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    1. Crimmy 10 yrs ago
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Timezone: UTC+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)/UTC+11 (Australian Daylight Saving Time)
Occupation: Student/Tutor

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Rising now, anon descending,
Swift and bright as shooting stars,
Thus we travel glad and free.

The year is 198X.

The beautiful blue orb of Earth is under threat.

It comes not as an invader from beyond the celestial sphere.

It comes not as an unstoppable plague, leaving rotting life in its wake.

It comes not as the collapse of humankind, their recklessness bringing about their own doom in the fires of nuclear devastation.

Instead, it is the planet itself that seeks to sate its hunger with the blood of the innocent.

Monstrous creatures, strange flesh and warped with metal, have risen from the very depths of Planet Earth.

They spread death and destruction in their wake, walking disasters seeking only one goal.

Humanity's utter extermination.

Under siege by these mysterious leviathans, and their glorious works crumbling into the dust before their eyes, there was no recourse for mankind but to band together, grovelling and scrabbling in the dirt for anything that could give them a chance to survive the terrible onslaught.

They found their salvation in the man, Higini Somporn.

A man of great wealth and philanthropy, it was he who learnt of these monstrous presences on an biological expedition funded by him in the name of furthering science. It was he who, upon the realisation of the true extent the creatures' immense threat, was tasked by humanity's leaders to unite the greatest scientific minds that Earth had ever known, whether they be from the 1st World or the 2nd World or even the 3rd World, to find a way to save mankind.

Sweat. Blood. Tears. So much was expended upon this seemingly insurmountable goal, but the breakthrough came from the unlikeliest of places.

The monsters themselves.

In the aftermath of their rampages, a strange substance was discovered. A substance possessing incredible qualities, of energy beyond anybody's wildest beliefs. It was small in quantity, but the potential was too much to ignore. So under his leadership, his assembled brightest of humanity - known thereupon as the organisation of MAX FIRE - began to gather as much of this substance as they could, hoping that it would help them in their quest.

And through the power of the substance, deemed Etherion, they built a guardian.

Humanity's greatest weapon.

A sword bared against all evil.

Under the aegis of humanity's greatest at MAX FIRE'S Great Scientific Fortress of Vaucanson in the nation of Japan, the GIGA ASSAULT HELL SMASHER PROMETHION will has awakened to do battle with the beasts no matter where they appear, seeking to defend the world from the monsters that would seek its destruction.

For the sake of peace and safety for all humanity.

No matter what it takes.

Yo, so you might have come by and noticed the weird title, read the above passage, and wondered: "what the hell is this?". The answer to that question is simple: this is a giant robot RPG.

A giant, combining robot RPG.

A giant, combining robot RPG where you fight against giant monsters that want to kill humanity. Simple stuff, yeah?

Last time I ran this, I had a lotta shit going on that got in the way of my plans, but this time around I wanna do it well.

So if anyone wants to come back, @Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk@Duoya@GarlandDaHero@Stern Algorithm@Fourze, it's here.

But that doesn't mean new folks can't join in. Besides robot pilots, we always need support crew and scientists to run the Great Scientific Fortress of Vaucanson. Proud members of MAX FIRE who all pitch in to defeat the great enemy that are the monsters.

But yeah throw up interest if you wanna do things like be Chief Scientist, mechanics, pilots, et cetera.

And oh, Merry Christmas.
@Lazo@Awesomoman64@Guess Who@Abillioncats
Blossoming Relationships

With the successful extermination of the flock of Nevermores that dared to obstruct the path of Atlas' Science Ministry, the members of SVRT found themselves once more safely ensconced within the hull of the vessel, returning to the bridge where the inspector and captain awaited them.

The first to greet the young Hunters was the fluffy pink poodle. Upon their entrance, it yelped cutely in greeting, small frame shaking with every bark it made. Its actions rapidly alerted the master whose arms it was cradled in, and Thoúlē Aristeas' gaze immediately shifted away from the screens to SVRT. She followed in the animal's lead, nodding respectfully at their arrival.

