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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whoami
Avatar of Whoami

Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

-- 0400 Earth Standard Time
-- Larunda Relay, Level Twelve, Bay Seven

The liset drifted slowly into the docking bay. Its armor plating was tinted black but it had an almost ethereal purple tinge in the right light. Along the hull were markings similar to battle honors, while others denoted the status and clan of the tenno onboard. It left stark white contrails in its wake. Along the belly of the liset was the symbol of Clan Prowler, a moon clan of great reputation and power. The slash marks stylistically named the tenno of the liset a councillor of the clan.

As the liset attached to one of the many arms in docking bay seven, a contingent of armed guards approached it. They stood proudly, but it was obvious that they knew their chances of surviving a fight against a tenno were slim to none. The dock sergeant gestured with his hand for the guards to lower their weapons, but he never took his hand too far from his vasto secured to his thigh.

The belly of the liset span and with it, the tenno. The tenno was ever silent, the helmet of the warframe the tenno bransished was faceless and it only served to help with the intimidating nature of the tenno. The body of the warframe was quite obviously feminine, it hugged the wearer's body tightly but it didn't seem to inhibit her movement in any way. She detached from the liset and stepped onto the platform, looking at each guard first before staring directly at the dock sergeant.

The sergeant took a deep breath and bowed his head forward, "Councillor." he began, "I'm sure you understand the armed detail, Clan Prowler's reputation as of late would put any working man in a difficult position, should one of them arrive."

The tenno simply stood there, not speaking or making any move that'd hint at communication. The way the fingers were crooked, it was evident that the tenno was ready for a brief fight if it came to it. The sergeant gritted his teeth, "I'd like to inform you that I respect Clan Prowler and its endeavors to change the tenno order from its warmongering ways. I've granted you passage into the re-"

"We were never warmongering." the tenno said, her voice was distorted by the warframe, it sounded very synthesized and arcane.

The sergeant nodded, "My apologies, councillor. I simply refer to the tenno's involvement in the recent conflicts as of late."

"We fight to maintain order in the galaxy. We don't fight to maintain chaos. That is the difference between a tenno and a warmonger." the tenno said, the tone of her voice was flat and not amused.

"I understand." the sergeant stepped to the side and waved toward the relay entrance, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, councillor. Please, proceed into the relay.

The rest of the guards stood at ease and watched as the tenno silently moved past them with an elegance few would expect out of a warrior. They continued to watch the tenno while she stopped at the gate and looked around some more. Her warframe began to dematerialize into pure energy and store itself into a small orokin bracelet around the woman's right wrist. What was left, was a pale woman with black hair in white silks that loosely dangled from her body.

A tenno outside of their warframe was a rare sight, but the sergeant knew that the tenno was aware of her clan's reputation and that she didn't want to draw more attention than what was necessary. He had to admit, while the warframe was made to look terrifying in the eyes of its enemies, the tenno beneath looked quite normal. The humanity was shocking after the tenno had garnered a reputation for violently killing those who stood in their way.

The woman looked over her shoulder to the sergeant, her eyes were glowing a brilliant amethyst purple, the same color as the energy of her warframe. It was a cruel reminder that the tenno weren't wholly human anymore. The sergeant hesitated at first, lost in the appearance of an unarmored tenno, but he eventually smiled and nodded. The tenno nodded respectfully back to him and continued through the shield doors and into the level twelve concourse of the Larunda Relay.

The level twelve concourse was much dingier than the upper levels. Tenno usually frequented the higher levels of the relays because the majority of the notable figures in the system conducted their business there. The lower levels were residential mostly, for the colonists who had escaped grineer oppression or had to evacuate because of the Technocyte Virus. There were market stalls lining the sides of the concourse, a dilapidated statue in the middle taking the form of some faceless hero, it definitely wasn't a tenno. Lights were dim and mostly orange, attributing to a rather rustic look and casting dark shadows across the rugged surfaces.

The colonists that had taken note of the regal figure who stepped in gawked for a while. Most women in the lower levels were tattooed or wore clothing that left little to the imagination or both. The white silks of the tenno were a vast difference and it was clear that she wasn't some colonist coming to live on level twelve.

A crooked man stepped up to the woman, holding his hands out, "G- greetings, my lady. You are a r- rare sight indeed. C- could you spare me some credits, please? My f- family has lived on level twelve for decades, we wish to, at the very least, move to level eleven."

