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I'll be attempting to get a post up myself today.
<Snipped quote by AeronFarron>

I think Dervish is trusting us to use our best judgement. I usually establish posts (my own) for cool down myself because it's easier than trying to determine each post is x amount seconds.

Sorry for double post, but power use. Will we be going by an in-game cooldown to post equivalency? Like, you have 3 seconds available to use each post, so you could use a Charge into a Nova in one post, but you cannot use two Flares in one post. Then on the next post, you have a three second cooldown, and it continues. (So if you use something with a 12 second cool down, you have to wait a total of four rounds before you can use another power. If you have something with a two second cooldown, you can use it in the next post. Or something with a one second cooldown, you can use it twice, then once on the next turn, alternating posts.).)
<Snipped quote by AeronFarron>

Depends on the armour.

As in looks or if the company was known in ME1?

And not any special ones (Terminus, Collector, Iron--I mean Inferno, etc) But more like the Rosenkov armor set for a Solider since that line is known for carrying a ton of ammo. It would give NPCs to analyze and note: "Oh shit, is...is this guy wearing a ammo packs for armor?! What the hell?" Or C-Sec pulls him aside and insists that he empty some or most of his ammo packs, just flavor stuff.

I wish to have Alex get access to Serrice Council armors and bio-amps, but there is a screening process. I'd like to have that as something she goes through. It's not exactly "loyalty mission" worthy, but I'd like for it to be a Shadow Broker thing.
He'll do that and help her haggle prices!

Better yet, he can haggle and she can tell him what she needs while she looks intimidating.

EDIT: Also, we are sticking to Mass Effect 1 based armors for now, right? Is it possible to upgrade or start with Mass Effect 3/modded armor pieces? Not for stats or anything, but to give our characters some outward expressions of individuality.
<Snipped quote by DearTrickster>

Indeed... and in Omega, terrible things happen when you try to take most sellers at full face value. XD

Yes...like punches to the face. Alex is trusting--of potential comrades--everyone else is neutral or an enemy. Don't worry, she knows what she is looking for and how much it should cost.

Hazan should come along to make sure she doesn't snap someone's neck ^^;
I have updated Alex's sheet (expanded upon the Turian teacher a bit more, added in medical learning during younger years and during BAaT. Also put in mentions of Alex applying her medical knowledge in the field (ie setting up a medical area during the Blitz when she wasn't doing her Vanguard duties).)
I am going to up Alex's medical knowledge in her history and stuff. So, she is just as likely to biotic punch an enemy into meat pieces as she is to reset broken bones.

So...a non-Salarian, female...biotic Mordin.
Alex can go on a run for medical supplies.
<Snipped quote by Bright_Ops>

*points to Rtron's statment below.*

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Indeed, I think there's only one medic on the ship actually. Vellios could do minor patches on both ship and aliens/humans like setting bones, popping them back in, apply pressure to wounds, medigel anyone, etc. but nothing serious like internal bleeding or surgery.

Alex is not a surgeon, but she knows enough about wounds to keep the majorly injured alive until they reach a hospital...hopefully.
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