Avatar of Arawak
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    1. Arawak 9 yrs ago


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Current Nation RP set during an Interplanetary dark age across hundreds of tiny worlds- roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Got my RP rebooted. Make a civilization human or alien and uncover the enigma roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Why not a sci-fi NRP that doesn't waste space? Interest check here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
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Damn it Flimo

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They sound more like a real life hivemind than something like the zerg.

That's already a nice improvement from what I feared you may do and I hope that further revisions and IC will differentiate them more from being mindless drones as time goes on.

I am curious as to why they have space travel and what the vehicles are as they don't seem to have guns and seem mostly docile beyond defensiveness of the queens (do they have actual authority or are they more or less factories that don't actually manage anything?).

Asymmetrical conflict is a major element to the scenario and it would destroy lots of variation in the types of potential scenarios for how relationships between factions work out if every native species manages to independently develop space travel and makes symmetrical warfare the norm.

Though you don't specify their means of space travel much, so it could well just be in the form of colonial seed ships, something based on some symbiotic relationship with custodians or something else. Space travel is optional in this NRP and you can always find reasons to have spaceships outsourced/stolen from another player's faction.

I should have specificed the name/subject thing.

Name is what you intend to call them and subject was misleading.

Type or Class may work better. Basically what you classify them as in regards to lore content on the question of if they are species, a faction, a individual, some non-state actor and so on.
Post here.
I'd prefer the use of species as a term over race.

Race implies a very close heritage with humans.

I'd like the draft whenever you have it written.

App is minimal, just open verse.

However please make seperate sheets for your species and any major factions they have.

All you need is the following-

Type: (species, faction, individual, organization etc.)

In what style you write your description is up to you as I don't put many limits on what you can contribute beyond not being allowed to dominate any whole world (the major ones, anyways. Having total control of a asteroid is not a problem)

Humans exploring the star system is fine, just don't make a interstellar expedition out of it (a mission to earth at 1% the speed of light would take around 20 thousand years, believe me it's not worth it). The rest of the star system is much more barren, I should note. There may be a pocket or two of life hiding somewhere or some strange ruins with hostile custodians though.
No FTL means you can't travel at relativistic speeds (I consider that a apocalypse device, as do I consider Reactionless drives, zero point energy and other such tech that is decidedly far future in nature. The machine womb colony ship is actually the more economic and cheap choice to interstellar colonization believe it or not... I intentionally leave it unclear as to how long the trip took but lemme just say now it was not a short trip at all) or really any warp drives/wormholes.

I recommend a speed limit of 1% the speed of light and nothing faster (even than such speed would be for interplanetary velocities). The reason is since FTL = interstellar travel and the scope of this NRP is one star system at most, even than it is mostly centered around a single planetary system in regards to where most activity is.

Insectoids are fine, though try to do something a bit unorthodox here. Creativity is highly encouraged with the other species, as is giving them interesting and more compelling traits than mindless droning about.

Posting format is free form but I will ask you to give a time slot for when Everyone can expect activity from you. Time stamps and giving a location for your posts are recommended. Other than that it's very free form and narrative based.
I'm here, ask away.
hmm a sci-fi RP that doesn't sound like a cluster fuck of OPness I'm in.

Am I going to fast with the OP?

Just curious.

The premise is based on brainstroming I was doing to try to work aorund a problem with sci-fi NRPs that bothered the shit out of me. That problem being how to have a small scale while still allowing for more exotic locales or having to use the solar system. However I don't really define this as a colonization NRP as the humans are already developed and said humans were more or less a lone colony ship leaving a dead earth.

Also I thought it would be a good idea to have a colony of people descended from robots.

And to have ancient ruins and a really huge playspace. That is tiny compared to actual space NRPs.

As I hate wasting so much space in sci-fi NRPs, so this NRP tries to be economic even if it means casual WMD use isn't the norm. (lobbying nukes still happens but you have lasers to shoot the nukes so not a big deal. Rods from god are more dangerous though, but you can still blow them up using surface-orbit missiles or a superjet that reaches the troposphere of the world you are waging war on. Yes I consider that near-future tech, I don't see why we wouldn't have all this before the 22nd century).