The woman stared at the man and eventually smiled a little bit, "I don't have anything to spare at the moment, citizen, but I will take your request and fulfill it when the time is right."

The man bowed his head, "You are a generous soul, my lady. May the lotus guide you."

The raven haired woman paused and the man had thought he may have offended her. He took a step back and bowed his head further. The woman raised an eyebrow, "I don't need guidance from the Lotus. My path is guided by my will and nobody else's. Please, enjoy the rest of your day." and the lady in silk walked on.


The club music was loud and the dance floor was filled with people wasting their credits and drinking away their sorrows. Hands were grabby, mouths were talkative, eyes were searching. A retrofitted corpus MOA walked around the edge of the dance floor, a drink tray had been put in place of the usual laser turret. A name tag dangled from its left knee, somebody had named it 'Birdo' for the novelty of their establishment, Birdo's Bar. Booths were filled with drug dealers, criminals, spies and prostitutes.

At the entrance, a large man with a cybernetic grineer armor watched for people trying to sneak in. A teenager from level twelve tried to get in but he was promptly shoved back. "Come back in three years when you're man enough to handle the shit we have in here." he said, his voice deep and filled with authority.

The teenager flipped him off and cursed as he trekked away into an alley. The bouncer grinned, he clearly enjoyed being the tough guy. But when the woman in silks turned the corner and headed straight for him, he groaned. "Oh shit..."

The woman kept her pace and had an intense look on her face. The bouncer outstretched his arms and had nervous look on his face, "Samsara! Heeey~" he scratched the back of his head.

"Corvick." she said, "You lied to me."

The bouncer looked around, "Lied? What do you mean?" there was a nervous laugh.

Samsara was now only a foot away from him, and though he nearly doubled her size, he was very clearly intimidated by the woman. "There was no dig site in that asteroid. No artifacts. No cryopod. No tenno. You sent me to a grineer garbage refinery."

He gave a cheeky grin, "Well... One man's garbage is another man's treasure, right?"

Samsara took him by the neck and pinned him to the wall, pulling him down it so she was eye level with him. His placed both of his hands on her arm and not even his cybernetic arm could break her grip. "Listen! Samsara! I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

She kept her grip, "You'd best give me the location of the dig site now, Corvick or I'm going to take that MOA inside and kill you with it!"

"How dare you threaten me with Birdo!"

She slammed him back against the wall, "I'm not playing games, Corvick. The dig site. Now."

"Alright! Alright! I have the coordinates in the back. Come with me!" Corvick gasped as Samsara released him. She crossed her arms and stared at him, she really wasn't kidding around.

Corvick got on his feet and led her inside, but not before yelling to the teenager who was just hiding around the corner in the alley. There was another curse and finally some shuffling as the kid walked off for good. Corvick shoved his way through the intoxicated crowd of Birdo's Bar and led Samsara into the back. Wihle she followed behind him, she had gotten a smack on the ass, and the man had gotten a swift kick to the groin.

Once in the back, Corvick opened a locker and pulled out a small data-chip. He handed it to Samsara, "Here... Look, Sam. I don-"

"Don't call me Sam..."

"Samsara..." he corrected himself, "I don't want to be on your bad side. So after this, can we make a deal and you never come back to Birdo's Bar?"

Samsara looked sidelong at the bouncer, "Not a chance." she then looked back at the data-chip.

"Shit..." he grumbled.


The crane groaned and creaked as it hauled the latest findings from the orokin ruin. It had been working nonstop for a month and the hauls were beginning to take their toll on the machine. Grinner lancers stood sentry at every entrance to the dig site, with ballistae on high catwalks up above. A heavy gunner sat on a pile of orokin crates and fiddled with her gorgon, it was custom and it looked like it could saw a Rhino in half if enough fire went into it. The gorgon was fitted with another barrel and had a ripka welded onto it to function as a bayonet. The butt stock of the gorgon was replaced with a cleaver, the armor of the heavy gunner would prevent the blade from injuring the wielder.

Not only was the gorgon custom, but so was the armor. A harkonar syandana dangled from its back. The armor was jet black, except for the white tally marks across the breast plate. There were countless tallies for corpus, and even four tallies for tenno. Across the belly of the armor, there were even tallies for other grineer. The heavy gunner was going to be a difficult fight. She looked up from her gorgon when she heard the crane finish its lift. It was carrying only one object, but it was the most valuable treasure in the entire ruin, a warframe cryopod.

