Avatar of Dolerman


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4 yrs ago
Current Steampunk or Cyberpunk decisions, decisions.
4 yrs ago
I've written and published two books before my 30th birthday, I'm happy but I should have started sooner.
4 yrs ago
I stopped RPing for nearly a year because I've been self publishing novels, but maybe I should jump back in again.
6 yrs ago
Stan Lee was able to create superheroes on the pages for us as kids, so we could find the superheroes in ourselves as adults.
6 yrs ago
A local hairdresser was arrested for prostitution last night. I'm shocked. I was a customer of hers for years, and I didn't even know she was a hairdresser.

Most Recent Posts

I suppose this is old news at this point, but Laura Bailey got death threats for her role as VA for Abby in TLOU2. This is really disgusting. It doesn't matter how much one dislikes TLOU2 or Abby, nothing justifies harassing someone simply for being her voice actor.

Nothing really excuses 'hating' a collection of pixels IRL anyway. It's ignorant childish behaviour from people who spend too long on youtube, and not enough time playing the games they are critiquing.

But more importantly, you've given me yet another excuse to talk about Abby, so let's just appreciate her face model Jocelyn Mettler (who also received harassment but not death threats).

But, I am gonna play Tsushima in an hour so let's see if it's good. Tho, I heard the lip-sync for the Japanese dub is pretty bad.

I'm playing it with the english dub and in full colour, because I'm uncultured western swine who doesn't respect nippon steel.

It was short, but it hurt to read. Not 1/100th as much as an Earnest Cline poem (which hurts mind, body and soul), but you get the idea.

That's one meaty paragraph.
<Snipped quote by Dolerman>

Even fans of Assassin's Creed will tell you that Assassin's Creed is more derivative than not. This is more like Sucker Punch doing a Second Son all over again.

Second Son had interesting ideas but was just sort of unpolished, which makes it the direct opposite of 90% of AC games.

I only expect Ghost to be better than something like Oddessy, which should make it just bearable enough to tide me over until Wasteland 3

By the sounds of reviews Ghost of Tsushima is one of those 'boy it looks pretty but boy its design is archaic' games woop woop.

And who says Assassin's Creed isn't influential?

The last of us 2 is still relevant? I found this video interesting. It's 30 minutes long but is both a good watch and doesn't treat TLOU2 as a masterpiece nor does it claim the whole thing is shit.

Also, spoilers.

Until Cyberpunk 2077, Tlou2 is going to be the last 'big game' out, (that crappy avengers game don't count) so yeah it kinda is.

Anyone who thought Tlou2 OR 1 was a 'masterpiece' probably only consumes video games and reddit-approved b-movies as a story telling medium. What Tlou2 was an interesting highly polished stealth murder game with very good voice acting, noting more, nothing less.
Could always dust off the old Tenchu PS2 games.

The PS2 Tenchu titles are dusty for a reason.
I can't wait to start burning down copy/paste villages in For Honor: Shadow of War

I also can't wait for Hyperscape, it combines the super original setting of a virtual MMO world in corporate dystopia along with the super original first person shooter battle royale genre. What will they think of next?

Seriously though if Ghost of Tsushima doesn't scratch my Tenchu itch then I'm going to have to force myself to get excited for paper mario or some shit.
Okay finally finished TLOU2

We need more gritty fights in shallow water, not just in games but in media in general.

Abby is best girl and I love everything about her.

Far Cry 6 looks like a great movie and I can't wait to watch it on netflix

2011 called and they want Watchdogs Legion back...but they said you can keep the unforgivably bad mary poppins british accents.

If you can tolerate anything about playing Deadly Premonition, then then framerate aint gonna scare you off.

In other news Wasteland 3 can't come soon enough because everything else looks ass.
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