling towards her position, arms outstrecthed to form a type of scythe on either side as he did so, the blades bening dulled so that he didn't killed her. . . yet.

Damien, having felt Insomnium's presence, came upon the scene, and more specifically, Nate and Cer. Hearing the end of Cer's conversation to Nate, he walked up to the sphere and placed his hand on it. "Absorb it, no problem, I've been starving all day." His breath hitched as the energy flowed into him, a welcome relief to his somewhat empty systems. Goddammit, he was never going to stop loving this feeling, it was very adfictive at times. Once all the energy was drained, Cer would be free and he'd sitting by the tree watching Insomnium fight. He'd let him have his fun for now, byt the moment that he put someone in danger, Damien would end the fight.

@Subject Zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli turned to the new outrage Cer, he wasn't sure what was going on. That was Cer, outside of the black dress that was indeed Cer. All the way down to the entitled natured and air of superiority . Eli stared at her for a moment before asking Nate a question.

"Shitdick, is it me or does it seem like something is amiss around here?"Eli didn't want before launching into his next question. This time it was for Cer.

"Cer, baby why you always so cranky in the morning time!?"Eli screamed with a giant smile. It was one few times he said something as dumb as his accent lead people to believe he was.
It was a rare occurrence that he allowed him to look like a dumbass on purpose. He had little doubt that it was gonna piss her off. It seemed that just being around was enough to afoul taste in Cer's mouth. Then again, who didn't Eli put off?

There wasn't many people Eli liked. Nate was one of them, so was Oiliva. Nate was just as obnoxious as Eli was just from different directions. Oiliva more than likely disliked Eli, he didn't blame her. Eli knew, or at least had an idea of how hard it was to be his friend.

Most all the people who were members of the Reformists were okay in Eli's mind. Soft and always looking for the nice way to do things, unwilling to do the dirty work that was often needed in this world. He did really like Cedric though. Cedric was an idiot and a world class pain in the balls but he was a good kid who's pretty little ideals got him killed. Even still he was always good to Eli and that thought was never lost on Eli.

@Subject Zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tilting his head up towards the sky, Jake squinted as a bird flew in front of the sun. The man, Zachary he learned, was right. It was hot as hell out here. And Zachary didn't exactly look like he was built to last in temperatures like this. He was oddly pale. Jake found himself suddenly struck by a twinge of guilt for wrecking his hat. It probably would have helped him quite a bit out here.

"Name's Jake" he informed Zachary when asked about his name. "Hey, there's some huts over there" Jake told him as he tried to point a paw in their direction but failed "Maybe you should get out of the sun before you...die."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Unbelievable. What sort of dream is this? No one seems to want to stick around." Light said, standing alone after Alto had left, still annoyed at all that had happened in the past 5 minutes. "Might as well cause some chaos then, it is a dream after all." She thought, wanting to salvage something from this turn of depressing events in what she assumed was her own dream. Thats when she noticed a giant pirate ship off the coast, shooting its cannons at some sort of pink squid with... unusually twitchy tentacles.

"Well, it is a dream. Maybe this'll turn out to be that japanese pirate cartoon. I like the black haired girl in that one." Light said, first pulling out a jack in the box, then a hole and holing over to the ship to find the speedster guy that had proposed to her earlier maning the thing.

"OK, this is more like it!" Light said as the skeleton crew scurried around as Ian was barking orders. Wanting to play a part, Light pulled an impossibly large minigun out of nowhere and started firing it at the squid. Although the long range probably didn't help her aim much. "Best thing about dreams, I don't turn things into cartoons unless I want to!" Light said excitedly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tilting his head up towards the sky, Jake squinted as a bird flew in front of the sun. The man, Zachary he learned, was right. It was hot as hell out here. And Zachary didn't exactly look like he was built to last in temperatures like this. He was oddly pale. Jake found himself suddenly struck by a twinge of guilt for wrecking his hat. It probably would have helped him quite a bit out here.

"Name's Jake" he informed Zachary when asked about his name. "Hey, there's some huts over there" Jake told him as he tried to point a paw in their direction but failed "Maybe you should get out of the sun before you...die."


