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Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, I got started with writing online on the Spore forums. Man, those were the days. We're talking like 12 years ago!

I've been here on and off for almost as long, and have GM'd a bunch of different things to varying success.

Discord: VMS#8777

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And a sheet for Zeus Prime, the clone!


That works. I noticed the look you'd left but was just offering to have something more happen so that the impetus for interaction with the others isn't solely on you.

I'd imagine that he's not at all in the loop about the death of Zeus, so you might have an interesting plot thread with him coming to somehow discover that through reconnaissance or maybe somehow monitoring and spying on the gods' communication channels. He could presumably be monitoring all major communications from his hideout under the hopes that he gets some sort of signal from beyond their current system.

That's actually another interesting goal to consider working towards -- maybe he wants to either build signal infrastructure and a power source to run it, or otherwise capture or hack that infrastructure in Olympus so that he could get a message out to report what's been going on. It seems like he's thought of the possibility too; I took note of the line at the top where he says, "Command better be giving me one hell of a promotion when communication is finally re-established..."

Anyhow, those are just ideas! I'm fond of Isaac and you can consider the sheet accepted.
I just want to praise all of you and say that I've been immensely pleased with all the character sheets so far. Good work everyone!

For my own part, I think that I've mostly finished a CS for the late Zeus. It's notably missing his relationships with the others as individuals, particularly after they became gods, but by posting this to show some of his personality and backstory I think it'll help inform various ideas for how they might have felt about him. I'll happily discuss that part and add in more details about his relationships later.

Zeus Prime, what I've taken to calling the clone that rules as of the start of this RP, will have some key differences but a lot of things like his artifacts will be the same or similar. Still, I'm going to be working on a sheet for him next, then I intend to make the official OOC thread so we can move out of this interest check. The new OOC thread will definitely contain more details about the planet Hellas (where this takes place) and perhaps some other things that I think are important. If there's any lore of background information that you think I should put in the OP for when I do that, then let me know.

@Zyx I quite like Isaac! I understand why you're excluding the divine names etc. Still, I mentioned in my sheet that Zeus has declared that Isaac is to be known as Typhon to the mortals -- it seems fitting since Typhon was one of Zeus' challengers and enemies, and also 'the father of monsters'.

Some concern has been raised about whether you'll be a bit isolated and shunted out of the action near the beginning of the IC. I think I have a solution, though: the late Zeus, though he surely would have hated Isaac for his defiance and refusal to join the conspiracy, may have been nonetheless pragmatic enough to not try too hard to find and destroy his hideout. With Isaac around as a bogeyman there's a common enemy so that the others in the pantheon have something to fear and a reason for unity, and because Isaac only is able to attack every so often and he rebuilds his forces at fairly predictable intervals it's not too unreasonable to let him do his thing for a few centuries. Zeus Prime, on the other hand, might not see the value in such a unifying enemy and so could immediately order a renewed effort to locate Isaac with the goal of killing him or throwing him into Tartarus. Thoughts on that?

Great to hear! If upon a second look you find yourself intrigued, it'd be great to have you come talk to us on the Discord.

As an aside, to everyone else interested: I was hoping to get a real OOC up today along with character sheets for Zeus I and the clone Zeus as examples, but things came up and time escaped me. For now, here's just the CS template:


The premise works -- there's a plausible motive as well as an MO (that of creating multiple backups; perhaps your rogue/fallen 'god' for lack of a better term has been fought and destroyed by the pantheon one or several times before and is therefore presumed dead, giving them the advantage of surprise if they entered into a new form and then just hibernated and/or made preparations for centuries whilst waiting for an opportune time to try again).

Interestingly MarshalSolgrieve has the idea for a janitor on the crew to have become deified as Hades, with the humans having some sort of burial ritual that results in the corpses actually being taken down pipes or tubes to a physical underworld where they can be processed, for "sanitation purposes". So this state of things might be at least in part to deprive your character from being able to quickly and quietly amass an army of the dead if they return again, and similarly, the other gods might view uploading and/or backing up their minds as taboo due to its association with your character.

So yeah, the existence of that underworld is a nice coincidental thing that keeps the threat level of your character from being too great. There would naturally be some corpses available since not everyone or thing would receive the proper burial for various reasons, but it means there aren't graveyards with tens of thousands of corpses waiting to be converted into soldiers. Perhaps you should discuss some things with solgrieve because I see the potential for some significant overlap there. As an aside, I've been wondering why you use the > markers to greentext.

An OOC note to the GMs – I’m not trying to get a free artifact out of his suit of armor and will pay 5 MP for it in my first post, I just don’t want to think up and then describe whatever form he takes for the one or two paragraphs before that happens.
<Snipped quote by Oraculum>

>It's a valid concern, though I do have at least somewhat of a hook in mind since said character would likely be operating from afar at first if possible. Though I'd need to run some ideas by everyone first since my original concept of them being someone in charge of operating a medical nanite assembler with the original intention of curing any illnesses and the like among the cut off populace might not fly. Or might take a bit more working to make sense. But I could see an increase in depopulated villages or hamlets drawing the gods attention, along with rumors of "undead" or nanite resuscitated/pupptted corpses roaming the land.

I think these ideas are workable and was even hoping that somebody would make a character that's secretly (or possibly even openly) opposed to Zeus.

Your examples there would both be fine by me. Regarding "technically all their tech doesn't violate known physics," I think it's cool when some sort of reasonable-sounding explanation can be given for how an artifact or technology works. That said, I'm willing to handwave it and just let the workings of some let some things be left vague or entirely unexplained, for the purpose of allowing things that make the story interesting.

The only thing I really don't want to see is blatant magic along the lines of the psykers from 40K or the Force from Star Wars. Just to be clear, technologies that can somehow fry brains or enable something resemblant of telekinesis would be fine, so it's not the powers there that I would object to so much as how the existence of actual magic goes against the setting's big theme of charlatans using sci-fi devices to fake magic and divinity.

But I think we're mostly along the same wavelength here. Feel free to join the Discord that I linked at the bottom of the OP!
>Consider me interested, although I would know how advanced or fantastical this tech can be. Is it Clarketech level like in Orion's Arm or even more impossible with things like FTL, gravity manipulation, and really efficient or stupid nanotechnologies? Like can a god just teleport via some quantum BS or will we need to use some kind of utility fog? Can consciousness be uploaded so one can exist in virch worlds that masquerade as afterlives for biological beings? Those kinds of things.

I'm familiar with the term Clarketech in general sci-fi as technology that's just indistinguishable from magic. I'm not sure exactly how it's portrayed or defined in Orion's Arm, but Clarketech was exactly what I was going for here with people posing as gods.

Mind uploading for virtual afterlives or resurrection of a sort is definitely fine by me, as is artificial gravity and its manipulation. I'd consider teleportation but probably permit it depending upon the details, though FTL in particular one that I have some qualms with. I'm open to the possibility of almost any ideas so long as the implications are reasonably well thought out.

The thing about FTL is that it opens a whole can of worms about scope of the setting -- it feels less plausible for this isolated planet to have remained isolated and turned out like it did if FTL is present and people can just zoom around all over the galaxy, and I also don't intend for there to ever be any real possibility of leaving the vicinity of the planet and solar system where most of the RP takes place.

In general I haven't set any strict guidelines for what the technology level is because that felt like it'd firstly be a bit beyond the scope of an interest check, and secondly because I'm just generally open to ideas and am happy to collaboratively establish such details based upon the characters that we get and the technologies that they use.
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