Avatar of Delta44


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm going to try my hand at drawing my gf as a Pokemon trainer with her six favourite Pokemon for valentine's/our anniversary. Wish me luck!
4 yrs ago
Got a drawing tablet, time to draw porn
4 yrs ago
Seeing actual bushfire footage looks straight out of Hell... It moves so quickly and so powerfully, literally the trees just ignite. You firefighters are absolute legends, but please, don't die.
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today ain't Christmas, it's garbage day!


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T H E N E R D / T H E L E G E N D
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side;
D E L T A 4 4
together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world.
Just you...
and me.

Welcome to my little personal den of Hell! Sorry, sorry, I meant my personal profile. Same thing, right?

I'm a roleplayer, same as any around here. I've been doing it for about five years now, coming up to six in September. Its been quite the time, thinking back. I started out fresh as can be, understanding the basics of writing but never quite knowing how to become better, or become as great as those around me. In the end, I did the only thing I really knew at the time:

Write as much garbage as possible and hope for the best!

As you can see, that particular tactic fucking failed.
Jokes aside, I like to think I've developed a lot over the years, both as a writer and as a person. However, absolutely nothing can dissuade my weeaboo ways and supporting my OTP with all that I can freaking muster! If you haven't already guessed, said OTP is Chrom x Robin (Chrobin) from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Highly recommend the game, there's a reason (other than nintendo's cheapskate attitude) that it hasn't dropped in price, it's honestly the best place to start off in the series. And hey, maybe you'll end up addicted like me and want to buy every game on the 3DS like a fucking loony?

Speaking of loonies, the Fire Emblem Chrobin Comic Dub Project has recently finished, so for those of you who also appreciate the best ship in existence, I highly recommend it. Hell, even if you're not interested in that, I do highly recommend watching it for those into fantasy love stories. The quality improves drastically with each episode, so trust me when I say by the end of it you should be thoroughly impressed. It has helped motivate me in ways I can hardly describe with words, and so I thought the least I could do was put this out there. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I know it was the perfect thing for me.

"Do you think you can tip any of the scales in here?"
"Chrom, for the love of Naga, I'm thinking..."

"So I heard."

"There are better places
to take a nap than
on the ground, you know."

Most Recent Posts

@PlatinumSkink My excuse is like Pyro's except with CoD4 :D
@PlatinumSkink Well, just where they'll begin and anything notable :3 No need to go through everything! :P
My post is done! :D Yay! Delusions! ^-^


Location: The Square.
Interacting With: Azerus, Hooded Woman.


With Spencer's mouth held shut, she couldn't speak back to the priest, his grip on her small frame powerful and commanding. Fear struck the young vampire, and as he spoke of her dwelling in the dark for the rest of her days, Spencer began to fear for her life, heartbeat escalating rapidly. 'No... No, no-no! Nononono! I-I don't want to go there! That place is way to scary! Th-that's where-!'

Spencer's eyes began to tear up, the ocean blue giving way to droplets of crystal. Azerus could quite easily tell that Spencer was frightened; Hell, just about anybody who saw her could! However this wasn't the same kind of fright that she'd normally experience. This was something... else. The world around Spencer seemed to grow darker like a blurry haze, as ominous red eyes glared at her through the darkness. Memories of a day which haunts her resurface, and her breathing becomes feverish - hyperventilation. Blood seemingly pools at her feet, and words ring out in her head: monster, flesh-eater, blood-sucker, fiend, crazy, murderer;

... Vampire...

Even if Ira wanted to escape, she didn't have the strength of a vampire - not like the one which killed her father and converted her, nor like those which stared at her through the darkness. In a desperate struggle to calm herself down, she reached into her coat and gripped her sun stone so tightly it could bleed. She felt light-headed. Afraid. Sick in the stomach. And all her mind could process was: 'Go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away!'

Joshua's extravagant description of contests never ceased to undo her interest, strengthening it even further, though she wouldn't admit it. She noted down that Redcoast was the place to go, making sure to also note that there were training institutes for those who wanted training in the contest department. She wasn't sure about 'making it big', however it seemed like a great, unconventional way to train Shyn; acquiring an edge in any way would surely prompt them ahead of the others. Though at his mention of being broke, Ren felt her gut knot a little out of guilt. "I'll be sure to repay you when I have the finds to do so." Ren stated simply, the edges of her lips gently curling towards a smile, though not quite there yet.

Happiness turned to inquisitiveness as Joshua spoke of the All-Star: a Pokemon capable of contending in (and winning) all five categories. Her eyes turned to Shyn, whom had been sleeping on her shoulders for half the contest, despite the noise. She wasn't quite sure just yet, however she felt he had what it took to at least compete in all five categories. He was certainly cool, though had a cute, playful, adorable side to him. His toughness knew no bounds, and with a little work on his hair, she could imagine him pulling off a real beauty look. Not to mention he was intelligent and clever enough to act on his own accordingly, should they be separated in battle. It could be a long shot, however perhaps there was merit to training Shyn in the art of Pokemon Contests. Only time would tell.

