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Dawkin Trustram

Well what he had wanted to say had more or less been imparted. That said he was still a bit curious about Claire's encounters, although less so about Claire. You could never know too much about legendary Pokemon, or at least that's how he felt now, having interacted with at least three of them. He also wanted to ask the Professor if had any tips on raising a Feebas as well, because frankly the Pokemon looked to be something of a disappointment at the moment. So for now, he just waited to see if he could tell Claire anything else about the trio.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin shook at his head at Claire easily dismissing the Ninja Boy's challenge. What happened to all that bluster about "trainers having to battle"? Just an excuse that was convenient for her at the time. naturally went along with Florrie to the lab. He had a duty to make sure their information was imparted correctly, plus the Professor might want the Zygrade Cell he had already collected. Perhaps he could also ask Dustang if he had any advice on how to train a Feebas... In no time at all they worked their way to the lab, and Florrie made their presence known. Dawkin was willing to wait, he wasn't in any particular rush. That said he did try to sneak a peek at what was on Claire's Pokedex at the sound of legendary Pokemon. It seemed he wasn't the only one with an unusual run in. Perhaps they were connected in some way?

Dawkin Trustram

Did she just call him 'shorty'? Dawkin wasn't sure if he disliked this girl but he was certain of it now. 'Terrible trainer'. 'Out of your league'. Whether she knew it or not, she was really pressing his buttons. However, Dawkin's little brothers had long ago rendered him fairly resistant, even to particularly nettling words like hers. That gym badge only reinforced his decision that he wanted to train first. "Yeah sure, that doesn't really hold up in towns lass." Dawkin said, maintaining a cool disinterest and continuing on to the Pokemon Center.

After Dawkin got his Pokemon healed, Dawkin remembered Ninja Boy was still hanging around for some reason. "Kid you can battle this girl if you want, just make eye contact and she's obligated to." He said, using his thumb to indicate Claire. Then, to Florrie, "It seems the situation isn't pressing so its best we go to the Professor. I don't care much if we bring her along." It seemed she had something important to say too? Probably not too important all things considered.

Dawkin Trustram

Before Dawkin could get answers out of anyone he felt a sudden weight on his head. He stepped back in response to the sudden passenger and turn to see a girl he was only vaguely familiar with. A girl that, if he had to choose one word to describe her, it would be red. She arrived in front of him in a flamboyant display of motion, along with; what was appeared to be a Ralts, which was what had apparently been so rudely monopolizing his headspace just moments before.

"Yes, I'm Dawkin, and you're Claire." As dramatic as ever that one. "I'm not really interested in fighting, I'm more concerned with what's going on right now and visiting the Pokemon Center." Dawkin said dismissively. his Pokemon were injured and even if they weren't, there was still the matter of whatever had turned the town into a hornet's nest of commotion. Then there was the matter of talking to the Professor.

Furthermore, Cacena, Tyrant, and Feebas were still relatively new to his team, and he had already resolved to do some serious training. Overall, a trainer battle was rather low on his priority list. Given Claire didn't stop him he'd be heading to a Pokemon Center to heal up and see if anyone along the way knew what was going on.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin looked around, a bit confused as he entered town. Something must have happened. Could it have anything to do with what had happened in the desert? Well there was no way he could ignore this. "Before we talk to the Professor I want to find out what this is about, I'm going to find someone to explain this." Dawkin said confidently, and proceeded to do just that. He would talk to the first person he could find and work from there until he could figure out what was going on.

Dawkin Trustram

Hmm, it knew... Dive. Well that was something at least. "Alright, lets get going. I'll tell you what I know about the Cresslia thing." Dawkin noted the tag along Pokemon his companions had gotten but made no comment. Given nothing else happened, Dawkin would use his trusty butterfly pokemon to lead him home, telling Florrie what he knew about the strange man. Namely that he was using his Hoopla to go after at least Cresslia and Darkrai, if not more legendary and rare Pokemon.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin barely had time to blink before Milotic's tail whipped out, kicking up an impressive spray of water, displaying a power beyond any of his own Pokemon. Even if he wanted to battle Milotic, it would be impossible for him to win. Dam. However the water seemed to have carried a Febas with it. Looking at Milotic it seemed this was intentional. Dawkin glanced once more between Febas and Milotic. Fine, he'd take the ugly fish. "Fine, but I'll be back and show you how strong I'll make this Feebas!" Dawkin said and threw a pokeball at Feebas. Hopefully it would just stay put, but if not he would get Wooper to mudshot two or three times until it looked weak enough to capture.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin watched Wooper wiggle from side to side to make it deeper into the water that he stood on top of, feeling somewhat like he was looking into an aquarium. "Well, there isn't that much to say is there? That guy was hunting Cressilia for some reason and he got her. If-" Dawink's explanation was interrupted as he saw something stir deep below him. Seeing it rocketing upwards he scrambled to make it back to shore and turned around just as it burst free. Dawkin's mouth opened slightly in astonishment as he took in the scene before him. A serpent with hypnotizing scales was looking at him, the rainbows in its scales and the water twinkling and reflecting off each to form an entrancing kaleidoscope of color.