The heavy gunner stood from its crates and packed its gorgon by a karak handle welded onto the top of it. It stood a whole grineer taller than the rest of them and looked into the pod. Then it proceeded to bellow orders to the lancers.

The grinner rolled in a power-lifter and brought it to the cryopod. Then the lights went out, all of them. There was a few seconds of chaos before the lancers began to switch on their flash lights and floodlights that ran off their own power. When the light had faintly illuminated the chamber, the heavy gunner had noticed that five of her men had gone missing. It was an obvious sign, a tenno was here. Here to reclaim its frozen brother.

The gorgon was hefted into both hands of the gunner and raised. A small click was heard and a custom spin-up mechanism inside the gorgon could be heard, there would be no slow firing with this weapon. From the backpack of the heavy gunner, dangled an impossibly long belt of ammunition, it was attached to the chamber in place of the gorgon's magazine.

Some gunfire behind the heavy gunner indicated that the tenno was seen. A bloody scream came from the darkness along with the heavy thud of the ferrite armor hitting rock. Then, once again behind the gunner after she had turned, another thud.

The gunner remained still, listening to her surroundings. Tenno were quick but there was no way they could be in opposite sides of the room at nearly the same time. The gunner knew only of a few warframes that were capable of teleportation and given that her gorgon hadn't exploded at random for the umpteenth time, she clearly wasn't dealing with a Loki. The lack of lights and the aggressive speed this tenno was working with suggested she was dealing with an Ash warframe. That made it difficult to track the movements of the tenno.

By the time the tenno had stealthily dispatched the lancers, the gorgon was span up and ready to spit death at whatever came her way. A footstep was heard to her left, she snapped the gorgon in that direction and opened fire. The muzzle flash illuminated the target before the flashlight did as the bullets sprayed out faster than an overclocked pair of cestras. When the barrels were glowing red, the heavy gunner eased off the trigger and saw that she had basically turned a ballista into a red cloud. She lowered the cleaver-stock toward her stomach and marked another grineer kill, tenno skuum...

Then, she heard it, the sound of air being forced away as something solid took its place. Directly behind her, just above her. The gunner turned quickly and raised her gorgon, blocking the blade of the tenno's glaive. It pierced into the gorgon, that made the gunner growl. The two remained locked together, the tenno wasn't letting go of her glaive. The tenno looked into the blank eyes of the gunner's helmet, "Karza de Fae." Samsara sighed.

The heavy gunner swung its bladed stock at the tenno which made it kick off and flip away from its sweeping arch. "Samsara of Clan Prowler." she replied, "I should have figured you were behind the murder of my platoon."

Samsara recalled her glaive embedded in the gorgon, it returned to her hand. The second glaive attached to her other wrist dropped down and extended. "You intrude on Clan Prowler territory. If you leave now then I will delay my hunt for you by another month."

Karza's gorgon kept spinning loudly, "Not a chance!" the gunner laughed, "You're helmet is the one I've always dreamed of mounting on my ship's bridge! Now I finally get to try again."

The gorgon opened fire, but it was only shooting through smoke. A glaive flew through the smoky cloud, directly at Karza. She parried it out of the air with her cleaver. The second glaive quickly followed and grazed the helmet of the gunner. Karza and Samsara had a long history of conveniently bumping into one another, they were essentially arch-enemies. Samsara had openly admitted that Karza was the only grineer she struggled with killing, simply because the heavy gunner was just so damn possessed with the thought of taking Samsara's head.

Karza knew that Samsara only fought with glaives, and knowing that they were both spent to try and strike at her, Samsara was vulnerable. The custom gorgon opened up again and fired in a wide fan. A flicker of light clued Karza that she had hit Samsara's shield, so she focused her fire. Another flicker and then nothing. Samsara was suddenly behind her, kicking out Karza's legs. When she rolled onto her back, she could see Samsara standing above her with both glaives in her hands, ready to deliver the killing blow. The clawed feet of Karza's cybernetic legs lunged out, taking the tenno by the stomach and throwing her back into the illumination of a flood light. She then collected her gorgon and opened fire once again.

