Avatar of Lord Wraith


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17 days ago
Current When a group of players click and the posts keep roling in, that's what GM dreams are made of.
1 mo ago
We're roleplayers, of course we're going to make a third option the GM didn't present.
1 mo ago
I aim to misbehave.
1 like
1 mo ago
The GM should know exactly why each character was or wasn't accepted and be willing to state such. But the reality is that sometimes other characters/players just synergize better
1 mo ago
Limited slots and character applications exist as a way for the GM to manage their cast, maintain consistency and try to achieve mutual enjoyment for those involved.



Lord Wraith
February 21st | 31 | Caucasian
Married | | Heterosexual
Ontario | Canada

All systems go. Back to writing.

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Most Recent Posts

G M ( S ): Tyler & Roman C O - G M: Lord Wraith G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, Slice of Life T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements
"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them."
-Lois McMaster

P L O T:

This section will be used to keep players updated with both the ongoing GM plot and approved player Sub-Plots. Sub-Plots will be divided by Urban Center within Crescent City.

P R I M A R Y P L O T:
After a month of no natural reasoning for the constant storm over Crescent City and with no leads from any of the experts, many conspiracy bloggers have begun to believe that the source of the storm is something supernatural. The only clue seems to be the large formation of cloud circling around the peak of Old Stone Mountain.

S E C O N D A R Y P L O T S:
To be added.

To be added.

To be added.

G M ( S ): Tyler & Roman C O - G M: Lord Wraith G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, Slice of Life T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements
"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them."
-Lois McMaster

P R E M I S E:

After nearly a month of heavy rain that has left meteorologists baffled at its cause, Crescent City is in a state of pandemonium. Flooding from both the coast and the internal rivers have stretched not only emergency services but also civilian volunteers to their limit as they fight back against the downpour. Numerous areas of the city have been evacuated as more and more people are driven from their homes by the seemingly never ceasing waters.

However there are those who have taken advantage of this situation. Evacuated areas are constantly being raided by criminals and those who have been driven by desperation to break the law in order to survive. Due to dealing with the natural crisis at hand, there’s few spare officers to deal with the rising crime wave. As such, numerous individuals have decided to stand up for the victims of the city while others have noticed how unnatural the rain besieging the city is and have begun to hunt for the cause of the torrential downfall.

L O C A L H I S T O R I C A L T I M E L I N E:

1783 – In the year of 1783 Sir Eduard De La Cruz and his ship the Los Paraíso became shipwrecked along the coast of what would eventually become Del Norte County, California. Managing to make it to shore along with his crew and most of his provisions, Sir Eduard refused to give up the duties bestowed upon him by the king. Moving forward with what they could the former crew of the Los Paraíso set up a settlement eventually forming alliances with the locals and making contact with other Spanish Colonization efforts to move forward with the construction of a mission. Expanding a presidio off the monastery, the settlement named after the ship which carried Sir Eduard and the crew to the New World eventually grew into a full pueblo. This pueblo would of course endure the ages going on to become the city of Los Paraíso.

1849 – Shortly after becoming a state in the young country of the United States of America, the fever of the California Gold Rush brought prospective prospectors north of Los Paraíso where they began to search for gold among the mountainous range known as the Demon’s Teeth. As more ‘Forty-Niners’ came, another settlement was built at the base of the mountains. These ‘Forty-Niners’ were led by William Murdoch, who became the growing town’s first mayor naming it Kilbride after his ancestral home. However the name became eerily accurate when William's son, Alastair murdered his own bride on their wedding night. The incident brought shame to the Murdoch name while the other two founding families, Faulkner and Fitzroy went on to be incredible successful in the city. Legend holds that Alastair tried to bury his bride in the bog outside of town, but her spirit lived on returning to torture the younger Murdoch and supposedly drove him to insanity.

1852 – In the year of 1852, the mines in Kilbride began to bring more people to the North of California. Travel was made easier with the construction of the Port of Lilith. Built between both Kilbride and Los Paraíso, the port made it easy for travellers to venture north towards the mines or south into the thriving city of Los Paraíso. The Port of Lilith was named after a group of superstitious workers pointed out the large variety and population of snakes in the area.

1893 – In 1893, tragedy befell the Port of Lilith as a fire consumed the town burning most of it to the ground. Hundreds of lives were lost as the center of the town was consumed almost immediately by the blaze. The cause of the fire remained a mystery and to this day is a favourite subject among historians who love to debate the cause of the fire.

