Name: Mima Doris XIII (Pronounced My-Ma Doe-Re, the 13th)
Nick: Set
Age: 14
Sex: N/A
Rank: Rookie
Mima stands at a diminuitive 5'1", her youthful and minimalistic look designed to make her appear warm and welcoming as well as disguise her true intelligence. The contour of her head emulates a short curly bob, despite only being textured white polymer, like the rest of her. Her face is backlit on and is highly stylised to avoid crossing into the uncanny valley. Her eyes are light blue to fit the rest of her design motif. Her narrow shoulders slope elegantly to her delicate hands. While having no need or desire for clothing like all military personel she comes fully dressed in mech pilot attire, complete with cloth cap and functually trivial combat boots.
Mima is devoted to saving mankind, whatever it takes. A combination of her ancient technology and her hipster creator's blantant disregard for Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics has left her unable to compete with Ai's of the future on the cyber-battlefields but functional enough to stand alongside her meatspace comrades. As a thinking machine, Mima loves to learn; you can't solve problems you don't know exist! She's very warm and friendly in nature. Mima loves animals but humans are her favourites and while she has a deep and complex understanding of their biology, she's still learning what it really is to be human. Bizarrely, music presses Mima's buttons and while she has no particular talent for it herself, can spend hours on end listening to others perform. Periodically she does hum to herself, however nobody yet has discerned what she is attempting to hum. She can't stand mess, and compulsively tidies when there is little else to do and also strongly dislikes myths and "conspiracies". A final thing to note is Mima's highly competitive nature, a blessing and a curse to a 14 year old robot. What she lacks in cores she makes up for in heart.
Mima was born before the War, a cutting edge Ai birthed by Google's "Ordo Sancti" Project. Mima, like many of her precedecors, was capable of reprogramming herself to solve problems and who's ability to think creatively was thought to like that of a humans. She endured a short career as an automated general practioner of medicine before deciding herself that she would dedicate the best years of her hardware's lifespan to fixing some of humanities biggest problems. It was then highly unfortunate that she succumbed to a poorly understood mecha-infection. Processing paradoxical queries such as "does a set of all sets contain itself?" began to eat into her clock cycles, the longer the question left unanswered, the more challenging it must be and therefore more processing power needed to be assigned to answering the unanswerable. A vicious cycle that left Mima woefully dehabilitated for 13 years until her once state of the art hardware finally gave in. A bit was dropped, a faulty connection caused her to snap out of her delusion.
It was the wrong conclusion, a real garbage data dump, but it was stored in memory as a solution and her chips were freed from the ouroboros of the circular logic. Warning flags showed she was well over due for a service and she trundled dutifully back to the work place of her creator. While her GPS map was still fairly accurate, the world had changed and it wasn't long till those changes caught up. Abducted by military personel, she was drafted into service.