"I am very much impressed by your abilities, Beaconites," she stated. "The enemies of mankind are unfortunate to have your ilk amongst their enemies! Particularly you, Ms Steele. You have been blessed with a remarkable Semblance."

"However, there are unlikely to be any further attacks of such intensity," she continued, poodle happily accepting her gentle petting. "You are free to rest and recover before our arrival at ICE CreAM. If you do have any further inquiries, however, I am receptive to questions."


Their path cleared, the rest of the trip to ICE CreAM passed in relative peace. Soon enough, the members of SVRT would arrive at the forested mountain upon which ICE CreAM's facilities were dotted about, floating past the herds of Grimm below to land at a fortified airstrip surrounded by jagged stone. There was nothing welcoming, and the sense of uneasy danger was only accentuated by the stark lack of anybody present. No other aircraft were on the strip. No hustle and bustle of researchers and operatives. Only one man - a white-haired youth - was waiting, watching their vessel dock.

"Atlesians, correct?" he asked, as everyone departed onto solid ground.
@ERode@DarkwolfX37@Crusader Lord
Stage - Dianoid, District 15

Her name was Yurugi Sae.

Once, the name would have been nothing but a byword for failure. A name that once would have been associated with "unemployment" and "dead-weight". A name that had once been granted to a once rising star in Academy City's animation industry, a talent that others looked upon in equal amounts of jealousy and awe. It was once the name of a girl who had once planned out everything. A girl who had once known the exact progression of her career down to the minute detail. A girl whose plans had once burnt up in the atmosphere, leading to the ruin that had once dogged her name.

Once, Yurugi Sae had been the victim of powers she could not oppose. Powers that had so callously cast her destiny into the swamps. Once, she had been a genius artist, violently removed from the industry before she could truly shine.


Yurugi Sae was no longer that girl.

Yurugi Sae had cast so much of it away so that she could stand here, above the masses of concert-goers and Kanamin stans, with the ability to the change the very fates of her fellow humans sitting right in her hands.

Yurugi Sae had discarded her dreams to become the greatest of directors for the sake of her vengeance.

For the sake of grasping hold of her own fate.

Yurugi Sae had taken control of the locked stage from the security booth above. Here, she was all-powerful. Here, her life was not a plaything. Instead, the lives of those below were. The masses, minds clouded with concern and fear, who would give their lives to her. To become the very pieces in her plans. Not even Iguchi, that accursed voice actress, held any meaning for her now. Only their lives, and the value that her hated enemies saw in them, were of any major import.

"All of you are my hostages!" her voice boomed through the speaker. "All of you, from the lowliest otaku to Yuka Iguchi herself, only live by my say-so! You can only leave if it is my will!"

Once, she had lost everything.

Then Yurugi Sae found her chance. A chance to fulfil her vengeance.

Even while she hurried her preparations to escape once her goals were fulfilled, even while she tried to account for the sudden appearance of the many armed individuals outside the stage she had so carefully locked down and isolated for herself, and even while her calls to the production committee faced numerous issues, she knew one thing. She had been given a chance. She would not lose it.

"I have a list of five demands for Studio Jaliax, the Orbit Portal Company and the Magical Powered Kanamin Production Committee!" she declared.

Her employers, and those producers who wronged her - she would take from them her rightful pound of flesh.

"One - The Orbit Portal Company will end its collaboration with Kanamin immediately!"

"Two - All funds allocated to the Committee should be redistributed and its members dismissed from all positions!"

"Three - Jaliax Studio will cancel all contracts with foreign studios are hire only within the country!"

"Four - Jaliax Studio will no longer be granted the right to fire at will!"

"And Five - The fourth Kanamin season will be cancelled!"

There was movement by the doorway, but she couldn't let that stop her right now. It would only hurt her declaration if she allowed herself to be so easily distracted. She needed to take every inch off her enemies.

