Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Battle of Abominations: Part II

Saaria began to fly up just as the block smashed into her. If she hadn't have moved, it would have knocked her clean out, but it instead connected with her leg, sending her to the ground. Her leg was screaming in pain, but she didn't need it to fight. She turned, seeing the Magna Pater, and furrowing her brow in surprise. She flew up into the air quickly. If it was a fight it wanted, it was a fight it would get. She worked a fireball in her hand and sent it flying at the creature. It would cause an explosion wherever it landed. Death from above.

The Burgundy Taken fell quickly to Cia, crumbling to dust. But the battle was far from over. The hulking abomination was now upon her. A mass of black cloak standing 12 feet tall, it was at least ten times Cia's size. But it was slow. An arm smashed down, missing her and smashing into the earth nearby. It's other hand swooped in from the other side while Cia wasn't looking and scooped her up, it's fist squeezing uncomfortably against her torso. The creature would be a tasty snack for it before it destroyed the ruins, just as master had commanded.

@SepticGentleman @Cuccoruler @Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 11 days ago

The Magna Pater plunged to the left like an arrow, the fireball upheaving the ground where it had been. Unfortunately it had miscalculated the area of the attack and wound up with its tail on fire. Grinding its thick teeth, it dug its claws into the ground and let loose with a fierce snort of effort.

A large ripple passed through the muscular tail as it whipped out in a blur. With a brutal crack, it snapped around the neck of a nearby Taken which had finally worked up the nerve to try and enter the fight. Its cervical vertebrae were virtually disintegrated, throat caving in beneath the outrageous force. The flames on the Magna Pater's tail were extinguished by the air pressure. It had been burned, but the hunger it felt was worse. It hadn't eaten anything fresh in a long time.

With a terrible heave the monster jerked the dead Taken off its feet and sent it spinning through the air at Saaria. If she had sharp eyes, she would notice that the body flying at her was minus a head. The beast down below cocked back its left arm. It moved like a street magician. It had slight of hand. It had done something, but what?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Saaria accepted the thrown Taken into a hug, catapulting into the ground with a skeleton on her back and on her front. She hit the ground with a thud, landing right on Gerald's newly found bones. The Magna Pater suddenly felt something smash into its side. A closed abomination collided with it, taking it to the ground. It had seen it attack the Taken, and had it marked for death. Saaria picked up Gerald's bones and slowly backed away as the Abomination wrestled with the Magna Pater.

@Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia, Sweetmeat County Weapon

As Cia was picked up she gave a horrifying grin. "You think you can eat a weapon?" She said with her toothy grin, her voice echoey and low pitched, it sounded like nails on a chalk board. After she finished speaking Cia's body had black dust gathering around it. Soon enough black spikes of hard sugar surrounded her piercing the hand of the creature. It dropped Cia who took a step back creating another shield around herself as she gathered the black dust above her. After about 10 seconds of charging the black dust it disappeared entirely. Then a huge spike of black sugar came from the ground impaling the creature.

Cia continued her grin as she turned towards the temple walking towards it, she wasn't just after the Taken anymore, she was after everyone else as well. She was a weapon, and her purpose as a weapon was to kill. Her other purpose however was to make others fear Sweetmeat County. For a time of war was coming.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Abomination pulled the spike out of its stomach, looked at it, and dropped it slowly to the ground. It resumed its slow march towards the ruins, its robe half ripped and blowing in the wind, revealing its skeletal legs, made from hundreds of random bone pieces. It let out a slow, deep airy sound, and the Taken began to retreat, as if they feared it. It moved to slam its hand down on Cia, squashing her down like a bug beneath a fly swatter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia, Sweetmeat County Weapon

As Cia approached the ruins she was swatted down by the larger taken. She let out a scream, if it weren't for a light coating of the black sugar on her skin which changed the skin color, she would have been broken to pieces. Though some of her skin did come off to reveal her more white skin instead. Cia got up after the attack and looked at the creature. "I guess that wasn't enough for you." Cia said gathering multiple balls of black sugar around her. Soon enough they turned into larger shards of sugar that floated around her. They all shot smaller shards at the creature aiming for the eyes. Cia wasn't about to lose this fight, at least not in this form, though she was weakened.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Jordan sent Blake to deal with anyone who would interrupt while Jasmine joined him to face off against the big guy. The fight started off with a maul swing at Jordan's head that he easily ducked. The battle went on for a little bit with Jasmine making small attacks against his legs and Jordan following up on them. After exchanging a few blows Jordon got the upper hand and rammed his weapon into his stomach and used the momentum to push him down onto the floor. At this point in the fight Jordan was seething anger as he lunged towards the songstress. She tried to get away but was forced to the ground. Jordan grabbed the hair on the back of her head and started slamming her face into the floor until her face caved in and he knew she was dead. Getting up Jordan looked around the room for his next victim his lips pulled back and breathing heavily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by UrbanEvolution
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UrbanEvolution Meme Historian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Theresa ot an Bol'hjar, Benedict Kaspin

"Oh SHIT."

