Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He nodded his head as he understood that Cerise the girl he just met just ate, he ate a lot once he got in the city, so many body stores though some restaurants where like for the privilege and not for him obviously even the clothing stores! There seemed to be really nice looking clothes but they said he needed more style…maybe he should wear a proper hat than a bandana and some longer shorts than he was wearing. Ryi put back the pokepuff in the small pouch. “That’s fine, well nice to meet you Cerise.” His Beautifly notice how uncomfortable she was making the girl and quickly flew back onto Ryi’s head and fluttered her wings happily. He put it back in his bag and turned to the professor and his assistant giving out a speech.

Boy he was excited, really excited though he wasn’t a good listener when he is excited, all he thought about was his journey was going to start soon and his friend that he was going to meet. So they would be giving pokeballs, the pokedex, a map and…holo caster? He never heard of such a thing before…must be really fancy though with the name. After the speech Beautifly instantly flew in the building and landed onto some pokeballs and a pokedex, Ryiler chased after her and notice how she must have save them for him. “Remma…” He smiled cheekily at her and petted her small head before putting the pokeballs in his bag with the pokedex and the map.

Then the holo caster, wow it was different, it was like those sci fi things with news channels and things on it with like a holographic screen….cool… He smiled as he put that on him and stretch. There were so many people rushing out finding their new pokemon, it seemed like he would need time as well, he smiled as he set sown on a patch of grass with Remma flying in and landing on his head as usual. Later he could properly catch her with the pokeball but not at the moment, that was for alter for now is to find a new companion with.

When he sat down he got the bag of pokepuffs and spread them on the grass hoping it might attract some pokemon. A good pokemon is the one who has a good sense of smell would be great for him and these pokepuffs would help him find one. Once laid down there was a ton of poke rushing in and trying to take a bite of the pokepuffs though the very first one was a little Chespin. A bold one that for sure, it came rolling in with spikes pop up. How he knew it was a Chespin well with the pokedex he pulled that’s how.

“Hi…want one?” He got a pink pokepuff with a little oran berry on it and try to give it to the Chespin, he wonder if it was a boy or a girl so he can try to name it right. The little grass pokemon sniffed the pokepuff a couple of times until grabbing it from him and taking a huge bite. He smiled as the pokemon looked like he enjoyed it quite a lot. Defiantly one to keep as the pokemon smiled at him.

“Cchess!!!” The pokemon quickly finished the pokepuff and went on to eat the other pokepuffs, it tried to defend the other pokepuff from other pokemon who wanted a nibble. It was pretty cute seeing it run around with his head all spike up wanting only the treats for itself. So cute! “Chespin!! Chespin! Ches!” He giggled watching the little thing run, with a chance he picked up the little grass pokemon and brought it closer to him.

“Hey want to come along with me? I can make a lot of these treats.” He asked the little Chespin, the pokemon looked at him for a bit then finally giving out smile and nodded.

“Chespin!!” Ryi was happy as ever! A new adorable pokemon in his team! He smiled as he carefully hugged the Chespin afraid it would poke him with it spikes. And put him back on the ground. Beautifly flew down of his head and curiously flew towards the new companion. They seemed confused with each other but looked like they were getting along though as Remma tried to get one pokepuff Chespin was clearly not letting him have it.

“Sily little thing…I wonder what would I name you…”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Carl had finished up just in time to hear the boom of Professor Sycamore speaking. He sprinted up out of the Arena to the main crowd. It was soon going to be time for them to get a new friend on the team, and he was excited as ever for this.

"Pip." Piplup was clearly exhausted from using its power in battle.

"Good job Piplup. You can rest now buddy." Carl whispered in the crowd.

When it was time Carl rushed into the sanctuary, eager for a new friend. He rushed to the sand pits they were talking about. Gible was dragon and ground, so he would probably be there digging up holes. Carl walked around for a little bit, and stopped to look around. While he stopped he fell a couple inches down, then a couple more, then a foot or so, until his chin was level with the sand.

[b]"Hey, who was t-" Just as he started to speak, a Gibble rose a couple of feet from his eyes, from where he was standing, it looked giant, magnificent. Carl's uncle was a Dragon trainer. Carl was very close to his uncle, and very close to Dragon Pokemon, which caused such a profound love for them. He new how to approach them, treat them, and feed them. He new everything from A-Z.

He slowly stuck his hand out, as to not frighten the Gibble with quick movement.

"Gib? Gibl?" Gibble questioned the hand, but then accepted it, and allowed Carl to rub its forehead.

"There we go. Here take one of these." he handed it a chocolate poke puff. His mom packed a whole case full, just in case.

"Alright Gibble, you wanna come with me?" Carl handed out a pokeball, hoping Gibblewould accept.

"Gib!" Gibble tapped the pokeball with its head, and it entered the pokeball.

Alright! Carl was exited as ever to have a new addition to his team, as well as a new friend to travel with and talk to.

Carl the proceeded out of the sanctuary, thanked the professor, and exited the lab. He waited to see if shay would come out of the lab. She was a great friend, and seemed like a fun person to travel with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shay grabbed Skitty and ran off to go see if she could find somebody who could make her better. The crowd was dense, the girl began to have to walk in order to continue to move. Seconds later, she heard a woman's voice coming from ahead, she was speaking of getting new pokemon. Some were in eggs and some in the reserve, the woman was saying. Shay forced her way through the crowd, making her way to the place where the woman stood. Once she got close, the woman ended her speech and walked off of the platform she was situated on, which turned out to be a Crustle. She talked to the professor for a second and smacked him a few times. Shay was beginning to reconsider asking this woman for help. Regardless, somebody needed to help, and this woman seemed to know what she was doing. Shay approached the woman and tapped her on the shoulder, "Excuse me miss, could you help me?" Shay tried to hold back her concern for Skitty, who was still limp in her arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Professor Sycamore had finished his rather extravagant speech, in fact it almost roused Albert to stand but he didn't, probably due to how worn out he felt mentally but then came something that made him stand, it was time for the adoption of a new Pokemon, how could he refuse plus not to mention the free hand outs of maps, Holo Casters and Poke-balls it was like a free buffet. Everything needed to start a journey. Albert smiled a hearty grin as he stood up as people began moving to adopt a Pokemon or hatch a Egg, other Pokemon where running up to people they favored, the whole thing seemed like a good time and Albert wanted to join in.

"come on Deino, lets get going, I am sure that we will find a awesome new friend" Albert said with a maniacal grin of excitement, he looked like a mad scientist and yet Deino was silent, quite unlike its usually rowdy self. Most probably because it had never had any consequence to its actions and Albert realized this and went to comfort his Pokemon, who's head was inclined towards the floor.

"there there Deino, that old guy didn't know what he was talking about, your fine how you are just be a little more careful of how you crash into things and besides even though I have had you for less then two days, I can empathize with you because I am the same really, running headlong into problems but I aim to overcome those problems through determination and will, so what do you say Deino can we run blindly together. Taking each problem as they come?"

"Dei... Deino!" Deino cried feeling better already.

Albert stood and began making random movements around the sanctuary with Deino, their was a random battle between a Skitty and a Piplup, but it wasn't exactly interesting, What was interesting was the water Pokemon playing in the pond, such majestic beauty and elegance but what Albert was really after was a calm Pokemon with a decent head on their shoulders, someone to look out for both himself and Deino and so he ran to the pond Deino in close pursuit behind. the moment he stopped and turned, Deino collided with his legs and they both fell backwards into the water making something that sounded like a shouts of shock, followed by a large splash.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A collaboration between Shadow and Ryu

Acacia was ten seconds away from attacking Sycamore again, but her Scizor still had a strong clamp on her arm. He wasn't hurting her by any means, but he was sure not about to allow her to get away and strangle the man like she wanted to. Her pokemon looked behind her and she rose an eyebrow. Not a moment later, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see a girl holding a Skitty that appeared to be fainted. The girl asked for help with her pokemon and Acacia gave a smile.