Interplanetary travel takes weeks here, even for the custodians and i'd rather most players place their civilizations in the moon system around or on one of the major moons or the main planet Gabriel. Most action takes place within the Garbiel planetary system and for those wondering about sensors and such, the idea is that the details are lost due to how much heat there is and there is tons of traffic between the moons and in orbit of planets to hide in. Your sensors would see tons of stuff moving about as these worlds are all densely populated by multiple sapient beings, with humans not holding exlcusivity on building spacecraft (not even counting the custodians).

Climate is erratic as hell, even with the lack of reliance on oil/gas by the more advanced societies who like their nuclear fusion due to how much waste heat is given off by all the people and things doing stuff around the moon system.

And yet the depths are still not well understood by humans, hell Exodus and Gabriel haven't been explored that much. It is not like scanning the moon either, as you have to deal with thick atmospheres and underground cave systems that are all over the place along with artificial structures on the surface that love making it hard to see inside. It can be overwhelming to be honest and I am kinda worried that you may get players who are overwhelmed by all the factors in play- it is a huge, varied place to say the least. Or that is what I want it to be anyhow.

But even with that a few individuals can have a huge effect thanks to the simple fact that from a cosmic scale, this is but a pinpoint. What drama happens on Ezekiel can have a ripple effect that causes wars on Solomon for instance.

I will make a map and stats for all the major bodies used here, a detail map for each moon/planet. Help with more detailed maps would be nice, but not a need. I am willing to do the heavy work for I have a whole weekend to work on it. I also want to make sure I have a good share of people on board.

All the major worlds except Ezra are complex biospheres who I expect people to populate with a extremely diverse range of creatures. Go wild on that for you have regions for most kinds of life. Ice world life proved the hardest though, due to the limits of being in a temperature range where ice melts (if I wasn't, Solomon would be a ice world too) and thus limited to much more niche regions than desert or forest dwellers. Hell, creatures who bathe in acid has the highly volcanic and smoggy moon of Exodus.

I think that things can be kept short of being totally overwhelming, there's a lot of ground to cover and the smaller scale of this NRP means detailing out the moons in-depth is not a waste of time as multiple players will likely be using all five of these worlds along with adding in minor worlds.

Minor worlds are large asteroids and should always not have a biosphere. How many small moons and asteroids the Gabriel planetary system has I don't even know. I presume it to be in the dozens however. They can however have artificial habitation centers and bubble ecosystems (for instance, a small ecosystem housed within a O-Neill cylinder).

Outside the Gabriel system I may be open to adding more planets that have complex biospheres if it must happen, but only if it must happen. For instance, if you must have a europa-like world. However you will be expected to have the world be public domain.

I expect activity all over the star system from multiple factions, human or not human, but a majority of the civilizations capable of space travel should still base themselves around the Gabriel system.

That just sounds like good old class resentment.
The Grand Enigma



As the last men and women of Earth, it is our duty to make one last ditch effort to reach paradise... however long the journey.

Millennia ago the human species was rendered extinct.

A thousand years ago, our kind was born again.

From the wombs of machines born to live on a humid tropical world.

From the few thousand raised by machines came the future.

From the first tribe would develop every civilization that exists today.

Having to struggle in a humid environment filled with alien beings.

Worse still, some of them were smart and genuinely a danger to us.

As they would be monitored by custodians and attacks by the natives.

Still, our ancestors persisted despite the constant struggle.

And went on to build the foundations for billions to thrive once more.

And from those foundations we launched yet again into space.

To colonize other worlds and understand this strange place.

It was known the other worlds also had life.

Still, it was a massive shock to find intelligence still.

It became a fact of life, how common civilization is.

As even Solomon proves not as secure as it was initially assumed.

For we have been just scratching the crust when there is far more.