"I...uh..." He said, looking back up at the sun before taking a long hard look at the dog. It was pretty hot out here. Really hot. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should do something in there. Out of the sun. See if, if, you know, that helps." He said, getting up. "Ummmm," he started awkwardly. "If you're not a, well, a heat stroke hallucination, thanks Jake. Uh, you can have that sunblock. Might come in handy, you never know." With that he set out toward the convenient little huts he hadn't seen before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For a moment, Jake simply stared at the sunblock sitting in the sand, pondering what possible use he could have for such a thing. He couldn't put it on. He had no hands. And even if he could, he'd only end up with a sticky or matted coat. Maybe both. He considered picking it up in his mouth and taking it back to Zachary but that would surely only inhibit his ability to speak...Or would it?

He thought about that for another moment. How exactly could he talk now anyway? It wasn't like he had a human mouth. He wasn't sure if a dog being able to speak was even physically possible. Maybe it wasn't physical though. Maybe there was something else going on here. His head ended up hurting from thinking about it too much and he decided to try an experiment.

Snatching the sunblock up between his teeth, careful not to apply too much pressure, he followed after Zachary. "Hey...um..." he called out to the man, surprised by the fact that he sounded the same. Well that answered that. He continued "This might sound stupid but...I have no idea how I got here. Or even where here is. You wouldn't happen to know, would you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For a moment, Jake simply stared at the sunblock sitting in the sand, pondering what possible use he could have for such a thing. He couldn't put it on. He had no hands. And even if he could, he'd only end up with a sticky or matted coat. Maybe both. He considered picking it up in his mouth and taking it back to Zachary but that would surely only inhibit his ability to speak...Or would it?

He thought about that for another moment. How exactly could he talk now anyway? It wasn't like he had a human mouth. He wasn't sure if a dog being able to speak was even physically possible. Maybe it wasn't physical though. Maybe there was something else going on here. His head ended up hurting from thinking about it too much and he decided to try an experiment.

Snatching the sunblock up between his teeth, careful not to apply too much pressure, he followed after Zachary. "Hey...um..." he called out to the man, surprised by the fact that he sounded the same. Well that answered that. He continued "This might sound stupid but...I have no idea how I got here. Or even where here is. You wouldn't happen to know, would you?"


Zach looked down and saw Jake talking without without moving his mouth and decided that, yes, he really did need to get out of the sun. Still, even if he was hallucinating and hearing his own thoughts from the mouth of a dog, Son of Sam style, that dog was actually making a lot of sense. You could bounce ideas off a mirror. "Well, this is a beach. I, I, I woke up here. I can't recall...I have a friend here. He's the lifeguard. I must have come to see him and then...I took a nap? I must have. I must have taken a nap in the shade."

He cast a long look around the beach, then turned back to the huts. The huts he hadn't seen before. The huts that he'd just not seen until he needed them. Were they closer now? They seemed too close. He'd only just started walking, he shouldn't be that close yet. Like they had jumped toward him, because he wanted them. He stopped walking, gripping both of his arms. It hadn't been that hot, had it? He hadn't had a problem with the heat while he'd been walking. It had only gotten hot when the dog had worried about it...

Despite the heat there was a sudden chill in the air. Something was wrong here, but he couldn't place it. He looked beyond the huts to the jungle behind them. Had that been there, before? He couldn't recall a jungle from the beginning of his walk. It would be hard to mistake, wouldn't it? A whole jungle was a pretty big thing to miss. He tried to recall what else could have possible been there, but the jungle had always been there. But he couldn't recall seeing it when he woke up. It hadn't been there, but had always been there.

He looked back over to the huts, glanced down to Jake, and asked, "Hey Jake, did you notice? That hut on the end is some kind of smoothy bar."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Vince kept his poker face as the girl Olivia squirmed, he found it kind of cute, her twin freaked him out a bit with the weirdest eyes he'd ever seen. Something about twins made him uneasy but also strangely attracted to the original. He looked the twin in the eyes, still smiling, "I think she can speak for herself, nice to meet you by the way." He watched as they had a bit of a spat then chuckled at Olivia who he liked more and more, she was pretty down-to-earth, despite his more preachy qualities he liked that.

"Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered us meeting too." He chuckled lightly before taking a moment to consider her question, "I wish I had an answer for you but I don't. It's paradise as far as I can tell."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 3 days ago

((An even better collab post between Nancy and Nancy))

Ann's mind drifted off after Camille had responded. Ann had such a cloistered life that she hardly experienced life outside of a few small towns and Los Angeles, and sitting next to her was a girl, appearing around half the age of Ann, who seemed to have everything. Ann had to admit, she was jealous of that snot-nosed individual but it wasn't near enough to dampen that feeling of camaraderie that Ann was feeling with this girl. Sure, there was Aya, Jake, Owlman, and the many others who Ann had just barely gotten to know over the past week but Ann felt that Camille was more around her age. A certain trust and bond was being built but then agian, they had only just met and Ann wasn't all that ready to open herself up completely.

"No, I've never heard of it." Ann responded to Camille's question of Carcassonne as she passively experimented with the sand and the surf. She was completely unaware that there had been a sound of cannonfire that rang out from someone else on the island. But she definitely heard the next wave of cannonfire. She jumped up on her feet from the fright of a loud volley of bangs. A pirate ship, complete with a skeletal crew, had begun firing on the beach. Chunks of some type of material came flying towards the beach dwellers and they were hard to track as they flew across the bay. But almost immediately in response, a massive wall of green plant material stretched from behind the all the beach dwellers and quickly tangled itself in a weaved-wall. The speed at which the vine tendrils grew was unbelievable but they grew just in time to deflect the foam cannon rounds. The rounds smacked against the wall, sticking to it.

Ann glanced around, curious on who had conjured up such wall and found that a blonde woman was now patting her wall as if it were her child, congratulating it on a solid defense. Ann turned right back around and faced Camille. She took a deep breath as she would probably regret this but she felt like she owed Camille at least one adventure. "I... Think we have our adventure." She said reluctantly.

Before Camille could start her little history lesson about her home town, which would have made her a little too happy for anyone's taste, the combination of events that occured didn't screw up in capturing the kid's attention. Cannons were shot, tentacles were running rampant and a big wall of whatever was formed. This was... AMAZING! Her eyes glittered in awe as she witnessed the developing chaos before her, both hands on her cheek as she contemplated the different initiatives she could take for the heck of it.

"Oh. My. GOSH! Ann!!!!!!! You are a genius! A new adventure!!!!!!"

The kid bounced up on her feet, causing an inevitable splash at Ann's direction, and she took the same gloious position as before. But it didn't last as long this time as her expression faded to genuine worry, she didn't want to get shouted at again.

"Erm... You're actually agreeing with ça, right?"

She asked, maintaining her pose but without the extra edge it usually had.

Ann felt a little elevated after recieving such an exicted praise and a splash from Camille. Maybe it was the elated feeling or maybe it was guilt but she turned to Camille and gave a faint smile. "Yea, I'm agreeing with..." She stopped thought about that weird sound Camille made for a second before shaking it from her mind and simply nodding.

"... OKAY! Let's go then! CHAAAARRRRGE!"

Camille release her warcry as she sprinted through the agitated sea, her body slowly sinking as she speed deminished greatly. After a few meters of exxcessive splashing she started to swim toward the pirate ship, swimming at a below average speed for the superhuman standards set by pretty much half the cast here. From doggy paddle to front crawl, she never gave up in her endeavor to reach the intimidating ship. The water's current wasn't in her favor either, making this a rather silly attempt altogether.

"All.. *glooopgloop* most... THERE! *gloopgloop*"

Her passion and devotion was clearly there, though, but the ship was not.

Ann hesitate for a moment as she watched Camille charge into the incoming wake, but a few moments of working herself up, she charged in right behind Camille. Ann apparently had to have been a good swimmer in a previous life because her breast stroke had quite a bit of power behind it. She very quickly caught up to Camille and eventually passed the struggling ten-year-old. The churning sea certainly made an attempt to slow Ann down but she had a very deceiving strength to her strokes. She managed to push through and the ship wasn't too far now. She'd call back to Camille but she was too afraid that the pirates were going to gun her down before she even made it.