"Every thirty minutes, I will select the same number of hostages as each unfulfilled demand and kill them, like ... SO!"

With a flick of a button, she directed one of the stage's performance lighting drones towards the door, the machine immediately spiralling out of control as it sought to crush the young girl attempting to make her escape.
@Enkryption@Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk

Big Mama Jin - Number One Woman in Japan

"We just dropping all fucking pretenses about magecraft, huh?"

Ryou staggered to her feet, her skull ringing like she'd been rammed by a fucking monster truck at a rally. Everything was red, and she was almost one hundred percent certain there was something running down the side of her face. Like brain juices, or liquefied earwax, or actual blood and fuck was she not thinking straight. Everything was jumbled up so hard that the shit oozing out of her was random enough for one of those lotto machines or whatever. Like a ...

She lurched forwards violently, her chest heaving as she spat out blood. More crimson dribbled down her chin, staining her ruined uniform. Fucking A', she was going to have to cash out on a new one and it was all thanks to Terracottamoto's asshole of a ji right there. Who the fuck was Archimedes kidding? Give him a place to stand and he'll move the Earth? Whichever fucknugget of a magus gave her dweeb of a teacher so much musclepower or whatever could do it way more easily. Ryou'd been right at the fulcrum and still got her head jacked like a coconut.

Or whatever.

It wasn't like she could think of pithy metaphors right now, you know? Her brain was fucking killing her.

Her tongue tasted funny. At least it was just the tongue. Maybe she wasn't having a fun rodeo with the crazy magic bullshit stealing away her schooltime funtimes, but her fortunes weren't off there. She wasn't gonna die anytime soon.

And like, did this fucker think she was gonna scram just because he had the balls to go bowling with her? Maybe it'd work on some other punkass, but she was thestrongest woman in Japan. She had to be the number one amongst women - no, amongst everyone in Japan. She was here for a good time, and some crazy Chinese statue boy parasite eating Morimoto's brain was not going to fucking STOP HER.

Strive for quiescence of body, mind and intention.

"A bloody BF?" Ryou wheezed out a snort even as her body pulsed with od once more. "Gimme a fuckin' break, we ain't got time for that."

She took a step forward.

Everything hurt like a bitch.

But that wasn't going to stop her from piledriving this fucker's face into the dirt.

"But we ain't gonna need one. Cos as long as I'm here, we can't lose."

Another step.

The magus responsible here was gonna underestimate her? Bloody hell. Whatever that asshole was smoking, it must have been some low quality shit.

"I'm roarin' and ready to go," she grinned out. Another step. And another.

And another.

And another.

Half her face was covered in blood, but she wasn't going to let something like that stop her.

The od inside of her intensified.

The terracotta warrior would know her power.

Her voice grew deeper. "You will know my name."


Helmet manifest, magnificent crest flowing far behind her,【張遼 奉先】 short forth with immense power, leaping off the ground and spinning like a drill of blazing heat towards the terracotta warrior. Towards the enemy. Towards the obstacle that both the delinquent girl and the Flying General were united in a method of overcoming:


MgRonald's currently:

@HereComesTheSnow@GreenGoat@Plank Sinatra
MgRonald's, District 7

Of the many weapons that Man himself could carry unaided, the bazooka was one of those that were very likely to cause a massive stir when fired in the vicinity of large civilian crowds. Even when not properly utilised (and thus prevented from reaching its full potential in the righteous cause of destruction), the mere act of launching the projectile contained within was almost guaranteed to be distracting, and every single one of the events that followed Hisui's rotational response were proof.

First: the pompadour'd, leather jacket-wearing individual engaged in combat with the two "do-gooders (classification pending)" was sufficiently distracted enough during his attempt to slap the projectile out of the air with his head-based hair that Shinjiro's kick landed true, snapping him back with barely enough time to "oof".