"Of course, one sec." she said, throwing a glance at Scizor and waiting for him to release her arm.

"Do you need help? You seem to be a little stuck," Shay giggled looking at the older girl being held by the Scizor. The sight was almost hysterical and made Shay want to double over laughing. "My name is Shaylin, but you can call me Shay." Acacia nodded to the girl and introduced herself as well. "Nice to meet you Shay - Scizor let my arm go already - I'm Acacia." she would say, looking between the two.

"Zor." her pokemon said, releasing her arm and stepping away.

"Thank you. Now," she reached into her pouch and pulled out a small, golden, diamond-shaped object. "this is a revive. Feed it to Skitty and she should be OK." she said, holding the item out to the girl.

Shay reached out and gently took the revive from Acacia and held it near Skitty's mouth. She opened the pokemon's mouth and placed it on her tongue. As the revive touched her tongue Skitty sprung to life in Shay's arms. Skitty jumped down and danced around Shay who smiled and said, "Thank you so much Acacia, I was worried sick!"

"No problem. Your pokemon seems really energetic. She's cute." Acacia said, kneeling down and holding her hand out to the pokemon, hoping she would come to her. Glancing up at Shay, she asked "I assume you're here for another pokemon, right? Are you going to be travelling?"

"Yeah! I wanna be the best Pokemon Breeder in Kalos!" Shay exclaimed as Skitty pranced over to Acacia and rubbed her head on Acacia's hand. "I assume that you're the Professor's assistant, correct?"

"Ah- I'm his apprentice." she clarified, petting Skitty's ears. "I'm going to be a Pokemon Professor one day, and despite how much he gets on my nerves, he's one of the best to study under." After giving a bit of love to the girl's pokemon, Acacia stood and crossed her arms. "I think its great if you want to be a Breeder. Though it's hard work. You'll need pokemon that are tough and work hard too... Actually, hold on." Looking around, she held up her index finger, a signal for the girl to wait there, and she walked away, looking for a certain pokemon.

Shay followed Acacia's directions and stood there. "She seems nice, what do you think Skitty?" Shay said, directing the Question at her pokemon.

"Skitty, Ski!" came the excited responce. Shay remembered about the 3 boxes of suplies that Acacia had left while she was giving her speech. She walked over to where the boxes lay and snatched up one item from each box. A Pokedex, a Holocaster, and a Map. "I guess we could contact her with this if we need help," Shay said to Skitty, walking back to where she was told to wait. When she got there she began to fiddle with the pokedex as she hummed.

Acacia had made her way to a tree where she knew this certain pokemon would be sleeping up on the top branches. She looked up and saw the small chick pokemon resting, just as she suspected. Even with the noise and excitement of so many people around, the pokemon still slept peacefully as it always had. She rose her hands and cupped them around her mouth.

"Hey! Torchic, wake up!" she called, relieved when the pokemon stirred and looked down at her. "Hey, come down here." she told it, holding her arms out for him to jump down. The pokemon stood and wiggled its feathers, fluffing up cutely before hopping down into Acacia's arms. It chirped at her, wondering what she wanted. "Guess what little guy," she told it, turning to walk back towards Shay. "I found a new trainer that I think could use your help. You're the toughest pokemon in here after all, aren't you little guy?" she said, petting its head. Placing it down on the grass, she knelt and pointed to Shay. "There she is. Go say hi." The Torchic excitedly ran over to the girl.

Shay was startled when the little pokemon came running over to her. "Hi there! Are you the one Acacia was talking about?" she said to Torchic as she knelt down to pet it. As she knelt down the two pokemon began to jump around and play. "I see you two are friends already!" Shay laughed, glad to see that they got along. She pulled out some Pokechow from her bag and offered it to the Torchic who eagerly gobbled it up.

Acacia walked over to Shay and the pokemon who were seeming to already get along with each other. Placing a hand on her hip, she looked at Shay. "So, that looks like a good sign to me. They like eachother." Noticing she had picked up a map and the other items, she went to get a few pokeballs for her too. Returning and handing them to her, she said "So, is there anything else you need? Any questions?"

"One thing," Shay started, standing and taking the pokeballs then grabbing her Holocaster, "I was wondering if we could register eachother in the Holocaster, incase I get lost or need help, or if there is anything important you need to tell me." Shay held out her holocaster, allowing Acacia to take it from her. Shaking her head, Acacia pushed the girl's hand back. "Wait, it's easy. Here let me show you." she said, going to stand next to her. She pushed a button on it and watched as the thing turned on. "First you put in your name then hold it up so it can take a picture of you. After that, the system will turn on and automatically register everyone around you who has one that is activated." Taking out hers, she powered it on and showed it to Shay. "See thats me... and at the bottom are people around me with their's on. You can tap their picture and request for them to be added." she said, pointing to some things. "Go ahead and register yours and you'll see. Then I'll add you."

"Wow! Thats so cool! The Pokenavs back in Hoen couldn't do that!" Shay followed Acacia's directions exactly as she had originally said them. When she had finished, her screen appeared exactly as Acacia's had a minute ago. She scrolled through the faces on the screen, Woah, there are so many people here, she thought. "So to register you, all I do is tap your face, right?"

"Right. Once you do that, your face will pop up and then I can either accept or decline the request. Go ahead, I'll show you." Acacia said with a smile. "There are a lot of faces since we're in the city. It's even worse at the center, but better in the smaller towns."

Shay tapped Acacia's face and a message appeared on screen, it said "Are you sure you would like to register Acacia Willow?" Shay tapped the "Yes" button and looked over at Acacia. She held her Holo Caster out to show Shay and tapped the 'Yes' button as well, having been asked the same thing. "There, now if you have any questions about anything you can go ahead and send me a message. Also, I suggest you add the Professor as well, in case I cant be reached. There are some places like caves and such were there is no signal to recieve messages." she explained.

"Okay, I'll add him too." Shay said, tapping the Professor's face and then tapping "Yes". "There. Anybody else you think I should add while I'm at it?"

"Nope, I think thats about it. Make sure to add some friends you meet as well." Hearing a sound behind her, she turned to see it was Wigglytuff calling for her. Looking back at Shay, she held out a hand. "It was nice meeting you. I gotta go now!"

"It was nice meeting you too! And thanks for all the help! I hope we run across eachother again." Shay said shaking Acacia's hand then waving as she walked away. Realizing she hadn't yet, Shay threw a pokeball at Torchic and caught him without hassle. Skitty jumped up on her shoulder and Torchic saundered behind uttering the occacional "Tor!" as they walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A collaboration between Shadow and Cha-Cha

After she had said goodbye to Shay, Acacia jogged over to Wigglytuff who quickly grabbed her hand and dashed off with Acacia in tow. She wondered why her pokemon seemed to be in such a hurry, but after a few moments, she noticed a guy had fallen into the pond, along with a pokemon. A few of the water pokemon were looking at him concerned and some others were playfully spraying him with water. Despite her pokemon looking worried, she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Oh gosh, are you alright?" she asked the guy, stepping over and into the water to help him up. Wigglytuff followed and waddled over to help the pokemon, a Deino, out of the water and into the grass next to the pond.

"Thank you very much" Albert responded to the girl who had helped him up, it took him a few moments to register who she was but he soon made the connection. "Aren't you the professor's Lab assistant?" He asked while attemping to clear his glass's. Acacia was quiet for a long moment as she was holding herself back from yelling at the guy. She knew he didn't know that she wasn't an assistant, so it wasn't his fault. Giving a smile, she placed her hand on the guys shoulder and squeezed it hard.

