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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud šŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilšŸ’€

Member Seen 20 days ago

Armarion stopped sobbing then stood sensing Tet was nearby, so he decided to pay his rival a visit.

With a snap of his fingers Armarion had appeared beside Tet who seemed to trying to pursue Brontes and Amare.

Armarion floated alongside the God of Play in a bored manner wiping away what tears were left.


"Well if it isn't the God of Play what brings you here poker or wine?

Armarion said sarcastically to Tet with a scowl and a roll of his eyes but that aside Armarion actually had a purpose to be with the God of Play for both of them would probably be a good team yet they haven't given it thought.

"Never mind that for now though we have more important matters at hand and I think it might be time-"

He stopped himself because he strained to say the words because they weren't very could companions.

"Time to set-set aside our differences and work together"

Armarion sighed and stuck a hand out to the other God who was trying to follow Amare and Brontes, he knew as a matter of fact that if they worked together they would be an unstoppable mind, they would be the most intelligent beings in the world amongst the Gods and Goddesses.

He was sure that Tet was also aware of this but he had not brought the topic up yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Far away in a land which was just starting spring, inside an ancient forest sat the ruins of a castle. One so old it had to have been decaying for over four millennium. Humans had not set foot inside this forest, not yet anyway for it was very secluded valley, with mountains on both sides. Now in this ancient ruined castle there was a throne and on that throne sat a god who had not been disturbed since the time of the Egyptians. He was Amos, God of Valor and protector of the High Heavens, from which he was banned from by Brontes. Mortals slept, gods did not. No Amos had suspended himself into a state of reflection, where his godly consciousness had been reliving memories and events from his past. At present he was watching his first days of life and how his duties unfolded upon himself. Armarion was there, his first brother since he did not count the first. They stood upon a hill covered in flowers which had colors that did not even exist on Earth. They watched their parents sculpt the Heavens and breath life into it and for the first time in his life Amos felt happy.

The scene changed again, this time he was watching his siblings from afar. A pang of guilt echoed in him, he was never really there for them, always busy overseeing Heaven and not enough time for himself or close bonds, but there was Armarion who shared in the responsibilities. Yet he was closer to them then Amos would ever be and he did not know what to feel. The scene shifted once again to the great betrayal. In his time of thought Amos had come up with many possible conclusions as to why Brontes did what he did. Was it jealousy? Greed? Or had it been something with the Humans? He could never come up with an answer that he approved of and it angered him. Amos then watched one by one, his siblings leave the army that Armarion commanded in search of him for they had "given up". His last siblings to leave was Thalliana, who cared about the Heavens even more so, which was scary to think because Amos only knew Heaven. He had made a mental note that if he ever awoke again he would find her and together perhaps they could find a way back. He also thought of his parents, why were they not helping them? Were they angry at something their children did? Perhaps it had something to do with Kyra and how she was never found. Maybe, that was it Amos thought, his parents would not help because they had not helped them. He would be sure to remedy that when the time came...

He also made a pact with himself that when he did awake he would find out what Brontes cared for the most in his existence and then take it away from him so that he could know his pain. He was about to watch his battle with the demon Mortis, when something strange happened. It was as if he heard crying? Surely it was not an illusion, so he focused on the crying and a strange vision of Armarion crying, while sitting on a strange canister, appeared before him. Why would he be crying or for that matter, why was he seeing him cry? Surely Armarion was better then that Amos thought. The thought of waking up was enticing to Amos, to see Armarion again would be nice but then what? His presence at Armarion slowly started to drift back away..
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

怌To your surprise faceless one, I am here for netiher. I am pretty sure you already know what I am here for considering Brontes alone attracts just about every god in a world's distance.怍Tet laughed a bit, as it pretty much was the truth in the matter any god would be able to feel Brontes' presence especially since some gods resented him to the point of ingraining their bodies and souls with the meer feeling of Brontes' presence. Both Tet and Armarion followed at a safe distance, making sure not to give away their godly presence off to either of the two gods before them. It was a hard task but between the two of them it was a rather peerless task.

It was then Amarion had popped a question he would have never even imagined of asking way back in the day considering he found Tet his rival.

Tet was thrown off a bit, making him stumble over his own footsteps. He quickly regained his composure and looked at Armarion with his highly observant eyes to see if Armarion was only trying to trick Tet. It was long before Armarion actually thrusted out his hand, looking for Tet's hand to meet him half way for a handshake. It was then Tet brought up his own resolve and decdided that just for this moment in time he would team up with Armarion. After all even Tet knew that between the two of them, they could be very well unstoppable in that they are the two most intelligent gods, Tet being at the top of course.

怌You know Faceless One, Armarion, I would've never thought I would see this day, not in the past thousands of years we have been stuck on this Earth.怍Tet reached out his hand and took Armarion's hand into his, giving a firm handshake.怌After we are done here, we are back to being rivals. If you betray me though I will not hesitate to make you a slave under the power of my Geis you can count on that.怍
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud šŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilšŸ’€

Member Seen 20 days ago

Armarion understood clearly what Tet meant and they shook on it he said nothing more and continued to follow Tet which must have made even their mother and father gawk because they had never seen the two work together for all the years that had taken for this moment to happen.

But it had and suprisingly enough Armarion knew it wouldn't last because the God of Play would probably soon dupe him into some sort of scheme the would possibly trick him and he would be utterly lost.