Second: the contingent of Anti-Skill, having arrived right outside the restaurant with their patrol cars, were inaudible despite their megaphones due to the noise of the bazooka (and the screaming of the other customers), and thus the trio of troublemakers were too distracted to grant the authorities' demands any attention.

Third: the distraction wrought by the collateral damage dealt to the MgRonald's increased, as the projectile fired by Hisui had still been knocked out of the way in time by the extending pompadour of the coughing young man currently on the floor, though "out of the way" was equivalent to "the other window" - a tidbit that resulted in glass spraying further over the restaurant floor.

Fourth: there wasn't a fourth, because rather than allow themselves to be further distracted, the two on the scooter and sidecar immediately vamoosed (though the one called 'Chief' did take the time to, despite the blood covering his hands, throw a large, jagged piece of glass at Hisui with the precision of a throwing knife). Everything cracked and clinked underneath their vehicle as they made their escape, barreling right out of the window it'd entered from and immediately trying to swing past a Anti-Skill cop car.

They wanted to run.

And jumping up from the floor with a wheeze was the remaining young man, his extending hairpiece lashing out like a hook at Shinjiro's head while he was still caught up in offense. Bazookas were distracting, and he was going to take advantage of that.

"I told you, you ain't getting past me!"

@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra
Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15

Kanacon, the twisted nexus of greed and lust, was rapidly rising at a record rate to the upper rungs of what his comrade would have foully described in limited English as a 'shitlist'. The very fact that he had been conscripted into volunteering as a grunt worker already granted the convention immortality as one of his greatest indignities, but with every passing moment, the young man was becoming utterly certain that it and the events of the past day could possibly become the absolute worst time of his life. Not only had he been shamed by his failures, the monstrous miscegenationist responsible had, in the way of an animal that shunned humanity, chosen to purchase from the Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream stall attended by him and his comrade in a coincidence that could almost be a conspiracy.

Many would have descended into inelegant blubbering at such a realisation, but he had not been laid so low that he would so easily forget his dignity. To debase himself so by entertaining the very thought that the very machinations of fate itself were arrayed against him was disgusting, and the mere idea so repulsive that his choler could almost overflow. But he refused to. No matter how much he despised contact with the Euroweeb, his sense of professionalism allowed him to perform his assigned duty elegantly and with dignity. And though he was very much aware that the animal recognised him (the sniffing could not be mistaken for anything else), he could not so publicly rid himself of its desire to mockingly meddle with him.

But when the lights snapped out of existence and the pall of black fell over every single despicable guest, the young man who acted in accordance with the name of Gandharva took his opportunity to act.

The pistol slipped into his hand.

He raised it.

And -

@DarkwolfX37@Crusader Lord@Williwaw@Duoya@ERode
Kanacon, Dianoid, District 15

There were ten of them. Before the lights had suddenly been extinguished, they had surreptitiously spread out across the convention centre, establishing points everywhere but the separate hall that contained the stage area. From appearances only, they appeared to be little more than regular con-goers, fellow Kanamin fans who had come to enjoy in all that Kanacon had to offer. However, they were but wolves amongst the flock, and when the entire floor turned pitch-black, their true nature emerged.

Even amongst the noises of confusion and surprise, the sound of weapons being armed were still very, very distinct.

But before any one of them could speak, to declare their objectives to those on the main floor, the doors to the concert hall slammed shut, one by one, each with an almighty bang.

And the gunshot rang out.

Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15

- the phone in Brennan's hand shattered.

He had changed his mind.

Gandharva grabbed his comrade and started running, their bodies shimmering only for a moment before they disappeared from view. Behind them, at the stall they had abandoned, nearby customers were screaming, absolutely unprepared for the prospect of an active shooter situation. And the chaos spread from there, filling the entire convention floor with even more panic. It was an inelegant and crude consequence to his choice of action, but there was nothing else he could do but extract them from the situation as quickly as possible.

Any initial goal of theirs had been thrown into confusion. As loathe as he was to admit it, he had no idea on what to do.

