Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Tatsua Aiisen

Edited the picture into a hider as per your request.

Also, I'm not sure if you saw my question in Hel's CS, but could I make a second character to be Hel's fiancée?


Just so you know, if the finished product seems too close to the joke-y side of things, I will be forced to deny it out of virtue.

It's totally fine, though. As long as you're fine with your wife dying and you having to be #DESPAIR for the rest of the RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Card Captor>


Just so you know, if the finished product seems too close to the joke-y side of things, I will be forced to deny it out of virtue.

It's totally fine, though. As long as you're fine with your wife dying and you having to be #DESPAIR for the rest of the RP.

Does that mean that his name isn't good? Because I was starting to get attached to it

Is...is that a guarantee that she'll die? Because if so then there's no point in me even making her
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Is...is that a guarantee that she'll die? Because if so then there's no point in me even making her

I mean, there's no guarantee that anybody will survive. Hell, even the RP itself has a risk of dying, if that shows you how dedicated I am to killing everyone in the most horrible way possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anyone else watching the PACMAN vs MAYWEATHER fight? I'm sorry if this is making the OOC out of topic, I'm just interested
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Serious question: Are there muskets? Or at least Blunderbusses?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Be coming up with a CS shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSoundTheory


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just popping in for a quick question. I know you said no foreigners so I know that means none of those kingdoms overseas but does that mean we can't be a part of the other main kingdoms mentioned? Like, not from Mortis but coming in from Ashfall? (p.s. had secret dreams of becoming that shady, dark, rogue-like character from games...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheSoundTheory


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Anyone else watching the PACMAN vs MAYWEATHER fight? I'm sorry if this is making the OOC out of topic, I'm just interested

I'm not but my Chem prof is. She made sure to tell us that no matter how close we are to final exams (Monday) there was "no way in hell" she'd answer anything from us...

EDIT: Just realized I double posted. Sorry 'bout that 'O.o
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just popping in for a quick question. I know you said no foreigners so I know that means none of those kingdoms overseas but does that mean we can't be a part of the other main kingdoms mentioned? Like, not from Mortis but coming in from Ashfall? (p.s. had secret dreams of becoming that shady, dark, rogue-like character from games...)

If it's not from Mortis, it's not allowed. I might consider allowing, perhaps, a foreign weapon of some sort (Given a sufficient description), but no straight up foreigners allowed. As I said~

Serious question: Are there muskets? Or at least Blunderbusses?

There are some very rudimentary firearms. They're all terrible, though, and they qualify as "Exotic Weapons" (And hence require an adequate explanation for how you got a hold of them).
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, this looks neat. I think I'll write up a character real quick...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mistress, this is my character.

Name: Variel Ventris Septimus

Titles: Doctor

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Descriptive Appearance:

In the thick, voluminous garb of a plague doctor, Variel is rendered anonymous. Obscuring his visage is the appropriate beak-like mask iconic of such professionals. Slung across his shoulders is a thick, fat satchel containing all kinds of medical equipment: forceps, scalpels, knives and razors as well as unguents, salts and poultices for all sorts of life-threatening contingencies. In a smaller one, its strap crossing the other over his chest, there are things such as food and extra clothes: items unrelated to his profession. Gloved, strapped and with the hems of its trousers tucked into his worn leather boots, Variel's uniform is as sealed as it can be.

Outside of this grim clothing, he a man of prime age -- or, at least he tells himself. He has a slightly pallid, copper-tinged complexion and sports close-cut black hair whose longer locks are naturally wavy. His musculature can be described as average; he is neither lean nor chubby. Incidentally, he is also only averagely endowed.

Devoid of facial hair, it is evident that he shaves often. Crow's feet hang from the lids of his brown-irised, widely spaced eyes, and his nose is slightly aquiline. Having a round shape to his face, his smiles are warm and radiate kindness. This, in addition to his relatively small ears and above-average height, gives him an aura of calm charity.

In his gloved hand is gripped a short, thick cane, replete with all the wondrous versatility of a stick.


Variel is a kind man, fond of song and food although he abstains from too much drink. He has always been a person of good, patient temper, and this has translated well from adolescence to adulthood when he began to practice medicine. His grins are wide and he smiles only when it is genuine, making it so that every one reaches up to light his eyes and ease the wrinkles that surround them. These wrinkles have come from a life full of sickness, death and far too many triage situations for his liking. Regardless, he presses on, content that he has helped to save so many. Of course, there is always the guilt of inevitably losing a few patients.

He is unmarried, and does not actively seek love. He believes his calling on earth is in the schools-turned-hospitals and bloodied apothecarions, not in a conjugal home where he can sire children. Other people have that role, and his is to help those people.