"I'm his apprentice. Not assistant." she said in a cheerful voice that was probably scarier than her mean voice. Her pokemon behind her looked worried for a moment before going back to making sure the Dieno was OK. Albert thought the girl was insane... a psychopath, the voice, the crushing grip. Albert wanted to run and hide. She was awfully adament on enforcing her status. "Look, I didn't know. Please let go." Albert said trying to keep a straight face while keeping his eye glanced on Deino and flicking back and forth between the two. Deino didn't look particularly harmed by the dunk in the pond. Alberts mind was more on the fact this girl was, way out of his league. Blinking and removing her hand from the guys shoulder, she let out a laugh and rubbed the back of her head. "Ha, I was totally just teasing ya. Wigglytuff, can you go get a towel for him and his pokemon."

"Wigglytuff!" she said, before wobbling off and out of the sanctuary.

Turning her head and looking at the pond, she noticed the pokemon had all lost interest in them after a few moments. All but one. A little Spheal was peering at Albert, trying to hide as much of its body under the water as it could. Smiling, she went to the edge of the pond and held out her hand to it. It shyly swam over, though its eyes were not on Acacia, but on the guy.

Albert noticed the girl heading over to the pond and holding out her hand to something, that something just happened to be staring at him, was it fate to be or was that thing shy. "Undoubtedly you are looking at me so... how are you doing? The weather been good for you? Perhaps you ate something delicous? You know what I think its time to be more direct in my speech. Spheal do you want to come travel with me? Watch my back in all situations and become our newest member?!" Albert shouted almost like he was at a rally.
Deino just stood and listened to his soggy trainers speech.

Acacia rose her brow at the sudden excitement of the guy. The Spheal rose its head up out of the water a little, its expression was pretty happy. Noticing a little bruise on the pokemon's head, Acacia would reach into her pouch and retrieve a Potion, spraying a bit of the medicine on it.

"It looks pretty fascinated with you. If you're here to find a pokemon, why not that one?" she said, standing as Wigglytuff came over with two towels, handing them to her. She reached out and gave the towels to the guy and gave another smile. "Well, I'll be going if you're alright here. Dont forget to get the items before their gone." Turning, she rose a hand and waved over her shoulder before walking away, Wigglytuff right behind her.

Albert lifted Spheal from the water holding it with both hands he gently carried it over to the table of free stuff, acquring a Holo - Caster and a map both of which would prove invaluable, but then came the best bit grabbing a Poke - Ball he lightly tapped Spheals head, A gentle ball vibrated in his hand before pinging in completion. On the outside Albert was silent but inside, he was celebrating, like a madman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Collab between Prints and c3

Cerise held her breath as she watched the egg shiver in her hands. She was frozen, captivated by the thing that had seemed so insignificant just moments ago. Excitement thrummed through her like an electric shock.

The first crack appeared.

She gave a squeak in surprise, only to have a giggle escape her a moment later. More and more cracks webbed across the surface of the egg. A piece of shell, finally loose enough, poked up and away from the rest. With careful fingers, Cerise plucked the shard and gingerly raised it up and away. An unfocused blue eye blinked at her.

Cerise didn't bother to hide the way she was beaming, excitement and awe coming off of her in waves. Bit by bit, she worked with her new pokemon to piece apart the egg, until finally she was holding the new born pokemon in her hands, shell fragments scattered on the steps around her.

"Hey there," Cerise whispered. The little pokemon in her lap yawned and blinked up at her.

Diego'd let his mind wander during the speech of course. It was more of the same sappy mumbo-jumbo. Of course, it was sappy mumbo-jumbo he agreed with. He just didn't like being hit over the head with it. Again, and again, and again. The professor's assistant sure caught his attention when she started talking, though. He had to admit, she was pretty cute. Despite her clear nervousness, she managed to get all the necessary information across.

The bit about the gear in particular caught his attention. His PokeGear had served him well back home but using the local technology would definitely be preferred. Who knew if his PokeGear would have any service out in the wild. And it was free, so why not. "Hey Bliss, I'm gonna go take a look at the free gear. We're gonna need it. Why don't you go take a look around. See if you can find any friends to join our team." He spoke to the Aipom sitting with its legs around his shoulders, looking around at all the people and Pokemon. A grin on her face, Bliss vaulted off his shoulder and disappeared into the crowd, headed in the direction of a more forested area.

Diego himself, headed to the crates the girl had mentioned and grabbed one of each. A Pokedex sure would be useful too. He was messing with his new Holo Caster, something grabbed his wrist and pulled him forcefully away from the box. "What the hell?!"

"Diego! Oh my gosh! You have to see this!" His mother's voice carried as she walked ahead of him pulling him along excitedly. "This girl just hatched the most adorable little Pokemon!" She stopped in front of what looked like a little girl holding a tiny black and purple Pokemon with what looked like bows.

"Mom... it just hatched. Can't you give them some time to get to know each other..." So much for not embarrassing him... He looked at the little girl, "Sorry to bother you, my mom just wanted to say she really likes your Pokemon... in case you didn't hear her..." He looked down. Oh no wait, this wasn't a little girl at all. No, she was small but she seemed to be about his age actually.

"Well what kind is it? Maybe I can find one of my own!"

Diego sighed. "Umm, do you mind?" he asked Cerise, holding up his new Pokedex. "I figure this is a good a chance as any to break this thing in."

The wonder of watching a new pokemon blink in the sun for the first time was shattered when she heard a woman squealing. Both Cerise and her little doll-like pokemon jumped in surprise, and looked up to see an older woman and a very tall boy around her age standing above her. The girl and her new partner shared a look as the boy tried to apologize for his mom’s behavior.

Cerise stood up, carefully holding her little pokemon in her hands. She was annoyed that she still had to crane her neck so much to look up at him even when she stood, but she supposed she really should’ve been used to it by now. So instead of making a face, she smiled sweetly.

”Oh, uh,” she said shyly, ”it’s ok, really…” She blinked at the extended pokedex. Her pokemon seemed to flinch back from the unknown object, and Cerise cupped her hands a little more securely around it on reflex. But… well, she didn’t even know what sort of pokemon this was. So instead of responding, she just whispered soothing sounds at her pokemon and held out her hands to the boy, her thumb stroking up and down on its fur.

Diego grinned, rather relieved to see that the girl was cool about it. "Okay. I've never actually used on of these but it's supposed to be pretty simple." He turned it around, seeing as he had been holding it upside down.

He pointed it at the Pokemon and the rectangular device slid open to reveal a translucent display. The small Pokemon before him appeared on the screen, rotating slowly. A robotic voice began to speak.

"Gothita, the Fixation Pokemon. Gothita intently observes Pokemon and Trainers. It is looking at something only it can see. "

Along with the information read out loud, there was quite a bit of other information displayed underneath the picture.

"Well, there you go mom. Now you know what to look for." He turned to look at his mom, who gave a quick "Sorry" and "Thank you" to Cerise before backing away with a sheepish grin. "Sorry again," Diego said, looking down at the girl. He tucked away the Pokedex. "She gets carried away sometimes... I'm Diego by the way." He backed away a bit, so he didn't have to crane his neck quite so much, and extended a hand.

Cerise looked down at her pokemon – her gothita – and the two stared at each other for a moment. Then the little pokemon perked up and smiled, and Cerise couldn’t help but giggle. She looked back up to wave goodbye to Diego’s mom before turning her attention back to him.

