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Updating playlist thing on my bio today, if you're ever looking for the link again or want it on a different platform just pm me and tricky will hook you up.
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This one time I seriously considered buying a dick rose phone case.
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Sorry for the delay, y'all. I'm havin a rough week. I'll have updates for all the groups done by Sunday.

Hopefully things start looking up for you.
@KoukiAlright make both a weapon and a meister? I can do that, it was something I preferred anyway. for that same reason if something happens to the person playing the other part someone needs. I'll just put together another character while still making the one I was originally going to make

Gooood, goood.
I have to disagree with the idea that doing your own character pairs is superior to pairing up with other players. It's more fun to have your characters more closely responding to the dialogue and actions of other player characters rather than strictly following your own preordained whims. Plus, while the argument that strangers tend to drop out or disappear for long periods of time is valid, that's always going to be a problem that impacts the whole group, not just a couple of characters, and losing players is always going to be a problem unless you've managed to get together an RP consisting of just you and a dozen friends (and then there's the scheduling issues...)

Personally, I don't think having pairs controlled by two players instead of one is ever going to inherently hurt the speed of an RP, because it's not really addressing the core problem one way or another (that being: real life happens). And even if it did, what you might lose in speed you make up for in spontaneity and more dynamic character interactions, which I think is a fair trade.

It really isn't about superiority but rather what is more flexible, really at the end of the day your main character is going to be a weapon or a meister. While the opposite will simply be a supporting character that guarantees you will remain the RP on your own merit. When it comes to dynamic character interactions, they can still be achieved in collab format.

Like Kouki said, it is an option. Both players do have to understand the implications of it in the long run. :)
<Snipped quote by Crimson Raven>

It doesn't really make a difference. RP relies heavily on groups posting together anyways, so having partners as separate players is absolutely fine. No matter what RP, speed will always be dependant on the motivation of the people involved, changing how many people we control won't play a huge part into the speed. If anything, Roleplaying on your own with two people will actually likely de-value the importance of groups cooperating together.

When in reality if you're going to pony up with a friend or someone you know it's easier to say that. While with strangers you're putting a lot on yourself and your partner to be here consistently regardless of legitimate reasons to pull someone away from RP. If you and the other person want to go balls to the wall, sure. It would be equally prudent to have a back up plan or character to cover for absences and or unexplained disappearances.
<Snipped quote by DearTrickster>

Sure. I'll cobble something together shortly.

Awesome, there's no hurry as of right now so take your time.
I'd prefer to play a meister incidentally but I understand if that's not an option.

I actually wanna play a weapon because I just think it would be awesome to be a weapon.

It's totally fine to create your main character as a meister or weapon, they do need a partner to function in a fight whether that's pairing up with another player or creating your own. It would be easier in a fight or scene to control both a meister and weapon of your own but there are options. :)

Please remember guys this is not first come first serve, do feel free to take time on developing your character sheets at this point in time.
<Snipped quote by DearTrickster>

*insert endless jokes about "riding" here*

Also, we got dudes turning into magic mirrors wielded by monkeys. Soul Eater filed the divorce papers with logic a long time ago xD

I know right, fairly we do need some line of logic to follow for something like that to exist. If you can come up with a reasonable way for a flying motorcycle demon weapon to exist beyond 'just because' I'd love to see it.
Crazy idea here, I'm gonna make a character whose weapon form is a demonic flying motorcycle that attacks people with spiked tire treads and flaming tailpipes. Anyone else down for this?

Uh that's pretty out there, super crazy indeed :. How exactly would they be wielded by a meister and the more complicated implications of a human turning into a motorcycle?
lol some Madness seem to have happened, and I will emit they do change a lot of terms from the manga compared to things like the anime. Like referring to them as Technicians. Kind of crazy there. Also I believe they prefer to Crona as 'They' because of simple fact Chrona is two people in one. The weapon and The Meister. Read through a few chapters now of the manga, probably could finish it in one to two days if I read it non stop lol (which I've been known to do when I get into a story). If you judge by how Crona acts it would probably be safer to assume Crona is a boy but (shrugs) it's just what I believe. Even though even the Wiki doesn't state a gender lol.

Nearly can't wait for this now, If this can progress smoothly then it could be an amazing roleplay. But there will probably be bound to be some roadblocks here and there.

It really isn't nearly as complicated as it sounds, but Crona's gender and their pronouns won't really be an issue considering the ending of the manga where Crona sacrifices themselves to lock the Kishin in a black blood bubble on the moon. Sealing the madness wavelength away.

The OP is still under construction, so more will be added to it when we do set up the thread. Expect a few more rules, clarified character sheet templates, etc. As @Kouki noted, character acceptance is not based on first come first serve but overall quality. They are working on storyboarding the first part of the rp, plotting out the first mission and such.

We are both here to help improve character sheets and offer some feedback for improvement.


@Turboshitter @Kaithas @kieli @Card Captor @BladeSS4 @sassy1085 @Three @alexfangtalon @Crimson Raven

Are you all still interested in joining the rp and creating a character sheet?
I'm guessing everyone skipped over the part where I said Warlock. Warlock is the term associated with male witches.

That would have been far too easy :P but thank you for the input. :)
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