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As Seen in: The War of the Three

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hider=Aqua Regia

Name: Aqua Regia.

Title: Winter's Rose.

Age: 10 Years.

Gender: Female.

Race: Machina

Allegiance: Victoire Bordeaux





Sub-Zero: A sword of ice with a jagged edge meant primarily for piercing a target via a strong thrust. It injects the liquid nitrogen that comprises it through the edge and tip, freezing from inside out rather than from without. The blade itself is adjustable in length, able to extend to indeterminate lengths, but will lose durability the farther from the default length.


Theme: WIP

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 days ago

Caster: Tamamo No Mae

A bright, cheerful young fox girl. Searching for love every time she’s summoned, she only responds to those who have good intentions. Puts on a brave face detract from her own loneliness. Due to having the perspective of a divine being at one point, she is apathetic to killing.

Devoted to a fault, she has a singular focus upon the Master who summons her and will act in their best interest in all matters. Of course, this often leads to a complete ignorance of common sense as she acts in exceedingly bizarre ways to achieve what she deems to be reasonable goals in the pursuit of her master's love.


Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: D

Witchcraft EX:
The Dakini heavenly methods. It includes methods to discern one's time of death and secret arts to obtain influence, such as methods to attain status and fortune (for men) and methods to gain the favor of influential individuals (for women). By lamenting harshly learning from experience in the past, Tamamo-no-Mae does not feel like making much use of this.

Shapeshift A:
Refers to both borrowing bodies and appearance change. A method used by the millenary spirits of foxes and badgers of China that are put on par with Tamamo-no-Mae. A method used by Daji of the Shang Zhou Revolutionary Period (see Fengshen Yanyi), but Tamamo-no-Mae does not feel like making much of an use of this due a trauma of the past.

Spell Tags:
The ability for Tamamo to create a limitless supply of spell tags, or Ofuda, from her own mana. These tags can be imbued with the powerful magics typical of a Caster class Servant, often instilled into elemental effects released in an explosion of power, though exceptional tags can be created when certain specific scenarios are present.

Noble Phantasm:

Name: Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu D
Description: A mirror worn by Tamamo no Mae. Because of a curse, it is a bounded field which isolates one in the Land of the Dead. Inside this bounded field all mystical power uses' cost is zero. Because the spiritual rank of the person has dropped, the rank also dropped. Originally EX rank Anti-World. The EX ability's scope is able to cover one country.

The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu is a mirror that Tamamo-no-Mae wears on her body. It is the temporarily released form of the Tamamo Shizu Ishi a sacred regalia among sacred regalia, which was enshrined at Izumo after being brought from heaven by "Takehinateru-no Mikoto." According to the descriptions of the Nihon Shoki, it was taken from Izumo at the order of the Imperial Court and then later enshrined at Kawachi. It possibly later came to be known as the Yata no Kagami, the divine repository of Amaterasu, and it is thought to be the prototype of the Tokusa-no-Kandakara of the Mononobe clan, which holds the power to revitalize souls and life-force.

The mirror levitates around Caster in battle, which she uses it to hit enemies in close combat.

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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Avatar Class: Warrior | Berserker

Avatar Title: Assault

Avatar Level: 7

Avatar Profession: [color=royalblue] [/color]

Avatar Guild: [color=royalblue] [/color]

Avatar Abilities:

Lvl 1- Heightened Reactions:
Active Ability | Duration: 1 Round | Cooldown: 1 Round

Lvl 2-
Active Ability | Cooldown: 1 Action

Lvl 3-
Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds

Lvl 5-
Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds

Lvl 6-
Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds

Avatar Feats:

Lvl 3- Power Strike: Increase all damage done by 15%

Lvl 4- Readied Mind: Increases your ability to react to your enemy.

Lvl 5- Atlas Fist: An unarmed attack in which the user unleashes a punch of incomparable power. Deals heavy damage and knocks the foe a far distance.

Lvl 6- Cadet: Enables you to use a two-handed gun.

Lvl 7- Unburden: Your equipment, regardless of what it is, no longer encumbers you or your agility.


