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    1. GameGuruGG 9 yrs ago


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I went with something inspired by the Cy-Bugs of Wreck-It Ralph. I admit I don't know a darn thing about Toriko and decided what I wrote fit with the food theme since the Cy-Bugs are bugs that attacked a food themed world as well. You will need to specify about what mooks can or cannot do when you introduce them, though.
Juri, Joppa Road

Juri nodded and followed DIO towards Joppa Road soon hearing the drone of wings and the sounds of destruction that he had already picked up on. She wondered what sort of candy-coated creature the two of them were about to see. However, the creatures they saw were, surprisingly for this challenge, unedible and not made of food. They were however insects as large as a man, which was just as unusual. Juri watched the insects invade Joppa Road, including one that was having its own feast on a poor man. While she prefered to fight humanoids, these bugs would prove interesting to fight, especially in her weakened state. Juri found the situation humorous and chuckled morbidly, "It's like ants invading a picnic only these ants are big enough to eat people as well."

Juri watched as DIO laid waste to three of the bugs that flew at him using some form of attack from his eyes, not even breaking a sweat. She then turned to watch as four bugs sporting glowing green sacs bit into a poor woman who was unfortunate enough to have still been on Joppa Road. She watched as the bugs pumped the glowing green liquid from the sacs into the poor woman's body. The woman screamed as her body was injected with venom and she fell unconscious, being cocooned in web by one of the bugs to eat later. Then the bugs, save for the one cocooning the girl, spotted Juri and saw her as another potential source of food. Juri wasn't going to let that happen, even if she was weakened from the fight with DIO. As three of the bugs flew at her, Juri jumped into the air... and then slammed down on the heads of each and every one, crushing each of the three creature's heads and killing them. Seeing what had happened to its companions, the bug who had been busy cocooning the poor woman flew off with its future meal in tow. It didn't need to risk its life fighting Juri. Even in such a weakened state, Juri was still able to fight effective enough to kill weak threats to herself, but because of the state she was in, Juri let the remaining insect fly off.

@VitaVitaARWell, I have not watched Toriko, so I have no idea how the bugs are supposed to be like.
<Snipped quote by GameGuruGG>

Nah, you can make them whatever you think would be fun. Acidic, explosive, infectious, what have you.

Okay, I think I have an idea then.
@Lugubrious Is there anything I should know about the bugs with green sacs all over their bodies?
Don't worry, Daze. I won't ignore it completely... Chun-Li might actually ask Hibiki to do something powerful with her singing or something like that if she fails with her initial attack against the locust. She's just not going to ask the specifics of how she fights with song until after the locusts are taken care of.
@Raineh Daze Actually, I did read your post, Daze... I actually read every post in the RP. It's just that Chun-Li is too busy trying to kill the locust to really react to someone powered by J-Pop. I added an extra sentence though if that makes you feel better, but Chun-Li is only going to ask about it after the locusts are driven off.

My own use of Mentions is more because I saw everyone here using them early on in the RP, and figured it was something required for me to do on the board. I'll probably drop them in RP soon if not in my next post, mostly because mentioning five or more people is pretty... annoying.
Chun-Li, Mahora

"Want me to prove it?" Chun-Li grinned at Jax when he questioned her title of strongest woman in the world as she passed out various cookies. "I see why you call it Anything Goes then if it's designed to adapt and change depending on what is useful."

"That and it certainly sounds like a serious martial art compared to the ones you've mentioned so far," Chun-Li added, having some respect for the Japanese boy's skill in martial arts. Given how Ranma described his style, it will be an unpredictable one to fight and depending on how skilled a martial artist he is, he'll try to adapt to her moves if they were to spar. She still wanted a friendly spar with both Ranma and Jax, though. When a young kid dressed as some sort of superhero hung upside down behind them and asked them questions and Ranma answered the boy, Chun-Li glanced at the kid though she wasn't that surprised by his sudden appearance either.

"Ranma's right," Chun-Li explained. "We'd love to beat up the Viewer right now, but apparently, he won't show up to get his beat down until a month from now."

"Cookie?" Chun-Li offered Robin a cookie from her bag when suddenly, locusts attacked the City, not only eating the food but also attacking the people! This would not do at all. Chun-Li had to do something about it so she finished the last of her bento and jumped out of the tree to the ground. She was already in Interpol Agent mode now. She had to be in the people outside Mahora were to survive. It was then that Chao gave them very useful information.

"If what Chao says is true, there will be gaps within the barrier spell of this place, so we need to find them, grab anyone who's defenseless and pull them inside the barrier," Chun-Li detailed her plan to help the people getting attacked by the locusts. "We also need to kill the locusts already inside and keep more from coming in."

Chun-Li then got into a battle stance, looked for the closest locust, and sped towards it, aiming to jump on it and slam the creature into the ground with her powerful legs. The fact that her current ally against the locust appeared to derive power from J-Pop was something to ask about another time.