So for now he followed along with the God of Play and fell silent not saying anything other than feeling a familiar presence as if someone was watching him it felt like someone familiar someone like Amos, Armarion completely expected this to happen one day but it made him a little more sure that he would find his brother one day, but he shook that thought aside because he focused on getting his youngest brother back.

Although he knew his next mission would probably be to find Amos which was possibly his second and most important priority besides Amare because he knew that Amos should not become none existent for Armarion would be lost without his brother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amare, fully aware that he is being followed, splits up from Brontes and attempts to catch the attention of the two Gods. It isn't too hard- just have Brontes teleport far away- after all, being The God of The Underworld means you can go straight to the side ofthose who are dying. Once Brontes was out of the way, the only trace the other two Gods have to follow is Amare. It's a risky maneuver considering the fact he is arguably the key to finding Brontes. Because if anyone had him, they could get The God of The Underworld to do as they pleased. Yet, right now, that was exactly what Amare was counting on.

So, after preparations, he goes to a nearby alley way and waits.

As the two Gods continue their chase, they eventually come across a little boy with a skipping rope in an alley way, giggling to himself.

Cautiously, the two Gods approach the boy, however he doesn't stop his skipping for a moment. No it is not until they are only a few feet away that the boy actually stops. He then looks up at the two Gods with a smile, despite how nervous he really feels. If this doesn't work then he really isn't sure what will. After all, the Army had to do him some good right?

Yet for all his nervousness, he still has a need to be cocky about it- to put on a show. After all, he does hate most of the people after Brontes anyways. So why not? However the two Gods take him back for a moment. Amarion and...Tetsuo? Working together- but how? Weren't the two- No, now is not the time to think of this. The two Gods before him might be far smarter, which is a bad thing as Amare relies on his wits. However, unlike them, he has had time to prepare. So he has to act, and has to act now.

So, as he continues to look at the Gods with a smile, he giggles childishly and says "Tag, you're it!"

No sooner does he say that do six humans appear out of no where and ambush the two Gods. Swiftly the boy heads up the building and away from sight. It is then he takes his chance to play his flute- his beautiful melody- loud and clear. Until the two Gods surrender into sleep. Amare smiles, he got a lucky break there. However next time he knows he won't be that lucky. Then again, he supposed, he doubted he'd be able to convince Brontes to let Amare try something so foolish again. A sense of relief feels Amare as he feels safe again. However it really shouldn't- he has to leave now.

So without a second thought, he jumps off the roof and files off into the misty sky- to reunite with his Lonely God once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


One moment she was spinning, laughing, whirling, dancing. Rainbow lights illuminated her face and her body as she danced, the same way it illuminated the human mortals who danced around her. They were packed together in the warehouse, all sweat and emotion. Someone with crowd anxiety might say they were ā€˜packed like sardinesā€™, someone more comfortable sharing their personal space in the name of art would say they danced as one, the boundaries between their bodies becoming blurred by the electronic beat and the drugs that both blurred their senses.

Iratze pretended well enough, but she knew she was not like them. She took the drugs under her tongue, but, they did little for her. She was immortal.

In one moment she was whirling, reeling, laughing, and dancingā€¦

In the next moment she was whirling, reeling, she laughed, then crying...

She broke step with the dance. She pushed her way out of the throng. She clutched her stomach, feeling like she would puke, but she did not. She stumbled, flabbergasted, trying to clear her head. After some time and distance she finally let herself stumble. Her knees and hands pressing into the rapidly cooling earth. She began to try and sort her through, the tried to make sense of the things she now knew.


His presence on his plane was unmistakable. Overwhelming, or rather, the fact that his presence could be felt upon the earth was an overwhelming fact that she could not ignore.

It has been seven-thousand-years since that god had been felt upon this plane. It had been seven-thousand years since herself and most the other gods had been kicked out of heaven and hell and bound unto the Earth.

She could find the other gods easily, that was her purpose and her power after all. She thought of Brontes from time to time. She must have thought of him while dancing, then sensed his direction... She had searched for him in years past. Especially after they had first fallen, to no avail. She had given up. She had searched for the Sun and the Moon but had to be satisfied with their distant glowing visages in the sky above. She had seen the other gods, but, without their stations they had little use for her, so, she drifted apart from the others as the years past.

ā€œBrontesā€¦ā€ She said it aloud nowā€¦ She had to tell everyoneā€¦ that is what they would have asked of herā€¦

ā€¦ yet, no one had asked. Did she have to tell anyone? Should she seek Brontes herself? Would his presence unite them, divide them further, or put them at war with one another? Would they revert back to their old habits and positions? Or would they become something much worse? Why had Brontes returned? Why now?

Before she could decide, she looked up and saw another god that she had not seen in ages.

ā€œThaliaā€¦?ā€ She said it like a question, but knew it was she. Thalia walked on the path, her power was unmistakable, and quite familiar to Iratze even as she walked through the mortal world in her mortal disquise.

Iratze had seen very little of Thalia in the past seven-thousand years, but her aura and rainbow hair would be unmistakable to the daughter of the Sun and Moon. She identified herself anyhow.

"It is I, Iratze, the messenger..." It is how had greeted others in the past. She got to her feet, brushing the dirt and frost from her knees. She was still in her club-attire. Her neck and arms covered with beads and bracelets, and otherwise wearing very little.

The messenger goddess wondered how much Thalia knew. Could they all sense Brontes now that he had emerged?

"Do you... recognize me?" She asked, somewhat timidly. She wasn't sure if Thalia would be pleased to see her or not... Especially not now...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Player 2
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Player 2 W惻F惻D

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Andre "Fear" Masisi, England

Newspapers were great.