Basic Biography:

Variel is the third son of two innkeepers who do good business in the outskirts of the Capital of the Kingdom of Mortis. Raised more or less normally through childhood's ups and downs, he enrolled, with the help of an influential family friend, at the College of Arcanatras. After preparatory semesters, he was apprenticed to a doctor and the duo traveled where they were needed across the Kingdom. Eventually, when his master could no longer teach anything to him, Variel went his own way and has since been treating the sick and injured.


Master Apothecary: Variel is superbly adept in medicinal alchemy and can brew up anodynes and healing salves even with tools so simple as a cauldron of boiling water and a stirring stick, provided he has the right herbs. Conversely, he can also create the direst of poisons and the most painful of venoms.

Surgeon: Variel is trained in the more invasive practices of the medicinal arts and can disinfect, close, and suture up wounds.

College Alumnus: Variel is a proud graduate of the College of Arcanatras, and as such is knowledgeable on various lores.

Thrifty Clerk: Being the son of two innkeepers has given Variel some insights (and virtues) regarding matters of coin, ensuring that he always has the pennies to to buy that extra bowl of stew.

Well-worn Wanderer: Variel has walked through vast expanses of countryside with nary a town to rest for the night. A survivalist, he is no stranger to personally hunting rabbits when his food stores run out.

Literate: Variel can read and write.


-Plague doctor's attire
-Fat satchel full of medicinal gubbins
-Modest bag of coins
-Extra clothes: a cotton shirt and pants
-Several days' worth of dried meat and fish
-A waterskin
-Doctor's cane
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lady Vehrna Solinus

Honorable to a fault, kind, brave, and naive, all of these words and more describe Vehrna. She embodies knightly virtue, much like her brother before her. She strives to live up to him, and always puts her all into every task. However, her ardent nature can lead her to overexert herself sometimes. She can become indecisive, and often struggles with moral dilemmas that have no clear answer. She abhors suffering, and has a habit of blaming herself for such things as she was unable to stop it... even if such things were completely out of her control and are not her fault. She's friendly, and has a habit of getting along with most people, though she is not fond of those she percieves as lazy, ungrateful, or manipulative.
Vehrna is quite the unusual person; a female Knight. Born to a relatively minor noble family of the kingdom of Mortis, she didn't have a very hard life ahead of her. Indeed, she could have chosen to merely waste her life away as an ordinary noble like her sisters. But, she always wanted... more. Ever the kind soul, she wished to help the people... though as the third daughter, the chances of her ever having the influence to do so were slim. She wasn't quite fond of most of her family, viewing them as lazy and uncaring. While not tyrants by any means, she thought they were more concerned with whatever event they hosted next or their coffers, rather than the needs of the people of their town, Kite's Point (a mining town named for its founder).

The exceptions were her father Leonhardt, and her eldest brother Victus. She idolized her brother, an honest, heroic sort that was training to become a knight, as opposed to her other four brothers, who seemed content to fool around with political machinations. Between the bedtime stories of knights and monsters her father would tell her, and her desire to be just like her brother, she sought to become a knight herself. While most people (her mother included) would scoff at such a notion, her father supported her. After all, he was confident she had what it takes, and he didn't want her wasting away in a courtly life she didn't want.

Victus was also supportive, if a tad over-protective. The two trained for years, though she would had to learn an additional skill or two, chief among them smithing. While her... proportions were modest, she still fit into armor designed for men rather poorly. Thus, she'd have to learn how to make and rework armor herself considering that women's plate was rarely for sale (To be honest, plate ain't common in general). She trained as hard as any would-be knight should, and on her twenty-fifth birthday, she was knighted.

Victus... couldn't make it. A month prior, he had been wounded in a bandit raid, and while the wound was small, he had taken ill; the bandits were armed with poor, rusty excuses for weapons. He had died not three hours before her ceremony. She had little reason save her father to remain at the town, and at her father's urging she decided to leave. She travels to this day, offering her services as a warrior to the people of Mortis. Recently, she had found a bag of gold coins beside her bedroll when she awoke, along with a note... an odd job it seemed, but she never turned down a job if the cause was just, and such a huge sum of money was not thrown around for trivial matters...
Equipment: Vehrna is adept with certain equipment, able to use and maintain them with great skill. They are as follows; Spears, lances, swords, shields (Of any size, save bucklers. She never could get the hang of them), Plate Armor, Mail, Smith's tools (she is no master smithy, however).
Reading: Vehrna can read.
Riding: While she makes no claims to be the best, Vehrna is a skilled horsewoman.
Smithing: Vehrna can work a forge, and while she's not the best smith in the land, she's skilled. She mostly puts her know-how to use in repairing things, rather than making new things.
Cookin': Vehrna is a surprisingly good chef.
Skilled Knight: Vehrna is a formidable combatant that knows how to put her arms and armor to best use. That being said, don't think her helpless unarmored; It's the woman you have to worry about, not the suit.
Cards: Also surprising is how the woman manages to win nearly every card game she plays. This results in most people only playing with her once or twice.
A suit of plate armor with metal boots (for fighting on horseback), one pair of hide boots (for fighting on foot), a large shield, a spear, a sword (usually left with the horse), a Horse named... uh... Horse (The stablemaster named him, not her), saddle, saddle bags, a pack, four waterskins, trail rations, a considerable total of coins (Many of which are gold. This generally proves her nobility, as opposed to her just stealing someone else's armor and calling herself such), purses for coins, leather gloves, two sets of common clothing, one fine set of clothing, one pair of shoes, a fine cloak, flint and tinder, two empty bottles, bedroll, cooking utensils, maps, bounties, a kit for maintaining her equipment (containing whetstones and spare straps for her armor, among a few other things), an emergency medical kit (containing bandages and healing poultices), and two bottles of high-grade armor polish, along with a cloth. And a deck of playing cards.
Magical knowledge?

