Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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As the small stream of students finished filing in, Mr. Man glanced up and frowned. There were seven students in this class. He had watched all of their entrance exams, and could tell which ones would need more attention, and which ones he could count on being quick learners. He sighed, shrugged, and put his book down before standing. "Welcome to your new home room arcane arts. I am your teacher Atb Man, but you can call me Mr. Man, or just Man. You will not call me by my first name, unless your sadistic enough that you want to be reprimanded. This class will explore the fundamentals of magic, we'll even go so far as to investigate where it comes from, and how it has shaped our history. If you think you are adept in magical use, or knowledge, please stand up." He spoke gruffly, his voice easily carrying across the room. He was expecting no one to have the confidence to stand, as was normal. Instead two people stood up immediately, and Mr. Man broke from his normal rhythm to see if more would take the leap of faith provided.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alchemy Class

"Alright listen up, all you folks are here so we're getting started. Some of you may think you what alchemy is. Many of you will be wrong. Alchemy is not simply potion making. Not simply turning lead into gold, expect that as a lab though. It is more properly defined as, finding and changing the true nature of something. This can be used for most understandings of alchemy as most know it. Any more questions before I move on?" Michael asked the class politely, not expecting any questions but patiently waiting the five seconds recommended in the teacher's handbook. The boring part was out of the way. Fireworks were up next to awe them into submission.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charles listened to the teacher, thinking more when he mentioned about changing the true nature of something... he started to think he could use that knowledge. When he seen the fireworks he raised an eyebrow thinking 'wha... isn't that a hazard' he thinks to his own mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen raised his eyebrow as multiple fireworks were set off in the middle of class. "Yes, I have a question." Chen raised his hand politely and looked at the teacher. "Is turning lead into gold legal? I feel like it would destroy the economic system if everyone just did that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Before Kieran could respond to Agatha he was again interrupted by a paper colliding with his face. He sighed as he grabbed it and looked it over and found it to be yet another schedule change. This time telling him that he was meant for the Artifacts class. "well it seems the school has an incompetent clerical system" He looked at Agatha "It seems i do not share Alchemy class with you. I'm sorry, I will see you later today" with that he about faced and left the classroom arriving at the Artifacts class not long after.

upon walking in he noticed that most of the students were holding up various magical items, He also noticed the fairy at the teacher's desk, prompting him to murmur "another damn fairy" as he entered and found a desk to sit at.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha was very much distracted by the show of fireworks so she did not see the paper fly in to hit Kierin. She was not happy when suddenly Kieran told her that he was to be in Artifacts class but there was nothing that she could do about it so she simply frowned and listened, watched as well as took notes about what was going on in class. Artifacts was sounding interesting but she had made her choice and would stick with what she took.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alchemy Class

"Good question, very difficult, very slow, slightly illegal and finally, as some of you may know, not permanent and easy to tell the difference with magic. Now then" Michael said calmly ignoring the small fire on his desk from the fireworks, "Someone stand up and tell me the most impressive thing you think you can do with alchemy. Come on now or I'll call on you and that'll make things even worse because you'll have to stand up and come to the front of the class and whatnot" Michael said in an encouraging manner. He seemed clear he liked making the class participate. Not good for any aspiring high school student.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charles just stays quiet sense he doesn't know enough about alchemy in order to answer properly. he would try to think of what is possible, he got some flashes of dark things that can be done with it but also knows there is good you can accomplish... He can barely wrap his head around what could be one of the best things you can do with alchemy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"I suppose one could make a Philosoper's Stone with Alchemy." Chen called out. "I believe that is the ultimate achievement in regards to Alchemy."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


(Sorry for not posting sooner ;-;)

Arcadius didn't look up from his book as 'Mr. Man' started class, not right away at least. A few thoughts of 'Who the hell is named 'Mr. Man' entered his mind but he didn't speak them, he had some respect for his teachers after all, especially considering the majority if not all of them were more powerful than he.

He did, however, look up when Mr. Man told those adept in magic to stand up. Of course Arcadius didn't step up right away, oh no, he waited to see all the 'adept' mages stand up first. After a few minutes of waiting and getting pretty much the range of people he was expecting he dismissed his grimorie and stood.