Layers upon layers of underground jungles on Solomon and sprawling ghost cities.

Some still maintained by mindless and mad custodians.

Overwhelming it all can become, the more you take it in.

The whole star system being touched in some way by the degenerative descendants.

Of the true creators of the worlds we live upon.

And every time we look we see swarms of activity.

Be it from the numerous ecosystems of wildlife across multiple worlds.

Giving rise alien civilizations primitive and advanced.

Or how every day a citizen sees specks of light drifting.

That weld the means to oblivion at the push of a button.

The flux and traffic of activity between the orbital cities we have set up.

Has created endless traffic around and between the worlds of Gabriel.

The scariest part is knowing how so few people can affect the lives of billions.

Across multiple civilizations, worlds and species.

Making the only certainty we have now being uncertainty.

May the first tribe save us all!


Out of Character

The Grand Enigma or "The Grand Enigma of 82 Eridani" is a fusion of near-future technothriller and planetary romance and is the product of a desire to make a sci-fi NRP that is neither sol or has a galaxy to worry about. For here there is only one star system, near future technology in the far future and lots of exotic locales to work with across multiple worlds.

In terms of applying for Grand Enigma, all you need to do is PM me your first IC post as a trial after making some lore and promise to work with other players in regards to collaborative world building while not doing the things on the list of NO. For ideas, check the list of YES which you can also add to by saying what you as a player want to have someone else take on the role of.

But first you must understand the Eridani 82 system and the worlds you are to inhabit and figure out where you want to set up.


-Vulcan Zone [one complex biosphere, a venus-like, high gravity super earth with oceans of sulfuric acid]
-Outer Zone [no complex biospheres out there]

System stats overall-
Worlds with Life: 5 worlds with complex biospheres (the majority of which exist in the Gabriel System), unknown amount of worlds with simple biospheres or habitation zones.
World Count: 43 or so (this includes smaller worlds and gas giants)
Asteroid Belts: Two Belts
Star Count: One G8 Star, 82 Eradini


Now dedicate to one of three perspectives and put your work within said perspective. You can make individuals from another perspective, but you cannot make civilizations or species from other perspectives once you make a civilization for one of the three perspectives.

There are also hybrid perspectives and guidelines regarding any potential mixture of the above three perspectives.

The Grand Enigma of 82 Eridani is oriented around adventuring with near future technologies and gadgetry, with lots of play space to work with. Try to have diverse tech over powerful tech even if dropping kinetic rods and nuclear weapons are all acceptable to have (but let's not go around willy nilly with the apocalyptic devices! Thankfully smaller scale warfare and skirmishes when adventuring is more what I am looking for here- Don't have overly massive spaceship fleets please. I'd say around a couple hundred at most, nothing too fancy okay!)

Creative freedom is important so I will just say what I don't want to see:

-humanoid aliens who minus well be people

-Furry aliens

-Interstellar mass invasions

-Planet killers (overkill, no?)

-Massive space fleets (again, overkill when you just have one planetary system to worry about... Though one filled with drones that hate you and other civilizations who also hate you)

-Pop cultural things (This is not a fandom Rp, please don't treat it like one)

-Anything that has control over a entire world (don't be greedy! These are big worlds with lots of things to control, no need to monopolize it and you probably won't be able to as things are too multi-polar for that... Too many thinking creatures and robots with surface-orbit missiles)

-Making a world with complex life elsewhere in the star system. I want most of the action and content for this NRP within the Gabriel planet system. Note: If you can make the case for adding a new planet with complex life elsewhere I may consider it, but Gabriel's Planet system will remain the only notable place in the human habitable zone.

-Elves. Please no.

-AI gods. AI is fine, but for go full retard on it okay?

-Tech that is advanced. Most advanced I'd prefer people get are orbital killsats or spaceships with kill rods in terms of WMDs. For this NRP is not a matter of how fluffy you can be!

