Avatar of Baklava
  • Last Seen: 17 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: FMAlchemist
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1456 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Baklava 10 yrs ago


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Takin' a break.


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Color me interested! Gotta pay homage to sweet and simple concepts.
Callan Points Updated! Status Updates Soon To Follow...

@RedDusk @Riffus Maximus @Snagglepuss89 @Piercing Light @January @Chasers115 @PapiTan

Siena gained a friendship point! +
Siena gained a friendship point! +

Angelique gained a friendship point! +

Sander gained a friendship point! +
Sander gained a friendship point! +
Sander gained a friendship point! +
Sander gained a friendship point! +

Lawrence gained a friendship point! +

Kusari lost a friendship point... -
Kusari lost a friendship point... -

Christmas gained a friendship point! +

Marcus gained a friendship point! +
Marcus gained a friendship point! +
Marcus gained a friendship point! +


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The mood he was in had been completely ruined.

When he had begun his journey back into his own dorm, the sight that met him was unnerving to say the least. The 430 door (and he knew it was 430 because he'd looked to the number three times desperately hoping it wasn't his) had apparently exploded. The door that he was pretty sure was strong enough to keep the young subnaturals inside. He approached cautiously, peeking his head in to see what the situation was like.

"Hey cuff guy...we've got a little bit of a situation at Suite 430." Marcus said quietly. "The door's in like, a million pieces right now, but I don't know if anybody's inside."

He bent down to the rubble, picking up one of the larger splinters and standing with his back flat against the wall. He strained his ears to see if he could hear anything but the blood that was thumping in his ears. He tried to ignore the cold, empty feeling of fear as he looked back into the room, holding the splinter of wood in one hand, and flicking on the flashlight on his phone with the other.

The shadows that he cast across the floor were silent, twisting and turning as Marcus nervously stepped into the room, looking around and illuminating the corners and crevices first. He stopped, flipping the light switch next to the empty door frame, eyes darting around as the rest of the room lit up. The living room seemed to be fine - which made Marcus relax a little bit. Maybe Callan had just sleep-walked out the door or something, or maybe Siena took a strong name and underestimated herself when she was leaving.

His calm immediately shot back to hesitation as he walked into the rest of the suite. His gaze immediately focused on the deep claw marks in the carpet. Those were a little harder for his brain to rationalize, and he wracked his mind trying to figure out what could have possibly made them. Not either of his roommates...and as furious as he thought Siena's dog was, there was no way it could have done this.

A quick look over the rest of the room showed that everything was still in its proper place - at least, all of his stuff was. None of Callan or Siena's things looked like it had been moved, it even looked like one of them had got some new things, but he didn't memorize the layout of the room well enough to know for sure. The only other thing of note were the shattered bits on the floor near Callan's bed. They looked electronic, whatever they used to be.

What he didn't see was signs of a struggle. Besides the door, the claw marks, and the shattered thing, there was nothing to suggest anything bad had happened here. He wasn't quite sure how to take the bit of logical deduction - it was either a good thing, or a very bad thing. He sat down on his own bed for a moment, trying to gather himself as he involuntarily began to panic slightly. He pulled out his phone, quickly selecting both Callan and Siena.

Hey...quick question: where are you right now?

Hopefully, if they both responded, there was nothing really to worry about. Apart from the clawed intruder, of course.

His phone buzzed, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Heading back now. Did you need something?

That was at least one accounted for.

"Hey there, Mr. Howell!" Fredric's familiar voice chimed from Marcus's cuff, prefaced by a loud beep, "Sorry for the late response. Pretty busy today! Uhh, don't worry about the door there! We'll have it fixed in a jiffy!" Beep.

His good buddy Freddy. The guy who he could count on to always irritate him when that cuff beeped. As far as Marcus recollected, Freddy had not been helpful once during all their lovely conversations. Even now, it seemed like he was missing the point by a mile.

"While I appreciate that Fred, there was definitely an intruder in here. Something tore up the carpet, and I've only been able to get a hold of Siena so far."

Saying it outloud certainly didn't help him to calm down. Some big monster was roaming around somewhere on campus, and he couldn't get ahold of one of his roommates. By this time, he was starting to slowly pace around the room, his brain already coming up with worst case scenarios that he had to actively try and ignore.

Several more seconds passed before Fredric answered again. "Nope! No reports of any intruders in Suite 430, Mr. Howell. Which is remarkable considering how long your door's been like that, huh? Really gotta fix that. Anyway, I can assure you that both your roommates are perfectly fine."

Both his roommates were fine. That much was enough to alleviate his worry. Normally, he'd be kind of creeped out that Fredric could tell him that so quickly, but right now he was more converned about other matters.

"You're positive? And what do you mean, 'no intruders'? There's huge claw marks in the carpet, Fred...did the dog do that? Does he have super powers too?" Marcus said, a hint of bitterness surfacing to replace the anxiety. Something here wasn't adding up, and the gears in his mind hadn't even skipped a step between worry and trying to solve this enigma.