”It’s no problem,” she replied, ”I didn’t know anything about her, so you actually helped me out. At least now I know what she is.” She blinked down when he stretched his hand out to her, and repositioned her hands so the gothita was held in the crook of her arm, freeing up the other. ”Cerise,” she answered, taking his hand in her much smaller one.

Diego laughed. “Yeah, there’s so many Pokemon. It’s hard to know all of them by sight.” He grinned, shaking her hand firmly. “It's a pleasure to meet you. So, you planning on taking that little Gothita out to explore? Or you just going home after this?"

”No,” Cerise answered a little too quickly. She blushed a bit and drew her hand back from his to brush her hair behind her ear. ”I mean, we’re going exploring. Not home.” She smiled again as she looked down at her gothita. ”Me and… Iris?” The pokemon just continued to stare at her. Cerise’s smile grew and she gave a little nod to herself. ”Iris. We’re going to travel around a bit. What about you?” She supposed asking about him was the polite thing to do.

“Travel around Kalos, huh? That’s gonna be fun. I’m going to be doing some of that myself. I came to find myself a Pokemon to start my journey as a trainer. I mean, I'm already sort of a trainer. I've just never trained Pokemon for battle." He laughed softly. "It can't be that different right? I'll probably earn all eight badges in a few months. That's why my mom's here too actually, finding a Pokemon so she's not all alone while I'm gone. I still have to find my own new Pokemon actually..."

Cerise nodded along, showing an appropriate amount of interest. She raised an eyebrow at his assertion he’d claim all the Kalos badges in such a short amount of time. From the way her mom talked about being a trainer, it’d take much longer than that. But Cerise didn’t have any interest in debating with this boy, so she just smiled up at him.

”I’ve never had pokemon at all, so I’m sure you’ll be much better at it than me. I’d wish you luck, but honestly I think I’ll need it more.” She gave a little self-deprecating laugh, and pulled Iris a little closer to her chest. Well. She wouldn’t really need luck to be a pokemon trainer. Mostly because she had no interest in being a pokemon trainer. But alas, traveling the region to study plants wasn’t a good enough reason for her mom to let her leave home.

Diego laughed. "Yeah I think we all need a little luck. I just need less than most people." He laughed again, pleased with his own joke.

He jerked a bit as he felt something suddenly tugging at his pant leg. He looked down to see Bliss, who swiftly climbed up his leg and back taking another seat on his shoulders, a huge grin on her face. "Oh hey, Bliss. You manage to find anyone to take with us?" He ruffled the fur on the Aipom's head. She nodded and pointed with her tail in the general direction of a group of trees. "Pom!"

"All right, we'll go check. But first, meet Cerise and Iris!" He picked up Bliss off his shoulder and held her in front of him so she could see Cerise face to face. "This is Bliss, my Aipom." Bliss waved, excited to meet someone new.

"Oh hey, you know what before I go, lemme register your Holo Caster. You can call me up if you need any help." He placed Aipom back on his head and pulled out his shiny new Holo Caster and gave it a few quick taps. And then a few more quick taps. And then a few more. His mouth curved into a frown and his brow furrowed as he tapped it a few more times. He let a soft sigh escape as he finally managed to figure it out. "There we go. Just make sure you register me and now you can call me up whenever you want. Get lost? Need a bodyguard? Hey, you can even call me up for a date!" He began laughing once more. "Well it was nice to meet you Cerise. I better get going before my Pokemon's taken. I'll see you around." He reached out to shake her hand once more. He'd then turn around to head off in the direction Aipom indicated, the Pokemon bouncing excitedly.

Cerise was quick to follow his lead, and registered him in her Holo Caster. Her smile grew from polite to amused as he prattled on about how she could call him, and her hand shake was more genuine than their last had been. She watched him bound off, an eyebrow slightly raised. After a moment she looked back down at the little gothita in her hands.

”He was kinda cute,” she whispered conspiratorially. Obnoxiously tall. But cute. Iris just blinked in response. With a little giggle, Cerise sat herself back down on the steps, scratching the top of Iris’ head. She’d met someone who wasn’t terrible company. She had Iris. Maybe this trainer business wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ren took his time looking around the room. They had many amazing pokemon here but he did not want to be greedy. Everyone here ha a right to choose a new partner and he as an established pokemon trainer would not take an early pick. He begun to look around at some of the others. On trainer picked a Torchick and another picked a Speal. They were both good choices but Ren had run both of those species before. To him becoming a better trainer meant that he must learn to work with different types. The young trainer was not going to take the easy way out and take one he already knew how to train and win with. Well any pokemon could win and any pokemon could lose. It was more important to understand each other rather than picking the strongest type. Ren looked at a window and saw his reflection. He looked absolutely terrible right now. Perhaps it would be wise to clean up before he made a choice.

The young trainer made his way into the bathroom. He had left his pokemon out there to play. He was sure that no one would mess with his pokemon. Abra could teleport if anything got crazy and Magikarp was just too unappealing for someone to risk stealing. Not to mention only the proper pokeball worked on a pokemon that has already been caught. Besides he would feel pretty bad if he cost his friends their time to play in a place like this. After all it will be a long time before he made his way back to Lumiose City. Well not tremendously long but it still would not be a quick trip. However if he spent years out in the region then something obviously went wrong. Then again that was the beauty of a journey because things could change in the drop of a hat. So could pokemon battling for that matter. That is why he needed to stay as fexible and determined as he could. Ren quickly wiped the dirt from his face and returned.

When Ren returned nothing had seemed to change much. He still had no idea what kind of pokemon he wanted to pick. Well probably one that enjoys his company. Heck it could be another water or psychic type for all he cared. Why not run a team all one type if he still had fun along the way. Then Ren saw one of the coolest things he saw since getting here. It was a full grown Wiggytuff. Ren had always wanted a Wigglytuff back when he journeyed through Kanto but he never got his hands on a Moon Stone. His Jigglypuff was no push over but Wigglytuff look like a big bunny. He couldn't help himself but to pet the pokemon. "Oops sorry about that. It's just I haven't seen a Wigglytuff in a while. " He said to the pokemon. "Here hand shake." He offered his hand to the pokemon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After a couple moments of Kasha watching her Eevee's efforts of trying to talk with the Charmander remain unmoving, Kasha let out a soft sigh, running her fingers through her red hair. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. There were plenty of other Pokemon she could have chosen from. This Charmander clearly had issues being around both people and Pokemon... but that's what spoke out to Kasha the most. This Pokemon was never shown love, or friendship, and as difficult as that may be if she ever did get around to getting the Charmander to come with her on her journey, it would be well worth it to know that she had been the one to mend something that had once been broken.

Eevee continued to follow the Charmander around the rock, but the Charmander wasn't having it. It continued to circle, keeping distance between it and Eevee and each time Eevee quickened his pace, so did the Charmander. Eventually, it looked as though the both of them were simply trying to catch the others tail as they ran circles around the rock, chanting the first syllable of their names in their exasperation, or it could have even been translated to, 'Stop' 'No' 'Stop' 'No.' Either way, Kasha knew that this was getting her nowhere pretty fast.

Stretching out her legs, Kasha sat herself down on the grass, pulling her backpack off of her shoulder and scooted it close to her side. Opening it, she reached her hand inside, digging through the completely full pack. Finally, finding by touch one of the things she needed, Kasha pulled out a small container of Pokepuffs and set it in her lap. Her hand returned to the bag and reaching down towards the very bottom, managed to pull out a soft, fuzzy blanket that hardly looked big enough for Kasha despite her small stature.