In what was just a few sheets of paper, man could circulate the most recent events to an entire population on the cheap. This informed them of the mundane - celebrities and their lives - to the downright horrifying. Growing tensions between nations, the fear of war and mutual destruction. Serial killer on the loose in Southern California, entire half of the state at least feeling some discomfort at the fact. He felt it all roll off of the pages, both fueling and informing him. All of these people, he knew them. Their likes, dislikes, ambitions and fears, all were laid out clearly before him. Humanity as an entity was no stranger to Fear and vice versa. He turned a page.

Humanity had other close relationships as well, which in turn created an odd connection between Fear and these other elements. Brontes (or "Underworld" as Fear had taken to calling him) was among them. His return was not lost on Fear, not at all, there was just little he could do to react to it at this instant. It had its vast implications, but nothing immediate. In a few weeks time, however...

"What's up, pa?"

The voice drew Fear from the simultaneously occurring lines of thought, folding the newspaper down to remember exactly where he was. England, Surrey, Guildford, Cafe, with the Child. Andre sniffed, taking in the seasons air within the quaint and leafy town.

"Old business partner just returned from vacation. You wouldn't know him, before your time." He rumbled in a calm baritone, setting down the Newspaper to stand. "Could mean trouble for the long-term plan."

The boy nodded in perfect understanding, moving to stand with Fear. "What we gonna do then?" Fear considered the question, his thoughts fracturing off into the many possibilities that made themselves evident with Brontes' return, and then thought backwards as he entered the territory of False Positives.

"We're payin' a visit to aunt Luna and uncle Sol." Spoken with an ounce of hesitation, he squinted. He did not look forward to this, but it was necessary. "After that, Armarion."

And with no fanfare, the two were gone.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While Tet may have agreed to form a pact with Armarion, he still could trust someone that literally is known as The Facelss One. All things considered Tet was ready to do what he needed if Armarion decided to try and fool him, even if it meant taking his very will from him.

It was at this time the two gods had caught sight of Amare going off by himself, while it was not the smartest of moves, both Tet and Armarion followed the young god, it was at that moment that they were caught in his trap, it was a rather simple trap so Tet did not hesitate and decided to use his Geis on the humans that appeared before them. Tet back stepped away from crowd and ensured that the humans were looking at him.怌Armarion don't look怍It was at that moment his eyes were encircled by a pink ring and were filled by a shape that took the form of a ancient rune like symbol. He looked at the humans directly in the eye and began to spoke.怌Through the power of my Geis I command all to fight amongst one another until there is only one left alive.怍 While Tet usually did not like to throw violence into his commands, he did this one time, as he did not have time to waste with mortals impeding his path. Tet resisted the sleep spell that slowly came over him, came to the nearest sharp edge and forcefully cut his hand open to wake himself up from the drowsiness that had slowly overcame him.怌Damn that Amare playing tricks on us怍He ignored the bleeding hand and immediately tried to wake Armarion from his sleep spell.怌Come on Armarion we don't have time to rest.怍
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud šŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilšŸ’€

Member Seen 20 days ago


"Oh yes quite right you are!".

He stood up shaking away the feelings of sleep, then stood up and looked at Tetsuo with a different look on his face one of confusion which he quickly changed to a smile because he didn't want the God of Play to notice that he wondered why the God hadn't tricked him at that moment.

But he dropped that subject in his mind and he watched Amare as he left into the streets once again.

"Damn kid,"

He looked to Tet then continued.

"He is trying to outsmart us Tet!"

Aramrion said with a scowl on his face almost sneering but not really, it annoyed him that their youngest brother was trying to outsmart the two most intelligent Gods.

"Shall we show him what real intelligence is!"

He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled thinking what wonders that they both could accomplish working together a great force of Wit, Knowledge and Secrets so powerful that no one could match their minds, but that aside he wanted to know what their plan of action was and get it ready right away.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
Edward Von Brahms
The dragon lord looked handsome regal at this party. . . A party of rich socialites, dilettantes and philanthropists. His life as a reclusive wealthy man was going well. Pretending to be an "ordinary" but wealthy man was a plan that did him well. Managing to be subtle was hard at first, but after a year he had gotten a strangle hold on keeping low key. So Edward Von Brahms stood there in his tux flirting with girls who looked to be around his age. His monstrous strength was somehow attractive to them even they had no way of knowing his supernatural powers. Suddenly however, one of the men and other guests appeared to be somewhat sick for a moment, making strange low humming groans. . . they burst from their disguises as monstrous, demonic looking creatures, stereotypical horns, arched back, with the curved, flexible wings, and they began to terrorize the party. Edward noticed people throughout the party running in panic and terror. Some just stood in curiosity, shock and awe. The splatter of blood covering the floors in the ball room was enough to make men sick to witness, but Edward immediately took action. Seizing one of the demons by the horns, he tore them off easily. "You have made a grevious error".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack Frost

The flight into the city was a short one. He had felt bad for leaving Ash behind, but Ash understood all that was about to go down, especially with how strongly Thallie feels toward both Brontes and Amare. He floated above the city, out of sight from any mortals and Gods that walked the streets and lived in the homes. He stared around, looking for the pretty white haired younger child, though he could not see her.

