Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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Well, Freyja seemed to mind
Freyja Leden

Freyja looked around her as the institute building began to manifest. Just like last year, and the other years before that, many students stared with amazement at what was unfolding before them. She smiled a little at their expression. It was certainly one of her favorite moments when the institute opened its gates to new students every year.

She then saw a young woman wearing a skimpy chinese outfit approaching from the distance. She could already tell she was Meilin Hua, an intern teacher recently employed by the institute. She was the only one who would wear something like that in front of the students after all. She had expressed her disapproval to her before but she disagreed with her views of propriety.

She sighed. It wasn't like there was any dress code that the teachers had to abide with. So she's free to dress however she wanted. It was only her personal request, nothing more.

But still, excepting that aspect, Meilin was a perfecty capable intern. So she had no problem with her professionally.

She then heard the redhead from before shouting cheerfully at the reveal of the institute. Like she had expected, she was the type that was quick to anger, but quick to forget about said anger as well. She should make up with the boy in no time.


I'm fine with skipping to the event. Capture the flag sounds fun.
Ah, that could work.
Hmm, since Asa has healing powers, I think she's better suited to be the school nurse than Freyja.

I gotta edit my post then...
I like that concept. Though with him/her being there, you'd thought they would be the school doctor/nurse instead of Freyja.
Metel sighed in relief after hearing Aimee's statement. She'd thought things would have to become violent, and she would have to use her precious sleep potions to calm her down. Like she'd said, those weren't easy to make, and she'd hate to waste it on petty things such as a fight over who's getting to lead a bunch of adventurers waiting in line for a quest.

"Metel Illuvahyn, a potion-maker by trade. Pleasure to meet you." She lifted the hem of her skirt a little, curtsying to the inquisitor. She didn't like the sound of her occupation. Combined with her volatile temper, she could imagine her being someone who will think the criminal is guilty before proven innocent.
Whoa, that outfit is pretty scandalous for a teacher, don't you think?
Freyja Leden

At the entrance of the sentai warrior, Freyja could only bring the palm of her hand to her face.

Really, for all these years that she had been his co-worker, she didn't know whether to like him or hate him. Maybe it depended on what antics he was up to in the moment, since they could range from quite charming in a childish way to aggravatingly annoying.

This time, she didn't really appreciate what he was doing. From the fact that he barely wore any clothes to how he puked, it was simply unfunny and not entertaining in the slightest.

If it had been her standing there, she thought, she would've exploded some of her bombs in his face. He's an Augmenter. He could take it.

And so she crossed her arms as she glared at the man from a distance. This man really set a bad example as part of the staff. Most of the teachers had their own quirks, which she could understand, but his was simply too much at times. Many time she had the thought to recommend him to be dismissed. But alas, the institute was lacking in capable teachers, and his augmentation ability was no slouch in spite of his goofy attitude.
Freyja Leden

Ah, there he goes again, talking about his art club. He has always been quite obsessed with the arts, even when he was a student.

Freyja reminisced the days where she just started her role as a teacher in this academy. Yuki was just one of the students back then. She didn't get the chance to teach him seeing how he was, and is, a wavecaster, but he quickly became famous in the institute for being one of the brightest students in such a young age. When he graduated, he was only 14. At that age, she hadn't even started her education yet as she still lived in her village with her parents.

"Pleased to meet you too, Jonathan," she replied to the boy's introduction. "So you are Alexei's pupil? I was under the impression that you are a new student, since I never saw you before. Well, I do hope you become a good pupil to him. Even if he looks intimidating, he's really a warm-hearted person. He will be sad if you disbehave," she said with a light chuckle.

She then saw Ryuuto leaving to chat to another student. A girl, hmm? It would be nice if they were to get along. She had to sigh once more however when he opened the conversation with an advice for her to switch to e-books. Really, the boy needed more tact for sure.

"Ah, there she is. Finally, we're about to begin," she announced when Asa appeared. Loud enough so Jonathan could hear since he had been asking when the entrance ceremony would start.

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