Avatar of FernStone


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Done with uni forever, whoo
5 yrs ago
Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
6 yrs ago
I've got the flu, so responses are gonna be slow
7 yrs ago
I actually have some time to roleplay, for once
1 like
7 yrs ago
Exams are happening.


Character Archive

Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

I'm also interested - I'll probably make a CS sometime in the next few days

@Mr Allen J Sounds like basically the right end for Max xD

Oh since I was in the last two, albeit disappeared, I'm assuming I can just post Rori (and other old characters) in that tab when I've updated them?
AHAHA just checked the last Baybridge thread they're alllll alive

...apart from Max but who cares I was going to kill her anyway
So... how dead were my characters after the last one? :P

Also sorry for dissapearing off the face of the earth, a shit ton of personal stuff happened and uni kicked my ass. That's winding down now thankfully >< So I'm sort of back? May join? Hi
Im going to say yay and pretend ive contributed at all this past month :P
<Snipped quote by FernStone>

Don't worry, Wendy will jump in and rescue that Bird booty before anything happens to her.

Oh good good, nice to know Rori has someone watching their back xP
Yay for the end game coming and shit

I'm just posting to say I'm alive and mostly not inactive / I'm totally inactive but please don't kill Lihn and Rori :P

I am actually doing stuff with Tsu for Lihn, I just have no time in mah life ;0;
@Mr Allen JThat's good xD I have like no free time
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