"Eevee..." Kasha called out in a soft, gentle tone. Eevee stopped his pursuit, halting so quickly that the Charmander accidentally bumped right into him from behind and given their height differences, ended up toppling over Eevee, face first into the grass. Immediately, Eevee's shiny, silver tail was tucked in between his legs, his eyes growing large as he looked up to his trainer, thinking that the fault was his but his worries were quickly absolved as Kasha let out a small chuckle and pushed herself back up onto her feet, grabbing the container of Pokepuffs in one hand and the blanket in the other.

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't think Eevee would stop that quickly. Are you alright?" Kasha asked, speaking to the Charmander who seemed to have just realized what had happened. The Charmander picked it's orange head up, eyes watching Kasha as she neared and stooped down, setting the container of Pokepuffs to the side and used both hands to wrap it up in a tight, loving bundle. The Charmander resisted at first, trying to break free of the blanket though the warmth the blanket radiated off of it's own body was soothing and coupled with how Kasha pulled the bundle into her chest, felt rather cozy... safe.

The Charmander slowly relaxed it's body, though it kept it's eyes closed tightly, as though it were just trying to 'think' away everything but Kasha had it's attention quickly.

"There. That's better, isn't it? Nice and warm."

The Charmander, soothed by her soft voice, opened up it's eyes one after the other, it's head tilting to the side as it looked up into the face of the woman that was talking to it.

"Oh!" Kasha exclaimed upon realization once the Charmander relaxed it's face. "You're a girl! Well, what a pretty little thing you are! Are you hungry?"[/color] Without waiting for any answer, knowing that she wouldn't receive one, Kasha held the bundled Charmander against her with one hand and retrieved the container of Pokepuffs, popping open the lid and selected an orange one with a little white frosting at the top. "Here, I think this might be just what you need. Orange Sherbert, enough to put a smile on anyone's face."

Kasha brought the Pokepuff towards Charmander, the Pokemon quickly wriggling her hands out from the blanket to take the treat for herself and took a small bite. Her eyes closed, savoring the flavor and making a small 'cooing' sound as she opened up her mouth and popped the rest of the Pokepuff inside, chewing it quickly and licking it's fingers clean after swallowing.


Kasha looked down at Eevee, his front paws up on her knee with a concerned look upon his fuzzy face, though Kasha met it with a warm smile.

"Don't worry buddy, I brought plenty to feed the both of you..." Kasha looked back down at Charmander. "I mean, that is, if you wanted to come with me." she stated softly. "I know you are scared, but you want to know a secret? I am too. I've never been out on my own before, and I've never been so far away from home in my life. Eevee helps though. He keeps me company when I'm lonely and makes me feel better when I'm scared. But sometimes... even with the two of us... things can get kind of lonely. So we're looking to make new friends. Good ones. The ones that last forever."

Kasha had no idea what had happened to this little Charmander before coming here to the lab, but from the way she was looking back at her, her eyes full of understanding, she knew that she had said something right.

"So... what do you say? Friends? Will you come with me on my journey?"

Charmander was quiet for a moment, her eyes flicking back and forth, as though thinking something over before finally she brought her eyes back up to Kasha's and nodded her head very slowly twice.

"Char." It was hardly above a whisper, but it was something. Charmander then closed her eyes, letting them flutter closed softly and turned her body into Kasha just a bit more, quickly falling into a peaceful sleep.

Kasha's soft smile split into an ear-to-ear grin. She had done it! She had befriended the Charmander and it had agreed to go with her and Eevee, adding one more to the team that would become her forever friends, just as she had promised.

With her free hand, Kasha reached back into her backpack, shuffling around until she found a basic Pokeball and popped it open. A bright light came from the opening Pokeball, encasing Charmander for a moment before she was gone, nestled snugly in the safe confines of the Pokeball, leaving the blanket behind.

Still wearing the smile as though she had just won the lottery, Kasha stood herself up, carefully placing the Pokeball inside of the backpack making a mental note to get a little bit more organized once she had a chance. It wasn't exactly practical keeping Pokeballs inside of a cramped backpack. She folded up the blanket and placed it on top of Charmander's Pokeball, her attention flicking over to Eevee who had been uncharacteristically quiet and burst out into a fit of giggles, placing her hand over her hand to muffle the sound.

Eevee looked up at Kasha with his cheeks stuffed full of Pokepuffs, his head tilting to the side and down a bit looking a bit guilty at being caught but Kasha squatted back down and scratched him on the head behind his ears.

"Alright, alright. You deserve it. Now hurry up and swallow what you have so we can get going. Mom, dad and Kaiser are waiting for our call. They will want to say hello."

"VEE!!!" The Pokemon nearly choked in it's excitement, forgetting that he had a mouth full but quickly chewed up what he had while Kasha put the lid back on the container and returned it to her backpack.

"Alright," Kasha said, swooping up Eevee in one arm and her backpack in the other, slinging the pack back over her shoulder and placed Eevee on her opposite shoulder where he began to make himself comfortable. "Let's see if anyone can recommend a good place to stay for tonight. I'm hungry and I don't think either of you would appreciate me eating all the Pokepuffs."

Eevee responded by lifting his paw and sliding it across Kasha's face in a playful manner, earning a laugh from Kasha.

"Yeah, I didn't think so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sam was in the top of the tree and looked over the area, looking for any pokemon that catched his attention. What he didn't notice, was that in the tall grass near the pond, something was lurking... It quickly dashed from patch to patch, until it spotted something. With it's quick speed it jumped into a tree, then climbed all the way up to the top. From behind some leaves, it spotted it's prey. The prey wasn't suspecting a thing. It readied itself, before jumping straight for its target.

"Froakie!" Sam suddenly heard, before something grabbed his head. "What the..." He said, before losing his balance and falling from the branch he was leaning on. He tumbled from branch to branch, until hitting the ground head first. "Ow..." He said painfully. "Froakie..." He heard again. He jumped up to see a water type next to him. He took out his pokedex to see what pokemon it was, and it turned out to be a Froakie. He bowed so he could see if the little guy was hurt. "Are you okay?" He said calmly. Suddenly, the Froakie jumped onto his face and hugged it. "Froakie!" Sam fell on his back in surprise, while trying to get the Froakie of his face. After he succeeded, the Froakie just smiled at him. "Froakie!" Sam smiled back. "Aren't you a happy little fella? You surprised me back there. I like you." Sam said. The Froakie smiled hopefully like Sam was its first ever friend. "Froakie?! FROAKIE!!" It said before hugging Sam's face again.

Sam struggled to get him off his face for a second time. "You know, I'm considering to make you join my party, but I need to test you first." Froakie looked at him questioningly. "Froa?" Sam got up from the ground again and put the Froakie on the ground in front of him. He then whistled a tune, and stretched out his arm with his hand opened. Suddenly, his Honedge came floating through the trees and landed in Sam's hand. "Froa..." The Froakie said amazed. "How about this: If you can defeat me and my Honedge in a battle, I'll let you join my party." The Froakie nodded. The Froakie's facial expression changed from a happy and jolly to a serious one. "Well then, let the battle, BEGIN!"

The Froakie quickly closed the gap between them by using Quick Attack. However, Sam didn't let go of Honedge, and as Froakie was about to hit Honedge, Sam lowered Honedge, while turning his blade vertically, so the Froakie would jump just a bit over the sword pokemon. "Fury Cutter." He whispered, and as Honedge's blade started to glow, he striked the Froakie in his stumach. The Froakie got launched into the air and landed a few meter in front of Sam. "Froakie!" It yelled while it stood up again, like it was saying this was unfair. "Sorry, but I said that you needed to defeat both of us." "Honedge." Honedge said in agreement. This was their way of fighting. With Sam's speed and Honedge's strength, they formed a deadly duo.