"Dammit," he swore under his breath and held his staff out in front of him, the curved portion directly in front of his face. He waved his head over it and ice immediately formed. It reflect his own face back at him, but he knew it wouldn't for long. Since the season was transferred over to him finally, he would be able to see any person he asked for in the flakes that fell all around him. This was to help keep track of mortals as well as places that didn't have snow. "Show me Thalliana," he said to the ice and immediately, snowflakes swirled inside the ice. A scene appeared in the ice of a young girl sitting on a park bench, her hair as white as the snow falling around her and her eyes almost as blue as Jack's. The red bandanna around her head is what really made Jack notice her.

He recognized the park where she was sitting and he cracked the ice. The ice fell off the staff once more and he shot back up into the air, heading toward the park. He dodged around trees and buildings and finally came upon the large park, which now, thanks to him, was covered with multitudes of fallen snowflakes. He landed near a small grove of trees, unseen by the two figures near the bench. He saw Thallie sitting on a park bench and a girl with rainbow colored hair and eyes directly in front of her. "Thallie! Iratze!" Jack yelled from his cover. He jogged toward them, his bare feet making footprints in the snow. He slid to a stop next to both of them. He nodded to the former Messenger God and turned his eyes to Thallie. "Thallie, Brontes is back. Ash and I just traded Seasons and we both caught a glimpse of him through images. If you don't believe me, have a look." Jack waved his hand over the hook again and the ice formed once more. "Show me Brontes!" The image appeared on the screen just as it had done with Thallie and it showed the elderly God.

"He's back. And that's not all," Jack said. He slammed his staff on the ground and the ice broke. "Thallie, Amare was with him."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Etain
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Etain A Bagle Bite

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thallie stopped as soon as a girl approached in covered in many color's this confused Thallie; Why was a mortal approaching her and how did she know her name. Then once the girl spoke explaining who she was she instantly remembered who she was. She gave the girl a small smile and a small nod. "Of course I remember y-" her words getting cut of as snowflakes began to fall this caused her to look up and then follow the figure that appeared next to them. "Jack." his showing up caught her rather by surprise.

"Brontes. Is back." The name instantly upsetting her. She hated Brontes and after wanting to clear her mind of him, Jack just appears out of now where to tell her that he is back. "Jack that is in no way funny.." she said giving him a small glare rather hurt he'd bring up the name to her. Then he showed her the image the face instantly causing every inch and part of her to fill with hate and anger. Instantly she began to worry about Amare but before she could even ask the words "Amare was with him." came out of Jacks mouth. Thallie swallowed and her face hardened. "Jack where are they?!" she asked her voice filled with anger and so much hate it caused the sentence to come out rather loudly. Mortals began to look but quickly look away.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

怌I am sure we will come up with something Aramrion, but before anything we can't lose sight of them, especially with all the other gods slowly beginning to notice Brontes' presence.怍Right at that moment Tet felt a small change in the seasons, as he did every year, albeit it was at different times but generally it was always plus or minus a few days from the date the year before. Seeing as he always could feel the temperature drop he knew the controllers of fall and winter, Ash and Jack, had switched off not too long ago. 'Not only can I sense Jack I can tell there are at least some other gods in the general vicinity of Jack...one being Iratze for sure...' He bit his lower lip slightly and continued down the road to where Amare had disappeared off to.怌We need to do something quick as the other gods are starting to catch on as well Armarion. If and when we catch up to Brontes let us be sane gods and not try to kill him as he is no good to us dead.怍
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Mark, are you sure we aren't lost?" said a young man nervously. He was wearing hiking gear, couldn't be older then 25 and was with his roommate, Mark on a getaway from home.

"I'm quite sure that we aren't Carl. I know exactly where the path is! It's right through the these trees." Mark said with bravado.

"You said that 20 minutes ago! Oh god we're lost! I knew I shouldn't have listened to you dammit Mark!" Yelled a very frustrated Carl as he grabbed his phone trying to get a signal. "There's not even a signal out here!"

Mark stopped in his tracks then, turned around and grabbed Carl's shoulders and started to shake him vigorously. "Now you listen here Carl! I'm not lost, now stop your whining and lets go!" With that said he let go of Carl and walked through the brush, disappearing into the growth. Not a moment later, "Holy Shit Carl, look at what I found!"

Carl then followed through the brush and came face to face with a structure made of crumbling ruins, it looked like it could have been a castle. He looked at it suspiciously, he knew his history of the area but didn't think anything like this could be here. From inside of it he heard Mark say, "Carl, you're going to want to see this.."

After 2 minutes of traversing the terrain, as Carl was by no means an athlete, he was out of breath and collapsed besides Mark inside. He was trying to get his breath but managed to say, "What is it Mark? What are you looking a-." Not 20 feet away his gaze fell upon a figure wrapped in vines, sitting on a throne. The only thing visible was the persons face and instead of a skeleton, there was an actual face with hair and everything. "What the hell is that?" Carl said dumbfounded.

"I don't care about the person dude, hes probably dead and it's just a mummification thing but look at that sword." Mark said while walking over to Cerbanis. It was still in the same spot the 4 thousand years it had been there it showed no sign of age and was still as sharp as ever. He was about to grab it but Carl intervened by slapping his hand away."

"You don't know what that is man! It could be booby trapped or something. Lets get out of here before something bad happens." Carl managed to say in a serious tone.

"Are you kidding me, look at this place! There's no booby traps, god. Get over it, this could make me..I mean us, rich!" And without further delay Mark grabbed the sword and pulled but it did not budge. "Crap." Mark said one final time.

A flash of light came over the two humans and when they looked they saw the figure had opened its eyes which were glowing blue, which faded into sky blue iris's that penetrated their souls. The figure then stood up, the vines turning to ash as he loomed over them. Amos had awakened.

