Avatar of Kitsune
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: xGabrielx
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2275 (0.60 / day)
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    1. Kitsune 10 yrs ago
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Current Steins;Gate was a AMAZING VN
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Looking to Design some New Games!
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Friends call me Kit ^^
I live in England
Fav Color is Gold

I love RP's that are like spice and Wolf
So many that I cannot even List em heh

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The giant let out a deep huff of annoyance as he made his way through the streets, the hot air meeting cold as it turned into fine steam each time he breathed. The man had been looking for a good while now, but even he knew it was getting too late to keep on looking by this point... Still he cursed himself under his breath for not being able to do anything about it, oh how he wished he could but thinking about it only made him more angry than before. "Dammit.. Sorry girl." Stopping within the empty street he placed his large hands into his pockets to keep warm, soon turning around in order to start heading back, that was until he noticed those ebony locks...

"What the?"

The strange sight of the medium length hairs going into one of the side alleyways peaked his interest but also a sense of slight danger... Taking his strides towards the hairs he started to follow after them, aiming to discover just what they were related too, but making sure to avoid stepping on them but each time Kyojin kept seeing the same sight every time he went to a new corner of the alleyway. Eventually he found himself at an small empty square that was devoid of life, mostly for small markets and scenery, there was no clue to where the hairs could have gone which made him grunt... "Was something leading me here?.." The giant questioned before starting to slowly watch and make his way towards the exit of the place, aiming to head back to the tavern.
@Musaki Hajime

Well it's true!

"NExt you are going to want me to fix the tank!"
God dammit Jim, I'm a killer not a doctor!
@Lucius Cypher@liferusher

That would be cool

Though if day is going to happen soon would it be better for the next day?
Oh that was a plot hook! I see -w-
Hmmmm, yeah seems like the day is not going to pass any time soon, so I will enter once more. Though now I have to wonder just who to interact with >x>

That is good. Poor guy being passed around between the brothers XD
3 max and 3 wiykd just be him in his base form so not really a technique.
Once everyone was within their pods they shot out of the ship at a intense speed towards the planet, burning brightly within the atmosphere of the planet as they made their decent! The skies above the planet were alight with blaster fire, heavy cannons fired blasts up into orbit, attempting to clip the pods, but they were far to small as they finally slammed into the ground! The sheer impact caused large craters that Decimated the small village that they landed within, kicking up a cloud of thick red dust.

While the red dust cloud hung in the air of the rocky canyon that the town laid within, it was all deathly silent. The people they were facing were no fools, as the village had long since been evacuated of the sluck that once lived here, leaving it nothing more than a ghost town. Though this did not mean that it did not hold a hint of danger, as a group of rebels were moving in on the pods location, aimming to catch them just as they were exiting their pods. Though the clouds covered their approach and no one of higher rank was there with a scouter to allow them to simply open fire, as they knew full well their blasters would not dent the pods.

Suddenly the cloud was pushed away by the escaping air of the pods as they started to open, allowing team Nox to exit. "Halts~~~ You are sssrounded!" As the hissing voice sounded out the poorly armed rebels, looking nothing more than civilians with blasters and bare bones armor, sprung their trap and at least twenty of them popped out of hiding to point their weapons towards the team. Their trigger fingers were awfully jumpy, nerves it seemed...

Grabbed the side of her pod as it opened, allowing her to pull herself out into the red canyon, her scouter helm pinging what it could, noticing the rebels but it was a little too late for that it seemed. Giving off a sigh as the group was surrounded she ignored what the rebels were saying and looked towards the others. "I think everyone knows their orders. Use your scouters, spread out to deal with them before coming back here. try to capture one alive." She commented, pointing her blaster towards the ground, giving a firm nod towards everyone and then firing! The blast from the attack sent out another cloud, but this time the rebels did not wait as a flurryof blaster fire, but unable to see them it was highly inaccurate.

People were given orders to get to the drop pods and get ready for invasion =w=;
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