Camille's relief would come in the form of a giant sea turtle, looking like something straight out of the Jñānarāja, the turtle had a small little island on its back complete with a palm tree and a layer of grass. The turtle had suddenly decided to surface right underneath Camille, forcing her up and out of the ocean completely. It would almost certainly come to Camille as a surprise but with a little bit of investigating, Camille could probably notice a very enthusiastic individual, waving happily back on the beach. "Good luck out there, hun!" The individual shouted as she sat on top of her plant wall.

The turtle would then personally deliver Camille to the ship, just before Ann would reach it.

Camille's face turned red in embarrassment and anger as she was being beaten by her friend despite having a head start. Not matter how much she struggled, she wasn't really an adept of swimming, or running, or anything too physical apart from beating people up. Swallowing her pride, she tripled the effort, but all of it was vain... Until a miracle happened! Camille was on the Zelda: Majora's Mask turtle for some reason, belly flat against the rising Goliath. She stood up, puzzled by the random event, even though it wasn't too extreme compared to everything else. Turning around as she investigated, she noticed a dirty-blonde woman waving. Camille could easily deduce that the tree and the grass on the turtle's back were similar to the wall that was produced earlier, so it must have been that weird lady.

She waved up, looking over at both sides to see if there wasn't some lame prank being prepared in tandem with this rescue. Once the turtle beat Ann to the finish, Camille stood tall with her arms crossed, giving an air of superiority toward the exerted Ann.

"Teehee~ Devine qui a gagné?!"

She asked in provocation, a smuggy grin forming on her already annoying face.

Ann wondered why she was still swimming as hard as she was. She'd just wait for Camillle to charge up the ship first... But much to Ann's surprise, and honestly to her annoyance, Camille rode a giant sea turtle to beat her to the ship. Although Ann couldn't understand the young French girl, everything about her posture gave away her intent. Annoyed, Ann bubbled a curse underneath the water, her face scowled and then raising her mouth above the water, she hollered. "After you then!' Secretly hoping that a pirate would push her off the pirate ship.

Camille looked up, more or less testing the waters for lurking pirates. There didn't seem to be any peering down to her direction so it seemed okay. She ducked for a second, appearing as though she was maybe warming up for something or did an improvised squat exercise, but as she unflexed her legs, a buzzing sound could be heard coming from her being. One second she was on the turtle, the next her feet were on the ship's sail, much higher than what was anticipated.

"Whew, that was tough!"

She commented, Ann being left out of the conversation she was having with herself because, well, she was down there. Camille looked around and took notice of the small looking pirates running around in reaction to their assault against the Patel Squid. She signaled the O.K for Ann to come up as no scurvy dog was patroling the more sensitive areas.

Ann was waiting expectedly as she saw Camille curl up. What on earth was she doing? But Ann would get her answer before she could even voice her question. She appeared to vanish but she might have just moved really, really fast. Ann looked around and noticed a little figure on top of the ship's mast, inside the unmanned crow's nest. She watched as Camille's little head poked out from the crow's nest, sizing up the crew of the ship. Then she gestured to Ann, which probably meant it was time to attack.

Ann reached up and managed to grab hold of a ladder that would be on most wooden ships to allow those that fell off the deck, a way back on the deck. Ann climbed quietly, the butterflies in her stomach fluttered rapidly about as she finally peered onto the deck.

Skeletons were wandering about. They weren't scary but rather cartoony as they were just bare bones and wore very stereotypical pirate gear. An actual cartoon was with them and finally a man appeared to lead them. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she mustered up enough courage to leap up onto the deck and charge. Ann, a small sixteen year old girl, charged a group of skeletons who were milling about a cannon and tried to push one over the railing. To her surprise, the bony figure flew off with such a force that his femur detached.

Shocked, Ann stood there for a moment, mouth agate, before turning to the other two skeletons who appeared equally as shocked. Panic quickly set in and Ann hastily tossed a cannonball, that was lying at her feet, and pelted one of the skeletons right in the skull with it. Comically knocking it from its spinal connection and flying away from the bumbling body.