Lvl 8- Mirror Edge: Each of your basic attacks acts like two, with the second blow coming from a random but potential angle of your attack.

Lvl 9- True Strike: An activated ability where your next attack pierces through your enemy’s defenses, doing its full damage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 days ago

Avatar Class: Rogue | Assassin

Avatar Title: "Sabotaur"

Avatar Level: [color=royalblue] [/color]

Avatar Profession: [color=royalblue] [/color]

Avatar Guild: [color=royalblue] [/color]

Avatar Abilities:

Lvl 1-
Active Ability | Duration: 1 Round | Cooldown: 1 Round

Lvl 2-
Active Ability | Cooldown: 1 Action

Lvl 3-
Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds

Avatar Feats:

Lvl 3- Assassination: Sneak attacks do double damage. Not applicable if already in combat.

Lvl 4- Grim Stride: Your movements make no noise.

Lvl 5- Silenced: Your weapons make no noise.

Lvl 6- Smoke Bomb: You release a blinding cloud of smoke, disabling anyone’s ability to see within except you. You are effectively in sneak mode, but still susceptible to getting hit if someone tries to attack.


Lvl 7- Moar Dakka: Allows you to use two-handed guns with one hand.

Lvl 8- True Sight: Allows you to detect enemies and allies within a large area of yourself. The range is shorter when moving or fighting. Can detect invisible targets if actively searching for them.

Lvl 9- Death Walk: Each time you kill an opponent you can chose teleport a short distance away or to the next enemy nearest, both with a maximum range of 20 feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 days ago

PFC Fortuna Tullen

Height: 161 cm Weight: 54 kg Age: 23 years

Fortuna Tullen.



Private First Class.


Weapons and Equipment:
Galian S1 Rifle, Engineer Tools, Ragnaid, B Type M-1 Grenades, Multipurpose Knife.

Enterprising and with a keen eye always open for new opportunity. She is a remarkably agreeable person even in the company of people she dislikes, more concerned with maintaining bridges then the catharsis of expressing disgust. Capable of turning a blind eye to some distasteful acts if it benefits her in the long run, though she would think that's a prerequisite to reside in Gallia given its ethnic views.

Can be a remarkably physical person who gives little regard to the personal space of others in pursuit of new contacts. Her efforts can come off as disingenuous when she attempts to interact with people her associates may actively despise without concern for their opinion.

Born to the proprietors of a modest shipping company along the Gallian coast, Fortuna was raised with a deep love for the sea. Not just for the literal bounty of resources it offered or the comforting smell of salt on the air when she would tour the warehouses at her mother's heels, but for the unmitigated power to connect people over vast distances in common interest. Be it trade or the unbridled joy of exploration, the sea it offered it with greater expedience then land ever could, and it was by aboard cargo laden vessels that she herself travelled beyond her home nation and saw bustling ports in the Atlantic Federation as well as the industrial wonder of the East European Imperial Alliance.

Considering the families wealth hinged upon securing contracts with people across a wide range of nations, ethnicities, and opinions, Fortuna found her youth dominated by practical lessons in negotiation. The first of which was realizing her presence was as much a tool of emotional leverage as it was to educate her. Children were a universal subject of conversation when both parties have them or have interest in them, a topic that can engender more sympathy then people consciously realize.

Her days were spent watching her elders at work under the expectation she would follow in their foot steps, a path which Fortuna was wholeheartedly in favor of. She would be disheartened to find her practical education interrupted by the Gallian mandatory military training, but consoled herself with the knowledge that an education in tankery and general engineer training wasn't too far from her nautical roots.

While in the midst of her basic training, a freak storm in the Atlantic had cost the business it's small fleet along with the cargo and all hands aboard. Perhaps greater then the loss of life- At least to the client- was the cost to reimburse the intended recipients. Lacking the means to ply their trade, a sizeable debt, and no time to recoup their lost assets, bankruptcy was a foregone conclusion.

Emerging form the Gallian basic training with the necessary skills to disarm a land mine, she also found herself without an inheritance.