Valor had been watching the his fight with Mortis, a demon from the ancient world whose very presence corrupted reality. They fought for several days neither one would give in to each other's blows. The tract of Heaven they fought in was turned to waste and this only fueled Amos. He knew it could be rebuilt and it would but not unless Mortis died. The battle was entering its twilight, as Amos brought up Cerbanis once more the sword cried out to him. Intruder! His dream state began to dissipate as no one, not mortal or immortal would ever steal his sword.

He spoke to the humans, who themselves were paralyzed with fear and could not move, his ice cold voice portrayed no emotion. "Did you think it wise to try and steal from a god. To awaken me from my slumber? Do you know what we do to thieves where I come from? We ki-" He abruptly stopped talking to them then as if they weren't even there. Amos had felt the presence of Brontes. "So, that was why I saw Armarion crying, Brontes has come back from the dead." He said to himself as he picked up Cerbanis, which came out as if it was hanging on by a mere thread.

"For centuries I have waited and finally by a stroke of pure luck I am returned." He said pacing back and forth. "Brontes will pay for what he has done and now I believe it is time for my return to be known."

Amos then held up Cerbanis to the sky, a lightning bolt then came down upon him and his true form was revealed. He grew in size, wings sprouted from his back and he was surrounded by an aura of light. Every God on Earth would sense this, no, they would sense him. Whether they be afraid or not was entirely up to them for the lines of friend and foe were somewhat blurred to him. He had no idea what conspired between his family for the years he had been gone. Regardless, he took flight then, blowing a hole through the roof. He traveled faster then light, quickly rising into the sky, overlooking this new world which he had no idea about. He put his theatrics aside and reverted back to his human form, wings still on his back. He closed his eyes sensing where Brontes had been and as he started, his arrival would be soon.


Back down in the ruined castle the humans were still there. Or their bodies anyways. For upon seeing Amos' true form their minds burnt out. They too would soon be with Brontes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AsgardianLord19
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AsgardianLord19 bringer of thunder

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seatus overheard the familiar names Thalliana, Jack and Iratze. He was relieved he didn't have to wander endlessly anymore, finally Gods besides Brontes were present. Seatus approached with a pace similar to calm waters. He couldn't hear the conversation too well until he got close enough. Only hearing the final bit of the conversation, of Jack stating Amare was with Brontes and Thallie expressing her anger. Seatus couldn't blame her, it's terrible to hear that a sibling betrayed you.

Lowering his hood and saying calmly "It's good to know I'm not the only one searching for Brontes." he calmly waved "Iratze, Thallie, Jack. It's been awhile good to see you all." Seatus would've been difficult to recognize because of his non-monster form. He was always occupied with the seas, and preferred staying there than the heavens. The only time he'd ever socialize was when he'd show up was for any gatherings.

He couldn't stand how everyone was seeing Brontes yet they couldn't catch him. What made him even more mad was another God Amare was with him.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack Frost, Ash Adair, Iratze, Seatus, and Thalliana

Iratze thought it was strange enough that she had immidiately run into Thallie as soon as she had sensed Brontes, but then the convergence became all the stranger... And much less likely, thought Iratze, to be purely coincidental...

Jack Frost appeared, flying in from the sky, he too had heard the news, or rather seen it with his autumnal brother. Then Seatus the god of the seas and oceans.

They would all sense Amos then, the god awakening in nearly the same moment.

Iratze knew then that everything would change, for the gods, for the earth, perhaps for all three worlds...

Jack smiled at the elder God of the Sea as he approached and he dipped his head to him. Jack recognized him from after the fall. He had managed to keep track of all of the Gods over the years through his spell on his staff. That was how he was able to track down Thallie in the first place. "Hello, Seatus. It is good to see you as well."

He turned his eyes back to Thallie and told her quite calmly, "Thallie. You cannot rush headlong into things. We need a strategy." Right then, the snow around him shimmered and Jack narrowed his eyes. He brought his staff back up to his eyes and waved his hand over it once again. "Amos." He murmured the name so quietly to the staff that none of the others would hear. A picture of handsome dark haired fellow appeared, bright wings on his back. Jack just shook his head and broke the ice once more. "It seems that your elder brother has awakened... and he is pissed off." Jack was exasperated. There was going to have to be a lot more to this than he had originally thought.

He waved his hand over the staff again and said, "Ashthelic." A picture of his brother appeared, but this time his brother looked directly at him. Jack had appeared in the metal of his scythe. Jack smiled at him and he said, "Yeah, we're gonna need you, Ash."

"Of course you are." Ash just shook his head and the image disappeared. Jack turned back to the others and said, "Does anyone know where Amarion is? We could use his help on this one. We can't attack Brontes head on, at risk of hurting Amare." Jack paused for a moment. "Anyone got any ideas?"

Seatus was surprised of Jacks recognition of him. Jack was right about creating a strategy to catch them, Seatus had some ideas but kept it to himself. He simply listened to Jack whom seemed the wisest in the group.

When Jack summoned his brother, he waved kindly to him. Amarion, now Seatus hadn't seen him in a long time he would be a very useful God in this situation. Seatus had his own plan, but when Jack when told them they couldn't attack Brontes head on. Seatus was slightly disappointed but understood why, for Amares safety. Seatus then erased it from his mind, perhaps later when Brontes would be alone.

He shouldn't wake it up.