Surprised by her friend's ability to pretty much beat the shit out of anything, Camille had second thoughts in joining in the fall. After all her aging abilities would be quite boring without flesh on them, they're just break down into a pile of dust. She sat on the crow's nest she had snatched from the crew and used the pair of binoculars set next to her to locate the potential captain of the ship... Well at least she tired, the focus was way too strong and all she could see was a pair of breasts following Ann's movements. They weren't big, but they were a hell of a lot bigger than Camille's. Once again, she blushed in embarrassment, cheeks puffed in denial over her true age.

The binoculars suffered the price as she dropped the pair from the top of the sail, letting it crash down on a random skull, causing the pirate to fall in a pile of bones. Arms crossed, she took her time in looking for the boss of the archaic rig. She had time to kill and steam to release, so it was all good.

TL;DR --- Ann and Camille assault a pirate ship. @Archmage MC @RaijinSlayer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zachary didn't know how he had gotten here either. That was strange. But this whole place was strange. And it only seemed stranger the more Jake thought about it. What kind of tropical island had squirrels? This island seemed almost too good to be true. The pessimist in Jake thought that is something seemed too good to be true, it probably was. He started to worry then that he would wake up at any moment and this beautiful island with its magnificent beach would be gone. And Jake would find himself on some filthy street corner in the pouring rain once again.

"Hey Jake, did you notice? That hut on the end is some kind of smoothy bar."

Jake looked up at Zach as he was asked a question then turned to look in the direction the man was looking. "I can't say I did" he replied "But then I can't say I really pay much attention to anything with fruit."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Patel, in response to the cannon shots hitting the water around it, zoomed with surprising speed towards the ship, its tentacles out; some ready to grab the vessel itself, others ready to tear out the cannons, and some more ready to rip Ian and Light out of the deck. The tentacles that were out to grab Ian were as fast as the speedster for some goddamn reason, while the tentacles that went against Light were quickly shot back by the Toon's Gattling Gun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zachary didn't know how he had gotten here either. That was strange. But this whole place was strange. And it only seemed stranger the more Jake thought about it. What kind of tropical island had squirrels? This island seemed almost too good to be true. The pessimist in Jake thought that is something seemed too good to be true, it probably was. He started to worry then that he would wake up at any moment and this beautiful island with its magnificent beach would be gone. And Jake would find himself on some filthy street corner in the pouring rain once again.

"Hey Jake, did you notice? That hut on the end is some kind of smoothy bar."

Jake looked up at Zach as he was asked a question then turned to look in the direction the man was looking. "I can't say I did" he replied "But then I can't say I really pay much attention to anything with fruit."


"But it is there, correct?" He side, keeping his voice steady but never moving his eyes from the dog. Deliberately not looking where he'd indicated the bar was. "And further down this beach, there's a long wooden pier where you can rent jet skies? And right behind us, over to left, is a large striped beachball next to a sand castle? Jake, I think something very odd is happening. I apologize if this sounds crazy, but please look around and confirm that these things exist."

There were people in the world that possessed abilities far greater than his own, and he realized in that moment that he couldn't recall his own. Why was that? He knew he had one. What could possibly make him forget? It was like forgetting your hands, or sight. These little dissonances that kept welling up, what were they? "This place...there's something wrong. There might be some sort of ability at work."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ian-The Pirate King

Ian frowned as the Kraken began to attack his ship, even daring to attack him with it's tentacles. On top of that, two mini-wenches had boarded his ship and were assaulting his crew. "Frank, take care of the teen wench on the deck, i'll take handle the mini-wench in the crows nest." The tentacles that came after him were fast as he was, but they also were lacking something very important to his powers, skill and in born defenses. Moving at that speed caused them to almost instantly ignite, and Ian used his simulated super strength to punch them away from the mast, so as to keep them from setting fire to the ship. He then zipped over to where Camille was, perfectly balanced on the edge of the crow's nest, he drew a cutlass and tossed it to her, before drawing his own and holding it out, knowing how to sword fight due to a stint he'd done with fencing at one point, which had been a fun experience.