All things considered, Theresa would've been laughing if she had been in a position any different than the one she was currently in. Ben was clearly not the being's target, at least not yet. But despite that he had STILL been the one to react the most drastically. And it wasn't even in the good way either. The giant buffoon stepped backwards and tripped over his own tail. His body hitting the floorboard actually shook the building they were in.

Which was another thing, it more than likely saved her life.

When Ben hit the ground, whatever it was stumbled in it's lunge, giving Theresa just enough time to pull her sword halfway out of it's sheathe.

And fortunately for her, halfway was enough. The creature's body was horridly mangled from the elements and by those that had not survived an encounter with it. It's right hand had been quite nearly blown off halfway up the forearm. This resulted in sharp shrapnel, which caught her sword. It was long enough to kill her if it caught. But just short enough to not pierce her body with the sword in the way.

She yelled her battle cry, and began to fight back, putting her other hand on the flat of her blade to overpower her attacker. She was winning, when a shaky but metallic fist connected with her face. She lost her composure and fell onto her back, her sword still the only thing between her and the metallic spikes that were this being's arm. It was cackling a great deal and begin to win using it's body weight, only for her body to suddenly feel weightless. Her attacker and her sword were suddenly ripped away from her and lifted high in the air. Ben had recovered from his scared and based upon the light coming from between his scales he was mad.

"Ben! Dont!"

The room smelt like oil and other various flammable substances. If Ben ignited an explosion, even if he survived it, she surely would not.

Ben shut his jaws just as fire was about to explode from his maw. He shit his eyes hard as fire rocketed out from between his teeth like steam from a teacup. He threw the creature on the ground roughly and turned to stumble away, eyes clenched in pain and hands over his mouth.

When her attacker hit the ground her sword was dislocated from it's mangled arm, and she was on it in no time. With one fluid motion and picked the weapon up and drove it straight down into the creature's torso. It spasmed, seeming to die almost instantly. She turned to check on Ben, only for her ankle to be very forcefully grabbed. Her eyes shot down to see that this creature still had some fight left in it. She ripped her sword from its body and aimed at it's head, and made sure to finish the job.

After checking to make sure their attacked really was dead this time, she moved to Ben's aid. He seemed in pain, and he was pulling black, charcoal colored teeth out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry." Theresa said, placing a hand on his arm in an effort to comfort the gentle giant. "You okay?"

Ben rumbled in response, and pulled out one last tooth. He dropped them unceremoniously onto the ground and shook his head.

"It'll hurt more tomorrow. But I'll be fine."

Theresa eyed the burnt teeth on the ground and looked back up to him, taking her hand off of his arm. "Happen a lot to your species?"

Ben seemed to chuckle, only to wince once again.

"Oh yeah. We're built for it. Doesnt make it any more comfortable though..." he said, offering her a smile that, while pained, was so genuine that she could help but give him a small smile in return.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Theresa ot an Bol'hjar, Benedict Kaspin

"Good, good..." Theresa replied. She looked down at the body of the deformed Engineer and said, "Wonder how many more of these things are-"

A sound. Light footstep on a creaky wooden floor.

At the doorway the Engineer barged in through, a tiny being was peeking its head around the frame. Ben and Theresa both stared at it as it waddled into the main room. It was, as stated, small. Only around two feet in height. The best way to describe it would be a metal skeleton resembling a human infant's, interwoven with the same meaty tendrils seen on the flesh golems outside. Its head was a large lump of flesh, lightly freckled and with a dark spot appearing to be its mouth. Wrapped around its neck area was a battered red cloth, tied and clung very affectionately.

"What." Theresa said, watching the little being step further. "Is that."

"It's..." Ben said, mouth agape, looking down at the being stepping towards the body of the slain Engineer. He seemed speechless as it scanned the remains, and from the dark spot on its blob-head, three little black tentacles emerged and began feeling over the corpse.


"Wh-... what?" Theresa replied, shaking her head slightly. Ben was just stuck watching the little thing feel under the Engineer's coat with its tentacles, looking for something it seemed.

"I can't explain it, I just..." Ben said, kneeling down to get a closer look. "I love it. So much."

"What the hell is it, even?"

