Avatar of Deos Morran
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    1. Deos Morran 8 yrs ago


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@BlackSam3091 Can I do that too please! Also I could make us a Discord chat for our bull shit if you want. Oh and could I talk to you about something I had planned for her intro or are you too busy?
@MrDidact Awesome I can't wait for the news. Though I do hope it happens kinda soon so I can join for the mission of course.
Alria History Edit...

Also I really need to head to bed so if there are any more comments please say them and I'll try to take care of them tomorrow.
@MrDidact Wait so literlaly all Turians go through military training at age 15? I thought that was just an option they had... In that case I got some writing to do...

EDIT: Holy crap I just googled the Hastatim and that totally fits her too. Remember how I said that whole loyalist and ruthless feature she has about the collateral element? This is a reason she has that! I didn't even know the Hastatim was a thing but this is the best! Thanks for that pointer!
@DervishOh trust me, I'm tracking. I work with a bunch of them. That's why I was basically saying that she'd be more effectively a Warrant Office in the essence she is an office who actually does stuff. Age variances aside...
@MrDidact ITs funny you say that... I no shit was just typing how she was involved in the War of Taetrus as an Infiltrator where she dealt with splinter cells of the Facinus and once that mess was over she went back home when the Reapers attacked. I'm dead serious I'v already wrote...

"When Alria was 15 she went off to the military academy learning her way around in the Turian armed forces and honing her skills with a pistol and her own hands. While not exactly a conventional method of combat she proved to be exceptional at it which raised some attention to her skill. Upon placing her in an Infiltrator roll and assigning her to one of the many units that went to Taetrus to combat the Facinus separatist group.

Her skills and stealthy ability proving invaluable at taking out splinter cells located throughout the planet specifically working in Spaedar and Madra to weaken their fortified positions and damage their fragmented infrastructure.

However, due to her role as a ghost she"

AS for the panic I claimed the civilian element buckled. The soldiers held the walls faithfully to the end much as Alria's parents had. The only issue with their lack of retreat was that they were surrounded and essentially the attack was so strong and sudden on an outpost with a population of about 200-300 that it didn't leave much room for tactical planning.
@MrDidact See that was kinda my thought on the officer thing and I was basically tying her lone infiltrator position as a sort of Warrant Officer tier or as like an officer of the Special Forces as in the real American Army... But of course this isn't the real world... or even with Humans... So maybe it would make more sense for her to be enlisted...

As for the early Reaper attack I was just kinda attributing that to it being an early attack effort in the start of the Reaper War. But even then I don't think the Reaper War lasted 6 years... So probably gonna have to adjust those time values to put her in canon constraints...

And as for her being seen by the Spectres it's what she did during the Reaper War that would put her in their sights. Using her hatred and efficiency to kick much ass in her unique way.
Alria CQC Edit.

@MrDidactOh don't think she's gonna out muslce a Krogan. In fact Alria is nothing about muscle. I'm pretty sure a Volus could beat her in an arm wrestling match. It's more an essence of, "She's so fast and accurate that she can't get hit and then she'll make a bunch of weaker punchs to vital areas like the face, temple, groin, throat, or flank until the target is subdued. Or you know... just use a knife."

As for the officer training I'm not sure how ME rank structure goes... but I was using IRL rank structure for that which being a Lieutenant by 21 is understandable.

EDIT: Also on that note... Alria doesn't have gene therapy but she does have that twitch jet thing... Only she uses a dagger not a sword... You seriously have a sword?
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