Froakie, now knowing how they worked, got an idea. He used Quick Attack again, and headed for Honedge one more time. "You aren't learning, but I admire your courage." Sam said. However, the Froakie changed it's direction just when he was about to jump, and this time hit Sam in his stumach, and just when Froakie jumped back, he used bubble on Honedge, who was immobilised because of Sam still holding him tight. However, Sam recovered quickly, did a backflip and threw Honedge at Froakie. "Tackle!" He said, and Honedge rammed the water pokemon with it's grip. Froakie tumbled back, tried to stand up again, but collapsed again. Honedge returned to Sam's hand, got sheathed again and Sam walked to the Froakie. The Froakie seemed dissapointed. "Stand up, buddy. I have something for you. He said while taking an Oran Berry out of his backpack. He gave one to the Froakie, which immediatly felt better, but still looked dissapointed it couldn't defeat Sam and Honedge.

Sam grabbed something else out of his backpack. "Here, you deserved it." He said while holding a pokeball in front of Froakie. Froakie seemed confused. "I know you didn't win the battle, but you showed that you have great potential. You don't have to be a winner all the time to be a good pokemon. That's why I want you to be a part of my team." Froakie's eyes became as big as possible. "Froakie?! FROAKIE!!!" And he hugged Sam's face again. Sam quickly pressed the pokeball against Froakie. After a few shocks, the pokeball made the high ping noice noticing Sam that the Froakie was caught. However, when he tried to put the ball back into his backpack, Froakie got out of it again and hugged Sam's face. Again. Sam struggled but couldn't get Froakie of his head. He managed to get get the Froakie on the back of his head though, so he got a clear view again. "You really like hugs, don't you?" "Froakie!"

He then looked at his Holo Caster he got on his wrist. "That's right, we still need to register ourselves. Come on, everybody, get ready for the picture." Honedge unsheathed a bit, while Froakie, still clinging onto Sam's head, looked over his head and waved at the camera. Sam got a sly smile on his face and the picture was taken. The picture, with all the three companions on it, was registered. He than saw a lot of people around him, including the professor. He added the professor, then went towards the exit. He got his new partner, and that was what he came here for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Wigglytuff turned and looked up at the person petting its head, its calm nature keeping it from springing back in fright. Instead, the pokemon curiously looked at the boy, and when he asked for a hand shake, she smiled at him. "Wigglytuff!" it said, raising its pink appendage and shaking the hand of the boy. The pokemon loved being noticed and feeling important, so it was happy to meet someone who seemed fascinated by it, despite the small size. After a few moments, the chubby, pink pokemon gave a little bow and bounded off to its trainer. That person being Acacia who was picking up an empty crate of pokeballs, intending to bring back another crate. Though there were considerably less people here, and even less pokemon, she figured there may be some people who wanted some still. When Wigglytuff ran over, it took the empty crate from Acacia, and the girl smiled at her pokemon. "Oh? Someone's being super help-- hey, where are you going!?" she yelled as her pokemon ran off with the crate. Frowning at that, she felt a hand land on her shoulder, turning to see Sycamore.

"Acacia, look around here? What do you see?" he asked, standing next to her. The girl looked up at the Professor and then looked around the sanctuary. It was pretty empty, save for the few children and parents who were playing with the remaining pokemon. Some people were coming in, but not as many as before. The crowd leaving all had smiles on their faces and the pokemon that had been 'adopted' all looked happier than they had ever been here at the lab. The sight left her speechless. "We made so many people and pokemon happy here today. If there is anything you take from learning under me Acacia, it is this: strengthening the bond between people and pokemon is the most important part of what we do. That's what it all comes down to."

"I understand Professor." she said, crossing her arms and smirking. "What do we do now?" she asked.

"Once everyone is gone, we'll close up the lab and get ready to go." he said, checking the watch at his wrist. "I'll actually start gathering my things now, do you think you can handle the rest of everyone in here?" he asked her. Nodding, Acacia gestured to her pokemon who were helping some of the shy pokemon meet their new trainers. "Of course. I don't think there's much to do at this point. So, when are we setting off? Tonight?"

"That's the plan. We'll stop for some coffee before we leave, but there's some place I want to check out as soon as possible." he said turning and waving over his shoulder. Acacia gave a wave too before sitting down next to the crates that held the remaining items for anyone who wanted them. She wondered where Sycamore wanted them to go first, and why it was so important. A few moments later she herd Wigglytuff running up behind her and was almost in time to tell the pokemon to slow down before she fell.


Sighing, Acacia stood again and went to help up her clumsy pokemon pick up the spilled pokeballs, giggling as the pokemon looked apologetic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As silent as the undead companion perched upon her head, Placide moved along the streets of Lumiose city with her hand brushing against the walls of the many building she passed by, her feet tapping against the paved sidewalk with little to no sound. She didn't seem to be in any hurry despite being late for the event, her pace slow and her eyes darting here and there, taking in the sights, smells, noises, feels, everything. Never in the twenty two years of her life did she set foot in a city larger than Coumarine, and it wasn't like she was accustomed to cities at all. The sheer size of the city and the number of inhabitants was enough to make her head spin, and she was already quite lost, though it didn't seem to concern her in the least. Not just lost, but small as well. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant feeling, but it sure did feel strange. The world she had known had always been a little one, and now suddenly she was the little one. It was sort of scary -she secretly wished her sister could have come with her- but more than that, it was exciting. More than once or twice did she want to sidetrack her journey to the lab to take a peek around here and there, and more than once or twice, her partner, Agne, had done just that, and she had to chase after him, but she knew that she needed to find the lab before all else. She could explore more later on.

Placide took in a deep breath, and let it out with a pleased smile. This couldn't be too bad, could it? It would take some getting used to, that's all. A good hour had passed by with her aimlessly wandering about in hopes that the lab would show up. She probably should've asked for directions, or at least picked up a map, but she was determined to find it on her own. Besides, she left early in case she did get lost, so there should still be enough time, no?

Leaving its perch once again, the Shedinja floated off once again. To where, Placide had no clue. She let out a defeated sigh.

"Agne, mon petit, there is no stopping you, is there?" She mumbled as she followed the Shed Pokémon into...Wait, was that two Pokéballs out by the front? Finally, they -or rather, he- found the darn place! By the looks of it, it was quite crowded in there, and she had quite the bit of trouble trying to find Agne amongst the crowd.

"We'll close up the lab and get ready to go. I'll actually start gathering my things now, do you think you can handle the rest of everyone in here?" She heard Professor Sycamore say this as she passed by, feeling a little anxious now. Agne wasn't exactly known for knowing his place on the pecking order and tended to mess with things he really ought to not, and with his fragility she didn't want to leave him unsupervised, but if it took too long, she might be too late. People already seemed to be picking companions, after all.

"Agne...Agne...Seriously, show yourself already, silly," she called out rather softly. It would seen quite pointless, considering that she could hardly hear herself, nevermind Agne being able to hear.

After stumbling about the crow quite a bit, she eventually found the Shedinja floating right up in some poor man's face, Agne's clypeus right up against the nose of the other.
"Agne! Leave him be, for Arceus's sake!" She definitely got the attention of her friend this time, and probably anyone else nearby, since her voice had gone from extremely quiet to considerably loud. Pulling away the Shedinja by the 'wings', she sighed and despite her smile, shook her head.

"How many times, Agne, how many times must I tell you to not go off like that?" She only seemed to address the Shedinja, not at all paying attention to the man he had pestered. At least not at first. Under normal circumstances she'd have probably just left, but she was already late as was and she didn't want to mess up her chances if the lab was going to close soon. Unless he also came by late, he'd probably be able to explain for it. So she'd make an exception and ask him.