1900 - The mines in Kilbride see a revival only instead of gold, oil and coal were found causing Kilbride to shift in industry as it became a producer of power for the cities along the coast. Going through a sort of ‘Industrial Revolution’, Kilbride saw a spike in population as the new coal mines and factories brought an influx of workers to the city along with struggling citizens of what was left of New Lilith.

1913 – The remains of Lilith are taken on as a pet project of a British architect by the name of Winston Standford looking to make a name for himself. Using the Gothic revival moment as his muse, Standford crafted the city into a towering monolith of stone over the next decade. Renamed to reflect its new lease, New Lilith took the place of the port and in the coming years would grow to rival both Kilbride and Los Paraíso.

1930 – As the film industry began to take off and the Los Angeles area known as Hollywood became more expensive, smaller film makers and studios began to look elsewhere for places to set up shop. Many of these found a home in settlement south of New Lilith, the area that had become known as Los Paraíso. While Los Paraíso would never become Hollywood, it would become a home to many successful small film companies along with wineries.

1942 – The attack on Pearl Harbor led to a military presence within the three cities. An airbase was set up on the northern outskirts of New Lilith. Industry began to further flourish in Kilbride as several factories were quickly converted to produce weapons and munitions. Film facilities in Los Paraíso were used to create and distribute numerous propaganda films and other forms of media to help rally potential troops to enter the war.

1992 – The three cities had grown so much that property line debates had become an issue slowing down the local courts. As such, a proposition was made to combine the three under one banner. This vote was held in each city’s town hall and has the highest recorded turnout of eligible voters. Despite the vote winning, it was by a narrow majority and is often regarded as a controversial decision. Although the city was officially named Crescent City, the original urban divisions still hang onto their individual names for the most part but the government, athletic teams and emergency services have been joined under the Crescent City banner.

PRESENT – The city is currently in the middle of a mayoral election and tensions are running high due both to the rising crime rates and the current natural disasters. Poverty has begun to set in as the fluctuating economy has caused many layoffs in conjecture with many new automated systems reducing the number of laborers required to run many of Crescent City’s facilities.

W O R L D H I S T O R Y:

C A T A L Y S T || 1967-1984

On October 18, 1967, Earth was hit with an immense Coronal Mass Ejection. During a total Lunar Eclipse, the sun emitted a massive interplanetary CME which doused the entire globe with high energy particles causing the largest and brightest occurrence of the aurorae ever recorded. Unfortunately this also brought a geomagnetic storm which ravaged Earth’s electrical transmission lines, causing power outages on a global scale. It was on this day that the Earth nearly stood still, sitting in total darkness for nearly ten minutes before back up systems began to re-activate. Numerous regions around the globe were left in the dark well beyond that. Cities were powerless for nearly a week while some rural areas were forced to survive for nearly a month without power. This event left a death toll numbering in the tens of thousands becoming known as the Dark Eclipse.

However the aftermath of the Dark Eclipse reached far further than anyone could have ever anticipated. The resulting effect of the high energy particles is a mutation appearing in one of every hundred thousand people. While public knowledge of the mutation remains vague, selected sects in the scientific community are aware of it and have dubbed the emergence of the mutation ‘Viriumosis’. In more common jargon, the possession of a mutation is referred to as the ‘Hype-Factor’ or ‘Hype-Gene’. Collectively, these mutants are referred to as ‘Hyperhumans’.

E M E R G E N C E || 1985-1999

As the Cold War came to a close, humanity’s attention was turned to a new threat. One that was already in their homes, teaching their children and running their governments. As word of Hyperhumans became public knowledge a perpetual state of fear and paranoia took hold of the world. Neighbor was turned against neighbor and mother against child as humanity’s pattern of fearing that which they didn’t understand continued.

Propaganda against Hyperhumans was widespread especially in North America. Laws were passed that prohibited Hyperhumans from positions of authority on suspicion of using their abilities to gain an advantage. Athletes and other competition driven professions were heavily screened. Although there were those who chose to use Hyperhumans to their own advantage and more than one man or woman desperate to make a living allowed themselves to be drawn into the shadier side of things.

Activism and social conscious was pushed to an all time high during this period as people fought to be treated as equals no matter their colour, sexuality and abilities. Technology took leaps and bounds during this period as Hyperhumans with more subtle abilities were able to integrate into society and excel through their education and in their careers.

