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Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

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Mahzun's eyes narrowed into black slits, and he pointed a stained talon at George.

"Servants and structures are cosmetic, like your beard. I do not care for neither. Food and the service of a murderer, however... Are invaluable."

Mahzun twisted to face the Queen as she entered, giving her a slight bow, but with derision in his steady gaze. He then stiffened at George's words, a few yellow teeth glinting as he smirked.

"Consider the definition of expendability George. To earn entitlement, one must have..."

Mahzun stared at the Queen's eyes, a nasty, knowing look.


He directed his voice to the Queen now.

"Before you send George away, there is a matter concerning us all. We want some land, and your grace on an endeavor."

George would find Mahzun hunched over the woman's now unclothed body, his redworm tongue crammed halfway down her throat like a straw in a juicebox. It pulsed rhythmically as surges of blood were sucked out of Theo from the inside-out. Mahzun liked the fingers and eyes, but had saved them for George this time around. He preferred his meals to be liquid anyways. He had still broken her up a bit, snapped a few bones here, twisted a few limbs there. Blood always tasted better when imbued with the adrenaline of fear, with endorphins extracted by way of pain. He'd notice George having entered, the shadows cloying but presenting no obstacle to their nocturnal sight, two figures in the dark. Mahzun enjoyed one last sucking gulp that made the woman's emaciated frame flex into itself from the pressure before letting loose of his food and rising. The corpse seemed to reinflate slightly. Mahzun's belly bulged beneath his robe, like one pregnant. When Mahzun spoke, it was with rasping, wheedly little sentences as curt as they were short.

"Hello there, George. It is good to see you. Have some, while we converse. I want to talk about some things. About the human farm and the queen."
@Satoshi Kyou

We're in the school courtyard.
The sound of the door creaking open was almost painful. A human face, flushed white with fear, peeked out and into the hallway. The woman's breath hitched in her throat and she ducked back behind the door, turning the knob so that when it closed, there would be no loud click. In a chamber five rooms down, a keening warble of a voice called out, worse than the squeak of the rusted door hinges.

"I heeeear you. Such a noisesome little cricket. Stay where you are now, and I'll find you..."

A lanky shadow hovered out of the chamber and slid down the hall, making no noise. It paused at the woman's room, twitching faintly. There was a slight, wheezing sigh of satisfaction. Slowly, ever so slowly, a long and pointed ear, the color and texture of wax, eased towards the door. It pressed firmly up against the dark mahogany, there was baited breath. Somewhere beyond the wood, in a corner sheltered in blackness, there was a muffled sob.

Spidery fingers wrapped about the knob, ending not in nails but in gnarled talons, cracked and yellowed. When a feline licks you, its tongue rasps. Much in the same way, a long pointed tongue, resembling some kind of tubular subtropical ground worm hued a brilliant, striking red, slid up the front of the door. The human huddled tighter, for all the world picturing a great serpent rubbing itself across the comparatively flimsy barrier.

That had all occurred two hours ago. For two hours, Theo had tried to imagine herself elsewhere, somewhere with familiar faces and a sun in the sky. Daydreams don't last forever though, not unless you're insane. Feeling very close to being such, Theo at last hesitantly pushed herself to her feet. There was no chamber pot, no bathroom, and she felt like her bladder was going to burst. She considered peeing right there on the hardwood, considered it very seriously, and at last decided to wait just a little longer. This was not her home, and she felt it most unwise to provoke a second monster into stalking her.

The sounds had stopped quite a while ago. Now, at this point in time, Theo knew she had two choices. Remain in this room and wet herself, wait in her own filth until something found her...
Or try to escape, as impossible as it seemed. She was not brave. Her cheeks were puffy and swollen, her eyes bloodshot and glazed over with a now innate sense of blind, nauseous anxiety that had been wrought as a result of the horrors she had been subject to over the course of the last two days. She hadn't slept a wink. Not since she had agreed with the old monster to play a game of hide and seek. She almost wished she hadn't. She hadn't been hunted so much as haunted, and by now was entirely convinced of which state of being was the worst.

She edged up to the door and listened. Nothing. She peered through the old brass keyhole. Nothing. She carefully twisted the knob and pushed the door open.
It's quite easy to open a door. For Theo, however, the task took nine minutes. She was able to do it slow enough to not so much as put a ripple in the thick aura of quiet which so permitted the fourth floor of the castle.

Heel toe. Heel toe. Heel toe.

Tippy toe. Tippy toe. Tippy toe.

She whirled around, something flitting in the corner of her vision. Her fully dilated eyes were wide and, for a second, quite literally stupid with fright. She pissed herself. She knew not what she had just seen, but it had felt like a dream caught in an instant. Something capering back into the pitch black shadows of the hall behind her. She almost immediately regained rational thought and realised that it could have easily been her imagination.

She let out a breath and glanced down at her soiled nightgown. Behind her, a scarecrow arm that was too long to belong to a human craned out to brush against her hair.

"Found yoooou..."

Throughout the castle, the other vampires would be able to hear the gut twisting, animal screams that only humans in the worst kinds of anguish can make. Old Mahzun was at it again, and it likely wasn't going to win him any popularity contests.

Like my post said, Fuubi's deck has major weaknesses. The key is to make sure your opponent doesn't know them until they slip up.
@Xavier Bloodbayne

I had to get a bit tricky there to find an opening! But, I'm pretty sure it'll be a mutual kill. Keep in mind that Auz has a ridiculous, ridiculous tolerance for pain. He is hundreds of years old, and most of that time was spent getting mutilated on battlefields and killing himself for power. He tried to lasso Xavier with his own lower intestine, after all.

If it's a matter of Aux going into shock, that won't occur until his brain registers the blood loss, requiring a few moments of circulation to occur. Some of his abdominal muscles also may be compromised, but consider how Xavier is basically being held in place by the sword. There's no way for the already insane stabbing force to dissipate by way of his head being shoved along with the direction of the attack.

And then, there's the weapon itself. The stiletto is like a reinforced, devilishly sharp ice pick, pretty much made for shanking things.


@Xavier Bloodbayne

Xavier's eyes might have been able to burn blood, but unless it vaporized or atomised the fluid, it'd likely leave a stiff, troublesome residue of toasted plasma. Even then, how fast could the energy torch what was before it?

One last race to the finish, and this one lilted in Auz's favor. The coil of Xavier's left sword succeeded in wrapping over Auz's torso, but there'd be no sign of his left arm hanging there. Given a heads up, he might have had time to process this. As it were, the instant the blood met Xavier's eyes, Auz had gone off like a starter pistol. Not to pick up his gauche on the ground, no.

He still had a spare stiletto on his left flank, which would have been drawn out in the same motion Auz had used to bring his left arm up. A good old Wild West quick draw. His movement could easily be interpreted as more futile attempts at trying to jerk his sword out, which had been on Auz's part, a ploy to disguise his plan. With Auz's sword fused to his upper body and his neck wounded and stiffly reinforced, Xavier would find it exceedingly difficult to dodge the attack even /if/ his eyes weren't being obscured for a moment, which would be all Auz needed to cleanly thrust the length of sturdy steel deep through his opponent's right temple and into the brain.


Oh, that's a pretty big change! Never heard about it. I'll go ahead and revise that.

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