Samsara became smoke and was suddenly falling directly from above the heavy gunner. She raised her gorgon and revved the ripka, ready to intercept. Samsara became smoke again and appeared in front of Karza, stabbing her in the stomach with a concealed blade common to the Ash warframe. A grunt of pain came from Karza, followed by a reactionary swing of her cleaver stock. It scraped along Samsara's shoulder, creating sparks.

Samsara retreated into the darkness and quickly threw both of her glaives at Karza. The first was deflected. The second was literally caught midair by Karza. She laughed and she studied the tenno's glaive, "I think I'll hold onto this."

In the darkness, the intricate lines of the immortal began to glow and channel with purple energy. "Good." Samsara said, "I was counting on it." With a glowing hand raised, Samsara clenched it into a fist. The glaive in Karza's hand began to glow and overcharge with energy, detonating brilliantly in a bright purple explosion.

Karza was sent flying ten feet. She landed on her side, missing her cybernetic arm that was displaying the glaive as a trophy. The glowing glaives found their way back to their master as she walked out from the darkness. Particles of energy were peeling off of her warframe like paper set to flame. Thick trails of energy were left in the wake of the glaives' many blades. "It's time you were silenced, Karza."

The heavy gunner laughed, "Not just yet."

The lights came back on and there was a whole firing squad of elite lancers on the catwalk above. They fired in unison, forcing Samsara to evade. Karza got on her feet and ran off, the tenno didn't pursue her. Becoming smoke again, Samsara appeared on the catwalk with her hidden knives fully extended. One by one she appeared before a grineer, dispatching them with ferocity but also elegance, like it a sort of dance of shadowy death. Before long, the grineer were all dead with a fine puncture in the helmet of every one of them. The Ash materialized in front of the cryopod.

"Brother." she said, "Time to wake up."

Samsara placed her hand on the orokin symbol at the base of the cryopod and it opened. Ice crystals poured out, followed by steam with rapid heating to awaken the tenno.

From inside the cryopod, Zexus awoke from the deep slumber he was placed under from some insane amount of time. His body felt stiff, as if a corpse, which was quite ironic considering his Warframe was Nekros. As his body arose from the pod, he saw the Ash that most likely was what had awoken him. "Thanks." Was all he said to her as he stepped free of the pod and proceeded to open the back storage compartment to acquire his arsenal. First was his Tiberon rifle which was slotted onto his back, then he slid his Synoid Gammacor onto his wrist, smiling inside his helmet as he saw the device work. Last but not least was his Anku scythe, a beauteous tool for his task of weaving death through the less evolved masses of creatures. Though now, as he thought of death he heard them, the cries of the dead, most likely slain by the Ash with him, and he couldn't help but laugh. Their cries were exquisite...Blissful wails of sheer agony. "Good job butchering these peons.." If the Ash could see beyond his helmet she would see the bloodthirsty eyes and sadistic grin of the Nekros. "Though I am disheartened...You didn't save ANY for me." He spoke, though with his helmet he sounded much darker than he did without it.

Now fully awake after a few moments he looked to the Ash once more and spoke more sternly, having gotten a grasp on himself. "So, what has happened while I slept? The fact you are alone is odd news enough, so do not hold any news back from me." He didn't know who this one was, but right now he cared little for rank, who knew how long he was out? He needed information and he needed it now, else he would be a blubbering fool.

Samsara crossed her arms as she studied the tenno. She was impressed that he was able to become aware of his surroundings so quickly. Definitely a trait he had during the orokin era. When he mentioned her killing everybody and leaving nobody left standing, she shrugged, "You should be grateful, brother. Your warframe isn't up to full strength just yet. These grineer would have slaughtered you." she paused and looks at the staggering amount of bodies, "My memory, like much of the tenno in this age, is clouded. I can remember my clan, my clan-mates and my training. But nothing else. You're in a new age, Zexus." she used his name with a hint of familiarity. "This isn't the orokin era anymore. The sentients are gone. Instead, the Origin system and beyond is ruled by the Grineer empire, populated twisted and deformed copies of old humanity. They seek the tenno, to destroy us, and they are doing a good job so far. Only those that managed to survive their awakening are fighting to keep the order strong."

Samsara turned her back to him and looked around some more, looking for nothing in particular, "But the tenno are divided now too. My clan, your clan, is branded as traitors because we will not serve the enigmatic figure who calls herself the 'Lotus'. Do you remember your clan, Zexus?"