While she has heard and enjoyed the tales, she knows absolutely nothing about how any of it worked.

And there we are, first draft.
Edit: Freeshooter didn't capitalize 'lady', the slut. Also, plaguebro looks cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Would Lady Vehrna be interested in some snake oil? No, not to drink, but to smear across one's body. It is quite good for one's skin, for it can stabilize the outer humours and make radiant one's complexion. However, the application requires a delicate, precise massage at key pressure points on the body, and can thus be delivered only by a trained professional. Like Variel.

It's only three copper pennies for radiant skin and a massage.

"A good trade," says the doctor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looks good. I have nothing in particular to comment about on this one, it's nice and concise, and fits with the world's lore well enough. Temporarily accepted (with the full acceptance or denial coming when the roleplay starts).

I like the character, a nice, well-made female knight that is consistent with most lore and rules. The only thing I must point out is that, currency in Mortis is most heavily based on the use of Silver coinage, and while Gold coins are a thing, they're far too high value to be passed around casually. Basically, they're pretty much reserved for Nobles, Government Officials, people who make large purchases.

All of that said, a sum of money such as the one described in your post isn't unfeasible, but I feel like this would surprise your character quite a bit more than you implied. Basically, no matter who these gold coins came from, the fact that there were gold coins to begin with would just scream "This is no joke."

So, in this sense, the gold coins could be considered "Proof that your job is important". Which is why, even though I would say the casual usage of this is wrong, I'm totally cool with it.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but you're temporarily accepted! Love the character, and I'm looking forward to how things go with the crazy danger approaching around the corner~!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Would Mistress Aisen, too, like a snake oiled massage?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Would Mistress Aisen, too, like a snake oiled massage?

You missed an i, so you've completely lost any chance of succeeding your charisma roll. Isn't it sad~?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You missed an i, so you've completely lost any chance of succeeding your charisma roll. Isn't it sad~?

My transgression is deep, your royal lewdness. Please flagellate me with the power whip.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

I have decided that making two characters in an RP run by a bloodthirsty GM is not a smart idea, so Hel is single again. Speaking of Hel, I finished his CS. Let me know if there's anything wrong with it
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Run, cry, pray, slit your throat, smash yourself into dust, have a party with your friends.

It won't do you any good.

Your god has already descended.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Would Lady Vehrna be interested in some snake oil? No, not to drink, but to smear across one's body. It is quite good for one's skin, for it can stabilize the outer humours and make radiant one's complexion. However, the application requires a delicate, precise massage at key pressure points on the body, and can thus be delivered only by a trained professional. Like Variel.

It's only three copper pennies for radiant skin and a massage.

"A good trade," says the doctor.

That's lewd. I'm reporting you to the GM for lewdness.

Looks good. I have nothing in particular to comment about on this one, it's nice and concise, and fits with the world's lore well enough. Temporarily accepted (with the full acceptance or denial coming when the roleplay starts).

I like the character, a nice, well-made female knight that is consistent with most lore and rules. The only thing I must point out is that, currency in Mortis is most heavily based on the use of Silver coinage, and while Gold coins are a thing, they're far too high value to be passed around casually. Basically, they're pretty much reserved for Nobles, Government Officials, people who make large purchases.

All of that said, a sum of money such as the one described in your post isn't unfeasible, but I feel like this would surprise your character quite a bit more than you implied. Basically, no matter who these gold coins came from, the fact that there were gold coins to begin with would just scream "This is no joke."

So, in this sense, the gold coins could be considered "Proof that your job is important". Which is why, even though I would say the casual usage of this is wrong, I'm totally cool with it.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but you're temporarily accepted! Love the character, and I'm looking forward to how things go with the crazy danger approaching around the corner~!

Alrighty, slightly edited the end of her history to account for this new information! I also added a deck of playing cards to her equipment, and adjusted the description on her coins somewhat.

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