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    1. greywolf375 9 yrs ago


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Current To anyone who's been waiting on me: really sorry, I've been moving out from university, and it's been keeping me offline. I should be back in the next day or two
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@malmshodes I'd love to try the Multiverse idea with you, it sounds super cool! Also, what level of writing do you want from your partners? I tend to write in the casual range, between 1 & 3 paragraphs per post normally.
@Overlord24 Umm... I'm not in Family of Secrets, its @King Tai your looking for
@Overlord24 You might be interested to note that somehow the picture did not transfer with your character sheet, lol
@AbysmalDemon Present & Accounted For! getting started on my char now.
@1Hawkeyes The character I have in mind is very much the type who could play as either, and likely would.
@1Hawkeyes Is there room for one more? Perhaps one who's alive via Science! gone accidentally wrong?
makes me wonder if Rose will be pimping him ;)

Nah, she'll more likely use him as arm candy/backup for negotiations. What he does on his time is his business.

so how much money we talkin?
@Slendy@King Tai I like him, personally.
@GingerBoi123@Orlan Thanks for the support, peoples!

@Zorogami That was the plan, yes.
I've got an idea to propose to everyone here: What do you think of doing a sort of "Opinions Sheet" where we put a one or two sentence blurb per other character, saying what our character might say about them? This could also include other groups, such as the gov't, cops, Block 66 itself, and anything else you might want to add. It would be completely optional, I just think that it would be an interesting touch, and a way to get thinking about the RP itself (And a way to tell where ones character might stand with others, especially if they have been in the gang a while. You don't necessarily have to answer about everybody, especially if you want to keep things hidden, and all the info is to be considered OOC info unless otherwise stated)

Example (Rose about Donnie): "He is a good leader, someone I follow because he earned my loyalty. I would follow him to the gates of hell and back."
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