I want it. Wooper surfaced next to Dawkin in a far less dramatic fashion, none the less breaking him out of his trance. "I want you to come with me!" Dawkin said, taking out an empty Pokeball and holding it facing towards Milotic. "I'd like for you to come peacefully but I'll do whatever I have to to get you!" Dawkin said, full of confidence and vigor. Some of his Pokemon were already weakened and he had no idea how powerful Milotic was, but he had to try at least! What would it do?

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin waited a few moments more after the man's departure to feel that he was truly gone and gave a sigh of relief. While he waited for his heart rate to settle the pokemon of the Oaisis began to return and Dawkin scanend them with his Pokedex, considering if any of them were worth catching. As he looked through them he decided against it. A glimmer of something caught his eye and Dawkin saw a Moonstone laying on the ground. Why not? Dawkin picked it up and his gaze was drawn to something emerging from the water. One of the Pokemon was releasing... the Zygrade Cell! It had survived after all. Dawkin hurried over with his cube and paused at the edge of the water. He tentaively stepped on the water's surface, and his foot sunk just a little ways in before landing on a surface like felt smooth like glass. How odd. Dawkin then swooped up the Cell before it had a chance to run away.

As he did so, Dawkin felt like he saw something in the depths below his feet. He made sure the Cell was secure before squinting below. Hadn't that guy said he was looking for something else here? Wouldn't the perfect hiding spot be somewhere human couldn't go? Dawkin released Wooper, getting a bit excited. "Wooper, can you swim down there and see if you can find anything... unusual, or uh, not like any of the pokemon around here? Or an item of some sort?" Dawkin asked, not quite sure how to tell Wooper what he was looking for. Wooper to their credit, nodded his head energetically and attempted to swim down to fulfill his request.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin was pretty pleased with how the battles had gone, some of them have perhaps gone even better than he could've expected. He took the stutter in Florrie's voice to be admiration, which he enjoyed as well. The younger boy's response to Dawkin letting him tag along was so excited that Dawkin could barely hold back a smile. "Alright, if you can keep up lets get going then!" Thus, with the aid of his Go-Googles, Vivillon, and one potion to keep his guide topped off, they found it.

Even the normally, somewhat stoic Dawkin, couldn't resist a gasp as they entered the Oasis. It was staggeringly beautiful, a sight that Dawkin was sure to remember for the rest of his life. However, he'd barely had time to appreciate it when blast of light drew his attention to the battle that was marring the tranquility of the area. Along with Florrie and Ninja Boy, Dawkin immediately took to the nearest thing he could hide behind as he attempted to a grasp on that situation.

That man with the Hoopla was trying to catch Cresslia, and now, there was no one around to stop him. Except Dawkin and company, since Cressilia seemed to be outmatched by that little hoop Pokémon. Dawkin made sure to scan the three there, just in case he hadn't already. This situation... Arghhh. What was he supposed to do!? He already knew that Hoopa's owner was vastly more powerful than he was. Dawkin couldn't even sneak up on him and try to do something because that cursed Bronzong was in the way, and it could doubtlessly take anything he could throw at it. A flash of wriggling green that didn't originate from either side caught Dawkin's eye and nearly made him groan aloud.

He couldn't do anything. Running out and trying to snatch up that little thing was more likely to get him killed than anything else, which sure wouldn't help anyone. He couldn't exactly ask, or make either of them stop. Somehow he suspected that asking politely wouldn't overly dissuade Hoopa's owner from catching Cresselia. If anything revealing himself would only endanger himself, in case witnesses were a problem. Dawkin clenched and released his hands as he thought this through. All he could do was watch and avoid being seen, as much as it infuriated him to admit it.

(If possible record the fight with Pokedex as well!)

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