"Perhaps Shyn has what it takes..."

Her attention immediately returned to Joshua as he asked for her number. There was no harm in doing so, and with Joshua such an excellent source of contest information, she figured it would be worthwhile. Although... she didn't really know how to operate a phone very well. "I don't see why not. Though... I'm rather poor with technology, so it may take me awhile to get accustomed to such things." It only took Ren about five minutes to find her phone number, with some help from the other two, however with it found they managed to exchange contact details, should they need to do so. "As for questions... I plan on sticking around a little longer in Pureplain. See the gym, give my farewells and thanks to the professor, and see what else there is to see before heading out. My journey may not take me directly to Redcoast, though I'm sure I'll reach it soon. That said, where will you two choose to venture to about Isson?"
@PlatinumSkink Sweet! :D Gonna spend some time writing, so yeah, should have something up soon ^-^

Once more, Joshua's sudden exclamation caused Ren to backpedal a bit, though she nodded in understanding quickly. There was something about the spontaneous nature of the young man which threw Ren off completely, to which she couldn't help but respond in understanding. She followed Ewan and Joshua to the ticket booth, allowing Joshua to pay (for fear of another heart attack), and went inside to review the stadium...

Needless to say, Ren was awestruck. Though she had seen plenty of large structures on the outside, seeing them from within was something new entirely, and it took Moyra a moment to remember she was essentially invited there and thus should keep up with her associates. She does so and sits beside them, startled by the button contraption before her. She studied it for a moment before listening intently to the announcer's voice, picking up on the basics of the competition. With the rules in mind, she went about voting in the first competition fairly simply: two votes for Dedenne, one for Piplup, two for Purloin, one for Spheal. Round two consisted of similar votes, however Dedenne and Purloin were both given a single vote from Ren, leaving Piplup and Spheal in the dust. Though Piplup did decently, the other two swept the floor in Ren's eyes and displayed the greatest amount of cooperation and trained experience together, alongside being cute. As for Spheal, well... Ren wasn't very fond of the small round Pokemon.

As Penelope and Purrloin were announced as the victors, Ren nodded in agreement. "They displayed the most amount of skill and looked like they both worked hard to achieve such a standing, whilst also being cute. It's no wonder they won, and likewise why they're so popular." She said this unconsciously, though it might have been loud enough for Joshua or Ewan to hear, assuming they weren't screaming in delight or her voice wasn't too overshadowed by the crowd.

As they exited the stadium, Ren paid her thanks to Joshua for paying, and insisted that she should pay him back sometime. "Really, I do owe you for this, and I am in your debt. To answer your question... yes, I am interested, though perhaps it would be a good idea to watch some more to learn about contests. I wouldn't want to participate if I were ill-prepared, much the same as I would a battle." Though she wouldn't admit so directly, she secretly liked the idea of contests and drawing a closer bond with her Pokemon. She left her words as they were, suggesting she was interested, though with nothing concrete yet.


Location: Some random alleyway.
Interacting With: Everybody!

Spencer, taking well to the role of the dependent child, clung to the twins like they were her parents. Of course this wasn't the case, naturally, but out of habit she tended to recoil whenever she saw a priest approach. She moved behind the two of them as though to shield herself from the priest, not wanting him to get a closer look.

From behind the twins, Spencer gently waved at Vamon. "H-hi, Vamon...! Ehe... Yeah, I'm quite glad I didn't get turned into mince-meat, too. Though, this situation is looking rather tense. I-I think I should probably leave... ehehe..." The twins breathing had certainly escalated. She could hear the panic in their breaths, her enhanced hearing once again coming into play, as the accelerated thumping of hearts near-silently echoed in her ears, like the world's weakest bass to a song. It was a warning. A warning that Spencer would gladly take.

Silently, Spencer pulled up her hood and began to casually walk away, her presence against the twins' backs fading quickly as the young vampire girl makes her retreat out of the alleyway and back to the square. She starts her pace slow, however steadily speeds up to a run, headed for the Square. 'They want to go to the unexplored areas?' She thought to herself as she made her way through the streets of Shezze. 'Well I'm not going down there. Nope! No sir! Not doin' that!'
@PlatinumSkink Sorry, been a bit caught up in stuff lately ^-^ Gonna have a Guild day tomorrow :D
@rivaan Celebrated my cousin's 21st with 9 years experience, then watched a crapload of movies :3 Any of ya'll seen Paprika? Shit's intense :D
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