"I don't know. I don't care. It's great."

The little being retracted its tentacles from under the Engineer's coat, revealing what it'd been searching for. A badge, in the shape of a II. It pinned the badge to a section of its chest, and then stepped away from the body.

"Well it's a scavenger, to start." Theresa commented. The being turned its attention towards her, waddling in her direction. She stepped back, apprehensive, but it didn't seem like it was going to do anything warranting a good stabbing. In fact, it approached her leg... and hugged it.

"He likes you!" Ben said, suddenly very happy, and grinning. Wasn't a pretty smile with his damaged teeth but, still.

"Alright, I'll admit..." Theresa replied, "It's kind of cute."

It detached itself from Theresa's leg and turned towards Ben, who promptly held his hand down for it to climb upon. He held it up and wagged his other finger near it, looking very amused.

"I hope you're not planning on keeping that thing." Theresa said, looking up at the two.

"You just try and stop me, woman." Ben replied, shooting Theresa a quick, halfway serious glare.

Theresa just smirked, and made her way to the workshop's entrance. Ben placed the scavenger upon his shoulder, following behind her.

"I shall call you... Potato."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Empour
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Empour Huggable Slacker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Julian Junction

Piper watched as Julian retired to the Cave-Inn. Was that his room they had been sleeping in? Maybe. The old man was wonderfully generous. It was great to hear there was a library. Not so great that Julian didn’t think there was anything of value there, but he likely didn’t have the same access to indexing spells that Piper did. She’d find out.

This place, the junction, seemed like it was safe from the Vigils. Despite having a direct link to them, if Julian had wanted for them to be cursed already, he would have called them. Perhaps they didn’t have access to the keys Julian had given them.

Once they were wherever the ornate door lead to, though, they would need to be on guard for when the monsters appeared. Chumi could sense them well enough, as evidenced by his detection of them the night they were attacked. So long as she stuck with him, they would have warning enough to escape.

Speaking of escape, she wasn’t entirely sure if the keys could be used in a hurry, the same way that orbs could. She nudged Chumi, who was watching the Vigil’s doorway.

“Chumi, could you enchant an orb or two to bring us back here in a hurry?” she asked. While doing so was a prohibitively expensive measure, they had access to a very large supply of raw orbs if they could make it back to the mining site.

Chumi nodded, pulling the orbs out of the master orb, and did a few quick motions with them. Such a powerful spell was deceptively quick to cast. She knew that if she were the one trying to cast it, though, it would take many minutes. Chumi was very good at enchantments.

“Done,” he said, handing one of the two escapes back to her. Good, that was the emergency measure taken care of. Time to go.

They looked at each other, and nodded. Upon reaching the door, they both turned to the Cave-Inn.

“Thank you, Julian!” they said in unison, before turning back to the door, and opening it. Before them was a long cavernous passageway of rock, with a wooden floor. The place was lit with a dim light of some sort, though no source of it was visible. The door shut behind them, letting out a thunderous slam that echoed through the cave.

“Looks like this is the way,” Chumi said, taking the first steps. The wooden flooring was smooth and clean. It almost felt criminal to be standing on it with her muddy boots. She pressed forward regardless, though. Maybe there was a servant responsible for maintaining the place.

Soon enough, as they continued through the seemingly pointlessly well kept cavern path, they reached another door, just as beautiful as the last one. The doorway itself was recessed deep within a wall of stone, with wooden paneling overtaking the walls and ceiling. Piper opened it.

Beyond the doorway, there were books. Many, many books. There was a titanic bookcase before them, stretching indefinitely upwards, and a good distance to either side. Once the team was through the doorway and into the wide hall, they could see that not only was there one giant bookcase, but the walls were entirely made from them. The whole place was impressively well kept, and thin lines of violet fire on the floor lit the area well enough to read the book’s edges by. Strangely, the fire provided heat, but did not burn.

Piper turned to see the door they had come through, but was greeted by yet more books. The door had vanished. Perhaps this was how the junction kept itself protected.

Suddenly, Piper noticed a strange looking little ball of purple fire had appeared over Chumi’s head. Chumi noticed her stare, and looked up himself. Upon being noticed, the little fireball spun around his head, bobbing about.

“What is that thing?” Piper asked, watching it spin.

“Some sort of arcane fire. What is it doing, though?” Chumi replied.

The fire spun and spun and spun, luring Piper into staring at it. Soon enough, only the fire could be seen.

Yaxato Woodlands

Enrique was hungry. He had no food, but hopefully that wouldn’t be a problem soon enough. With the compass’ help, he was able to locate his general location and head in the direction of Rockvale. It would be easy enough to see, when he came close enough to it that he could see it.