Zexus nodded, memories quickly becoming clearer inside his shifting mind. "Yes, Samsara, I do. Enough to remember you... And the pain before cryo-sleep... Which if you don't recall, I slaughtered three of our own before I was put under. Either way, this 'Lotus' character, she seems like she has quite a bit of power over our clan to make the rest of our kin hate us. Do we know if she possesses Orokin technology?" He asked curtly, as long as he focused he could keep control over his blood lust, whilst it made him a powerful fighter, it also was what kept him on the brink of insanity. Only the highest amount of focus and will with all these souls kept him from it. "We should discuss this elsewhere, if at all. The echoes of death in such volume are maddening to me. Along with deliciously intoxicating, I assume you have transport prepared?" He slid his Tiberon off its slotted place on his back next to his Anku as he looked about, she was right, he wasn't at full strength, but he was a damned good shot with his rifle. As he waited for her to lead him, the echoes were getting louder in his mind, and much harder to defy their cries for accompaniment.

Samsara glanced back over her shoulder to look at Zexus, "Now that you mention it, yes... I do remember that." the deaths of her clan-mates had left a bit of a sour taste in Samsara's mouth before she went into cryo-sleep. As much as she wanted to at least hit Zexus to redeem them, it wasn't the right time for it. She'd need to spar him back at the dojo some time.

Her glaives slid up and locked at her wrists as she started to walk through one of the doors that led into the mining facility. As they moved, they were greeted only with the obstacles of dead bodies, having to navigate through them was tiresome to say the least. "I apologize, the dead must really affect you in that warframe. But subtly wasn't going to make it easier for a weakened tenno to escape."

Not long into the trek through the facility, a landing platform could be seen through an observation port. On it was a black liset with a purple tinge. Scores of grineer bodies surrounded the ship. "I'll tell you about the Lotus when we return to the dojo. I'm sure you're eager to sleep in a bed. Your own bed."

The helmet of her warframe dematerialized into Samsara's bracelet, letting her hair back over her shoulders and around her syandana. She breathed the air while she could, knowing she'd need to put it back on before going into the vacuum of space to get to her liset. "You should be happy to hear that the majority of Clan Prowler has been awakened. You were one of the few tenno unaccounted for when Cephalon Artanix woke us." she spoke of the clan dojo's Cephalon that remained active through the untold millennia, so that it could watch the sleeping tenno. Samsara then sighed, "Unfortunately... Master Shinto was assassinated only a few weeks ago. The clan is in turmoil and Kuro is making an attempt to capture the title of clan master."

Zexus chuckled, "Kuro, the Master of Clan Prowler? I'll cut him to fucking bits myself, I swear that bastard is the reason those three tenno tried to take my life from me. I know it angers you that I killed them...But I had no choice. I truly didn't." He had guilt in his voice, when he speaks of the moments of that fight, he isn't as happy as one would assume. Even as a blood-crazed lunatic on the battlefield, that madness only settled in after the three attempted on his life. They were Tenno like the rest, but for some reason..They wanted him dead, and Kuro was definitely a suspect, the shithead was a coward. No honor, no pride, only dirty tricks and lies slipped forth from Kuro. Though as he finally comprehended Shinto's death he sighed. "Any idea on who killed Shinto? It had to be someone damned powerful. Also...Don't let Kuro even come near me...Or I swear on the souls surrounding us I will carve him to nothing with my Anku." With Kuro's name mentioned he dripped with rage, he hated Kuro's methods. Kuro was weak, Zexus was a warrior. He then rolled his shoulders as they walked and spoke calmly after a few moments of silence. "If you wish to be Clan Master, I support you, from what I remember...You were closer to Shinto, and are much more honorable to the Clan. I stand with you Samsara. Let's get back to the dojo..." After finishing his chatter, he became a silent vigil, keeping an eye out as he followed his fellow tenno back to whatever escape she had planned.

Samsara sighed when she heard Zexus's response to the mention of Kuro. She looked back to him, "Kuro is an idiot, yes, but he is still a clan-mate and a councillor. He has a right to try and claim the position. But you shouldn't need to worry about that. As you say you're willing to support me into the role, it would seem there are a few in the clan who would also like that. But I am not looking to hold the title of master, I simply wish to serve the clan and have my voice heard as a councillor." Samsara paused, "But if the title is voted to me, then I suppose I have no choice but to take it. Now... As for Shinto's assassin. We know it was an agent of the Lotus, we just aren't sure what the agent is. There are no signs of anybody else being in that room aside from who we already know."