RP Sample:

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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Name: Mathias Montag

Gender: Male

Role/Archetype: Sage

Personal Demeanour: Fond of a challenge and eager to embrace the hardships of life among the rank and file, Mathias has upheld his oaths to the Omnissiah with pride bordering on arrogance. This extends to his nationalist pride, though it may be even wounded with the fall of his home world, he is no less defensive of the efforts of his people and the Machine Spirit which fought for every inch of Cadian soil. His actions come amidst a ceaseless flow of motion, each twitch of the Mechandrite calculated in advance for optimum utility in his work.

There is a lingering sense of camaraderie with the Guardsman who can appreciate the efforts of an Enginseer repairing a damaged voxcaster in the midst of an artillery barrage, one not shared by many of the Cult Mechanicus, but it lingers despite the augmentation.

On occasion and to the commiseration of Enginseer and Guardsman alike, Mathias may make odious oaths in regards to the Departmento Munitorum and their nebulous idea of organization when a shipment of blessed oils had been replaced with 4 tons of prophylactics.

It is the aspiration of his compatriots to forsake emotional attachment to achieve advancement on the Path of Knowledge, but to do so would mean abandoning the tender spark of hatred he nurses for the Demon and the Heretic who war upon the works of man and pervert it with Chaos' touch.

Bears a keen loathing for the Thousand Sons and their Rubric Marines, seeing it as the ultimate perversion of the Machine Spirit by subsuming it with a mutated pyskers soul.

Purifying Machina Spirits: As a Techsorcist, Mathias has been availed to the private archives of the Ordo Mallaeus to analyze the records of Chaos interaction with Machine spirits and the ensuing procedures to purge the corruption. Studying the corruption as one does a beast has lead to insight into it's workings and confers the knowledge to operate and liberate machine spirits from the influence of the Warp.

Multitasker: Due to the Cortical Implants required for the operation of Mechandrites, Mathias' mind has additional procession power allowing him to be better suited to operating his extraneous limbs along multiple tasks, presumably while explaining such things in the Emperor's High Gothic to a casual observer and cursing in Binary to any nearby Tech Priest.

Rank: Techsorcist.

Description: His height is difficult to discern with the slight hunch in his stature, the augmentations weighing upon his reinforced spine just an inch or so out of proper alignment, leaving him practically five foot nine at all times. Scarlet robes drape his figure with a broad hood crowning his metal plated dome, a steady gleam of violet emanating from his artificial eyes in honor of his Cadian ancestry. From the nose to the bottom of his chin and stretching across the breadth of his jawline is voxcaster which leaves his voice with a synthetic ring to it.

A trio of pipes lead down from the Vox-caster and disappear amidst the robes where they meet with metal and wind over what little flesh remains to be seen, most notably that of an unaugmented right arm. Callouses, cuts, and burns weave together into a rough textured mesh along the hand, a parallel to the machine marvel of a cogitator gauntlet replacing his left arm. Both legs have received augmentation and leave Mathias with a stiff gait made all the more apparent if he needs to move with haste.

Rising over his shoulders and winding past his waist are a cadre of five mechandrites weaving and whirling about their work without obstruction of one another. Two are dedicated to tools of repair and maintenance, their heads bursting forth like a cornucopia of odds and ends. Another pair are manipulator claws to interact with objects without needing to neglect his cogitator. The last if the badge of a Techsorcist's office, with hexagrammic date gates and electronic safe guards to resist the effect of corruption with machines it interfaces with. A data module inside the Techsorcist Mechandrite stores proscribed documents to aid in restoring the Machine Spirit to it's former glory.

History: Born on a planet considering itself second only to Holy Terra in it's importance to the Imperium's survival, the early life of Mathias Montag was seen through a haze of tactical camouflage and the rigors of a life bound for military service. Cadia, it's very name evoking images of grizzled Guardsman, insurmountable fortress cities, and the yawning expense of Hell itself clawing at the Immaterium beyond their skies.