-Human cultures that have blatant continuity with today's nation-states (so try to avoid having something called "New France" or such). Having something Abrahamic is fine (I am using biblical stories to name the world's after all), though please consider the theological impact the environment and its strangeness has had on the human factions. Also consider the dark ages and split that happened centuries earlier. We can work backwards on the details.

-Species/entities that are redundant to what already exists. Consider forming a family with said already existing species (give them some trait continuity) or use the already existing species in play but with a separate civilization. Worlds are huge places!

So, anyone interested?

It'll be all the fun of a Sci-fi NRP mixed with some of the good aspects of fantasy NRPs in regards to having a geography to think about instead of simply blobbing it up on a galaxy map or overthinking the BILLIONS of stars your empire should be in control of. And I even included a diverse range of environments and worlds that suit all matter of strange esoteric beings from icy caves and dense jungles to cool deserts and stormy cloudscapes.


Imagery made in the following programs:
Universe Sandbox 2 (where I modeled the star system used in this RP)
Space Engine (Used for the splash picture)

Useful links:
82 Eridani Information

@pugbutter It has been hell getting republican senators to oppose some of the less... Savory aspects of the Trump agenda as is.

Getting them to invest in vertical farming is just not in question unless some billionaire can get a lobbying group going for it or a governor somewhere runs on the promise of investing in it.... Even than there is a chance it'll be overpriced to hell and take forever to finish like with Jerry Brown's bullet train.
<Snipped quote by Burning Kitty>

Each of the ideas you mentioned are unsatisfactory.

China's one child policy worked somewhat, however with the scale of the world we inhabit we would still end up with many country bumpkins continuing to produce more than one child.

A lottery of that nature would cause too much societal strife, and might lead to unrest among the population to such an extent that they rebel against the processes which enforce the lottery.

Simply euthanizing "leeches" would do little to quell the constant threat of population growth. It would disincentive people from lethargy to such an extent that they might even cause further strain on the world. And, of course, there is always the question of the global scale; it won't slow the birth rates of developing countries and is hard to enforce without incident.

Constant war does too much damage to infrastructure and the environment, and can even lead to the destruction of humanity as a whole: something which is rather unwanted. Besides, war opens up too many other avenues of societal degradation (see 1984).

I should have stated that by reversing population growth, I meant stopping birth rates from occurring at a replacement level, so that the next generation of humanity is much smaller than the last.

Who defines who as a 'leech'? Who is this elite to say who is and isn't allowed to exist?

The general trends in population growth actually shows a general stagnation after a certain point- the fears of overpopulation are simply that, fears. The system can stabilize itself if allowed to.

The issue is that there's always some complications. I just don't really think that you need that much tech for a solution. Simply a new distribution of it and even if global cooperation is impossible each country may see it crucial as to copy solutions from competitors that work.

Ultimately the idea is you have a perpetual state of 'tension' induced as a means of making sure civilization doesn't become complacent. That matters more than a reliance on top-down authoritarian measures of population control that don't really solve the problem. It's the right kind of conflict you want, if you have destructive conflict you go back to the stone age- have productive conflict and you get a man on the moon.

That's why I don't really advocate world government much as world governments tend to lead to global tyrants who would care more about power preservation than any abstract hope of advancing humanity, I suppose a ideological vanity project or two might happen, but I believe that a multi-polar system that doesn't collapse has the best hope of leading to a paradoxically better world. Consider the cold war and consider the constant advancements happening both in america and overseas. America won't play with biotech on humans? China will! China won't allow for new political concepts to develop? The West Will! America won't use biofuels? Brazil does! America didn't invest in a particle collider? Europe does!

The need to deal with climate change will also require many solutions, thankfully more countries have leaders who believe it than don't so even if it may seem hopeless I still think that there is some chance of pulling from the brink... Even if the entropy increases may make that thought come off as foolish. Just remember that complex systems have their ways of finding a equilibrium even if it may seem like we are doomed to apocalypse at times. Technically we should've had Reagan start WW3 and wipe out the human species... Yet still we are here!
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