"I believe I fit the description, Mr. Man." He told him plainly, grasping his staff in his left hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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As Mr. Man waited one or two more students stood, including one he had already learned the name of. Then Arcadius stood up, in front of the student he had memorized the name of. To top it off, Arcadius then went on to assume he was supposed to give a verbal response. Mr. Man sighed and glanced at his seating chart, more for show then anything else. He was trying to show that he was supremely uninterested in Arcadius's 'knowledge'. After mouthing the full name, again for effect, he spoke "Right your name is Arsidious? If you're studied then you'll know that Lichs don't know how to use any defensive spells except the more complex regeneration spells. Why? Why don't they use defensive magic, for example to protect against, say, holy attacks?"

It was a bit of a trick question, truthfully. Lich's didn't use these kinds of spells because of a genetic deficiency, enacted by a curse long ago. Lich's are unable to resist holy spells or enchantments as an effect of this curse. Of course someone of Arcadius's age wouldn't know that unless he had a mage as strong as Mr. Man as a teacher before this, who also specialized in Arcane Arts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin was entranced, looking at the fireworks on display at her teachers desk. The display of light and explosion had inspired a thought in her: How can I make my battles so much more glorious?

So entrapped was she in her wondering that she nearly missed Mr. Excavius's question. She listened the response of her classmate and wondered: what was it about the Philosophers Stone that had people entrance by it so? What exactly made it great? The power it gave? The abilities it could grant? She did not know, but she wanted to.

Clearing her thoughts, Meruin focused on providing an answer for her teacher. The first thing that popped into her head, for some reason, was Mistress Chase going off to hunt Gods from higher dimensions. Perhaps it was because of the fireworks?

"From my experience, the most impressive thing I have seen Alchemy capable of is reversing the laws of thermodynamics, thereby creating a 'perpetual motion machine' effect which therein makes it possible for normally impossible possibilities to occur, such as an unlimited energy source, movements beyond the speed of light, the breaking down of dimensions and the ability to destroy objects so utterly that its very concepts are erased temporarily from existence," answered Meruin in a monotonous, rapid-fire exposition. "Those are the most impressive feats I can think of at the top of my head, sir. Was it an adequate answer?"

She hoped it was. She wasn't too clear on the technicalities of Alchemy, as most of what she had learned was by first-hand observation of its use at higher levels, and Mistress Chase was not truthful all the time, so she might have been pranking her when she said that she used Alchemy to cause those explosions.

@Zetsuko & @Slendy

The fairy glared at Kieran. "Heard that, C'thulu Junior. I hope you don't have too much of a problem with fairies, because you're stuck with me until they find a replacement for your teacher. Anyway, it's about time you got here. I won't slap a demerit on you because it ain't your fault you're late, but I'll leave a warning that I won't tolerate it a second time." The fairy's smoldering eyes locked with Kieran's, making it clear that she was not keen on being taken lightly. "In any case, back to the topic at hand." Just as quickly as she had sparked, she had also died down.

With that, the fairy sat on top of the blackboard in order to be seen by everyone. Looking over at all the items held in her hand, she gave a small nod.

"Well, firstly, I would like to inform all that by the strict definition of our class, none of you hold a 'magical artifact' of any kind," she said with finality. "In fact, it is also highly likely that none of you have ever held or seen a magical artifact. The one's who think they know the reasons why I say this, please raise your hand and tell me why."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha was amazed to hear that you could make gold with alchemy and didn't know what a 'Philosopher's Stone' was used for or even heard of that particular stone. Then what the girl said (Meruin) said just blew her mind. There was no way that she understood any of that. How could she pass the class if she couldn't understand what was being said? She wanted to ask questions but she didn't have enough knowledge to say anything at all so she sat there quietly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alchemy Class

"Very good answers. However creating a philosophers stone, while noteworthy, is simply a means to a greater end. As for Meruin, quite an impressive answer, and quite close to the heart of alchemy. All about changing what something is, not changing it. A difficult concept but an important one. I can change air into water, water into dirt, and dirt into air." Michael explained demonstrating as he explained, "But these things are pale imitations of true alchemy. That would be changing the rules, that air IS water, that water IS dirt, or that dirt IS air. Most commonly used in potion making. So! Who here knows how to make any sort of potion?" Michael asked again, clearly waiting for his excited class to respond. "Oh this classroom is quite boring isn't it? Here let me help simulate your thinking process" He said cheerily and tossed a vial of clear liquid on the ground. A small flash of light emitted and suddenly they appeared to be in outer-space looking at the milky way galaxy. "There, that's better isn't it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"It is Arcadius, actually, Mr. Man. However, it doesn't really bother me either way." He replied before thinking on the answer, surely he had studied this or learnt this before. After all, he'd been here for several years, surely it was taught before.. After thinking for a few minutes, he eventually spoke, assuming he had the right answer if only partially. "If I'm not mistaken, it was something to do along the lines of a curse. Though, the exact means or details I don't remember." He told him confidently. "I'm sure there was more to it, but I'd rather not state information based on what would be assumptions and half truths."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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"Right, right," Mr. Man said nodding slightly, inwardly annoyed that Arcadius partially knew the right answer. "I'm glad at least one of my students is well schooled," He said, switching strategies. By complimenting Arcadius, and insulting the rest of the class it would turn the class against him. It would also make him have to work twice as hard for any recognition. Mr. Man was quite ruthless. He expected Arcadius to either succeed or break. There would be no gray area. Any slight success would be failure, any A- a slap in the face. A few students already turned to glare at him.