He’d also been meaning to ask his rather silent, hairless follower a question, but it was a rather hard one to ask. He’d asked it of several different newcomers to the mysterious land before, with slight variations to the reasoning behind it, but he wasn’t sure he even needed to. From what he could learn from the man, he was a pirate, a captain, no less, who’d been the target of a mutiny. A really unfortunate way to lose your livelihood, all things considered. Particularly considering just where he’d been thrown out. It did have to be asked, though. He’d lead up to it as best as he could.

“So, Captain,” Enrique said, “I’ve been meaning to ask, have you been approached by a very tall man with a seashell for a head, since you made landfall?”

Depending on how he answered the question, Enrique had his ticket to a bit of key knowledge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 11 days ago


The Magna Pater taught the abomination what ground game was all about. With a hog-like grunt, it entrapped its foe within the thick coils of its tail and the folds of its wings before shredding the helpless thing like how a cat shreds window curtains. It tore the abomination limb from limb, decorated the body with protruding bones, strung out the rancid intestines like tinsel, and propped it up like a fuck-ugly Christmas tree. Forget grappling. Trying to grapple with the Magna Pater was comparable to an anemic retard trying to wrestle up a Tsavo lion in the far reaches of Southern Africa. Several seconds after having been interrupted, the blood-sopped creature raised itself up off the ground to soundlessly observe Saaria. It was as still as a statue. Or a gargoyle. It didn't move after her or make any sudden movements, like how a bear sometimes acts when meeting a hiker. Surely though, no thoughts comparable to those of a bear existed within the monster's mind. For whatever reason it merely regarded her, some things are best left unsaid. It would remain where it was for a while even after she moved out of sight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The abomination laid dormant, and then suddenly snapped to life, it's bones stretching and grabbing the Magna Pater, throwing it down. It seemed to be hinged together, and it slowly cracked back into place, it's neck about 8 feet long now, and it's face a massive grin. It let out an inhuman screech and more Taken crawled from the woods, advancing upon the ageless beast.
@Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Captain Aldrich

The Captain holstered his pistol as Enrique moved off to follow the compass, taking up step behind him and pushing through the vegetation of the forest. Aldrich always hated the forest. Stick and thorns scratching at his head, vines always threatening to trip him over and animals always trying to interfere with his business. Or at least, they were when he had business to perform. It hadn't been an hour or so, and he was already missing the smell of salty air and the bite of the sea breeze. Luckily, he wouldn't be alone in this bleak land for too long. Not an hour in and he had already found a traveling companion.

A companion, who it seems knew all the right questions to ask. The question about the drowned man with the shell-head seemed a bit too convenient to Aldrich. The whole landscape was putting him on edge, and questions like this didn't help. He gripped at the handle of his sword, feeling the wraps creak under the pressure, as he answered.

"I have, in fact." He glared at the man's back, eyes surveying him. "Bastard snuck up on me while I was watering the plants. Tried to touch my jewels, so I cut his grabber off in reply. Should still be back there, in the dirt."

Aldrich gave a dark chuckle, as he scratched at the seat of his pants again. "Should've seen the bastard run. Would have put one in his back if I knew what in blazes it was..." He was quiet for a moment, before licking some of the salt off his teeth and spitting it into a bush.

"Why do you ask... friend?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 11 days ago

The Magna Pater recovered in an instant, pouncing back into its challenger. This time it would leave nothing behind for the abomination to fix itself from. The deepwoods horror had a special ability which only the dead knew of. It could regenerate by eating.

It once again entangled the abomination and began tearing into it, ignoring the wounds inflicted upon itself. Every chunk it bit out was a chunk restored to its being. When the abomination was too ruined to do any more damage, then the Magna Pater would begin clawing up its own body so that it could absorb every last bit. By the time it was done, there would be nothing left but a massive wet patch of the Magna Pater's own blood dying the grass a blackish-red hue. It turned then upon the Taken. It had ignored them initially, but now that they had collectively grown a set of balls, they were annoying. It dove into the horde and would not be finished with them for quite a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jordan was walking away from Joyville with a few new bruises and some new supplies. After killing that songstress the town returned to normal and everyone wanted to thank Jordan and the candy guy. After spending one more night in the town Jordan said goodbye to Sven and left to continue his search. Part way into his his journey he realized something. He forgot that having clean clothes felt so good. Before he left he made sure to bathe and wash and made sure his family bathed also. Just before they started to set up camp they spotted a figure approaching them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Coastal Vigils

"They've been busy lately."


"Are you worried?"


"You shouldn't be. Everything will be alright. Nothing will change."