Who were these barbaric, bumbling men, and how had he failed to notice them?

Kanacon, Dianoid, District 15

The situation was quickly developing out of hand.

There needed to be order.

"Quiet!" shouted one of said armed individuals into a megaphone, the one that had taken point near the Kanamobile (the Kanamin-themed, solar-powered car that was the grand prize for the lottery) finally speaking up (although not before directing a colleague via headpiece somewhere). "All of you should play nice and shut up!"

His statement was punctuated by his holding up of a torch, its light cutting through the black.

"Now that I have all of you listening," he continued. "We'll keep it simple. None of you make another fucking sound, or try to call the cops, or try and play with a gun like whoever that smart fucking aleck and we'll find you, else we'll blow this place sky-high. Capiche? You dig?"
@DarkwolfX37@Crusader Lord@Williwaw@Duoya@ERode@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra
Stage - Dianoid, District 15

"Hey, do you really think Iguchi can still do the voice?"

"Of course she can! Don't tell me you've fallen for that stupid net rumour?"

"I'm just saying, those posts gotta have a bit of truth to 'em ..."

"This shindig is the bomb diggity."

"Word, brother. Kanacon is the rush."

"Security's beefed up since last year, if you know what I mean."

"Of course. It's only natural with the Orbital Portal Company representing themselves. Their executives are likely to have rented VIP suites and thus have the same treatment. And that their partnership with Kanamin may be to attract more angel investors. I personally think that it's a great business-"

"Shush. I meant security's beefed up. Look, isn't that man in black just a snack?"

"...I could create a Gekota AI to help manage your devices, if you so wish."

"What's the catch?"

"Sorry I'm late! Got caught in the elevators."

"Sheesh, those are still buggy? Well, at least you're here. No way was I gonna line up at the booths to buy you a recording if you couldn't come."

"But you'd line up for limited edition Kanamin costumes?"

"Duh, I love Kanamin more than you."

"It's weird seeing myself reflected all the way over there."

"That's the Dianoid for ya. Can see everywhere with that camera magickery."

"Wow, do you think security can see me waving?"

The answer to that last question was a "no", although there was somebody above the stage who could see the waving on camera. Of course, that somebody wasn't security, nor was she particularly interested in the chatter blasting through the speakers. The thoughts and opinions of those attending that Iguchi woman's concert were utterly irrelevant to her; for what reason would she want to listen to those fans?

No, the field of Kanamin stans beneath the concert security booth wasn't important at all. The important part was making sure that her vengeance could be wrought upon those who had dared to wrong her. The stage would not be that Iguchi woman's today; it would be hers, and thus her victory would arrive before even the setting of the sun.

She stood up from the unconscious body of an actual security guard, slipping his ID out from his pocket and into her scarred hands. He would not wake for quite a time, but for the sake of her revenge, she could not allow any concern for his wage slave career. Today, only she had power over her destiny.

Only she, through the card, had power over the cameras.

Only she, through the card, had power over the stage.

Only she, through the card, had power of the lives of all the concert-goers, and even that Iguchi woman: Kanamin herself.

The dim red glow of the console turned green. Access had been granted to her. The wicked smile she wore only grew at the beautiful sight. After the struggles she had faced to even place herself in a condition where the concert was her plaything, triumphing so easily over such a barrier was soothing for her soul.

Her fingers danced across the keys.

Sirens blared within the concert hall as the doors began to rapidly slam shut. They were too be trapped in here, in the hall.

And with her.

"Friends of Iguchi!" her voice rang out. "Do not panic! Your lives will be safe as long as you listen to what I have to say!"

Everything was going to plan.

And nothing was allowed to interfere.

Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15

Kyuuichiro Idemitsu was a man of few expressions. The rather blase manner with which he conducted his business with the two teenagers was testament to that. Despite the email addresses given to him by Aya being filled with the quintessence expected of a "middle schooler" (see: somebody who still purchases SmiggleTM. products), and though Haruma appeared to be wishing to be anywhere but in front of a Orbit Portal Company representative, the one known as Mr Idemitsu was really just focusing on getting his job done.