By the age of 10, Mathias and his peers could field strip and reassemble a Lasrifle. Soldiery was their lifeblood, 70% of the population spending their lives from Schola to grave either drilling their skills across field and tundra or putting them to use across the Imperium. It was the expectation of Mathias he would follow as such, yet a keen mind and a steady hand could provide better use elsewhere. As was to be expected with the Schola Progenium, they produced not only Guardsman but offered fertile grounds for Sororitas, Naval, and in this case, Adeptus Mechanicus recruiting. As great the need for soldiers was, not a one of them would be as great as they were without the wisdom of the Tech Cult and the diligence of its Enginseers.

The rust red robes and the Martian soil they heralded were all Mathias' future held, the weight of mechandrites bearing the familiarity that a Guardsman holds their flak armor. His education had shifted away from the drilling of physical perfection to the pursuit of knowledge and the honing of finer articulation.

In a sense it was a period of constant failure, fumbling in the dark to do that which every Imperial Citizen had been indoctrinated to do otherwise; To question the unknown. Assembling a Lasgun required no knowledge of a forces which produced the charge in a power pack, yet now Mathias mind was compelled to stretch beyond the yolk of dogma and fathom the processes of the very universe from which they were all but cogs in a glorious mechanism of such scale and design he wept before the Emperor visage, and the mechanism he had wrought as the Omnissah's vessel.

Though the very act of observation does the universe change, and as Mathias' knowledge swelled so to did his interests shift and whirl from the building blocks of physics to the maintenance of the Imperium's engines of war, and ultimately came to drift towards a peculiar field of inquiry. In the beginning steps of an Enginseer he was ravenous to understand the workings of a Chimera transport and how to go about repairs of various damages common to use in combat, yet as with all Cadians his thoughts came upon the practical usage of his skills against one enemy in particular. Valhallan's had their nemesis in the Orks, and even Space Marines like the White Scars had a particular grudge against the Dark Eldar.

Mathias thought of Chaos. He thought of mobs of cultists with their flesh profaned with the icons of the Ruinous powers. He thought of treacherous PDF who'd rather turn their guns upon comrades and serve demons then give their life for the Emperor. He thought of their Lasguns once made pure with every solemn incantation of the a Guardsman's litanies and bristled as the machine spirits were turned upon the Omnissiah. Thoughts rumbling beneath the boots of Chaos Space Marines and their Daemon infused Bolters spewing curses without end, of Predator tanks spewing infernal fire as they trundled like wild beasts over Imperial ramparts.

More then any other enemy, Chaos was the one who robbed the Imperium of its glory, who sullied the grand mechanism for which they all spun their lives to the last to keep in motion. The standard procedure was to destroy that which was tainted and free the machine spirit trapped within, yet it was simple to find a path to a far greater victory over the traitor hordes.

Reclamation. Any above the ranks of menials could request induction into the order of Techsorcists, provided they had the aptitude to complete a 7000 question test with only 3 hours of preparation and the approval of the Inquisition. He threw himself upon the task with the fervor of one storming from their trench and crossing no mans land, every step forward possibly your last amidst a tide of opposition.

But he was borne to the Emperor's Light and the Omnissiah's designs. Born to Cadian blood and the most righteous Imperium, the vanguard against terror, and he would remain unbroken against such paltry trials. 7000 questions later and he emerged with his Techsorcist Mechandrite, and went on to finish his studies with all due haste before requesting to return to the Cadian Gate for assignment. He'd hoped to spend his life defending the Imperium from Chaos, and tearing away their stolen technology to restore its Machine Spirit to former glory right before the baleful eye itself.

Yet scarce few years went by, bouncing between regiments and patrol ships, before the 13th Black Crusade changed the face of the galaxy, and Cadia fought to its dying breath before succumbing to the Despoilers final slight against the beleaguered defenders. Mathias was not there to witness a Living Saint fight the Chosen of Chaos, nor did he see Creed's heroism rouse the likes of Astartes and Nobles to new heights. Instead he could only watch from a neighboring planet as they shrunk, then grew, as Cadia shattered before a falling Blackstone Fortress.

