Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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Alright, I think almost everyone posted. Will try to post later today or tomorrow.
<Snipped quote by Lmpkio>

I think it's just that there were no pictures of Ira with wings so improvisation was needed.

If that's the case... I could edit and simply have him just be like "I told yall so"

Ira neither grew younger or turned Chibi. She just grew wings.

Then what was with that pic? I don't remember Ira looking like that. :P
And posted!

Also Ghelgath is laughing his ass off at Ira's chibi form.

He. Knew. Better. When. No. One. Else. Did.

Zeruel heeds Deva's demand to be quiet as he listens to her carefully. She agreed more to Torag's judgement of forming an alliance with both factions, which displeased him at best. However, the permit to eliminate Gregorovic for good was taken into effect. Whoever would be set out to kill him however, must be wary about the Glutton's ravenous fury and forever-fueling hunger for subsistence and power. Perhaps as Torag mentioned, a black hole may be the thing fueling his appetite for almost anything around him. He's certainly extremely dangerous.

Like with Torag, they were interrupted when Juno teleported into the room. The Laguna Angel turned slowly as he looks right at her with his soulless and eyeless holes. He does see that she was eying him suspiciously for some reason. He attempts to clear some things up.


But before he can continue, the scythe-wielding skeleton filled her in with some of the information. Yet it wasn't necessarily all. Zeruel wasn't going to repeat himself the entire story for a third time however.


Ghelgath Fenrir Calder-Berg


Ghelgath groans groggily as he grabs a cup of warm red hellcow-milk. The new heart that was placed inside his body was still trying to get used to its new host. Of course, maybe drinking a warm substance may not be the best thing for him right now, but even he needs something to fuel himself up once in awhile. As long as the Wicked Lich's frozen heart is healthy and solid, it's fine. Exhaling loudly as he gulps the entire cup down and he heads back to the throne room to check on who else arrived. But just before he can turn the corner, he hears words that sounded like it came from Ira's. However, it seemed to sound more childish if anything. Raising an eyebrow, he checks around the corner, seeing Lucille eye both Artoria and...

And low-and-behold... it was her. Only with wings.

Ghelgath was surprised at this stunning revelation. So the old leader of Hell didn't die permanently at all. What the hell happened to her anyways? It must've been Heaven having... altered her state a bit. He froze in place, simply glaring at her as he drops his cup, clunking as it hit the floor. Then he snickered several times before chuckling evily.

"Bwehehehehehehhhhh..." he laughs manically as he wheezes, catching his grip, "Ohhhhhh, look at you. The great mighty Ira, having been on the throne for a few measily hours, now turned into a measily prawn! Ha! This is hilarious! I-haaaaaha, I knew you'd fail in battle, but I didn't know you'll fail THIS badly. You're a fuckin' joke, ya know that? You've always been!"

He continues chuckling as he heads back into the other room.

"Too bad nobody else caught on about how much she sucks ass..." he then speaks to himself, audibly enough for some of the others to hear.

Mephilus Baal Asmodeus

@Mega Birb

According to Gregorovic, he just wanted to visit due to boredom and wanted to be caught up about everything that happened since his imprisonment. The armored warrior simply shrugs.

"Sure," he mentions casually as he lets him in, "Feel free to come in."

Mephilus' castle is a rather roomy one, yet also very gothic in design. Pillars line parallel to one another as a blood-red carpet reaches towards the back of the massive room, revealing a staircase at the end to the second level. Here, the rooms are actually connected without doors; the living room being to the left which spans almost the entire side, with a dining room closest to the right and a hellish-looking kitchen to the back. Drapes covered the castle's interior, along with red gothic furniture and a fire place nearby. Chandeliers can also be seen hanging from the ceiling and torches on the pillars. Various weapon antiques can be seen hanging on the wall along with the skulls of various hell creatures. For a Hell castle, it was rather nice and roomy, if not creepy for non-hell individuals.

"Make yourself feel at home." the Hell Knight remarks kindly as he heads to the kitchen.

Good thing he went there too, as Gregorovic asked for something to eat. Of course, this is not surprise, as Mephilus knows about his almost undying hunger. The Knight simply nods. Yet instead of opening a Hell-Fridge, he actually opens up a portal and reaches his hand into it. As he takes it out, his hand grips the neck of a scrambling imp as it desperately tries to escape his firm grasp, screaming wildly in anger.

"It's not much," Mephilus mentions as he eyes the imp for a few seconds, "But he can be a little appetizer until I can get my hands on something bigger."

Then he hurls the helpless imp as it lands right in front of the hungry jester. Mephilus sighs to himself as he looks out at a window nearby, overlooking a vast sea of lava and hell creatures roaming around it, along with the faint cries of the damned.

"You know," he starts off, "Hell has really changed. Actually it changed rather drastically in the past, oh what, 24 - 36 hours? And that's nothing compared to the countless millenia of old. Already we've passed two new leaders within this time phrase, they being King Rufus and Queen Ira. Now we have this... Lucille girl, I don't know who she is really. Of course, if there's one thing that hasn't changed is... well, war."

He then turns and takes a seat on a hellish-sofa, which was near the fire place.

"To be perfectly honest," he continues frankly, "I hadn't participated much in the war as of late. Been mostly chilling out here or hunting these behemoth monsters, for sport really. Hadn't encountered many angels or of the new Machina faction that appeared fairly recently. But alas, I honestly wouldn't mind slaughtering these folk. Just to simply have a temporary change in pace you know? Like eating the same meal over and over, you know, you just get tired of eating it every day, so you go for something new. I bet you can relate to that rather well, eh?"
@Lugubrious Still in. Just had a busy schedule and didn't have enough time to be in here. I'll be sure to get something up tomorrow or the weekend.
@Mega Birb Just waiting on you before I can go. Unless you want me to go next?
@Stitches There may be a map, however don't expect it to be done today. By the end of the week I may get a map of the ship done.

The helmets of the agents will have a plug in community communicator with their own wifi connection. You can hear and see things provided on the dossier. It can be applied as an earpiece of course and can show visible holographic information right in your face.

As for the risks, there should be of course. I originally just wanted them to explore a planet and discover things mostly vanilla with only a simple source of communication, but we can have small mini maps to some portions of the map but have to worry about all the risk factors as you mentioned.

I'll think a little more on this but you can be almost certain that a similar feature will be implemented.
@Lmpkio I honestly am having a tough time guessing if the GM's will give up on the final few players finishing the battle before or after that happens.

Honestly, who knows. Its up to them. My characters already left the field long ago so.
@Lmpkio You know what we don't have? An awesome mecha pilot.

Miyu's one, but she's an Angel, a Non-combatant, Weak, and she's just contracted someone else to be her fighter for her.

Get like a Riptide with teleporation missiles or something.

I was thinking in the direction of mechs... I might wip up a pilot.

Expect something this week... latest this coming weekend.
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