Mr. Man sighed as he looked around at the other 'mages' and almost scoffed at how ridiculous some of them looked. There were a few wearing actual wizard robes, which were always over sized and dorky looking. One or two had pathetic looking staffs, most without any actual enchantments. He picked up his book again, thumbing a page ahead, before snapping his fingers. The room had a lot of enchantments on it, and responded to his will and constant use made it imbued with similar muscle memory to that of, well, snapping his fingers. Slowly books floated off the shelves, each with the same blue cover, and neatly written gold text. The words were a lot more dull then the spectacle. As it reached each student they could read for themselves the less then magical words "Arcane Arts - Semester One" in beautiful typography.

"This will be your textbook. It will be easy to store with magic, and has no weight, nor mass. It barely exists, in fact. Forgetting about it, or looking away from it will cause it to stop existing till you remember it again. Leave it anywhere you like, just don't forget it in my class"-there was a slight pause as a few students chuckled, most more nervous then not-"Seriously, though. I hate reminding students about it. Now please read the first chapter, write a small summary, then preform the ritual on page d. I expect you all to have summoned a lesser demon by tomorrow. And yes I realize this isn't rituals, but arcane arts requires a slight knowledge of basic rituals. Also please inflict damage to your textbook if you find you have summoned a greater demon. I will banish it immediately. Don't be a hero about this, it's simple shit, that can and will go terribly wrong."

After giving the speech, Mr. Man sat down, rubbing his forehead as if anxious. He let out a long sigh and picked up his book, reading it quickly, as he waited for the first student to stand up and ask why the book was in Greek, or why it was upside down and backwards, alternating which each line. The only page that wasn't tainted was page d, which detailed how to summon a scribe demon. Mr. Man was counting on the students figuring out that the scribe demon would help them decode the page. Unfortunately most people intelligent enough to figure this out, also were intelligent enough to complain about how easy the ritual was, or how easy casting a cipher-solving spell was. He was waiting for these students in particular, because he could give them advanced lessons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin nodded, pleased that her answer had been well received. She wondered whether they would be learning everything she had just mentioned, or whether Mr. Excavius was using that as an example of the works that could be achieved hence. Meruin raised a hand in response to her teachers question, confident enough in her brewing skills as a potioneer. Her eyes widened as the area of the class transformed into a stunning display of stars and planets, and she felt a small grin on her face.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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As the teacher spoke about things that she did not know about, a small grey cloud was growing over her head. By now it was as large as her own head and was darkening to a dark and tiny lightening flashings could be seen inside the cloud. The stars, planets and such of a night sky did not faze Agatha at all. She knew about them but not about magic. The Pendragons did not pass on the magicks to the blood line. They were ordinary people after many generations of non magic use. At the moment, Agatha was beginning to get angrier by what she felt was not just his own opinion but the fact he was used to all of this 'Magic Business'. She was not at all used to it and was not suppose to use it at all. She slowly raised her hand- not because of being unsure but because she was trying her best to control her own emotions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charles would be surprised as the room suddenly changed, he looked around surprised wondering how exactly such a simple action could do all this. he would look towards the teacher and think... most things he could figure out would just turn into a toxic mess sense he doesn't know the ingredients or combinations. He looked at the others noticing some of the students raising their hands, some that had answered before. he looks to his books thinking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alchemy Class

"Hrm, hopeless the lot of you eh?" Michael asked skeptically as he viewed the two or three raised hands. "Then your first assignment will be to create a food and bring it to class tomorrow. Oh you, Meruin was it? What delightful concoction can you create? Agatha you can go after." Michael asked the few students with raised hands. It seemed that first period would be rather short today, a simply lecture and a homework assignment was all it looked like. FOR NOW!
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