Thallie shook her head. "That's obvious Jack, I am fully aware we can't just dive in but may I remind you thats MY little brother!" she said more anger filling her by the minute. Shaking her head she waited to find out what the plan was and as to what they were exactly wanting to do. She was so angry her eyes were giving the coldest look to Jack something she never did. "The longer we sit here. The longer I contemplate on going BY myself." she said staring at all of them. "I will not let him sit there and brainwash my dear brother any longer!"

Thallie clenched her teeth and balled her fist. She was so angry she wanted to get home and help Amare and to her they were all just sitting there. Just sitting there and letting Brontes win and it was frustrating to he more than anything!

Jack took a deep breath and just shook his head, staring at Thallie. "Don't make me freeze you," he threatened, as Ash was seen walking up from a path along the way. Jack nodded to his brother as he walked over before turning his eyes back to Thallie.

"Thallie, I realize your concern," Jack said slowly, watching Ash carefully as he approached. Ash went and stood directly next to Jack, in between him and Iratze. "But we can just barge in there, guns blazing hot. We need an idea. Would you rather go now and risk hurting or killing Amare or wait and actually come up with a game plan to capture him?"

"Not cool Jack. You can't threaten to just freeze me. I'm not little anymore." she said shaking her head trying to relax. Biting her lower lip she sighed. "I need Amare to be okay Jack. I need Amare. The longer he is with Brontes the longer he will get toyed with.." she said swallowing and looking down.

"We can't continue to just sit here. If you guys don't understand that. I will gladly find him alone and safely.." she said looking at Jack her face was more childlike and read the saddest look that it could. She was so scared and determined to fix it.

Ash only watched the conversation with interest for a few moments after he got there before he actually had an idea. He stared down at his feet for a few moments, watching the snow melt underneath them and be replaced by ash before saying, "I hate to disagreed with you, Thallie, but Jack is right in this regard. If we risk going now, we could harm Amare, and I know you would not be able to stand with that on your conscience." Jack started to look smug but Ash quickly took it off his face with a look. "However, Thalliana is also right in saying that we need to get Amare away from Brontes as fast as possible as Brontes continuously manipulates Amare's mind every moment that they are together. If I may offer a suggestion, we send Iratze off to find Amarion and get his help before we go after Brontes. Amos or Amarion are the only ones who can help us, but Amarion, I believe, is closer."

Ash looked at Thallie with kind eyes and walked over to kneel next to her. "I know waiting is hard, but patience is the key to a successful victory. This is the only way that we can get Amare back and bring him back to being the Amare that we all know and, kind of, love. It's not that we don't care about him, Thallie. We just need time to prepare."

She sighed but nodded " You're correct but just know in no way will I agree 100% with taking this slowly Ash!" she said narrowing her eyes at him. Looking around she sighed a little this wasn't even the correct place to discuss this. Mortals were around and who knows who else could be listening. "We really should not be staying out here in the open." she said swallowing.

"IF it is alright with you both. We shouldn't be discussing anything out here like this and I am sure you both know that with Brontes back NO one is safe." Clearing her throat she looked at them both her face hardening. "I hate the mortals but I'd prefer not to see you both upset because they end up with a terrible ending just for hearing any of this." she let out crossing her arms.

"That's understandable," Jack said, tapping his staff on the ground. "We're almost done here anyways. I have a place uptown where we can hide out for a few days. I figured since we were staying down here, I should at least have a place to sleep. If I ever sleep." He chuckled under his breath.

"We can head there. No mortals ever visit me anyways. Too cold." He winked at Thallie before looking over at Iratze and Ash.

"Sounds good to me Jack." She said raising an eyebrow. She was still so worried about Amare though and she was worried that they wouldn't actually come up with something that would help him in time. She hated not being there when Amare need her the most or what she thought was him needing her.

She watched the other gods converse, anxiety growing inside her chest. She didn't let it show on her face, however. The rainbow haired human form she had taken had a young round face decorated with eye shadow and brow piercings. It's expression remained passive, the light in her eyes danced from god to god as they spoke between one another.

When the conversation began to settle she stepped out. "Amarion..." She spoke. "What do you want me to tell him?" Once empowered with a message she would be able to find Amarion easily. This is what she had been made for.

Brontes might not be easy to find. If he could still travel between worlds then he might allude her. It is because of him that she could no longer travel between the worlds.

"Tell Amarion that we need to meet at Jack's home uptown, all of us, to formulate a plan of attack. If he knows where any other Gods are, tell him to bring them. The more we have, the better chance we'll have of getting Amare back and releasing Brontes's hold on his mind." Ash turned his head to Jack. "Anything else?'

Jack, who is now messing with a snowflake around his fingers, looked up at him. "Yeah. Tell him if he's near a pizza place to pick me up some pepperoni pizza. I'm starving."

Ash just glared at Jack before turning to Iratze. "Go. Please."

She would nod, then walk away from the group of gods. She had to go somewhere more concealed before simply flying away. She wasn't invisible like the winter and autumn gods. But if she was careful she could escape the notice of most humans.

After watching Iratze leave, Jack slammed his staff against the ground and a strong wind began to pick up. "Anyone who needs a ride to my place can just let go of the ground," Jack said. Ash just rolled his eyes, but he did need a ride, because his mode of transport doesn't work too well with ice on the ground.

"If you don't want to be seen, then you're going to need my help," Ash said, holding out his hand to Jack. Jack took a hold of it and immediately both Gods were gone from the view of the mortals, but not of Thallie and Seatus. Ash held out his hand to Thallie. "You need a ride?"