"Prepare yourself, lassie, cause after I beat you in this fight, I'll be making ye walk the plank. I'll also fish ye out afterwards, and then maybe I'll do it again. Aye, i'll be doing that until I get bored, then I'll have a salad, or maybe some soup, then maybe I'll. . . .what was I talking about again. Oh yeah, sword fight, sorry, I tend to get distracted. So, are ye ready, ya mini-wench invader."

While Ian was facing off against Camille, Frank was walking over to Ann, cutlas in hand and a bored look on his face. . . if skeleton's could have bored looks that is. "Listen, lass, I'm not to thrilled to fighting a girly, but it's the captain's orders. And don't be worrying now, we won't be killing ye, only dunking you into the ocean a couple times until the boss gets bored and let's you go." A tentacle suddenly came out from the ocean and snatches a skeleton right next to ffrank, sending him screaming over the plant-wall and onto the beach. It was soon followed by several more skeleton's, who after landing and putting themselves back together, would simply just stand there looking at the beaches inhabitants. One of them would even wave, only to be smacked in the head by one of the others, launching it off and sending it hurtling towards Aya.

Frank sighed, before he pulled a cutlass out of a barrel and tossed it over to Ann, before drawing one himself. "Don't worry about getting cut, these blades be very dull, so you'd be getting bruised at best, breaking a bone at ye worst. Again, sorry about this." Frank, being a gentlemanly pirate skeleton, would wait for Ann to pick up the blade and get into a good position before he went on the attack. Since he was born to be a pirate, he was naturally very, very good at it, sending out a quick barrage of slashes at her, but only putting half of his strength into the blows, as he wasn't really eager to hurt her.

The rest of the crew would continue to fight the battle against the Patel squid, one of them pressing a button on the mast which caused the deck hatch to open up, and two machine gun turrets to pop out. A skeleton got into each one and began eviscerate any and all tentacles that approached the ship.



"You're saying that like I fucking wanted to be used as that sicko's personal sand sleighdog." Kuro responded, looking Nate dead in the eye since he was now as tall as him(actually, he was just a tiny bit taller), but he did find a pair of fitting shorts nearby and put them on. Turning to Isabella, he shrugged before nodding. "Sure, I've no idea how I'm going to pay you back though, I'm dead broke." With that, Kuro turned around and scanned for his target, finding him and smiling as he slipped into the zone, sneaking towards the fucker until he was right behind Eli.

Here, he froze, pondering what he could do to the man. He tapped his finger to his chin, before deciding to due something that was a little bit malicious, though he'd have to book it immediately afterward. So, with that in mind, he pulled out two crabs, focusing his powers intensely until he was able to bring them with him into the zone. he'd been practicing that a lot at the Reformist HQ. with squirrels and cat's he'd managed to catch, but this was his first success. NOw that he had them, he simply walked over to Eli, shook up the crabs to get them really mad, then stuffed them into Eli's pants, jumping back since he was visible now and balsting the ground in front of him to send him flying into the sky away from Eli.

He was just about to congratulate himself for his genius, but then he saw where he was about to land. The mother-fucckin' ocean.

"This was not a well thought out plan." He said simply as he fell towards the ocean, crashing into it with a hard 'slap'. He was know very much unconscious and was sinking ever more into the depths of the ocean.
@Letter Bee

Jackson & Mu

"This was the only way I could keep the maniac from trying to kill people, he kept on trying to stab people with goddamn driftwood."

"Can I kill him," Mu spoke up, glaring at Nate withy all the intensity he could muster, "I really dislike him for some reason I don't remember. I want to rip out his insides and strangle him with them. . . repeatedly. Can I at least due that to one of his duplicates, they aren't people so it should be fine right?" Jackson simply gesture at Mu as if to say, 'what did I tell you', before he shook the sphere violently with his mind, causing Mu to bounce around a lot and mutter several rather choice words at Jackson.

"I don't even know how we got separated like this, only that it's giving me the largest headache imaginable. Can someone please tell me where Kuro is?" He heard something splash into the water behind him, and without even turning around, he had a feeling he would like the answer to his next question. "Please tell me the idiot just threw himself into the ocean?"

@Subject Zero
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