She donned her warframe's helmet once again and opened the airlock. It took a moment to depressurize, the exterior door opened when it did. She continued to lead Zexus toward her liset, "Regardless, I'm not focused on my position within the clan. I'm focused on bringing more clans into our fold, finding the lotus, and killing her. As long as the tenno order is deceived, there is no true progress."

A ramp lowered down from the liset, a way of entry when the ship was landed on its belly instead of attached to a platform. She gestured for Zexus to enter, she followed in after him. Once the ramp closed, the liset lifted off on its own, thanks to Samsara's silent Cephalon. She dematerialized her entire warframe and stretched in her silks afterward. "It's a one day jump to our dojo, far out beyond the Oort cloud. Make yourself comfortable."

Zexus simply knelt as his Warframe dematerialized to reveal the pale face of the man under it. His hair was thicker, but shorter, with mildly longer bangs and such that made him look rather grim, even without his slate grey, dead looking eyes that peered into the nothingness of the space around him. His silks, unlike Samsara's were jet black with a gold lining. He simply sat and stared in a meditative stance, one day of mediation would feel nice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
Avatar of Zarkun

Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Many found the silence in the Dojo's garden to be peaceful, or bliss even, but for the Ember Warframe wearer that meditated in it, it was solitude. He was still haunted by the memory of the site of Master Shinto dead in his room and while he had spoken no words to anyone, not even Samsara, he had sworn to himself that he would personally bring the murderer to justice, even if it cost him his own life. Still, for the time being, he would not worry himself about it until Samsara returned from where ever she'd gone and he could speak with her about it. Perhaps he was thinking too much about it. As he returned to simply meditating, he heard the soft step of a Warframe's step.

And so we do this again. Just one day, I'd like to FINISH my meditation in the garden. Still, the Ember made no movement to betray that he'd heard anything. Instead, he listened closely, and identified that the one on his right had already had a fight with someone and earned a leg injury for it, based on the fact that his left foot stepped with a slight limp. The other was fresher however, and had already drawn what sounded like a Skana as it brushed against the grass ever so lightly. He waited and counted down the steps until they would be in range and then moved.

He flowed into a standing position and launched a fireball to his right, impacting the Excalibur frame in their chest and sending them tumbling back. The other suit, a Mag, Pulled the Ember towards him, a poor move on his part. Pulling his kamas from their resting place in the middle of the small of his back, he spins and delivers a decisive double slash downwards, forcing the Warframe to bring up their Skana in defense. Placing his foot against the Mag's chest, he kicks off and flips once, landing on his feet and looking at the two downed Warframes. Though he normally didn't speak, he choose to now.

"You have both tried this several times, and I have been kind. If you persist, I will bring your's and your teacher's careless actions to the attention of the other Council members." The Mag rose first, bringing his Skana up into a ready position as the Excalibur picked herself up with a groan, also wielding a Skana.

"Our teacher bears no knowledge of our attacks on you, Jenus. But he does wish that as many of Samsara's supporters be persuaded otherwise as possible." The Excalibur grunted in agreement and Jenus sighed. Kuro's followers were growing bolder.

"Very well then, test yourselves against one of the Clan's elders, perhaps the lesson in humility that I'd thought you'd learned by now will sink in." Again, so many words were rare, but his patience was running thin with these constant interruptions to his meditations. The Mag and Excalibur simply charged as one in response.

Fifteen minutes later, Jenus delivered the pair to the medical bay, both bearing burns and cuts from the fight and, with a nod to the medical personnel there, returned out to the gardens to try once more to meditate. He sighed as he kneeled and closed his eyes. He hoped that things would resume a semblance of normality soon, he was tired of the impromptu sparring that had become more common for anyone who opposed Kuro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
Avatar of Argetlam350

Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Sir you sure this is where the signal originates from?" a voice came in through the headset. The head of the operation growled in announce. They had been stuck on the miserable ice fields of Europa for nearly a month, first trying to find a portal that had buried under centuries worth of ice and snow and then trying to activate it. Once they had accomplished those tasks it was a matter of figuring out where it led and whether there was anything of value. The task force had seemingly discovered a faint signal that came from the portal but so far they had been unsuccessful in finding it. Higher up on the Corpus chain of command had decrypted it enough to believe it was a beacon or signal for a tenno stasis pod and wanted it to be found. So here they were, still searching the other side of the portal for the stasis pod.