Taking his hand she gave a small nod. She just wanted to be out of there and she needed to be some where else to relax. Keeping quiet she just stood there silently and just was there for the ride wanting to hurry up and be at her brothers place.

Seatus told Jack "I'd rather swim. Thank you for the offer." he said with respect. He went off to find the nearest body of water, he knew a long river was up ahead and would pass into Jacks hometown. He removed the stolen clothes, and jumped into the river he began swimming to the direction of the town, he was deep enough not to be visible.

Jack shrugged and kicked off the ground. The party of three flew up into the air and headed straight for uptown, heading directly to the place in which Jack called "home".
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amare opens his eyes to the image of a crying Armarion. This is a rather confusing sight to say the least. The very God he had escaped a few days ago is now on his mind. Why think about him now? Why think about him at all? It wasn't as though he felt about tricking Armarion or anything. In fact, he felt great relief to know that he and Brontes got away. Amare laughed to himself as he got out of bed and stretched his limbs, clutching his teddy bear close to him. Though, like all Gods, he does not sleep. He does take into the practice of resting his mind. It is a rather good exercise especially considering everything Amare has been through the last few days.

As Amare looked around, he couldn't help but smile. It was a beautiful apartment. It hadn't been too hard to get. Oh the wonders of persuasion. Perhaps Brontes wasn't too happy with that action. However they hadn't really had too many choices at the time. Hiding here for now wasn't perhaps wisest choice. Regardless, it had worked out nicely for them.

So, leaving the bedroom, and going to the kitchen, he greeted Brontes "Good Morning." He said cheerfully as he wrapped his small arms around the Other God's torso.

"Yes, a fine morning indeed, Amare." Brontes replied, using his more refined human form, the ''dandy'' as he thought of it.

"Tea?" he asked, pointing towards a teapot nearby.

Tea was one of his guilty pleasures since the humans discovered it and had since refined it from a simply hot drink to sweet nectar worthy of a God. Brontes hadn't rested at all that night, more Gods were around than he had sensed in the past 6,000 years and he had to be careful. Plus, he had been thinking about Amare and whether he should involve him in his scheme, the grand plan he had been working since he fell in love with humanity itself, tens of thousands of years ago. A project which took its first step when he locked everyone on Earth, the final battlefield, as he thought of it.

Amare smiles up at the older God with all the adoration in the world, and nods "Yes please."

He watched Brontes with a peaceful look in his eyes. For the first time in a very long time, Amare didn't feel alone. It was...the most wonderful feeling. As he watched his Lonely God make tea, it occurred to Amare that he didn't care what happened next. He didn't care so long as Brontes was with him- by his side.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So, what do you think? What happens now?" Brontes calmly asked, as he sipped his tea.

As Amare takes his own tea, he sits down. "Well, that's really up to you isn't it? You have a plan, I presume. I mean you didn't just come back and find me for no reason. So let's hear it. It's not like I'm backing out now- I love you too much for that." He tells him with an amused sigh, wondering if he has any idea how much he actually cares.

Brontes glanced towards the city for a moment, taking in the sight of a busy street where humans looked like ants from his point of view.

"They cast me out long before I banished them here. Before, I was someone who suffered each and every day, dealing with disease, death and untold horrors. I've seen people die in every way possible. And I felt nothing. Until they, humans, gave me a reason to. I..." he stopped talking and closed his eyes as he gently put his forehead against the glass. His mind was killing him again, so many memories, thoughts, feelings in an endless stream, maddening even for someone like him.

"I will give them a chance Amare. A chance to either understand and allow humanity to grow without them or destroy our kind. I've never been motivated except when I built the Underworld and for these past millennium. I am full of... Full of hate you know. Anger, rage. I am not who I used to be. That's something you should know, too."

Brontes knew that he wasn't exactly coherent in his words. He had so many things he wanted to speak about, so many thoughts he just had to share but he just couldn't, even with this boy who was worthy of Creation itself.

"I know you've changed" Said boy told him with a bitter laugh, after listening quietly to everything Brontes said. "But it's too late now. I do have a question though, what about the Gods of The Seasons? Surely humanity needs them." perhaps to Brontes surprise, Amare seems rather calm about all this.

"That depends on whether they pick a side or not. If they do, that better be ours." he replied, a bit calmer now. "But you also have to pick a side, you know. You're obviously by my side but do you fully understand what you are in for? Thalliana and everyone you've ever known, you will play a part in their fall if you insist on being next to me. You can leave and it will not change my love for you at all. You can cast me into Nothingness along with the other Gods and the last words I'll ever say will be that you'll always and completely be forgiven."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It is then that all calmness in Amare's deamnour disappears. He then looks at Brontes with a painful look in his eyes, one that goes right into his own soul. "You know, 7,000 years ago I would have happily agreed to this plan." Amare told him very quietly "7,000 years ago, I was angry too. You have to remember most of them have shun me just as much as you. I'm useless, remember? To everyone but you, I'm entirely useless. Even Thallie doesn't need me." Amare explained, voice stil quiet but wrought with emotion.

However then his voice becomes louder, more determined. "No, I don't want any part in genocide. Damn it, old man- you've forced me to become kind. So kind that the act of killing now upsets me! I can't bare the thoughts of the deaths of others!" The boy then sighs "That being said, I very much like your idea to reason with the gods. In fact, even if I didn't love you, I would stay for that. Mainly because knowing you, your anger will get the better of you before you've really tried. So here's the deal, I will try my best to help you reason with them- but..."