"I promise."


Another day, another charge.

By the vast, unseen perspective of the Vigils, another wanderer had been spotted. One man, and two companions at his side. This one in particular had gone on far too long without a mark, and that in itself was unacceptable.

One agitated Vigil hurried through the thick of the wilds, darting straight for its charge. It came upon him as he was beginning to set up a camp for the night to pass. As the Vigil rushed forth, a tendril emerged from within its sheltered cranium, and shot forth at the wanderer's left arm.

No charge will go unmarked.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Battle of Abominations, Part III

Saaria flew up into the sky, away from the second fallen Abomination. Gerald could feel his bones somewhere in that area, but it was too dangerous, the Magna Pater was ruthless and savage. Over the ruins, she saw the hulking abomination, and it was chewing on something. It spat out little tiny bones, and looking at them, decided they weren't even worthy of being added to its armour, and crushed them in its hands. Saaria flew straight at it, sending a fireball into its chest. It exploded, revealing its massive body. It was comprised of thousands of spare bones, pieced together to form something vaguely humanoid. Saaria's blast had only made a chink in its armour, and it swiped at her, narrowly missing. She saw its forehead was lined with pelvis bones, all around its head like a crown. Saaria flew back, out of its reach. It's face was made up of rib cages, giving its face a linear look. It had no eyes of nose, but a hole which Saaria judged as its mouth. The beast slowly stepped forward, reaching out for Saaria. She flew back, leading it towards the ruins. This was no enemy to fight head on. As she got closer to the ruins, she sped up. The monster attempted to run forward, and it's foot slipped on one of the buildings tripping it forward. Unfortunately, it came right at Saaria, smashing her down with it. The world spun as she fell, and she shielded herself with her wings, reinforced with a thin layer of heat energy that she hoped would help soften her fall by melting the ground around her a little. As she hit the ground, she was smashed in the chest with a pelvis bone, and felt herself pass out. All stood still in the ruins. And then the Dark One appeared for all to see, standing atop the ruins, overlooking its fallen warriors. It's dark energy led all eyes to its unholy presence, and it's true nature was revealed. In the moonlight stood a Coastal Vigil. But it was as black as the night sky it stood against.

@SepticGentleman @Doc Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 11 days ago

As Saaria was knocked out, the latent curse of the Magna Pater would take hold. Still unconscious, she'd feel compelled to stand up and began walking towards her fated enemy in a dream-like trance until the time she was meant to naturally awaken. On the other side of the ruins, it waited for her. If she didn't recover before too long, her screams would be heard beyond the forest and past the meadows.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gerald Pithers


Quite a tizzy Saaria had spun herself into. Fire and bones and rags flying everywhere. No jolly feelings here to be found. Still, Gerald was about halfway assembled, and he could feel his legs nearby. They had to keep going, or... Saaria had to, at least.

Wouldn't do at all her being knocked out cold.


Shortly after he made his request, Saaria arose. But not to continue her retaliation against the Taken. She seemed to stumble away, blank expression and lazy movements, attempting to depart from the battle.

"OI." Gerald called out, still fastened to her back. "OI!"

She didn't respond.

"NOT THE TOIME FEH A PISS BREAK, RICHARD!" Gerald called out, slamming the back of his skull against the back of Saaria's head.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luclovers
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luclovers Sneezed on the RP / and the plot got sicker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Doc Doctor @SepticGentleman

Saaria Morgossa
At first, Saaria simply carried on walking into the woods, which weren't very far from where she had fallen. She had almost reached the Magna Pater when Gerald hit her with a particularly forceful smash, and she came to, looking at her surroundings, and scooping up the leg bones at her feet, her telepathic horns giving her the intuition that these were Gerald's. She turned, and saw the Dark One. It was truly a sickening sight. It looked like a normal coastal Vigil, but black as night, and covered with tiny little holes. It wore black raggedy robes, and violet runes seemed to glow under the cloak. A strange echoing tune blew out of the holes in its body as the wind blew through it, sending a windy melody across the ruins. Children screamed inside. And just like that, ten more were marked, violet marks moving across their skin like wildfire. The Vigil slowly turned, regarding Saaria, and then eerily turned away, floating across the sky, back into the other side of the forest. Saaria tossed Gerald his legs, and rocketed into the fog after it. It moved faster than she thought, and seemed to be moving slowly, constantly ahead of them no matter how fast they went. And then it was gone. Saaria landed, looking around. There was a run down farmhouse ahead in a clearing. Pretty inconspicuous, but Saaria sensed there was more than met the eye. The fog seemed to be heavily concentrated here.
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