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@Rhymer An Player or NPC. Either way. If we have enough people in the future then definitely player. Right now We are a bit overcrowded by Corporate brass factions. And as is will have to create NPC hostiles, which I have no problem with.

As for who should control Elysium itself. Definitely an major corporation. Either homegrown on Mars or otherwise.
Well then we could think of Elysium as the corporate example of what Mars should be. With its own puppet government either supported by Vulcan Tech, or United Terran Government themselves. Then we'll have other factions and groups dotted across Mars some basic and more tribal most atleast leased land under Corporate contract and taxed. This can create an array of opinions and factions while still being a little like the wild west.
Terran Intelligence Agency

Mars Detachment

TIA is an broad, multi-department spanning organization. The formation and history of TIA has been around almost as long if not as long as the Terran Government itself has. The roles of the agency vary as it is an Jack of all trades, taking in specialists from all branches of the military; and even civilians. Namely its most useful tool is information, and ground informants are as valuable as ever in an ever changing Solar system.

The Mars Detachment, code named Loki is based at the Terran Embassy in Elysium. It is an recent and rushed ordeal at best due to recent turmoil, and Terran interest in keeping Mars stable. Its primary parameter is Counter Terrorism. It is to support the Martian government in its current struggle in any capacity possible, within the bounds and directives of the Terran Government's interests of course.

Only the higher up officials in Martian bureaucracy, and some Martian military officers know of Loki's existence in an need to know capacity.

Important Personnel

Detachment Loki Assets

Untited Terran Embassy Assets

(I've barely had time to work on this as it is and mind you I've been staying up past 2AM, trying to finish this thing. But this is what I got done from yesterday too today. Maybe I think too much about how I construct these sheets, but dammit they always come out nice this way.

Anyways aside from that the Ambassador, and Embassy are included in the sheet since they do house Loki. This means they will be a part of the RP but for the most part will remain independent from Loki in its actions. Cheers! Can't wait to get this party started!)
Oooh, I'm excited. Does this mean we can dot our factions at different locations forementioned or will we be staying in one spot like last time?
Turnbased is ok, but most people are skeptical unless you are playing DnD. Also there is the potential for people to become butthurt over said turn based combat. But I wouldn't be too worried about it given how mature our group is.

On the other hand I could see turn based taking away from the RP for some. But the evidence is in the pudding and we won't know how it turns out until we try.

I think though that the GM doesn't want to worry about more than he has too.
Standing by for intense roleplaying action sir!

Or rather, I just got back from my exciting vacation. So whenever OCC comes up I'll pop on and cook up the CS sheet for duty.
@Legion02 Thats more than fine. The more integrated and involved the rp becomes the better. If you have anymore questions or anything you can run them through me via PM.
I've decided to be an Rogue Covert Infiltration team from Skyguard. Were cut off in the confusion, then alot of the underground assets and and a quarter of team personel killed by opposing factions.

The leader decided to go awall, and instead use all the back door information they've gathered to keep themselves in power.

Something like that anyways. Basically the group would be an large double agent conspiracy with goals to influence Mars regime. At least that will be how it would start out. >_>

Once the CS sheet format is decided I'll have fun fleshing everything out to the T.
I'm interested in either re rolling my old Corp. Or doing something new and more devious >_>.

Well I'm going to keep my nose out of this one. I think it best to drop a post in interest check instead. Seriously though, good luck guys! I hope you manage to have fun.
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