V I G I L A N C E || 2000-Present

Due to the emergence of Hyperhumans during the late 80’s, technology advanced at a rapid rate. The majority of Earth’s power is based upon nuclear fusion with coal based energy completely phased out greatly reducing the amount of pollution present in Earth’s atmosphere. Roughly sixty-five percent of power is supplied by nuclear fusion while other clean energy make up the remaining thirty-five percent. Solar power makes up the majority of the secondary energy sources clocking in at twenty-five percent while wind makes up only five percent. The last five percent of energy sources is mixed between nuclear fission, hydroelectric and geothermal power.

Other advances in technology are rather notable among society. As of 2010, three dimensional screens or holographic displays have become commonplace among consumer homes while the self-driving car has been made available to the public market as of 2015. Despite the original fear of Hyperhumans, advances in both law and peace keeping technology has thus far kept any major superpowered crime at bay. Robotic K9 units along with autonomous patrol cars and synthetic officers have become the standard especially among large cities.
@Trexasle Static is accepted!
S E B A S T I A N S C O T T:

6:14 PM, Friday Evening | Orlaith Valley Trail and Park

The woods rushed by as Sebastian departed the newly insane Aiden, running back towards the glowing orange horizon that 'protected' the team's flag. The fire was spreading rapidly through the woods, snaking around trees as though it had a mind of its own before it suddenly moved straight towards Sebastian. Forced to change course, Sebastian took a sharp turn, nearly wiping out in the loose dirt as he adjusted his path to avoid the rising flames. Dense smoke hung in the air beneath the forest's canopy as Sebastian closed in on where he had last seen Brynn. Tears began to stream down his cheeks, his eyes stinging from the acrid air as he looked around for Brynn. Without warning, the flames suddenly changed direction, two lines of flame burning towards Sebastian forcing him to move again.

"AIDEN!" Sebastian yelled out, coughing on the smoke. "Fuck off, Brynn is in danger." The heat was suffocating as it threatened to surround Sebastian as he desperately tried to catch a glimpse of Brynn. Rubbing ash from his eyes, Sebastian couldn't seem to focus his eyes and then suddenly there was a whiff of something sweet. It wasn't natural, his noise twitched, it was a manufactured scent almost like a...


Sebastian's nose isolated the smell, it felt as though he could see through the smells of the forest while his eyes were blinded by the smoke. Rushing forward, Sebastian ran through the wall of fire, the heat leaving bright red marks on his exposed skin as he moved towards Brynn. Without stopping, Sebastian swept the girl up into his arms and beelined it for the meadow. Coming to a halt as he exited the thick woods, Sebastian nearly dropped Brynn as he collapsed to his knees, desperately inhaling the cleaner air.

"Aiden." Sebastian gasped, as he looked at Brynn. "Fucker is going to kill every damn one of us."

J O N A S L E H R E R:

6:21 PM, Friday Evening | Orlaith Valley Trail and Park

Slinking back into the woods, Jonas released control of Aiden's flames as he relaxed his grip in the ancient gauntlet. Sebastian was faster, but not as fast as he would have hoped. There was still something holding the speedster back though, either that or he didn't fear death. It was interesting, Sebastian had every quality of a selfish person and yet instead of worrying about his own life, he had gone back into the fire for Brynn.

"Could be a liability." Jonas muttered to himself as he moved through the woods. Staying hidden in the darkness, Jonas cast a shroud over himself as he climbed into the branches. Moving through the darkness, Jonas came across the pair of Winter and Belle as the two moved towards the flames. They were on edge, obviously the flames had alerted them to the changes in the game, yet Belle was still encouraging Winter forward. Interesting given Winter's lack of defensive abilities, especially against powers like Aiden's. With a wave of the gauntlet, grass and brush parted as a blur of motion moved past the two girls. Circling around, it ran between the pair tossing Winter and Belle to the ground as it past by.

But with the blur gone, Jonas summoned the flames as the darkness was suddenly illuminated. Disappearing from his perch, the Venari moved through the tree tops before dropping to the woods below. Out of the corner of his eyes, Jonas caught a glimpse of familiar red fur, a common red fox but unlike most of its kin it didn't simply run at the sight of the man. It's amber eyes studied Jonas, watching his actions and taking them in with an almost unnatural level of curiousity. A knowing smirk crossed his face as Jonas put a fingers to his lips and slipped into the night.
It's Saturday btw, in case you forgot @Lord Wraith

At work for another hour. Suppose I should have specified Saturday evening.
It's looking like Saturday before I have time to post. Apologies for the wait everyone.
@Ink Blood Raphael is accepted!
Moments when I wish there was a "dislike" button...

One site I was on had them but then people abused them and they got removed.
It won't be tonight either!
So it turns out that I'm having people over tonight so that post will have to wait until tomorrow.
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