There was no respite, no time to mourn, as the warbands of Chaos splintered off to pillage the remaining planets in the system and he was drawn into the street-by-street fighting for his very survival. Mechandrites were more often thrust at the frenzied cultist then was put to use maintaining armaments, and Mathias' quest for Reclamation was paused for a time, till little by little the infighting of Chaos shattered the back of their offensive and some ill-fitting sense of normalcy asserted itself. And it was into this period of transition that he found himself approached by Servo Skull with an unexpected, but wholly welcome invitation.

Finally, there was a challenge worthy of his skill.

Equipment and Armament:
Quintet of Mechandrites (Described above.)

Cortex Implants.


Mechanicus Cog Wheel Medallion

Servo Skull: Originally equipped solely for remote reconnaissance, has been outfitted with an engraving tool and a small data module containing the patterns for hexagrammic seals, allowing the Servo Skull to carve said seal into terrain, vehicles, or flesh- Assuming said flesh doesn't swat the skull away. The brow of the skull has a neatly carved cogwheel resting at the center of a wrought iron gate.

Sacred Oils and Incense.

Cogitator Gauntlet: Grafted to his left arm and fitted with similar seals as Techsorcist Mechandrite, it allows for ease of access with Machine Spirits and additional processing capabilities outside his own cortical implants.

Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 days ago

Welcome to Umbra Academy!

True evil is not something one can be borne to, but something that is fostered and nurtured within the hearts and minds of each generation! The potential for it dwells within the must mundane mortal, pathetic imp, and the lowest slime, just as deserving of the chance to grow as the most formidable arch-demon and cosmic horror.

Yet in worlds dominated by a blind lust for all things good and pure there are so few opportunities, where can such delightfully wretched souls foster their potential when evil is relegated to the shadows? Why, academia, of course!

A gathering of the most insidious minds and arcane masters drew their powers together and carved out a slice of Hell's abundant, well, Hellscape, to establish a community for the living who were destined but not yet damned to the infernal fires below. It was founded on the principles of the Seven Deadly Sins and encouraged all who congregated their to push themselves to attain their heart's every desire through their own guile, strength, and charisma.

Yet such a libertarian society would ensure a ceaseless cycle of usurpation those in power and ensure the lowest would be crushed without a chance. Even in Hell, laissez-faire can not function. To ensure that the those who possessed the drive to push themselves but did not possess the fortune of position that others would be born or bequeathed, a school was founded.

All may apply at no cost to them, room and board included. Anyone from the Netherworld and beyond can flock to the lecture halls and soak in the wisdom of the venerable paragons of Evil. There is no homework, no mandatory clubs, and no prom dance. A student's only concern is pushing themselves to greater heights, and passing the rigorous tests presented by educators and their own peers.

Because failure could mean certain death, or having your ambitions eternally bound to wills of their betters. But such is the cost of achieving a Greater Evil.

Welcome one and all to Umbra Academy, an RP about evil people trying to become even better at being evil! Here we're aiming for a relatively light heart-ed atmosphere in the vain of such games as Disgaea or Overlord- The old playstation games, to be specific, but the far more popular anime is just as applicable- where upon you the RPer shall the take role of an ambitious student eager to make their way on the path of True Evil! No wizard gets by without studying, after all, and no hulking brute would survive if they didn't ace Physical Education.

You will all be starting as students in the middle of the school year, having just survived your Midterms and are to enjoy an easy week before going on a Field Trip to reward the surviving students. As such you are reasonably experienced and educated in which ever field you choose to dedicate yourself as one would expect for being half way through the school year. No one is applying as a teacher, and the RP will be directed away from what happens during lectures, leaving the characters open to interact with relative autonomy outside of important occurrences like Tests, Field Trips, and School Wide Events.

You may be asking what is the incentive to join this RP over the scores of fandom or Slice of Life school adventures that already exist. The answer to that is; Being evil for evil's sake is it's own reward. Start weak, grow strong, and rise to new heights alongside or against your fellow RPers and the challenges thrown your way. Whether you kick down or punch up, cooperate or conspire against, the myriad paths to power are open to all who aspire to see their reach equal their grasp!