"Don't mind my friend. He's too curious for his own good. Aren't you, mon petit?" She said the later part softly, patting the bug on the hand and letting out a small chuckle.

"I'm Placide, and this here is Agne. He can be a little unruly, but I promise he's a real sweetheart once you get to know him."

Placide paused, leaving an awkward silence as she tried to figure out what exactly to say.

"Anyways, we got lost. Big city, you know? So tell me what I missed, will ya?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Near
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Near Surprisingly Distant

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A collboration between Shadowy, Near and Ryu

Tl;dr: Shay and Salina spend some time talking with Acacia, and after begging to tag along, Sycamore agrees, forming a team of Four.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ren continued to play with random pokemon after that Wifflytuff walked away. Well if it had other duties then it had to do them. Soon it seemed as if most of the people had cleared out of the room. Eventually it was time for the lab assistant to feed the pokemon so Ren thought he would make his choice soon after they ate. Then he noticed his two pokemon taking free bite from the food that was left out. Ren gave a mall laugh and thought they must be enjoying themselves enough. The young trainer decided to sit down and watch the pokemon eat and continue to play. Well it was more eat and less play because what he saw looked pretty similar to a mosh pit. Every pokemon needs to be cared and this lab can only give each pokemon so much care at once. It was almost sad to see the ones who didn't make it in front of the line.

Then Ren noticed a pokemon who didn't even try to eat any food. It was sitting back in the corner of the room by itself almost like it had lost hope. It was a rather small Bulbasaur brooding by itself. Ren got up and walked over by the depressed pokemon. "Hi fella, hungry?" Ren asked as he offered the pokemon a cracker he pulled out from his pocket. "Saur." The pokemon said as it immediately shied away and looked the other direction. This pokemon obviously resented the trainers that took its friends and left it here all of its life. Ren almost felt sorry for it. Then the trainer left the cracker next to the pokemon and stood back. The Bulbasaur devoured the food like a horse that it was presented.

"See I knew you were hungry." Ren said as he attempted to pet the pokemon. This time it seemed a bit more trusting ad let him pet it. "Hey my name is Ren Flint and I am going to win the pokemon league this year." He told the pokemon. Then the pokemon even aughed at him. Even a Bulbasaur could tell how crazy and impossible a goal like that would be. "Laugh all you want but it is true." He said to the pokemon who looked at him in doubt. Ren continued to pet the young pokemon. "You I like you and I think you would make an amazing pokemon and friend." He told the Bulbasaur. With that the pokemon looked surprised that any trainer would say that to it. Ren then held up a pokemon in front of the pokemon."Its true. I'm sure how I know but I think together me and you could do amazing things. And if not heck we could laugh at ourselves when we fall on our faces." He said as the pokemon grinned. "Now answer this, do you want to journey with me?" Ren asked as the pokemon nodded and tapped its nose again the pokeball. Then the ball opened and Bulbasaur was captured.

"Sweet I got a Bulbasaur." Ren said as he looked around. Magikarp was peacefully playing in shallow water with a a Feebas. "Hey Magikarp look at this new guy." Ren said as he threw his pokeball on the ground an unveiled his green frog with a bulb on its back. "Saur." His Bulbasaur said as it looked at Magikarp. "Karp!" The pokemon responded back in approval. Ren looked at his two pokemon and they already seemed to be making friends with one another. This was perfect, wait where did Abra run off to? He looked around everywhere but he could not seem to locate his pokemon. Maybe it was harassing some poor pokemon. "Gee, this could be trouble."

Meanwhile an Abra appeared right on top of Kasha's Eevee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 13 days ago

-Ignore this, my bad-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It wasn't long before Cerise found herself back in the lab. She'd been enjoying herself, bonding with Iris when she'd looked up to see someone who looked suspiciously like her dad rounding the corner. Not wanting to go through the hubbub of dealing with him again (he'd no doubt kick up a fuss about meeting Iris, and looking at all of her new gear and they'd go out to get lunch… no thank you) she'd been quick to duck back inside, Iris squeaking at the sudden movement. Back inside, Cerise whispered quiet reassurances to her little pokemon, smoothing down her fur. The lab was still as hectic and crowded as it'd been before, and the girl found herself once again desperate to escape the crowd… but going back out onto the streets was no longer an option.

And so, Cerise made her way through the throng of people to the outdoor enclosure behind the lab. Iris was still sitting quietly in her cupped hands, never taking her eyes off of her trainer. The enclosure was… pretty nice, actually. It was wide open and breezy, with trees and ponds, and all sorts of different pokemon sneaking around. Best of all, people weren't pressed shoulder to shoulder, suffocating Cerise.

"Much better," she said to her gothita. Iris just blinked in response. Cerise's lip quirked into a smile and she walked over to sit under an unoccupied tree. With a sigh, she sat down, Iris in her lap once more. They sat in silence for a bit, Cerise watching her fellow trainers, and Iris watching Cerise. Eventually the girl looked back down at her pokemon.

"So, what do you like?" Iris stared. "I guess you don't know yet." Cerise pouted a bit as she tried to think of what to do with her new little partner. "Do you liiiike… berries?" More staring. Cerise's smile grew, and she pulled out a small blue berry from a pouch in her bag. Iris blinked. Taking this as a good sign, the girl perked up and slowly reached out her hand, the oran berry resting in her palm. Iris' attention shifted from Cerise's face to her hand, her little arms shifting a bit as if to reach for the berry… when suddenly it was gone in a blur of green.

Cerise squeaked in surprise as she jumped, Iris doing much the same. Just as the gothita looked about to topple over, Cerise scrambled to catch her. Once the two had righted themselves again, they looked around for the source of the commotion.

It turned out to be some thieving green lizard, happily munching on their berry.

"Hey!" The stupid lizard just kept eating. Cerise was fairly certain it was smirking through the juice. Her glare sharpened and she looked around herself. Unwilling to get up, (and move Iris from her lap) her eyes grew wicked as her eyes fell on a small rock. She snatched it up and threw it at the pokemon. Unfortunately, the little douche canoe was quicker than her and dodged it with ease. Cerise gave a squeal as the lizard darted at her and very purposefully crawled up her arm before diving into her bag… where all her other berries were held.

Before she even had time to think, Cerise was grabbing the zipper of her bag and shutting it in a sudden burst of spite. Then she realized she had a random pokemon trapped in her bag.

Somehow, Iris managed to stay in her trainer's lap through all of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 13 days ago

Korrey walked into the sanctuary, looking down at everything that had been handed to him at the door. On his shoulder, Jet shared in his confusion, as neither of them had seen anything like these devices before at the Church. After a moment of thought, he quickly pocketed most of it, only keeping out the pokeballs as they were the only thing he knew how to use. After clipping them to his belt(and actually registering Jet to one since he'd never had one before), he walked out among the crowds in search of companions for his journey. As he did so, he drew no small amount of stares, and understandably so, as he was dressed rather suspiciously. He was wearing a long, black, hooded robe with grey fur lining the shoulder and neck area. The hood hid most of his face from view and his robe hid everything else. The entire get-up was laced with iridescent red tribal lines forming vague pictures of Yvetal. He even had a silver pendant in the shape of Yveltal's head.

Korrey noticed the stares, but paid them little attention, focused more on the wide variety of pokemon around. He eventually found one that really seemed to like him, an excitable Noibat that he decided to call Fidget, cause the little guy couldn't keep still. The little bugger had revealed himself by dive-bombing the young priest from a tall tree, only to get into a bit of trouble with Jet. This resulted in the two getting into a fight for a little while before Korrey managed to calm everything down. Afterwards, he invited Fidget to join their team, too which the small dragon pokemon couldn't have been more excited by the thought.