When the cuff beeped again, Fredric could be heard sighing into the reciever, "Mr. Howell, forgive me if I sound discourteous, but I am quite busy. I don't have time to entertain your weird questions or repeat myself."

"You're right. My bad. Didn't mean to take up so much of your time. It's obvious, isn't it? Should have figured out that the huge beast marks came from one of my roommates." Marcus said, rolling his eyes despite the fact that he doubted Fred could see it. "Thanks for your help, Freddie." While delivered in a sarcastic tone, the statement was half-genuine at least; Fred had answered fifty percent of his worries, but now he had more questions than answers.

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Ohhh. Ohhh. OHHHH.

Ohh, damn. Okay. I'm interested. So many choices...

Leaning towards a Book Dept. archer/archive chick or maybe a Tamer from the Pet Dept... hnnnnng
I think just about anyone would think it's cool that you're going to animate an RP they're all in-- no matter what it's about. But yeah, I kinda have to withhold my interest until I know what the story's going to be like.
I gotta say-- I wouldn't want to be mentioned for simply viewing an interest check either. Not at all.

I think it's a bad habit. Also a bad way to gauge how successful your interest check is, as I know some GMs say stuff like "If 3 more people say they're interested, I'll start working on the OOC!" Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, but you should never count lurkers towards that number. That's like counting people who walk by your food truck and stop long enough to read the menu as customers. Unless they actually buy something-- don't count them. And definitely don't sign them up for your weekly newsletter just because you happen to have the ability to know everyone's email address.

There are a number of reasons why someone might decide to lurk without saying anything-- but I think the main reason is probably that they're either not interested or unsure of whether or not they're interested. If they are, they have all the means available to let it be known and keep track of what's going on. The thread isn't going anywhere. The subscription button is always an option. You might have to go to page two of the Interest Check section if you forgot to subscribe, but that's not a big deal at all. Probably easier than the GM sitting on their toppic and jotting down the name of every person that peeks their head in the window.

I would much rather gauge how passionate a GM is about their RP by observing the effort they put into the story itself than mentioning people who could possibly be uninterested. That just wreaks of desperation to me. Have faith in your story and GMing ability. If both are super great, you shouldn't be having to sneak in the extra numbers so people think your RP is more popular than it is. Overall, it just comes across as a bit scummy-- but maybe that's just me.

Felicia's terrified screams formed a shoddy duet with Archer before she managed to clamp her mouth shut. Archer broke the skeleton's grip on her sword. She scrambled backwards and to her feet, suddenly realizing that the monster's forearm was still soundly latched onto her blade.

"Eugh!" she frantically shook it off, looking up just as she heard the sudden FWOOSH of flames. The dismembered forearm clattered across the room, picked up by the skeleton who'd lost it. With body language that seemed to suggest annoyance in spite of its perpetuating smile, it reattached the arm and inched closer with the others, teeth chattering.

Instinctively, her free arm shot out across Archer's chest, urging him to back up and get behind her. Obviously his fire magic wasn't going to work... er... hadn't worked. In fact, it'd made these ten times worse. Not his fault. He didn't know. She herself didn't know exactly why she was motioning for Archer to get behind her either. She had no idea what she was going to do, but... well, she had to do something.

Hardly thinking, Felicia grabbed her water skin. She hastily unscrewed the top and thrust it towards the flaming skeletons. It pitifully splashed across the nearest sack of bones, but the amount of water was little more than a mouthful. She forgot she'd used up most of it cleaning the wounds from the bats. Suddenly something came hurtling out of the wall Felicia and Archer had come from, plopping onto the ground between them and the skeletons before hissing and scrambling up the bars of the cell.

It was Jillian! Felicia had always been good with names and Jillian was one she wouldn't soon forget. She was a Skullkid. Felicia knew very little of the creatures other than they came from the Lost Woods. As such, you weren't really supposed to see them-- since people were generally encouraged not to go anywhere near there. Nonetheless, something about Jillian awoke something inside of her in that moment. As the skeletons briefly turned their attention towards the Skullkid clinging to the bars, Felicia took a deep breath and adjusted the grip on her sword, tossing her empty water skin aside.

Get it together, Felicia. You know how to use this thing. Now stop being useless and USE IT!

"HYAGH!" Felicia swung her sword across the nearest skeleton with as much strength as she could muster, successfully cleaving the creature in half at the spine. She repeatedly stomped her boot down on the skull as it angrily clattered at her from the floor, putting out the flames while causing the head to cave in on itself.

A second skeleton took a swing at her then. Its flaming fist narrowly missed her cap as she ducked, swinging her sword at the creature's knees and stabbing it through the skull as it made a grab for her ankles. Now infuriated as well as inflamed, the remaining two skeletons collapsed in on her before she could raise her weapon for another blow.
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