"Yes, the area that you describe is believed to be where the signal is coming from," he answered in agitation ",So find it or I'll give you to the scientists to take apart instead of the tenno."

"Understood," the voice on the other side replied. On the other side of the portal, the team that was sent through were looking through a long lost derelict ship. So far it seemed the ship was pretty much deserted. They had come across few infested which were easily enough dispatched. The head of the group motioned for two MOA to head down one hallway as he and the rest of the crewmen continued there search. All the while they were watched from the shadows.

"Sir I think we found it," the head of the group replied later ",But we have a problem. It seems to all ready been opened." In front of them was a stasis pod in poor condition, whatever inside seemingly breaking its way out.

"Well it couldn't of left, we have been here the entire time the portal has been opened, the command is still the same. Find the tenno and detain it," the Sergeant on Europa replied.

"Right understood," the leader on the other side replied before turning to his men ",All right recall the MOA. We're going to have to search the ship." They waited for the MOA units to return but after waiting for several minutes they had yet to see them come. Something wasn't right.

"All right we'll split up," the leader said taking a few men and then splitting the rest into a few groups before making his way down one of the many corridors reminding himself he needed a pay upgrade after all this bull he was being put through. They came across a few remains of their MOA, seemingly melted down to nearly nothing.

"Sir we have some of the MOA here," a voice on his comms said ",They seemed to of been frozen."

"Huh, we found some and they seem to be burned. Melted," he replied back. Something definitely was in the ship with them ",All right dead or alive, this tenno is ours, keep eyes peeled." Behind them blue eyes shined in the dark, as the hunted became the hunter and the hunters became the hunted.

On Europa in those next few moments were utter confusion. the Sargent got only a few screaming reports on what was going on on the other side and eventually silence. Another crew went through and soon went dead on the comms. None of the other men stepped forward for a third attempt and he growled in frustration."Must I do everything myself."

A short time later nothing remained on Europa except one figure, the thing they had been looking for had found its way out of the derelict ship through the portal. No corpus had survived its wraith and the facility was barely functioning. One ship remained intact luckily for the creature to which was a tenno. As it prepared itself it carried the head of the sergeant who had been the last victim of the tenno's actions.

"There is work to do but someday the system will need to be cleansed, you are the first of the wicked that I get rid of from the system and much more will need to still be cleansed until balanced is restored," the tenno commented to his trophy as he lumbered into the ship sending out a signal to contact whomever he could. Cuaroc had awoke, the Chroma warframe and he would make sure the system saw his power and his enemies fear him but first he had to find a clan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He breathed deeply, in, and out, just as people had been told to do for generations, whenever they wanted to calm. And that is what he wanted- to be calm, in this rare moment, and review plans, past, and his timeline ironed out and goals set. Here was when he worked, truly, rather than messing around and doing little.

More breaths- inhale and exhale, and pieces fit together where there was once only a whirlwind. His Relay project was coming along nicely. He truly cared for them, and had pity on their predicament, but that wasn't the entire reason why he helped them. He was always half as rich as he could be, considered one of the poorest in the clan, if anyone bothered to care about that.

The children trusted him now, as did most of their parents. Three more criminal rings in the Relay were... removed from power, and the black market dealers were starting to get more business. No one else to turn to, in part, and also because a Tenno didn't even mess with them, supposedly. Orphans came begging, and he sent them off with hope and the possibility of food and shelter, as long as they were loyal. He was making progress, indeed, even in the clan. Everyone wanted to be the greatest warrior; everyone wanted to be legendary. But they were all individuals, seeing it as a game, almost, be better than everyone else. He was a revolutionary, in this aspect. He'd show them all. Half the new recruits were loyal to him, with varying amounts; missions out to where the security of the Corpus was higher allowed them to get more supplies and materials to build better weapons, upgrade their warframes. His last burrow was given away to one who didn't have the egg nor the parts to fix a broken incubator.

He must've sat there for over an hour, or maybe three, before he heard the slight, silent wooshing of the garden's door sliding open and closed. Footsteps rang out oddly loud; his mind paused, as did his breath, and his eyes opened. Four doorways in four walls, and the one that someone had to enter from was behind him. He seemed to be at a disadvantage. Nonetheless, he sat up a little straight, hesitated, and then stood fully, feeling just the slightest pain from kneeling on the ground so long. Other Tenno seemed to be capable of extreme periods of time on their knees, like so, but he found it difficult. Too still, too... silent.

