Avatar of Lunaeria
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Lunaeria 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current When you were craving a bleach roleplay but that mess of an ending put you off.
8 yrs ago
It''s National Dog day my life has purpose
8 yrs ago
It truly is amazing how far some people will reach to take something that isn't about them and be offended by it.
8 yrs ago
Same tbh Roosan. I mean what?
8 yrs ago
To be honest the only showdown movie I need in my life is The Avengers vs Totally Spies


Here to roleplay; big surprise I know.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry. I don't like glitchers. I wanted to be myself.

Powers don't interest me in in certain roleplays. Primarily I like the old fashioned kind.

Sweat and tears.

You may cross me off the list.

Turn down for what!

Out of all the bars in Shine City the Cornerstone seemed to be particularly popular tonight – which pleased Addison to no end. For a girl used to the atmospheres of clubs instead of quiet bars the livelier take on the evening was right at home for her. On top of that? A friendly handsome stranger to pass the time with. Now that she inspected him closer he was definitely appealing; he was rugged, well built and covered in rather sexy scars. Addison spied the dog tags on his neck which revealed that he was a member of the army – so he was…physically capable at the very least. She was liking the prospect of entertaining this man for a little bit even more. Unfortunately for Addison, before she could even crack out some of her excellent moves, Kenji excused himself to break up a fight that was starting to brew. A hero in and out of uniform it seemed. Addison gave an understanding smile as Kenji headed toward the ruckus, she used the opportunity to examine what was actually on this Jukebox. Mostly old music that she recognised, but wasn’t particularly keen on. Didn’t this thing have anything bouncy and enjoyable? Some nice old fashioned rap? Addison spent a few more minutes perusing the selection of music before discovering that it DID have something to offer her; one of her favourite songs. Selecting the tune, that wasn’t really especially appropriate for the bar, and making her way back to the seat she was dismayed to notice that Kenji hadn’t rejoined her.

In fact, he was still over there with a group of hooligans, the BFG, and some scrawny looking kid. There was a girl making her way back to the bar in hopes of safety. She looked very pretty, like a kind of dress up doll that you might put several different outfits on. She seemed pretty overwhelmed by…well basically everything. Bless her little cotton socks.

“You look a little shaken sweetie. Don’t worry this kind of thing is normal; it’ll all blow over in a minute. Especially if the BFG is over there. Have a drink!” Addison smiled warmly before sliding a drink voucher the girl’s way.

Addison wasn’t particularly well acquainted with Ashton, but she did know the firefighter and was quite the fan. Ashton and her crew had ended up paying a few visits when a scientist (who may or may not have been Addison) accidently set fire to the toaster oven…in one of the labs…because they were trying to work and make pop tarts at the same time. She really was as gentle as a baby sea lion, but her mammoth stature often put people off – especially if it go to physical altercations. Kenji had also joined her in squaring up to the group of thugs – he wasn’t exactly a delicate doll either. The guys already looked apprehensive and so, with a bit of charm, Addison was sure she could dissolve the situation. She confidently strode up next to Kenji, lightly stroking a finger up his arm when she got to his side, before smiling at the men squaring up to one another.

“Hey, Fellas! How’s it hanging? Look I’m not sure what the weedy boys did but I think we could all just relax and enjoy a drink. I’d be happy to buy you all a round. Maybe two if I’m feeling generous. So how about we all—Oof”

Addison found herself interrupted from being slammed into the ground along with Kenji – who was rushed by the group of thugs. Smacking straight into the floor was bad enough but when the men started to brawl amongst themselves Addison found herself on the receiving end of a punch to the jaw. Not only did it hurt, it ruined her previously perfect lipgloss and that was inexcusable. Launching a punch of her own toward the idiot who decided it would be a good idea to hit her in the first place, before grabbing a hold of his arm and twisting in; the exact same maneuver she had been taught in countless classes now. It seemed that another weedy looking boy was taking on the expanding group of thugs, who decided to join in and enhance this mess even more. She watched as the man writhed in pain with plenty of satisfaction before shouting towards the rest of the useless meat sacks.

“That’s it! Forget the weeds, I’m going to knock seven bells out of you shit heads! Who’s next?!”

The atmosphere in the bar suddenly changed as it dawned on the meat sacks that they’d be fighting Kenji, Ashton, the weedy looking boy she didn't know, potentially the guy that started all this, and Addison – she didn’t look especially threatening, but right now she DID seem a little crazy. Whether or not Kenji and Ashton were going to fight she didn’t know, but the men were scared enough given that Ashton has just decided to use one of them as a basketball with little effort. The guy who tackled into Kenji didn’t look like he’d had a pleasant experience either. The men decided to what drunkards do best when things don’t go their way and retreat, but Addison wasn’t prepared to let them escape that easily – picking up a nearby ashtray from a table and launching it at one of their heads.

“You better hope I don’t catch any of you fuckboys in the streets!” She called after them as the ashtray bounced off one of their heads with a dull thud. Addison stared the filth down as it escaped her sights before she was tapped on the shoulder by some random girl who offered her a tissue for her lip. It had escaped her attention that she’d split it when she took the punch and blood ran down her chin.