So, with a companion gotten, Korrey was just about to head out when he heard one of the other trainers exclaim in pain. Looking at the source of the disturbance, he saw that a lone Pancham was scaring away any trainer that got close, and on closer inspection, it was easy to see why. The poor creature bore scars from a poacher's trap on it's leg and arm. Poachers were one of the problems the Church helped to deal with, hunting down those who'd dare to hunt down pokemon in such a manner and helping those effected by this cruelty. He'd helped many pokemon recover from such a abuse, so he had experience dealing with these kinds of situations.

He had slowly approached the Pancham, who had given a warning growl as if to say 'That's close enough.' Korrey ignored this, however, and put his hand out towards the creature, who respond by biting his hand. Hard. He flinched at the pain of the bite, but that was all. Moving his other hand forward, he gave the pokemon a soothing petting. At first this did nothing, but after some more strokes and gentle words, the Pancham let him go and accept being apart of their team. He decided to call her Regin, because he thought itnfit a tough pokemon like her. She seemed to like it too.

And so, Korrey stepped out of the Sanctuary with two new companions at his side(he didn't believe in keeping the pokemon in their pokeballs all the time). Upon exiting, he saw a younger boy feeding a piplup and gible some pokepuffs. Thinking back to the devices that had been handed to him, he walked up to the guy giving a wave of greeting as he pulled out the strange card-like device.

"Excuse me friend, but could yoy rxplain to me how this is supposed to work, cause I have no idea?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Carl sat on the stairs of the lab, feeding his Pokemon pokepuffs. As they are, many crumbs fell on to Piplup's chest. Carl sighed.

Piplup, I gave you a bath before we left. Piplup had a history of being messy. Cake, pie, gallets. One time he tried to be clean, by filling up the sink for a bath. He got in, but left the water on, causing the sink to overflow. Piplup was messy, but he was also a great friend. And that's what Carl cared about.

Carl heard footsteps coming up behind him. He turned around to see a boy, a little older than him, dressed in interesting clothing. He had seen many like him before. He didn't know who the were. He thought that they were some type of cult. He didn't want to stare so he turned back around to his Pokemon.

Then the boy spoke to him. The boy held out his Pokedex, asking if he could help him with it.

Sure! The way the Pokedex works, is you hold it up to a Pokemon, and it gives you information on them. Like this. he held it up to an oncoming trainer with a Squirtle. Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon. During battle, Squirtle hides in its shell that sprays water at its opponent whenever it can.

No problem. My name is Carl, Carl Rathean. he stuck out his hand for a shake.

Carl was randomly handed a Squirtle, who was then captured in a pokeball. The Squirtle disappeared from his hands, in an astonishing red light.

"Um... Your welcome He said to the trainer that handed him the Squirtle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Acacia made her way to her bedroom that was on the uppermost floor of the pokemon lab. Opening the door to it, she stepped inside and immediately was jumped by three small pokemon. Letting out a shrill cry of fright, she tripped and fell backwards into the hall, hitting her head on the wall as she did. Groaning and sitting up, she rubbed the back of her head and opened one of her eyes. "Ow..."



"Maka maka maka!"

Blinking, Acacia realized that she was looking down at three pokemon who she reckognized from downstairs in the sanctuary. Picking up all three in her arms, she stood and went into her room, kicking the door closed gently behind her. Putting the three pokemon - who were like friends and never left each others side - on her bed, she gestured to her room. It was a mess. "Why did you three trash my room? Again?" she said pouting at them. The Azurill looked apoligetic while the Rufflet and Darumaka seemed proud of the mess they made. Rolling her eyes at the three, she turned and started to clean up her room after ordering them to remain on the bed. They watched her curiously and jumped when she shouted in surprise.

Reaching for the upturned photo of her parents, she picked up the frame, only to have shards of glass fall onto the floor around the picture. Tears stung in her eyes and she looked at the three of them, shaking her head. She didn't scold them, just stood and put the picture in the bag at her waist. The three pokemon all looked sad then, knowing they had screwed up. Glancing around the room, she saw her closet was open and sighed, walking to it and seeing what she already knew she would. An item that was one of the last things to remind her of her parents, was on the floor instead of on the top shelf where she left it. Picking up the object, a choker, she placed the thing around her neck, figuring it was the safest place for it. The stone inside rotated until it was in the proper orientation and settled after a moment.

Placing a hand on it, she would reach up to the top shelf and feel around, her hand finding the matching choker with a stone that was red and silver. Turning she went over to the bed and sat down next to the three little pokemon. She held up the choker and looked at them, speaking after a moment. "Do you guys see this? And the one on my neck? These two things are the only things left of my parents before they dissapeared...not including Scizor. Do you understand? These are very important to me." she spoke to them, getting nods from the wide eyed creatures. "It's why I'm here. Sycamore's research on these stones are the only clues that could lead me to finding them..." she trailed off as she started to get a lump in her throat.

"Rill..." the Azurill came over and rubbed against her. Sniffing and rubbing at her eyes, Acacia petted the pokemon with her free hand. "Don't you guys want me to find my family?"



"Okay, then you need to stop messing up my things like this, alright? If you broke these... I don't know what I would do." she said, reaching out and ruffling the feathers of the bird pokemon. Standing, Acacia reached behind her to her yellow belt and detached Scizor's ball. When she released him, she smiled and held up the choker. "Time to go to work Scizor. This time we wont come home until we find my parents. My dad's your true trainer afterall. You want to see him again badly too, don't you?" she asked, reaching out and putting the choker with the red and silver stone around the pokemon's neck.

"Zor!" the pokemon said nodding, a serious look in his face. Acacia nodded back and returned him to his ball, reaching to her back and placing it on the belt. With one more look at the trio on her bed, she gave a weak smile and waved, turning to leave the room. Before she could take three steps, the pokemon lept off the bed and stood in her way, in front of the door. Frowning, Acacia wondered what the problem was. "What's wrong?" she asked, all three pokemon started shouting and jumping up and down. Tilting her head, she brought a finger to her lip, biting the nail. "Let me guess, you want to come along with me?" she said, raising a brow. The three nodded and hopped again, causing her to run a hand through her hair. "Okay..." she said, turning back into the room and releasing Skarmory, Sylveon and Jellicent from their balls. After speaking to the pokemon and asking them if they didn't mind to stay behind and help out in the lab. They looked sad but agreed, making Acacia promise she would return for them soon. The three adult pokemon left the room and made their way down to the main floor of the lab.

Turning to the little ones, Acacia took out three pokeballs. "Alright you three, hope you're ready for this. This journey wont be easy. I'm going to work you harder than you've ever had before. Got that?" she asked.




Nodding, Acacia captured each of the pokemon into their own balls and attched them to her belt, keeping them at the front to remind her to train them harder. Remembering she should pack some items, she grabbed the large blue backpack and shuffled through her bag, taking inventory of what she had while she started on her way downstairs. "I need more revives, potions, and full heals..." she said aloud, taking the stairs down two at a time. When she reached the main door, she saw the two sisters were waiting at the entrance. Sycamore popped up behind her suddenly and looked confused. "Hey, I just saw half of your teams going into the sanctuary." he said, wondering if she knew. Acacia nodded and started to walk with him to the front door. "Yes I know, I took along Azurill, Rufflet and Darumaka instead. What about you, got your team all ready?"

"Yes, that's right. Well, this ought to be exciting with those two tagging along." he gestured to Shay and Salina. Acacia nodded and crossed her arms, noticing something about him. "Those socks..."

"That dress." he retorted with a smirk, causing her to roll her eyes as he pushed open the door of the lab and stepped outside.

"And so starts the beginning of the end." she mumbled sarcastically.

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