He didn't turn, but only said, "Just passing through or coming to stay?"

Samsara had returned just an hour ago. She was was wearing her silks but her dual glaives were still mounted onto her forearms with harnesses. She looked somewhat tired but she didn't let it affect her adversely. "Coming to stay." she answered, a bit of authority in her voice, "I heard something on my recent visit to the Larunda Relay. Your name was mentioned. I thought you had complete confidence with your pawns." Samsara's arms were crossed.

She rolled her eyes when Myth kept his back to her, so she moved around in front of him, "I think you should reevaluate your roster in the relay, Myth. A right amount of credits or intimidation could easily blow over your tower of cards."

He snorted, slightly, somewhat amused. "So you heard of me through my informats, while they knew which clan I was in and the icy goddess that walked through the Relay to conduct business of sorts. None of which I keep up with, of course- I'm nice like that." He gestured vaguely in front of her, and knelt again, studying her.

Samsara raises one of her arms and starts to tap her chin, "Curious. The man who mentioned you spoke over comms. It was dock control, and he wasn't being discrete about it. Who knows how many others in the room could've heard him." Samsara sighed and waved dismissively, "But I'm not here to berrate you, I just thought I'd let you know, brother. I trust you've been settling in well enough? What with all these newly awakened tenno around and human auxiliaries."

He glanced at her but said nothing for a moment. Then he replied, "What did he say? Just a mere mention, about what? I am trying to build up influence, but I'd rather not have the noisier individuals be the ones that I know about. Perhaps some dire consequences will have to be entered into the equation- any other Tenno has slight influence, at best, even you, besides my name." He leaned back, his knees rising slightly from the new center of mass for a moment, and then dropped back down. He chewed on part of his lip, eyes distant in thought. Brow furrowed, he faded back into that land of thought that was so rare to see him in.

Samsara crossed her arms and looked out into space, "Said something about our clan and that things are 'according to plan'. As I said earlier, he was talking loud enough for anybody to hear him."

He shrugged, hiding a pleased expression at its implications. Then he smiled and asked, "So Sara, do you have any need for a humble Tenno such as myself?" He put a slight emphasis on 'humble-' so slight that any but her wouldn't notice, since it was a small game he played with her. They both knew that he was nothing of the sort, and there was no real reason for him doing it. He just did.

Her eyes traced some of the many asteroids in the Oort cloud, bright gleams of light caught her attention as comets whizzed across space toward the sun. Samsara raised an eyebrow at him when he called her Sara. "Don't call me Sara, Myth. I don't understand why people continue to chop my name into Sam or Sara. And you aren't humble if you're calling yourself that." Sarcasm and Samsara were often tough to find together.

He glanced at Samsara, uncertainty flashing across his face in a brief, brief moment, before turning away again, and replacing his brief expression with the usual smooth, controlled face that everyone sees. His voice, on the other hand, when he replied, slipped just a tiny bit of disappointment. "You got it boss. Just the same old Samsara, yeh?"

"Are you just going to sit in here until your next contract or are you going to actually speak to our brothers and sisters in the dojo?"

He shrugged uncomfortably- noticeable to anyone who looked, this time. "Public relations isn't my thing. Only things I got to talk about anyways is my project, and none of them will care about it- nor do I want any of them to know. They might get too thinky-thinky and try to follow my footsteps. And, mind you, I don't wait for contracts. I've got a reputation to uphold and maintain, and that's bugging off any random Grineer that I happen to target next, in exchange for a nice big credit bonus. I get some sorely needed money to fund my operations, and they get to live. Most Tenno- and by that, I mean almost all of us- tend to leave everything in our wake dead, dying, or extremely lucky. We ain't doing much of anything out there anyways- just chipping away at the same rock. Working on getting some contacts in the Grineer- get me some knowledge on Grineer leaders, commanders. A body don't do no good if its head was chopped off, after all."

He really hoped she'd leave it at that. She was fine, but other Tenno... bothered him. But no- she gave him that look, and he gave a small sigh- a signal of his defeat. He stood, rubbing his knees, and paused to bow to his superior. Then he turned and unceremoniously walked out of the room. For once, he was walking slowly through the hallways, still thinking.
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