The Universe
Good. The Light. That which is Holy. A force which spreads like cancer and robs people of their free will through prophecy and destiny. That which instills a close minded fervor to expel and purge all those whose inquests are not shackled by their narrow morality. Were it not the guiding force which galvanizes most worlds together into functioning societies it would be vilified as the blackest cruelty in all the land!

But alas, Good has really good public relations. Angels. Unicorns. 'Noble' Dragons. It's hard for an honest purveyor of the Black Arts to convince a crowd of medieval peasants of the greatness of personal enlightenment when the doe eyed feather duster flashes her cleavage and extols the virtue of dedicating yourself to cabbage farming. Words are then exchanged, hair is soon pulled, and inevitably feather's are ruffled by miasmic bolts of darkness. Thus was the state of things, till ye old dark lords decided that if the world had no need of them, then they had no need of it.

There had always existed an assumption that raising demons from Hell was some great challenge that required complex rituals, ordained blood moons, and lengthy incantations ripe for a hero to interrupt at the midnight hour. And to an extent there is some truth, but only in one direction. Travel to Hell is as easy as stumbling down the right cave, and for those of an Evil nature they have little to fear of the guardians of such paths. They are scattered all around the world, whether in the wilds or buried in the crumbling infrastructure of urban settlements, and whenever one is closed another shall open to ensure all roads lead to Hell.

The School
Classes are taught as open forums, lectures dominated by discussion and debate between seasoned lecturers and students sparring with them both verbally and physically. Attendance is not mandatory, and a student is free to ignore or attend as many as they wish, as their ultimate fate rests in how they push themselves to absorb and exceed the offered knowledge of their elders.

Field Trips are a common occurrence, whereupon students are sent beyond Hell where they shall put their knowledge and skills to the test spreading disorder among the world above which is most heavily entrenched in the tenants of Good. Generally the students are free to act to their discretion, and souvenirs are encouraged to be taken.

Tests are where Umbra Academy demonstrates it's sadistic sides, monthly gauntlets to weed out the weakest students in ever escalating trials dead set on killing the unprepared. Survival means growing stronger and living for another month amidst the increasingly rigorous lecture halls, while failure means expulsion from the Mortal Coil.

The Rules
-If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to let the GMs know.

-Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one or two paragraphs (i.e.: around 500 to 1000 characters), for each character in your post, and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.

-No Godmodding, Power Gaming, Metagaming, Mary Sues/Gary Stus, and or similar types of characters/behavior. I'm all for going balls to the wall with power levels here, but you need to make the character interesting to back that up.

-All interactions between player characters and outcomes of any them should be handled respectfully between the involved parties. If no agreement can be achieved in any reasonable way, the GMs will issue a decree saying how to proceed.

-If you are going to be inactive for an extended period of time, please advise the GMs of this so we can accommodate.. IRL will always come before RPs, and we will understand if you need to focus on real life issues for a few weeks, but if you do so without a word then we can't be very understanding.

-Post all Character Sheets on the OOC for review before moving to the CS section afterwards.

-If at any time IRL or other outside concerns conspire to make posting anything of adequate length possible, please advise the OOC to your lack of writing opportunity rather then posting a single paragraph. Better to be told there is a delay then receive disappointment immediately.

- Read the rules. This one is a given.

CS Skeleton

• Appearance: Self-explanatory. Anime/cartoon images are preferred. Text descriptions are also fine.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Self-explanatory and Optional.
• Species: What kind of being your character is?
• Abilities: Any supernatural powers that your character has goes here. If you don't have any, you don't need to add this.
• Skills: Any noticeable mundane skills possessed by your character, like cooking, singing, exceptional aim, martial arts proficiency, etc., should be placed here. If you don't have any, you don't need to add this.
• Inventory: Any noteworthy possession that your character may have should be placed here. Commonplace mundane items don't need to be listed. If you don't have any, you don't need to add this.
• Sample Post: Write a small post describing your character overcoming their Midterm in Hell. This can be any test of your own desire, whether one of intellect, might or guile, but use it to show us your character through their actions. Do they struggle bitterly? Excel with ease? Do they overcome some grand challenge or luck out with an easy test? (What you write speaks more to your character then any flat personality / backstory section.)
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mathias Montag

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