Avatar of Blueflame
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3392 (1.13 / day)
  • VMs: 7
  • Username history
    1. Blueflame 8 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current Howdyy
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2 yrs ago
Maidens? I'd prefer a bastards son lol
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2 yrs ago
Imma ghostttt
2 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
three shortest words in the english language? is it in
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"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

-J. Robert Oppenheimer,
Father of the atomic bomb after witnessing the first test

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige

A bullet can have your name, but a grenade simply says "to whom it may concern"
Meme by foster

A hero need not speak for when he is gone the world speaks for him

The pen is mightier than the sword. The world as your canvas, what you paint on it beware.

Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

You know some people see catastrophe and their first thought is 'I need to help' others simply are glad it didnt happen to them, but there is very few who simply grin and think 'I caused this' run from those ones.

Most Recent Posts

"I'm phospho" he whispered as he began to uncurl. I guess they aren't that bad phospho thought as he showed his face.@Letmehaveone2
@Letmehaveone2 "h..hi" phosphor said as he slightly stopped shaking. At least they aren't attacking me right away phospho thought as he peeked at them.
@Vampy I'm gonna wait for @KatherinWinter post to go
@Vampy "alright but do you want to face each other or a
Away from each other
" max said as he got to the back of the boat and held it still for her to get in. 'im guessing she likes the color red" max thought as he looked up at her.
@Shoryu Magami ah ok it's fine I think they got it anyway
@Gutshot did my mention work gutshot
@Letmehaveone2 phospho tryed to hide him self to the best of his ability. He only manged to curl up in a ball. He was shaking becuase he didn't know if he could trust them and he was scared.
"want me to hold the boat so you can get in" Max said standing up and faced her as he held out his hand for her too get up. "well sense I can get in the boat easier with my power " max said kinda nervous most people where scared of his power but she said it sounded cool.
(Wait is your character evil like he has killed anyone?)
@Letmehaveone2 that's fine I take awhile to post too sometimes ^^
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