“Thanks.” She responded flatly as she dabbed her mouth. She should’ve just gone to Club Lush – she could’ve heard DJ Licks play, probably gotten laid and had a good night and instead, she ended up brawling in her pursuit of a handsome man. Kenji suddenly flashed into her mind and she mentally faced palmed as she turned her gaze to him.

This wasn’t exactly the sexy and mysterious image she had hoped to project onto the handsome man in the bar.

@The Survivor@LovelyAnastasia@Silver Fox
Let's put it in the middle of nowhere. At the top of like a snowy mountain or something.

Or in the ground like Minecraft does. Fall into the entrance like a boss.

I support this motion

Hi, Boss! So I saw you around in a few threads before Shine City @Dynamo Frokane and I have to admit, at least from my personal perspective, your behaviour was a bit...off-putting (for lack of a better word) and some of the things you said definitely made me say "yikes". But the thing is I didn't say anything because...well it wasn't my disagreement and it had nothing to do with me. So I practiced an art that seems to be lost on a lot of people in this day and age and stayed in my own lane and minded my own business. Your actions have an impact on others and yes reputation IS important but at the end of the day not everyone is going to like you. I'm sure there are people on the guild who don't like me. Probably even people in this roleplay, but so what? My job isn't to please the people on the guild and neither is yours. Once I joined the thread you seemed like an okay guy who was genuinely nice to be around - if that isn't enough for people then fine, but you shouldn't feel the need to change for anyone because, as has already been touched on, RPG is supposed to be a place anyone can come and roleplay not a place where only those who are morally acceptable by a specific standard can have a good time.

As for Shine City; I haven't seen any complaints, but if there are those in this thread who feel uncomfortable with you GMing the thread then frankly THEY should leave. When I saw Shine City was your thread I won't lie I was a little apprehensive but if I didn't think I could work with you then the responsibility is on me to not join, not for me to join and complain that you're running the roleplay - a fact I already knew when I signed up - and to then force you out of your OWN creation. The onus of responsibility is not on you to ensure that I like you enough to join your roleplay it's mine.

I'll be honest with you and say that I think at least half of this (possibly more) is your own paranoia and insecurities getting the better of you instead of reason because it doesn't seem like anyone actually wants you gone - and if they do then they should just pack up and leave because honestly they're not more entitled to be here than the OWNER OF THE THREAD. I'm not going to give you a pep talk or stroke your ego but I will repeat what I said before: You seem like a decent guy and I enjoyed roleplaying in your thread. I'd like you to stay and if your opinions don't match mine? That's fine. If a problem arises? We'll deal with it. If people expect you to answer for actions or comments by you in your OWN thread then fuck them.

Shine City seems to be a happy roleplay with lots of the OOC jokes and wonderful IC characters and you are a part of that and you created it. I don't care about politics or personal beliefs or really anything. I just want to roleplay with this group of darlings. You shouldn't let the opinions of others force you out and honestly I'd just like for us to all have a friendship picnic.

Love you guys



so I will be able to sit down all day and focus on opening the roleplay and giving you guys a cool opening post so that we can get this shindig underway. I apologise about the delays but since I have such an awesome and dedicated group I figured that you wouldn't mind and also I didn't wanna just rush a 200 word post out and be like "HERE POST."

I'm so excited it's almost here WE'RE ABOUT TO SAVE THE WORLD KIDS

or at least have fun trying.
@OneWayOut The Wolfpack is looking pretty cool. 8)
The latest addition to The Wolfpack is posted. o/
Display Name:

The Maiden of Aria

The Wolfpack

Age appearance:
Early twenties

RP Speech Color:


Seraphina - Two-Handed Spear - Obtained as a reward from a from a Quest Boss.
Lunette - One-Handed Rapier - Item forged for her by a highly skilled blacksmith while she was in the Brotherhood.
Solaris - One-Handed Shield - Item forged for her by a highly skilled blacksmith while she was in the Brotherhood.

Skill Slots:
1. Two-Handed Assault Spear - Kotori's main weapon for boss fights and monsters and also utilises it when she is singing.
2. One-Handed Rapier - Her weapon preference should she find herself in a duel.
3. Parry - Her fighting style focuses on parrying her opponents strikes and capitalizing on the opening
4. Lightweight Shield Equipment - She uses a shield when using her Rapier in order to have the extra defence in her fighting style.
5. Battle Healing - Heroes Never Die!

Revitilization - Kotori's breaker enhances her ability to sing which allows certain songs to grant power to herself and others - although currently she only knows one song which seems to have any special abilities. Her song revitalizes the body and spirit of those who hear it. They slowly regenerate health and have their attack power boosted while the song is being sung and for a few minutes after it has finished. It should be noted that while Kotori does receive the benefits of the song while she is singing it she must remain focused and the effects of the song will only remain if the song is sung in its entirety; if she is interrupted or cannot be heard then the benefits of the song wear off with immediate effect. Due to the nature of breakers themselves causing glitches and disruptions in the system Kotori's breaker tricks the system into thinking she is using the Musical Instrument skill and that she is playing the music herself on an instrument, although this is not the case, the skill is still activated by her voice whenever she utilizes her breaker.

I will have a post up to react to all this bar craziness ASAP...although I'm not really sure what to have Addison do. Maybe I should have her get punched for being annoying ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But I shall try and respond to you lovely people as soon as I can
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