Amare let out a shaky sigh "...but if you ever find them unworthy of living- which is a rather arrogant idea I might add- I'll have to try and stop you. Unless there's a good reason to kill some or all of them- I won't stand by for that." The God child then looked down, looking rather sad "However, I suspect if we ever get to that point, you'll be able to stop me quite easily." He tenses up at the thought of what he says next "...And eventually I'll forgive you all over again."

Brontes thought for a moment, hating himself even more with every passing second. He had told Amare the truth but not the whole truth. His plan was to bring down the Gods, yes, but it wasn't his true goal, the result of his plan.

Visions of the Old Gods passed through his mind, imprisoned in Apocrypha, deep in the Underworld and how he had talked to them countless times. How they had given him a glimpse of the time when they were the Kings and Queens of the universe only to now be locked up for eternity. How he had made his deal with them in exchange for their forbidden knowledge.

"Amare, your love is a fire in the winter. Pure and life-saving and I would be much different without it. I will be eternally grateful for it and I will be your rock for as long as you need me. But, my plan... I cannot allow it to fail. I cannot put your life above the countless lives in the streets below. That is my sacrifice, the price I have to pay for my selfish act."

Brontes face didn't display any feelings, perhaps the most honest he could be with his only friend.

"However, we will try and fix things with words, peacefully. And we will definitely succeed, won't we?" he said not long after, a soft smile on his face.

Liar he thought, at the same moment, knowing his self.

Listening carefully, Amare takes it all in. He knows that right here- right now would be his only chance to back out. Yet...he knows that if he really wanted to back out, he should have never of gone to the Underworld with Thallie all those years ago. The last part, that gives Amare a sad smile though. Yes, he would like a peaceful solution. Though he has no idea if that's possible.

The God Child then puts down his tea and his teddy bear, before going over and hugging Brontes "I'd like to very much think it will work. I really would. Though if we ever find ourselves turning on each other, I..." Amare frowns as he really doesn't know where he's going with this "...I don't- I still- I just- I don't want to- to lose you, o-okay? Even if we...damn it. There are times I wish I didn't love you, it would make everything so much simpler- but emotions don't work that way, do they?" He mostly told him, clinging to the other god desperately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"If only." Brontes replied before standing up. "So, who should we find first, Thalliana? Armarion? Kyra! Or... her, my chaotic sister. I really want to fix things with her." And that was perhaps the most honest thing the God Of Death had said that day, about Ernestine. They never really had a relationship and that was partly his fault but he wanted to see her as much as he wanted to see Amare.

Amare looks at him like he's insane. "Thallie, Armarion and Ernestine?! Do you have a death wish?!?!?! Armarion hates me, and you- not to mention the fact that he's now working with Tetsuo. He's probably going to be one of the biggest obstacles we have. Thallie hates you too, that's...mostly my fault. She's a...a lovely person. However as that old saying goes, beware a good man, or in this case, good Goddess who goes to war. She will probably try to kill you on sight...mainly because she cares- sorry about that. And as for Ernestine, she's just a psychopath! Have you not learnt that by now?! She just wants everyone and everything to burn! Yeesh, you're terrible at this." Amare tells him with a childish huff, and pouts.

"The answer is obvious anyway." The boy declared "We start with Iratze. The one Goddess who knows us the best- who will probably believe us."

"Alright, fair enough, Iratze it is. I owe her, her wings after all. But after that, we're gonna focus on either Kyra or Ernestine. We need allies, strong allies and who better than those the others have shut out. Deal?" Brontes replied, seeing a light at the end of the road for once. Perhaps it wasn't so bad, going at it peacefully.

Amare once again looks uneasy at the mention of Ernestine. "I agree with you wholeheartedly about Kyra. We should have her on our side. However I'm still sticking with my theory that Ernestine is a psychopath..." The young God sighed "Though I'm willing to let you try. Just accept that she will probably try and murder you at least twice."

"Fair enough, I owe her that much."

"We'll start with Iratze and Kyra- then maybe somehow get Ernestine. After that we'll go after the nicer Gods- Zora has never really been a part of the war so it shouldn't be too hard to get her. Then Jack and possibly Ash. Maybe after that Thallie will be able to see reason if all the other nicer Gods do. It's only from there on out we'll have problems with the other Gods. However we'll sort that out when we there, right?" Amare asks with a hopeful smile.

"Agreed. I'll handle those itching for a fight though. Tetsuo and Armarion specifically, even Amos if he shows up. I have a few things to tell them which will make them think twice before becoming an obstacle."

Amare gives him a look "Alright but don't be too harsh on them, otherwise they'll never accept peace." No sooner does Amare say that, his demeanor becomes that of a happy child again "Now, let's go to the park! Just because we're attempting world peace doesn't mean we can't have fun as well. We've been away from each other for far too long!" Amare pouts "I wanna play!"

"Why not, a walk in the park will be nice." Brontes replied, unaware of Amare's playful tone. Not that it mattered, give the God of Death some snow and he'll turn into a child too.

Amare is full aware of what snow does to The God of Death, and he can't hold back the giant grin forming on his face. Despite knowing tomorrow, they will have to go off and find other Gods. Today he knows that they will play in the snow. That they will have snowball fights, they will build snowmen, make igloos and snow angels. He knows that today will be a good day. The first good day he will have in a long time. The first good day of many more to come.

So, with that, he holds his teddy bear close to him with one hand. Then with the other hand, he holds Brontes's. Before the two of them walk out into the world of mortals, for the simple reason of having fun.

The day would go beautifully, as if they were the only two people in existence. However, the day after, the two got back to work, once again...
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