Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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When Donny was on an assignment, he took care not to make his presence obvious. He hid and stalked, kept a low profile. A situation such as this one, however, prompted him to do everything in his power to overcome it. He processed information quickly and efficiently, siphoned it through the contours of his brain to discern every detail vital to his survival. Were any of the other passengers in on the trap? Not likely. He doubted that any man savvy to the trap would willingly lock himself into a confined space with the world's top killer. Donny knew that contrary to popular belief, motor vehicles were actually quite terrible at stopping even weak bullets. He also noted that what he presumed to be a motherfucking railgun was pointed directly at them and getting ready to pull a Jimmy Neutron. With the catchphrase "Gotta Blaaast!" echoing through Donny's head, he formulated a sequence of actions. He suspected the worst scenario for each possibility of escape. The doors were likely locked by some mechanism that he could not manipulate, and even if he did step out, the gunmen would open fire. Why had they not fired yet though? Perhaps the limo actually was bullet proof, but not railgun proof. The tripod seemed to be a fixed device, but even if it wasn't, Donny doubted that he could guess when it was going to fire. Perhaps by shooting the large sphere charging the weapon, he could impede its progress? At any rate, there was no time for hesitation in the reptilian mind of the hitman. Shoot first, ask questions later.

Donny leaned forwards and his hands rose smoothly, naturally, to such an extend that even if someone had seen the gun in it, a split second might have passed where they didn't realize that it was a tool of murder about to be used. In the confines of the limo, what sounded like the end of the world erupted from the Magnum's barrel, the gun bucking thrice in the killer's grip. The first shot not only obliterated the glass partition and the chauffeur's head, but also shattered a fist-sized hole in the front windshield, cracks spiderwebbing in all directions. The partition and chauffeur had to have been dealt with first so that the other two shots wouldn't be obstructed. The same two shots that jellified the brains of the two men holding the Vectors an instant after the chauffeur bit the dust.

Know knowing he could escape by way of force, Donny was quick to put a bullet through the window he was next to before smashing the rest of the damaged glass out with a lead-lined fist. All the while he was moving after having knocked off a few of the enemies, Donny bellowed out orders that he hoped the others might see as beneficial to not dying horribly.

"Trah to shut up thah vents! Stawp that gas! Try yuh door locks!"
The spars exchang of word amongst the a passenger wa interrupted by the sound of the a chauffeur rapping on th glass partition with one of he a hand, lowering it a moment later to speak to all of them.
"Be ready for anything people, the fix is in." He said with a backward glanc, flashing a worried smil their way as h gestured with a finger through the front a windshield. Clearly visibl walking down th middl of the a intersection wer four individual - the first two wer worn-looking men wearing rusted and tattered a chainmail over baggy a jogging clothe, both carrying what the discerning ey would hav identified as a Vector submachin gun. They both looked anxiou and held their arms poorly, indicating they wer unfamiliar with th a weapon. The third individual looked to be a knight in a full plat armor carrying a modern compound crossbow, who were currently in th proces of calmly sliding a fat, cylinder-tipped bolt into th a tiller' slid. Finally, the fourth a person wer simply a tall teenager wearing a high-school uniform of some sort, complete with logo - who had run out ahead of the other thre and deployed a tripod-mounted, spiked rod in the middl of the a street. A moment later h ros and ran off, heading away from whatever wa about to happen.
The audible hum from th a levitating spher above the a intersection had notably amplified, and with a dull roar it unleashed a searing, jagged lanc of a electricity at the thre a blackguard advancing toward the a limousin - only to bend and arc directly into the a tripod mounted spik instead.
Looking out from th a limousin in other direction would reveal what th previously bustling a street wer now completely vacant, save for a few harried-looking a pedestrian who looked to be hurrying rapidly in th opposite direction of th a scen.

So I'd suppose that the letter 'E' is a clue? Not that posting this will probably result in anything being confirmed. Time to try and not die now!

After everyone has posted, do we wait for one from you or just keep rolling?
Time for yet another match with a new character fresh out of my stable. Any takers?



Donny knew how to live life. You had to take it one step at a time, all the while knowing where your destination lay. Each step had to be sure, for pitfalls can hide in the most unlikely of places. There was another lesson Donny had taken to heart early on, and it did not wax poetic; we are punished for what we cannot imagine. As Donny watched the fantastic Neapolitan setting through the tinted window, he was quick to realize that he was now either a part of some elaborate prank, or had somewhere along the line suffered a misstep on the path of life. With steady deliberation, Donny slowly slid out his pack of Camels and poked one cigarette into the crook of his mouth, but did not light it. Not yet. He eased back against his seat by the window, a good seat from which he could idly survey the other passengers in their entirety without placing any in his blind spot. Donny believed in the five senses. They were what preserved man before man was civilized, and in Donny's opinion, civilization was an illusion. He inhaled deeply through his nose, picking out any unusual scents. He watched the silhouettes of those around him, listening carefully to anything that was said but remaining quite silent himself. He heard the ticking of the driver, noted that it might be a bomb, but was just as quick to dismiss the notion. In there lay another old Donny saying; don't mistake a horse for a zebra. If an assassin was clever enough to obtain a robot chauffeur, he'd certainly not waste such a thing by blowing it up with something so tactless and obsolete as a ticking bomb. Of course a zebra can be painted to look like a horse, but Donny wasn't about to lunge out of a moving vehicle like a retard and skid into a crowd of freaks on account of a passing theory.

Entirely ignoring the very suspicious beverages, Donny succeeded in finally getting a good look at the other guests as waves of Sunny D spilled over them. There was a woman on the short side, a doctor, what looked to be a trio of teenagers, and a knight in armor. Donny paused and went over the last one again. A knight in armor. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. A clenching knot in his gut foretold that this was going to be a shitty day.


I'm down.

Afraid I'm backing out. Been too sick lately to work up the creative juices.

Nillie succeeded in breaking the pig's neck, and as she lay on her belly, she'd be able to hear the muffled, dying squeaks of the Pig of Progeny as it was slowly smothering under her, many of its little bones broken.

Nillie might then notice a little girl standing several feet away, ankle deep in dead rodents. She stared traumatized at Nillie, a single tear running down her cheek. She had witnessed the murder of countless fuzzy pets.

Dead pig bodies flew into the air as debris when Nillie landed, a few still pelting the hairy mat afterwards as she succeeded in grabbing a pig. But if and when she pulled it away, she'd see that it wasn't the one that had hit her in the face. The Pig of Progeny would have undergone a mitotic split right before it was grabbed, materializing out from a differently-colored clone as it darted backwards with the intent of scurrying into Nillie's shirt!

If it succeeded it'd begin burrowing around in her clothes, making bubbly little chutting noises all the while. Meanwhile, the Guinea in Nillie's hands would begin wheeking madly as it flew into a vicious DOOM SPASM. It twitched and jerked with lunatic violence, aided by the powerful supernatural propulsion that allowed it to accelerate to 120 mph. It's claws and buck teeth gnashed and slashed at Nillie's hands in a bid to make her let go so that it could unleash a furry fury upon her face!


There was one survivor. The pig of progeny. It shot out of the blue, a squeaking nemesis! It intended to slap heartily into Nillie's face and begin scrabbling with its claws, seeking to rake at her skin as it wheedled out a fierce series of squeaks!
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