The teenagers wanted to invest, so he would help them.

"There is no problem," he replied.

He wasn't someone who let things like teenage quirks interfere with his job.

It usually took something bigger than that to get his attention, and that something would be the lights flickering off, plunging the entirety of Kanacon into darkness.

"What was that?"
MgRonald's, District 7


The one they called 'Chief' appeared to be deep in thought.

The sirens were mere buildings away.

"This is one of them breakdown in negoti-ne-negotiat-nego-fuck Isami hit it!"

Multiple things proceeded to happen all at once.

The windows of the MgRonald's shattered into a million shards of glass (much to the loud consternation of the hat-wearing girl at the counter, who had only just managed to turn on the aircon) as a metallic white three-wheeled scooter (and its sidecar) roughly backed straight into the restaurant, called by the power of Isami's smartphone app. The mulleted individual's hair underwent stylistic changes, morphing into a pompadour (and thus becoming a pompadour'd individual) that thrust forth like a lance in the hope of plugging shut the bazooka. The chief grabbed the MgChickens from the other leather jacket-clad man, and ran straight for the sidecar without any care for the glass digging into him with each step.

"Meet at T.A.F.!" he shouted at the pompadour'd fellow, all while Isami started up the scooter. "Your MgChicken isn't goin' to be patient!"

"Whatever, chief." The man with the powerful hair was already focused on holding back the do-gooders. "You ain't hitting them until you get past me!"
Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15

"He's around yay tall," said the woman, gesturing above her head with her right hand to mark the height of the aforementioned executive. Megumi herself was not in any way short for a local of Academy City, given that she stood at a height of a metre seventy, but it appeared that the executive was in fact almost a span taller! "You shouldn't miss him if you look around for a tall foreign man. I think he said he was from a place called Rajasthan?"


"I would prefer to use email," said Mr Idemitsu, though he did accept Haruma's card to write on. The representative had appeared to zone out during the rather exuberant exchange between the two teenagers, but the moment their attentions had shifted to him, he was already returning their questions.

As a citizen of Academy City, he was used to the strange habits of the children that kept crawling around, whether it be at his workplace or during his morning commutes. Dealing with their inquiries was of no issue to him, and even if it did, he wasn't particularly trying to emote so (the Orbit Portal Company paid far too well).

"The role given to me is to liaise with any potential investors," he replied to Aya's question as he handed the card back to Haruma. "As I was about to say earlier, I can direct you to the brokers and give any information within reason."

@Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra
Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15

"The way I see it," began the cosplayer, adopting the wistful tone of Kanamin in her many self-reflective scenes in Integral. "if there's merchandise available and you have the power to acquire it ... there shouldn't be a doubt as to what you should do."

As much as his comrade appeared to enjoy quoting Magical Powered Kanamin, such childish activities were part of a realm that the young man was loathe to step into. His unfortunate presence at "Kanacon" had not arisen from any enjoyment of the franchise that Academy City's debauched denizens were celebrating in the Dianoid on this day, but rather due to a series of shameful situations that had lead him to a point where any attempts at escaping were too unlikely to succeed. It was utterly galling, as if the gods themselves were intent on manoeuvring him into such indignities. He had reluctantly subscribed to such a theory in recent days, and the customers he was forced to serve so professionally only confirmed the existence of this conspiracy against him.

"Two thousand seven hundred yen," said the young man politely and with as much dignity a man wearing Kanamin's face on a t-shirt could muster as he tapped away at the register. "Your Magi☆Mint Chip is here."

With as much elegance and subdued dignity as he could muster, he silently took the money proffered by the foreigner before him. It was deposited safely within the confines of the register, returning to the civilisation of humans to which it belonged. And once more, he gracefully held the duo's purchase towards them, a distasteful sacrifice to the wild.
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