@Dblade26@Grey Star

Juri, Roanapur

"Right, you did. I didn't," Juri said to DIO. In the heat of the moment, the fact that DIO had introduced himself beforehand had slipped her mind. Juri had wondered what DIO met by bound together. She figured this meant working with him, but with his mention of servants, Juri had to wonder what exactly she was getting herself into. However, in the next moment, she was in DIO's arms half a block away. Juri was surprised at this but DIO soon set her down. When DIO explained what Stands were, he had Juri's undivided attention on the subject. When he explained the nature of his own Stand, Juri realized that his Stand was the reason why he seemingly could teleport. He wasn't teleporting... He was stopping time and then moving to a different location.

"Dangerous... You've only just met me," Juri smirked seductively at him again. "But then you could have killed me during the battle but didn't, especially with that Stand of yours."

"You let me live when you could've stopped time and killed me in an instant, so you deserve my trust... and my love," Juri made a circle along his chest, continuing to smirk. While her will was too powerful to fall under DIO's obedience from his presence, she still felt herself immensely attracted to the vampire all the same. He then asked if she could recover while on the move, she nodded and followed DIO wherever he may lead. "Yeah, I can."

Chun-Li, Mahora

"Wow, there are a lot of people here," Chun-Li said and then glanced at Twilight. "And a talking motorcycle and a talking pony... Umm..."

Chun-Li glanced over at Jax when he rambled on about how he thought they were Ionians and about how the eyes of Ionians lacked 'black thing in the middle.' That was something she should check later. Ranma rambled on about his own plan, and about some wacky martial art that involved heavy eating. In any case, she didn't pay that much attention to the discussion.

"Jax, I think you are right about everyone being from different world, except that they aren't worlds you know," Chun-Li explained to Jax as she finished up her bento meal. "I'm from China, myself."

"I'm Chun-Li, Interpol Special Agent and the strongest woman in the world!" Chun-Li smirked with her typical boast, but then frowned remembering these people were from different worlds. "Or at least, the strongest woman in my world."

"I don't consider myself a grandmaster either, but I use my own self-made martial arts style after studying a variety of established martial arts," Chun-Li explained to both Jax and Ranma. "I've not even come up with a name for it since I'm not ready to settle down and pass on the new style just yet."

"But I can say with complete certainly that only a very few select people back home could beat me in a fight," Chun-Li nodded to the others, looking at Twilight. "Um, I don't usually eat bacon, but it's okay I guess."

"Do you want a cookie?" Chun-Li asked Twilight as well as the others she did not give a cookie to. "I have an entire bag of sweets... I like sweets."

If any accepted, Chun-Li would hand out various sweets to the others that had now crowded the tree.

@VitaVitaAR @LuciansMentor @Raineh Daze @Grey Star @lmpkio @Shoryu

Juri, Roanapur

"So, you got a place to stay at?" Juri had asked DIO, making sure Clementine had left the area first. She really didn't want to see a child get harmed. She was already starting to feel more pain from the battle as she was starting to 'thaw out,' as it were. She'd rather rest for a while, especially since it felt like all she could do was walk at the moment.

"Oh, I don't think we've shared each other's names," Juri smirked seductively at DIO again. "That just won't do if we're going to be together."

"I'm Juri Han," She introduced herself to the vampire. Juri considered what DIO said about her having a Stand. He said it could not be seen except by people who also had a Stand. In addition, if DIO found his Stand to be useful, then it obviously would worth learning more about. "If learning about this Stand can make me more powerful, then I want you to teach me all about them."

Juri considered what DIO had done... He could have killed her right then and there but chose to spare her life. Beyond the injuries of the fight, she felt unharmed... In fact, she felt just slightly better than she did when she had fallen unconscious. What exactly did DIO want with her over anyone else? Was it just because she was an extremely strong fighter. In any case, that did not change the current reality of the situation... She was at DIO's complete mercy.

I've seen people do this in the middle of a scene with other people, as well. You didn't do that(though I'm of the opinion you could have waited for @Azakma to clarify Clementine had run off or something, and you did kind of assume she would immediately) but it still means it cuts out the possibility of other people at least watching the fight or something, as you absolutely can have the actual fight without interruption if you want to when it's like this.

People could still watch their fight, it's only that they can't interrupt it. By the time I was ready to post the Collab, I did not notice Raineh's post of a character watching the fight with the hippotatomus until after I posted the Collab. The only one who could have possibly interrupted was Clementine and she wouldn't unless Azakma wanted her to just die given how weak that character is and the personalities involved in the fight. In addition, while someone could have theoretically interrupted them during the fight, both DIO and Juri would have destroyed them. Also neither was going to pay attention to anyone else unless their fight was interrupted.

Personally, I had quite a bit of fun writing the post and I think Lugubrious did also. However, I promise to be more mindful of other players in the future. I am going to keep the post as is, though.
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